T H E W E S T . —“fI'HLISKkP KVKKY FBIDAY Mi/AXZ.SQ F t o a s .s c s , L ix e C nrxTv, In m any districts in WAR HAS BEGUN. O sxso.v W . H . W E A T 1 IE R S O N -T the foot-hills » here there is plenty of rock we advise Literaiv. ONE OF TWO WAYS. that yon m ake a bed of larger rock and (ORHIINAL tXPSBLSCWD.) this can be covered w ith the crushed Tbe b,a,,,«‘,r ’ •» C**»“ -« f“' p,,e P"r‘ , ... , . , , pose, namc-lv, a receptacle for the utiue, I rock, which will m ake iiist ns good road . , . - *.. , . , J 6 and as such it Is not liable to any form of Those who think must govern those I an- is much cheaper than m aking it all j disease except by one of two ways. The who toil. i with crushed rock. i first way is from imperfect action of the Nothing is politically right which is t*'™»"« subject to road tux kidneys. The second way is from c-are- morally wrong. k * m ust be com pelled to work out their less local treatm ent of other diseases. Moro Caslle Fired on the! North Atlantic Squadron A ('Jill for \olunf POP’S •' Clh-AI1 ANNO UNCEM ENT CHIEF CAUSE. Politeness is as natural to delicate na­ V nhealty urine from unhealthy kid- Captured. any delinquent, especially residents of tures as perfume is to flowers, , neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles, Blockade o f Cuban Ports t u lo u n ty .a n d jo u r rejiort will be!S otliew ou ib ,lik ettiel> la< ld cr,w ascrea*- A thousand years scarce serve to form Ordered. scrutinized closely on this point. ; ed for one purpose, and if not doctored a slate, an hour may lav it in the dust Florence, Or. April 22, 1898. th—You will he required to work as «°° much is not liable to weakness or 1 Jarring interests of themselves create , . . . After several weeks of suspense war ! m any hands at on« tim e »s nrui-iimi.l,. disease, except in rare caser. It is situ I t « an C d saying that .« litic a m akes - llas bugtln b4.tw ec„ ‘ v o 'u r d i tri , >« P ^ t i a i h l c h(c(| * W(|(I the according music of a well mixed Strangs bedfellow s. An instance of the ei) sta te s. Lagt FX y ‘ di~ " allow ­ stale. the ance for vour tim e this w ill be taken truth of th is can be found in the union ' ,lect Bai!eil fro;n R We, t inconvenience manifested in the kid­ In a troubled state, we must do as in and ap- into consideration by the court. neys, hack, bladder or urinary passage tick et nom inated in Eugene last week. prov;,æ , H lVrtIla foul weather upon a river, not think to S.iturday. About *•••'—There is m uch com plaint and d is­ is often, by mistake, attributed to With New Year Greetings, and a directly through, for the boat may 11 o clock Moro Castle opened her guns satisfaction in som e districts as to the female weakness or womb trouble of W hat is to becom e of the in itiative and fired about ten shots towards the som e sort. The error is easily innile be filled with water; but rise and fall as P r o sp e ro u s Year to all our Friends, Wo m anner in which the m oney received and referendum ? Heretofore that has and may lie as easily avoided. To find the waves do, and give way as much as v e sse ls, none took e je c t and none were from the railroad alw a y s been one of the im .xirtant points com pany, or other , out correctly, set your urine aside for Again Oiler Our Goods at Exceptionally returned. we conveniently can. for w hich the populists have contended. sources, is expended. K eep a strict twenty-four h ou rs; a sedim ent or set- , ................. , . . Low Prices. Somebody once said, ’ and it The president issued a proclam ation account of all cash received and the din g indicates kidney or bladder trouble, It so falls out that what we have we J Friday announcing a blockade of the m anlier in which it is expended. W e Th® "lilJ "n,J tl,e »«’nmrdinary effect of prize not to the wortti while we enjoy it; lias been Repeated. “ Well Bought H alf T. T. G ees the candidate for governor ports on north coast of Cuba. advise th at th is be not worked out by Or. K ilm er’s Sw am p-Root, the greit but being lacked and lost, why then w e j ^ j j , , W ft H a v o a C ,e a n j ) e s i,..lb | u is « o il known as one of the leading re­ The Spanish m erchantm an Buena the supervisor alone. If you have kidney, and bladder remedy is soon publicans of th e state. H e is a strong realiz-d. If yon need a m edicine you rack the value; then we find the virtue I [ , A entura was captured by the N ashville others to do it, or assist, there -------- Stock of-------- m an and is well qualified to fill that will he should have the la st. At druggists fifty that .sisscNsion would net show us while and brought to Key \\ est. The captain no opportunity for com plaint and if you cents and one dollar. You may have a it was ours, office. was surprised as he did not that war ! are w illing to do It, a great deal more 8a,"I’«e hottie ami pamphlet, both sent It is the misfortune of all m iscellnne- ¡ work van be had for the m oney than ir®c bV '"a«>- M ention the W est and A. 0 . W oodcock of E ugene, rcpubli- had been declare I. ons iKililical combinations that with the send your address to Dr. Kilmer A G o., rwn candidate for circuit judge of this : A nother Spanish vessel the Pedro was j there would be if the tax was worked Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietor of Puref'« '"»dves of their more generous d istrict is well known through out the ! captured by the cruiser Now York. i out by the R. It. Co. this paper guarantees the genuiiioness of members are ever mixed the most sor-I district for his honesty and his a b ility ' »Saturday t he president issued n call | 9th — You will report nt once to the ' thia offor. did interest and the fiercest passions of as attorney. H e is worthy of the high ! tor 125 000 volunteers to serve tw o 1 office of the county" judge the num ber I inean con federa teg. not be binding till lie Higos it. So mnnv office for which he has been nom inated, j J'ear® Ulllc»8 sooner discharged. The 1 and kind of tools in your districts Politeness is fictitious benevolence. predictions have been upset by unex- — — | num ber is to be apportioned am ong the 1 longing to the county and you will . . . H ow CAS the m em bers of the various 1 several states and territories as far as . th at they a r e p r o p e r l y ' ^ nre ^ ' t o made ! U 8"pplies tb® «)lae® of il aiuon8 tbose ' l.tlitor and Proprietor. I Two ta x . Spanish There is no occasion for reporting Ve»s;ls GENERAL * parties that have put tick et vote that ticket out the w ithout union ’ practicable in proportion to the p o p u - ; the end of your term losing | lation . success,.,- ’ n„ successor. Do not ' deliver to nlIow tlieg0 ‘ in W ashington just now. vessels : having been captured hut nt th is tim e J none of them seem well founded. CYNICAL PEOPLE. F ile r a i« Yonr Itowala W ith ('»«rnrrta. w 1,V','!rî!''î V.',re ronH,lr"‘' lon tm ever. I Wv. .uw. If C. C. C. full, druggist» refund money. KeilWa FaMi Itcrrlltc: T he real cynic ia a snarling, discon ­ tented person, who sees little g r o l in tho world n oth in g and R espectfully yours, C ounty Oourt. I E. O. P otter , - J . T. C a u . ison , f IV. T. B ailey. WASHINGTON LETTER. INSTRUCTIONS TO SUPERVISORS. th at is I'IIOM ore. RECU LAR ConHESeoSDEXT. that I m erits h is unqualified approval, l i e disregards tho conventional usages o f ! The county court has issued the fob >'ig letter of inslructions to the road Although no prom inent man in either what Addison, in hits “ Cato” s a y s of would acknowledge them to have been honor: “Honor’s a sacred tie; the law necessary, m en who wear their party of kings; the noble mi ¡nds distinguishing collars loosely consider that G ray’s words—“ There is ono Senator L cynicism . They sneer at nil am iahlo w eakness of their fellow s, think they • a b ib it w it when they indulge in sarci.s- Florence, 1 N e x t 8nr 'h i1 Sever*! c torn on e fs Partins w Item Engei Funke, T he San W sst for o vnnee. H ood's ! do not pnri gists. Sue. MERCHANDISE' T he