W E ST BSHEl» XV EBY ■ayal raakaa the feud pitra. whoM saata cs4 Á SÂB- MISHAP. UNION CONVCNT9ON CALLAO. C ounty C o * vaut Io n F r id a y , |xscr, L axe CorxTV, Oszoox.— • • • ÛV • • • II. WEATIIERSON .A p ril 2 3 — r r im a r ia a A p r il 10. FRIDA V MOBXIKO— A Scow Load of Cattle tipi In accordance with the action of, Over While Being Tow* the populist, democratic and silver republican county convantiona, held ed to Head of Tide. •v in Eugene, March ICtli, 1898, llie chair- ' Be CnreiUI Hose. Three PAY W HEN CURED. D B .n.SA B fflR 54C 0. ★ ★ • Stars in ★ Desirable men of the county central coimnitteea The Ablest and Moat Successinl of theiie several parties with the chair­ Specialists in the World. and l* *n < ra th e Lo oaera—Eat I- man of the union organization hereby : They guarantee it complete cure a t n a t r d L o u S3OO. N o- issues a call for the I.ane county uniou ’ Your Own Home, and allow you to 11.50 a year in advance.------ body*« F a u lt. primaries to lie held in the several pre­ pay when cured. cincts of I-mo county at I o’clock p. n i.' Entered at tho post-offii'P at Florence, Wednesday afternoon wlyjf tho Lil­ Saturday April 16th, 189«, for the pur­ Lana, county, Oregon, as second-class lian was towing a scuw-lfièd 4^ cajtle up pose of choosing delegates to the union mail (natter. the river for Nichols and Pengra*. the I county convention, to l>e held in F.u-1 cnttlegot to pushing one-anotlier around ■ gene at 10 o’clock a. in., Friday, April I A n V I B T I S I S d RATES MADE KXOWX OX AP- Thousands of promising young men some liosv, and upset the scour and If». 22nd, 1898. F Ú C A T IO X . I,seal notices s cents per Une. carb insertion head of fine cattle were drowned. Mr. , The baais of representation is 2 dele-j have their lives and future usefulness oo»«i suina eowort co., we* vomi . Nichols a member of the firm of Nichols I gates at large for each precinct and | wrecked by INDISCRETION AND Florence, Or. April 8, 1898.1 A I'uugra, who was on tioard the Lillian oue for every 31 votes and fraction of PRIVATE DISEASES. Tl—symptom» PERSONALS. at the time of the accident estimates the 30 more than one half «mat for k\ illiaui until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ visited nt Point loss at about $300. The accident hap- J. Bryun at the November election in ! tcnance an J in the actions of tho vic­ Mrs. 9. J. Seymour W E S T L IN G 8 . tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ Terrace Tuesday. i pened opposite Mrs. Martha Hartley’s 189«. According to the above basis we give ed, other organs become affected, and place above Point Terrace. Mrs. J. R. Stiles of Point Terrace vis­ Reaton dancing club met last Sntur- I Captain Steear of the Lillian says it the numlier of delegatus the following | aooner or later there arc serious results. ited friend« at Mapleton thia week. day evening. Our New Method Treatment will posi­ I. B. Cashman and Miss Gertrude was nobody's fault, and that the scow precincts are entitled to: Call and see onr new lino of dresa tively cure tliesc diseases. Mapleton 6 ^rus a good one, that they were ruuuiug Florence Harwood came in on Tuesday’s stage. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are goods.1 Meyer A Kyle Walton hiwler sl^xv bell when the accideut Uermann 3 thousands of you who have committed Mr. ^red Mason is reported to be re­ Messrs. O. IV. Hurd E. E. Benedict happened, so it could not have been Lake creek Heceta 3 and W. H. Wentherson were passengers ) 8old W ith offences against the Inws of your na­ covering from his illness. caused from too great speed. Mr. Glentena 3 on Tuesday’s stage. The chairmen of the committee sng- ■ ture, and are now paying up for it. Steirar, aa well ns the crew of the Lillian Mn.JC. Nicollo has been suffering Mr. I. G. Knotts leaves today to at­ ! say that they did all in their power to ge8tstli.it the delegation should be' Those weak, actiing backs, Loss of Sex­ from M attack of La G ri pp. tend the Presbytery. He expects to be save the cattle, but ouly succeeded in divided so that each party should have ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Mr. A. A. Knowles lias been too ill to gone about two weeks. saving nine out of twenty-four. They at least one delegate. ! Frequent and Painful evacuations of leave the house for several days. Messrs. Nichols nnd Pengra have just think, however, that it is very probable J. G. S tevfxmox , Chairman Union tho Bladder accompanied by more or Bring your job work to tho YV bst gathered up 196 head of cattle on the less smarting and the escape of par­ some of the cattle swam to shore unob- Central Committee. office. Good work done at reasonable lower Siuslaw and its tributaries. A. J. Z umwalt per A. S. P a - ttikoon , ticles of albumen in tlie urine with ' served, and thus the loss may not he so price«. Acting Chairman Populist Central ropy sediment, all point to the decline Messrs. Wilson and Knowles passed great as at first anticipated. of your manhooi. There arc hundreds The schooner Del Norte left San Fran­ through Florence Tuesday on their way j Committee. — --------------------- cisco a few days ago bound for this from Smith river to Indepennence. J oshua J. W altox , Chairman Dem­ who die Of this difficulty, ignorant of , MASS MEETING, the cause. The doctors will guarantee port. ocratic Central Coinmitteu. Miss Maggie Brund returned to her . - —— Tlie San Francisco Examiner and the home Saturday, having spent several. The mass meeting in the Odd Fellow’s C. H. B akkb , Chairman Silver Re- a perfect cure in all such cases, and healthy restoration of the Gcnito Urin­ W asTforone year $2.60 paid in ml- days visiting friends and relatives j h»U Inst Friday evening to nominate pubiicuu Central Committee. ary Organs. vance. Florence. - candidates for city officers to be balloted CITY ELECTION- READER—Are you in trouble? K dneate T o u r B o w e l! W ith rwaenrata. Mr. Walter Gilbert of Northfield, 1 for Tuesday was very well attended. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Have yon been treated and never cured ? Ifle.Ific. It C. C C. fall. druEKlstsrefund money Minn., who spent some time in our E. K. Benedict was chosen chairman The election of the city officers for You dnre not risk a return of the dis­ The many friends of Miss I.ida Lowe valley about three years ago lins recent- and John H. Morris secretary. Andrew Florehce passe«! off very quietly Tues­ ease. It may appear when happy in 1 Brund and C, C. Behnke were appointed day, for had a stranger entered onr little domestic life. * Our New Method of Glenada will regret to hear of her si« ly returne«!. John Safley lias returned from h is ; tellers. berg he would fiever have known that Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, None who are engaged in any of the mechanical vere illness. of council there was an election being held, that is consult us confidentially. The Lillian towed a raft of logs from trip to the Sound cities and seems to! Nominations for president pursuit« can succeed without rending and It was decided if he happened to he fortunate enough WRITE (enclosing stamps for roply) Mapleton down to the Spruce Point think the Siuslaw very pearly perfect in were declared in order. to nominate two candidates. Thu nnmos to escape the electionerers who have for our fntsrsating took. “ A Warning comparison. studying this standard Magazine of Sciences mill Monday. of F B Wilson, E E Benedict, W H been canvassing the town for the past Voice." Sent free. All letter» kept George Brainard started to San Fran­ Hopd’s Pills are prompt, efficient, al- Weatberson, J C Flint and A R But- and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with way« reliable, easy to take, easy to cisco where lie hopes to obtain employ­ tolpli were proposed. Each of them wees in the interest of some of the strictly private and confidential. Ail candidates they wished elected. answer» sent in plain sealed envelope. ment. His family will remain at Acme all modern cuts of latest inventions in ail operate. 25c. objected to accepting and Messrs. Wil­ The following officers were elected: No C. O. D. business. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Evans are very during the summer. son, Flint and Buttolpl. postively For president, W. H. Weatberson I the branches of mechanism, and its fund of Mr. John Powell brought his wife declined. Ballot being taken Benedict happy over the arrival of a sou at their was elected over E. E. Benedict by a} Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. from Mapleton Monday to receive medi­ knowledge is iusi'parably connected with in­ home on April 6th. and Weatberson were declared elected. large majority. For recorder Messrs. Behnke, Morris, It it reported that I. B. Cushman has cal aid. Mrs. Stinglev is cooking at the The four that received the