ADVERTISERS SIVSLÀW'S ONLY PAMS. OPPORTUNITY FLOKENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Apr. 8, 1898. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE (too S p a te a a d th o W a a - b e r . NO. 4». apartment, especially at mealtime, ganized the Long Island hospital ot serves the double purpose of dining Boston Harbor. -.B u sb ar W otnaa's Joax- by Hvrsuhel that the variations in the room und study. Its floor is stained and oaL number of min spots had a direct effect W IN N E R OF FIRST M'LEAN SCHOLAR­ is covered w ith a heavy rug. There is I T a il o r M a 4 a <1 »«>«■ ««. S H IP IN AMER'OAN H ISTO RY. upon terrestrial weather, and he a t­ a bookcase in one corner and a china ' S T A C I K X j ZKBJ. ° --- w *** IC‘ 1< e ------ ° tempted to demonstrate it by using the Women in London are now vary tailor chest ia another. Miss Loug and Miss price of wheat as a criterion of clim atic C t r l S tu d e n ts a t H u m . W o m a n * . R ig h t Reed have contributed, moat of the chi­ made. Cloth salts of a ll kinds are uni­ Gi lovernor....... ............... William P. Lord. conditions, meantime making cureful Miss versally worn in the street Canes are t o B a C g ly - A S a m o a . T r a la ia g M a n e . na used in the establishment. tary of S a te.............II. R. Kincaid. observation of the sun spots. Nothing also in vogue, and no up to date woman Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- d w T a il o r M a d a Coot u u a o —G la m H a t . a a d Long's home at Hlughaia, Mass., is Treasurer........................... Philip Metelien very definite oanie of his efforts in .this closed for the w inter, and so is Miss is seen w ithout this accessory of fiwh- B o a nets. Public Instruction... .G. AI. Irwin. direction, the subject being far too Reed’s in the Adirondack« at Leyden, Ion mounted In gold or sllves. M aay of ..W . H. Leeds. Arrives a t Florence Tuesdays, T h u n - i P rin ter......... complex to be determined w ithout long Miss Louise W inthrop Koues, the w in ­ N. Y . The home china closets have tbe handles are very uniqae in design, C. M. Idleniaii. days and Saturdays. 1 ---------— -——— — —-----— ---------- ! periods of observation. Latterly, bow - te r of the first contest for the McLean been robbed of some of their eboioest and they contain purses. Blue, block prney Genernl. ever, meteorologists, particularly in the . . . . R. S. Bean Connects with Steamer and Scotts- I ick-ilarship in American history, offered contents to adorn the table of this d c -1 and brown are the popular colors foi tropics, are disposed to think they find .. F. A. Moore burg Stage Line for Drain. inte Court lig h tfu l little borne. The dainty china tailor suits. The skirts are very plain, Also with u :: E. Wolverton Stage Line for Coos Bay. evidence of some such connection be­ Ly tho New York city chapter of the and the home cooking are two features and the bodices ara finished w ith laptied Charge ■ tween son spots and the weather as < Daughters of the American Revoluiion which contribute very largely to the seams. Severe frocks, however, ara only Jddga Second D istrict.. ..J. C. Fullerton reasonable. Herschel suspected. Indeed, M r. Mel- I to the one of th eir members passing the happinesa of the girls. seen in the mornings. Afternoon oo.S- Attorney Second District. .. W. E. Yates drutu deolares that there is a positive best examination on tho subject, has The prevailing tones of tho parlor tumes of a ll kinds are to a degree elab­ coincidence between periods of uumer- | commenced her studied a t Barnard col- ' draperies and furnishings are olive and orate. They are b u ilt of cloth and vel­ ona ran spots and seasons of exoessive lege. dull reds and yellows. An inviting vet, silk, and silk aud velvet. N o tw ith ­ rain in India. I COUNTY OFFICERS- Miss Koues ia a true daughter of conch, piled high w ith pillows, awaits standing that i t was stated early in the T hat some such connection does exist America, i f ancestors prominent in tho the girls when they come in from tho | season thut b rillian t effects would not seems intrinsically probable, bnt the tarly days of the country w ill count for hospital. A rosewood desk, a graceful he in vogne, many of the handsomest modern meteorologist, learning wisdtm * gowns are not only bright, bat they are anything. She is descended on hex fa ­ bronze lamp, a tea table, an artistic of the past, is extremely cautions about screen and some comfortable chairs are combined w ith trimm ings which con­ ther's side from John Winthrop, first Ju d ge....................................F.. O- Potter. 