The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 22, 1898, Image 1

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G k A J R -ID IlS r E F t
overnor. I .................. W illia m P. Lord.
rof S 'a te ............. U . R. Kincaid.
....................... Philip Metchen
i In«truction.. ..O . M . Irw in .
| r ....................... W . H . Leeds.
— J e n e ra l............C. M . Idleman.
..................R . 8. Bean
............. F. A. Moore
___C. E . Wolverton
Second D istrict___J. C. Fullerton
attorney Second District . .W . E. Yates
L IN E .
H. H. Barrett, Prop’r,, “
..E . O. Potter.
. . . W . T . Bailey
‘ .. .J. T . Cullison
v ‘
C le r k ................................. A. C. Jennings
S h eriff............................... .. A. J.Johnson
Treasurer....................... .A. 8 . Patterson
Assessor........................... . . .D . P- Burton
School Btiparintendent. ........0 . 8. H u n t
« u rv e y o r........................ ___C. M . Collier
CaaotMN • • • .................... . . . J . W . Harris
Justice of Peace........... . .F . B. Wilson
Constable....................... John F . Tanner
( tty
p rar ir ttn t................... W . H . Wentherson
O. W . Hnrd
W in. Kyle
L. Christensen
J . A. Yates
Board of Trustees
Jolm H . Morris
M a r s h a l.......................... .G . C. Compton
L F. A A. M.
Florence Lodge No. 107.
Regular communication on second
■d fourth Saturdays in each month.
O. W . H v b d , W . M .
. <1. K notts , Secretary.
A. R .
General Lyors Post, No. 68,
, meets second and fourth Saturdays
Meh month at 1 :30 p. m.
B v t t k r f ik id , Commander.
J. L. F v k n is ii , Adjutant.
L U . W . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131,
every 1st and 3d Saturdays
Members and visiting
_ in good standing are cordially
a t t e n d . J . J . ANDXRSON, M . W .
iYLS, Recorder.
F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets
Wednesday evening in Lodye
vtnee, Oregon. Brothers in
ing invited to attend.
J. J. A bbsbsos , N . G.
A ndbkw B bond , Sec.
ÌH U R C H directory
IY T E R IA N C H U R C H , Florence,
. Sabbath service; Sabbath-
o'clock a. m. Preaching 11
i. m. and 7 p. m. Sacrament of
*’« supper on 1st Sabbath of
A pril, July and Octotier,
sir is welcome to all tbe services,
request! Cliriotuun to m ik e
vet known.
I . G. K notts , Pastor.
■ l O D I S T E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H
Preaching a t Glenada
erne two Sundays of each month
Sunday • *
L Prayer meeting every Tliurs-
raning at the church. Everyboily
"iv invited.
G. I • R ovbds ,
ittorney a t Law,
O r® B on
•B oom . 7 and « M e la r e n '• B uildin g.
_il a tten tio n given in collection« and pro-
X. O
........ Attorney-at-Lsw
.'W K I
- X s AN rt .
««sflT h sfls 1
IN * Ms
w*. A F l l I I
t r t - n « w t« O h -
w t * — t « f » « ■ « I « th « R.
& OO.^
Wseateevea. D.
i» —
i n i i h h aa i
- T .— —
Florence and Head oi Tifle.
---------------------- -
T h e . m i l . off a child hi a g ift from heaven.
D r lt h t .n l >« the w ay o f to ll;
LU te golden, clouds floating a t aven.
B athing w ith beauty God's flow er gem-
L ik e Incense as Its fragrnneo waves
And floats on the a ir the w h ile
'N e a th richly sculptured architraves
O r th ic k ly peopled aisle.
G iro me knowledge, give me health.
B ut la g rie f and sorrow w ild
O lve me the w ealthiest know n o f w ealth —
T h e artleiw smile of a child.
OLark W. B ryan la Good Housekeeping.
Pacific, Ry.
