The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, April 08, 1898, Image 2

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    ■ T H E
E S T .!
i frrapaian.
I jwx ora « boveab <.’3r.r.E.;roxDKS'T.
I *f tier* Ji iittîi doubt that the president
¡.ad n jttilr o , of h it cabinet no»- regard
(N-rxiv. ,Oi;rt,cx ! “ t0,iíl¡' ’ * i,h 3 Iv,i* “* «imret inevit-
'VMU., D. 0 . March 23th, 1993.
able, la Iff, message to congress, which
Congress and all the world now knows 1 urine stains linen it id evidence of kid-1 t),eir experience to their present plea*-,
in all probability will be sent in next officially that the Maine was blown up , ney trouble, T o frequent desire to)
\ V IT YV i? < '»’ i r 1 - 1>
Monday, and certainly next week, it is ¡ by .enemies, and while the report
I ur*nate or pain in the bnck, is also eon-
7? ...............
I b 'l I * n • '
.. , ...
rineing proof that the kid,levs anJ
uniiersto u lh st (he president will r e - ! PQt specifically name those enemies. ,t ,, ,, 1
, ,
store the first
. . . . .
bladder are out of order.
IkliU »' |tm l (I’A'opJirtor.
View at I. in cju ig tii the record as it , responsibility, in the t-yesoi.
w h a t to 0 3
ever enjoyed.
stand, between this government and every American, upon Spain. Leading; There is e,„„for, ,„ the knowledge so. , llliutc titne J,destroys slowlv. Ill
Imitate time. It destroys slowly.
pain, but will not insist upon further inen °f all parties promised the p resi-; often enp-nssed, that Dr. Kilmer’s I
' u
, j
r. April 8. lSyg tirnc
in tfloch to «ontic uk negotiations 1
before the report was sent tp con- sWAhip-r<»«»t. the great knhiey remedy uc’^erc,^ t^> wcara, ootfen., PlI
looking to a peaceful settlement of the Kress that they wmgld endeavor to )
every wish in relieving pain iu the It does net uproot.
liver, bladder and every
Everyman who observes vigilantly,
Cuban problem.
prevent congress taking any action
Tin- eahi,Kt meeting this morning wf J j tlmreon until ho had been given an ‘ inaUlity to'ho'ld urine ami sc/ldiug'pi'in !
re8° IVCg
grnw* UV' " ‘
M e w ish,to c o n tris ta te the u e w lt ■
tl — —
; _____ .
-, . . I
elected ■,« «-„li
t . .
\ unquestionably ,1 « a .ost im p o ten t held opportunity to make a last diplomatic 1 in passing it, or bud effects foliowieg'8ci0U,''-v in ,0 K,‘nilH’
uh the ;re-clec(e4 mem- •
1 -
in many years. J received ¿p ain ’s an- ¡ attempt to settle the whole Cuban ' use ‘*<ll’f>r> wi,ie or beer, and over-
Perpetual pushing and assurance pul
itK‘r . of the council, but more osjKcialiy
swer to the ultimatum of this govern- i Question with Spain, hut it is by no j ' comes that unpleasant necessity of lie- adifficulty out of countenance, and
With i'uw Year (itwliitgs, and a
,tbe newly elected ones, for upon y o u , in^nf, mid findipg it pnsatisfuctory, ) ni®ans certain that this endeavor w ill be , 'p,*’ C° mp,"bed *° *’*t " P mftBy times
make a seeming impossibility give way. Prosperous Yeifr to all our I'riouds. Wo
I lore-net, will luiyo to depeud lor her
i upon a policy
the night to effect
, praguuidy dl.udcl
which ! successful, congress, —
as a whole, .........—
believes 1 during
, nd extraor.lim.rv
of The mild
swamp-root' Our country! In her intercourse with
impriivcnienis during the next year
Again Öfter Our Goods at Exceptionally
> - - at this hour .•eemc certain to involve i tiiat n a r is bound
come, and may , is soon realised. It stands the highest | foreign nations mav she always be in
und-we hope and expect th at each one J hoHtiliti(.? The
of you will settle down to business n s!t 11 / .......... ’
, *“ >rd !»'»« b e | « n ^ R t l z ' g r t s r a , from f»K leader» j ' “r its wonderful cures of tljs wo.» di* ! rigllt, bllt our country, right or wrong. Low Prices. Somebody once said, and it
i lu‘d before congress, anti tlio question is , at any moment and take a-.-tion that ' treSHln‘t eases. If you need a medicine I
»««I us yep have taken the oath of
..... .......... have
Peace the
gives best.
