t«3fc«, L a se C oü stv , O bsgon .— ■r • • • I. WEATHERSON ^Editor and Proprietor. — -T bbhs : 11.50 a year ia advance.----- Eater**. 1 nt the post-office at Florence, faine county, Oregon, aa second-class mail matter. a n vaan sisa bat «» mad « known on ap ­ plication . Local noUcri 8 cent« per line, each Insertion Florence, Or. May C, 1898. W ES TL-IN G S. Bevera' hogs wanted immediately by O. W. Hurd. Wo have new bargains in dress goods. MeyerA Kyb*. Tbs warm sunny days lately see at like Bummer weather. Tlie fruit in this vicinity promises an abundant crop this year. The W ist extends congratulations to the newly wedded couple. A naw stock of Dry Goods just received nt the Great White Store. A. R. Bultolph did some surveying for O. W. Hurd at the creamery. The school on Five Mile »tarts Mon­ day with Delia Morris at tlie helm. It is about time these sugar famines ceased—strawberry time is eomuiing. Mr. Win. Johnson ia improving Mr. Hadsall’s lot by enclosing it with a fence. Parties wanting freight battled to or from Eugene will do well to see A. O. Funke, Bring your job work to the W ist office. .Good work done at reasonable prices.' Go to Meyer A Kyle for boot» an w«r. east to tlie center of sec. 8, tp. 17 8. R .! A reception was tendered them Fri- ! 11 went; thence north 1U miles to the ! <|„y evening, at the central school house ! township line between tp«. 16 nnd 17 which was attended by about 3009 ja-o-1 , south: thence east 4 inilea to the 8. i pie. The band played several patriotic E. corner of tp. 16 8., R. 11 W ., thence i airs ami addresses were delvered bv north to the N. E. corner of said tp. I Mayor Kuykendall, J. M. Buelley, 8. If. thence east)» i.illv; thence north 2 : Friendly, 8. If. Yoran and C. J. Dodd, Absolutely Purs miles; thence east C miles; thence north - X. I;. Gaylord presented ti drum to about 2 V miles to the county line; j the company with tiie fervent hope that ' thence west to the Pacific oconn, and it may never sottud a retreat. A banquet was given by the ladies of , thence southerly along the shore of said MMu «wma rawaea co., mw-rom. the W. IL 0 . aud Patriotic League fol­ ocean to the place of beginning. Polling place at Cape creek school lowed by a surprise «lance at the armory PERSONALS. gotten tip by some of Eugene’s society ’ house. igirls. Mrs. Wm. Brund esiue down on the i Established Jan. 12th 1E9R. Saturday morning they marched to Mink Wednesday. FOR T H E S T E A M S C H O O N ER . the depot a squad liaviug pruviously Mrs. A. F. Hurd went to Portland raised tlie stars and stripes on tlie city Monday on a visit. Last Monday V. Gurney commenced flag pole. Mr and Mrs Hald were down from the work on George Poteraou's place on A car wss set apart for the Eugene light-house Wednesdey. North Fortt to get out some long timber boys and gaily decorated. The Kose- Mr B F. Wilkes of Fiddle creek visit­ for tiie new vessel. Tho following burg company numbering 42 wero ill another car in the same train. pieces will be required: ed our city this week. Some of the officers of the company Keel 10x24 inches, 137 feet long. Frank Rogers went to Gardiner Mon­ were left behind being dropped in the Keelson 10x24 inches 130 feet long. day after a baud of calves. Two sister keelsons 18x24 inches 124 arrangement of tbc troops. Lieutenant Mr. E. A, Evans expects to move to R. Huston Inter received orders to re­ feet long. his new house next week. port nt Portland and Rev. W. 8. Gilbert SUNDAY SERVICES. Chas. David of Point Terrace was in was notified of ids apj-ointment as town tlie first of tlie week. chaplain of tiie regiment. Both left on Ila . in. Maine Memorial Service, J. C. Piielp» of Hermann made a Tills is to be held in honor of tlie tlie train next morning. visit to our city a few days ago. Governor Lord made tlie following brave sailors who perished on tlie ill- A. R. Buttolph was doing some sur­ fated Maine in the Havana harbor, appointments for the Oregon