i W E S T ' fgvcRV r u » n c A T T U O DROW NED- i lh « 1ss4 p»r». • balsa»»»« • T h ey MoatfiKO— S lid e F r o » a S cow I»«» W a ter W h ile B a l« « T o w e d • » T h o H ir e r . ■AT"....— *L ane C oçnty , O« w on . _ ; CANVASS A The C en tral C o m m ittees A gree. Be Gnrefl et PAY W H EN CURED. h m m Three Desirable Stars in TneitUy nfernoon the Mink ttarte»! to tnw two trow lends of cattle beloniHoM Wm. Goodpasture, Io tbs head of tide. T h e C a n d id a tes f o r C o u n ty OfSrra W ill The Ablest and Most Succcssh:. U egln T h e ir C an vass May 1 8 th When near Mr. Stibbens’ landing the Sjascia'iiats in the World. at F lo r e n c e . engine was stopped to allow tho boat : Editor and Proprietor. They guarantee a complete cure to run tip the wharf slowly. Captain j — — Hurd inlortus us that mine of t h e ’ The following notice and article of Your Own Home, and allow you -T e bu s : >1.50 ft year in sdvauce.----- cattle on one eeOW slipped »nd crowded ggr,.e„u.„t was drawn up and slgnedby pay wlicu cured. ttie others to one side so far that the jj|e respective county central committee Entered at the post-office at Florence, water cam« on the dack. Their w eight, viiair„,en last week. tane county, Oregon, as second-class broke the railing and let them into the Ti,„ pj4n provides for a joint canvas* uail matter. river. One of the Hues was then o u ! (>( th« county to open at Florence neat and the steamer with both scows Mon,jHy „„J close at Eugene June 4th Thousands of promising young men IDV EKTtSIiM t BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP- backed na tty from iimongoet the cattle. all,i includes addresses at twenty places have their lives and future usefulness ■ PLICATION. ...... them ... county. wrecked bv INDISCRETION AND ^neal notice» S cents per lin e, each Insertion Efforts were made to get to swim ROVAI CARINO ROWWR CO.. H tW VORK. PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms to the shore hut one bank is very steep TH E NOTICE. and rocky and there is a boom stretched until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ |> F lo ie u c e , Or. Mny 13, 181)8. Eugene, Ore., May Clh, 1898. Glenada school closes next week. along near the other. Most of tin: tenance end in the action* of the \ ie- Noties is hereby given to tho voters of James Furnish is anxious for a rest from large c a ttle passed through an opening Lane county that a joint canvass will tie tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ teaching, hs he lias had but two weeks W E S T L IN O S . in tiie boom and readied the bunk in made by tiie candidates of the republi­ ed, other organs become affected, aud vacation in the past 85c months. safety but two yearlings and ten calves sooner or later there are serious result». Another uew bicycle in town this Wm. It. King union candidate for were drowned. Captain Hurd says it can aud union parties on tho following Our New Method Treatment will posi­ week. governor and J. It. Sovereign of Arkan-, was simply an accident caused by the basis, as to time. Each candidate for state senator shall tively cure these diseases. We have bargains in dress goods. sas ex-master worsman Knights of j cattle slipping as the engine was not MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are have one hour of time and they shall Labor were announced to speak in Eu­ running and the scow was clear of the Meyer & Kyle. thousands of you who have committed open and close the discussion alter­ 8old I W ith A. O. Funke’s team went to Gardiner gene yesterday afternoon and evening. wharf. There were about forty hea l in offences against the laws of your na­ nately. Tuesday after a load of freight. Reinendier the political discussion at all on the scow and the owners ccusidcr The one opening the discussion slum ture, and are now paying up for it. Go to Meyer A Kyle for boots and Florence Monday and at Mapleton Tues­ i themselves fortunate under the cireuni- have ten minutes to be deducted from Those weak, aching backs, Lossof Sex­ ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality. shoes if you want the best in the m arket day. Attend the meeting ami get ac­ ' stances that tliey did not lose more. bis liour. Bring your job work to the W est quainted with the next officials of Lane M A IN E M E M O R IA L S E R V IC E - Each senator may in his discretion Frequent aud Painful evacuations of