w *■ f y r * 1 ÎT H E W E S T P Y O U R H O H E PAPER ► ■r > r y » advertisers KVSLAWS OWLT PAP1Ä. O P P O R T U N IT Y È S U P P O R T IT FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY. May 6, 1898. IX . «< LOVIN ’LIZA E L L E N .” cold indifference «4 the stars. For hours she would remain seated under a tree TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. ERAL DIREOTORY WaH. I bar bad Ik a»ampa aa Meh w ithout once kissing the sleuderert of Ah. how m ortd,', oar country An taver'n a<«r'n xrlp an atoh. T H E QUEER PERFORMANCES O F T H E outnmn rain, have «oak*d the desSt An oust or tartea a («ton. her rosy Anger tips- . . worthy, worthy la the xirl I lore Bat ntahln qaita k w U n n X M d a s T W O BLANKS OF N EW YORK. S T E A M E R MC O O S ,” ¡ But So great was her despair that at last FATE OFFIOER8- Of all that cwn a youthful lover more. Bo's m r naat'm r wouldn’t x a s she resolved to destroy the rose that And I my top hnota muddy make 0 — Will m .ke7------- ® Lika tuvtu LU* B k n . ZuZXTXL Willingly for her wwcet «aka had dared question her title to Incom- Th' sT ap ton u hap« a-feotln 'boat parable beauty. Alas, she knew only , I w ok a R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S A rtpt lava nn 'Ltxa KUan. days and Fridays. A deom tly dressed man, w ith a sham­ time, every soumer, to lite shame of I Instruction.. ..G . M . Irw in . Wrinkled my top boot, are and long. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ lips lem red aud of skin lees rosy white. | bling gait and a shifty eye, walked down MT head last whisnedt I eouMa*t ataa* ................. W . H . Leeds. Upon their heel* gilt .p u n shine bright. But at least E re would have avenged Broad street one afternoon lart weak and At nlchta- N r aprsnd tike abaep They'll clank the tim e to dance and umg- e ra l............C. M . Idleman. days and Saturdays. Yuu’ve seen without a ball nn. Bow aU the gtrla will amtle tonight I the first iusulL Connects w ith Steamer and Scotts­ attracted tbe attention of a broker who ..................R. 8. Bean Panrnm m en warn'! a etreamrtanso —»•A Oirl'a Wandering In Hungary." F irst she thought she would tear her was standing in bis office window. The To how her faoe'd »tldo aa danoo. ............... F . A. Moor« burg Stage Line (or Drain. . Also with enemy to pieces, trample i t in the dost Th' air wu* ta il ot Ellen. . . . . C . E. W olveitan Stage Line (or Coos Bay. Charge broker watched tbe man closely n n til among the stones, then fling it to the I D is tric t... .J. C. Fullerton reasonable. 1 uonhta't sat. nn Joat th' sight furions wind as i t passed. She bad once the fellow had disappeared around tba O' Tittle» floured my appatlte. ond District . .W . E . Yates seen a vulture seize a lark; so would corner into W a ll street. He had called a Nu nae u’ mr rebolltn. vlrito r'a attention to the man. On that particular morning I was is she have liked to tear the ruse. Far 1 wu» aoehsd pltunh thronflh • “ Hava you over aeon that fellow ba- tbrvoeh. _ However, she bethought herself of a decidedly sentimental mood, beegnao Wiabed evarrthtaff In Kai mason, fore?” be Bfbed. the dny before I bail beard a young and another torture. She b uilt upon tlie •Cept ma an U n Ellen " H is face is fam iliar, and I am aura rY OFFICERS- charming woman anxnnpanying Leraclf sand a little pyre of dried grasses, lig h t­ that I have seen him soma where, but I , On m em'ry farm thins» wouldn't a r t at the piano and ringing the tendercM ed it w ith a glowworm, and picking can't plaoe him. W ho is ho?” I'd go f to w s aa otasa torso* * 1K. B a n g s ,___ P ro p rie to r. T* oak how aura wu* sallia, of romance, in which daring the last the rose tossed it into the fire. A shud­ “ John B la n k .” arid the broker, men­ der pawed through its delicate pétala Kemembsr'n Jest t* aot ba Into , note the butterflies of tbe song linger at, w ith a low. plaintive murmur, i t tioning a fam ily name that was w all A'hoatUn hotuo V heap th' data .............. F.. O. Potter. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays I'd made with Ltee Ellen. ' at the lieart of tbe roars yielded up a ll its perfume, its charm, known. ” 1 am a member of three good . . . . . . . W . T . Bailey and Thursdays at C a. m. and ar­ Aud the garden in which I was w alk­ its rosy whiteness, its life and incom­ elnba,” con tinned the broker, naming A il w .ture peered t' wear otoao etothan i ...............................J. T . Callisou three that one would naturally place a t : An't seemed i* me tike everv » e s ing was quite of a character to (aster parable grace to the devouring flame. tbo head of tbe lis t of N ew York oluba, ! rives in Florence at 4 p m. the About th' plaoe wen amellln. A t lart nothing was left on tbe dying S le e p in g C a re this gentle frame of mind. I t was net ............ A. C. Jennings I never did care shook, tor blrdM ! w ild or overgrown. embers but a little heap of w hite dust "and In the course of a long experience But When thev'dsin e the/*d lentaaF was ...............A . J. Johnson day following. w ith tho management of them I have T* mo o' 'Ltan Ellas. E le g a n t Its flower beds, where bine, red and — tbe ashes of the rose— and the wom­ ............A . 8. Patterson seen eome curious club skeletons They : Returning stage leaves Flor­ an, In whom savage instincts were a l­ yellow balsams were ranged w ith as D in in g C a rs I'so mixed, b et tbtaffs flta mtxedae taUt- ................ D. P. Burton are anpleaaanL Blank wee a skeleton In Uraaa wnn a carpet; dltah, a rtU, mnrb precision as tbe Sevres cups sod ready rife, was satisfied. ntendent..........O. 8. H u n t ence Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 But the butterflies in the garden of th e -------clnb u n til w e finally got rid Aa every sqnaah a melaai T o u r is t Saxony statuettes ou a whatnot of a of him, and to thia day none of the men ............... C. M . Collier a. m. and arrives In Eugene at 6 I talked eo dad 'towed 1’na a tool Eden were mad w ith angnisb, for they C a rs S le e p in g provincial housewife; the sand of its An ought f be «-qaita of a dress that has not hern crushed, w ith open wings the perfumed myster­ that ha hadagood Inooms Itw asah o n t a a m atter, all FA R G O _________ Round trip - - - - 19.00 Whan 1 ■ aha—v seemed to suggest the ambition of a ies of its heart. Fllpfloppad tw ist ma aa Etten. O R A N O FO R K S W hile the fatal act was being com­ five years ago, when I was a member of TO OFFIOER3. very pleasant ideal— an ideal in perfect tbe hooaa committee, th at my attention Tickets for sale at F. Bangs’s I S td a'l Ate's 1 'lawsA 1 would. taato, w ithout violence or exaggeration; m itted they flew w ild ly round the mer­ wee first called to Blank. A intanher of C R O O K STO N But ta a wonk w u s toettu good. narrow, elegant, pretty and quite suit­ ciless executioner, but Eve did not even the clnb came to me cam day and said: livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd Th' rata 'tata't wortk w hile «alila. W IN N IP E G ______ see them, so entirely was she given over ed to furnish water color subjects. Last waak aka planted " number throe. ,W . H . Weatherson & Davenport’s office in Florence. ” ‘ See hers I'v e got a disagreeable to her revenge. And now, as she w a lk ­ H E L E N A »»<> A July sun lavished its gold and I s'pooa thaj all tak worm tana ate duty to perform. You know that re­ A-lovtn 'Ltxa Ellaa. threw into tbe garden all tbe infinite ed off triumphant, they drew near to freshments are served at every regular O. W . Hurd BUTTE' - P a u l L. MeKaodrU-k in Atlanta Ceortttattoa. gase upon the pale remains of their be­ W in. K yle that a bouquet is capable of bolding. meeting of the olah, and I have noticed ■stees L . Christensen A butterfly which was flatteriog loved lying on tbe little heap of extin­ for several months back that John Blank J . A. Yates around like two flower petals set free guished grasses. A fte r a long period of aUence, Mean­ A t least they wonld keep as much of baa stowed away a lot of things in his .........0 . FLINT, P roprietor............. by the wiud brushed past my hand, pockets on every such oocasion. * dering M ike rained him self on one el­ . .John H . Morris TO her as they could. So in a tamoltuous leaving on i t a little of its fine, white F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n . ‘ “ W hy, that is absurd,* I replied, bow, poshed the hay tram OHIO AO O <* fluttered — down ........ J. A . Pond powder. i - swarm - - - - they - ------------ - - upon - ___ the 'and I suspect th at be has been drinking hie face aad ta a m atter of tout tone W A S H IN G T O N I •' White butterfly,” said I, (or the re- precious relics, sometimes singly, some- . .G , C. Cunipton membrance of tbe song led me into times ’ * ~ * a ” ll ‘ together, rolling » themselves “ “ In too mneh. Yon know th a t theee month­ m id : OUR AIM—To furnish the best P H IL A D E L P H IA ly lunches are free to the members ’ "H o o ra y !” such conversation w ith this delicate tbe ashes, enveloping themselves in her “ ’ T hat was tba view that I took of “ W hat's da m atter w it yer?” in q u ir­ accommodations at reasonable N S W YO R K winded creature, “ w hile butterfly, do dnsL 5RET 8O 0IETIE8. And ever since th at tim e the fine i t tbe first tim e th at I noticed it,* ba ed Plodding Pete. PO S TO N A N D A L L not hasten away, but stay, rather, and “ I ’ve been intendin tar da die fu r at prices. w hite powder, scattered froth tbe wings replied, ’ but I watched thia man a t tba settle down on this leaf— a flower wonld P O IN T S E A S T •>»> S O U T H la rt meeting very cloeely. H e was not longtim e- An 1 come ter 4u eenolurtOB take too mneb of your attention— and of bntterflies, is the ashes of the ram intoxicated. H a ate his lunch, and than dat dera was no use o' p n ttia it off no t M . Florence Lodge (io. 107. r o t Information, tim e card., m ap. mid ticket» listen to a question which I bare a l­ — From tbe French for Short Stories. I m w h im w rap up a piece of chicken, longer. H ’s a debt o’ gratitada tar a liar 3omm«nic*tion ou Becontl etc., celt un or write ways wanted to ask you or one of your eome lobster salad and a brick of ice great man. an I ’m goto ter pay np. T h e A beetaactaded Matt. I Saturday* In each month. kin d.” W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. c urfhcy O. W . H v n n , W . M . An amusing case of abeentminded- creem In separate packages put them Hooray!’ ’ Tbe butterfly poised himself ou a under his overcoat aad leave the club. “ B ut who are yon hoorayln ftsr?” 1 General Axent, ltoom» 2 end 4, Shelton Block, a, Secretary. leaf. “ I am listening,” M id be. For nrss was experiencei. by a young south Tables furnished with all the BUQESE, OREOOS. It's an amazing proceeding, and I think "Hix-aker Reed.” why should be not have auswered, aider tbe other evening. Tbe young “ B at he never done nothin fo r yon. ” delicacies of the season. Wild mau is usually of u bright nature, but th a t i t is high tim e th at something was , since 1 had spoken to him? A. D. C H A R L T O N , “ N o t personally. B ut ha expsuaasd for some time past his friends have been done about i t * “ Frivolona lover of roses and lilies,” A u t it .n l Generai Paaeenser Axent. General Lyon, Port, No. 68. game, fish and fruit in season. Best “ T his man's complaint interested roe, m y fe e lln ’A I understand ha’s de man I I began, "whence comes ibis delicate noticing that he does some peculiar 254 Morrl.on St. Cur. Sd. «coud and (ourth Saturday, P o i - t l a . n e t O r . powder you scatter from your wings as tfaingA Not long ago be was at a re- and I investigated iL Home of tba olub dat oome out flatfooted f a r a do nothin accomodations for the traveling „nth at 1:30 p. m. waiters told ma th at Blank had occa­ policy.” — Washington Star. you fly from flower Io flower can you eeptiou, and a few minutes before clos­ I B utt « b m il d , Commander. sionally token articles of small valuo .1 public. Charges reasonable. te ll met I am sure you must have sug­ ing time bo w ent to tbe coat box and from tba club, aad th a t he always car­ ■rtsSS» Cha J. L . F v b s is h , Adjutant. The F u n k & W ag n alls gested the arts of tbe toilet to tbe per­ secured bis hat and coat. Then ho w alk­ ried aw ay a package after a free sapper. •Y on r elam chowder, ” remarked tbe fumer, for yours are tbe only wings ed np stairs to tbe dancing floor and picked np another coat and walked There seemed to be no reasonable ex­ diner to tbe restaurant enabler, aa he that scatter whiteness like a puff.” planation for Lis lit t le steals H e was paid tba aroonat of b is check aad stow­ The butterfly said, ” ’Tia etrange.” home w ith it on his arm. A rriving at i w . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, aad is a law yer ia good practice, and, ed away a pint of toothpicks ta his vert his home, he found that he had one But as be had nothing to do be conde­ , every l i t and 3d Saturdays as you know, ho lives very comfortably. pocket, “ is distinguishable above eH O f Tho scended to enlighten me. 1 am sure we coat on aud another on hie arm. Tba th. M em ber, and visiting T w e n tv -th re e should learn many things that are not next day he found the owner of tbe ex­ I consulted w ith some of the other the other olem chowders I ever a le .” i good standing are cordiallv bouse committeemen, and w e docided B N O U S H LANGUAGE “ In w het way?” asked the cashier, ittend. J. J. AttBgaaoM, M . W . M ile « W e s t in books and not known by learned tra coat, and mutual explanations fol­ men i f we chatted more frequently w ith lowed and all was w ell. But th at has to look out for B lank a t the next sup­ who did not knew w hether to he pleased . Recorder. o f E u g e n e . C O M PLE TE been eclipsed by his latest exploita He per. H e turned np promptly, and, sure or not. the insects of tbe woods and fields. “ By its clamleaaaeaa” — Pittsburg had finished his toilet and started for enough, w e m w h im stealthily make np Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meet, a package from the lunch table and Chronicle Telegraph 8 U 0 0 IE V T When anborn bairrd Eve was born at tbe street As soon as he made bis ap­ Ineaday evening in Lodge pearance he was greeted w ith smiles w alk out w ith i t There was nothing ice, Brother, in je, Oregon. Brotl A U T H O R IT A T IV E Ifl, an age at which tbe women of our from everybody who m w him . He le ft fa r na to do h at to ask for aa ex­ Dp to A lt tbo T v tita , - invited to attend. tim e do not linger half long enough— planation. J . J . AHDXBSOM, N . G . " T h e man who rone tbe clabbonee in tbo miraculous Eden, teeming w ith walked down the street and could not ** Chargee were preferred against h im next to tbe skating pond need to be pro­ Axnnxw Baron, Sec. life and youth, she was plunged at imagine what made the passershy smtla and a formal notification was seat to prietor of a summer resort hotel. '* get .M a Vacatailary Terms at him. F in a lly he reached tbe restau­ first into an ecstasy of admiration at him. Blank paid no attention to IL We >47 Bditer* s a . Specialista " H o w do you know?" tbe right of so much magnificence, and rant where be takes his meals, and then “ By his methods. I was skat lug there he realised that be waa carrying some­ thought that he m ig ht not have receiv­ •3 J Readers first notification, and so compassion for all other created things. 1 a supper on 1st S ab b ath o f far as I know be has never given aa in ­ The (all number ot wont, end lernt« ta Tbe splendid lights in the lion’s j M m e yoeng man. A t tbe office where A pril? July and October. Prop. different dlctlonariea tot the entità alphabet I» mane, luminous in the aunabine, could he is employed be bas occasion to an­ dication of resenting our action in drop­ Geo. Hale r ix welcome to all the services, ee follow»: 8»0BM o » th , 50.0UO; W obchsstk » not riva l tba tawny brightness of Eve’s swer many calls at the telephone. One ping him. Now w h a t do yon suppoM quests Christians to make evening be was reading a book in his was tho explanation of his thefts? I 105,040; WxneTXB (International), 125.000; CXM- long, floating locks. iknow n. never havo been able to find ooo that Wby should she have been jralons of room when an alarm clerk rang in the I . O. K u a n s , Pastor. BU3INE88 