food to
the bv
1/as been Repeated. “ Well Bought H alf
I you should
now l,nder earnest consideration of what
bring on war at
^'■’t^'ins druggists, price ttftv cents and one dol- even in the midst of rocks; war brings
.office. Your predecessors n offici did shall ho the particular form our policy i short of a miracle can
, , . ,
" OW prevent war’ l#r’
"'«T ‘‘uv'e „ sample bottle and , nliiwv ,0 hilu cve„ in the moHt fertHe
nothing, they had two factious ,u ’ shall take in bringing to
(.iint« Mi » u i,
/ Ai
-7-«. --» — an eod the and miracles are cot of frequent oc-i Pa,,,P“ ‘et botI' se,,t iree by niftilj . .
— ——■Stock of--------
'■*'or w ; horror« in Cuba, and securing tho ipde- I.CUrance in these days. It would he a ’ upo" **ceil’t ot *>*ree-two-cent stamps to p ‘uns’
i t mg up ie public fund and the pendeuce of the island.
' miracle for Spain to oroDose to r e t ir e C° Ver C° 8t ° f Pi,s‘«Ke on the bottle.
It is reasonable to have perfection hi
‘» - i .......................................
, ,
— j our eye that we always advnhee toward'
Proposition« ranging from
____ __
dress to p r. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
movement., as should be done. And recognizatisp of Cuba,, indepeud,7 , ^ «lence, ,7it faffed
it, though we know it can never be
to restore peace in a ; S, Y. Thu proprietor of tiffs papen
. conseiuently no ni»t,tcr yrbat business, a straight ont declaration of * war have given period, as one
report says it ¡„- j guarantees the genuineness of this offer, i rww;beil,
kro.,1,, b e U . . . , , C |, O T W ^ „ , , h,
tends to do; and it would be a m iracle1
---------- - : ~ ~
All fits of pleasure are balanced by an j
for Spain to meet this country half w„y p ent» instead of issuing a call for volun- equal degree of pain or languor. Tis
the d„st and group./ under the iron
i griSB await the executive
lead uviuir
btfrue i I tn
effort io
to Bettle
settle the
the teer3’ 'iafl on,y 10 —
Led f/f Ivninny i v tl o
f t'
»v »v.»u
••• any peaceable vuori
— that the state like spending this year part of next'
- )K-
Wr bone the m c m b e r s ^ 'lT “- . 7 ”^ 1tl,kini! ”clion' nn'1 ar<’ disposed to adopt I Cuban question, notwithstanding Mr. n,ilitiil (»vg«nizations be mustered into I year s revenue.
We hope the mcuilmrs of tho p rese n t1»».
....... —— .„ b
, ....
. ,
I Mr. Mi Linley s suggestions on this Ml;Kinley’g expression of the belief that 1
St‘rv,ce by reglraents lo adJ
Let us oply suffer any person lo tell
I want to soil It, I know a “ N im b le N ic k le is better thin
council will remember that .the office o f , .
,, ■ . ,
, r
j these men to tiie V. 8. army, and t0 us his story morning and-evening, hut
a trustee, is not „n o«ee to be made i i "
,h ,' u»‘,t t,“‘t any of ‘he ' “ WOuld d° «»•
be v”n'
con- | ft»rone twelve month and he will he-1 Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make the nicklc nimble by
. as many ' of them as may “v
use of for individual gain or greed
Y.1'*?1’ possibly, a simple
The president has not asked for a n ' use
.etoguiiipn ot independence, would lead, indemnity from Spain for the loss of) sidered necessary to assist the navy in ■ coale our master-
Sure, Square, Good Bargains.