most votes WRITE TODAY'. ventors anti mechanics. Sold with Tun Knotts, A F Hurd, Pond, and Anderson out of the seven that were proposed for secured the tug Hunter, of Uinpqua, to logging camp in her place. L. P. Tallman was in Florence Satur­ were suggested. Vote l>sing taken do the towing on the Siuslaw. W est at clubbing rates. cnnnciinien are: O. W. Hurd, Win. A ddress Mrs. Geo. Bradley recieved the sad day. He is very much pleased with his John II. Morris was declared no­ Kyle, Ludvig Christensen and John A. Or- W- H Saunders & Co new« of the death of her brother, Earl new Monteith evaporator, as indeed all minated. Yates. Who will take their scats as 69 Spro.it St., Detroit, Mich. are who have tried that kind. On the first ballot for a candidate for councilman for the ensuing year. Young who was with his parents in Ari- Miss Charlotte Vanderburg, Mr«. W. marshal G O Cumpton wrr nominated. John H. Morris was elected recorder. ' .ona. D. W. Stibbens showed us a few H. Weatberson nnd children and Messrs. John Yates and J C Flint receiving the Having no cauipctitor he received all | NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. samples of evaporated vegetables the Vanderburg and Brund spent Saturday same number of votes another ballot the votes but one, which was cast at Land Office a« Bossburg, Orraron. otliet day. He had just got ids evapo­ and Sunday visiting friends at Point was necessary to nominal«* t lie second random and happened to hit F. B. February I I . 1S9K. cnmlidnta and J C Flint received the Wilson. rator ready for operation and the Terrace. Notice Is hereby Riven that the (oUowiug- Supervisor Schulte has been vigorous­ nominntion. For marshal G. C. Cumpton was named »ettler haa filed notice of her intention samples were about the first lie dried ly pushing the work of road building. Nominations for trnstees were then elected over J. C. Flint by quite a large to tanks final proof in support of h rr claim and but they were nice just the same. He expects to have a crew of men at I ¡n orderfor which office the following majority. Mr. Flint having said he that said proof w ill be mad*- before C. II. H o l­ j' W >-To-B ac fo r F ifty Cents. lisi) V. 8. CoiauuMlancr at Florence. Orason, ,Q ^ ra n to c d toliacco habit rum makes woak work near Patterson's, above Acme, were proposed: Messrs. O W Hurd, would nut accept the office if eleete«!. , . , on A (4 end 54 and 65 and claims of the Bible, 68 ward for any case of catarrh that cannot nion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, office, where they will be pleased to see Jot 3, sec IS; tp. IT ».. r. I l we*t and 69. The class will not meet nntil be cured hv Halt’s Gatarili Cure. He uemei the followllis witnesses to prove We are informed that it is a settled any persons contemplating n trip East Let every member be pres- ’ F. J. Cheney «Sc Co., Props.,Toledo, O. hie continuous reeidonce upon an J cultivation fact that we are to have a vessel built April 25th. or South. of mid land, vis: f We the undersigned, have known F. •tAciue this summer, with some of our ent, For full information coiwerning rates, U. Dowell of Mercer Lake. Or., and J. Lavage, I. G. Knotts, Pastor, ; J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and ; routes, time tables etc., call or address, M. Hath amt F. Button of Florence, Oregon citizens for part of the stockholders- K. M VcaTcii, j lielieve hits perfectly honorable in all : REPUBLICAN P R IM A R Y . It is to cost $27,030, and preparations it. M c M chwiv , Geueral Agent, Kefiinfar. "We ernw. : Lend 09tc-, Roacbiirt, Oroson. March 7 ,1 W j ed-m< u( his t|«ccinl duties in the store . son received 15 votes, J. I. Butterfield water works und ' <«r »’ood at 32 degrees this morning. the young ¡“^ t n fo r'G w w n a leT ............. .... j J -A . and Clarence Burnett. Emil Notice l-> hereby glvsn ».hat the ioUow lax-| young ladies who i Hand I. B.Cnshman 7. naniail scttl-r lie* filed uoltu« of his intention I cvuic to tiie store to trade. t » v i Ruliert aud Marion W heeler spent Mon- to make final |>nx»i In Mipput; of b i,c la im , and i was W m. Ham s and Elmer Lamb leave . . . . . ,r. . Tlie third time Amos Hating T o C ere C on atlp ettua Foravar. . . . . . : dav bunting in the mountains. They that »aid pr.xd w ill he tootleliticraC. tl. H u l-t - *, , , 'W T s k c «'«ararets C-.riUy Cathartic. 10c or 26«. eltxted, receiving 16 votes to 9 for for Eastern Y\ aslungton next week, to *' n *• r ‘*n‘u’iM i'>n«r nt Lake Frcciuct. D o u r-1. . . . , , , ! saw a tiumlier o( tine ilcor but tlieir I < I f C C. C. fail locure. drugzi»'-» refund monuy. itoorge Morrte work during the summer. I markmsr.sliip. the game law or some- la ,rin in lr. O n juU , on April I ' , HJS, vl«: John Shultz o i l t l . S. ou 67iC for the »«'« nc', n t . t l ; A revere earthquake shock passed On the fourth ballot L, II. Hoehm George Pcil of Noli, is on our creek i U). .^ » en ted their getting any. n«, strf,. ■ *'« Sw’-i see. 12; Ip. 17 r., r. 11 W. Mirought California March 30tli about was chosen receiving 18 votes to George , after his ranch and mill. Geo- ■ A jot o, , , )e , . , | ve, tomwlit in fh iii lie name»the fottuwina wttne»*r« to prove innlntght. Thu most conservative esti- Morris HL * rgu rays Deadwood is the pla.e for him ■ t !ire w i,i ,„ | 1.1« co,.tlauoZsre«M«mezj»ouaiwl e.ntivatlon itfatu the damage to Federal property The fifth lime George M om . received al|ll t. , rccta lo bHllg ,li# Um1„ ua(l ere(1 t „ , A. on Mare island at more than $100,000.; , j VO| C# to 17 for J. A. McLead who t>sck this fall. i a bead «• Eugene hilt few «4 ihoec Whodrew F. Hartiry of Fiorunc«, Qr. »nA k A\ o rk it» the yard was suspended, w-as declared elected. The Alpha school opened under the j raised them got any where near that fig- Anrt.-r*ou of Arras,Oregon, I N''i,<-of the war vcsm I s were injured. Un the sixth ballot George Morris was u. M. Vt«rcz the management of Mi;» Elba Mock of ,j,e H«if*tt«r. ¡F a n 1 raneisco was badly shaken, also »head having It votes to 10 fni J. I. Elmira. Mis. M«x:k conies to us highly ; n q j ,O E~FO R ' P U B L IC A T IO N ._______________ ri«*. Davidson ! Butterfield and 7 for YV. reroiiiinendcd and ue w tsh her suixess The seventh time W. L. I irk was »nJ a piuasant summer among our NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION L a i i <| Oflicv at R-niCbiirsr, Oreffim, khi: veteran earthquake expert says the chosen lie having 12 votes, J I Buttif young (a-opic. M»fch fiQ. shock lasted about seventeen- et-eultds. ' Notice in bppfbv fhnt Jh» iollunlttff- f.-nd tlfik-c, at Rnoctiurr, OrejOfi. field 10 and Cal Brscy 7. I lie party given by Ed Haight and i m a d fattier Ua» A>«1 iwitice oí hl- fnr»*iuion Maveh 14,19*. fliis made up the full nnrrtlc r c ’ tirtt'f E'.rtba, April 1st, wns one of the 1 to make pporC of HU Nutise ia hereby riven that the fallowtn». »nil delegates, those chosen living 0 tuoet enjoyable events of the y«atr. that said proof w ill nirtüt* befoM C. II. Ilol- n .u i.'l »etiler ba, Alad neMot ->t hie intention 1 Hurd, W. II. YVeatlier»ou, Arnot liar- Tbnjc present were Missus Bertha tleii. V. f*. C o iain lttim er i f t» k» Precinct. to nutae final pya-.l ln »upport of btarlaia», and ' ing, C. H. Huldcti, J. A. McLeo-1 Geo­ fHHiirl»x Oie., on May 14, viz; tha: 'aid proof w ill he made before C. H. Hob Haight, Elinor Hair, th lo e I'opc, Clara i E tna M. Black on h. e. i»n. a'H . for tl»« •»«•** ficn V. S. L'oina»i»«i>mr Mrs. Gtbson ; Messrs. Ed Haight, Fred t«p. a> r. ii Wc 7M7 for tho • » • * « S . 7*: » S n**-* find ueAg ‘ justice al the peace by acclamstion and He uaitoff the M lo w itr,’ a ltnPMAS fn prove ' nwS, rre. 3»t; tp 17 a., r. 19 W. E. A Evans for constable in the «»me Peil, Charley Tope, laxmard Talmr, hl- coutt*niotia lY' iáea’X* upan »tel cul9$t»uiMt j He v .m e i the (nllnwtnr wlfneatr, to p r ’V c ; Eltuer Lsiuh a ml Ernest Talinr. 51» coiutnnnnareHdcnco upon and enllivatton j of »ni«! l*n*l, vix; way. J A. Búa»« W illiam A. fm $»« Md » 1 .1 of -ael kind, via: *1 O. YV. Hurd waseleeted a tnmitlier of ’O S lin O ¿paoj-tod «e»q osmi » w « T o w u » t i ’l B. L. Wilke?, nit U t» k « rr ,r.--t, j A. P. Walker, W. W. Ncvty, T . J. Neely and j tin-county central connnitte«: by ac­ jo »pimanniy, -sni.iwdcijtisj ».J iooji jo or* << h i . John L. Dahlia, a il uf Mapleton, On-can clamation. R. M. V satcz, t R. M. Vrarcw . jaMod Un,w r a p poofq Mn r»l »Pf»! ' A Rr»i»ter. * KegUtef - meeting thin adjourned. tnjoj V-tVM Hl U| V * in J 0 M 9 9 j Witor and Proprietor. O u ly N in a fie n d S i i t n l - M e w r i , X le h o H Lost And Tho A R T S ’ a rtc L S O IE 3 S T O E 3 S . ’ Kt Scientific American. THE EnSMAPnixITAN, W THE ARENA wi “ B ' l l a , ^ . ^ 1 LOOK OYER THIS CROUP: M A K EIY O U R ISELEC TIO N . THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR.