RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Revwl • » » * » ■ab IzMfc» OS4 RERUSLldAM CONVERTID* fis Cared_at Boms. T h re e One of thn meet harmonious cottven- The. ■foUawime resnlutioiffi were adopted 1» Heceta Ledge, No. 111,1 O- tions ever held I» Lane county aaremld- j <1, F., of Florwwe,Ore., at their regular ed in Eugene last Saturday to nominate | republican candidates for comity officers ! meeting held April 41th, IBM. . Wbereaa, Keatb ha« again laid his icy to tie voted fok at the J nue elec t ion. The j ' hand upon one of onr members and has convention was called to order at 10 a. taken from our ranks owr beloved in. by Dr. McCornack chairman of »he comity central committee. The Ablest and Most Sncci-reful brother, Alfred Mason, ami 8. H. Friendly «»»chosen temporary Specialists in tiic World. Whereas, As he naa been a member of and Proprietor. ! tlfis lodge and aasociated witli the work chairman, Darwin Bristow secretary j They guarantee ft complete cure of our grand ordei for many years and ami E. K. Henderson as- ‘slant secretary. , Your Own Home, and allonr you Rodney Scott, O. 4V. Ilurd and 8. L. I • <1.60 a year in advance.----- i was ever ready to res|«ond to t tie call of pay when cured. duty, ami who by Ids kindly presence Moorhead were appointed a committee ! . and counsel in the lodge room has stim­ on permanent organifition anJ order o( | Enterad at the poet-office at Florence, t^n» county, (.tragón, aa second-claau ulated us all to more active afforta in hasineea; A 8 Powers. N W White, D U I mail matter. ,, carrying out the principles of the order, Palm, A D Hyland and O Cole, a com-j niittee on credentials ; ami S M Yoran, I 1 therefore be it Thousands of promising young men ADVtMTlalNO BATES M A D Ï gSOWN OH AP- Beaolved, That in the deatli of Bro. B A Wsshbnrn, J M Stafford, Tho» I have ttieir lives and future usefulness Barber and 8 B Eakin, a committee on ! PLICATION. I Alfred Mason, Heceta Lodge, No. I ll , Local notte«» » recta per l |ur> e* r *’ (‘'"ertlon wrecked hv INDI80RETION AND SOVAk CAK1M0 ROWOffR C O .. W«W YOOS. of the Independent Order of Odd Fol­ resolutions. Adjourned tili'l o’clock. PRIVATE DISEASES. Tlie symptoms When tlie convention met in the ! lows, lias lost a most worthy member until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ Florence, Or/ April 15, 1898. afternoon the report of the committee ou wliose place can not lie filled. DIED* tenance and in the actions of the vic­ Resolved, That to his bereaved brother credential» wai presented ami adopted. tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ Commute« on permanent organization John A. Mason and family, we extend N e s t l in g s . At Skagway, Alaska at the home of our sincere and fraternal sympathy ami recommended that temporary organisa- ed, other organs become affected, and JKverybojy ia busy gardening these James Fairweather, March 20tli, 1898, of the assurance that thia lodge wi:i always tion be made permanent and presented sooner or later there are serious results. pneuinofiia, Alfred Mason of Point have an interest in ttieir welfare, and bo an order of business. Report adopted. Our New Method Treatment will posi- fine day«. '« Terrace/Oregon, aged about 51 years. The committee on restituions submitted lively cure these diseases. Call and see onr new line of dress it further MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There arc The deceased was a native of Sweeden Resolved, That these resolutions be the following which were adopted : goods. Meyer A Kyle. emigrating to the United States some spread upon the minutes of tide lodge, a Resolved, that we re-endorse tlie plat­ thousands of you who have committed Sold W ith V. Gurney delivered a raft of log6 at twenty-five years ago. After living in copy be furnished to »he family of Bro. form of principles of toe national re­ offences against the laws of your na­ the Cnshinan mill Wednesday. ture, and are now paying up for it. different parts of the country lie came John A. Mason and the same be pub­ publican party proclaimed in 1890, aad Spruce Point mill has running night to tlie Siuslaw about 1879 and settled on Tnoae weak, aching backs, Loss of Sex­ lished in the W ist and that our charter so emphatically endorsed by the people and day.part of the time this week. ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, a homestead near Point Terrace where he draped in mourning for a period of at the ballot box. Mr. Johq Tanner is doing some paint­ he resided till a few weeks ago when lie Resolved, that the administration of Frequent and Painful evacuations of ing on O. W. Hurd's building this went to Alaska. His wife died about sixty days. Win. McKinley meets our most sanguine the Bladder accompanied by more or i J. L. F vbsish two years ago. His brother, John Ma­ Committee. 1 J . J .A ndkkson expectations. He has met every obliga- less smarting and tlie escape of par week. M K & - ( A noukw B kund . -tton in a firm and dignified way, which tides of albumen in the urine with Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head­ son and family, nre the only relatives lias inspired unusual confidence that ropy sediment, all point to the decline ache, biliousness and liver ills. Price left in this country. SNOW SLIDE ON CHILCOOT TR A IL- Mr. Mason was a member of Heceta whatever exigencies may arise either in of your manliooil. There are hundreds 26 cente. domestic or foreign affair» our govern­ wiic '■ I I. ren the afternoon for a half holiday. It Holden, U. 8 .Commi,»inner, r io r e n c , Oregon, Miss Mary Waite, who lias been Hope Church on last Snnday. After was remarked that the small children April 16,1W». Vl»-. John L Dahlln on h. e. staying with Mrs. Evans for a few weeks many pleasant remarks on Hie beautiful ceived 106 votes, Abingluui 42. Hunt on no 708», for the se'< awQ, »»o. M: nwV. and I to have their pieces memorized returned to Acme Tuesday to attend weather and other social topics the was declared nominated, 23; tp. 17 »-. r. 12 w»»t. ■than the larger ones. For assessor D P Burton and R G lot lie 3, aoc name« tlia following witne»»«» to pr°v» scliool. friends dispersed to their various homes. Callison wore pro|«»o.l. Ballot resulted Before buying tickets to any point in hi» coutinnou» residence upon and cultivation Among tlie passengers on Friday’s Letters have been received at Point ss follows: Burton 92 Callison 56. of said land, viz: the Last or South it will be to your ad­ stage were Mrs. Potterf and Mies Taylor Terrace containing the sad intelligence O. Dowell of Mercer Lake, Or., and J. f-evage, Burton declared nominated. vantage to consult the Northern Pacific teach school who have been engaged to Oregon of tlie death of Alfred Mason nt Skagway. C M Collier was nominated for sur- ■ M ltalh and P. Sutton of rtorencc, Railway Company. We are the quick­ R. M V z a t c s , He died on March 2«th of pneumonia. veyor by acchiinalion. HWs 4s ast taks pssssssisa sf sar M sm ta t a n possssssd b y tk s » '/ est Une to Kansas City, Omaha, St. on the river. Regiater. A1 Ready and A. C. Karnowaky who His death so sudden and while right in Names presented fcr commissioner Louis or other Missouri River points. Tksy mastsr as aa< fores as iato tks arsaa, Don’t forget tiiis: 3days to St. Paul; 35v left here on tlie Robarts intending to go the prime of life, is * shock to all liis were J T Callison, Fred Wright, H M Wksrs Uks iladiatsrs, ws mast figkt far tksa.” NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION to New York and to Alaska returned to Florence Tuesday friends and neighbors, and tlie warmest Price and H D Edwards. Tlie first to having decided to remain in Oregon. sympathy of every one goes ont to his ballot resulted, Edwards 69, Uallison Such is the exalted motto of tho Arena, and the ‘ Eastern cities. For full informa- Land Office, a» Roseburg. Oregon. eall or