office. Good work done at reasonable couuty. Speaking will commence at 1 allot any part of his time to any member the Bladder accompanied by more or less smarting and the escape of par­ p. m. Special services in memory of those of legislative ticket. prices. The Mapleton school » ill give an brave men who perished in the Maine The candidates for representatives on ticles of albumen in the urine with Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy yet effi­ entertainment in the hatchery bull at disaster were held in the Presbyterian ; eaell ticket alm.ll be allowed thirty ropy sediment, all point to the decline that plnce on Saturday evening May church last Sunday morning. ■ minutes for each side, to tie apportioned of your manhood. There are hundreds cient. who die of this difficulty, ignorant of 21st. Each lady will furnish a basket The church had been handsomely ¡„ (Heir own discretion. The Son Francisco Examiner and the of eatables which will lie disposed of nt decorated tor the occasion by the ladies | The following are the dates to be the cause. The doctors will guarantee W est for one year >2.50 paid in ad­ a periect cure in all such cases, and auction and the proceeds used to pay of the congregation. The stars and j ,ur ti,e canvass: vance. healthy restoration of theGeuito Urin­ for a flag for the school. Everybody Strips so dear to tiie heart of every true Florence,—Monday May 10, 1 p m. Another lot of dress goods and calicoes invited to attend. Mapleton,—Tuesday May 17, at 1 p m. ary Organs. American were displayed in numerous received at A. O. Funke’a. Take a look READER—Are you in trouble? Last Sunday morning the north-hound j places about the building and this with Chesher,—Wednesday May 18, at 1 Have you been treated and never cured I at them. overland train ran into the rear end of a profusion of flowers made the interior p in. C doew te T e a r B o w el» W ith C,.«carets. You dare not risk a return of the dis­ Elmira,—Thursday May 19, at l p m Candy Cathartic, cum conMiipntlon fo r c e r . a freight train at Saginaw, near Cottage of the structure beautiful almost beyond ease. It may appear when happy in 10c, 25o. II C .C .C .tall, druggists refund money. Grove. The overland was drawn by ; description. Long Tom,—Friday May 20 at 1 p m domestic life. Our New Method N one w ho are engaged in any o f the m echanical J, A Palmer has succeeded Horace two engines both of which were so bad- j Several meml-ers of the church who • Juueiion,—Saturday May 21 at 1 p iu Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, Irving,—Saturday May 21 at 7 :39 p m Burnett as manager of the Oregon State ly damaged that another engine was , are sositunted that tliey can seldom pursuits can succeed w ithout reading and Smithfield,—Monday May 23 at 1 p m consult us confidentially. obtained to take the train through. attend meeting were present to assist Journal. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) Hadleyvill,—Tuesday May 24 at 1 p ui i Three freight cars a caboose were in the music. Quite a largo eongrega- The schooner Del Norte was towed studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences Lorane,—Wednesday May 25 at 1 p in for our interesting book. “ A W arning 1 tioti attended in honor of tne exercises. down to the mouth of the river Wednes­ ruined. Voice." Sent free. All letters kept Cottage Grove,—Thursday May 26 at and m echanical Arts. It is illustrated w ith Rev. I. G. Knotts made a few rc- Some inquiries were made last week day evening. strictly private and confidential. All ’ marks setting forth the nature of the 1 p m. by residents of the cape country ns to Out of 118 men belonging to company all modorn cuts o f latest inventions in a ll answers sent plain sealed envolope Creswell,—Friday May 27 at 1 p ni whether there bad been an elopemeiit services and reasons for holdiug the C of Eugene examined for enlistm ent, No 0 . O. D. business. Pleasant Hill,—Saturday May 28 at the branches o f m echanism , and its fund o f from this vicinity as a suspicious ap­ ' same. but 29 weref rejected. A poem verv suitable for the occasion 1 p in. pearing couple bad passed northward Born,—In Florence, Ore., Friday May through that settlement. A few ques­ ■ was read by Col. C. H. Holden, know ledge is inseparably connected w ith in­ Springfield,—Saturday May 28 at 7.30 Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. 