Volunteer Regiment: Colonel, O. Summers ; Lieu­ veying for 8. J. Brund this week. Feb. 16tb, 1SCS. Tiie National Maine R. W. Vanderbnrg ami family have Monument Committee requests, through tenant colonel, Geo. O. Yoran 2nd Regt. Majors, P. G. Eastwick 1st Regt.; Percy taken up their residence at Acme. their sub-eoinmittee, that such a service Willis 2nd Regt.; E. C. Gratteubeiu 1st Greta Urynd went to Point Terrace he helil in all the churches. Regt. yesterday on a visit to her parents. Tiie G. A. R. and Sons of Vots. have a The Montgomery Bros, went to the special invitation. Good speakers will GLENADA GOSSIP. cape yesterday to purchase some cattle. address the meeting. Special music will he furnished. Bv Gossicna. Ye Editor is at tlie cape this week : trying to find how wealthy the residents i Preaching nt Point Terrace at 3:30 POWDER PAY WHEN CCIiEl). f l M M M The Ablest and Most Successful Bpoc'ali.tts in the World. Tbev guarantee a complete core »»■ Your Own Home, and allow you to pay w hen cured. Desirable ★ Stars in ★ Lost SaalMl Restore!. Thousands of promising young men havu their lives and future usefulness wrecked by INDISCRETION AND PRIVATE DISEASED. The symptom» until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ tenance an l in the actions of the vic­ tim. If neglected or buproiwrly treat­ ed, other organs become affected, and sooner or later there arc serious results. Our New Method Treatment will po»i- tively care these disease». MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There era thousands of you who have co.niiiltted offences against tlie laws of your na­ ture, aud tire now paying np for it. Those weak, aching backs, Loss of Sex­ ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Frequent and Painful evacuations of tlie Bladder accompanied by more nr less smarting aud tbc escajie of par­ ticles of albumen in the urine witli ropy sediment, all point to the decline of your manhood. There aro hundreds who ule of this difficulty, ignorant of Hie cause. Tho doctors will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of thoGeuito Urin­ ary Organs. READER—Aro von in trouble? Have you been treated and never cured? You dare not risk a return of tiie dis­ ease. It luav appear whan happy in domestic life. Our New Method Treatment is your refuge. H diseased, Fine spring weather. consult us emiä lontiaily. WRITE (enclosing stumps for reply) Harwood and Colter are building a for our interesting book. "A Warning wind-mill. J. C. Phelps of Hermann was visiting , Voice." Sent free. All letters kept strictly private and confidential. All old friends here over Sunday. answers sent plain sealed envolop». Jesse Lowe came in from Uardtii'ir to I No U. O. D. busines*. attend liis sister's wedding. Ed Furnish came in from Gardiner a U instillation by M di Absolutely Free. few days ago to visit with Ids parents. .Geo- Craven and nephew James Cra­ WRITE TODAY. ven are making preparation« to start for ! California soon, Address And The A R T S an d S O IE 3 S T O E S . 6old With >1 T H E W E S T - Scientific American. None who aro engaged in any of the mechanical p. lit. are. pursuits can succeed without reading and I. G. K notts , pastor. Mins May Johnson who worked at the) studying this standard Magazine of Sciences Morris hotel went home tiie first of tlie CHANGE OF LOCATION week. and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vader left Thurs­ Tiie Northern Pacific Ticket office lias all modern cuts of latest inventions in all day morning for a abort visit to Gar­ buon changed from its former location diner. the branches of mechanism, and its fund o f river Hall’s grocery store, to more com­ Miss Reynolds of Alsea came down modious quarters, witti “The Eugene knowledge is inseparably connectod with in­ Wednesday to attend tiie wedding at Real estate Agency," on the ground Glenada. floor, first door North of Griftin’s hard ventors and mechanics. Sold with T u s A. R. Buttolph went up North Fork ware store, directly opposite tlie Guard W est at clubbing rates. yesterday, to put in some garden truck office, where they will be pleased to see any persons contemplating a trip East on liis ranch. M r . Scliretidcr lias been having some ' Dr- W- H- Saunders^ C o, Mr. Kyle returned Tuesday from a or South. GJ Sproni Su, Detroit, Mich. had spell» lately and will probably bo | Fur full information concerning rates, taken back to Salem. business trip to Seattle which detained routes, time tables etc., call or address, him several weeks. Mrs. Geo. Brainard of Acme spent R. M c M obpiiy , General Agent, Mrs. Stevens of Smith river Its* been several days iu Glenada dress-muking NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Opposite Guard Office, Eugene. suffering from an abscess but at last for Mrs, IL D. Chamberlin. Land Office nt Ku»cbnr<, Oregon, » reports was improving. March 3«>. ! A S U R PR ISE- L. R. Johnson assisted by Ids son Notice is hereby given that the foiiowlng- ; Oapt. E. H. W. Hanson returned last Lucian and W. II. I’epper are building a mt med settler has tiled notice of hia intention I week after an absence of several weeks. On May 4th, Mr. and Mrs. Knotts house for E. A. Evans in Florence. to make fliml proof R. support of his claim, ur.d He will work on the new vessel. W. E. Warren of llecuta is able to be that said proof w ill be made before C. H. Hol­ gave a pleasant surprise to their son, Henry Bunco and family left Tuesday Ralph, by inviting about twenty of liis aliout again ami was shaking bauds with den. U. 8. Commiaaioner Ht Lake Precinct, Douglas Couuty, Ore., on Mny 14, IMS, viz: for Eugene. Mr. Busch has contracted schoolmates near tiis age to spend tiie friends iu this vicinity u few days ago. Evan M. Biuck on h. e. no. 861», for the «el4 to do some work on the court house evening witli liitti in honor of liis thir­ sec. 7: nwJ4 kcc . 17; ne\4 « ec. 19; Mrs Arthur Johnson and children »here. This monthly magazine is one o f the very teenth birthday. came in from their ranch on Swcst tp. 20 a., r. 11 W. He names the f jUowhnc wltnewe» to prove W. Nichols and Wm. Pengra were, in The young people all agree that they creek to visit with friends and relatives hia continuous reBidenoe upon aud cultivation best printed in this country, and is sold town a few days ago picking up the rest had a verv nice time. n few days ago. ; of Mild land, viz: of the cattle they have bought in this to all subscribers at rates within tho Wm. Hnlibaugli lately of Neb., is J. A. Sim?, W illism A. Smiley, M o « pi J 1 NOTICE- Town and H. L. Wllaua, all of Lake Prtciuct» t vicinity. visiting w itli ids uncle and couaius tiie Oregon. ability of all to pay. It is finely illo s Rev. J. A. Simms of Ruby was in “ Furnishes." We understand lie ex­ R. M. VrvTCit. The seventh animal convention of pects to spend tlie summer here. Florence Wednesday, while here he Kezixter j t rated and presents the names of famoos preformed the marriage ceremony for tiie Woman’s Christian Temperance Mrs. II. D. Chamberlin and mottier, T o C u re C o n s tip a i ton Koraver* Union will be hold at Creswell, Lane authors as contributors. T an W atr Frank Vader mid Lida Lowe. Mrs. Latham, will start for Eugene in a Take Cascareis Cnudv < uttinriie. 10' or 25c. Win. Urynd ami John Lloyd who went Co., Or., May 12th and 13tlt—Thursday few days where they will visit relatives. I f C. C. C. fail to cure, u n w isu refuuil money. and the Cosmopolitan are sold at to Alaska a few months ago returned and Friday. : Mrs. C. will probably visit tier husband By order of Co., Très. dneed rates at thia office. S O L D IE R 'S S A L A R IE S - licnie Thursday. Their many friends I in Portland before returning. will be glad to welcome them back. M arkikd - -At tlie residence of the i W ANTED. T h e y U » n « e F r o m 9 1 3 V p to 8 0 1 » . 