That it is if. ppblic vyjst, i,t;d therefore
; the Maine, because of his unw illingness 1 driving tfie Spanish out of Cuba. Ar-
Pleasure is very seldom found where'
«•uch meraber ought to act with
There were, of course, all sorts of rn
prudence, zeal and. iptegrityj us „poll inors in circulation, including reports of - right to ask that the m atter bT Z rbitrnt- ’ W,1' Ch ,he>’ W>Uld b° lan<k‘J
it Is sought. Our brightest blazes oil
the is-
gladness are commonly kindled by un­
the exercise of these virtue, dfpcod »¡m' mediation by
' soino European pow ers,) ed. There is nothing to 1m arbitrated, i
littlo more
expected sparks.
future happiness and comfort of the hut no such s u g g e s t^ has come to this ’ The alleged rep o rt" of Spanish naval I
than a week.
I desire to sell as much of my present stock
citizens of Florence, ^n d th„t no con
In place there is a license to do good
govyninont, Tqr in response to a direct officers, claiming that the Maine was (
tention should exist among the mem­
and evil whereof the latter is a curse; ’
possible within the next sixty days, in
question, Secretary Day .aid there has de.troyed by an internal explosion, will i
bers of this board, except th«t noble
for in evil the best condition is not to i
«»ntenlion, or rather emulation, of who | ejgn g0Vyrn^ 1^ tniLd‘at‘01' b'
for'j be ignored by this government. The
order to make room for Spring
will, the second, not to can.
president lias forwarded a copy of the ! ’’'’’’“ ’‘ h '1 rbr‘>'>‘cJe:
best can work, who best agree.
goods to arrive.
, report of our court to the Apauish gov-
Tl'* development of a vast mountain
p ‘o*y'» a kind of mwlesty. ft makes
, eminent, and it is expected to make a ° f flu‘ck«ffver in Lane county suggests to ”8 turn nside our ‘bbughts, as modesty
( reply. Upon the nature of that rep| v ; tlle
,l|e illimitable resources of the j u>ak'!S tts <’l” t do" n n,,r «7«» in the
( Herald pisw inin ator:
Lndto/ Kuzaa Journul.
the next move of this government w ill1 8ta,° ° f ° 8®ron witi‘in its vast area o f, Preneace °{ whatever is forbidden.
of ‘w ito ry . Its | Tbo«e many thatTieed pity, and tl»se '
The people are Hpt to get very restive ' depend, provided it is promptly m ade.! 95,0<X> BqUare
"The oliservance of Kastcr dates back
to about the year 88, ut which time
ser- ‘ But regardless of that reply, the presi- I unt1eveloPe(1 copper mines in the south ' infinities of people that refuse to pity '
Cyme and obtain prices, and hav
o a social chat if nothing molt
there was much contention among the vanis whom they have placed in author- dent lias fully determined th
I are
arc — miserable
upon a a several
several charge, I
th at
at it
i t i ¡s 8 n a l"
— C(lual in richness to
to any
any in
,n the
the ) , “‘
ame upon
h u - 'lieW ° r d ‘ The coal in its coast range , 1,1,1 J’et HieJ' almost make all mankind.
- 'id a w a ra i g ro fo r a jj w jio o n tç i, o u r
eastern and western churches as to ity. Especially is this the fact in the duty tiffs government owes
w hat ffay the festival should be observed. prêtent warlike crisi». But as has ts-en inanity to put an end to present condi­ of mountains from Coos bay to the) It is a maxim received
'iif a f id ’f..
among phil-i
I l was filially ordaffiod at the Council qf very truthfully written : "Tf yca were t i o n in Cuba, peaceably ,f poesibl«', C > u c h , ic enough to make one sUte J osophers thomselvea from the days of
days of
Nice in tho year 326 that it must be I Prc"id«nt, and the responsibility of
b y n w o r.'f nsceecr.ry. I c accordac.» (Trent, to fc.,» uct'.iug of its coal in other j Aristotle down to these of Sir
observed throughout the ^ hri^tian tion on the Cuban question rested upon frith that determination, l .e will ;.«k portiona of this commonwealth. Every j Hamilton, that philosophy
world on the samu day. Jiffs decision you What would you do? Would yon congress io appropriate the money to day new strikes of gold are being made truth in acknowledged.
settled that Easter should he kept ppon assume that the United States ought to feed and clothe the 'poveAy-strioken in the Ouscade mountains and in th e ' i v u u
> ,
»mi in me
'» hat knowledge a there of wt.:^i.