6tli, 1898 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bern-i tions brought out the fact that tiie i E. E. Benedict Esq., then gave an p ni. ventors and m echanics. Sold w ith T ub W R IT E T O D A Y . hardt a ten pound boy. Fall Creek, Monday May 30 nt 1 p in couple were no other than Tom Saubert ! address on Cuba. Having visited Ha- Thurston,—Tuesday May 31 at 1 p in The schooner Edith will sail for San and wife who were on their way for a ! vans some years ago ho was ablo to W est at clubbing rates.4 Address • Walterville,—Wednesday June 1 at 1 Francisco in a few days. She w ill take visit with relatives at Siletz. speak from personal observation of Dr-W H-Saunders & Co » out some salt salmon for our fishermen. various customs of the place as well as p ui. PERSONALS. Mohawk,—Thursday June 2 nt 1 p in 69 Sprout St., Detroit, Mich. give some reminiscences of events that The Register gives the name of M. Coburg,—Friday June 3 at 1 p in occured during bis stay on the island. Douglas among the members of com­ E. A. Evans went to San Francisco Eugene,—Saturday June 4 at 1 p m. notioe for publication . Miss Nofsinger of Eugene then favor­ pany C who failed to pass examination H F M c C oknack , Chairman Sunday. ed the audience with a well-rendered (Signed) fo r enlistm ent. Land Offlue at Rnwsliiirs, Oregon, Roi>. Co. Central Coin. T. J. Stitt was a Florence visitor yes solo “ Columbia the Gem of the Ocean." « (•-T o -B a r fo r F ifty Cents, March JO, ISSS. n n .r a n t/.d tobacco habit euro makes weak terday. H I. D ay , Chairman Union, Rev. Mr. Marsh next made a few Notice 1« hereby given that the followtug- men strong, h.ood pure. bOc.tl All druggists Co. Central Com. Ed Soderman of Sweet creek was in remarks appropriate to the occasion. named settler has »led notice nt his Intention I. B. Cushman informed us this week town Thursday. to make flnal proot «upport ot hl» claim , and The congregation then joined in sing­ T H E N EW V E S S E L . that said proof will be made before C. It. Hol­ that be aspects to need about three Ludvig Christensen taks of going to ing ‘•America” and the services closed den, U. 9. Commissioner at Lake Precinct, million feet of logs from above tide­ with the benediction by R“V. Knotts. San Francisco on the Edith. About a dozen men are at work ,in Douglas County. Ore., on Mny 11. 1*98, vis: water in the next year. S10O R E W A R D $ 1 0 0 . I town getting luiniier for the new vessel Kvan M. Black on h. e. no. Bf.10, for the »eH Rev. I. G. Knotts will hold services Chas. Lauer a prominent citizen of. •sQ . sec. 7: n-vt* nwVi sec. 17: n)* neS* sec. U i ' on the ground and making other pre- tp. 20 »., r. It W. Eugene for the past twenty-five years' on Lake creek next Sunday. T his m onthly m agazine is one o f the very lie names the following witnesses to prove — i ’ parations necessary before the work of The readers of this paper will be died at that place of heart failure Tucs I Miss Yuba Huston spent Saturday hts continuous residence upon and cultlvatiou best printed in th is country, and is sold pleased to learn that there is at least i c,instruction priqier can be commenced. d»v afternoon. He was 60 years of age. night with friends in Glenada. tiie of wild laud, viz: one dreaded disease that seienee !'»• | The sawed timber is brought from Ira Bray lias moved into the Hackett i er.o in e i j a . Sims, William A. Smiley, More. J. to all subscribers a t ratee w ithin th e Seekers after gold know they may be , * Town and B. L. Wilkes, all of Lake Precinct, l>een ablo to cure in all its stages, a,,d mill on scows and a donkey disappointed, hut seekers after health bouse which lie recently purchased. that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is ! uffc,i t„ unload the scows and haul the I Oregon. ability o f all to pay. I t is finely ill« » Sydney Waite intends to start a take Hqod’a Sarsaparilla with the ut­ r.. m . v b a t c h . the only positive cure known to the timber up the bank. Register most confidence that it will do them logging camp near the mouth of Lake medical fraternity. Catarrh lasing a trated and prosents the nam es o f famous Building lids vessel will furnish creek in a few daye. wonderful good. T o Cor» c o n a tlp a tio n F orever- constitnnal disease, requires a constitu- employment for quite a nnnilier of men authors as contributors. T ub W bbt Take Cascarete Canity C'ethnnte. 