1 ascribing casnal effects to astronomical some of the other furnishings. The p ic -1 trast strongly. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays phenomena. He finds it hard to forget governor of Massachusetts; from Thom­ tores and ornaments' are souvenirs of ■ For example, a gown worn by one of „ K . i ............. W. T. Bailey 1 that u n til recently all manner of cli- as Dudley, the second governor, and winters spent abroad. Miss Loug has a 1 our handsome matrons Is built of pluin Commissioners j .............J. T. CalIison and Thursdays at fi a. m. and ar­ matlo conditions w ire associated w ith from Edward H ilton , tho elder, the " f a ­ pleasant reminder of a year in Germany cloth elaborately embellished w ith rives in Florence at 4 p in. the Clerk 1 ...............................A. C. Jennings phases of the moon; that not so very ther of Now Hampshire. ” On her in a copy of a M u rillo Madonna and in French knots in the same tone. Tbe long ago showers of fallin g stars were mother’s side she traces her ancestry a copy of a picture from the art gallery bodice is of m irror velvet, embroidered Sheriff...................................A. J. Johnson day following. considered “ prognostic” of certain bock to Johunnvs do la Montague, com­ at M unich. Miss Reed's copy of Napo­ w ith steel and jet. A yoke is composed Treasurer.......................... A. S. Patterson Returning stage leaves F lo r -' kinds of weather, and that the “ equi­ Assessor.................................. B- P. Burton mander in chief of Manhattan Island in leon as a lieutenant hangs over the of muslin insertion aud cherry taffeta. noctial storm” had been accepted as a mantel. A little water color, a picture The stank is also of the taff eta. Another School Superintendent......... 0 . 8 . Hunt cnee Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 verity by every one u ntil the unfeeling 1664, a Huguenot ancestor; to tho Do in a carved Florentine frame and a T y ­ chio creation is of navy blue bcngaline Surveyor......... ..................... C. M. Collier a. m. and arrives in Eugene at 6 hand of statistics banished i t from the Forests, and to the Bogert, Baucker, rolean rosary are other evidences of the cut princess. I t is w ithont trim m ing Coroner................................... J- W. Harris Codwise, Kingsland and other early artistic tastes of the girls.— Baltimore except on the bodice, which opens on ( earth. p. in. the day following. fustiee of Peace..............F. B. Wilson Y et, on the other hand, i t la ensily N ew York families. Later, in Revolu­ Hun. ST. PAUL one side and is finished w ith a band of Constable.........................John F. Tanner w ith in the possibilities that the science tionary times, her great-grandfather, velvet and a rich fa ll of lace. Charming M IN N E A P O L IS Wemaa*» Risk, to B . Cslj. of the future may reveal associations Koues, from whom the fam ily takes its also is a pale gray frook. The bodice it Single fare - $5.00 D U L U TH between the weather and sun spots, au­ name, was a member und secretary of “ Beauty and the Beast; or, A W om­ cut low, opening over a guimpeof w hite Round trip - - - _ $9.00 rora« and terrestrial magnetism that as the Brentwood (N . H .) ‘ 'committee of an's B ig ht to Be Ugly, ” was the title of chiffon elaborately made, of shirTed- FA R G O CITY OFFICERS. yet are hardly dreamed of.— Henry a paper read by Mrs. Celia B. W hite- tucks. Tbe sleeves ara of the gray cloth, TO O R A N O FO R K S Tickets for sale at E. Bangs's Smith W illiams, M. D , in H arper’« bead before tbe Rainy Day elub of New tucked around tbe arm. From the throat C R O O K STO N Magazine. York recently. hangs a small soft bow, caught w ith a livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd . ,F. B. Wilson W IN N IP E C “ I heard a man say the other day turquoise buckle. The collar of gray vel­ President T u r n in g a N e g a tiv e I n t o a P o s itiv e . & Davenport’s office in Florence. that woman’s dress is as inartistic as it vet is edged w ith sable, which runt HELENA ^nd A short tim e ago a developed plate