the Sunday firgt after the (ÿurleenth ) b'«» <» war with Spain unless ¡t
™ 3"
I» » ' ■
,1 » ...« J , « 1 j
Cubans of all classes, and congress
- r r a t l k J U l i KVKUV Ç|((1>AY JIORM »«,—
X- ★
Tt *
Very Truly,
C A R M A N ’S
...... I
cvi.|;t VP3 W||l j
day of the first Jewish month, b p t no ; u ia r >' l’r<>vcn that the Maine disaster j promptly do It, and the distribution will a” d J<” eI’ll!ne counties. Its Baker
general conclusion was arrived a,t as to waa aci'0U1ldi»hed with a knowledge of I at once be made bv U. S official« , i C!,-v n,il,inf? ,}' ’ lrict ie becoming world I the exterior; the relation that exists !
between visible atpl invisible, the ]>cr- !
:. i.
/ .... »
• .
. ¡g. in .........
the cycle I...
by ...l
tlje . /estiyjil
w.;is to j ffsim
officials of e .. that . government? other
words, the intervention that the famous. Its strikes higher up in the cept.ble and the imperceptible”
Tl .. .
F °
he regulated, and some churches ad o p t-! T°u WBri’ 1° consider the question president promised in his message to Blue mountains, southward, tire dailv
startling credulity. Its ¡ron 0,¡neq' - T'æ dlst,n2",i,1""K<’l>aractcra of the)
ed one rule and some another. This 1 frl*ln ,h<‘ bumaniturian standpoint alone
congress, last December, if the condì-i
lace, and the ineamenls of the body,;
diversity of upago yiaa p q t (ip end to, J wauld you lie willing to enter upon w
tions then existing in Cuba wero not ¡ developed and undeveloped, are of
! grow more plain with time and age
and the Roman.rulo making Easier the ;
««uld subjoct our troops sent to ! b cttcred -tb ey have steadily
grown mean importance. Its timber ranges t Btlt tl,e PPenliar physiognomy
4 first
1 . Sunday
o _ i _ site;
t. 4 the
» fourteenth
. day
. o . f t ' ii»sl>4>
Cuba a..
t<J al._
‘>'C diseases
of . a . climate
which, worse-
of the
is about to became an accomp­
.the calendar 111009 ivits 'J‘tablished ffi in sunimcr, mows down unaeclimated lished fact. If Spain resents th at in ­ and fruit crops are quoted over the I mind is most discernible in children.
In peace patriotism reaUy consists
England in 860. After nine centuries a I
lui,ru 'apidly than artillery dia- tervention, so much worse for Spain, ' nrSal Cartb’ It* ran8<‘« produce the
discrepancy in the kee|dng of Eastqr
nnd knowing that the constant I and it is the
in th is -th a t everyone
it is the general belief in Washing- j! fln*Bt ia t,,c an'1 "hei'p. Its enterpris- '
.«.; uuv n sweeps
weeps be-
intercommunication ton that
was caused by tho authorities oí ll,e . “tid
n)illlia his own | .
lint it will resent it anti thereby i
e^ ‘zens are ^vreloping sugar b e e t, fore
^°rC his own
° " n door,
^oor» «winds
' anJ ,la« culture witl, a certainty of business’ a'80 lejms his
English t-hprch drrlining to adopt the which would thus be created would start the wa
own lesson, <
. .
fever into this country,
Not a few persons, especially »lro n r “*kinB 11,6 'Cai in tl,or> ‘ W n t pro- tb#t “ “,ay U' we!l with him in his
reformation of (hr (jjegoriu^ calendar bring . yellow
ui 1693. Tl d.itcii’iic,-was settled i t , ' 8P’‘’a4ing ,t over the entire oouth ami | „»yal „ffce,H, believe th a T th e S o , n J duc,ioni’ 1» " o p , arc unfailing. Its ° Wn ho’“ e-
I7J3 > y t,,e adoptnm of the rule which j u'lJa ''B‘’nng the lives of millions of I flotilla of torpedo boats and . °
' 1 flc,d* ,r e 1 ™ " “ >e year round. This is )
Pbj«" be our country
4,mk» s Easier pay always the Ijrst '"en, women and children. Even if you boat destroyers now m k . •* P
| onl>’ a “ H int of Oregon."