10c or Bo. Mr. and Mrs. Stibbens of Point Ter­ tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is | ¿„ring the summer. The vessel also D r. J. C. Gray is in Florence pre­ K C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. pared to do all kinds oi dental work. race gave ns a pleasant call this week. aud the Cosm opolitan are sold a t ro> taken internally, acting directly upon af(er it is completed will bo a great A C M E IT E M 3 . Parties wishing any work done will do John Lanham had two ribs broken a tho blood and mucous surfaces of the (^nefit to this river as it is the intention duced rates at this office. well to call at once as he will remain few days ago while struggling with a system, thereby destroying the fouuda- to keep her on the run between this B y E aves Daoprins. but a short time. tion of the disease, and giving the p|ace and 8au Francisco thns giving u* calf. A bridge will soon be built across Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fremont attended patient strength by building up the regular shipping connection with the Knowles creek about two miles from tho the Maine memorial service and assisted constitution and assisting nature in do- ■ Ol,t8ide markets. Miss Fanny H e w itt visited home m outh/. The county will furnish the with the music. ing its wotk. The proprietors have so | We hope to see shipbuilding become Sunday. bolt* snd rods, and the settlers donate Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Foster were much faith in its curative powers, that I „ permanent industry here and believe T. C. Sanliert and wife have returned the greater part of the work of build­ visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fremont the they offer Oue Hundred dollars for any ’ tliat onr fi„-i forests furnish sm-ii oppor- from their trip to Yaqulna. ing the Bridge. cuse that it fails to cure, bend for list tmdty to obtain the best timber at a first oi the week. J. J. Emmons and Frank Alexander low cost, that vessels can lie built here I C ore C o n stip a tion F orever, Mrs. W. E. Warren was visiting last of testimonials. wearets Candy Cathartic, the o r » « . , have gone to Florence to work on the as cheap as at any place on the coast. Sold by all druggists. 75c. ; fail to cure, druggists refund money. week with her parents on North Fork, j ' uew schooner. Hall’s Family l’ille are the best. A F A S T T R IP . f e r v n d says be does not regret W. E. came to town Saturday to meet j j Mr. Flint and wife, Mrs. Gibbs, Mr», “ Ws do not U k s possession of onr ideas but are possessed by th sa f |t o Alaska but would not advise her on the way home. ' Yates and J. A. fond attended the IN F O R M A T IO N w a n t e d . They master ns and fores ns into tb s arena, r " r B Z ,T r ' S ““o - ' S ? . ..... ........................... tty to go there. With but one or Win. Storm started to the valley on i options everybody lie talked with Monday’s boat. It is reported that be i Where Ilka gladiator«, we must fight for them." The letter printed below was received * The schooner Del Norte »a londeple, T h eJA rcu a is Before buying tickets to any point in ; vessel above Florence and is putting her of him. He is now about 90 years of ganizing a cavalry company iu this city, The recitation by Clara Emmons was age, about 0 feet in height, stiong bony lie has received about 70 names of loudly applauded. A lunch of cake, or South it will be to your ad- j iu condition to go to sea. sold w ith T u r W» bt . VMtage to consult the Northern Pacific i j ie a|1j WBi rt!rv td liy the ladies A P Knowles and wife, Frank frame, little stoop shouldered, hair persons tvlio are willing to enlist. will pick 1 . fjglw ay Company. We arc the quick-! Knowles and wife, S. Black.n.m and white and has a small ebin beard. II will obtain a few more then after whicl dani-nig was carried o n ly ^ K n e to Kansas City, Omaha, St. | there ii any information concerning his out a first class company. the young people for n few hour». wife, and Mrs. Workman and Miss bseis » or other Missouri River points. ! Mabel Blackmon returned from the whereabouts it will be thankfully re- NOMINATED BY PETITION, G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . _ , t forget this: 3d»ys to St. P aul; ois ( cape Saturday. They were the first ceivjd. C harles M. B aukeu , B Chicago and to New \o r k and party of campers to visit