O. W. Hurd i is undesirable,” tho speaker began, dowu the side of the bodice aud con­ was sent to tho editor by one of the Win. Kyle B U T T E ' ■ "and it is an indisputable fact that wo­ tinues down one side of the skirt. An Beard of Trustees Marion Morris members of the Camera clnb on which men are dissatisfied w ith the clothing elegant gray velvet costumo has a plain C. C. Behnke the imago was partly reversed— that is, imposed by fashion in civilized coun­ skirt cut a trifle loug. The coat is long instead of being a negative it was a l­ tries. Tbe vast m ajority of women who and cut iu tabs, which are embroidered placard er.......................... John 11. Morris ......... J. C. FLIN T, Proprietor ........ most a positive. The cause of this is are doing some useful work in tbe world w ith jet n ail heads A high oollar of TO .. J. A. Pond F lo r e n o a , O re g o n . Treasurer i w hat is termed solarizatiou— in other C H ICAG O ure crying ont more and more against baby lamb is lined w ith cream colored words, the plate was very much over­ M arsh al..................... ............ E . A . Evans it W A S H IN G T O N luce, whioh hangs dowu in front in a exposed, and on development came out “ Now, w hile there is little dissent jabot.— Chicago Times-Herald. OUR AIM—To furnish the best P H I L A D E L P H I A a positive instead of a negative. I f a from the statement that beauty is a de­ pinto coated w ith silver salts is exposed accommodations at reasonable N E W Y O R K G lass B a ts a a d B a a a a ta . SEC RET SOCIETIES. sirable quality in women's clothing, i t in the camera or under a negative be- j is true that i f w« have usefulness in In contrast to the effects secured by BO STO N A NO A L L ' jo n d a certain time, a change takes prices. dress it w ill blossom into beauty. the use of fu n , and as more iu keeping place ill the silver salts, which results P O IN T S E A S T sad S O U T H “ The beast would never have been w ith freaks of the mercury at their ad­ * F. A A. M. Florence Lodge.No. 107. in a positive iustcad of a negative. This F or in f o r m a t io n , t im e cardft, m a p s a n d t ic k e t s I beautiful i f he had not first heeu accept­ vent, were the glatie hats and bonnets M sjR egulur somniuaication on second i t the reusou w hy objects which reflect e t c ., c a ll o n or w rite ed for his goodness, so it is my belief whioh were brought out last mouth. and fourth Saturdays in each month. lig h t strongly show clear glass in the ' that woman’s dress w ill never l>e beau- These absolutely transpaient headdress­ W . W . NEELY, Prop'r. negative. They are overexposed, and O. W. H ih d , W. M. ' tifu l u ntil loved aud accepted for its in ­ es are among the moot decided novelties the image produced is a positive. . G. K N otts , Secretary. MISS 1OVISR WINTHROP SOURS, trinsic m e rit Tables furnished with all the G eneral A g en t. R o o m s 2 a n d 4, S h e lto n B lo c k , which havo ever appeared in our m il­ There ure several processes by which E U G E N E , O R EG O N. “ Shall not we, m y dear R ainy Day- linery murket, and w hile glass was the a negative muy be turned into a posi­ correspondence,” February, 1775, and delicacies o f the season. W ild ' tive during the process of development other ancestors distinguished them­ flies, learn a lesson from the fable? Let substantial materia), as in the case of A. D. C H A R L T O N , n A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58, game, fish and fruit in season. Best One of tho simplest is as follows: E x ­ selves, and the descendants who follow ­ ns find a dress adapted to our wuuts and tbe oloth woven in Venice of spun glass, A n i . t a n t G e n e ra l P a s s e n g e r A g e n t. ^oH Eiects second and fourth Saturdays pose the plate as for an ordinary nega­ ed after them, ono of them being one of let the question of beauty remain un­ may seem doubtful, the effect is'as of 255 M orrison St. C or. ad. gf Each mouth at lt30 p. m. accomodations for the traveling P o i ’ l l a n d O r . tive and develop u ntil the image may tile founders of tho Society of the C in ­ answered u n til the more important and the thinnest sheet of the finest plate B J I. BcTTKariELD, Commander. fundam ental points have been attended glass, and there ia therefore no need to be seeu distinctly on the back of the cinnati. public. Charges