T H E CHILDS DAILY DIET, ~ P 9 » iu h is b ifvfcwr Hub ay fu a x ix u .» Mr». Reser FrracHhse the Bast road far 1 low TO FINO 00T. ?iH a bottle or common glass i w ith! ACMC itC M S . »«•««'«“ “ »«" '* % W T H E • E r E a r n Daorria». t u x ora Bkai i .va GoaKsro.soo'r. Breakfast. Dinner and Supper. urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; Marion Sweet of Point Terrace »¡sited a andiinent or Settling iudiuates an un-1 ^lX>*t\*CB» CtJCNfT, Ç&SttOW W iM .i 1). 0 ., April 4th 1898. in Acme Sunday. healthy condition of the kidneys. When Mrs. 8. T r KoieP, writing on ■The 'trine stains linen it is evideuce of kid- i Although there are still a tew persona Mr. F. B. Wilson of Floreuc« was in Bcet Food (or a U ru w ia, C hild" in tit« •••» ¥ ••• ney trouble. Too frequent deair« to in Washington who are advocating a Acme on business Friday. April lad ies’ Hume Journal, say a: “ A erinateor pain In the back, ia also con­ Mr. tlurney inten'ts to start bis log­ child uniat have ia its active Ute at least vincing proof that the kidneys and continuance of diplomatic efforts to ging camp this week, with a large crew • • • - a a I avoid war, and more outside who nrc bladder are out of order. tho thirds carbonaceous bode and one* of men. trying to influence senators and repre­ Editor and Proprietor. W HAT TO 0 9 . third nitrogenous urflesb-building foods. I. B. Cushman Is hnay buying all the There ia comfort in the knowledge so sentatives by wire to do nothing, there I'or bfreaWaat he may hare a well-baked log» he can find—Fet Fisk is buying often eXpteesad, that Dr. Kilm er’« isn't a ahatlow of a doubt that congress, ^Florence, //r . April ¿5, I or steamed apple, a little apple sauce, a swamp-root, the great kidney remedy eggs. Mias Mary Waite returned home ripe pencil or sonic grapes, followed by fuldls every wisii in relieving pain in the the sentiment of which is practically j unanimous, will this week, almost cer- Monday after a three Week's stay in a well-cooked cereal with milk, after , back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every OUR RELATIONS Wl fM SPAIN. It corrects corrects 1 taiuly within the next three days, tak o i Florence. which a soft-boiled egg, a small bit of part of the urinary paaaage. It inability to hold urine and acaldfug pain | action that will make war certain. The Frank Saubert was running the A lew days ago President McKinley broiled white-fish, a little broiled sweet- j in passing it, or bad effects following administration is arranging with that i f«cer in the Cushman mill but could Prepared a message cuncerning the re- i ' * l* d’ ■ P>*» of broiled chicken, or he use «1 liquor, wine or beer, and over- | „ s t a t i o n , in order to be able to start I not ,Und "udde" P"*F»ri‘F a"d *lnit over- latious towards Spain and Cuba which ' ll,,y ,a ^e a bowl of oatmeal or come a th a t unpleasant necessity v. w of be- 1 Miss Harriet L. Taylor of Eugene With New Year Greetings, and a ¡U was announced would de sent to con- w,ieat I'ft'pnrntion, and a slice of well- ing compelled to get up many times “ ghting with vigor. Everything around arrived on Friday’s boat, to take charge during the night to urinate. The mild t,ie government departments ia already Cress Monday. I t is aaid a resolution ** on may have s sample bottle and f ingtnn navy yard without a pass. All Rolit. Vander'iurg lias a bill nf lumber Sold.” Sunday an^j it was jlccide.1 to grant an one Breen «imply cooked, such pamphlet le t. upon reccipt’ of'tliroe-t^wo^Tent^stanips'to ° ^ <>" r l,#V* P’* * 1 under I sawed to build a house near tlie cream- — -Stock of-------- armistice for five days on the following 1 ** ’ Pinacll> cauliflower, asparagus, ! cry where lie intends to work this cover cost of postage on the hottie. en,* rK « ‘ncy orders. J tuce, cress, celery, well-cooked summer. . » conditions : cucum- That tint United States should imtnc- * * r ’ *'*reful,y «tewed turnip or well- Mention The W est anil send yoqr ad- . Congress is thoroughly in tlie fighting We understand we are about to loose •Iress to D r. Kilm er A Co., Binghamton, humor, and, in addition to adopting the one of our saw mills, aa there is some ' diately cease to lewd moral and m aterial boiled radish, oeir «Inch is poured a N. V The