T H E W -E S T LATEST WAR NEWS. L tlltn . ! ui*t ur iwu wats . l i l l r l d l I . a' — l'CBÎ.Iatli EI> EVKKÏ FMltAV W« »JGVIX.« • n n ^ n in u iu n 5 MOW CU'tt nWaVI.A» CnitREíl-OSDENT. - * *«-**-** «V'V (ORIGIS’ AI. ASB S B W T flD ./ The bladder w n created for nne pnr-. SPANISH FLEET COM I pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine. He ia not poor that little hath, hit, he W ash ., D 0 ., April 25th, 1898. 1 and ai such it is not liable to any form of F lôksxcb , L amk CtHiVTV, O «» oôn 1‘LETELY ANNUII- by one of two ways. The ; There has been no occasion for any i disease eicept i . .■ i.i that much desires. Hist way ia is from iuipe imperfect action of the ; .„ o .i , , . . . . ■ Brat - - • tr . • . LATEO. bod\ to find any fault with the rapidity ¡kidney». . , The aecond second , way way ia from core-1 There is pleasure in poetic painif • kidney*. The is irom c « _______ . w,,u'h ""Port«"1 event« have followed |e50 l o d treatment of other diseases. I which only poets know. open Troops to go to tho Phllllpplne each othor during the past week. The C H IE F C A U SE ------ . — - — >j.|,e Lorj'g Prayer contains the sum islands. signing by the president of — Unhealty urine from unhealthy, kid-;, . . . . . , ... Editor and Proprietor. ■ , ..iii . ii total of religion and morals, e intervention resolution ; the ultimatum neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. — Advices from Manila say that the to Spain 'TIs heaven alone that is given away; of diplomatic So the womb, like the bladder, was crest- • » ; the breaking • •»••■•••»g va Florence, Or. May G, 1898. American squadron, under Commodore relations with us by Spain ; the proda, ed for one purpose, and if not doctored >tiaonly God may he had for theasking. i ’cwey, appeared off the bay of Manila mation declaring to tiie nations of the too much is not liable to weakness or disease, esrept in rare eases. It is situ-| Posterity preserves only what will THE EUROPEAN VIEW. at 2 o'clock thia morning (Sunday) and j world the intention of tho United ated buck of and very close to the bind- pack into small compass. Jewels are '■penni a aireitg uannonade uguinst the ( States to blockade Havana anil other ‘1er, therefore any pain, disease or handed down from age to age, less port- Tnc “Ina L* Spanish squadron and forts protecting Cuban ports; the actual establishing of inconvenience manifested in the kid- able valuables disappear. lv„»-l.rjp The C * _ . t second-class • a I .• . Hitfiior Crii.pt, the first Htntestunn o f , Till* . , ... k, . bladder or urinary passage; the harlarr. Spanish ; that . . blockade; the capture of S p an ish ', ueys, „ hack, e, attributed attributed to to Desert being the essential condition .i . cruiser, : — , ____ » Don a « Suan tie . . Austria, . i < < is often, |»y mistake, Italy, and prominent among the lead- ____ was ; merchant vessels by ships of the block female weakness or womb trouble of of prai ue, there tan be no reality in the ing men of Europe, speaks freeJy upon severely damaged an her commander ading squadron; tiio proclamation call- some sort. The error is easily m ade1 one without the other. Praise unde- tiie subject of the present war with was killed. Another Spanish v e s s e lin g for 125,000 men to serve two y-ars, >, and may be as easily avoided. To find , erveii ¡, satire in disguise. Bpain and the results that will probably was burned Tno American squadron I unless sooner discharged. That is the out correctly, set your urine aside for 1 twentv-fonr hours; a sediment or set-1 "'ho so neglects a thing which he Bus­ obtain. The Italian statesman predicts retired, having also sustained severe j week’s record of the most important that thia war will make an end of Spain ; damage. tling indicates kidney nr bladder trouble. 1 pects he ought to do because it seems to facts of the executive branch of the The mild and the extraordinary effect of j him so small a tiling is deceiving hiiu- that a weak and unstable republic will A second nnval engagement followed, ' government. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho great I sell; it is not too little, but too great for »■« organised in Ouba ami that the | in which tho American squadron again Congress has not been idle during the kidney, ami bladder remedy is soon ' Idin, that he doetli it not. United Htates, flushed with victory and j suffered considerable loss and. tho Span- week. It passed the bill authorizing ! " ^ ° l,,eed a >"«d¡‘’¡»» Xo" with a thirst for territory, glory and ■ ish warships Mindanao and Ulloa were , t l , f , ® ■ ; should m have At i uruggisiH druggists n:iy fifty ; Lot junr your nurm words uu be wen well weiguwi; weighed ; cun« con- in sin pa .um qanao ana UJJon were ♦* . < . i , a « up the um best. w s i. a f. I f ' l/v Y*rv v P T i si 11 » t u 1 - • _ i 1 ° * v> unteer army , the cents and one dollar. You nmy have a ' eider whether the thing itself should lie «oiiqiie»t, will turn its energies against «lightly damaged. During this en duro H •• i f ° 1 ' tor reorKan*Rin|f tho regular army »ample bottle and pamphlet, both sent' b , , , Canada and ttie European oloniei in incut tho r> Cavite forts maintained >1 • >r » ... , i spoken whether it should bo spoken , , , «»w w in co a and increasing it in time of war to free by . .. b’’ mail. Mention tho the W est and ___ her neighborhood. steadier and stronger fire upon the .................. ............................ against this person ; whether this be the »1,000 en ; adopted a resolution tie- Jour »m addrCM 10 n Dr. Kilmer & u Co., «J.uuu m men de- ' oi™ iu r. M inier is. o ., ft is bard for Signor Crispi mid other i American squadron then in N- Y. The proprietor of ; Proper time for such a speech. the first taring the existance of a state of Europeans who arc not f.unili ir with engagement. ,etw een Spain mid the U s »„..m L 1 !! ? T " B“ 1* * 8 l!l'? « m .iu cu ess of In all „„ worldly .vorklly things tbingg that tliat a a man , In pur­ between Spain and tiie U. S„ bceides thia uflov American institutions and the American A mxihji . vted . sues with the greatest eagerness of mind doing usual amount u the --------- ... M . . . V U I U v of i l routine U U lillU I busi J U B l- _______ ' ' people to understand that the “ national May 2.—A special from tbo British ness and attending the funeral of (|,e 1 of the war, the substitution of lion, imaginable, ho finds not half the pleas­ spirit” alluded to by Mgr. Satolli, as the actual -- possession of ’ them as * consul says Manila is being shelled by lato Senator Walthall of Miss, which w ' Charles a s ! Emory ------ " Smith, able editor and ! ure in ---------------- --------------- dominant in this country, can have for Hon. . ....... James ' '** ProPoaed t0 himself in the expecta- the U. g . fleet and the population is held in tho senate chamber on Saturday , ex-minister to Russia, ___ ________v- . other aims than that which prevades __ ..... . . . . . . that . . his . resignation tino. tiou. fleeing terror-stricken. and was attended by the president and ’’ary, who stated Europe—conquest by force of arms. Later a cable was received at Wash­ all tiio mom hers of the cabinet. ” ------- ------ ‘ ------ of the postmaster generalship was by An artist that works in marble or col­ There is no reason to doubt Crispi’s ington staling that Admiral Djwey was ' direction of his physician, in the cabi- ors has them all to himself and The and means committee of H the , -----, ----- ways ..... . . ----------•»».«■„„H IU W BI ie ; i — in m e caoi- —........ ............mm m . u iu c. his tribe. prediction regarding Spain, if i t can be in possession of Manila and tho Spanish house upon which devolved tho duly of i net’ ’’ re«*rJed ns Die first step towards 1,111 the man who moulds his thoughts called a prediction when the liiindiSrlt- fleet ”‘“’t was .......................................... completely annihilated, Onlv _ . putting the -«wHict cabinet vii on j* a war footing, i verse has to employ the material vui- vul- i «.......... n war loovliig, .w u ijn u j me mnicrini I preparing the hili to provide the monev ing open tiie wall may be seen so plain­ . . ■ r c i.iv n .l i . . . n L . „ 1 . I ____ « ■ •> five Americans killed. J to pay tiie expenses of tho war, has s ' and tho second step is to be the substi- g»r'»ed by everybodys’ use, and glorify ly. Bankrupt, ignorant Spain, the last Orn troops . I preformed that duty and reported tho I tution of a younger and moro vigorous ! tlie,n l,y his handling. relic of past bigotry and the rule of — AT— «'. H. WKAT1IERSON o h w u h i W ATCH this space for the * l a h a im- ' ,nan for Don. John Sherman as socre-1 Expect not praise without envy until tary of stale. Senator Davis