" hole country ami
nothing but our
R* ay !
~ --------------- ---
Sunday after the fuff moot trlMcl, ap- " « • “ * « » elu d e it n e c e ^ y ,0 entCf (rom
country. And by the blessing of G«j' I
pc its on or next after the twenty-first j “I*0*1 “ war *®uld you be ‘"»»If to do U. lielngsent to American waters for a' j
may that country itself become a va„’ j
day .¡I M..rtih. It tb<: t a ll mooli hap- j 80 bfiorc making the necessary prepara- hostile purpose, although ,„e govern-
. Q
C. fail ' lo
° c C u U r ” a ,ïruaxiîi'ii'rafuôT
.. ...... T O M y «nd splendid monument, not of opprea- i
jwfis «¡»oil 11 Sunday, Easter is the ■ *'lOM , * •**
, ®f !'*<• claim
* b,uh 1‘“1’ beon ment °f Bp«‘n has declared to the con-
hoi , and terror, but of wisdom, of
f'tinJay alter.”
made or years that the nation w ,rary. This government has. .here is '
j and of liberty upon which the
world ;
may « gaze
witl h admiration for cver
ormusb unpreparfslfor war? Think of reason to believe, notified Spain , In , if ‘
« "U
E.lur.1. Year How nJ. Wdh CH.mrv.ta.
t u.r* e o sa u b a u n n lu r iio r .
^ p o i n t of the th i. flotBla makes a start frem P o rte ' T
: A’ pc’,an^ ¡’ a» ostentatious „htr
1A.-. .5c. Il C. C . O, fa ll, i!reri;tst« t-pftitiifnio!
„-w ,. personal responsibility of the man upon Rico to Cuba it will he destroyed bv our
*’ "’U’M" ,in8
,l0tc ,hn‘
"ion knowledge, m » ,lich tl,0Rp
, «ho«-action these grave rc„ lU, muat I warship., ar llwre c o . « be
o((|cr 8cnre ,s ,la' W " favorable effect upon hear
cannot sympathize it is a f
depend and then see whether Presi,lent possible reason for such a m ove,,,. , 1 XiC"r *?U" Can*’ ,eS'8lalfon.
Many j of which soldiers, gaiion, >lv ' " 1 '
W .
.... ....
D™ COOilS, W
* GrOCerip«
^ « C e r ie S *«8110
■ w
J u s t O pened.
G n O r O
ir Cl
«« ~
6 D KA C A M♦ Ail
C i l l VU»
t Z
McKinley is entitled to the criticism than to make an attack upon Z
7 “° "
P° ° b^ ,‘ed '
' “ ' ‘- ‘or., a„d’a. l ¡ T ’
( wind, h a. been made bec.UK. h . h a. situation ,. now so s tr a m d th a t it can-
I «a8* 1 in * ^ t i c u l . r occupation are I
The house com ,„,„ee on mlerstut.i
, lre8),v mc(M
| not possibly ..„ tin u c for m ,„v days.
r ” ~
“ d A‘’ !
» -h o lars; £ ’ t, J
and foreign commerce have reported a
V mco is pooiW» war i. mueh m
r e ,
<* nVi" Ce’‘ 0 , , ‘ “ > I '>a''t ‘he
to have the S j -
pill granting autlioiffy Jo the I’aeiflc
m*ke an
of the United only of pedantry, whi)e
Cable Company of New York to lay a
States navv some method must he ad- have both the
'tee and the name for
The change of loeath-n of the Northern .
a •Pccch
the valor of opted by which vessel, st.lioned in
calde between Bstt Iruncisco «»iff the
it too.
Pacific .. ticket office, „ which ---------
is now with
----- ' American
Ala®rican sailors when our navy was the one ocean may 1* .womptlv moved
Hawaiian Islands, providing also for •
The Eugene Real ts .a .o Agency" o„ | much le« formidable than it 1, today, J to , be other when demand^
our friends may smile
e.ien s.o n . to A u.trili. and Japan; the
«romwl flour directly o ^ u
, «ml predicting greater d e c i, of valor for T , ..
, -------------------- ”
government to pay the company „ B„b . „."¡"d
''c«r corner of Seventh and then, in the future. Rep. Foss of III ' r **OP° * ’ ,ranifct ®f «he battle-
But that tired feeling
, . __
" illamctte Sired», Rnaene
T ni. I.
1 os‘ ’
»‘" p Dregon, which has bum
Means danger. It
aidy of »100,000 per year for twenty , he only regular C,,y T.cket Office in B“V‘!
iu “ ‘r i »“ »k «k’ar*i of the cod ' i„ them- water.«, to the N„rt,, \ „ i n l'
¡ t - » C S ..,,.
, b „ . : „ , „ i r ....... « l « r n . v , . I I . „ „ I ,
Indicates impoverished
a . . . .
- g f « * ~ 7
r -
.......................... ...
i-An<1 lmPurc blood.
. 4
4. .
L‘' at or ’’UU’1' without establishment sffice 189- , tf
luat T r ;
t ration of the English to coutrol « « .change. Remember no change of cars »31 000 onn i
th,a , l , l t ' ' rcScn, in order to reach the place 1 his condition may
• » • '» ............ , « £
Lead to serious illness.
‘•«only l,,u run,,,,,g , he upholstered
C ‘‘’nOf ne*
,,,,d »‘h* «iff have to steam about 11 OOO
I im ,
for purpose of commerce and | Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars and the 'XW’°W iur “r," or a ' a‘ t«r'»»meU» of new ' even if «he take, a c m r s e th'w h 7 ’
It should be promptly
a . au.a-.l r o : national dufonoe. ‘^ ra,0<1‘‘*nmg cars on every train, f”” - v, «a ls, no,fong iu all a tot,.! of Straits of Ma'rallan I f r,
Oi ercomc by taking
- ...... ...........................
................................' T X
H co J-s S a n a p o n i,
r t -
‘' t
’ >»«• S »
" 'I 'K - h p u r i f i e s a n d
p 3 r ,lh ’
For full information call or address.
th e ir prcoci.t ponaessious of coaling
R M, Mt Rem-, General Agent,
' ¿
.............. ..'
J .» « .,» , a . .. !
E n r i c h « th e H o o d
station,, any bos' e inovciucpt against
Op|>Q2ȓto Guani olttvv, Kugvtic
|h e,u is badly b.c.-iienrped, Under
Strengthens the ccn-es,
L,n . .
s ' . J T “ *1* lbB " " f d’ T*r t 'ue,1‘ <fo «“» ! T h . adage. " I „ fime «
O ne urn* lo 4»njlrov the
these circumstance» it u--aid l«e well fo
I ones the stomach,
the smaller precincts it, politi
’ »»ar presont state of un. a , 1 .
an anoetite
wtJiag tùat if SO per cent, of ti.c capitai
, --------
that will be preparednere suggest th at wc a r e ! And builds uP,
r, present the»e prceitiets to gire or semi UWl)t%|
in a „ w
»:• li of « compapy la owiied b, fcre-yn- tlu-ir proxiya to de'cgates «Ir. adv bay- , u
« arded, Spain. According capable of glibly asaeinmg to truth«
Hnergizc? and vitMues
_ . 4 _________ . . .
. .
to thu etuolliucut n„w in the d e p a rt-1 without thinking very deeply about
v n th« p.n m eat JÍ (hji
^«.al mg a largo pepresentation ,11 ilio party
The whole system.
m e t , there are more th at a lOO.OffO u,ea them. Perhaps, after ih» w « talk i. ‘
ce aw , to prevent the f&tglivh euutnjllini’ ,0 ,incile, bnppraw for example that all u,
Be sure to get
ic m .l.t.a o fth c n ates. Tho pre«,- over, we may rfocid« th at it j, Wlfcr ,o |
tl.e delegate* in Lui,e coqnty outawk- of -
this lina ni 1er it ie butty.
L)nly Hood's.
put ourrelves m a posture which will
Kug» :.c should im o their prone« over
r»erv,MMir S a,.
make nneaainess as to rc«ult unnaces- " W ' i 1t n ^ V TW0RTEY
P o " baleorexchanqe .
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