sell th e Sinaia« of lum ber. . . . ' And A n d I shall make the nickle nimble by offerip tun Monda Good Bargains It is .a id w edding ol in t b u vici I desire to sell as much of my present stock PprIectioii; that aids and strengthens| ber actiong where she is n ot.’’ trUtC b‘‘tn een tbe pohtieal parties of NEW POSTMASTER GENERAL. count with S p ain ”— were not only nec- ess irv l . , . t f l . » . i k , , 1 Charles Emory Smith of Pennsylva- issa r y , but th at they have had a good | n i., ,m8 been apjiolntcd postiunster- j effect on those who have been trying 1. . i general in place of Jam es Gary who lias 1 n eP aytI>fnr,yI 7 *n COngreM duriD* 1 rC8igned bcca"ge ° f i" beabb- tli© Inst few days, by causing them to i -________________ _ realize that they wero getting on thin 1 GREENLEAF ITEMS j ice, and letting them know that, what- i B y a W est C oukespi OXIJEXT. ever their intentions, they were not * * as * * * Candy Cal Wc. » e . It< Mrs. Wi w as qn ite i fe«r d ays a SeeS. È * Gome and obtain prices, and have a social chut if nothin more, we have a good seat and a warm lire for all who enter our doors. Yours V ery T ru ly , April 23rd, 1898. I is good enough for every true patriot | until we have given Spain that lo n g - h n im H ,X y \n D ^ X nn'‘ '"i" is for r a le .; who was expected to or little who fails to recognize that fact co,,,e l‘,'d take an interest in °* tbo ( oJe- ,0 »*n«ire of each | ,„ U(|e o( tbc glow the m ill,' ness of the P resid en t' n u . . , . , W,R t o m ade to pav dearly for his error changed his mind. !><;rson ",,bj‘’et to road tax in your dig . . « n a a n instance of “ the pot calling t h e ' , „ , . 'or m s error f“Ítl,ÍUl Perfor“>a«< e of Herman Stienhaiier went to Eugene ............. 8 by the people. k ettle black.’’ I roni the talk in eon- Am ong the ninny offers m ade to l s Weel<’ 'v®uk’ rctl,r"i,,8 ret"r"lng bl ,be e ra*n Io the t i e 1 ,ib ‘"'8 in lb rain Tlim s- reasonable d a y ’s work of eight hours. greP8 before the P resid en t’s — to ® ’ war departm ent of men and things te ( X ^ y ™ S ¡ ¡ ^ 90,b® is a m atter of com m on knowledge w ent in it was supposed that the m ess is not I J**1 ” l‘*V° " ° rk to Pcr-'orm °» nK(. W0Il])1 1>C nct^ ,' w in ,in " V" agnln8t tbc s P“ niards was one from indifferent to. HURD. CARMAN s 0. W . tic or cruel rem ark, and generally con- ' ' C“ “ ' "“ J “ ‘n’1 after it « a s reeeived, but it has la-en’tie- I pr"pric,or o i ‘ « en tyfive ele- Mrs. Belli Simmons ts quite well i _* *, i , .. . boys, or invalids to drive them whit« , . pliants, «In ch be said would he in«> a»aln- d u ct them selves in a disagreeable man-1 m em , « n u e others send good team s and bands. V n -! g*,” ’n g n M “ ,od ay. and that wliat would Im need«! bv our armv in ------ .v |.,u t m i s aono some 1 I red I’epiot has done some «er, though they m ay not lie conscious der «be Section above referred to, J - u ! H e did not like "it at nU w .J n ' la8,lit o «to u t the G r e e n le T S of the im pression they m ake upon their have th e power to correct thia ¡"equali- ' ” Pre’ 'denV’ bands the officials told him that they d id n ’t T r * a "d Wi“ bu a bot ,i,a ® "to* com panions. An affectation of cynicism - You can estim ate what is a f(jr “' ^ t o h ,t ,s hope,! th at it will he by , think lllev coul(1 m akc b ,,n '8' should bo avoided not only because it d u y’s work and ought not, in fact have i tom orrow’ Tbe boi,se »««opted a résolu , Mr. Morsman has g0„e to Washing, p h n n ts. is an affectation, but because it reacta i ton w „h his family. H e says if he can no right fo receipt a man for anyth in g ? ‘° n . Pr° m p lly’ b“ 1 t '”’ ,c n a te - after If the representatives of I he great ’*’'* »’*• Property there he will COme . upon ona's native disposition and sours . less. If he does not do a d a y ’s work | wa8,ing noi««««« f»»r MM days . I — — — I in — A - IS. w • ithou - • talk t « bring- » sin gle new idea unless ’ i Z T . W -* h* 1* ar® , ? “ f *" “ * Lak® cou n try.' ----------------------------- it, Tho affected cynic irritates those ing forward equal to tlic average man with tlic nver- whom lie criticises or derides, and they the assertion age team , im plem ents, etc., in in one day, ~ .ou», svm u iien i to ineir aovernm enta eith er avoid him or retort in kind, and . then he m ust be required to put in more ar « R I 7 ' ’ ° “ r , gOi"g n° ,h i"g " likel’' to ®°m® «b® renewed in eith er case he fails to establish I» - r L U K L N C E than a day iiefor. he i . entitled to a re- " " ** ’* 8 p *,n e9n ' * CO” 8ld®r®’1 ®"®> talk about the Intention of tw een him self and his fellow -m en that ceipt for a d a y ’s work. the six great­ * !“ loPt<*« nn en tirely different resolution, j The contractor lor the Engene-Maple- est European powers to attem p t by a ^ . , m.a.",8UrWUha'l a - t o ® - t h e r e t’ ds bond of sym p athy which is the chief ele­ 2nd See that the roads nre properly in e lu d in g * provision for th e recogni- lio n of Cuba, which m ak e, m ore delay . O'Ut T ' ° ,* r8Uadc ,h i® governm ent "<*k trying to sub let tbc e m ent o l happiness under our social con- - - Drainage is one of the m ost i ' j lion of Cuba, which m akes m ore delay . ' not , Q drained. force Spain out of Cuba, amt if wi«> P fotobly cost bi,,, abo.it »' imoo Iti d ition s. The man who assum es cynicism These delays uould be more aggrava- t bftt fa; a i portant factors in m aking good roads in i.s, to m ake a threat of resorting f e"r’ "! a,,'li,i”n to tbe contract pric m ay bo kindly and sym pathetic at heart, priev, lin g were it not for the certain ty that this county. See th at the water does to force to com pel us to keep our bands ° (S‘ ' ' '/ H“ '* carrie'’- b u t lie dare not e x h ib it his real feelings. not stand in the road nor flow along in they cannot last m uch longer and that off of Sp ain’s island possessions. That ‘!ar ®y ' " '“» e farm on Dcad- H a has act out to play a part, atjd in do- it. Expend your road work in m aking they ennnot change the u ltim ate Austria, France, and Italy would be lÏJ ' - .'« - - " ’. - ' ? " * a"’* " ,i8 ‘,n b>' from''Jack! U *®®^ in c ao alienates him self from the rest of su it— she driving of Spain out of Cuba. perm anent im provem ents. Do not W hile it probably is not true that th ese B» to alm ost any extrem e to •«»* county, where he th e world. He may have acquaintances, W employed at waste it in temporary repairs. W hile aid Spain, if they could be assured of i '"'"'"K- w h o dread to m eet him , hut he can have d elays are the result of plotting, it is „ " * •W U re‘, ' due regard should be had towards let­ . • , x. ia t |)C aSg|Stnnr0 o f E ngland. G erm ain IxT 'i"’ ‘1 a Pr" 'Pe‘'t M »cross n o friends, and gradually Ids assum ed » > e r n u n y ., ting men work where they are m ost in- not surprising that suspicion should and Kuisift, is well lenowu. But the Had'ltK*l t w i t thin vear. cyn icism will become real an I lie will go «be mail , carrier will welcome it as terested, nevertheless most of the work expressed by the im patien t. . . determ ination of congress, w hich kn ow . . . dow n to tlia grave a snarling, sp iteful, usartily as According to statem en ts ma le by , , . »nybody. m ade ought to lie done upon tho main that it reflects the overw helm ,ng se m i- Young M ik . A,masi ftn . disagreeable cynic, wit It no one to thoroughfares, which are traveled by all, , iiicnitx-rs r f the adm inistration, the m em of th e country, would not lx- brother went tear l ’,„ti a younger m ourn his loss. Sm all com jiensatioti President will loset no tim e in p u ttin g chgf|gttl onp J- W. CARMAN. | until they are in good condition. on Nelson even if formal notice mountain today and got an old'bear th is w ill he for tho reputation of being PR O P R IPTH » armed intervention into effect after the 3rd—boo that tlic bridges and culverts ' ami was served on th is country that Euro­ a culi. Another cub a w it, capable of saying cutting things, joint resolution authorising i* is in bis escaped after i in your district are in goo 1 repair. You pean force would be used to prevent tb e I or for th at o , being singularly austere are responsible to the county for their hand, and the rushing of all availab le carrying out of th e joint resolution just and free from tho commun weakness of condition. If they get out of repair and ,rOOP* "’i,’,U r arn,y to »»“ ‘to ™ adopted, to drive Spain out of Cuba.