1 U .lp lM S B ir d . T h a t A r s D r iv e « t v D e a th
b j F ie r c e U alee .
Pullm an
E legant
D ining Cars
Head of Tide Hotel,
R. M M
The Funk & Wagnalls
E l k P r a i r i e H o te l,
□pen an assumed uavnl supremacy suffi­
cient »0 sweep a ll enemies from the seas
— to such an extent at all events as to
Insure us «gainst the possibility of be­
ing staived into aubuilsrioo, although
Otherwise unbeaten. This necessarily
menus that the navy must be in a posi­
tion not only to guard home waters, bat
also to undertake extensive operations,
offensive as w ell as defensive, upon ev­
illy sea. Any serious interruption of our
trade would entail consequences almost
sa disastrous as the complete stoppage
of our food supply. Whether the British
navy is or Is not sufficiently strong not
only to” guarantee the United Kingdom
against actual invasion, bnt also to pro­
tect adequately our immense volume of
foreign trado, is a m atter of opinion.
Bnt even assuming that the desired con­
ditions can be acoepted as actually ex­
isting it w ill scarcely be denied that ev­
ery ship set free from the task of guard­
ing our own shores must add an addi­
tional guarantee to the safety of our
merchant ships abroad. I t follows there­
fore that i f the army were in a position
to prevent the possibility of a success­
ful landing w ithout the aid of the na­
val forces the latter would enjoy a free­
dom of action which they cannot have
w hile hampered by the millstone of pos­
sible invasion banging about their necka
I t needs to be ever borne in mind that,
however successfully and by whatever
means wa secure ourselves against being
Invaded, w ar upon such terms could not
oontinue indefinitely w ithout at last
reaching the point at which we should
be obliged to choose between peace at
any price and ru in .— Brood Arrow.
•W a ltlB g * S o ld ie rs .
Is courage to be taught in peacuf A
Russian general once proposed to * ‘salt**
bis soldiery by loading ono rifle in ten
w ith ball cartridges <lnrinu. maneuvers.
Thia ghastly preparative was too re­
volting to oivilixed minds, und it bas
never been carried out, but, i f adopted.
It would make the army trained under
such circumstances invincible, and so
in the end tend to shorten w ar and save
life. I t would accustom the soldier to
the sights and scenes of the battlefield
end overcome his dread of the unknown.
I t would enable him to coutrol bis
nerves In the tu m u lt of the actual en-
oounter. Such a pursuit as climbing
has the same moral effect.
Endurance, mutual trust, self control,
may be learned on the high Alps, or,
for the matter of that, in Wastdale,
where a slip on the face of tbc mountain
means destruction. The volley of stones
down some precipitous galley isuot less
deadly (b8a t be bail of «bells and bnl-
Jo, t on tbo battJefiold. And, in a leas
degreCi hunting and the m anlier forms
j c f athletics give theaame result. Sports
| j BTOiviug ri« i to life are thus of su-
preme value from tbe national point of
tiew , and thia shoo Id be remembered
when the ignorant aud degenerate assail
them.— Fortnightly Review.
C u t t in g b y fftti
T b ra n g h U w w ild babel o f e a r fe v e r'd Mme
T h a eons of H om er oomi-tli, f r a m a a d «tern.
WUh IM I * « » fru m the w o rk l's fresh. hawlthy
p rim e —
T id in g s w h ich o u r w o rn , w e a rie d age coa-
M iles W est
of Eugene.
M oney Saved
Patronizing it.
Oeo. Hale
Notary Public,Surveyor
p.^ ’X -
A B r U ll a a t F r o a e l, O M a a r* . F i r s t A o h k > .» -
■ k .a t • > t h e F ie ld a t B a t t le .