0ARD8- Tunr, (»lx volum e.. cúmplete,) 225,000. adjoining room. Tbe a been Intituled was catisfoctory. I t has been asserted the swan, since ber own throat and STANDARD, over »OO.SW. th a t despite hie large income be is nat- arms were made of living snowa, or wby youth got up and oomraenoed to yell -------------- . --------------- --------------------- •'H e llo ! H ello !” and when the occu orally a very miserly fellow , hut that ia DIST E P I8C O P A L C H U R C H of tbe great vines in tbe forest, ber own pant c f tbe other room inquired as to merely gOMip I meet h im occasionally, m. Preaching a t Glenada embrace being far more treacherous tbe canse of tbe yelling the young man nnd ha ia always affable. I t was a dlM - ........... Sample Tages Free............ and more eweet? two Sundays o( each month • grceable affair, and to thia day an In ­ OP KUOENK. Tbe sky, in its deepest, clearest bine, said in a sheepish manner, "O h. 1 cliool every Pund*7 Bt m ight have hoped to rival her eyes had thought it w a s the telephone bell rin g ­ explicable ons.” ’rayer meeting everv Tliurs- ,. a. M«aeaio«s. awe- «- •- «*»*• ’ A man who had listened attentively ing. ” — Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. n c a tth e church. Everybody they not bad a softer and more exqni A G E N T ! W A N TE D . to tho broker's story M id : invited. <3. F- R o « f m . rite asure. I can equal th at w ith an experience Pastor. PAIO UP OASH CAPITAL, • SSO.OOO T alk I t o v e r . In IlDe, she looked at all thiogs, and In m y own clnb. The man 1a question SURPLUS ANO PROFITS. • • SBO OOO I have learned Home things In the a great wave of pride came orer her. has recently died and i t ie only eharita E. D. BRONSON & CO, "W ith o u t doubt,” she said, " a ll la course of a long business life and still bin to Buy that he waa probably insam have a great many others tn lenrn. very good, but tbeu what c f i t all?” ATTORNEY8 iX a X O X T M ® account « Paride Cosot Agesta But tbe chief thing I have learned for several years before he died. H e was And thereafter her favorite antnxe- A rth u r Blank mentioning a btstor- OREGON meat was to sit under a trie and pass ean be condensed into one ungget of EtMCNC. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ical name. "A b o u t three years ago this a ll tbe day kissing tba rosy tips o f her wisdom in three words, T a lk i t over. p i j M arket At. ____ slender fingers I f thy business enemy offend thee, mau began to wear very shabby clothes. O ld Lady ( to photographer?—I don't notaries don't smite him on the cheek. Tako Ha bad always been vary careful ta his m ind about a good likeness, you know, T ill one day she saw a rose. dress, and this change waa surprising. Tbe rose was there before her, as yet him by the buttonhole in a friendly He came to tbe slab aad ant around, but I must have a pretty picture.— M any believe, nays Benjamin L ' scarcely a rose, almost pale in its tri manner and talk it over. Punch. _________________ Wheeler in Tbe A tlantic, Uiat Coastan- ! __ iphant grace. IA opened and widen­ A. R- BUTTOLRH. Home one tells yon that Sm ith, down looking lik e a tramp. His linen u ragged, and even the waiters looked tinople has been systematically fotti- C eeoo o f Itausa t l a t a a n . ed, radiant as a s tfi, lomiuoua and liv ­ the street, bar said or done something 7 end • McLaren'. Building, fled against tbe EnglUb to tbe wert, but 1 ing, taon i t a « , te celltatleae and p re g. almost atm on numan, tin e a vtuuiau. «o to jo your u r neuiuteu*. detrim ent rrxunp« Perhaps UB he u«», he,, ouu aud askance a t his clothes. I knew tbnt be human, like woman. Abe L in ku m Jobnring— Did yo* henh nut, at leaat by land, against Russia to ; A tiger passing that way lingered to perhaps he has not. I f bo hm, your best hod money, bat i t was not a pleasant about Gawge Wesh'ton Jackaua bow he lo a ir lu e n a a a i A fctim r e n a a l l r t n h i m v u . tbe ea rt A Rnastan army can enter __ uu it f a and wept from tendernesA policy 1 is * to ---------------- prevent bis repeating hisre- task to snggert to him that