K-RVwsarxoM t ¿x •-£** ‘ * íf t> F * 'T- -í, **/k 'X- -X * •hfc *-»K * * * * B L O O D W(j(4t ' -T -7> -*r A i O D D S A N D E N D S . * i -X 'i & Troubles of a. Pastor's Wife This woman was peculiarly afflicted; physicians could do nothing to relieve her, yet she was cured in a simple tea'/. She now sends a message to suffering humanity U'hu h should le helpful. '•■»■r ' a n,»Z^, « m i:,vJ<‘>»Mt Causes fully Imlf the sk-kttvss In th* v.crld. It ...v . digest«! . . . . . ------ food ------------------- , tMje of th , s" men wlWpa retains the too long io , the laitrcls hii LUiousnesi, torpid U»rjld Its l*'cr, and .I produce» produces biliousness, or, indk- utdh Iho country und hug ,.ia *• u«- D a y . SEW YORK’S “ FB.EPROOF” SKY­ tors diagnosed my case the same. “ One day my husband noticed an article O b a highw ay 1-adiug across the SCRAPERS INVITE A HOLOCAUST. regarding Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills lor Pale A rk an su i Liftfin:s I fdtiud a activ e s it­ People in the newspaper, and induced me tin g on a 1i g w ith a shotgun across bill O n c e W e f t S t a r t e d a F e n d n a r a t i u n t t l ~ h t to try the pills. knees, and after wo had passed the tin.i W ip e h u t ( h e l i e s : P a r t o f t h o ltu s in o M “ I began taking them, but experienced of day 1 ueked him it tbero was much no relief until I had used the sixth box. --I- s.-i . : o t '1,;o M u c h I r o u , S a y » C h i e f o f gam e in the swamp«. continued taking them, and after uhng to a ia m p m -«ting behind a ie»i ,7* O re to j.ar.p.cnt Bonner. 1 “ No gaioc rig h t around yen-. ’’ ha re. eleven boxes was greatly benefited. “ G oing to th« meeting' i , , a Q U E E R L IT T L E A N IM A L . piled. “ I waa also troubled wi h r ervous pro»- >. -v Y ork's buaiui.id section— (hat the c o lt’s i t o »ait th e ilu T ? ? “ You ure not shooting snakei.?” tration and numbness cf ir.y right hand and The A u » tr a lu u a D u c k b i l l C a r r i e » a f--! - cf 11. i iiy i mt iueiudes th e new est occasion, airu lie was a» s,.,|4ti ,, No, sail. 1 don’t w aste powder on arm. My hand hurt so at t meq tingli g Iu O ne L e" ti n .o lciti t i .p r c c f buihiingd — is in d icon him self. The only xirlJmfl snakes. ’’ --• — and burning, lhat 1 could hardly endu-e A nstralia certainly 1 • ’« the p din neighborhood w ho pretended t ’ the pain, but that has ail passed away. “ J u s t out looking «round, eh?" J con­ ¡.rent d an g er of being w iped out by fire. “ I now know what it means to eat a gcod queer uud r.ncoullt u A nna in beauty was there wilh,,«, tinued us 1 presented J.ini w ith u new b'u)iil!ilirts w ho fu rn ish tho money th at . . . meal without suficrir.g afterwards, and en­ Literary Digetd. Chi’ i •fqjlow „ n o prided himself un li ■ ’ (’.ays for erect lug th< ne new buildings clay pipe nud u p-.ijs-r of tobacco. V! e l joy a good night’s rest. the ducklull er orn th« fastest Itorsps in the county -l " S tra n g e r,” he replied ns he thaw ed ib; net « n a i to realize tliis ¡act, although “ I am again atle to do my work, and Syduey fiinnh riese sunoow u »he told Anuutliutw e c u t a little , “ I ni w aitin rig h t y , > fi r ii.c veb ran e h iif of the lire departm ent have done more this summer than in ah the mole w ith wobbed I ter s ta rt lio.no early. They A Abe S kinner to e-uin nli ng, and v.Ti C/J f< iic: ati s Ikjd statem ent about otto« a last four years cut together. q .ire min Ii h s» tim e an 1 woaWu- be sliov.'g up rdaittody's golti to Dit f *,r. Head w hat he says. “ I feel safe i l saying that it is ail due to duck, which ugitnti popped. ” u h .y p a ss os ou tho way. T h a t - X Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pal? People, I uud rendered him t, th a t a big section r»f lower New and consider it my duty to let people know ttte r inability to d e ,, ‘ “ So you'vo had trouble w ith f.fr. m ad «ml I th o u g h t I detects u„ , i’c ik some day w ill bo w iped c u t by S kinner?” what these pills have done for me, as it h bird er ti Least.” It w onted tin in lu r eye». We 1 a *M »hi Ere ia picn. ■ Io if existing nonunions that it was proved i may be the means of relief for others w ho g in g home- ‘Yew, sab. T h at -Abu Skinner d o r -. us decorously a ,,,] , are suffering.” this curious anim .i l u y a ontitin-., ’ l ire Chief B onner said to a »hot onu of my hnw pt ” gene, ta ik .I: solem nly as wo s|l(! 1 Disease; strange to physicians ; symp­ Lird, tli ;:gh thi.', iu.d lc tg In “ B u t th ere’s tho law to get even w ith Press reporter. w h in there w h h u rush past a«, I toms that defied diagnosis, have succumbed l,v tit:',e L r.. N, v u-m estLi him . Why d o n 't y ea bring him tv of d.. l nun m ocking laugh t«4 f These ccnditiousaro tho h eight of (he to the potent influence of Dr. Williams’ tria l? ” it Jias a sting ?»sCI.E iiai nuwtunloQ the Pnctfle iottous. The mode cf att; K is t , i ly T w o L a v i s h G J f t s R e s t o w e d on a Pjr«! itself iu a more nelsy m anner iu Amer- and bring in a verdict of not g u ilty and 'I'lie laige stria turea in foreign cities Itlca.;-» alH n ability e itc.-priif ft«i i new a i : l i g h t R oys. scratching, but by laterul i u w a t i tbi.vc- ten than anywliero else. E verything is ’ oast. I'HK O llis »M l T e t- a « ^ ,t.. Ilcoorl« p u t tho coats on to me. ” i;:e b u ilt fill more solidly th an ours. meiits of the hind bps. Two eases are Q uito rec«ntiy the pretty wit. d , Mu- on,Ml a nt rno.l rel!a:,;e. |;,i l l0 Eucrilicod to them, for they represent “ B ut h a v e n 't you sent word to Mr. L iv in g few er forest» uuil li.:s w o ik I, reported in (legs. Oue dog was ‘s ung’ prosperous m an ufacturer v..u, i.uL ..| tho future, w hich is all th a t counts in a 'u'l™ i a i l , i , , i, an | ,a i£.|,to[|,u , iroul u „ S kinner th a t ha m u st settle the d am ­ Enroixiaii liuildi is get nieng w ith little aiitail puna n the c.niiiirv into a eoalf < t.otn.r'» window wlittt i l three times, the syn ptoms much res : t'onntry whose past is very short and T u t-:■ -.1 m >vir;,.i.: ,llu) ag es?'’ I asked. l a id .'H im et w ted , Iren and steel in hiiug those of tee or hornet poison. T. I barefooted hid of about lo ecolly whose present is u period of bigli pres­ »tU ln -.tio f, I,;,,.| „n.l C i.,,n,ii,n " C a n 't be did, sub. I'v o bin t i three these days i i.v- taken (lip place in this dog was evidently in gr, at pain m l cd up to h er uud placed his luggniara l i o |i a n d t l i o Artist. s u r e ' development. Yet no oue m int aea „.