« h u m an ity. A liettcr pliiloaopby than dangerous, fix them at once if you can, ,,ort’ l,iok81,k® Im m ediate b u sin e ss; but Senator T eller voiced th at of tbe cynic is one which looks with if not. put up a notice warning the pub- j ''f " d c,n",nl th® l*to® - adm inistration, congress tbo sentim ent of k in d ly eye upon the weakness of hu­ and people Hi« Story of What Hood’s Sar he of their condition. The law « q u ir e s ' “ ’ ° e ™ c,,al,on o< Oul* bX »1*1" grant- ,vbpn he gnji, . m an ity and seeks to prom ote the vir­ T lic « m ust lie no in- »aparilla Has Done that all bridges six feet or over from ing ' d*y ° T tW° Ca" m<>rC ti",e ’ II • boulJ te r fe « n c e by tho allied powers of E urope. W e should declare that with *** Mo,P»d by and joyous interest in tho innocent banisters. See that this provision of the "l8° ** re,n®'"tore-l that if the P « s i - T hia M e d ic in e , all the vigor of our A nglo-Saxon blood “I pleasures of life. If ttie bajipy ditposi- sm an old run dow n soldier mi- law is com plied w ith in your district. d e,,t is 80 ‘«'»P0*«« he can w itli-h old his and our 75,000,000 p eop le.” “ N o for- w h ole sy stem being out o f order and mv tio a m ay be compared to the atm, rig h t . i d . p a n ,.tt y p « . , ^ R h - D o not allow rubish of any kind »¡gmiture from the intervention resolu- cign dictation " would l«eom e a com - w h ich ligh ts a ltd warm s, that ot ths have tried Tsrioas rem edies and nod, rallsK chunks or trim m ings from tion for ten days realixed only Tbe resolution will panion slogan to "R em em ber the tem porary relief. c y n ic or the pretended cynic m ay l«e j orchards,—tv be piled or rem ain in the "'* - • M aine” , the m inute that the EuropMB com pared to the penetrating fog, « inch I county roads. W hen adjoining ow ners have derived more rest benefit fron ih “™ powers attem pted to ineddio with our DO NOT FO R G ET. enshrouds and irritates. The cynic sets » to n a n y th in g 1 have tried. M v w |fc L™ I m ove or reset their fences they m u s t 1 settlem ent of tlie Cuban q u estion . been g rea tly helped by Hood i - M r ! / h im self n|>art from his fellows, the wist not he allow ed to throw or leave t h e ' The change of location of the Northern 8 Many of the old-tim ers in W ashington ritta. She was .1, m an draw s nearer to them ; tbc cynic pieces of rails or refuse in the road. Pacific ticket office, w bicli is now w With can « m e m b e r tlm tim e w hen the past- to"-em much out of order. M ytw olltti« sots high value ujxm his reputation for Estate a Agency 5lh llic county now ow ns a rock- "The Eugene Real r.siaie g e n c y on ing of the lie direc t from one senator to ^ P h t t o X ^ y V a k t e i H ^ d -th’ e ’ *Ct, w it, w ith w hich he wounds his com - , .. - -- crusher and this will 1« kept nt work tbe ground fluor directly opposite tb e ’• Fanapa- ............ , ____ panitm s; the kindly man avoids wit as n Guard office, near corner of Seventh and i a"“ther would have led to trouble ou t- ril,B- whlch rid them „f trouble«-- me »«res during the year in those-districts ____vnau.ut-r OUI 11 .W C 8B<> , T,nI*< ’mS o f th« V b o r llja n d ? t lie W illam ette Streets, E ugene. This is *i,,e ot ,b e cham ber, but if Ser,a dangerous weapon and aiil»titule« for m am roads «h ere the d istr ict, will o n fur- «to only regular l ’ïtv'* TrnkH O rti« in «<* W » « « « » « ^ F. B pwrwty 5 I n itlh iu -c fy m , « [ ¿ B g it hum or—good hum or, which picases Remember tush team s and labor to run it. The t o n e C ounty. W e are absolu tely the , • — H ep toward « r e n tin g or dem anding a as m uch as am uses. C ynicism is un­ « .u n t y w illf u r a ie l, engineer and «b f” »Fb cars from Kn- lrtraclioll of a o r ,la_ . . V0|, an . # natural and sh ould, therefore, î^ fc lx- ’ n ,- m .