AMERICAN NILE. •"’Poti» "■«U bi , •Pin«, B u t O ld C h aron H iul ho wus shoot­ pended for - many years owing to the the sands beneath its channel. The val­ out of getting Ghristuia's present» ia loiset ing very well, and Definite was threst- I tenth carl dying w ithout isene. Wlieu, ley, bounded everywhere to left and generally balanced by the fear th a t sho FARCO R oundtrip - - - - #0.00 > to 11 may uot be able to find out just w hat i cced with the loss of all his glass balls i however, this tw elfth in the linocf suc- C R A N D FO R K S TO iptopei CITY OFFICERS. I and swinging colls. Every shot was ccesion succeeded in establishing, us a rig h t by mountains or foothills, is sandy, some of them cost.—New York Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’« ; and tho water, percolating tho sands K M C R O O K STO N ____ i greeted by (he spectators w ith exclama­ ( descendant of the second earl, bis rig h t down to hard pan, spreads ont on each N o w r » e F o r a P o o d le . livery barn, Eugene, anil a t Kurd tion:; of admiration. ’ B. looked on for ’ to the peerage, ho also claimed tho rig h t sido so th a t it may always be found W IN N IP E G ______ Infili A southern womau says that she never . W. II. Weatheraon awhile, and finally in a calm voice Davenport’s office in Florence. i to carry one of tho four swords of state anywhere in the valley by digging down sees a w hite poodle draased up w ith rib ­ H E L E N A and tulli.. P re sid e n t. j made the remark: [ in the coronation procession, this, as to the level of the liv e r’s surface. For f O. W .H u rd ' tj »ili □ UTTE “ He could not do as well cn the ; well as other duties and services ccn- the greater p art of the year the river bons aud bells and w addling along iu Win. K v'e | of tu apathetic content w ithout being instan t­ field.” i tiectcd w ith the ceremony, being the ab«ivc ground ________________ Board of Trustees flows sw ift and muddy, ly reminded of u former pet of her own. I L. Christensen il chi, Th« object of the slighting remark I centiitiou of his tenure of lands. Email ,.alTO^ j ng as it ew irls round a sand bar J . A. Yates ■ the is- This dog mysteriously disappeared, Ittrued around, and in a loud and angry 1 wender, then, th at in nnnouucing tiro • ,u li , 7jt:PBj 3g over shallow«. B ut the ........ J . c . F L IN T , P ro p rie to r ....... 9 piu- aud although large rewards werwollanxl . tom, cried: TO omission of the procession it wus iui- th in g th a t strikes tho stranger most R e co rd er... » • t ven, F lo rs n o o , O re g o n . CHICAGO I "W ho are you to say that? Would portr.nt to si t forth also th at tbe non i quocrly is its disappearance altogether for his return nothing was heard from ...................... J . A. Pond imun- Treasurer i you liko to test tho truth of your re- ja ricrmance of duties ctntnecled w ith it for rouehes, many ruiles in length, of him. W ASH ING TO N ......... G. C. C am pton i At last one day a servant of the honse I tUy M arshal. j mark?" tbculd entail no forfeitures. [ its cluflfiiel, which, except, it may be, brought him iu to his discouraged owu- odìou OUR AIM—To furnish the best P H IL A D E L P H IA “ W illingly,” replied tho urrecog- ; for a w ater Lola hero and there, ia as er iu au indescribably dirty aud ahjeot Ululili | nixed duelist, us he led tho way out to THE USEFUL GIRAFFE. accommodations at reasonable i n e w y o r k dry ns Sahara. Tho river is keeping condition. Senne» SECRET SOCIETIES. u sotluoid place. rigid along about its business, however, B O ST O N A ND A LL "W h ere in the world did you find libi et After taking up their respective po­ E m p lo y ed to G et D ow n P a tti T h at H ad prices. und where a rock reef orc'.ay bed block» him?” she asked w ith a m ixture