Lejenne, tbe b rillia n t aid-do-eirai;»
of the Marshals Bert hi or, Davont and
Oudlnot, give« a very interesting oc-
Cachaas'd. through all the lea«, aaaoaber'd oount of his first achievement on the
/'- a r * .
field of battle, Tha French army wae
T h a voloe o f H o m ar slags tho aoag dlvta e .
eroosiug tbe Alps and found itself oom-,
Which tubs o f godUka lo lls , o f es ' tears
pelted to attack ut a great disadvantage
A u d u f tho punishm ent o f P ria m ’s tins.
a town which tbe Austrians ward de- '
T h a b a ttle in the p la in la rag ing y e t;
" «" *»■
T h a w atch Area bias«; th a h aa k 'd ships Moe fending.
Young Lejeaue, wh? was anxlou*
th e share.
F o r ua tha fas in g rim a rra y I . sat.
participate tn‘ the engagement, wa«
A h , b u t da w a fig h t «a they fo u g h t o f yore»
greatly disappointed when he was ‘or­
For wo, too, llk o th a heroes long ago.
dered to remaiu at his poet in the rear..
M u s t wag« slaw w a n aud sail tha b itte r eeo. When the firing begau, his heart beat
Fierce la tho eonfltet. loud th a tampeota blow.
furiously, and as the attack iirogressud
A n d th e waves ro a r and rago anoeaaiugly.
he felt thut he ooald not remaiu passive
S till m ust w o w a n d e r o ’e r tbs storm y m ala .
w hile his fellow soldiors were perform­
'T w t x t rooks an d w h irlp o o ls a d ra a d paaooga
ing deeds of valor.
Believing himself unnoticed, he hur­
S till m u s t tb e sirens sing to ua In vain.
HUH Iro m tho toils o f C iro a m ust wo break.
ried forward, forgetting that the sol­
dier’s first duty is obedieude, and just
T u rn . then, to H o m er'« psalm o f life an d sea
H o w they endu red whoso p ilg rim a g e is duns where the fray seamed to be thickest be
A n d b ear thsm oaaage they have le ft fo r t h e n - found himself fsoe to face with, his com­
O n ly by patience is the v ic to ry won.
manding officer. The general looked at
—M a c m illa n 's M agaatns.
the rash young aoldiur coldly.
“ Siuoe you have quitted your post,”
he said, “ you may take this order and
O o t Ft,
recall that company that has gono into
R e p la c e d a n d R e s a w e d .
a had position. " -
. • .
I t has been generally supposed to be e
Lejeune heard the order w ith •
fruitless task to attempt tlie renewal of strange sensation, for this was an er
a burnt out incandescent electric lamp, rand from which ha was not lik e ly to-
although there appears to be some eco­ return alive. There was no escape, how­
nomic fallacy involved in the destruc­ ever, and tonohing his oep he started ou
tion of w hat is except in one small if-! bis 'perilous mission w ith a quaking
important jiarticnlur a perfect piece of heart.
apparatus. I t is not intended, as a rule,
F or some distanco be crept along be­
to givo in this column descriptions of hind a pile of rucks that protected him
American devices or achievements from the fire of the enemy, bat at lass
drawn from foreign publications. This this shelter came to an end. Before him
subject ba% however, been taken np by there remained 100 steps to be taken
the English journal, Industries and under the fire of 800 gnus pointed
Iron, and, although it states th at an straight a t him.
To go forward was, ho believpd, aer-.
American process for renewing these
lamps after the filament has been bro­ tain death. To go back would bo eter­
ken has been developed, i t does not give nal disgrace. The whole army seemed
the name of inventors nor state that the like an amphitheater around him .
process has rorno into anything like gen­ Should he prove him self n oownsd or a
eral application. Its description of the hero?
operation is therefore given for w hat it
“ I f I d ie ,“ thought ha, “ it w ill be
only the just penalty of my disobedi­
is worth.
