T H E W EST. —e r s u z n i o xvaav raiDAV xoomno .— Literary. ; 0NE of TW0 WAYS. » « a iN O T O N letti ., NEWS. Faux ora bcoclar C o - beei - ondemt . The official report from Oom odore Dewey of the engagement at Manila W ash .. D. 0 May 2nd, 1898. F toaxvc«, L ane C ochtv , O beuox aunouneeJ that he tuia taken possession *ri • . to get a started a j i The war • is going in of the naval station at Cavito, controlled good earneat during the next few days, tho bay completely ar.d could take the probably week, the of a a — i- u ... this .i-i------ 1- • by - .u - landing .: - K of city at any time. The Spanish loss in portion of the regular’ army in Ouba. the battle was not known but was very The capturing of prizes, and the silenc E d it o r and P r o p r ie to r . heavy fully. 153 being killed. iug of u few Spanish batteries in Cuba ..„it i i . . i a > The Spanish tleet was destroyed. The by the well directed fire from our war- The American vessels were uninjured, ah,, a was merely a little prelude, ju.t no lives were lost on them and but few to give the dona an idea of tho marks- D vbino tub campaign [.receding the "le^ * ere wounded. ' nianship o l Uncle Sam’s gunners. The ...» (OBIOINAL and SELECTED-) The hlaJder was created to r one pur­ pose, namely, a receptacle for the mine, and as such it is not liable to any form of J o io u d a T h e curtains of light. *’ » of - disease except The rows are of joy. ; / by < one of two ways. / ! first way is from imperfect action of the Carefulness:—The care of economy. kjdlleyg Tbe WVOIld way ¡, fron, care- |e3tlocai t r a m e n i of other diseases Presumption is our natural anJ origi­ W. II. W EA TH ER SO N CHIEF CAUSE. nal disease. Unlioalty urine from unhealthy kid­ M o n e y T o the wise a convenience, neys is tiie chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the bladder, was ereal- to the fool a necessity. , . ’ . ed for one purpose, and if not doctored , Prejudice re,„u, „ . which . , OT. sees ----- what it pleases. too nluch is not liable to weakness or 1 Mnnot gce wbat ¡. p;ai; disease, except in rare cases. It is site- ___ _ very ------ ateil ______ back of ___ and close to the bind-. Since Time is not a person we can , .vertake election of 18»6 it was nG'.ruied by the , A di*pateh says that the Spanish ad fuj| program ¡8 likely to be delaved therefore any pain, disease --------- or ----- ------ when he is gone, let us honor advocates o l the fieo coinage of silver n'h-a was o gin is 11 uin that money could not I»« had to pur- 4 out 16'00'3 ru«u!ar" wil1 be ,r'‘n8P<)rt\ chase stock, produce, goods etc., except eJ as 1 ui,:kly »» possible. It is reported at a very small price, that there was <>" good authority that as soon as tbe _ a . . . i regular« land I movement nn FTnvnn>> not money enough the country for J *Y “ « ( the country that i c e coinngo be adopt ple ai,,,r tl‘*1 the transaction of the business. Now though the country has not yet adopted free coinage of silver, prices of nearly everything are higher and in some canes air nearly double what they were in the fall of 1838, and the country generally is in a much more prosperous condition titan it was at that time. So far as we can determine there is no reason why tfie country should not con­ tinue to grow nioro prosperous in the future unices by prrniciona legislation the wheels of trade should be stopped. Believing that a sound financial system ia one of the essential requirements to mainteniinco of the prosperity of the country we are opposed to tho free and unlimited coinago of silver at tho ratio 1# to 1. e insurgents. Official information has been received by the statu department that Spanish cruisers and three torpedo )x>at destroyers have returned to Cadix. Spain has just war shijis. purchased two new can be found to act ns targets; then look out for trouble. ¡female weakness or w'omb trouble of j bo organization o( tbo volunteer »o,ne Rurt- The error is easily made ur|j,y jg ,)Uai)ed as rapidly as pos- ' Hl"1 ",ay be as ea8ily "voided. To find , ib|e ik orde. tba, . , ie men mav | 0 0 1 >'our uri‘le »’ide for , H. • » < i • »• i twenty-four bonrs; a «sdiment or Het- gotten into camps of instruction and tling indicates kidney or bladder trouble, seasoned for a enuipaign in the field. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Some of its officers have already been Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, the greit be|ai.ted and tbe remainder wU1 be kidney, and bladder remedy is soon H , ; f , It ia deflnite ! r’ “li«*d- H you need a medicine you V u 18 deiinitt Hhotikl have the best. At druggists fifty 1}' ‘“’“ 1^1 tl,14t the command of the first cents and one dollar. Yon ,nay have a section of the army of Cuban invasion sample hottie and pamphlet, both sent , .UU be given to Brig. Gen. sh aiter| of free by mail. Mention the W est and : tbe regulal. armV| wbo ba8 buun aolecled your add.ess jo Dr. Kilmer & Co., i < , , ! Binghamton, N. i . The proprietor of 1 ° nU vol,,ntcer lnnJ°r ««»erals., lb h papcr guariUltuC8 ttleuelll,iue„eM of heart while ho is passing. The present hour is always wealthiest when it is poorer than the future ones, as that is the pleasantest site which, affords tbe pleasantest prospect We should not neglect a presentment. Every man lias within him a spark of divine radiance which is often the torch which illumines the darkness ef our future. Preachers say, do as I say, not as I do. But if a physician bad the same disease upon him that I have, and lie should bid me do one thing and he do quite another, could I believe him? Congress will probably at once pass this ullbr. the hill authorizing the enlistm ent of about 13,000 men for immediate service | majori,’r ° f “ ‘° Presumption never stops in its first but a 8uffi- attempt. If Caesar comes once to pass tbe Rubicon, be will be sure to march [ cient number of democrats have an­ further on even till he enters the very nounced their intention to vote with bowels of Romo, and breaks open the republicans to make the passage of the bill a certainty, but the discussion the Capitol itself. He that wades so far may be savage and partisan in its na­ as to wet and foul himself, cares n o t1 ture. Some of the silver men have the how much he trashes further. The insurgents in Cuba are celebrat- in Cuba who have bad the yellow fever, ng the coming of American troops. i it having been stated to the president They say the end is not far off. that it would be an ensy matter to se­ A Spanish spy was captured by the cure such men in the extreme south. Americans. He jumped overboard and These enlistments will be in addition to was drowned in tho Key West harbor. the 123,000 first called for by the pres­ idea that there is a trick in the bond ident. LOUISIANA'3 SHAME. ALPHA CLIPPINC3' authorization, because it is so large— Every day the president is compelled »600,000,000—but tho administration B y E ven C hanos . Toledo BUdo: j to decline offers of regiments of men, men declare their only object is to make The Louisiana constitutional conven- l because he has no authority to accept May 9tb, ISOS. lion has shown itself incapable of reach- ■ them, the states have chosen to furnish sure that the government shall not nt Mrs. W. F. Potterf commenced her ing the high level of treating all its their quota of volunteers from their any time be hampered in its conduct of school below Point Terrace May. 2nd. citiseus ns equals before tho law. I national guards, and in nearly every war, and that all of the bonds author­ Tbeie was nine school teachers at­ How. A. 0 . Woodcock republican can­ The problem it sot itself was to in- 1 ease having protested because their ized will not he issued unless the money tended the entertainment at Alpha on didate for circuit judge o t this district is Saturday night. corporate into the new state constitution quota was not large enough, Pennsyl- shall be needed. a man who enjoys the respect and con­ War department officials do not like a provision which shall practically dis- vania sent word that it would gladly Miss Elba M ock who is teaching our fidence of the votera of all parties for franchise tho negroes. To disqualify have furnished the entire 125,00). the manner in which military news school is making a success of it and has bis fail ness and unflinching