„ .,„ d t e a m to haul water, water, and and R ? m e m \lr 'm . X ' n ^ e o f ' « ^ ',ar- ' ’ "P«>,i*J «« “ I*" « . . a t . by b ^ 7 , » Z t ^ m o ld ed . P"e Trur BI..WI p,:r,ner the district m ust furnish nil other la lw . suvvia . at Portlan-1 via the Northern I'acifie, s ‘fni' , «»r M oney, of M ie»., whmn lie Il you want the crusher in yonr d is - th e only lin e running (he upholstered ««>#rged w ith having gone to Cnba as Hood’s hillon» ne««, eonstipauoo. irict, yon w II please m ake that tact Pullm an Tourial Sleeping cars and the the agent of a New York paper, n o l o l y Casfareta ( Sad v Calharlie, the most won PORM ALE OR e x c h a n g e . know n at o n « to tbe county judge, j celebrated D ining cars on eeery train' dei fu’ tu'-duxal d isco-eri o f U n - age. p eas ant asid ic fn e lu n g to the laste, act gently stating distin ctly how many days y, u bar found it out Senator Money . p o k f ' / T TO OUR P A T R O N B - forget tl.ia in ehnoelng your route aail i-.sitt-i ly in. kklue-a. liver «ml Imu cla. gired to the senate for usin g un parlia- , o r '’ •Ponaihle, established |, ** »••• asure trip, ctcansiag the entire- aiat- iii, dispel cold-, want it, wliat tim e would '<> meet eon- for “ A b o n « and k t mrn headuahe, lever, hnldtuul coiiaiiiwlici' m entary language, t-ut be did not s|x».o- o , * " n - M ”n ,h lJ-f«-'».nOai,dex,M-n"e7 ,,, m* is «6 bv 2i fpe, „ ’ , n;"U T«'® We l o r (nil in f.-,m ati.ii, call or addeeas. and iMilouitu.***. I’leaa»- buy and trv a is venien t, and w hull,ei rvx k for c-rusner h at '* m ade arrangem ents hr ny g,rc to Senator W ellington for calling *'''1T Rrferen.-e, Em-lo-« * h ,lf * toigl,t. AIao of C. C. C to-1 la J ; 10, M. id, cents. Hold SI, R M eM t'Reur, G eneral Agent, ""® »"•« , which j is con ven ien t and plentiful. guaraatuod to «oro l-y all druggists. . . .. e « o-B< Id reeled ki « .,..—i et,«elot». Tb ' •>np— mblnweed Mawipr.1 * • w ill furnish tb e Weekly OpixMitc Guard office, E igeno K,,r f , , . , , ^ / ^ O « g ,w . n w hh th e w . I ^minion -mtmny. Dept. y Chicago. w forth»« I * " * ’>l»rs ’ i o n n e n ' MT f” r one ‘»fim -eat t|,is uffice . ■ - rear fur , be >t|(|| o f lB(J ar*. payable casi, in advan ce. CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods, ★ Groceries *~ a n d ^ ^ ^ ¡F L O R F N r F up*T * Notions. „ meat market . Just Opened. Goods as R eoresented. ' i i¡ is ÍÍ t I ! à. An Old Soldier PVIARí * - p R A G T It A h ¿RfiJSlVE v S C r ig L w. H o o d ’s Bearvbody hays No. Pi i is W ' ¿ Guard C harles A. M otlier an p ies, Panti c lo th es or Plain Americanism brother, T he post O r., has IN be taken t< possible within the next sixty days, in order to make room for Spring goods to arrive. truce— ' 'rtllu wl,ero il *»eets her, and imitates one arm istice—that I want, and that is fooling anybody. -ocal notice. have always applied to good breeding the week after. W ash ., D. C , Apr. 18, 1898. aociety and esteem s it a m erit to be ' "’'pervisors of the county. It would seem to a man up a tree that eccentric a .d disagreeable. A lthough . . ’ “‘ - iZ ? 0 ’; P° Wer’ ,,nder Svc- . tb e cn„lp ,aint9 of con,,reM rccen |lv ■ invited thrashing, and the politician big there are few real eynics, there nre m any who try to conceal tliclr sym p a- tlietlc feelings under an air of assum ed „ , this country until we can settle our ac- ! done. tDVBBTISIS I want to soli It, I know a “Nimble Nickle is better than a Two stag • “ “ r to w ar. Of tbat ®very b or . E ntered t .une count n ail m atte . £ " 3 * <14 > > ÿaml)lll ¿t- PORTMÑROR T he sch< vacation o w eek on at teacher. E . A . Et purchased front E . E to erect re o. r. i residence picket fen, th e fence T lie tog s t Fiorone w ho hire,! having fsi of lite agr Wo