B a d F « u W i t h Uion. Wiod H a jwa*# p J B*. ' York & triuff U a at h i l i ? ‘«1- w T l Plwnt« • • lint, '***«•* “*r ol m. ha*«ap«.. »In thtta )f 1*« hom«m 7 iutalliM taa^hltu, . ..William P. Lord. ....... ff. R. Kincaid. ....P h ilip Metelien Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. ....... W. II. Ixseda. .. ,C. M. Idleman. . ; ........R. S. Bean Suprem e Court •r............... F. A. Moore ( __ C. E. Wolveiton Judge Second D istrict.. . .J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second District. . W. E. Yates Governor Secretary of B'ate ftp G J L R ID IlS r E R S T A a a u in h . 8 T E A M I ER “ C O O S ,” H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, REGULAR Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs- ’ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge reasonable. Florence and Heal of Tide. Y OFFICERS- •« kw»» » nd »«"» rm»k» it, r 'armaita Ju d ge.................. but », 1 tkemln» Commissioners Clerk.............................. Sheriff........................... Treasurer.. ............. Assessor. ..¿ a ............... School Superai tendent. Surveyor......................... Justice of Peace Constable r iv e s in F lo r e n c e a t 4 p sta g e en ce T u esd ays and F r id a y s a t 8 a. m . a n d a r r iv e s in E ugene at C Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping p. in. th e d a y fo llo w in g . Cars 8T . PAUL M IN N E A P O L IS S in g le faro R o u n d tr ip . . - . - - - 1 5 .0 0 DULUTH - |9 . 0 0 FARGO TO T ic k e ts for s a le a t E . B a n g s ’s ____ ORANO FO RK8 CRO O KSTO N liv e r y b a rn , E u g e n e , a n d a t l l u r d W IN N IP E G & D a v e n p o r t’s office in F lo r e n c e . H E L E N A »nd BUTTE MORRIS HOTEL, *** J . 0 . F L IR T , THROUGH TICKETS P roprietor F lo r e n o e , O r e g o n . TO C H IC A G O W A S H IN G T O N O U R A I M — T o fu r n ish th o b e s t P H IL A D E L P H IA a c c o m m o d a tio n s i S F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. K e Regular eoinnmnication on second and fourth Saturdays in each month. e O. W. H vud , W. M. I . G. Ksorrs, Secretary. at r e a s o n a b le new P O IN T S E A S T »»<1 S O U T H Fo r In fo rm a tio n , tim e card», maps and tickets etc., call on or w rite Head of Tide Hotel, R. M c M u r p h e y , W . W . N E E L Y , P ro p ’r. T a b lo s fu r n ish e d w it h of th e a ll season . General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, E U G E N E , OREGON’ . th e W ild A. D. C H A R LTO N , ■HE General Lyons Post, No. 58, g a m e , fish a n d fr u it in s e a s o n . B e st -second and fourth Saturdays a c c o m o d a tio n s for t h e tr a v e lin g of each month ut 1 :30 p. in. TBuTTaariELU, Commander. p u b lic . C h a rg es rea so n a b le . J. I.. F crsish , Adjutant. _ . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131,! ' every 1st and 3d Saturdays •tli. Members and visiting a good standing are cordially Sttend. J. J. AxDKitaoN, M. W. (Recorder. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets | kdnesday evening in Lodge, “anee, Oregon. Brothers in Ing invited to attend. J. J. A nukbsos , N . G. A ndrew B rvkd , Sec. york BO STO N A N O A L L p r ic e s. d e lic a c ie s A u la ta u t General Passenger Agent. 256 M orrison St. Cor. 3ad occm I h • the of»,, y, led tl ikä moRiki, uiuj» n, 1 ho». >ce fron tk, »ark, fort» ’ »lori occt M »addai; lir u a ta •neh»«,, of paia« tuoug ib«, »nd meni thepoipw) • hah; «f, Iter levili '»■m roju, noia, u || York, r wen ill •all, for» ie ship k«| r tpreadd el, aodta u inut to u .— V e r t I the w ind. n»y J ju ling. A nd j o u u U dahm g flower. I'd sigh w ith love forever A nd play around your bower. Aod t w ould oowv aad kies you A u i brin g the frag ra n t shower. And I w ould ta lk In whimpers That you could un derm a nJ A uJ the perfuiuu of your petals I'd aproad a ll o 'e r the Uutd Were I the w in d , ia> da rlin g , A a d you a blushing flower. From the year 1858 to that of 1887 them iveru no lest tbuu seven British, French, German aud American cruisers constantly cruising in the waters of the China aud Java seas after pirates. Dur­ ing this time over 100 piratical eraft were captured, a dozen or 16 strong­ holds broken up and at least 2,000 "block flags" were killed offhand nr sent ashore to be bung. The cruisers thought they bod fluished tlieir work, but iu 1800 several traders which bud been fitted out at Bantam, Batavia aud Siugnpore were overhauled by pirates and their crews butchered. When we arrived ut Singapore in 1870 in the British gun brig Vixen, a nest of pi­ rates bad been located on one of the is­ lands oil the west coast of Java, und we bad orders to proceed to the spot and cleau them out. We overhauled our armaintut, took in a lot of ammunition aud strengthened our crew by 14 men before sailing These men were drafted out of a crew belonging to a man-of- war which bad been wrecked on the Malay ccast, und all wero old hands The captain got his bearings front somo source unknown to us, aud when we left ¡¿iugupjre the brig was headed to tnu east. We jogged along down Ibe coast of Sumatra for u week without any unusual incident, and though we spoke a score of craft nunc of them had uuy information about the pirate. The crew had begun to ridicule the idea wheu somuthiug oooorrt d to open our oyes very wide. (Jno morning, nbont an hour after daylight, we came up with a Dutch trader, which was taking care of her­ self. All her sails had been cut away, ropes wero Hying iu every direction, aud she was so low in the water that wo wondered why she didn’t go down. When a boat pulled off to her. it was to find the captain mortally wounded und his wife aud two sailors, stiff und dead aud horribly mutilated, on the deck be­ side him. Wc got him off, but had no time to givo the bodies burial before tiie little craft went down. The captain was u man about 4U years of age, and, though hardly alive when we found him, he rallied enough to tell bis story. The trader bad beeu trafficking ulong the Java coast aud had finully completed bia cargo and beaded for Singapore. Just at sunset on the previous evening he hud been overhauled by a native craft, carrying about 40 men. He was then about ten miles off tho coast aud abont five miles south of an island known aa Queen's Bower. He had no suspicion whatevor of the natives, aud the first tiling bo knew they hoarded his crate and begun to cat and slash. When they had finished the crew, they began to plunder und strip tho vessel und wero w i t h her nntil iniduighL Before leaving they bored her full of boles, and we bad reached her jnst in time to rescue the captain. The first craft was joined by two others later on, and the three car­ ried nt least 100 desperate fellows. Tbo captain heard and understood enough to satisfy him that they were an organized gang of pirates aud that they were ulso well equipped for their bloody business. 1 ite isluud mentioned was uot over SO miles away, and as the Java sea was aud is a great highway it did uot stem possible that men would take such a risk us those pirates had. The trader said that no less than three friendly sails were in sight w hen be was at­ tacked, but all too far away to signal, even if be bad been warued in time to do something. Owing to tbe sboais sur­ rounding I be island our cruft could uot approach uear enough to use her gnus and shell the fellows out, aud we were not strong enough to laud flout our bents aud deal with thttu. Tbe sight of an armed vessel uoaing around would pat tbe pirates on their guard, and so it was resolved to play rheni u Yankee trick. We ran into u bay cl> tbe coast and set to work. Yon are probably aware of tbe fact that an English man-of-war, no mutter how largo or how small, is a pattern of neatness and regulation, and tbe ent of her sails w ill alone establish her identi­ ty while her hull it yet below the wa­ ter line. We had therefore to ondo aud overhaul a great deal. We