determina­ them on the ground of race or color is ' Should there be a second cull, which at has leaked from that department and about 20 scholars enrolled. tion to do what is just and right, lie C. A. Potterf who has tiie nomination impossible, because of the fifteenth this time looks doubtful, some of the movements have been published about is ons who investigates both sides of a for representative on the union licks! us soon as they have been determined amendment to the national constitution, regiments which have offered will be question before making up his mind, will leave Tuesday for E lgeue to join upon. So a new rule absolutely prohib­ tiie candidates on their canvass. The only feasible method is to estab- i given a chance for service. then can stick to Ids position. He li.h an educational test, because the I„ addition to tho share of the »50,- iting information being given by any Misses Millie and Maud Howard, faithfully served the taxpayers of this m as. of the negroes in that state are 000,0)0 recently appropriated by con- official lias been adopted, and prying George Peil and wife, Paul Bollman and district some years ago as ? member of illiterate. But such a test, applied i,n -j gresg a|iottod t0 tlie war departnlent( eves are to lie kept nt a distance by Mr. Letson and wife of Hale paid rela­ the state board of equalization when partially, would also disfranchise a Sccrctary Alger has been compelled to denying admittance to t'ewspajier men tives and friends a visit last Sunday. Portland brought to bear all the in ­ Mr. Win. Austin lias returned to large number of white democrats , ask congress to appropriate more than and other outsiders to any of the offices fluence sho could command to liavo her Deadwood today from Pendleton where LouisiauA, who Are quite as ignorant as t a i nnn *1 , of the department. 1 b jo ,000 to meet tho war expenses of rate of assosiment lowered. By his be lias been engaged driving a cab and are the negroes. Here is where the ' »1 .* 1 a a . says times are goo f tlierc and that there I ine i that department during the two months position and iufluencu Mr. Woodcock Dos't Tubsrra Spit and Bowks li.n r l.lfe iw sy. convention failed in its duty. It «t-1 r. mainil)J{ oU h o present fiscal year, is quite a rush of laborers from other T o q u it tobacco easily and forever, h e m a i succeeded in having the assessment tempted to give ignorant whites tbo It appeared that Representative Di,’.gley oettc. fu ll of life, nerve and vigor, take No 't o places. Uac. tho wonder worker, U iat makes weak men maintained at a fair rate thus compell­ ballot, while taking it away from igno- wa8 8peuking by tIie cgrd be Prof. Len Tabor who is teaching a t ' strong. A il druggists, 50c or »1. Cure guaran- ing the people of Portland to contribute toed Booklet and sample free. Address Blacbley appears to regard letters ns I rant blacks. Hence the famous “ fifth- the oilier day that the war expenditures S terling lie med V C a . Chieneo nr N ew York. unsatisfactory and came down Saturday | their share towards tho expenses of tho section” of the new constitution was had exceeded »2.5,000,000 a month since etate. As an nttorney he has ever been to j,ay bis respects. The W est ’ s re­ prepared. It is as follows: March 1st, and would go much higher porter will have several interesting j watchful of the interest of his clients. No person who was entitled to vote shortly. items to chronicle as he pleases if not l If lie is elected judge, anil he should promised a large slice of caka. under the statutes of the state of Louis­ STATE TICKET. be, he will bo an officer for whom the The long list of nominations to civil Marion Wheeler of Greenleaf is a c t-1 iana, in lorce on the first day of (jin- voters will not regrot having cast their offices sent to the senat by the president ing suspiciously and si,mild lie not ho uarv, 1867, or under the statutes at that For Governor. ballots. furnish evidence enough that everybody drafted to go and light the Spaniards, time in force in any other state of the T. T. Geer, of Marion county. we are informed that lie will lease tw^ has not got the war fever, nnd