W MARY TONGUE »¡¿ N O M IN A T E D . — , E S T ff. C. T. D. DEPARl'lEN Î. tfayat ■ stlss tk . load pore. Hu» un O p;>u*i(iun la Ih s l o a u û l l a a , FK 11>A Y MORMX0— *T OUR Ttic convention nrl^cii met a t E ugene gressniun from theltvst cm gieasin n al ilia- . trict of Oregon was called to order by It. ' J . H endrick* chairm an of th e uougresa- lonal cetftniiltor, . ; and Proprietor. Or. T. W, Harris of Lane c o a n ty was elected chairm an atnl J? R . W httn ey of »1.50 a year in ad van ce.- Linn com ity se c r e ta r y ., The report o f th e com m ittee on era- E ntered at th e pout-office at F lo r e n c e ,. dentiala showed 4i> proxies in a c o n t e n - , *♦.*> O regon, an secoud-class ,j01l of foMaavtag resolutions _ OUR BADGE AVKATHERSON mail matter. ^ ki H^ POWDER MV O AT B. SA Y tN C S . H igh license lowers liberty. “ Het 'em u p " inenna knock 'em uow n. Li'i ior te lle r , never strike lor short li.m r,. Wii«n a«ked to take eoiiieth ln g, tak e; I ypnr lea se. W hisky that w ill cook a n egg w ill ,M-ook a stom ach . M uzzling ti e d p g g e iie , wo ild save " W ashington, 1) C, April 12, 1898— few days on Hear cfeek . more lives ti.a u m inuting tint »logs, J , M. W hitney sec. cong. convention, j Mrg R „ M |^ r (, f TMj„ ront was I n j Tint old drunkards are d yin g. The E ugene Oregon: I accept th e r.on u n a- , ft , B of j t h f| ! Hew recru its aye hoys. W h o se hovs? tion su generuufciv ihrtutf. A« a reptiulv can And upon a rppubitcun platform , if A' R' ™ d oin g -<” >•« snr- • O ne sw allow does not m ake a spring, I elected, I shall lals.r faithfully in the in- , ’ **»'« « Mwplrton Tuesday, ; but Kuve.ral sw allow s m ake a fall. I lure as 1 have endeavored to «fremtxni from Jen4 »»‘elrn’k. 1 lie »late andptAoevi meeting " i l l be im iu a n M the prvviou« week. T u r Nati-*n«l W. C. T. V. h»a over f*»rtjr de- pmi.u •ut» »ir Une* ui wurk. under the four geil­ er«! h e il« «*i Prrteiitive« fclucaUoiWU, £«mi* gellst and « o »1 a L A. ion , 1 A Knot o f W hite Ribbon. were a d o p ted : } AbMMfUlx Fur> 1st: It affirmed th e national rrpnbl?-: AOVSBTIS1N« RATER M MIK KNOWN OX AP- ' pan platform adopted at St Louis. io -n , r u i'A T in s . 2nd: W e declare onr confidence in . Local notices S cents per line, euch insertion «OYAY CAMPO MVCtl rfi., MtW YODM. --------- MA.,—— ——!-------- —-v-r— + the present adm inistration at W ashing­ ton and esp ecially in the wisdom of Florence, Or. April 2 » , 1808. Vrewdetit M cK inley in dealin g w ith th e PERSONALS. Cnlian and other questions. W E 8T L IN G S . U h l: A lso our congressional a n d , Joe W htsinan Rud son were in T other im provem ents. Som e brfigains in Y ouths' su its at: T hom as II. Tongue was noniinateil by ebee T uesday. E . E. B enedict cam e from Eugene *'n O. n tl.k 's acclam ation. M r. T ongue sen t ttie fol­ »»w» H o w l’», P ill- a r e tiie favorite fam ily low ing dispatch to J. M. W hitney sec­ T uesday's stage. Dr. K ennedy and w ife are spending -catliartic. Cure sick headaclic, break up retary of th e convention. as M OTTO. For G o l and H om e and N ativ« Land. L ane C o vxty , Oufcoo.v.i— the l l t l i , Io nom inate a canuldat» forcon-1 ov Bs D e s ira b le The Ablest s a l Most Successful S|>ecialists in the W orld. T hey guarantee a com plete cure a Your Own H om e, and allow you l pay w hen cured. Stars in Lost M o o l Restored. T h ou san d , of protuisiug young men have their lives and future usofnlneta wrecked by IN H ISC R E T fO N AN D P R IV A T E IM 8K A 8E8. T he sym