I t states that a commercial success ence; i f I accomplish my mission,
has been made of a process for renewing shall have proved that I am worthy yet
burned out lumps which renders possible to fight in the emperor's army. “
the use of tho old bulb at a very slight
So thinking, be rushed across tha
expense. By the new method the collar, open spaco urn id a storm of cannon balls
or bore end, of the lam p Is not disturb­ aud musket sboL N o t oue of the mes­
ed, the old filam ent being removed and sengers of death touched him , and as i f
the new one placed through a small hole by a miracle be arrived safe and sound
in the lamp bulb made by removing tbe in tba French lines. Tbe delivery o f
tip. The small hole is subsequently clos­ that order saved the battalion aud de­
ed exactly in the same manner as in the cided the destiny of the young officer. *
cose of the now lamp, leaving noth;
M gallser— ut t b s Maas.
to indicate in the finished,
lamp that it* hod ever been opened.
The nose, tha form of which rogalafos
I t is stated that some 400,000 lamps the bounty cf the other features, is by
have been repaired by thia method, the , no menus inaocessi bio to higher culture,
filam ent being Inserted' through the for we have it on tbe authority of. a
sm all hole referred to by a s k illfu l tw ist Gcrmau physician that i t is beyond dis­
of the hand aud secured in position by a pute that during h a lf of an individual
special carbon paste. The block deposit human life the-uosa is capable of re­
on the inside of the bnlb is removed by ceiving a more uoblo form. The train ­
fittin g the lamp to the hohler and re­ ing of the individual, the culture of his
moving it in a gas fnrnaoe, w hile im - intellect and character, has a very con­
medii lely following this operation a , siderable iufluenoo not only on the ex­
small glass tube is fused to the opeuing pression of the face lu general, but also
mode in the bulb, through which the on the bodily nature of the nose. Tbe
lam p is exhausted. When this has been characteristics of tbe various shapes of
done and the last trace of a ir aud gas
according to physiognomy, are as
absorbed, a blowpipe flame is directed, follows: Tha small, flat nose found
upon the throat of the tube, which is among women and called the soubrett*
melted into the point exactly in every nosa, when occurring w ith or other-
respect a counterpart of tbe original wise agreeable aud fortunate build of
lam p.— Providence Journal.
feature«, indicatoe a certain gracious
and ohoerful naivete combined w ith aa
Th« W ell DrnM il Maa.
inetjusidtrate enrioetty. Such a uo*»
There is a certain professor in a cer­ seldom ia posaeaaed by maa, «ad wbea
tain university of tbe United States who it ia it denotes an iudividnaltty ubai-
ouoe, at the beginning of one of his leo- acteriaed by weakneaa and deficient sit-
tares ou fine arts, go* on tbe subject of gaoity.
none thick and flat ia aa tai-
the kind of pins worn in tbe neckties of favorable tentare w ith men aa w ell aa
young college men. H e was a good lec­ w ith women, usually aigulfying that
turer and was always interesting, hot tbe character ia predominated by mate­
this lecture wae the most interesting of ria l and sensual instincts, w hile a tu m ­
ble coarse to tbe 300 boys who heard J ed Qp booo , w ith w ide nostrils, bespeak*
him , aud tho whole hoar wea spent on , a vain, puffed up diapositiou. Especial
necktie pina, their use and miens» and | ty «Kde aostai la are signs of strength.
w hat they suggested. The gist of w hat courage and prido; small nostrils, of
he said was that there wae no moro weakneaa and tim id ity. Noses large lu
reaaou why a boy should wear a borae- every respect are fouud mostly among
aboe w ith a w hip across it a ll in gold men ami are inasouline aUributna.—
than that bouses should have sieves for New York Ledger.