address, R. McMurpliy, - Mr. Rowan of Arago called at the only surviving brother, John A. Mason, 41, Price 2«, Wright 1«. Oil the second March fi, ISM . entire contents of this monthly magazine ballot Edwards received 102, Callison General Agent, Opposite Guard office, W est office Saturday. He made a visit and liis family. antico ia hereby given that the following- to ilia rgncli at Heceta, when he returns Tlie Monteith dryer on the Stibbius 43. Edwards was declared nominated. named settler ha« filed notice of hl« Intenti«." are upon a plane and ia keeping with ita to make final proof in support of hl» claim, and he will stop at Coquille where he ex­ place lias been in operation for tlie past t Tobacco Spll «ad Keioke Toar 1 Jl* Away. For coroner Dr. J W Harris was ! that »aid proof w ill be made before C. H. H o t motto. The |Areaa’s gallery ,ofj eminent week or two and has proved itself a fifigault tobacco easily and forever. be mat pects to locate. named and tlie secretary was instructed den, U. 8. Comralwioner at Lake Precinct, ‘ "“Ji’fiiU of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- perfect success. Specimens of fruit, Mrs. Kyle was among the passengers Douglas county, Oregon on April 23, IWS. viz: thinkers is a group'oi,interesting men and tin- wonder worker, that makes weak men to cast tbe vote of the convention for ' James M. Young on h. e. no. 7-.W1 for the w J All druggists.W ear»!. Curognarao- from Eugene on Tuesday’s stage, she vegetables and flowers shown are ot »lie ' s w 'i and so'i»w>i, eee. 32, t r - 1’ » . r. I t W. Booklet and sample free. Address having been at Seattle for several weeks, finest quality. Everything in the shape him. women, aud thcir^thou,?htshre worthy ’tho ng itemody C o , Chicago or Now York. 1 He names the following wltneeaee to prove Mr. Kyle will itmain their a week or of vegetables, fruit, flowers, fish and A meeting of tlie county central com­ hl« contlniiou» reV.denec upon end o eltlv.tto n consideration^people. _ ¡The Arena is ere is a very strong feeling among two longer to look after the lutereste of cereals of «11 kinds also meat of all mittee was lield immediately after tin- of «eld lend, viz: eople living between Eugene and his vessels. kinds can be dried in a short time Byrou W. Dorsey, ICnutO. Huai-y add B. r sold with Tar convention adjourned and Dr. II I Me- Wiik« of Ada, Ore., end L. r . Ande.-Jon cl ileton that if the mail service is not Mr. R. W. Vanderburg has moved his suitable for shipping long distances. ! Florence, Oregon. i up to a good degree of efficiency family to Florence to await the erection Mr. Stibbens has withont doubt struck Cornacli waa chosen chairman. R. H . Veoteh, tig the next four years, they will of a dwelling, which was commenced a ricli lead which, well followed, will Register. HOW '3 7 HIS? • complaiots to the post office de- Monday, on O. W. Hnrd’s place where prove a success. f- BMtment. Fur many years the service they will live tiiis »nnnner and assist in N O T IC I FOR PUBLICATION. T o C o ro C » a » t Ip a t lo n F o r e v e r . onithtt line was very poor and unfatis- running tlie creamery. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ Take Casi-arela CaaUv Cathartic. Me or ISO . taAury, but Mr. Bangs lias given regular Wm. Goodpasture camo down tlie I I C. C .C . tall to ottre, druggist« refund money ward for any case of catarrh that cannot Laad O Scz, Rcivburc. Of.-gon MKvu-e during tho past four year« and be cured by Hall'« Oatarrb Cure. March 7, PWJ. river Tuesday after another herd of tb * people know how to appreciate it. ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Propa-.Toledo, O. Notice 1» hereby given thst the following cattle. Including those now on hand lie Tbe next contract has been let at a very We the undersigned, have known T. assied o-ttler has filed notice of hi» Intentimi has taken ont from tlie Siuslaw about Tiie following statistic» concerning J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and to make final pr mV In »nppnrt «1 lii» claim , ami low price to a man iron» the cast who 6W bead within a W. > icbola lias the school affairs of l/iii8 county are Iwlieve him perfectly lionor.tble in all that »aid prou; ’v ili be made before f . H. Hol­ •Hddntly knew little or nothing of the driven ont over 300 in that time so that taken from the nunual report of Super- busiiteas traimactiuns and financially den V. 8. Cem mriekmrvat la k e Precinct. Boo#. __________ le« conn tv, Oregon, on Abril 14, 147«, el»: John ■EcultifS to lie encountered. If any­ counting what other parties have taken inteuJent Hunt. able to carry out any obligation» made ; H1M.IU nn h. «. m 47AS iw the eeQ «e!» «ee. 11; thing is lost through tlie transaction the ni j «w’ é. «» r. H W. No. of persona in county between the t»y tlieir firm. there have been nearly 1,000 head of Me names the folioivin» nitore»«« tn prove Contractor ought to stand it instead ------- of . „ West A ’lrsax. wbolcsal* druggists i in tlie t’k«« 4 *D'1 JeM ,> annoyed by irregnlarj cattle driven out of this valley hie continuous residence upon end cultivation eu 4 and No. of resident pupil« bet» Toledo, O. Walding. Kinnan A Marvin, tlie people lieing of fialfl lAnd, viz: past year. and 20 enrolled in school 4974. 1 windesale druggists, Tol*k», Ohio. Robert B. Milla, Fred B. Knenpir, and an­ ’and inefficient mail service — 1 No. teachers einployeJ 266. Hall'« Catarrh Core is taken internal dre» E. H attley «f Florence, Or. and I d . Estimated valoe of school houses ' , y g,.tin({ ,|irwtly opon the blood and ' Andermu of Acme, Oregon. R. M. Vaavca grounds <123,730. mucous surface« vf tlie «yeten». Trice Estimated value of forniture <13,463. . 6e. per borile. Sold by all druggists. Estimate value of school apparatus Testimonials free. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION <7,981. Hall's Family P»U» «re the be«t. Average monthly salary of female L*.«4 OTlec, at Roeeburz, Or"Xb". teachers <30.17. March H , 1 * * . uni« A PROFITABLE BANO OF SHEER. Average monthly salary ot Notice 1» hereby given th»t the fnH .wiiig . , I named eettler h»» filed notice of hie Intention teachers <35.95. ‘ tn make final proof |u repp-wt nf hl» clslra, and 1 J. L. Taylor ot lli-rm'.nn ha» * No. distric!« in county M2. of ewca nnmtwring thirttwn that hav* the: m id proof «rill be made before »1. It. H«»l- - No. districts repining 159. raised twenty-three nice lamb« thw ,1en If. B. C.wnmlerioneT. at Flore««.-. Oregon " " No. of school Imuses in county 155. . | . , . l r ! April«#. 1«««. viz: l-ewl» Better» on k. e. nw. No. of legal voter« in e»u»ry fur school spring though tlie sheep picked i 7SB7 for the ew% ee»$, «ee. 3i; nH nek« and ne>< entire living all winter. 15 Ito ran beat ■wM- « * • ■ : to -1’ • • ’ • 4® w - piirpoas» 2624. He name» the iollnwlcg wttneme« to prove t per cent, taxes fur school Hit« for rapid increase of «beep? Me «aillnnno» residence upon and culUretlnu ’ purposes, 00486. <4 »eld land, vl*: Th« total receipts from nil sources p g T T K W titan cure la prevention. A. r. Walker. W. W. Me«ly, T. f. Nevly »nd during tbe vear was <52,976 29, and D lly taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla yon John L Dah'.ln, all <1 Mapleton. Ortg««. ■ ABSOLUTELY 0UWWTB8D t ttre * * . " oever ». M. VaaTCW, « t o e . id. «TtW JM BBWBBT pie aad I i di«b«raemenls <61,822.:», leaving in) may keep well, with pare blood, strong BegliMr. You m u « use two teaapoonful» of other baking powder. nerves aad a food A P P B T IT S . hands of »lie varioui clerks <1,147.99. pay when cured . DB.W.B.SÄB8S&C0. VEATHKRSON Stars in And The A R T S ^ e tn e i Scientific American. W THE EnSMAPnUTAH/ THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. MAKE YOUR 8ELC O TIO N . Use only one heap­ ing teaspoonful of Schilling s Best Bak­ ing Powder to a quart of flour. ■ THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. cuRiconsriMnoN. - .r