p tom s until cureil, arc portrayed on th e cou n ­ tenance an 1 in the actions of th e v ic­ tim . It’ neglected or im p ro(«rly treat cd, other organs becom e affected, and Rixitier or later there are seriou s resu lts. Our New Method T reatm ent w ill posi­ tively cure th ese d iseases. M ID D L E .A G E D M EN—T I w e are thousands of you w ho have co m m itU d offences against th e laws of your Ma­ m ie , and are now paying up for it. Those w eak, aching hacks, Lu»«of S e x ­ ual Power, F ailing or L ost V ita lity , F requent and P ainful evacu ation s of the Bladder accom panied by m ore or less sm arting and tlm eBeajie of par­ ticles of album en in tlic urine with ropv sed im en t, all point to th e d eclin e of your m anhood. Ther* are hundreds who die of th is difficulty, ignorant of tiie cause. T he doctors will guarantee a |>eriect cure in all such cases, and h ealth y restoration of th e G eu ito U r in ­ ary O rgans. R E A D E R —Ave you in trouhlc? H avuyou been treated and never cured? You daro n ot risk a return of th e d is­ ease. It m ay appear w hen happy in bnnestie life. Our N ew M ethod T reatm ent is your refuge. If d iseased, co n su lt us con fid en tially. W R ITE »enclosing »tam ps for reply) for our in terestin g book. “ A W aruhlg V oice.” Sen t free. A ll letters kept strictly private and coiiftdential. All answers Hent in plain scaled envolopc. No C. O. I), business. A matt who has dug a pit must hang to cure bdfls and piinpleit and hum ors of . , , , ' , , | , , *. . ., , , . , They will sink down on th e ledge soon Saturday after a v isit of several w eeks out a luntern. Ttie saloon keeper bangs ' "* ' and see what it is. ; with relatives on tit« G oquilie. Out his to light ttie wav into the pit T iie ciV» council of E ugene have m ade ; „ ,, . . ... , . , , j Poor old bpaiu w ints som e of u s > Gen. II. C oulter left for Eugene Mon- T«» C nrs* Vv»fi4tl|>tgLkst*« 1 «»rover. a eontractiW ith tiie E ugene U ater I n . to ' r . . .. . , ei m ountain bovs utter her. I think s h e ! day by the binith river route. H e w ill TnU»» Cttftcar»ts Candy CuUi^rttc J«ic ri ,,iks. run ten v w r s iron G et. 1, 1899. Ih e , ■ . . . . would not talk so independent a lter th e j occupy a seal in th e union convention. I If C. C. fat! lu our». itrugguMJ» r«.*fu:ia iGuiity. contract'price is »1,000 per year lor the first volley—that i-s som e of th e Sp ain -j A nother traveler roturued. Marion first five Vegrs and »1,200 per year for GREENLEAF IT E M 8. C insultation by Mail A bsolutely F ree. ! urde would H o t. ! Morris w b tslcft on the Uobnrts w ith tlic th e n e x t fi'tle. *■ Ed Bradley cam e down the creek after expectation of going to A laska arrived i Bv A W xsi C o k r e sp o n o k n t . W R IT E TO DAY. G uard¡I'J.'otuicihiian W. If. Luckey steelh ead salm on. He was su’pplled on , from S eattle Tuesday. is passing,around a subscription paper Mrs. Thom pson who has-been v isitin g April 1(1, 189». ‘ Address to raise m m iey tor th e im provem ent uf short n otice. John ny W hitm an is hom e from Cail- 1 George Griflith had som e sh eep killed M ewlames Burns and F oster fur a couple j tiie m ilitiwy we.gmt rood. T his is a j of m onths departed on th e M hik Tues- ; fornfa. Il« imnid th at state no more of* w orthy oi-ject. E very citizen ol Eugene by a bear hi$t week. 0.1 täpruat S t., D etroit, M ich. I a K londike than Oregon. I Ira Bray has traded for th e J o h n J *y ü,‘ t,er *»V to Portland. should gtY« kom etliing to the cause. Lucas W heeler has gone hom e to Eu- , J . L. D :.liliu th e accom m odating m an- T h e W-ttpr i,\s t-r sate one year's H ackett ranch and som e other th in g s .: NOTIOE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . • ag«r of G. VY. H u rd ’s Heaton store was gene. tuition it» th e H olm es Business College f t joins B ray’s hom estead, E l Potturf lias moved in to his new . of Eortiaod. T liis is one of the lea d in g . Otic of our neighbors seared a deer to > hi tow n Saturday to prove bis right to a L&nd OiMuv « Kosebun?, Oregon, business colleges on tt,e coast, h avin g death eith er with his hat or with pow d. J portion of V u ele Sam 's dom ain.. I Pou-"j eu his hom estead. • Murch 30, 139«. And T h e JL JF IT S a e t n e i S O IE 2S T O E 3S . Sofd W ith Scientific American. N one w ho aro engaged in any of th e m echanical pursuit« can »occcetl w ithout rending and studying tlii» standard Magazine o f Science» and m echanical Arto. It in illnatrated w ith all m odem out» o f latent inventions in all the brauolie» of mechaniMin, aud its fund o f knowlodgo 1» inseparably connected with in- veutorM and ineohauic». Sold w ith T int W tar at clubbing rate». Dr- W. H Saunders * Co-, Euglisll.T -'CutntiiHn.'hkl, Hhorthaud and 1 or and lead. I did not usk wliielt it T elegraphic departm ents and we offer was. th is tuition on easy term s. E v e r v b o ly up hero is busy nt present X T E n -T K V ST M O R T H V AN 1.» taking care of young hittiiq:. ____ ileiive gen tlem en or indict to W alt Hosford was dow n th is week travel for-responsilde, established house trying to tiny sheep and ca ttle, bu t I inO regotl. M onthly »05.00and ex p e n se s. d on ’t think he gut m any. P osition * stead y. R eference. E nclose self-aUdr»s»ol stam ped en velop e. T he ilon't Tobsrro Spit sad Smuk« tour Mie le a J. H ontiuiaaiC otnpaiiy, Dept. Y Chicago, To q u it touaceo easily aud forever, be luafc W 'l full of life nerve and vigor, lake No To- Abont »80 worth of household goods nolle, Oar. the «vender Worker, that makes weak men belonging to E. J. Frazier of Eugene and strvi.g. A il druggists, ttie or *t. Carexuaran- . - | teed Booklet sml sample free. Address su p p o se d lo tiave been burned w ith 1119 Sterling Item ed/ Co., Cnicago or New York, resident« Jan . 23rd were found a few I days ago near E ugene in a barn belong­ ing to a Mr. Jacobs. They were turned CHANGE OF LOCATION over to Sheriff J o h n son aud by him tie- . livered to Mr. Frasier' t The Northern Pacific Ticket office has ■MwcatwYour lH.weli with C v in r v t* been changed from its former *uc»|ltbu v M zss «»Q n av a C hinam an Mrs H unter of A lpha was very lost nt Witicc in hereby gben that tho foliow b»B* last account, hut Mrs. Saubert, who was named »otUcr ¡ am « filed notice uf hl» in tent loo t > make final proof i» support of It!« claim. au<1 m attendance, thought tho indications that *ui«l proof w ill bo tua»lc before C, H. H ol­ favnrabh* for lecovery. den. V. 8. CoininiKsinnvr at Lake Precinct« HOW’S T H IS ? 1 ' i ’■ We offer One H undred Dollar-* R e ­ w a r d tu r any case of catarrh H i h i cannot be cured by H alt’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. C heney S C ’o ., P rop *.,T oledo, 0 . We the undersigned, have known F. i J . C heney for the last 15 years, and > lielieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions anil financially able to carry ou t any obligations made by their firm. . W est A T ruax, w holesale druggists i Toledo, O. W alding, K ittnan A M arvin, I w holesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. H all's Catarrh Cure is taken in tern al­ ly acting directly upon th e blood nml tpucoul’surfuces'td th e system . Pticv 75c. per h o t « ., so ld w - h i r ^ ; ; , Testim onials free. Ed H aight has bought George P ie l’s relinquishm ent on his hom estead on Deadwood and has filed on it. | potUfliui Cimiity, Or«*., on M h > 14, lava, v ix : ' Kvan M. Black dn b. c. no. tb li, for the ■ 1 THE EnSMEPELlTÄN, bc *4. sec. *i nw*^ uw», hoc . 17: n1.^ hec. W: I t P. 20»., r. I I W. He name» the falUnvIug wituetae» Co prove * H enry Tabor ami bis daughter, M r»'; hi» crtiitliiUPUM reaidaiicu Upon and cultivation , F tank Potteri, w ent to Eugan» on (lie nf Raid land, viz: 13 Bteulnca«! salm on are plentiful iu th ese 1 Town aud D. L. WUke.-», a il of Lake Vrficiuctr O ref on. diggings. M. Alm as! has rented the Joe W his- , I man place. , The two J o e W hism ans and John ny i have gone down the coast to work lum ­ bering. ; Mr.». E lizabeth Leaver late of Nelson crock and Thoinus Tabor late of l>--ad- i wood, were married last W ednesday 1 m orning and are liv in g iu Mr. Tabor's : ue-v I ioim h near E ugene. beat printed in to all HnlMcrlbcra a t rat«« w ithin ability K. M. V iat c H w Kcgbter NOTIOE of all to pay. the I t is finely Ulna tratoil and prosenta the narneaof ih tn oasJ FO R P U 3L IO A T IO N J authors as contributor*. Land Olice, R weburg, Ojtspn. March 3. ItM. 1 Solicele liswsby ir I Co malie fLial pr «cf iu aiipt*'**t of hi» clai.n, and « tn at snid Proni w ill bj latdo bai j re H. « lldidcn, U. rt. e jjr , Kiorencj, Oregon, j «n A|»rji IO. l i t , vix: Jofcu L. D ih liu on h. a, j 1 m». 7o». f«»rthe »u’ i, »cc. 2); aud | , J*X 25; lp. 17 »., 1 .12 wc si. He naiaea thè f«»!!oMrin< witneiaea to preve ; hi« conti nuoui residence a>oa au J caltivatlo ti of rniid land, vix: O. D »well of Merver Lake. Or., and J. Levaft» j : M. Raih and V. ^uttt>n ui Flurvnce, Oregon U. M V xa T l M. very tltis country, anti if. sold T his tuoutiily m agazine i» one o f th e T a s W a sw and tho Cosmopolitan are sold a t re­ duced nates at this Office. 1 «»«■• «■>«- • » ! was arrested ! ""x,iou8 ‘P '« « * « ’- ’ »«’ “ Tt'* E l,« e n “ in EngMWon a charge of being i l l e g a ll y .’^ ’’ ¿ h<, H all's F am ily P ills are tiie b est. in this eoantr . A A fte r a hp.Arintf helare . door North of G . tiftiu fter a hearing h e lo r e , . . w „ hard* . Jock Inlug has rented liis farm ou rmissioner W alton he whs n are #t°r e, directly opposite th e Guard ACME IT E M S . »'here they will be pleased t o see , : Cbu-kuliomiiiy errek to Clem Cariyie for Portland to appear before any persons coutem piating a trip E ast ' five years and «ays be proposes to put it) tiger. If lie fails to establish B y K iv i» D ropi - i r ». , fits tim e clearin g it up and im proving it. 9 a citizen of the L'nite*! or For full inform ation eoncerning rates, 8. 8. M iller and fam ily, who sp en t tlic iil he deported. H e claim s routes, tim e tables etc., call or address, ’ Mrs. H arper Workman nn 1 fam ily vis­ w inter in E ugene, will fiv e on their n bom in Coos county and It. M eM ca r a v , General A gent, ited friend* in Acme Thursday. i "We 4o out tzke p m u m I so of e«r Ideas but ars p o ssesiel by C hickahnm iny farm th is sutum er. ina when 12 years old . Opposite Guard Oilii-e, E ugene. I. B. .C'lshm in has a crew at work They master us and force ns into the a r u u . Mrs. Charles Ueiring w rites from Ban b u yin g tick ets to an y poin t in ; N O TIC E FO R PU BLIC A TIO N preparing n loeatiou for a sh ip yar*l. F rancisco th at she w ill return to tbv • Where like gladiators, we mnst fight for them.