87 E. W. Cobb of liuccta, was in Flor­ ; bride's parents on Wednesday, May 4th, P e r M o n th . ence Monday afternoon and started for ; 18V8, Miss Lida Lowe mid Mr. Frank Unsaitc l butter just front tho churn Point Terrace Tuesdny morning, where at the Florence Creamery. It must be I Vader. A few select friends were in­ lie will spend a week visiting frionds. Whon Hie militia goes into activs c ite d tu partake uf a fine supper in Hie well washed Imt still in granules. H. H. Fisk was out from Smith river ! evening. The Florence hand gave servire it will receive from Hie national Monday. Tlie settlers there are plan­ i them a serenade. Their many friends government tlie «ame pay as the re­ S1OO R E W A R D S1OO. ing to commence work in a few days to ! | wish them a happy ami prosperous gular army, which i. a« follows, per open a trail over to Mapleton by way of , journey through life. May their path month : The readers of this paper will be h e s tru w n w it li roses, is H id wisli of Private.................................... ..........13 00 Knowles creek. pleased to learn ttiat there is at least "We do not take posseasion of our tlaaa but are poasakaad by thoatf Corporal.............................................. 16 00 Mr. nnd Mrs. Blackmuu and daughter one dreaded disease tiiat science lia s, ! Gotsiper. 25 00 ! First sergeant. They master aa and force ns Into tho arena, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Knowles, Mr. nnd l>eeii able to cure in nil its stages, and > Don't Volisrr« S,U and Mmak* l»Sr 1-11« Sway. 1 Serge-.int-nisjor. 23 00 Whore like gladiator«, wo moat fight I mt them.’* Mrs. Frank Knowles and Mrs. Work­ that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is j To quit lobs, CO eaa.Jy ami to.rrar. h«»ss ; Quartermaster sergeant 23 00 man came down Thursday morning on tlie only positive cure known to Hie i netlc. foil ot lit«, n e rv e ui,U v ig o r, laae No-'lo ' ‘ .31 00 Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and tlie their way to tlie cs|ai to spend a few medical fraternity. Catarrh being a 3uc. luc wonder worker, that make, weak men l’,,»t quartermaster sergeant ■troi:g. A',1 drucilaW, 50c orSI. Cure gunran Ordnance sergeun t ............. .34 00 entire contents of this monthly magazine days. constitunai disease, reqniies a constitu­ ln*d lto'»klel and snoiplo free. Addrear Commissary sergeant......... ..34 0 I hte-.-llug Ketuedf CO-, Ubleaso or Naw York Mr. Thomas Peterson of Ballard Wash, tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oure is Hospital steward..................................... 45 0? are upon o. plane and in keeping with Its a ship-builder well known on the eoast, taken internally, acting directly upor Acting hospital stew ard ....................25 (Xi A C M E IT E M S . motto. The Arona's gallery of eminent accompanied by Ids brother, arrived in the blood and mucous surfaces of the Piivnte hospital stew a rd ...................... 1H Of) Florence last Friday to oversee tiie system, thereby destroying tin, founda­ Becotul lieutenant, dismunuted. llti Oh thiukers is a group.otjiutarosting men ami Bv E avm D boppbms . building of tl.e steam schooner at this tion of the dieease, and giving the Chaplain. ................................ 126 00 patient strength by building up the' place. women, aud their’thotightsjarel'warthy the Second lieutenant, mmiiited......... 125 03 constitution amt assisting nature in do­ First lieutenant,dismounted.......... 125 00 C. C. Cushman ami w ife returned from consideration ot|ail|p3ople, TheJAreua 1» K d a rs te Yonr B o w e l, W ith rs « ro r» ts . ing its wolk. Tlie proprietors have so , Regimental qoartetiuasler...................150 00 t»n-j.»r general ........................... «26 00 church. Cottage Grove Or., beginning Tase C u ra re ,« Candv C s U s rilc 18e «r aie. I l C. C. C. tail io cure, drj«»t«t« rotund mc&cy. Glenada were in Aumc on business Mon­ Llautcnnnt-geiwral................................ blfi *7 May 11, 3:00 p. in. and closing May 12, 1’iiiales and n>>iicouimi»tioit»>l officeis day. at 2:45 p. m. COUNCIL MEETING* It is desired that tlie names of all who Schooner Dal Norte arriveJ at the are furtdslieJ rations, accoutrements, intend to go should be sent to Miss Nina mill Monday. We were all glad to see horses and forage, wiicn n m u i.lc .!, snd a A meeting nf tlio rity council was held ! Capt. Jacobsen's smiling c o u n t e n a n c e a l b i . v a m u for clothing, isrters Ostrander, Cuttage Grove, as early ns T'lesdny evening witli I'rcsiJeut Wilson i ' and me lical attendance. possible. unco more. iu Hie chair. Couimlasioiied , - »dicer, are f iridslied Willism Neolv rutiirne l Fri.Liv to I, GREENLEAF IT E M S . The minutes of last meeting were road h-in,c in Acmc.sav- he left home to find Iff'” '««"* '>>*•»«•“ »Hehdanc» snd tlie st . and approved. -riuty but thinks it is as plentiful P'i*'1««“ "< H..',-omm.s.ary-tbat menus Bv a W bst GutassroNniNT. Tlie following hills were allowed. ‘ Prr,!*P‘ j | a chance to buy foe-1, etc., nt first co»’. Leru is« in tbv chai ré uf hard-iiub He* eta Lodge, I. O. O. F. hall rent for 1 They l-ave to l»*ty tl-cir own food cloth­ alkali. Forest Whisman lias come in from ' council meetings for oue year $12. The ing, arms, horses and nccoutruineuta. •• There is a fair increase of pay alter the valley snd gone to work at Bean’« W bst for printing $5. G. C. Compton,' Tlie iLince given 1 riday evening J. F. Tsnner nnd John Yates judges of was hig i'.y enj -yc-l by a.I a lio Attem I*’- inun and officers have served a <*ertaiu i stable at Mapleton. bib La-1 ha-1 tauter let tlie i term. A nnnilrer nf people on the route have el’y elerti**n $2 each5 Alfred Funke ami We liiink the club ladie» get up all their prize lance-, as J. If. Morris, clerks, each $2. J. H. taken the «iili-contract for the Eugene- H 3 N . T . T . OBER* Mepletou mail an.l will do tbe work In Morris recorder’s salary for three they seem io have the beat siicccas. sections. I bear that they took it for mouth* $3. The hole in tint river wa» plain to be The member» of tbe n»wly elected seen where O. W. Hurd fell in last .*o a t O a rd tn a r- I leM than the original coutraot price. Mr«. Tope, the Deadwood uiail-liaml- council who wero present were then Thursday evening. We ll.ink tlie next time he counts to moth* log« he will taken ler, has been suffering from the worst sworn in and took their seats. Hon. T. T. Gccr republican candidate Marion Morris was appointed trustee few life-prescrvcra off tliu C*xje. case of oleerate-1 tooth ever seen liear- f*-r governor will deliver an ad dress to in tlie place of J. A. Yate» who declined i alionts, but is lictter. ~ 1 — ---------- — I the voters on the issaw of tb» d«y at to serve. F. B. Wilson was appointed The W est has for sale one vent's Gardiner on Tuesday May U 'h , Hets, Norman and Robert E/glwhaim have city tresmirer (nr the eotoing year. gone to seek their fortunes in IJslio tuition in the Holmes Business College Every citizen wlM cau eiio.ild be pro­ The tenneil tbeu adjourned. of Portim i. Tills is one Of tho leading sent and hear the reasons foe being a and Roy and his wife are inoth.rt.bs of 10 < business colleges on the coast, having rcpnl-ilcsn presentai by this lea-ling all they survey. ■ M E R I T 1» wha< E m g¡Ten Hood's Englisli, Commercial, Hlmrthand an,I, citizen of the state. 2 3 * SO* I Twelve bushel of gi»r,«f tsb’e potatoes ■ - - n - Ssr horaapariUa the largest aaks in , , . . ___ _ . 4B80LÖTELT fiO W U TE ED S ^y were sold for 60 rent« the other day on the world and matite» It to accomplish leh’gMphic urpnrtmeuts and wc offer, Mr. Geer will speak nt Marshfield the s I s m h ksskMW ss. m . am ine arwnn 19th and at Elkton the 11 Hi. Deadwoodervek. thousand* of woudorfol CURES« this i&Lian jr. easy term«. THE EnSMnPnLITAN/ THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. M AKEIYO U R SELECTIO N. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR.