W E S T UNION CONVENTION. FROM THE FAR NORTH R oyal makaa th e lead para. r, boletos» sad delUkm*. Three Desirable The following letter wns received a few Thc union convention which met in EVERY FRIDAY MOBXIXO— Eugene last Friday chose C. H. Baker days ago. Sheep Camp, Alaska, Apr. 14, 1393. temporary chairman and O. IV. Kinsey P A Y W H EN CU R ED . -A T - Editor W est : In justice to the people temporary secretary. E ase C ovsty , O regon .— Committees on credentials, on per­ of the Siuslaw that have friends in Alas- manent organisation ami order of bnsi- [,a I »end this report in regard to the ac- . . . by - - • ness, and on platform and resolutions eident of yesterday at this place, were appointed. A motion was made j have been here three weeks and not Tiie Ablest and Most 9ucceisful and carried that each of tiie thioe ,„et a Lane county acquaintance between Specialists in tiie World. and Proprietor. parties appointed a committee of three f,yea and Luke Bennett, therafora it ia They guarantee a complete cure at to apportion the ticket. not probable, in fact it is hardiy possible Your Own Home, and allow you to __ ; $1.50 a year in advance.----- ] The committee on resolutions ami that any from your town or viciuity can pay when cured. platform adopted tho slate platform ; Be buried in the snow, Entered at the poet-office at Florence, promulgated nt Portland and the fo.- At 3 o'clock a m., on the 3rd inst, a aine county, Oregon, as second-class lowing resolution : snow slide took place at the scaler ami nail matter. Absolutely Puro I There is not room in the western buried some people but all were rescued hemisphere for the American Uag of and brought hack to life lint some of tD V B K T ISIsa BATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ Thousand« of promising young men freedom and I he Spanish emblem of j them met death later. At 11 a. m., an- PLICATION. despotism and slavery ¡and we believe other slide started and there was a hlind- have their lives and future usefulness » c e l notices 8 cents per lin e, each Insertion w reck ed h v IN D IS O R E T IO N A N D soow aaxwo sowers c«., ntw »am. conaress is ubeviug tiie dictates of God ¡ng storm. A rope 135 feet long was se- TRIVATE DISEASES. Tlte symptoms and humanity in declaring that the cured and a good mail put at each end Miss Katie Brnntl lias been on tiie Florence, Or. April 22, 1898. frightful Spanish atrocities in U>e tilled imtween by the crowd. U itli tiie until cured, arc portrayed on tiie coun­ sick list tliis week. tenance an I in the actions of tiie vic­ Born—On Fiddle Creek April 23rd, island of Cuba must cease. We pledge rope to keep them in line and a pilot at tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ W E S T L IN G S . 180.3 to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Vander- to congress and the president our sin- each end they felt safe. They had not ed, other organs become affected, and cere and earnest support to the etui gone 200 feet when a slide struck them burg a daughter. Next Sunday is May Pay. that the armies and navies of tl.e | and all was over, for every man and vo­ sooner or later there are serious results. C. P. Edwards of tiie Register is tiie United States assist tiie people of Cuba j malt on tiie rope was covered, Some 10 Our New Method Treatment will posi­ Several cases of mumps are reported proud father of a young lady who ar­ tively cure these diseases. from one family in town. in establishing a tree and independent' or 12 got out aloue; by 3 o’clock 13 dead rived in Eugene tiie 22nd inst. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There arc Parties wanting freight hauled to or government and banish forever from ] were dug out, and 8 yet alive, making thousands of you who have committed 0 . W. Hurt! intends to start Ids i 21 in all. This morning 17 more bodies Itom Eugene will do well to see A. O. American soil the last decaying rem­ Sold W ith offences against tiie laws of your na- creamery Monday or Tuesday. Mr. nant of old world despotism. Me de­ ] recovered and one inau taken out alive. Funke, re, and are now paying up for it. Craig of Eugene is expected to arrive Two wuiueu were taken out, one of them The San Francisco Examiner and tiie today to take charge of it for a short mand tiie absolute freedom and inde­ I dead. Tne man I have slept witli since Those weak, selling hacks, Loss of Sex­ pendence of Cuba. H’ u t for one year $2.50 paid in ad- lima. ! 1 came lien- is dead. We will bury him ual Power, Failing or Lost \ itality, F. M. Wilkins was elected permanent rance. That tired feeling is due to impover­ I to-morrow. There must lie many more Frequent and Painful evacuations of Hood's pills are purely vegetable and ished blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla en­ chairman and Geo. W. Kinsey secretary. ; in the snow hut how many is unknown. the Bladder accompanied by more or T iie following ticket was then nomi­ do not purge, pain or gripe. All drug­ riches and vitalize* tiie blood and gives Several tents have been dug out to-day lees smarting and the escape of par­ gists. 33c. ] two miles below here and three dead ticles of albumen in tiie urine with strength, energy and vigor. Be sure to nated : tieuator, H. C. Huston of Long Tom, ropy sediment, all point to the decline The schooner Bella is to return to get Hood’s. democrat; representatives, C. A. Potteif bodies found in one of them. Tiie can­ of your manhood. Thero are hundreds tlie Sine,aw immediately alter a cargo yon is practically one slide from here to Tiie viewers of tiie netv North Fork of Lake creek, democrat; W. F. Gray of lumber. road were Joe Morris jr., V. Gurney and Cottage Grove, silver republican, and ‘ tiie scaler. The dead cannot possibly who die of this difficulty, ignorant of all be recovered until the .tnow is all tlte cause. The doctors will guarantee Two stages were needed to bring in O. IV. Sutton. They report tiiat it is J. F. Kirk of Richardson, populist. 'gone iti July. The report now comes a perfect cure in all sucli cases, and the passengers from Eugene to Maple­ located witli a good grade there being Slierifl', W. W. Withers of Thurston, that there were more people killed be­ healthy restoration of thoGenito Urin­ but few steep places in tiie road its en- ton Monday populist. tween tiie summit and Lake Linderman ary Organs. lt ia »aid there is soon to be another tire length. By that route it is 18t^ Clerk, J. O. Stovenson of E-igene, READER—Are you in trouble? titan on this side. Three more bodies wedding of two yonng people well known miles from Florence to tiie intersection gilvel. repubiican. Have you been treated and never cured7 have just passed tlte door. in tliia vicinity. of the North Fork road and the Eugene- Aggeg9ori j . E. Yarnell of Mohawk, Tiie mail will be gone in ten minutes You dare not risk a return of the dis­ The post office at Siuslaw, Lane Co., Mapleton road. populist. and will leave Dyea this evening so ex­ ease. It may appear when happy in Heceta Lodge No. I l l , I. O. O. F. at] f reaSnrei, A. S. Tatterson of Eugene, Or., has been discontinued, Mail will domestic life. Our New Method cuse haste. My address is Dyea. their meeting Wednesday evening in- i ¿enlocrat. be taken to Lorane. Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, None who arc engaged in any of tho mechanical M. D. L andis . Sell0o| superintendent, IVm. L. Miller ] Gnard:— Born at Fairmount, Or., to itiated two candidates and conferred tiie consult us confidentially. pursuits can succeed without reading and Vnlley, democrat Charles A. and Emma C. Ruseeli a son.. first degree on i n -tlier. After the in- ] Qj WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) ALPHA CLIPPINGS- given to itiation a short recess was Commissioner, W. H. Baughman of Motlier and child doing well. for our interesting book. “ A Warning studying this standard Magazine of Sciences allow tiie memliers time to eat a lunch Pleasant Hill, silver republican. B y E ven C hange . E d u ca te T o a r B o w e ls W ith C H acsrets. Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept tiiat had been provided for tiie occasion and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. A resolution was passed ratifying tiie strictly private and confidential. All 10c. 20c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. There was an abundance of sandwiches, I non,inations of J. L. Taylor for surveyor April 25th, 1898. I answers sent in plain sealed envolope all modern cuts of latest inventions in all Mr». Willis, motlier of I.. C. Ackerly various kindsof cake, doughnuts, pickles gn(1 p r We l . Ohesher for coroner which No U. 0 . D. business. Miss Neva Pope formerly of Dead­ w asqn iteill of nervous prostration ® | and coffee of which all partook freely. were made by the populist and demo­ the branches of mechanism, and its fund of wood who is living near Eugene will l>0 few days ago but is now improving. T o C a r e C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r . cratic conventions last month. Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. married to Mr. Kiinmer of Eugene April Cascarete Caudy Cathartic. 10c or ¡Ble. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ See E. llv David's new book of Sam-] If Take The county central committee elected C. C. C. Jail to cure, druggists refund money. 28th. Chas. M. Kissenger chairman and W. pies. Pants and Suits Men or Boy’s WRITE TODAY. ventors and mechanics. Sold with Tux We hardly realize tiiat our nation is PERSONALS. clothes or watches. For caeli or work. K. Scarborough, secretary. at war with a country tiiat discovered W est at clubbing rates. The school children of Florence had a Address A STEAM SCHOONER. tliia continent 400 years ago then one of vacation of’two days tiie first of the ] C. M. Collier was in town a few hour» tiie most civilized [lowers in tiie worid Dr- W- H- S a u n d e rs & Co- week on account of tiie illness of tiie Sunday, 69 Sproat St., Detroit, Midi. I. B. Cnshtn:.n informed us a few days w|,iel, lias been steadily on tiie decline O. L. Hansen was down from Heceta teachar. | ago tiiat tiie stock for tiie new vessel to ever „¡„ee, until today it ranks as ttie E. A. Evans and liis father hnvo eaclt Wednesday. ; built on the Siuslaw which we mention- | a8BlliBi„ na,ion whose only mode of Miss Sophia Nicolle was visiting witli ! cd in our columns several weeks ago, is | government over its colonies ¡8 misrule, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. purchased live lots in west Florence from E. E. Benedict and Are preparing Mrs. Knotts Monday. very nearly nil subscribed ami that lie starvation, fire and murder. 0ver450,000 Land Offlc« at Roaeburr, Oregon. to erect residences thereon. Hans Hansen started to the Puget has an order to saw tiie lumber. The , |telPlet>H women, old men and children March K . 1898. Notice 1« hereby given that the following- O. V . Marti lias been improving liis sound country Tuesday. I iron, spikes, etc. are to be brought in by ltave |^.en driven into military corrals there until over 209,000 have named settler ha» filed notice of hl» Intention residence lots by building some new J. II. Busch and family expect to ' tiie Danielson on her next trip. The to ninko final proof I-. support of hl« claim , and picket fence. J. F. Tanner ornamented move to Eugene next week. ! plans call for a steam schooner of 135 died of starvation or sickness. This is that suid proof will he m»de twforw C. If. Hol­ foot keel, and 32 foot beam, to draw a- the fence w ith a coat of paint. the plan of Spain to conquer Cuba. den, U. S. Commissioner »t l,»ke Precinct, Mr. Willard of Mapleton was in Flor- : bout 11 feet of water. Her engines will Tlie tag Robarts is expected to arrive cn,.e feverai days this week. Ed Haight lias bought 100 acres of P ouulis County, Ore., on May 14, ls98, vis: Even M. Black on h. e, no. Mid, for the »ek, , *t Florence any day now, tiie parties #n(J M|g Oeo B Cainp o( Maple- be 275 horse power and she will run a- land from George Peil and lias moved »0*4. see. 7: nw 1^ nwjq «cc. 17; neki ] ninneers pioneers of tiie western end of Lane ter. M tiler and child doing well and ment. The ccnetruction will commence in a authors as contributors. T he W est county and is well and favorably known. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION W . T .’a friends arc advising him to re­ Rev. I. G. Knotts returned Friday short time. About 20 men nre to lie Mr. George Peil left on Monday with 1 form rote and tl e free silver tickit no I from I-ehsnon where be went to attend employed and it is proposed to push and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ March 1, 1998. more. ‘ presbytery. operations till the vessel is completed. a drove of goats winch lie will take to , duced rates ut this otlice. I Notice la hereby given that the follow ing. The Bible class Monday evening con­ Mrs. Chas. Hubbard and family de- A Mr. Peterson of BallarJ will superin- liis p la ce o il N o ti. W F Putterf has returnod from Hale I named »etttcr ha» Mod nolle« ol hlv intention cluded the course of study which they parted last Friday .o join Mr Hubbard tend the work,___________ _ anj I to make ffnal proof In «upport of hl» claim, and where lie has finisned a fountain hare been putsning for tlte past three that »«111 Proof will bo ma.-to before C. II. in Portland. • M A PLE CREEK BREEZES- system of water works witli 880 feet of Holden, U. 8 .Coinwimioner, Ftorenr«, Oregon, m ontiM. Mt. Knotts stated tiiat tl e nr ! A. Carey and wife who have been llv-| -------- wooden pipe witli 160 font of pressure. on April IS, 1898, viz: John L. Dahlln on h. e. ance had been better than Sunshine and flowers are making life He will leave in a few days for Mr. L. no. 703S, for the w ti »w'4, »oc. it; o*i uwki and several having been pres- ing in Florence since last full return this lot I, «ec 2S; tp. 17 «., r. 11 west. week to Cottage Grove. briglit on Maple creek, though war p.Tallm an’s who will have an exten- meeting. 111! name« the following wltne»»a« to prove Will Neely is expected home today ciouds are threatening us witli shadows. g[ve pi,»c and irrigating system put in. hie continuous residence upon au.l cultivation ED-TRUSTWORTHY AND after an absence of six weeks st Gray's Farmers are very busy pushing spring Mr. William Wheeler and wife of nt »«Id land, viz: live gentlemen or ladies to O. Dowell of Mercer Lake. Or., and J. Levage, Harbor and in eastern Oregon. work. Nevertheless we find some lime x e|B On creek spent Sunday visiting the M. Rath and P. Sutton ut Florence. Oregon sponsible, established house Andrew" Brand and F. Woodcock to [ny*ble time. that « id proof will be made before C. U. Ilol • witli his nephew, F. J. Cheney A Co., Props..Toledo, O. Harry Boyle arrived in Acnn on tbe den U. 8. CoraralRfioner at La he Precinct. Doug­ meneing next week tl.e Eugeite Stonefield Bros, were in town Tuesday We tiie undersigned, ltave known F. 23rd inst. lie says ttiere are plush las county. Oregon, on April 15, ifiW, vis? John ill arrive at Florence three times on their way home with some cattle sec. 11; J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and cnehhiiia and head rests furnished Hliultz on h. e. n o 578* f »r the t instead of twice as at present, which they had purchased soutli of ‘ »w’4 . sw’i «w’4 «ec. 12; tp. 11 a., r. 11 W. lielieve him perfectly honorable in all riders on tiie brake-bsauip, says that ia a tge will leave Eugene Monday, Florence to stock tlieir randies at tiie He name* the following wltnrwwR to prove business transactions ami financially novel way to travel; lie fileo reports I bi« continuous renldence upon and cultivation Jay and Friday mornings of each cape. i of said land, v i f : aide to carry out any obligations made everything lined up in good «'.tape. land arrive at Mapleton in the Robert B. Mills, Fred B. K?ieipir, end An­ Mr. Whitmore and family arrived by tlieir firm. lin g of tim same day. Returning CHANGE OF LOCATION drew K. Hartley of Florence, Or. end Bd. here from Michigan last week and pr. - West A Truss, wholesale druggists leaves Mapleton next morning I Andermu of Acme, Oregon. pose making tliie tlieir home. They are Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marrin, R M. VtATCW Arrives at Eugene in the evening. living in E. E. Marr’s honse. Mrs. The Northern Pacific Ticket office lias Uoglster. wholesale 11 < >l«9Baw « druggisfw, a t ■ « ^ Q » e ,« » e Toledo, • - » .a . - — , Ohio. ---------- ■ Kteamer witli the Eugene mail will Whitmore is a sister of E. A. Evans. Hall’s Catarrh Cure ia taken internal- been changed from its former location ( ■ Florence Monday, Wedne-dav and lv acting directly np,m tbe blood and over Hall's grra-ery store, to molt com- NOTIOE FOR PUBLIOATION by afternoons connecting witli the PROPAGATING S TEELH EA D S. _ mucous surfaces of tiie system. Ptice modiont quarters, with ’’The Eugene | a t Mapleton, exchanging mail and g..,9hur.. on-voe. Tfc. |ier bottle. Sold by all druggists. Real estate Agency,” on tl.e ground i ting to Florence tiie next morning. Tiie iiatdievy on Salmon river about door, first door Nortli of G r iffin e hard ] March it, l«w. Tertimonials free. 46 miles from Portland ia now in oper­ ware store, directly opposite tl.e Guard ; Nntlcr I. hereby atren that the following- Hall's Family Pills are tbe best. ation and is pretty certain to prove a office, wliere they will be plens<-d to sec named aett!»r ha« filed notfee >t hla Intention make final proof In .upport nt h l, claim , and success so far as hatching tiie eggs of any persons contemplating a trip East tn RECOM MENDATIONS- that «aid pro-d will be made before I'. 11. H».t- Steelhead salmon is concerned. Kaperi- or South. den C. a. t'mnnalaatuncr. at Florence, Op-son nn ments are also lo be made with sturgeon For full information concerning reten, April 80, lass, viz: l-ewl« Better« nn b. r. no. The Oregon delegation at Wasliingtnu eggs. routes, time tallies etc., call or address, 7SX7 for tbe «w‘-i « 9 ,, sec. 2S; n 's n e't and u«1, n«»1», sec. 88; tp. 17 a . r. 10 W. Tiie officials were nnwillinr fo nnder- baa recommended the following appoint­ R. McMcsrnv, General Agent, tic name« tha fnllnwtng wltaeaMS 0» przre rake thia work on the Halinon liver ments; Register R iseburg land office, Opposite Gosr.l Office, E ,gene. bta ennttnunua ra.ldcnce upon and cultivation fesiing their racks woold be washed Josepli H. Bridges, <4 Drain; Rer-eiver of »aid land, via: tware of “ cheap ” bak- zwaj, so arrangements were made with Kosebnrg land office, John H. Booth, of DDUM6D E C O N O M Y in taking Hood’s bar A. P. Walker, W. W. Nrelr, T. J. Keel»' and Hatha H a a li« G r a r t a i’aes; Indian agent •• Klamath, jpowder9. Alum makes private parties who teceircd a honua of ■■ sapatilla, he John L. Pal-ltn, all nt Mapleton, Oregnn. . . . ___ _ _ _ „tnral ■ ABSOLUTELY « U lilt im !B D ÏJr ïS S 2 X S Sastra S £ = ^ Ç — j g . s r » « resana twk. . s il R. M. Vstrcn, pi- and bcokl-t f r c . A4. «TttBI.IV« IIRSFIIT CO.. C h lc m . £ 300. If it proves euccesal'tl tiie tene- vtca Lowry, resigne-l. Oliver C. Apple- dollar” ia peculiar to and true only ol nedicine but bad food. H-gLter. tbe O m True B L O O D Purifier. gats, of Klamath Fail«. uia win h; thousands o( dollars JVEATHERSON DBJ.H.SÀÌDS8S&C0. Stars in And T h e A R T S 1 a n d T H E S O IE IS T O E S - W E S T - « Scientific American. THE EDSMUPIILITAH, THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS CROUK M AKE1YOUR THE WEST. v FLORENCE. OR. iNDV CATHAPTIC ¿ubcaTietb CURtCOnSTIPATION sk your doctor. u