“ r South it w ill be to your ad- ' TH E UNION PRIM ARY- We ar.rii'U inq 'iisifivc but would like Ctiii-kalioii.uty hom estead in M ay. consult the Northern Pacific ; Hucb is the exalted ciotto o f ihe Arena, mid th e I I.iu d OiBv«, st Koscburg, Qrsgan. . --------- ! to know why Gv-irge had disco.itiu'ied otnpany. We are th e quick Frank I’ottorf is at the Elk P iu itie ho- . 1 March», 1««. I A tAion primary was held in the Odd his even in g v isits to F lorence. o K ansas C ity, O m aha, St entire contents o f th is m onthly raagnziue tel putting in im provem ents to the w a te r , n o d’:« it hcrai.y given that t h . folUiwfug- u.iastl «eitler hst tiled miti.-e ul h it Inlsntfou ¡ other M issouri River- pointa. Fellow 'll H all iu F b reitce Saturday N eis Berkrem w a, hu«y luiilding a works, iuclu.ling foun tain , e tc. are upon n, plane atul In beeping with its to make linai proof in «apport n< bit claim, and II. Colter was staging t i tl e top ot the a uoku stack at th is: 3Jaya to S t. P a u l; Sty - nlterifoon. George Thu road through fchul uw d In be , m at said proof w ill lw ms lv before C. M. Hoi-1 and VLj' to New York a n d i eleclM ^chairniaii und C. E. Harvfoud the m ill. He .a id he liaJ h job sh oveling known u . ' ‘T hum p,oil's b ottom ” on r g e linnlwr rafts are now build- a«d Elm s. H aiw .xid were . Imsen itele- | prompt assistance of a stream uf water conmderation ot.iutypeople, iTlie Areata ie I Of M id Ismi. vit: rtland to be taken to fian «u le to the county convention to l«c held {|WM * 1|11S(J #hürt bruU((,,t it to thron W. Duvsty, K nu tO . lfu .h y »ad D. T. POINT TERRACE IT E M S . uohl with T u r tV«er. W iik » of Ada, Ore., and L. F. Au*ier«ua ol ICacIi will con I sin 5,»kW,000 »" E ugene the 22ml h u t. ; a ai„i,jen d o g ,. ! riurenoe, Oregon. Dr M oae As'4fr. lu m b e r . I t h proponed to start 1» a follow ing resolution was adopted. Sj0« , tiie cattlem en are buying all of i B M. V M tc li, the trip about May I5lh that* R e s o lv e ^ That the delegates ir01» , th e i,eef on tn c river 8am 1*as concluded j Krwltter. tim e when fine w eather and F loren ce precinct to the union con ven - to fe e l bis fam ily on list* hut F et says I April 13, 1808. water m ay be looked fur. As t »on E ugene on April 22nd be «m l m e e ggg gre g o y j enough for h im , The b&dy of Barton Mwect who was N O TIC E F O T PU BLIC A TIO N . b e r ia th ese rafts is piksl in * hereby instructed to use all hon orab le, c , ,|;f HurW0(M) wa# „ „ Fri,lay ta ■ “« ' ’i« " ’“ '!.» drowned mi tl.e n igh t *>f the liern ately len gthw ise aud c r o ^ ; ‘ he m .tniuation e f G eo. * t ,)ero ^ , (( atU n )| u>c 17th ,.l N,.v. last « . . found on Sau.iay i Liad K'kwbuTj, c w ill hold together m uch better I O k u o w lee a . clerk of Lane conn y w noon near StoWt twothero upper orchard 1 Mfte'b 7, union prim ary. , Cha» L Harwood was nom ina l for , I .m Sw e.it m -e k . by Mr. H arkieroad' raft n t bate. ____ Notice U herobx «he»« that ihv foUnw-loq there is bnt one good I ju stice of th e peace aud w . II. 1 epper 'UlMil(,r>r ¡„ . rn,„ . I '»nquwt was at once called, thu nRU44*l »v-ttlar lu« flivZ'l notl»’« UI r lutentb^i dem ocrat in A cm e. .. . „ .. C. D THO M AS IL L . ^for ctAistuble. hodv fullv identified, and • verdict of ac- to wake Anal pro >f 11 »upi^Tl of b h claim , ftut ' taat mid proof w ill I«* ma l t 1 »ef.tr« C*. H >lol* The house of G. C. Cushm an cam e u d eu ia!