« ,..n il.l oo lo iu . « Iq,, , cniiMratio:,». j , o r fo ’ men, but they wn . all nd ted to country of masonry. N otliiug w ith ­ -nt,in«„f Kin I II,.-III be iB j v e e iil« » , urow.-y, but there wi re no treniers, con­ through hers. A lie. :pe;:.-; bishop was having his suppose that, baforo presenting an ¡¡pel- | ■ y..-i,r bead a little, to tho rig h t and abut m ew l, nud I 11 ju m p out ou bun w iili a incln a. your n i o i r i b ' m ark of the whole nice. I have known and hat-.dii d, the ether by being handled to hers rirovo aw ay her iuriignat-'i yell, uud n,i coon as he git:, over hid “ With only otic night w atchm an in a N ot beh ■ loitie who were very well brought up, only. Tito symptoms were the same ni M m It to tho am usem ent of the p.v. ■■ akeer h e 'll w an t to settle the eu ro. ” building, in cbtngrr, like nil m ertsls, of o f llillll'D s:.', ' -• i a - -iistoni'd to such a form eveii from ovr poirn cf view, and among in tiie dog. No d- atiia are rcpi rted it ly she kissed tho lad soundly, «„til'S ■ •- 1 u'd.-i.ip askod, “ Aluy I T h at w ill bo the best w ay .” Mjc'den »ickni«» or iiica'.aciiy, and w ith human beings, bat four in dogs ” him w here he Jived and uiiu-iBMitlizil “ Yen. I reckon. I ’ll w ant fo’ d Herd no nig h t eli-viilor, a liio could g< t a R./k w hy you hilun-n; mo in th a t man- those w ho were not 1 have adm ired pre­ t ie r ? " cocious fcut-f-, vivacity cf mind, quiet ! w ith a few coppers. B ut that w«M I i fu r th a t h aw s, but Lein a -A b e i ( ocrl headw ay in li e upper floor» of a determ ination and capacity for self gov­ 'ilio A rtis F IR S T S U N D A Y S C H O O L . (still r ! s o r t e d in bis till) eud of tho little incident, tor »..■ ‘a ♦ .t Jatuil to mo lie'll dun w an t'll) git, ,.ff £n er 110 story building. D urstiog out w ,'lij— I wi. - to take off a little of ernm ent—quulitiou which I should wish fu r two, and o rter uw hile I 'l l tik i. i f . ” Of the win.'ow-i and ianin-O ly a stu ng w eehj after the Loy was hunt’ll v;>Ly J o h n W .- » t ,- ,' i t:, C.crgUe.Meaate» K o b for-all curs.—Th. Beutxon in Ceuturv. i g'j , ¡.‘.Mr. S k in n er must. Jiuve lots of re la ­ vv.ud, the flame» could easily leap the yi.a.r check - London T it-B its. the laoy s l.urbund nnd piesti. . v.nb e r t K aifceh * F i f t y V v a r s . tiv a l around h e ro ," I said u.i i n -,ed n-irri’w- sh e e ts of low er New Y’eil. mid Canada':; Forest Wealth. In recounting tin, m inistrations of £100— " p a y m e n t for the kiw taken if* A I'erp’eMitj. front of tho confectioner's wtiniiw,"» U -" F ( n lire e-f m orm on» extent uud dnniaco The forcBts i f Cuuudu have supplied John Ucslcy i:i tie, rgic, win re the fa- " M ik e ,’ i’i ù l Plodding P o to ,1 I gUCFS fteupBcf 'cm, »¡ranger— In npr Yes, begin. thé lady said. m. r e c r le.-s Ihe wmita i f Europe for tloy’vo got «tons preacher sewed t i , first e. cos of iiD '1 th a t '» tho truhble, sali, unit if vi.u ' I have alw ays opj osnd p u ttin g a big A good i.atnrod gentleman wbo a J centuries. Frcm tho earliest days of ilj ' ‘ Y - A -* “" * * * Au-ihodtbin i j America, the R ev. ty' .1 “ W lint i ,,d de folk« in de honro miy?“ happen to be a cousin i f his Jos.’ l .t building in City H all park, Ix-lieviug J# 4- - íiííi K S ì f? Scott, D D „ i„ The Lathes' D im e very tto n t, and on th a t aecuout tir M “ Ef wo d m t chop wood, wc c a n 't Occupation by the F rench thu forest him know th a t his brother-in.law i« th at the tim e m ig h t eoruo w h in th at Wealth of the ccur.try w ashed by tho St. f ? to"v--.’ Journal, claims th at tthsiey e tablished t-( t care to steep, once dzc'pped hii tt; a w uitm rig h t yarn w ith a gun uud m ust area, n iciiful as a base t f eperutiou’», slccji iu flc burn. D "jT i lock i t . ” n*1 rîsw Lav. renco • ”;;.igc.i| the attention of the the first Sunday sthoel in the worm at I pe in the u.idulo of u busy »hot " W e ll, xvo kin go fu rd tr down do hhv pay fu r th u t huwg or h u 'll »boo! 1" Would be Die- salvation of the c ity ." govcrunieut of France, who raw there­ rood. ” bavannuh. In coimcctiou with his tlh - The pipe v.us a g reat favtui ■ et a Moat i f | ’-e now skyscrapers have firo x fl er labors, which were indeed prodigious, LaihuU aii.it not ru n tiie ru-k t i ' -Ni , wo mti t It'« gc in ter ruin in in vast resources avaiiafclo for its ’ ' . ' a T i f M . a - HUI H' m a t He m s. **lr llg.itm g npj ¡iaiii i « (,f their own of mots uav.al yHrdi, 1; drew frc a , ,;lui0 fc r. (town, und a fter gazing regrctfulij> 1 Wesley, soon after l.-ig a n tv ai in G tcr' J *' • I t w in about U o'clock in tin. after- or I si value. T anks on the roof and in about live or ten tniuuKu, h ii ruin fund. , e»is large numbers of m asts te d spars Í- S’®, -in 17Jfi, began to proviue for the his liillen tteasn re he decidiu I j utou & Boon th a t tbo sheriff of Ducks eotuify tho cellar are supplied and kept full bv Do Iv-rrildo u lu ru a tiv o iu ju s’ r it s , and issui d strin g en t regulation» fur tho !-M . . . . s '« : ; - , '. don it B. tore ho could do so, Lestin, * * ' > a ; *• dren“,“? vThG01 ■ 1,!‘f"Iur'tiou (lf th(' chil- rod« up to t i l l H ooper’» cabin ut the vurmu» systems, h u t thuM uro as much whicii ’H v, e do. go t, r v.-i.rk o r take it , pn 'rvutto i cf tho standing oak. When S S i i . C " i ' « - ' , a little street anih saw his pliyut, tA * (Iren f,th®par,sh- His devotion to chil- foot of tho m ountuiu to arrest the i-:aii 1 r (h" on I i nary reijmr- tn cu tso f teuunls l...k ? ’ — Wiu-hiiigt a ¿Star. - i m m im ing forw ard, picked op tho ftp 1 tho cocutry v.ni first ceded to G reat t .ui dteu at tiu n s almost amounted toin - on a w arran t charging him w ith su . !• »« for pciaible use in tire. Homo of tha L ritain , but little attention was paid at I l o u n r l u s t l i o P r o f , « «¡on. N “t“, 7 ' ,C lnl‘“ ' “ v’( r i iikevviteeqnul- unit restored it to him . fug corn. D ill'» w ife sat in tho open s till'i lies bnvo sluiiilpip j lusiileor cut- The g cu t.ew au s ta n d »t ths Rj 9 first to its vast tim ber supply, ow ing to All id itc e m ib, south w :: h traveling y attai-hid to him, as shown iu their door w ith a pipe in l er liioull), and us t-'i'le the w .ii). L egally thero i« no way the fact that'U iw cst the wlJGleef the intetcourse w ith him. Both or. week w ithout speaking lu r awhile, audUx’ Ï tb a offloer cutno uloug up she Inquin d: < 1 ci !"n->i)iiig tit, builders of w h at is ( ti u st, ami at. and kavitig Ley . (raeiu ie is much tesincss?" ping thus engaged. When, however, tho so th „t w hatever you do w ith it yea »N » a b o u t Joiiei au d tho w hale. ” lil-j l-uihlin,« u 1 A nuric» >f you loved him ?” T u v n f< l ic.«. upon in bed uud asleep, Mrs. Hisijx-r?” eoiitM’. only ti tinildnigs lim a r crii- , grt und i - ui which the building w as to C H R C is!»,) (.. ." « ’ob was w ul>. lisked in .; the ( ' ? ‘au i \ i ■ “ N ot a b it.e f i t , ” returned lb**0' “ W but g its m o ," Continued the Wi ui- »ttui i in n eentiy. e t ’ tliono nire.aiy uji s.-ind w a s,.,'', im d o ti L othtides by high ot N, York. • l i e t.uc.'.y Utah. gascu g irl q aitk iy . ‘'H ew as altogedi« an, calm ly ignoring all iju •s:i,ins id nt there n un .ili he] o uules» ila-uuder- hntidings, wfckh rendortd ensafe the R o V h - . ' f , Crani’« rkß; »•rent UaU Roiled t-'aiumy— Der«'» ju s t one t ing digging to any dep;h ft r a foundation. to o .w ise to u h k a iiy b u ib question* ! h er husband, “ is why (lint w huh d id n 't w 1 lei«' , u i r of iow rr prem ium a appeal After hi? return fr01 I « uv :ev di m m illionaires. •1 at lfe merely asked me if 1 d u.irrj : hnug ou to Jo e e r when he laid him. sufficit lilly to 'th è j-cv-kt llxa-k, The only w ay out of tho difficulty w .« ; v « . L ¿ í J á - J ■ u «brant (.- had a little -la T hirsty TTmrnli u— W e f t dat* L..u, ” —Chicago Post., —•—f a ij Y\ h at did lie east him up lu r?” the sinking of a csirson in tbe cititer of l" t.i tin i limi ilio ti u r-sisluiM-' of l'“U«e sirvaut, who I \ Fhaxgêot him as Retied Samm y— Dey neve.- has to the plot, upon theex-mented top of w hich ’U a u 'la a y ,” rep liid the ri .riiT, " b r t 1 uili.ii g mi,ti iu d ì si all i e I i ow n pt si > " 'iX e i , /b o c a l, the g .u ira l were a bit of uu. Ml» Choice. '** 1 rtx kou tho Lord wuiited things l lie ttvi-lt, lin- tt»t» l a n e L i e t i triade u n i.ir w o rk o u t (in i tine».— NTw York J o u r­ a hollow form ef e< me-i-.t waa built. Into T h e U n ite d -lo tty .. n h e \ . , i t l |Le □ i Alt Irishm an iu Franc«rewM (brt- engineer, fconic of th way they whs , mid m i they lui ned out Ino toi:|» rvisiuu ut ti:e «L]ieriutendi i.t e: nal. thia form tnoli’-n iron w as peered, fill- 'T Ci m .. iT “kvr u a Icif I by u Fieuolinniu to ig h t a doth ui that in tllu c; irse a n -I 1 a» they did. 1 was spvakin to you uln ui l ’U lidi ngs, r lire e sui ìi publìc exlii Lìtìe-ns ing up the spare, and upon this cast irou ttsiuiHl M.I;,. A ’ ll one u .p •° t Uruùt had en h he readily cousentul, »u'l 'B ill— w hur is he?" -w ‘ »N mi< ady bave beett he d, atid th. v v, il •Thev ay kissing w ill cure dyspep- f. Li'itat i u p.'atu tlio ucdorstrccturo of yb'T lsughiegly Eskr< »reut L„ ttu ii gc. . . shillaitoh«, “ Bill? Oh, Dill is to home t'» lay ." b« n u tin u id ut iuUivalB through tho th« Im ildtn,: ro w re»;j, w hile th« »idu ulia the sigutheau,,. of a..at w o n 't do," said the second- w i t i l i r. M i m i l . n i . t u d " K iu 1 so. him ?" : i ] ’i m itriti, nt “ T h at tuay i» . hut dy-'peptics a la n y s Viallsurc supported by- acanialevcr «true- P ! □ s-v 'change Ui ,Jt - Why, I (Io A« the ohallt ugi d party4you bate " K n r siuih. W hen you rid up, lie Etti-tal-io w tll uiako ■ ^ u 'l I s K i B "'', u fare. Tho fu ll w eight of the lead upeu report to the lock n i ( r o s I ! a t liobcdv w auts to k;.-s 1 had on •Jr.-: to choose tbo arm xi’tout cuiv-dty 'aine j,: w as clean in h is gun out ba. k of thy „ la a il ut e \ uni’. i ..