he should done die aftah ha eat tw o Mg poesume Conatanttnople w ithout great difficulty. Then Eve fe lt eomething stirred mark or deed in the future. I f he his get some new clothes. He waa on old aa a whole peck o’ sweet potatoes? O rta B O x x . Whan the quarthm of forcing the Dar- F lo x - m n o m , E. O P 0 T T E Ä - w ith in ber. She understood that not, yon don't want to do him an injus­ I bachelor, aad he had rooms ta an ex­ Henry Clay Jotree— Nub, 1 d M o 't pensive bachelor apartment bouse. H is heuh about d a t W bat was de m attah daaeIlea w ith an English fleet was agi- ’ throughout all eternity she had a rival. tice. even iu your own mind. . Attorney-at-Law . .. tatrd lart winter, the English naval au­ Beautiful m she was, tbs rose w m not Put on yonr bat, leave your temper condition was a disgrace to tbe clnb w id him?— Town Topics. FRANK B. WILSON. thorities estimated that of tbe 1« ships lam beautiful. Perfume against per- at home, go down and make a friendly and as a la rt resort h a lf a dozen of bis .«a»—»—«— t XVOXHE. OSIOON. lying at Salonika « must ba aaerifleed fume, grace against grace, to tbo end oalL Be ueikhborly. frank, open. T ell old friends got np a purse of 8100 and EeaUouo. IC, t tb s Ceurt Houre to do iL The earda have been (Racked ef time their charms would bo pitted him the troth and aak him for equal w ent to his tailor aad ordered a new " D o yoa think that marriage to e for Russia. I t looks today as I f tbe ul- I against one another sad there would tiuiksem . Nine hundred and ninety- salt of elothee fo r him . They told the failure?” asked tbe fat pamtuger. CLORENOE. - - - - - OREGON tim ata occupation of Constantinople be aa endless end unceasing straggle. slue times oat of a thonrand the whole tailor th at i t was In payment of a ” I refuse to answer that qnertion." by Russia were a foregone conclusion. In vain impomlnaed pu ts oi all ages m atter w ill be explained and straight­ wager. When Urn enit wea made, they replied the slim one. “ on the ground . E. BENEDICT. « TEARS' W hat has England to sayT The mat- would tty in enthusiastic madrigals to ened out in five minutes, and yon w ill packed I t In a box w ith a new hat, that I m ight incriminate myself. ” — kpbnibnce _ __ tor ooooens her. I t seemed for a time prove to their mistresses the defeat of part os personal friends rather than as shoes, eollara, shirta and two scarfs aad N ew York JonraaL R H E T - A T - lo A .’W that the dtsoovery of the route by the the sovereign flower. Eve bad no illn - personal and bnsinem enemiea Yoo Yon m at I t to Black. A latter waa inclosed capo of Good Hope wonld provide an stona on tbe subject. Tbe rose would w ill both fee) belter, you w ill live side which eace. Oregon. "D xsa BLsna—Dy exprem I soud you the evasion of the raotaru querttan and free always defy her, and to woman's eter­ by side in harmony; the earth w ill be “ M r a Jinks to the mo her from tbe neerartty of worrying about nal hm ailiatioa she wonld be compared brighter, the sunshine clearer, yonr own outfit that I lem hff u»y L ot oiee'.loa wager. woman I know.” ” f bo riguutare waa sack that no ore the AEgean. B at the opening of the to her splendid and victorious riv a l heart lighter and mankind take — Opal he mast clnb far the next tw o weeks, when ho hatchet faced fresh? I t was a etartt— ter the pnarr* 1 was dropped from membership Mew A ll night she dreamed bitterly of iter have meant, for you've brought me Detroit News "Yes, ah- gave two doten Japaaaoa York Hcu. I m I l ever since I'v e had vuU.— Fau. riv a l and t cased nacomforied aader the la s s " — Chicago Record. MAGYAR FOLKLORE V ER SE S TRAVELERS* GUIDE H. Ha Barrett, Prop’r, Fioraci aií Head of Tiíe. ORTHERÑ Pacific, Ry- EUGENE-FLORENCE R STAG E L IN E . MORRIS ♦** HOTEL, T H R O U G H T IC K E T S Head of Tide Hotel, R. M M Elk Prairie Hotel. ON EUGENE AND FLORENOE STAGE RO UTE. p B 8T RATIONAL g ANK c. WOODCOCK, . orney a t Law, Notary Public, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC. P atents A. SNOW A co.^ Standard , D iction ary ASHES OF ROSES. SKELETONS IN CLUBS.