pnt every­ thing in seeming roafusioo aloft, dis­ guised her hnli as mneb as possible, and when we left the bay tbe Bbark bad tbe look of a merchantmen which bad been through a typhoon and was too short banded to make rejaira Tbe Dutch rap lain di< d on tbe day after we found him, aud his last words were a prayer that we might fall is with and peuiab the pirates It wae jnst at daylight that wa ap­ peared off tb e north coast ci tbe island and anchored on a hank about three mile* from the heath. Men were eent aloft as if engaged in repairs a boat was got down aa if to work on the hull, aad tbe bulk of the crew reinaiurd in hiding below. No doubt the fellow* ashore had a lookout in some trees, and provided with a good glam he could see everything going co aboard. It wee hardly «nnriae when a small anti»« «raft with f e v men her, came out to T H R E E S IS T E R S . make an investigation. Our captain The young women of the normal hailed them, and they replied with school are always ready for fnu. They Th»y A l l 14»pp»i and W . r * W *r*< « t Ma* gestures to signify that they would re­ get dreadfully tired of their enforced tu 8 *7 • W * r d . turn to the shore for help. They evi­ feminine companionship and tbe sight There were three sisters who lisped dently took us for what we pretended of u live man is like a rift iu u thunder­ very badly, and their mother, who waa to be, aud vvu were piped to breakfast cloud. Occasionally they frighten the •olioitous abont flndiug husbands for feeling that our ruse would succeed. men who chance to visit the school, and them, was continually admonishing About 8 o'clock, with tbe wind cne visit is quite enough for tbe vic­ breeaiug up lively, three native sail tims. Home time ago a teacher in tbe them to hold their tougneA Thia la cruft put ont for ns. A man aloft with public schools took a gentleman to the difficult for a girl that has no impedi­ n glaas reixirted tliat each craft was normal institution u n d introduced him ment iu her speech, bnt it is impoasibla crowded with uutivea, aud it was now to the young women. He was a modest for one that stammera. One evening cur plan to weigh anchor aud make a ycung man and blushed slightly as lie tbe throe lispera were invited to "a little sail and pretend to be standing fuced the crowd. Just as the teacher be­ quilting” at a neighbor's "Now, mind, girls," said tbe anxious away from them as if alarmed. The ob­ gan the introduction every young wom­ ject was to draw them as far away an took ont a shn t of paper and poised mother, "some nice young men are go­ ing to be there, aud you must uot any a from shore as possible, und we had a peucil expectantly. word, or they w ill learn that you lisp added a mile or more to the distance "This is Mr. Blank from Chicago," and won’t care to make np to you." when tho foremost bout came within young ladies," said the teacher. “ He They psoEiised to be silent and went huil. She hudn't a gun of any sort in expressed a desire to visit onr normal to the quilting. When they reached tba sight, bnt she had 48 dosperate looking school and wunts particularly to hear bouse, they Mt down aud qnilted d ili­ villains iu plain view aud every oue of gently io silence, and nothing oonld In­ thorn had a cutlass and pistol While yon sing." Aa the stranger bowed a young wo­ her captain was hailing os in a lan­ man in tho back part of tho room aroco duce them to take part in tbe conversa­ tion. At last tho eldest wanted the aota- guage uo oue could understand she was sors and tried to make signs to her next slowly edging along dowu our starboard aud anxiously inquired: " What was the gentleman’* addrcsA sister to pass them to her, bnt oonld no* quarter. At tho same time a second attract her attention. Losing patience, craft was drawing ahead on the port please?' ’ And then all tho girls wrote it down she stammered ont: side, and the third kept iu oar wake. "Thither, path me tbe thithortb." Uuly seven or eight men wero in sight like mad. Whether the stranger enjoyed the The other replied with indignation: ou oar decks, and the natives seemed to subsequent singing us much as he other­ " D id n 't u t thay th at oo tb oold a't hare no suspicion of a trick. Tbe breeze was a little bit too strong for their wise might have done is a little donbt- thay anythiagf" Thia waa too much for the youngeet. maneuvering at first, hut after we were fnl.—-Cleveland Plain Dealer. •nd she exclaimed in a eelf eotigrate- abont six w iles off shore the two sud­ T w o B an. l a O b . Sky. latory tone: denly closed iu to board us. Our cap­ "Bleth God. I a in ’t thaid nothin I"— Wonders w ill never cease. A remark­ tain bad been closely watebiug them and waiting for thiB move, und of a able phenomenon is thus chronicled by New York Times sudden the drum beat to quarters and tho Acworth Post, one of tbe best and T h a r * 1» W a s most reliable of Georgia’s weekly news­ onr decks were ulive with men. It waa rumored that tbe relations be­ I was captain of No. U gun crew and papers : "For the past few days we have beard tween Stnbbs Sr., and hia w ife were had tbe honor of tiring the first shot. It was a solid ball, and it struck the considerable talk about tho two anna not of the pleasantest, and Johnny craft on her port bow and went clean that were seen in the heavens last Fri­ Stubbe had doubtless beard many s through her aud dropped iuto tbe sea day morning at an early hour. Shortly i family dispate. Tbe father’s atruogeat beyond This opened the fi. ht. The na­ after the sun bad risen in the east an­ point against Mrs Stnbba waa that abe tives instantly realized that they had other sun was distinctly observed iu tbe waa a Hicks when he raised her to her caught a tartar, and they saw, too, that western horizon, with a magnificent present title. Mrs Stubbe woeid then their only m< aus of escape lay in cap­ rainbow between them. The people who collapse and tearfully rejoin that such a taring the ship. Therefore, instead of witnessed the phenomenon are much ex­ remark waa all that oonld be executed from one of the low lived titnbbeeu running away, aa we had looked for, cited over the matter." One day Johnny took hia Bah pole and Perhaps the above story can be ex­ each craft bore dowu ou us to board. They were handled as easily us an In­ plained by another: Two Georgia farm­ went down to the stream that ran near dian maneuvers a canoe, und it wasn't ers who had been having a "high old the honse to bob for ee ls Jnst aa be five minutes after the first gun was fired tim e” in town, started home in a wagou was fairly settled down to the sport and ere the) were on our quarters like at daybreak. "John,” said one to the was excited by hia first nibble lie heard wolves seeking to hamstring u deer. 1 other, "hanged ef thar ain't two sunt his mother's voice calling loudly for him to come In. fired another solid shot und then loaded shinin yander whar one orter bo." "There it tai" eaid tbe disgusted "Y ou’re drunk," said John. "Thar with grape, and this last charge was yonng fisherman. "The rninnit tbe fired right iuto a mass of uutivea w ait­ ain't but one." “ John," waa the reply, “ you're a Btnbbaes begin Co fish the Hickaee begin ing to clamber op the side. The gun to holier.’’— New York Sunday World. next to me fired it solid siiot, which Hart" A t this they clinched, and John fell tore through her bottom, aud two miu- Matabltahlnff a ttty!