«. tbc cast iron feundstion is estim ated at o -v ' I ' H K th n ;.. '— Cl,i. ego lleei t i Investigati, u b- oils th at you should decide npo« • I ho cry ft i- t : re w ater iu thè lower bouse, but 1 rcckou bu s r* any fur v,«i u-ciu tbuu 00,000 ten s.— New Idins. g« .! s a »„ i 1 that "(:.,.„ u w ith w hich F ren cb w iu I'SIt i Í t.ie i ;tv hi.» L e u iu tis trn t fo t by th is time. J e r t step around l..u is, W e ■ a t . . f,e«« Suitit rlrally bpealtioff. f c a t , a*;,I x.i.tM **. et tniiiar. ” g e r." J( xis. Viui.y i.. ave L m thè pluns t i r poa.ag« c ro p « , “ \ e u ki ow i \ d o n d e , d c u ’t Party et “ Tbo iioutn’ial ntUAtiou has m used ,, th u t so?” retu rn ed the Iri'hro*8' Tho sh eriff »ti pp.il and ran au.iim-- I« s. i voir., a: l in l.att: iv and i n lid i, r t* II y < u lu « vnv ci a tin v.-aiid. } YO? I •‘ tveu lo. ABU II RN« con?iii, r»l-l« ii „„arrh or* tho subject, ” llicu, b ig o rw , w e'll toight vii;i •he rnuazhi of a shotgun la id in B dl'a »:ue half a u.,; ' e r « mil» np stream. • ° " c« «« c c r , ^ t v ’; • Hoof tho ( iphvrs. I klH YV rvuimki'd tlic <’h”ftfu l ia .o t U b n pas M . I l V iv u x e » lotit,"s.” _ Lo,1(]ou T it-B tU . 1-virv um» mi i x tia 1 '.« ut g , |4- l,11N hand». A »be n s-o ih d a slep or t i n ' town,,, n h bin« t r,.n r l e i h r than y o u do. *— C h i­ ter the e th e r day. ” 1 suppose," he con- conegf. town ‘ 1 » .'r.rnnJito ---------------:__ Un_ ankeil: t n n laid w iili i a i-hjcet cf furtiistiiug e*go T ri a m e Jt-'t tifa re ho u rriï. H IZ SIU ik ' C il, !• ti said by philologists that tbs* ttnueil, • 'ih a t you b..vc uindo »tudy c i U.c I tci <4.1 ».mph » il lui» te iu tappi 1 " W a s you Inokiu fu r n its, .-am'.” « b o g . , , „1, aro is o rifiu a l E uropean latquage»- tiie utenoysef the B ible?’’ IvWli, 4ÁÍIH hiv and 1 tiiiding di jmrt- “ I w a a ." rep lh sl the ol»b - r. "Y es. vail fully m i; " plutuu.w.to t “ Dl:, yes, ' replied the minister t-reek, L atin, G erm an, rsl-.vost»* Jeat Mopped a iiiiint to any howdy mid airut« In p o th at liiO tvvo 48 inch tue ini •vr— H myo y< u had in o rh pro- ‘-'Ut, tho no»,. i k'**1*** » Lc- uhu u ip In old day, . ' idsndly. ' i am fam rliur, t o t e sure ; o r ,.r r . -■l.-'li, B,Kenyan, Irish , A lbania::- T sr fl in F ifih uve j *u S-Dcru] ui vt r loti» to rem ark th a t y o u r ole woni iu a n 't no H he hi« ft ttdfctal vxporieUtoT? as a we«peu i t any comr»«...»;,,, / iuu I- ü «crû tf CCDYCls w ith tiie B iblical coins. ” e a r . li.s u h a d n * ‘Soft hr. riv—H v< n. artau, Illy ri -u, .J..zypi:in. Ca«a •“ * * fula, aud h eviu aaid it I 'll le g,-m I, . I i li» cptie n nw C tow i. -'Itta A t th e , It V y U n i 'f iu fer th a t p ip er money woj used careful Low ti :»y carried it. w u ’ o r h u c L a u d a ; ( iìivinnati ivf Hi «P m tued to tt ( - .1Ul - l ’’tdp, jf Finnic- town. N ice day. Dill 1 (b s s l eveum her r rnv s . « Ú Y Y U fe K u q m iv at the tim e of the flood," cuutiuuxi lh» Strang«! le a n t' v thrv !. N < < il U sncvl r ’ M’l vi» hottiil to yoo, M r» l l , s . |» r ! '' M (ft a ;.. < ICot the fttomaeh*» Fault-» idiot, spurring fer a chance to u-uko a . p.rict forwar ot*.d tenne til) ( <1 villi I u Nt< r is I , u :d ¡\» n u t K i t H vaiM in. ratiou of w..r, m ditory hut -ft. ,, * ' ’ «> uerufs Deetcr," said tbo patient, "I hum, th ru st. a r,i»i Ti«. thr< ugh thcu&e IUU-* I. s te lue 1 uillY* fluii S t -f tf» »P— W i ity do y ou bu P-uiral u ,v ,r t “•/“’* “ - »-le U r the . ltevc ihero ia som ethin« wrong with c “ What has led you 1» this ccuclu- them ou tlA -r Au Ruxltshinail was once ) i r u.iil-s] i n 1 m it MUat Uli (1 A 1 Will h it u Uìa i l l U i t u iMulrt, t. tMckwutd t e y » •u ’be same l -,i ' ‘ ' *‘r *•* '» o platea stoma-h. ” Ad mau. jpon?" fished tiro pusk-r. gam e ■ f I ni .« (»ill. arid during t ndt d. 1 ¡ a r d í i 'A n — T h u t's the Not a tit, ” replled'tbe medic», n. ¡uly w ay I c m “ Well, w e read ef w here the dev« T h at New York v i l i l e brou^ht fu tho play, when he hupp, trod to I,-, k m!» luvxrt. — Nt v‘ i.v promptly. "God Divide your •' J Y’ork brought th. g r t i a ta r k to Noah. ”__ ■ It is , tr y ,-r <* tee sD any aw zy for a m om ent, a foul lip caught to t«<<> M hh g irn e perii (rei » thè i claim n p .a bj, »cqatrer. W ashington Tim ,«. del), hud be- knows how to make lb • kiia ou lb« ear and kuorktd him m u m - « to rk d Mrurturort u iih u i p u cao tici •« I., tread a- a ie said to Ln », vi ral u n i­ — H jwthoi a a. •bat lu niatt ‘ ’be fact, * ’ ¡»nip it dow n, but your stomach it*- 1 versity graduale» and medical u:>u and »>'• large 1.Z‘‘ " M *•-■«•»»• r j . a r at Preservi., üui IU a »tata •s all r.gl*^ .^ a bcctohuiau who tan Ihleugh £00,000 • a tru b a t, bv, n And -ifien tho patient immed)»«*! -*-•) fr ,to) iLe t r i: « in three years. 'u h e rtu i i , ^ ' ^ l', i<’u ’’ ““u 1 bop of Uercukuicum. went out to find a physician who uud*’ ’ •C’oT h is basilicas. — N ew Uric«8* Times Diaiocrat. SKETCHES BY M. Ql AD FOOD FOB TUE FIEND Probably no other woman ever «uffered juxt as Mrs. Adams did, the Wife of Rev. A , It. A lam g pastor of the Christian .Man ui anew thcreh at Blandinsville, lib Physicians were baffled by her ailment, and for years leie w u compelled to live a life of torture. T o -day she is well and the story of her rufiering and recovery vrill touch a respon­ sive cord in the heart of every woman. " About cis yea’■’.ago,” said Mrs. Adams, wmy b.ealih began to fail. T he first trouble 1 noticed was with my stomach; food did not agree with m e, ana my appetite faded until I could scarcely eat. “ I would begin to bloat before I was through v/ith a meal, and flic food felt like a : lone in m y stomach. “ After eating I would have pains in my stomach with a smothered feeling which would finally extend into my throat and chest accompanied by a choking sensation. ‘ * I began to bloat all over and m y hands and f ret commenced swelling until 1 thought I had dropsy. "In a short time I had pain and soreness in my left side which extended across my back accompanied by dizziness, and then followed severe paroxysms cf pain extend­ ing from the lower cart of my stomach into the region cf my heart. * During these spells a hard ridge as large as my arm w-ouli'appear in the left side rf m v stomach and around the left side. 1 had a feein g of heaviness in my head »nd at times could scarcely hold it up or keep my eyes open, yet when night came I cou'd not sleet. T H E S U N ’S R E V E N G E . UAÎ1NS m i fc fS e W lF IC COAST a 9 ¡9 I B TH U A I L_V J 9 S sisl*' 1 to to »«■« a