of do- lofitl __ _________ P O IN T S E A S T »'«I S O U T H Ix>dged In th e H oof Clutter. sitions they dlt-w loti, and it fell to B. its subterranean current it emerges to k uni “ Good uatcred?” said the old circus the surface and takes a fresh start above lig h t mid disgust a» the dog looked n p For information, time curds, maps and tickets to shoot last, lie waited in siltuee for F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. lIpiM his adversary's shot. The man fired— man. "W hy, the best iu the world. ground, running as a t ig stream which, at her witli malicious, tw iukliug eyea Regular rommaiileation on second etc., call on or write CUU1» ¡and missed. B. lowered hiB pistol. When tbo old m an ’s bo.v used to get a farth er down, may lose itself in the from under a soiled drab fringe of hair. and fourth Saturdays in each monti,. “ O h ," replied ihe man, doing his W . W . N EELY , P ro p ’r. mete- M c M iJ R P H E Y , “ W hat did I tell you?” he said, with baseball lodged iu a gutter at tho eaves j O. W. lic u n , W. M. saudn again. best to repress a chuckle, “ 1 iloue found ia, for Shelton Block, a smile. Then putting his pistol in his cf tbe house—this was when wo were i General Agent, nonius 2 and 1 " I t is w hen tho floods come down dat Mopsey 'bout u m ile from yar, I. G. K kotts , Secretary. ‘ Tables furnished with all tbo onp EUGENE, OREGON. pocket be walked away w histling.— off the road in 7 ‘u l‘ ^ ‘,;rK^ “ cn’ - i th a t the R io G rande show , why i t ro- missuflt Yon see, dero whs a trifling 1 (od. cr used fc, g, t out at tbe siinttre «nd , quires . __ ._____,____ | Youth’s Companion. delicacies of the season. At ¡1(1 so , big a channel , for ita its „n all tho A. D. C H A R L T O N , prie. climb down the roof i tid tako tbe risk year round uso and demonstrates th a t nigguh, he 'd got Mopsay tied on - to da Anilstaut General Passenger Agent. She Hail a Football Father. icnU, of falling off and breaking his neck to if tho w aterw ay were even w ider it end ob a pole, and ho was projecting to ______ General Lyons Post, No. 5«. game, fish and fruit ia season. Best 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. C.A m esti * second and fourth Siituruii)8 ut in "W h y didn’t yon fell me your father get it. Ho ufed to go to tho baru and i would bo fill advantage to resident» swab all his windows wid dat dog, but r ’o r t l n . n . d O r . traveling accomodations for the ionini was an old varsity football player? ’ get cu t the giraflo. The old 18 footer i along its bank», i t i»fwl by »w atershed I reckon ho did n ’t get. m o'n » b en nr of moiilh at 1:30 p. hi . «bing “ I didn’t think of it. W hat differ­ would tro t along after tho boy—he knew of vast area and Eteep descent, which eight done, missus. " —Y outh's Com­ J . l l Bvirr.itriKi.i», Uoniman 1er. 'public. Charges reasonable. __________ _____ ■usarr w hat was wanted—till they came to iu tim es cf rain and molting «pews pre­ panion. ence does it make?" j . L. I'er.M sii, Adj Haut. T h e F u n k & W a g n a lls “ Why, jt.Bt as soon as I asked him the house and then walk along tho ride cipitates th e w aters rapidly into tho 'elop Ju stified . looking down iutu the gutter as he w ent channel. In June, when the snow melts Tho following defense waa made by ' S cling L ’S J his  S S  ' Â Ï along until he cume to Ihe hall, and | on the peaks about its headwaters iu a Hovaunuh darky iu the city oourt: round But 1 kept myself turned squarely to­ then he would pick it up ni:d bend bin Colorado and northern New Mcxioo, and ' I Htolu lion, britches, I ' know ledge «1« «’ura, U i W . Poi’petna Lodge, No. 131, moats every 1st and 31 Satin-days ward him. I knew w hat the old full head down and give it to tho boy. Of The later in tho sununcr, when heavy show­ Eat 'twnn't iso cflm e, »Iso'» lo ' born, , e ^ acli ^ j K i | , t b . 'M em bers and visiting Twentv-îhree "O ne day when the youngster had ers and cloudburst« aro tho order of the Ef de m otif uin rljiht, «tea wbar‘. da ataf back w anted.” brethren in good standing are cordially thrown a hall up on the reef and had day, the Rio Grande overflows it» banks, j 1 atolo tlotn briteaoa to ba baptize Issl, "W h a t did lie w ant?" ENGLISH LANGUAGE Miles W est invited to attend. J. J. A smebsox , M . d . "H a was ju st aching to get in a place seen it rcll dc-wn into the gutter Iso deluging wido traet3 of valley and some­ De ehalu gang'» got tee, nnd do oval mine, S xj , Wii. K yle , Recorder. of Eugene. CO M PLETE k ic k ."—Clevtlsnd Plain Dealer. went r.a usual after tbe giraffe. When times carving a new channel for itself, But wbnt could u 'feuaeloa eulorou man do When de )ntlgs tin do >ury 'lowed it waa o . s lt i the girr.ffe locked elciiR the gutter that changing its course for miles. Where l To atoal dem hr itch v . to ba baptize lo t “M ri.-lpy.” O. O F. lleceta Lodge No. Ill,m e e ts day, there was no ball there. He took tho valley i« nunsually wide nnd sandy, , S U C C IE N T »very Wednesday evening m Lodge A vory little girl who bad learned his cose out of tho gutter and looked Iu de Jedgroimt old Oubrlel gw In* t« *T> below Islcta and in tho Merillo val­ "Fouip’» Brothers in «insight ait a aliltsglo and cleat ns H all, Florence, Oregon A U T H O R IT A T IV E w itli difficulty tho abbreviation “ Mrs. " down nt tho bey in tho yard w ith a e«i ley, tlio old channels i f w hich tho river I rood standing invited to attend. day." large interrogation ir;srk in each eye au waa naked for the first time to spell H e’ll »tout to do world dat it ‘tw a n t no »in used to flow ate plainly indicated iu the J . J. A xdkrsos , h . G. “ Miwusrippi. ” Having conquered the much as to say: To »leal deft, brltcuo. t o t e baptlas In. A sokkw But sn, Sec. lund-K-apo. first two syllables, as rhe supposed, the " ‘Eure it d idn’t roll off somowhere?’ —A tlanta Constitution. 301,865 Vocabulary Term» “ No one who lias seen tho great river "A n d tbe boy s a id ‘S ure,1 and then i in flood ia likely to forget the positive sailed gloriously over the new l'Aig 347 BJItora .n J Specialists werd. She spelled It “ Mr».-ipy.” Ai d the giraffe looked again, but i t w asn’t P e r f e c t ly O b liv lo o a . 533 R e s e r s for Quotations ! ferocity it ueems to display uh its water» sho pronounced all her syllable« like a Inert , and the girafle so reported, w ith IbRCH DIRECTORY "Sam m y Sunggs,” asked the tsaohor, 5000 Illustrations Money Saved good child, the»: "M-r-E-(Missis) i-py a solemn shake of the bend, uud was sweep all before them, and woe to the "w h a t part of apeeib is th s word ’m al­ ; ut:ut or beast who is overtaken by them I ! Cost over $960,000 (py, Mississippi. " —Boston Tninscript. driven hack to the bern. By 'TEBIA N CHURCH, Florence, The flood arrives w ithout warning. Tho ediction?' ” Appendix of 47,468 Entries " ’They wcud9red about this, for it sky liny' be clear abovo when the travel­ "N o u n ,” replied Sammy. an. Sabbath service. Sabbath-! Patronizing it. M r. A nbu ry P ep p ers. wus the first limo the giraffe bad evi r er, leisurely jogging across the wido “ W bat gender?” h 0 o’clock a l’re!‘cl,l“K “ i “ 1 know a xnau,” said t-be overtfl’ BO- failed to get the ball, and they knew it "M asculine gt utter. ” V. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of clumcnl, hear» hi» wagon wheols grate 1 slipper on 1st Sabbath of The full n u m b « of wont, and term. In od boarder, “ who believe« in spirit mar­ must be there, hut it was scon explain­ main the sand w ith n peculiar sound. I t i “ Indeed?" Prop. dlServut dletiouHife. for the entire .Ipli.ta't 1» riages, tbe idict. ” ed. A day cr two later there came a big lneaUB th a t tho w aters are stirring tho April, July and October. QeOe Hale "Y c s’tn. If it was feminine, It would iy is welcome to all the service«, "1 thought you had a leaning toward rainstorm. Ii stcnri cf running u big ns fallows: 8'oaaaM ra, 59,000; W okchkstxk sands beneath him, and then, if he be fem uleiliction." —F ittabm g Chron­ requests Christiana to make • - — a belief cf th at kind yourself, ” said An­ nciny Ntreuiu a» usual the tin water pipe knows the river, be lashes his horse, icle. * ________ ! 105,ooo: W ebstar (international), 125,000-, C ex - Ives known. bury Peppers. “ I never »aw another from the i-ocf ran just a little bit cf a i m aking at all speed for tho nearest ! Tt’RY. (six volumes. complete,) 225,000: BUSINESS CARDS I. G. K notts , Pastor. T h e IU Ite r a ta a , man w ith such a liking for unearthly stream, and tho w rier that «houid havo bank, and lucky lie is if be reaches it " I suppose you took in tbe Bowery ! STASDAUD, over SA',009; run off in that way cvt-i flowed the gat- Site. The cliances aro th a t before he gets ties.” —Cincinnati Enquirer, I , trrs arid dripped in a thin theft oguim t thcro he hears the roaring of w aters np when yon were in New York and lis­ IODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH T Le F o r m a tio n o f D ow . the side of the hotifo. Tb«n knew tho channel and sees them coming down tened to tbe delightful Ghimmie Vaddeu rvice. Preaching at Glenada A schoclhcy wa« asked to explain the why the p ira te couldn’t find the bull. dialect?" San- le l’a^es Free........... line two Sundays of each month " I did, but I didn’t hcur any of the ' fermation of dew. Hi« answer wus, It had rolled aow-u tau wu‘ 'C pip . ” — ' toward him w ith a front like a wall, O F E U G E N E . j rolling forward and downward as if Ih-Schoul every Sunday at dialect. 1 don’t believe tho lllilerait« "T ho earth revolve» on an axis every New Ycrk Sun. over a fall, w ith a ris in g flood behind. 8. O EAKIN. JR.. C ash h Prayer meeting every lbur»- T . O. MENO1ICK9. creatures have rcud the book i:t all. I a-1 honrs, »ud in consequence of the tre­ Many a man and whole wagon trains K ot t« P«* H’mhorda beninit at the church. Every body mendous pace at which it travels it per- Uinciuuati Enquirer. ACENT3 W A N TE D . By invited. U. F. R oc . vdh , Tbo _ president of env of tbo lnac ÎL’3 h a w been overwhelmed iu this way, ! »circa fre ely ."—Tit-Cits. $ 6 0 .0 0 0 ’ 3 Pastor. PAID UP OASH CAPITAL, and, buried in sands or east away on oastern college.» was i:« n t ly journey- ; F er**T «r*u o« A lw a y s W l» s. ----------------------- - $60 000 SURPLUS AND PHOFIT8, ing toward New York and found him- desert banks, no hum an cyo has ever r ia ln ly K o u w t. Sm ith—After trying for ten long i seen them again. years 1 hnve a t lust succeeded in con­ E. D. BRONSON & c o , “ Honest?” he exclaimed. "H onest? re.lf in th e »umo seat with au t Id lnttu "T h e great rivef has its plea ing nnd attorneys Well, rather. Hu uot only w ouldn't whose general appearance bettkouou romantic aspect, so fanoin&ting th at it is vincing my wife tbat 1 am perfect. A C C O U N T S S O L IC IT E D Pacific Coast A gents Brown— Are you sure of it? steal from an individual, but ho actual­ the farmer. They soon fell into conver­ a saying among people who live in its ■ OREGON EUGENE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. S m ith—()« course I am. It was only ly refused to «teal from the government sation, anil u itir saying that he was cn ' valley th a t ‘whosoovf.r drink» of itsw a- Iris frist visit to the metropolis tbe C. WOODCOCK, this moruiug that she suid 1 w u s a per­ otico r h e a ho had tho opportunity. ” — 933 M arket S t. farmer-mentioned the name of (be lit­ ters aud departs w ill come again to seek fect id iot.