-¡row m u g, rem lcrcl. C . P . Thom as has t een suffer ing from u ar being destroyed by fire M onday! *fhe rt.c,.„t xilllb v¥WM>tly ¿en U. 8. C ttuini»»! i :tr at Lake Frccinct. Doug«. ¿CO Q U ILLE CREAM ERY- U ic o Iftty, O.'«^ )!i. oft April l>, 14»«, v lt. JoHu • , stroke of paralysis since W ednesday': . m orniiig b i t thnoka to t lie prom ,- n-Wasod bin, from th e debris and muck prom pt pt a as- fchuitf on b. e fur tU3 A4’< •« *. I t ; * OOrNli.g. H e has Iw-eii sleeping in tire -r sistuucc of tlie Acm é lire brigade m e th at p icven ted him from cum in« to thu u S ««• i sw sac. U: tp. H *., r. It w. j ¡M f^torc and when Frank W ilson w ent ' A p u h lish -d Statem ent of th e Imsiwes* lire was soou q ieticl* -I u t nu gréai lu.a II9 llama» ih i «k>w|n< wUnax*»« to pvetc ««naw! before mid th e idgit -Ikies aud of th e C oquille cream ery lo r 1897 show s bh ctuitiuooua r*»»tde «ca upou a*l cuiU'fKi jo work in O. W . H urd’s general ' to Mv. Cuabinau. v\l» ju t tw o bunsbea strong rtirr* n l i-arriai liim nmViy a of Mid laud, vU: ,t idise store th a t m oin iiig. Mr. tl.e follow in g; of sh in gles will put th e hou se in r « « » , Robert U MIU k . F r * l H. Kuaapar. and An* Cash paid to patrona • , »15,748 81 i rqiened the door betw een it and again, t o u «n i hi» «41 h./Mif. Tiw: m u n in « were draw K. lU rtlvy «•< rie•«’. at iUMphur^, »»rc^tm« • H in t , friend« prepared IJ«e laniy b tr burial and T . A i «U Maid* 14. tarn. rt' alaHit. four t!n*y earufnlly find K»iticc i* b < rV * Piv«n that Ui« fo ilu w in g -. U t* 1 lorutiLT ufi'l A n n e »lanring club lpt1 last baturday e ven in g, t)rti««:> 4 hi» luteutuA» j to taa*a final K ' «4 tiiMUppml of 'd i ciai’u, a tti 1 were elected a» follow s: «»e», l'bmuhrr* T. iraiy_ceniP ti ry where tbo buff -tiug thaifiaid p r> 4 vU * be halurt C. R. Hui» ; lid, jw eaidelit, N els UrWMA, vw*-pre»i <>« the^ijyiil« and waves can never more r>n C. H. f’oTnmlailc^et, at H »r^.c», < m * j April I m p *, r*z: 7<«la '»n &« *« no.! dis»«ib him . •lent; Fred W ewett, terretarv ; Fet Fisk, ac*.'*l: nV uef< f lid uHg • In H i, l.e wits ratps-'Usi am i Inved by 73-'»7 f«»r the aar'i treasurer; <>«rar G ates sn*l Sam S t-y i *» * t!l bis frieuda aud onighlsurs, w ho sia- nwr*4, *4W. * • tp. It a.. ». T*» W, m »uf floor t i.ii,a g -r j Hu nafta*« the faUk»a»lu; «Mutaara U> H -tvt'■ cwraly sym pw thiss w ith I> m is-ruavsd hfa cotitlnunua result uce opun and aultivattrm ( ^ C iU lA T E TH E U Y fR M id land, vlx: OU get what yoa want fam ily w tio bait in him a tw in,ad huk in of A,p. >♦ 5 0 4 Wstl^r, vy. W J (Gvlr and - l u a V Y l atk for Hood’s Sarsapa- th e fam ily rirrle. and tlm father aiul Oraxou, ' rMa. UMqtiAliad in Merit, Hales,Corea. m other a prop in their doriiu in g years. | io a n L lottali, ,11 of M-'pletnu, it. M. VRVVCM, ' i b Frasdjc« Tkens's no rabatltuto for Dot uc l . a t rest and it ia w ell wttn h im , ~-U»t«r, THE ARENA U m « ' j : 't-vK'ta •"f ^99. LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. M AKE.YO UR SELECTIO N. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. * A If your grocer doesn’t sell Schilling's Bcsl tea. tell us his name, whafc kind you want (Japan. English Breakfast, Oolong, Ceylon, or Blend), and what size pack­ age you w aat W r ’ll *ee tliat you get »L Don't send us any money. W e don’t sell at Mail. * m / / . Schilling & CURI CONSTIPATION B C SURE ' ¡irvi», T, HOOD’«. 10« ABSOLUTELY C U iUIUD^ ptowd MsMyrty. M. nwuvit jaw ori »a