other Union, wherein ho then resided, and no , For Secretary of State. ranches on Nelson creek and go to WHY WE GO TO WAR. . ... , , , i evidence is found in the civil depart­ legitimate male descendant of ant’ such I . , farming extensively. We also could see Frank I. Dunbar, of Clatsop county. patents . , ments of the government, where patents person not less than twenty-one t ears of , * even through a poor pair of glasses a For State Treasurer. rrseborn Co. T in t« .: .............. . , , ' and [tensions are issued with the usual consolidated or syndicate smile that ... , . , Chas. S. Moore, of Klamath county. In the excitement of the hour while age at the date of the adoption of this i . regularity and other business is attend- •bey were another case of cake and , , For Supreme Judge. we aro mustering anJ drilling troops, right to register and voto in this sta te , , . • , reporter. • /» • > • ! i . tbc lawyers among them at few men will fight, fewer will gain fame J ’ Acker",,,n- ol Multnomah county sun, of money for easting his vote for The ware of the paet have been cither once Pronouni'ed this section incompati- i i , a . . For btate Printer. a principle which he believes ,0 he and glory, but about seventy millions of w , T . of defense or of conquest. This is *do w *tb ,bo national constitution. Then us will go right along attending to ou r, J, . wrong and against the best interest of ° ,ck8on co"n ,y- the country, tne act is called bribery. ' *" ° ° n8" r 1#t Di,trlc‘- neither. Our government and our in _ Senators McEnery and Oaffery were every day affairs, with a little shouting If he sells his vote and receives pay 1 dividual liberties are not threatened asked their opinion. They consulted on tiie side as news of victories come in . I «.-vuniy for it in somo other wav the a-t in by a foreign foe, and congress has de­ leading democrats in both houses of The wiping out of political lines in SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. clared that it is not the intention nor ¡ congress, with the conclusion that Ihe prompted by ,|,e same motive and When it _______ For Judgu. should be called by tho same name a, 1 tbe desire of tho United States to an­ section is unconstitutional, and Senator c®n8reM w“* not permanent ■ McEnery w rote a strong letter to the * a8 ° nl-v » 'ill<‘8l,l’n oi voting money | A. O. Woodcock, of Lane county though he is paid in money. nex Cuba. Neither does tho element already in tho treasury to enable the If lie is a democrat or a popffiist does For District Attorney. of revengo constitute the cause, for the convention begging that the lection be country to prepare for war, or of a dec- Goo. M. Brown, of Douglas county, lie not cast aside one third of his prin- crisis would have as surely come had omitted. But there was no other wav j iaration of war, party linos were oblit­ clples by voting Cue triple-headed J- W . CARMAN. the Maine not been destroyed by Span­ open to disfranchise the negroes with • • * • ish treachery. This war is tho first of ol,t n'8° •I'nli’miehising illiterate white erated, hut as soon as it becamo neces­ ticket and if a .¡ |ver republican, 80 COUNTY TICKET. sary for congress to provide the money railed, does he not cast aside all his its kind in history—a war for human­ democrats also, and section 5 wag kept Senator. | to fight the war, party lines wero again principles il he has any by voting t h e ’ ity. The one cause is the oppression in. Dr. W. Kuykendall, of Eugene. The section will work trouble for I very much in evidence. Tho demo- ) same? of a |«op le struggling to be free; tho Representatives. one object, the freedom of these people I'oi,'8ia,’a in congress. Contests will be crate of the house with eight exceptions. V o n « , weigh thin matter well nn° •«’"t- “ l<’ POpU,” U V° teJ Uw 6lh of ncx: June go up to tbe polls! T. M. Brattaiii, of Springfield. other war of history was ever Inspired I"« «1 representatives elected under this *,|C " ‘lr rc'*‘""° bl!1 bee,U8C il provided will, a clear conscience and vote right. W. II. Weuthcrson, of Floreuce. i _ . n • . . , .. for tiie issue of bonds, but ng all the by so disinterested a motive. No a- section, and they will be denie.1 their republic.,,., except two. and six demo- - Sheriff. Yours, on m inatory every championed so no- ,ea .s ^ c a u .e of the unconstitutional!,y \ r a , s voted for the bill it was .„i.scd by O '* - ’ L-S cx,tt, of Eugene, P. B, C oivtx, | li ly tho cause c AU AC Oi rnimanitv. France FrMm*o 1 7 bly of humanity. Clerk. of section 5. Tho Louisiana inosebackl n vote of 181 to 131. The bill will be and Hpain assisting the Colonies were The World's Great 'M taken up by the senato this week, The j E. U. Lee, of Junction. have over done the matter. fighting thsir own buttles. Tho pow­ Treaeurer. laind provision will be (ought by the Blood Purifier is ers in ter for mg in Turkey were but con- of OolLsge Grove, T ub next legislature is likely to give populists, the silver republicans, and a J. .■ G. . Powell, , . Hood’s Sarsaparilla, eerving th e ir own peace. Tho United ______ bchool bupcrintenhent. ns tome school legislation. The pub­ Htates is the first to use its power as a W hich absolutely ___ »- C. S. Hunt, uf Eugene. lished reports of the school districts DO NOT FORGET. nation to secure to a foreign people Aaeeseor. this spring—cepecially the smaller i their inalienable rights und libe.'ties. D. P. Burton, of Cottage Grove. Impure blood, from 'ci,lee nnd towns—indicate that a school The change of location of the Northern hucb a war will redound to tho eternal Surveyor. revenue aw it needed that will enable Pacific ticket office, which is now with The pimple on your glory of the American people, aod the these districts to do business on a cash "The Etigenn Real Estate Agency” on C. M. Collier, of Eugene. Pace to the great inspiration of to grand a motivo will . basis. The report, show a large amount ''I'* “,K>r d ,rw ,,Y "PPoette the Commissioner. C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES Drv Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and ★ Notior FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........Just Opened. Goods as Reoresente PROPR»* th\¡5 & ?2PWARj IÏ>ÛRB)âl , ,Cu,r? evcry form ci elevate and ennoble American love of oountry and liberty. Every volunteer in the Cuban war ia a hero and tho i omuiisslon oi the Ameritan army is from God. t OREOON VOLUNTEERS. The Southern Pacific Railroad Co. rewrivod ordcra to hold caie in readiness to transport the O rejea volunteers from Portland to Bar, Fr.tncieco W eluvs-lay „( | m. | n ^ wi, h lh, U n k . in , h. 8hap(, '»'«rd o«c-e. near corner of ¡»even,U and H. D. Edwards, of S|Winjflel,l. 1 "iilAuivtle etrw t«, Eugene. This is Coroner. of short time loans for from 60 days ap! the only regular City Ticket Office in and bank loans mean bank interest. It Lane County. We are absolutely tbe J. W. Harris, of Eugene. it a nice thing for the banks but a verv only hue running through cars Irom Eii- I t x t v not be generally known that poor way of doing business for tiie tax- gi n., to the East or South without there is a law in thia state which for- clangi'. Ri member no change of cars, pavers and the school. All the money a, Por,land via the Northern j E«c throwing o( the carcasses of raised by taxation for school purpoecs the only Hr,» running the uphohirrc'd d**l anim als or other filthy tnbeUnccs should lie u sci directly for sci nole - n , , Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars and „«• into streams. This practice iv a l,ouvtli- • I --.» . I . o'nl .rn. for » business or pleasure trip. scriou. injury to the health or com fort' For full iuforniati .i, call or address. ' pi tbe I*°P ’o living along encli stream». B .la r a .e V n n r l l . ' s . l . W i i k ( a m r - u . P M. M variiv, General Agent, , The right way to dispose of ao. i. . „ „ Mk aw n waitna loreier. .»wi .. T m .li« i n,m n o burr it. Scrofula sore which ohcrlhand'/ Drains your system. Prnman.shjr 1 housjnds of people Testify that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, r- » u D y W s ia , Malaria, formrale or exchange . v a.TArrn, Rheumatism, And That Tired A •’«»•e and iol G) F c d in j. R em em ber,hi, «4»7 And get Hood . ‘ hl" '• hesi.i, ------ «»n premises. For f„rtlJ