of Minn., you are dead. Honors bestowed on the j chairman of the senate committee on illustrious dea I have in them no ad , foreign relations, declined thin port- mixture of envy; for the living pity the folio Several weeks ago, but there is a \ dead; and pity and envy, like oil and report that he may change his mind and ; vinegar assimilate not. country’s annual revenues. It also may develop into a resolution which SALMON PROPAGATION. provides tor tiie issue of $500,000,000 in take it after all. There is somo out­ will overthrow ttie government, to be Power is so essentially calm, that opposition among senators 3 cent coin bonds, to 4 run from leu ten spoken . per --------- Ui| UUIJ1 - • ........... ........ ''»■R the OCIM IUia calmness in itself has the aspect of succeeded by anarchy, and tbo end is The republican platform of this state, to twenty years, nt the option of the *nd reI>resentativcs to the proposition bard to predict. power, and forebearance implies government, and authorizes the issue of I 11131 Judge Day ■hal1 «'»cceed Secretary The aim of thio country is to free Cuba «(Aten the following« strength. The orator who is known to ‘T h e salmon fishing industry, . . . so . HOO,000,OOJ in 3 per cent cenificates of { j Sherman; they say that Judge Day, have nt his command all the weapons from the role »1 these Ignorant ami bru­ who na8 has na,J had c>‘»rgc charge of all the tal robbers ami give the pearl of the Au- fruitful a source of revenue to the state ; indebtedness by the treasu ry. The the Spanish Spanish of invective is most formidable most should he fostered, and to that end wc P otation is that the bill will be passed ne8 °liations of the present administra- tiUei an appropriate sotting in tho tiara courteous. Don. has Im» failed finla/l to .1«.---- -—»- -■ the - •• high • demonstrate • f free nations. If wo make the people fuvor state aid in the artificial propaga-< Diis wreek, as the disposition of congress lion, He has mastered all points who has salmon, and .i.„ their in ¡« to push everything connected with diplomatic skill that tho secretary of :. distribution n .— i...... «■f that island free it u ili be our care lion of s-di..,.n combined the useful with the agreeable. the conduct of war through without state should possess. Still the general and pride to establish a government tho waters of the sta te.” In life as in chess, one's own pawns Salmon fishing is an industry In prolonged - --- 1*1 - - - discussion, ...........— s recognizing vvvrg'iii.ftuig the expectation is that Day will be the which will not invito bankruptcy nor j block one's way. A man’s vory wealth, revolution. Further than that we will which the people along the streams o f . ,“ '3ri‘I efl'vct upon the world of speedy man. There is no longer any doubt rJca»c, leisure, children, books, which AV t S*r 11 ( If-a * fVsx i ■ . 1 « . • . * a »ot go. The European possessions have western Oregon are interested and the and united action by congrcse upon 'hat Secretary Sherman’s brain power is practically gone; the stories they toil I 8l‘°" ld hC'P 1‘*“> to win» more of,en uo charm» for ns sufficient to induce an people of western part of Lino county ; war measure«. about the eld o e n ii .n ...’. i checkmate him. attempt at their niuqueat. We will un­ have reasons for being specially inter­ The fighting is not likely to he as about tho old gentleman’s talk ■ The best answer to all objections doubtedly invade their markots with the ested in the artificial propagation of speedy in arriving as the events which positively pitiable. was iim uedintelpreceded the opening of ; urged against prayer is the fact that products ef our Acids and factories, but salmon. When thu hatchery S ilu r a te Y ou r l l n . , 1 , w , th t H. eBre„ . help praying, that is the only conquest desired by erected severai years ago at Mapleton the war. So far as known the hulk of loT.'Sc5’ if C c rr efan“ a conrllP“"'"’ fircrer. . man cannot ------------ H »'“'-’ "'K, 1 for wc may “ C C' C fall‘ drucsiMsrrtud ID0U9y. he sure that that which is this country. The commercial war lor it was expected that fun,Is for operating tbo Spa,,isi, n a w is on tho other side o f ! ................. — ’-■ -ru sR .tsr»,U B f l be s„r. that that which is so •o spent». sponta and ineradicable supremacy will be waged with cnorgv, II would ho furnished by the state but the Atlantic, with the intention of re ! REPUBLIC AN C4 NBID 1TPH neons neo,la and incradicable in in human human » na- .