—Chicago N ew s NOTARIES. Chicago Bost. (horn.’ Like (lie Nile, the Kio G rande ' tle villege up iitBcng tbo hill» of N ew | PRAYERS THE LITTLE CHILOREM 6AY. Hampshire Irani which ho cume and re­ punches the itoil of ita valley lo the Sympathy. ïrrlca«. marked that ho supposed hi» frioud had p rin t of inexhaustible fertility. Along " I ’m really »tsrry for Ploddin," re­ Listener—And was the rescue attend­ The praver. the little obild-»u »ay— . O re s o iT A. R. BUTTOLPH, never heard of it. "O b , yes," su'd tbe : j its banks in New Mexico are fields th at marked young Mr. Happigo. T hey are not fine c f epee, h, ed by ¡mv «etimi» results? for I wo centuries liavo been cultivated But I bey hold deeper m.-.-s-ery ” b u n g im bis i -K oom . 7 a n d « M c L .re n 's B u ild in g . N arrator (c o n jla Jin g )-A n d a« the I wan. “ I v/as th u "W hy?" iu q u irtd tbe friend. Tluin any tome eeutu t«»cb, .1 allentim i giren to collection» »ud pro- result of the rcscael won a w ife.—New aetonishment when t.< connlrv uiuu, . yearly, yieldiug groat crops, and they " I naked bins to lend me «10, iterl he And they reach farther ap to heaven ore iu productive today as when they ! after «taring ui him several second«, ex- Tliau wiie-r prayer, ton i«ach. ouly had 78 oents. 1 oau't help feeling Verb Journal. tlaiftn-d, “ the In to, I ’ve hcurd all about ; lh-..t were tilled. Irrigating canals, call­ sorry for a man who ouly has ,75 cents. ’’ The angel« lauyh to l-.oar each day Tbo prayer» tho little chUa.en s-y . ed se q u ia « iaadr..s (mother ditches), you bunko fclltr». and yen cun’t get a | A Uouii <■( S jiu iiatb y. O re g o n . F io ra n o a , E. O PO TTER. convey w ater from the river to be dis­ — Washington Star. The prayore tbo III tie chldren ray "T h a t new hired girl of cur» go, i oat chance to bunko m o." Eo saying, ho tributed through little gates to the fields gnbbud hi» carpatbag mid, m arching No tolllnii a.igi! brine«. Ha F a r r » lilm ia tf. every n ig h t." . . . ............... They pass right through :ha Hcinlag rey FRANK B. WILSON. " i can svir.p.otbia' w ith yon. So do-» down tho mi isis, tfck a seat on tin Ollier cf the valley, which it to th w aters and 1 That «earcbo. rclftsh Ihina». t iu iche». A trip along tho river reveals ’ tho - car.—N et York Time». KUUEXE, OREGON. o tr fu rr we ’—Cleveland H ain l> :aler side cf '*“■ (They aro so httet that they rlip a i-.u-o.-sslcn c i pictures of a prim itive | Between the guarding wing», t n e l t the Court n am e. civilization of the old Spanish-American , A fio rd Swe.llow. And Ood n»y.c "Huah and give them w ay!” H e r . us.n,,. sky Tho prayers the little children w y! , his face fUl, anti in a h lie of ngt t j ho York S oil P«>»l fonh it» »»Ulen li/l-.L —Post V.heeler in N ew York Pres». B it I —I w lie r i ,vt.-(i f.mrcn»« r. r i nrioti: R cvn stap ol. V.i u lt. t-a-'big, pul on cad u , »-»/ ‘•Gentlemen, 1'vc i— •i"uwe-’. the h-,i- A!l tree* have weeds. In Rnino, hew- i And basic» ou ties iilsbl. T bcfoiiifU ptinnsrf Hevastapol, which ' le t." —Ixuidou 'i’ll Bi!.«. CTor, the seed« am ro s:n«ll iu pir-por- enuw'l !iv anil's so much trouble during . D esigns From yondor w«-»t, wltere oenan rolls tioa to the siae of the tree that they ftl- ' Sofo W h ile I t l o t . . ____ C opyrights A c . Her foBmla» wave-, oa «amly »hoaw, the six m ouths’ defciiae of the fortress together escape ordinary rtolice. A dark’ulntf sturmcUmd blow. A nron* «andine a skHcb a n d K ì h r ^ Ì I Ì " I haven’t g rt any ca w ," I'rid the by Ute R'jpaiana, were at first v ery . qalnkif a*certalt» <*) and expenses. Ou.totuer—This is my >“ »>• * A h«n