roofs, and that os i t was extremely
foolish to put a big sieve on yonr bouse
C a r b L«ffs W « « e S«ar«fc
for a roof so it was quite as foolish to
One day iu 1880 Senator Hampton
wear liorsesbooa on your neckties. Tbe was going on bis orntchea from thu aeu-
principle of this is that you should have ate chamber to tho bouee of represeuta­
a reason iis-what yon wear as w ell aa in li vea. In tbe middle of tbe big rotunda:
other things and that erneelees decora­ he met a very large man. also ou cratch­
tions, like horseshoes on neckties or es. He was a member of cougresa from
nsekties on horseshoes, are silly and un­ Illino is, a Republican, whose uauie I
becoming to a self respecting person. cannot now rooall Hampton stopped"
Thia particular example was only oue him and kindly asked his uaata and.,
to illustrate a principle, which i t that bow ho hod received his injury
nothing uuosnal, queer, out of (he or­ giving his name the congresauiah said
dinary, ia in itself a good thing— that, amputation was necessary byreksuu of
iu fact, most things that are queer and a shot he bud received iu a fight w ith
out of the ordinary ore likely, in the Hampton's cavalry. He did uot dream
question of drees, to ba iu bad taste. A be was talking to Wade Hampton h im ­
man's dress ought to be qniet, bat it self "1 act W ndnH am pton," m id the
must be clean and w ell taken care of in senator. " I f you have tlie leisnre. plea««
every instance. The best dressed man is ■it down and let us talk. '* Hamptou
tho man who, in whatever company ha bod lost bis log after tbe war, wbeu
finds himself, is inconspicuous; who, thrown front a mule w hile deer burn­
yon realize in an indefinite way, is w ell ing Thu amputation wus identical w ith
appointed, tboogh you cannot w ell tell that of the cougraesiusu. and they fell
w h y .— Harper's llouud Table.
! a-talkiuc
U p to that tim e neither bad
| fouud a cork leg be could wear, and
they discussed ourk legs fur a great
"1 don’t eeo, E lin , how yon manage w bna. They purled, after mutual pro­
w ith yoer bouee money. I f I give yon a fessions of esteem. The uext morntug I
lot, yon spend a lot, but i f I don't give Iteard the congressman tell the story in
yon eo much you seem to get along w ith the committee room, and there never
was a man who had a higher regard far
“ Why, that's perfectly simple, Ru­ Wade llumptou than he hud. 1 balleve
W lieu yon give me a lot, 1 use Hamptou later found a leg ba could
it to pay tbe debts I get into when you w ear.— Louisville Courier-Journal.
dou'l give me so much. “ — FIlegends
m Mlw I * « « -
Tw o Irishmen were cleouing a wiR-
F k m lb « Tro«bla Is.
" I t Is n 't a bit cf trouble to get mar- dtr.v in a ta ll building. To facilitate
tbeir work they bad stuck a board 00»
-tied,"'Ihid"The airy youug person.
"N <V" spake tbe aedate ono “ I t is cf tbe window, and Patstoutl 00 tbe e tu i
' ia being married that tbo trouble ia ’ '— uf it which wee outride and M ika ou
the eud lurido to balaaoa. Snddflulz
ladianapolie Journal.
Fat shouted;
‘ M oikR I ’ ve dropped me • V 'n f c "
There are << allnainns ia the Bible to
"T h o t a all roigbt. I 'l l godZNrb ’An*
Use east wind, IB
them being of a
I t is not generally recognised that the
friction between air and other gases and
M a c h in e r y n o d M o d e rn F n rm ln g .
solids or liquids is very groat I t is ou
The smallest implement upon a big acoonnt of this frictlou that we have
wheat farm is a plow. And from the inch enormous waves nt sea duriug
plow to tho elevator— from the first galea of wind. The film of oil which
operation in wheat farming to the last rednoea the breaking of tbe sen seems to
— oue Is forced to realise how the spirit act not only by its cohesion and deaden­
of tho age has made itself felt here and ing action open tbe water, but by hav­
A U T H O R IT A T IV E has redneed tbe amount of human labor ing a less aiuonut of friction w ith tbe
to tho minimum. The man wlio plow« air. Be that as it may, however, air,
uses his musclo only incidentally in - «team aud most gases have a great deal
friction w ith solids. When nuder
guiding the machine, The man who ,
«47 Bd Itera aud Special!«».
operates the harrow has h alf a doten pressure, this friction is increased, and
levers to lighten his labor. Tbe “ sower i f the gas is escaping through a small
>33 R tader« lo r Q uatatloa«
who goeth forth to sow, '* walks leisure­ esiflee the law of friction in regard to
«eoo Illu s tratio n «
ly behind a d rill and works brnkea The speed, w hile pressure and surface re­
Cant nvar >9 6 0 .0 0 0
reaper needs a quick brain and a quick main equal, s till bolds troe. I t is a fact
Appendi« n< 4 7 . 4 * * R ntrt««
hand, bat not necessarily a strong arm known of long observation that tbe
nor a powerful back. He works sitting •m a ll valves of certain kind of steam
drips ra t w ith great rapidity i f allowed
T h e fu ll num ber uf word» and terms In
The thrashers are merely assistants a very small rise or opening. That
different dictionaries fur the en tire alphabet 1» to a machine, and the men who heave steam rats and cuts like a knife, espe­
as follow «; grosnoSiTil, S0.0O0; W oacns»TB k the wheat into tho bins only press hut- cia lly when the pressure is high and
: 105,OSO; WcaaTCk (in tern a tio n a l), 125,0041 t'gw- tuna Tbe most desirable farmhand is the outlet small, is a fact tolerably w ell
not tbe fellow who can pound tbe established and known to meat old en­
1 TV kv, («1« volumes.
com plete,)
"mauling machine" most lustily at the gineers.— Philadelphia Record.
ST A S DA KD, over 390,00«;
county fair. He is the man w ith the
A **
x— •*
F « rM L
conning brain who cam get tbe most
W alter Kennedy wroto to tbe man­
work out of a machine w ithout break-
.Sample Pages F ree...........
ink it. The farm laborer in the west to­ ager of a prominent theater in Connect­
OP EU G E N «. .
day, where machinery is employed, icut, asking for his open timo fur a
finds bimself advanced to tbe ranks of week in tbe follow ing repertory: "Saw -
s. S. «AKIN. M.. O.SM-S
T. a HannaiCKS. 0 .1 a
skilled labor and enjoys a position not non,” “ O thello ," "V irg in iu » ’ ’ and
w idely different from that of thu m ill- “ Damon and P yth iaa,'’ and this was
hand in the east. Each is a tender of a ths answer: "W a lte r Kennedy— Dear
> 6 0 OOO
S U R P L U S ARO P R O F IT » ,
machine.— W illia m Allen W hite iu S ir: I most say that I have never heard
c f bnt tw o of tbe actors yon mention in
yonr company. Samson was at tho dime
museum here not long ago, breaking
Pacific Coast Agents
Holland holds the first place in tlio fake chains, aud Othello played here
world ae a nation of suiokora. Every last w inter at tbe opposition theater.
Dutchman roneumes ou an average I GO They say he is a good actor, but I don't
»J3 Market St.
ounces a year. The Belgian comes a , care about playing colored stars at my
; good senond w ith an annual oonsump- bouse, as I cater to tbe very best lady
A T tgw W ith a Ola® Cy«.
i tion of HO ounces, followed closely by
audiences, and then I don't think I
This isn’t a “ staffed" tiger, but a Turkey w ith <0 ounce« and the United would like a show w ith all men io i t
m l live one, ferocious and strong. He States w ith flG obnoea Germany, I w ant shows w ith plenty of singing
is at present la tbe menagerie at StutV i France, Spain and Ita ly tread closely ou and dancing, aonbrcltes and oomediaus,
fierce w ith bis glass their heels, w hile the United Kingdom
w ith funny gags. T hai's tl.e stuff for
as w ith the
th« res
real ooe.
eye ae
comes comparatively low on tho list m e ." — St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
A aerioas affection of the mnerles • w ith 23 ounces.— l»ndou T it-C its
O x * * s o x i . cansed the beset to foes tbe right of one
The (Jailer? UatU.
Row Sa T««s4>«a Foeer.
eye. Ae the public d id n 't appreciate a
I t is a commuta saying that the “ gal-
one eyed tiger, tbe beset wae pot under
A plan for rendering paper ax tnngh lery gods" are the best critic», and
cocaine and tbe useless optic removed. as wond or leather, it is said, has been many people believe it to he trae. I t
Thia was a ticklish operation, several recently Introdnced ou thecoutinent. I t might have been years and years ago,
stroug keepers bolding tbe beast down consists in m ixing chloride of xinc w ith bat at present the reverse is true. The
w hile the eye was taken o n t
tbe palp in the coarse of mauafactnre. oacrndency of farce comedy, vaudeville
H e was measured for a new eye, I t has been found that tbe greater the and exaggerat'd melodrama has not
which had to be made w ith a apecial degree of amoentratino of thexiuc sola- , been uplifting. Tba “ gallery gods" of
degree c f fernrity. t o r tbe first week he turn the greater w ill be tbe toughness the present day know nothing cf tlip
tried bard to rub tt oet. but be new of the paper.
legitim ate drema. They have degenerat­
rests contented as the only w ild animal
ed becuuKe theatrical offerings have not
A O s s e t P la r .
w ith a glase eya.
in any way tervrd to educate Ih e ja .—
“ 1 can't afford," said tbo man of Albany Journal.
As gicae window panes ere liable tc moderate mceiis, “ to go to many places
crack if washed in froaiy weather in the of aniascroeat. but 1 am admitted free
F a rts ta n a tu ra l B lit I ® .
. .
ordinary way w ith water, it is naeful to to the play w ith the longmt run ou rec­
Tba Philadelphia Record aaya that
kuow that they can be rubbed over w ith ord, The Struggle of L i f e ’ ’ ’ — New • o m e Maltese cats drink beet. Bow we
a little peraJBa e ll on a cloth ami than
know why those cats that >tay cat late
York Bun,/.
polished withoav danger of brealAor-
nt night carry on «0. — O eveiaufl Leader.
Ahaht the year H. « . <80 edible «cr
peats were sold at a penny each in thu , I t «> «aid that the prigrim «0 Meaen,
A N T Z D -T R Ü b lW O R T H Y AN D Egyptian market«. They wdre shipped
atarting from Washington», would have , lieperaglug character.
activa g«ntlerrt<n or ladies to to Rome. Ita lia n vipers were cheaper io travel fl,bO£ n ilea iu order to reach
travel lor responsible, estahlislied lionee coeting about a half penny each.
The largest American fly is
inOregon. M onthly f ’ A 00 anil expense«
over h alf an inch in length.
In Aaia the avenge nkm brr of lnbab-
In a ll stato» of the Unto», excepting
Po-ition bteady. Reference. Eccl<«e
The oat plant ia in h o ly regudetl sa
i eelt-addrneeed stamped envelope. Ttie itonta per square m ile ia 43; in Africa, California, a bushel of rye Is M poeuda.
13; in America, 8; ia Australia, 1
ttnbieisiatic o f l a t u t e .
¡B th at Stato it is 61 pounds.
P atents
Birds driven before the wind are toss-
I ed about relentlessly, and they raroly
I recover their balance after onco boiug
caught by the gala. Shoro birds aro
1 either daubed upon the waves and made
Stage leaves Eugene M ondays
to swim for their lives or they are h url­
and Thursdays at 0 a. m. and ar­
ed violently against trees or other ob­
jects and killed. Shore birds, when fao-
rives in Florence at
p in. the
ing a gale, w ill take evory advantage cf
trees, houses and bills as defenses
day following.
against the wind. They w ill close their
R eturning stage' leaves Flor­
wings and sink so close to the grnnud
as to get the protecting shelter of a
ence Tuesdays and Fridays at 8
hedge fence, and then swoop np again
a. m. and arrives in E ugene at 6
w ith renewed headway. They frequent­
ly advunee before the gale by a series
p. m , the day follow ing.