proprietor of this paper | _ ;ll .......... ......... .. talk of Mr. Saubert moving his new little cream aaitce giving the required legislation that will make war unavoid- - support to the Ouhan insurgents; that guarantees the genuinenese of this offor. mill frame to Florence, j • j able, it will thia week pass tlie legisla­ ■ tJie American aqwadrou in tho vicinity of fatty matter. Next comes the dessert. One cargo of lumber was sawed last GOOD NEWS' FOR YAQUINA. tion that will furnish tlie government Cuba should be withdrawn and that the Bush things as rice pudding, cup cus- week, and if we don't get a schooner , with the money that will be needed to soon tlie mill will have to shut down as American war vessels near the Philip- tarJ, caramel custard, mock charlotte, Oregonian. . ------------------ * --------------------- I carry on the war. The probabilities arc tlie wharf is almost full. . pine Islands should also he withdrawn. floating island, rice dumplings and Tlie people of Yaquina will be pleased j that tlie money will be raised by special , The op nion of leading republican boiled rice and milk, or moulded wheat- to leHrn that Lieutenant l ’otter, United Elmer Johnson returned Friday from I want to sell It, I know a “Nimble Nlckle is better than, ' congressmen is that the armistice will let with whipped cream, and moulded States engineer, who is in charge of gov­ taxes, instead of by an issue of bonds. Gray's Harbor. Were it not that lie wears a broader smile Ilian usual, There is a very decided prejudice w« Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make the niokle nimble by offering .- not change • the situation. Qno says it rice with whipped cream may be used. ernment work at that place, lias been would see no change in Elmer. against an issue of bonds, if it can be will not d«|ay the presidents message. W ater not iced sliould be the accom­ authorized to advertise for proposals for Sunday evening Nelson Hewitt could Sure, Square, Good Bargains. avoided. I t is only another pretext fqr t^alay be­ panying beverage. the extension of tho jetties at Yaquina be seen straddle of a log on tlie marsh “ Supper may consist of bread Tlie Spaniards do not live up to the picking a grouse. Any one wishing in­ cause Spain- i t not able to light in the ’ j hay, and lias already sent such adver- * . . . 3 4 ,t ° thoroughly baked, with either butter -■•rainy eennon. maxim tliat a lie well stuck to can formation about grouse hunting please or tisements East, to be inserted in engl A Ieadiug republican member of tlie milk, or cornmeal mush and m ilk, neering journals often be made to pass for tlie truth. call on hint. house committee on foreign affairs eg- much tread, bread sticks and chicken In accordance witli instructions receiv­ They lied glibly enough in their report jtressed t ie up i a ten that the armtetiue Iro th. Milk ia, however, tlie better ed some time since, lie prepared specifi­ declaring the Maine to have been blown G R EE N LE A F IT E M S . ; * ■ . #4, g . ., , j • offers.! by tipaia, instg^U of relieving Nqssid feed for tip child’s night nieiil cations on which projiosnls could be sub- up from tlie inside, but they so far By a W est C okrespondrst . child and who com ia fed <„rtal£ proper!!’, and is wall , .the situation, w onldoaly.aggravate it. A bathed clothed w" I ’ ‘’ent ‘ h“ “ ° ‘ en’ neglected to stick to the lie tliat they —AT— AV. H. WRATHKRSGN ANNOUNCEM ENT: GENEEAL + MERCHANDISE I desire to sell as much of my present stock as M e aaid that lie believed that this have actually been trying to make it April 9th, 189«. ’ ««km» «» the ap|>ear that the Maine was blown up by Mrs. Setli Simmons, who has been same tune that if the specifications were Cubans, thus admitting tlie falsity of i dangerously ill, is recovering. complete abolition of Spanish authority approved lie be given authority to adver­ their own official report. Tlie Spanish over any jmrt of-Caban territory. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eaggleshaim are tise for proposals for the work. This living on Norman Eaggleshaim's place, •‘I do not bolieve," iiosaid, “that the minister made public the affidavit of a authority lias arrived, and ndvertisemeta Fred Pepiot continues to lose goats armistice arranged at'this late day by ----------- | ‘«VO been sent East, as stated, but tlie New York inventor of explosives, in from time to time from tliat unaccount­ Hpain will jdfeot the attitude of the Unit- The J rice Will Ba 4 Cents—Sand Island ( ’rork wiu not be advertised here until which lie says lie was called on by a able goat disease described heeetufore. • «<1 States. There is every reason why number of members of tlie Cuban Junta Trap Spiles Ordered Out. until tlie specifications, as approved, ar­ J. A. Burnett lias gone to Eugene by Spain alioqld want an armiatico now, rive. Bids will be opened at Lieuten­ who were greatly interested in »lie way of Hale, to which place he took a and it might heaujCcieBt as a central A»tori«n: ant Potter’s office, in tlie Chamber of powerful explosives lie had invonted, drove of calves that had been sold to motive that the rainy season, with all A t the meeting of the Fishermen’» Commerce, on May 21. There is no and endeavored without saying so in so Mr. Nichols of tlie Siuslaw. the horror«¿t has for the nnacclimated Frotective union la«t night tlie com­ time provided when tlie work is to begun many words to leave the impression Walter Blacliley owner of tlie Blaclilcy that Hie Cuban Junta had the Maine ghost, has knocked the walls from under Spanish soMiere, will set tea within three mittee appointed at the iast meeting to or completed. tlie roof of tlie h#!)qted liQuse, though weeks continue nntil alxjrtt Novem« wait en tlie cannerymen to ascertion the The act of congress authorising tlie ex- blown up. Tlie official reference to the tlia roof still b I i «1 s water and the spook her. K vey budy L o o m what its effect price of salmon tlie coming season re- j tension of the Yaquina jetties provides Maine i.i Spain’s long communication tf a dwarf, can still find shelter there. ’ is on troop« sent over fro® the peniu- ported that tlie cannerymen agreed to that tlie expenditure shall not exceed to this government was unsatisfactory, Tlie men of Greenleaf turn out semi- pay 4 conts per pound, and that this $1,000,000. There is only $25,000 avail­ not to say positively insulting. Tlie occasionally and work on the founda­ W la, and iu the present coatiagancy, price would lie pai‘ome l>e commenced on tlie jetties this season. the loss of the Maine as an “ occurence," causa in the cpnfUct. Its objects are No action waa taken in regnrd to tlio I f thia appropriation ia not made, tlie and suggests Hint it could be submitted than to buy them, for the roads were eo relief from the hoped-for avoidance of trap spiles nt Band Island, aa tlie gov­ work will have to be put off till a more to arbitration, and expressed neither bad that the trip of 55 miles and return occupied more than five days. action bylltip copntrv aa well an delay ernment lias posted notices on tlie spiles convenient season, as the $25,000 now regret nor special interest in the matter, Emil Robert was out this week look- w ith tlie Insurgente until a more ordering their removal, signed by the available is not enough to make a begin­ thereby displaying a lack of wisdom and 1 I ' . ‘ •» flh t. A A mg up that tax title against his farm.. atlding to the anti-Spanish feeling in epicious season, tliat view, I second lieutenant at Fort Canby, If ning. I t is for Hie taxes for 1893, for which he congress, aud the idea that the treacher­ holds a receipt from Sheriff Noland who »gainst its coiiaiderntion for a moment." G*« «piles are not removed forthwith BrervlNMlr *»ys So. ous blowing up of tho Maine furnished a eolleeted taxes that year but failed to tho union will step in and do it. I f Hie possible within the next sixty days, in order to make room for Spring goods to arrive. eat well, aleep well and be happy nnJ country wenM not rest short of the ljOO)] i> FIStfKKMKN’S the Í obt of spiles remain there for any time during y ei - hai -W ei . Hie season Hie fi«hermen will run much risk ot losing life and property, H. P. ( bruuleto: I t was nemi-officially day that Groat D h tian announced had to­ made ar- tlie government does not act the fishermen are determined and at to have with Government has paid tlie war indemnity due to Japan aud the jlapaneae troops have aracaated tlie place. The arrangement, it is added, was made with the knowledge and approval of Japan, with which country aa agree­ ment bed previously been arrived at. The latter fact, was kept secret until China had aatnaliy agreed to tlie lease and the British fleet lied aaaemhlcd the vicinity. '«•». I l ia said on good in authority that neither Russia nor Germany is pleased •o criticise our wrong didugs, but tiieir own—are so trivial tlwy should noticed, (f)' not hr JiM C’ohnrr, who has proved a failure as a prize flgl,ter and actor, now candidate for congress from one of is a tlie ite?on^retfi< f ni v c “u '»rUe, ‘ he moat won ^•'•dlca1 discovery of tlie age. p'eaa- sufficient cause for war. i2*i di . l ’ to the taste, act gently Tlie action of the house in increasing i“lc l.'.S n -7 i'b ° " M 'W s . liver and Isitvels, iliansiiig the entire svstem, dlsiiel colds tlie number of torpedo boat« and tor­ ' ciistlisttion ‘ urn in Robert’s money after collecting ‘»■y ,nd ‘ ry « box pedo boat dostroyen) provid«! for in tlie to the holder of the sheriff’s deed or ' ,0.'Ai.-Mtcenta. »¿.Id and guaruuleed to cure by all druvglsta. regular appropriation bill front six of I bring suit in the circuit court to have each to twelve of each is generally com | the deed e»»cell«l, either of which in-1 ALL PATRIOTS ALIKE. mended, although no ouc had any idea Tacoma Ledger: tliat they can be built in time to Nrw.jwpr, Maker, Come and obtain prices, and have a we have a good seat and a warm Are for social chat if nothing more, all who enter our doors. Yours Very Truly, o. w. HURD. CARMAN’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods, * Groceries Aland * Notions. FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. it, and now the only way Rou .ft can dear h i. title is to pay the tax and costs ........Just Opened.. volvcs quite a toss to him. take J ames I). G.™<„, a blind street musi- I Amid tl.e clamors far war raised by any part in Hie war with Hpain. I t ia The chango of location of the Northern dan is training a spotted cayusc at 8c- politicians in anil out of congress, tha simply tliat the existing situation has ' Pacific ticket office, wldeli is now witli _____ *.UIe’ W,,ich he intend# to ride to the! "Tlie Eugene Real Estate Agency" on statement lias been reiterated that tho convinced nearly everybody of the people of this country aro a unit ih de- neceasity of our being always prepared KI° nd'*ie’ M r" thinks he will Hie ground floor directly opfioeite the Gnard'office, near corner of BtWwoth and uinnding war with the single exception to defend ourselves against a noeaible ' ’i0**'*^ 1,10 tr'P ’’’•licli will take him about two months. When he Willamette 8treets, Eugene. This is of the “ money changers," which term is foreign enemy. the only regular City Ticket Office in « tu r n . i„ the fall he expect, to make meant to include all tlie financial m - Representative Loriincr, of l ane County. Wo are absolutely the ins fortune by lecturing on the experi- only line running through cars from Eu­ tercets of tlie country. Thia ia a great voiced the sentiment of many i * nCC’ ° f a M “'1 nian in Alaska h gene to tlie East or houth without mistake. Tlie people of tiffs country, congress end of thousands outside of j project shows him to be , man of’ J c« change Remember “ no change of car. " " l»>d« "f « few yellow journals, are not congress when he said: “ Spanish rule nerve.' 8 1 at Portland via tlie Northern Pacific, i deairoua of war. Tbev hope ’ullnmn ¡ X i . " , ' Up''° l i ' e' * d 1 ''««¡red may be aecured that the in L uba lias been a menace to our com­ without merce and peace ever since the founda­ I Ulin,an Tourist filw p in g cars and Hie . celebrated Dining rare on crery train rw o rU o ” tre,n« '»•«•»res, i and that tion of Hits government, and the time Don’t foW t thia in chooaing your route Gub“ uu,>’ t»>rouBh tl.e effort. I baa „ Ow cou'ie to drive the" S p a ,H a h 'tZ at tha arrangement, an^ it is added Hint tlie island of Leu ku n g T *u , at the en­ for m hiiMitivNA or pit* ns tire trip. For full information call or address. trance of Wei-hai-wei will be strongly R. M o M ean iv, General Agent, fortified, while the lapd batteries de­ UpiMwite Guard office, Eugene stroyed by the Japanese van speedily lie POSTAL ORDER REVOKED. reconstructed. How JUST an^l rigty it serins to oHiers if once Ohina to take over them pulleU out. tha port of Wei-hai-wei, on the bhang DO N O T FO R G ET. Tung pqninmila, when the Ohineae rangcinema ★ * * ★ if. + ★ MEETING. Goods as R epresented. Changej ¡ Climate ¿ 0 ' 1 of this tliis oonntrv country. i I f «.