«. utes later she fouudcrcd right alongside underneath. Presently he bawled o n t: "So yon tbiuk yon nucleratand the “ Quit beatin of me. I give in. 1 sea of us The second craft got uear enough to grapple, hut tbe irons wore thrown seven suns an more stars than yon kin theory of establishing a stylo or faabioa for women, do yon?” ofl aud two gnus played solid shot intu conuL"— Atlanta Constitution. "I know 1 da I have qualified by her bull until she went down stern fore­ marrying four tim es All yon have Io M ilk and W a te r. most, leaving 3U men straggling iu tbe waves. Milk is an udmirablefood, containing do is to demonatrato conclusively what Tho third craft had forged ahead, all the elements of nutrition iu a form women ought to woar and then lay In a sailing Uve feet to our oue, und would capable of ready assimilation. Contrary l stock of everything that ia tbe exact have boarded ua ut Ibe bows hut for the to the universal opinion, however, milk i opposite of it .” sudden destruction of tbe othora. Their is not always well adapted to the nne of ! Of coarse be w a. engaged witboat fate frightened her off, bnt she had the sick. A very active condition of the further parley aa a uiaa who anderatuod scarcely laid her head for the is i e d digestive organs is required for the tbe sex. —Chiougo Boat than it was brought around, aa if her proper conversion of milk, and the d i­ H a ir au«l ’A ir. crew had made some desjicrate resolve gestive fluids of the aick do uot come np A baldboaded profeasor recently de­ Now occurred a corions thing. Hbe had to thia standard. Moreover, tbe facility about 80 men on hoard, and sbo came with which milk absorbs gases and de­ livered a lecture entitled "The Air We dowu on us with every one of them velops poisonous ptomaines mnst be Breathe" before au East London audi­ shooting aud screaming and tried to lay borne iu mind. It is in this way n ready ence. In the coarse of hia remarks he ua aboard. We could have sunk her source of infection even when drawn said, "It is quite iuipoaeible for any with cne guu even, or we could have from a ‘ ealthy c- bored that his botno was in Boatou. Il —"yon naed to my 1 waa worth my bohy in a street car.—Town Topios tamed oat that they had spared his life weight in gold." "W rit, what if 1 did?” he asked, to make nan of him as a blacksmith, bnt wheu they found be bad uo knowledge looking at hia watch for tbe (bird time in It minute* of that work be was put to death with { "Aud now yon don't think I’m worth great cruelty. By order of the chief ha Indianapolis was bung in chains ou a tree abont • ; a wait of two urinates Journal. quarter of a mile from tbe village and waa five or «is days in dying. The boy Lta.M A ir . went with us and showtd ns his boueA A tablcepoonful of liquid air pomvd •till hanging. cn a fluid ounce of whisky w ill freeze Tbe one armed man and tba old wo­ it at note into fiat am lcs and a hand­ man, assisted by tbe boy, were the nook* kerchief saturated with it ia charred for tbe gang. They at first seemed very and destroyed aa quickly as if placed in much alarmed and protested their inno­ a bet ovrn. Aa aa agent of destruction cence of any complicity in tbe crimes nf liquid air is powerful, bet no useful the piratcA bnt when tbey came to un­ office Itos been toned for it os ycL derstand that all tbe villains had mat their fate and that we bad come ashore The total nnmbrr ef copies of news­ to clear the island of its lust bale of plunder they suddenly ran into a rude papers printed throaebont the world in storehouse, blouked np the doorway one year ia 12,000,000,000 To print with boxes and opened lira on ns with them requires 781,240 tons of paper, or pistols We had two men wounded be­ l.fifiS. 480.000 pounds while it would fore wa could dislodge them, and tbey take the fastest single preea 833 yeua wero then banged to tba same limb and to print a single year's edition, which their bodies left to the birds Wbat wonk) produce a stack of paper* nearly mile* high. plunder we onnld uot bring off wa Winner (to the ruined oae>— Weil, horned on the island, and before ieaviug Cyclometer* are in nae an cab. ia Bar­ t e * it all, old man. if ** wa u t the foreet ou fire in a duarn places, aud the flames did not die on* lin, Leipsic and Dresden. They reoord lor th is sort of thing, yea mart nntil the whole length and breadth had tbe exact t i u u h e r of miles traveled aad to lorn a marble er two.—Phil May 8 tbe legal tare of the occnpaat* Wtatar AaatuL bean «wept dean of vegetation. M