_______ ! of hide evolutions, flyiug at right angles
to the wind u ntil they have attained con-
i siderable velocity, and then wheoling
Single fare
- -
D U L U T H __________
; aliont straight against the wind and
Round trip -
making some headway beforo i t over­
comes them. This operation is repeated
Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s
continually u n til the desired place is
livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd
W I N N I P K G _______
During our fa ll and early winter
& D avenport’s office in Florence.
gales partridges and quail are quite fre­
H C L E N A _ *» d
quently blown ant to see by a strong
hurricane, where some of them have
, o n . , ! been picked np by fishermen. In nearly
«11 such instances they are caught by
..........J . 0 . F L I N T , F r o p i l t i o r . ..
the galo when high iu the air, and be-
foro thoy can reoover themselves they
F lo r s n o e , O r e g o n ,
are harried oat beyond tbe shore and
i W A S H IN G T O N
dropped into tbe water. W ith their
plumage soaked w ith tho spnut they in ­
OUR AIM — To furnish the best P H I L A D E L P H I A
stantly become helpless and cannot
accom m odations
at reasonable N S W Y O R K
reach tbe shore in the face of the wind.
On onr inland lakes and rivers this is a
more common eight than along the
P O IN T S K A S T »m i S O U T H
ocean shore.
Fo r In fo rm a tio n , tim e cards, mkpa sud tic k e t,
When onco blown ont to sea, the
etc., c a ll un or w rite
shoro birds bare little chanco of osoape.
Unable to battle aguinst the heavy
W. W. NEBLY, Frop'r.
c urphey
wind, they yield themselves to thoir
General A « e n t.. lto o m . 1 and t, Shelton Block, fate aud d rift abont u ntil the storm
... ,
Tables furnished w ith all the
E U G E N E . OR EG O N.
tabsides. By that time they are likely
delicacies o f the season. W ild
to bo so far from shore that thoy cannot
A. D. C H A R LTO N ,
reach it again, and they either fly or
Assistant General P a u e n x e r Agent.
game, fish and fruit in Beason. Best
swim until they starve to death or die
255 M orrison St. Cur. 3d.
accom odations for the traveling
P o r t l s k t i d O r . of exhaustion. T heir dead bodies, along
w ith those of tbe hapless gulls, terns
public. Charges reasonable.
and herons, aro finally drifted upon
i some shore, where the waves loave them
I high and dry. A fter every heavy storm
hundreds of such luckless victims can
be found on the beaches of our Atlantic
! coast— Our Auirnal Frieuda.
Of The
t th« C eort Hou»«.
.T T O B tio n r — a * t
o vlab
W ill m ak e *-------- o
twean •
Leaves Florence Monday«, Wednes­
days and Fridays.
Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­
days and Sat unlays.
Connects w ith Steamer and Scotts­
burg Stage Line (or Drain.
Also with i
Stage Line for Coos
E- B a n g s ,___Proprietor.
Judge........ ...................
8 T I A M ER “ C 0 O 8 ,"
o —
Tb o . m i l . <<f » child to ■ w o .r y h w r t ,
L lk s dew on ths th irs ty a a rtk ,
Li a «pt-lnglnf w e ll w h e n c te a rd ro p , stark
l a flow o f Joy fro m llr t a « w o rth .
B *
git IL ”
* *
____ _
When be got to the street, bn found
Pet in « hoap < • the ridewalk and *»-
"W ell, w all, how did yaa fff»
ber» eo quick. F u « I re» «11 «he w