>■» -» ________ • ® war k be necessary _ to I and every vestige of Spanish power from Brunie» Down thu Health of that object, t h . people will say, j our .1,ores, " Oregon Man war be it, and the “ money changers" The war talk has drowned ont the talk will lie aa unanimous as any others. What a Few Botttea « f Motel’. f l » « . p . r « , . OW Mt^ • alsmt the annexation of Hawaii, but it The people of thia country—especially Our home I, | n Ctark the older ones— fully appreciate the hor­ has been definitely decided by the ad­ •ecu,, rors and cost of war, and would avoid ministration ns soon aa actual hostilities The post office department at Wash- U if »» « •“ l* «void«! honorably and our are begun to hoist the American flag inrton has issued an order for tlie rev©- ►>»">»"« »nd just commands satisfied, over Hawaii, and to use it a naval cation of the rule excluding from the | T ,li« *• ‘ •'« position of tltoee wlio have supply station lor tlie Pacific, regardless »,1,1 ress on a postal card word« indieat- u,uc1' lo Io * . »» well as others who of whetlier congress acts upon tha joint iug thy business or occupation of the a d -1l,,ve nothing. resolution providing lor annexation or ! I i 1« extremely popular among certain not T liia action by the department has re- classes of politicians to make their flings The bill intended to encourage eeter suited front the receipt of hundreds of * “ l,e “ money changers," but the ones »on. Ky '»Clon. My little . I , » , hoy hoy ws. u ’ £ ’ n Ml'’ asthms h — snly two whh asthma - when T“ rs olfl, and d hepm tek In , „ d In a tew wsaka I was well and able to New York tenderloin districts. There an soldiers Io volunteer with the war have been members of congress in com- protests from large mercantile concern, '»eluded in that general term are & p« With Spain, by providing that enlist­ which had purchase,! postal cards in lots ,rioMc ,n d w i|l •» »• »*«dy to come to jiarison with whom Corbett would be a ment in either army or nary will not rshging from 1,000 te 10,000 upon the ,he ««PPor‘ »",1 uphold the bonds ol '(.Uinstian statm roan.- raeosia l^ d frr. stop pensions now being drawn by those Iw k of which they iia.| printed blanke the government In case of war any who enlist, was amended before being te uh > haaa-tn to be used by customers in ordaring ®>h«r class or msse of our people. Qne •" f r*r - t t e . Oa. True ru rtt.7 INDIAN BUCKS FOB THE WAR. » »>< s • ’ K 4 A . by all "“'««N d r „ s i;m w » j. favorably reported to tbe home so as to «I; t »tvtarsj. gtods, t l» face ol the card bearing the o< th* F « « ‘««t ol the "money changer«" provide that all ex-eonfedaratas who Hood’s P ills T scl M u a I Mger name of ths Arm, the nature of the boa- ,lM «ignifled h it intention Indian Inspector .y^Langidln lisa mess, and its location. Such cards, uit- d®»«Uug a flve-mi I lion -dollar resec I to sliall hereafter serve ninety days ,a written a frtend in thia chy that Crow der the rule just rescinded, were declar- ,he government in case ot war. Which either the army or navy of tbe V . p. 1 V anteiutr , stworth T ^ D w, the fauir.es old chief nl the S'iottx «1 unmailable, but when received at oi ,h* y,Uw* j®“ ” »»1« or politicians shall be entitled to all tbe benefits of active gentle,nei, or ladies the pension art of June 27th. 18», » f<* rrepotisihte. evtnhli.iJu T ,0 Ii,dtai.a a t the Rose ud agency lias post offices they were delivered upon tlie wil1 * * * * on> P,’r c* Bt ‘ his »nm. show« I - 10 O '* * ’». Monthly $B5.00a,.,i.___ after said sernce they are shown to be $**¡.00 end ex penses re menta of young payment by the recipient of two cents Position steady Ma-Tw-Bwr ree n r t y Cesta, RHereuce. Enclose unable to perform rnaaual lalxe an d to self-add rva»« I i additicnal postage. arwstaed tabarro habit ran, malm weak .troni. Note pure Mr It AUd " n t « a ». . . «‘am pul et, velo« t ,.« le dependent thereon for auport Pomtumn C c p r » y . Dcpt. Y ( ¿ ¿ J ' ’* Hood’s 8,rM par " la PROPRIFTO«