that pleasant B y a W est C ouriìsfosdxxt . The uiid lle-of-the-road populists have Eugene, Oregon. Aker Eastern cities. For full inforiua- filed with the secretary of state nomina­ K call or address, R. McMurphy, resort this spring. M O RE VO LU N TEER »- Mav 7lh, 1898. Fred Bean, Ono Phelps and George tions by |ietition as follows: leral Agent, Opposite Guard office, Seth Simmon» talk« of rigging to raw j Nicolle received the initiatory degree in Governor, John C. Luce; secretary of ¡eno. f rusnsnt to * call received at Eugene 1 state, Ira Wakefield ; state treasurer, J . Imnlier. Odd Fellowship Wednesday evening. S'neriff J. E. Noland has made an Heceta Lodge at tbeir meeting that the 5th Inst.’ another party of 62 vol­ , K. Sears; superintendent of public in- Charles l ’otterf v i.i’ed the rounty fcnment to 8. B Eakln for the bene- evening conferred the third degree on unteer* teft that place Satnrday to J .in atriiction, J. E. Ilo-nner; state printer, „,„1^ ,1;^ m i, week to lay pipes w ill |t of his creditors. His assets consist two members, the second degree on the company which proceeded to fori- , D, L. Grace; representative for «ecund tl.e oilier free-silver politicians if a one twelfth interest iu the estate of I two, and initiated three candidates. land a few day ego. The end was «<” I rewit)na, ,|latri.n, J. L. Hill. Ernest Rowe and leverai persons Ms grandfather the late E. Stewart. There have been ten members addeil to 69 men from Eugene but as such short Thew ran,,i |atea will g o -n the ticket Br. Noland’s share in the estate is the lodge by initiation sines Jan. 1st, time was given for enlistment the ,ul I M ,.rck.„|3r pip.ilist»." It has been from the lake are leixrrtefi sto u t to ’ * CU i tort for Alaska ou tbs promise of >2.50 blued at atout >4,500 and his liabilities . nmnhsr was not obtained though severs , |n)W, , t.(<1 populists, thal this , 1893. others from the country had exnrersed ......... interfere will 1 a day. tinouut to >5,270. Tbs fret-silver leader* at Alpha de- their willingness to volunteer. The car move w.ll m no w ry in «hieb they went to Portland w s s , their m urdamos »>•'. U‘« "'-ject d are that tl.s report that they were gailv d ecorati with fl .g» and bunting. ; which w man.ta.n the autonomy worsted in an argument with a repnl 1 can boy at a recent meeting it erroneous.1 M. Douglas of North Fork is one of the the party. They say tbeir argner only "got fius- c o m p a n y , _________ _ C H A N O S OF L O C A T IO N tratad,” a id then the meeting ad­ Tire W est has for sale one year's The Northern feci tic Ticket office has journ«') ■ tuition in the Holmes Buriness College Here’s a chancB lor Biusl.xw bay boon changed from it* former hs-atiou of Bortlaml. This is one of the leading farmers J. B. NsfT, president of the over Hall’s grocery store, to more com­ business colleges on the coast, having modious quarters, with "'fhe Eugene Do - dnous Fruit AssoctstlomdAnahrlin, English, Commercial, Hlmrthaml and Cal., wants the adores» of sometadv Telegraphic departments and we offer Real estate Agency," on the ground who will load u schooner with bay and floor, first door North of Griffin's hard this tuition on easy ternte. ware store, directly opposite the Guard si 1.» it to liim. If you faiuie-s uati <’o this you will do well to write to him. office, where they BvrrvlMtdj Wars So. uu,-«, ------------ » will ---- lie pleased to see CascaretaCsndv CatíwrtM-. tbsmostwoB »nv persons contcmplaúng a trip bast , He 1« thoroughly reliable and respon- ! slble. derful in'•Urtiti » ‘otjeal u^>vervo routes, time tables etc., cwll or sddres-, . ■ of heal ABMUÏELT GIJiR&MTBED BT • • - W.n.WEATIIERSON ^KlH* EM* And The _A.ZR.TS etzo-d S O I E I s T O E S >1 t h e w e s t - k SnÎEntifÎE American. THE EnSKHPHLITAK/ THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS CROUP. M AK E.YO U R SELECTIO N. Use only one heap­ ing teaspoonful of Schillings Best Bak­ ing Powder to a quart of flour. • You muet me tvn teaspoonfulx of other bskinj powder. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. »ANDY CATHARTIC CURtCOHSTIWfflOH ! » ¿ ■ ¡ » 'T f c W S ’S i ? S J « I of G. C. C today; iu, fo HvWsus gusrautcvd to cure by all drutgtsts. a. U .« e ,. I A « » . . Opposite Guard Ollies, E igeo«, ‘ r the blood pare, rich aud nonrlsldngnnd gives and malnudas good HEALTH» ■ad ksofclrt I t » . «4. STEBUSH 1 9 s - S ;_