- D,at lias has not been dune. done. Now if the .naming there and devoting its at- ture has its fitting objects and methods hot oiler Cuba is freed tiie American that I in Die arrangements of a boundless swohl will be beaten into plowshares and state furnishes aid for artificial propa- tention to hunting tor stray American STATE TICKET. I Providenco. gallon, tho funds will naturally hu used ! merchant vessels which can be taken »»osikey wrenches, and our citissn oeUUers will roturo to the peaceful art» where the greatest results ,eati be ne- u ithout a light. Tiiero are numerous There is nothing of which Nature has For Governor. compllshed. This w ill lead to opernt-1 reports about their coining over here to .frodi which they were railed. been more bountiful than poets. They T. T. Geer, of Marion county. mg hatcheries already constructed ! fight, but onr naval officers do not bc- swarm like tho spawn of codfish, with a For Secretary of State. GREAT WONDER OF THE CENTURY. rather than going to tbo expense o t ; lieve them, although they would lie vicious fecundity that invites and re­ Frank I. Dunbar, of Olatsop county. utlding new ones and probably the more than glad to have them do so. Our quires destruction. To publish verses For State Treasurer, latchcry would bo run at som ething ' navy will not attack the forts of tho S. Y. Jeeraul: ; i» become , sort of evidence that a man Chas. S. Moore, of Klamath county. Scientists have long known that near its capacity with a proportionate Oubun ports it is blockading, unless it 'w ants sense; which is not repelled by For Supremo Judge. • . . . by the forts; at least, j Frank A. Moore, of Columbia county liquid air could ba made but the ex­ benefit to the fishing industry on the . ’ is first attacked writing goodver.es, but by writing ex- pense was so great as to make it m i - river. cellent verses. practicable. Charles E. Tripler, a New The weakest living creature, by con­ ■" , l J — ......................... — York inventor recently demonstrated centrating his powers on a single object that he could make a gallon in riglit pun i: _• - * minutes at a cost of only «0 rents. r r r - 1 But what is liquid air, and to what about tills measure or from tiie one that Uhl, be landed at some port that is ac- ( W. II. Leeds, of Jackson countv. ,a" accon>P'i’ '> anything. The drop uses can it be p u tt It is ordinary air has declared iu favor of it. cessable to the insurgent army, in order For Rep. in Congress l . t District. *?' COnUn"all>' '“"¡"8, bore, it, "" 'Ll «empressed to 1 791 of its normal hulk m t-t may be furnished tiie snpplioa Thos. H. Tongue, of Washington county ll,rcueh ,h * hwdest rock. The hasty BvervlMHty Suyt and reduced to a temperature of 32J and ummuiuUon it need« to enable it to • • j torrent rushed over it witl» I i ' de^fu! n1?'1?.' c,iD'»rtie, the most non degrees below zero. ................... • ’ i" ‘’roar’ a n d ‘« » e s „ o trace behind ’ ° “ ee-m l liicdleul discovert of liiu arc peas. assumo the aggressive ---------- towards thu SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. It has ail expansive power of 2,000 cl!*i S u i1 lie? "■ hver »mt t ’ neis, Spanish. Food will also be landed for I have observed a gardener cut the For J tidge. pounds to (he square Inch. It has a ' cm l cuK h” ■,"“ r ' *VS,” U. dlspi-1 .-olds, free distribution to tue needy. Sml I I u ' »"*'• t"‘l'Ul,al censtliavtioe uulwardnnd of a tree (which is lhe , ur. ’-L " oodcock, of Lane county. latent fur, e 100 times greater than an.l h dousne«. I |,ws- buy and try a box " ’bile this is going on in Cuba and ¡D»ut o f . t ) , t o make it bear well, , nil » i.i ; iu. 2.». -r,t>,’ r n p o e t o r .p h ilOWpllcr. Owing to its intense frigidity, it can the Iwok, hut he should be honest ami ' the Spanish forts seek Ivan McQueen, of I. wane. an engagement j ^ u i e „chest mineral, are ever fmmd »»used (or all k ind, of cooling and r e . ' '«fright and firm in his determination with the n.oca T. M. BratUin, of Springfield. “d l’ U" ragged and blockading squadron, or our «V n w .■ frigernting purposes, ersiiy ebsuging t '■•’•‘I justly toward all whether they! withered n . H. Beatberson, of Florence •"rfaoe, of the earth. ron finds the Spanish ; Sheriff, torrid heat into Klondike cold. I. e Is ' be friend or foe. Ho must needs be a . “UC hot in comparison that liquid air I Rood Judge of all kinds of property and squadron it i. hunting lor, (or several C|,.s . L. Scott, of Eugene , 0 ,w k boils w hen It routes in contact with h e. I1HVS accurate know ledge ot it. value. I w vvkstocetue. Although the pfstiua.ter general has E. U. Lee, of Junction, as if placed on a fire. Such a man is D. 1». Burton present Treasurer. The latent explotivo power of liqqi,| assessor of Lane county now serving h i, nothing directly to do with the conduit O eflcM w it BI o m c . , ^ •ir is such that it can be applied to third term iu that office. Not only is he J. G, Powell, of Cottage Grove. A p p e tite a n d F in e ) B reak D ew n H e o d ’e B e r e e p e n g . C u ^ ’ firing in well qualified the Mutivfl duties ui of ma his posi OO NOT FORGET- - tlm bag« guns, tlm difficulty ------ — z ••• ’ ----- - for •••« ffcliool Superintenbent. its use in this way being to cast guns in | »'«n but lie is a pleasant affable man, C. 8, Hunt, of Eugene. " 1 iOS* my appetite la d ,b o u, «)] I '1 he change ol location of I be Northern such n way as to resist its terrific ea- one whom it is a pleasure to meet and " » w - lcwH.mun.de. My Assessor. . I'nurtr ticket office, which is now with I) I’ Morion nf r u .. r- a» r o » I WM to wswk I plesive power. who makss friends wherever he gees, •The Eugene Real Estate Agency” o n ' th e floor. A t l o , I WM u k e T ^ i ' ’ ‘ Gr° V° It could he manufacture 1 by any war Since his election as assessor he ha, sick. One physician told _ .7 * * * the ground floor directly opposite tttP1 Surveyor, « ° n# “ d h . f r e » . sh ip ’s engines with an air compressor brought the business of the office to a I ^*'iaid office, near corner of Savcnth and ’ ®°*lier, of Eugene ft did not help m«. I had Dr « i » _________ ___ and-iiquefier attnchnl, and supplid as much higher d eg n e of ciflcicucy, has " illam etto Btreet», Engen«. This is- C-oramissioner. I— t sit faith In m w U niB ^, w ould get o n . b o ttl. of H m u -, * ” •* * 1 weeded d u rin g » battle. Think of it! straightened out many matters that rU U andtrylt. AHu M € In the torrid heat of a Cuban summer our Coroner. I wee mach belt«, J IJJ war vessels could envelope themselves business methods ami vigilance has gene to the East or Sontii without ■ " . Harris, of Eugene. ^ t‘ m V? “ • * * ’ « ^ i? not to he s n r. o f It. I ■___ in so Alaskan atmorphere, with evrrv iirought to light much property that chauge. Remember no change of car, _____ and I’ortlaiid via the Northern ra tifie. _______ T h s Gt-aao Ixiasts of the _ number of m an ami every officer leshng like a had previouly cs.mped taxation •U bottle«. I t ° ,0 ____ •O « * ■ n ih e e b .k ,. dgbting cock, and go inks sutien with a placed the same on the assessment rol s » ‘ n°n'y lin’ ru,:,,i,’d ’•'* upholstered ; °>d soldiers of (his counts flood - m, ,„d , wtah , u .w— i------------- ’ »’.‘»»»au Tourist M et,dug thereby «ompellmg ,hc owners ,e cmn-', S i , car. ? and the i — ■ • ould t tr r y r I, u _ . r «1stera would I t .” •• *|g P O S A L E OR EXCHANGE new kind o f smokeless powder of irrs- A - E v rjia ia ,. W e d d e rb n m . tSregoo. Ilwir * » .......... ............... n . „ . ! K . Û ! I1" “ menti«,ns Frank Kirk can ! date tribute their due proportion to the ex- Den’, ,t)W , tlli. pl ..J . nistible fo n e, R e m .« bsr It now scorns quito likely that the .-«igbt makes right, will fall, from w ith­ out or within—more likely tho latter. troops from Oregon, California, Idaho When her ignorant people find how t),cy and Washington w ill bo ordered to the have been heed-wiuked and deceived I hillippine islands fur duty at that the mobs which now possess the cities placo. bill fo the house. Tiie bill by tho position of now internal revenue taxes and an increase of the taxes of beer and manufactured tobacco provides for an esliinaled increase of $100,000,000 in the a CARM AN’Í CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods* ★ Groceries itfan d * Noti FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........Just Opened... Goods as Reoresentc Extremely Weak I»nse ol the county mid state. H« j ’"r “ Jmeiuese or nlcaeare titp. elected a n e s u r for tl e n e i t i F. --------------- * or . . sddress, k r r f..n f"u i..a '"»«’ii„nti«u, call s