reasonable. I t was iu tho fascinating study of 1 t a J. L. F cemsii , Adjutant. cavil at the term applied or to question plate. Rinse off the developer, and place “ B ut has woman a rig h t to ba ngly? the fabrio. A large hat of the new the plate in a solution made up of n fam ily genealogy, seeing that her fam ily quarter ounce of iodide of potassium, tree grew straight and true, that Miss Is beauty her transcendent duty, and is shape, w ith tbe brim wide, npspriug- 3 >4 ounces of bromide of potassium and Kones became specially Interested in beauty a m atter of dress?” Then w ith ing and rounding at tbe front and tho U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, 26 ounces of water. Let it remain in American history and w ell posted in i t scorn: “ W h a t an ignoble scramble J. G. crown medium ta ll and slightly taper­ neets every 1st and 3J Saturdays this solution from three to live minutes, She became oueof tbecompetitors when Holland has set women by raying, ‘ No ing, has the brim formed of leaflike month. Members and visiting Of The wash w ell in running water, and then the society decided to offer tho scholar­ w ife shoald allow any woman to appear pieces of the glass, terminating in a sn in good standing arc cordially redevelop the plate w ith fresh develop-- ship to its members. The examination better dressed in her husband's eyes triple scallop, the pieces joined w ith a Ito attend. J. J. A nderson , M.W. E N G L IS H L A N G U A G E er, continuing the operation t ill the was conducted by Professor Herbert L. than herself.' H e didn’t state by what close tnoked ruching of chiffon in d eli­ ¡ ilk , Recorder. negative image has turned ton positive. Osgood of Colum bia university, who ‘ means a w ife should prevent the other cate rose pink, tho ruching edging the C O M PLE TE brim and the crown, galloon of p ail­ Rinse the plate, fix and wash in the last June mailed a lis t of books, which woman. T h in k of the aw fu l strain I _. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets “ Thera ia Judge Tourgee, too, who lettes in tones of rose color encircling same way as for an ordinary negative. would be tbe basis of the examination, ry Wednesday evening in Lodge S U C C IE N T Pyro or ferrous oxalate gives the heat to each member of tbe ohapter. Nine thinks abont the same. He talked to tbe tbe crown aud a double Amazon ostrich |Florence, Oregon. Brothers in results, but any developer may be used. questions were asked at tho examination, I girls of Mount Holyoke on tbe immense plume in pink sweeping from each aide S l i d i n g invited to attend. A U T H O R IT A T IV E A plate thus treated may be used as and the answers, which were made in influence personal adornment bad to­ around to the heck. J. J. A ndebson , N . G. A glass bonnet ia made of three a transparency.— Harper's Round T a­ w ritin g , were handed in a t the end of ward tbe ebarm of a woman's manner, A ndrew B kcnd , Sec. three hours The questions were search­ Both men emphasize that i t ia the duty pieces, whioh joined form a diamond, ble. 3 0 1 .86 5 V K v L S t f y T e ra n ing, extending far back into tbe history of woman to be beautiful or beautifully tbe greater w id th passing acmes tbe A V n lq v e K e n tu e k jr lia b le . « 4 , E d ito r , and Spsclell»t» of England. Professor Osgood has charge dressed, but I firm ly believe iu woman's head from aide to side, and each point IHURCH DIRECTORY • I t is a bnglc mode of two slabs of ce­ of the course of study, which is for two I rig ht to be ngly at certain times and cnrled back, tbe effect of the shape be­ 533 Readers fa r Quotations dar about three-sixteenths of an inch in years, and the student w ill receive a places and nuder certain circumstances. ing after that of tbe Dutoh bonnets. 5000 llln s tratto n s thickness and bent into a funnel shaped certificate a t tbe close i f the examina­ “ I can't prove it, nor can I prove Tbe pieces are joined under narrow pas­ Coet aver iBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, horn. The bell or mouth is 18 I t inches tions ore successfully passed. Tbe course that n woman has a soul, bat I believe sementerie of gold bullion studded w ith Appendix ot 4 7 ,4 6 8 E n trie s Sabbath service: Sabbatli- . in circumference. I t is hoopod w ith is equivalent to tbe jun ior and senior both.” peurls and wide passementerie biuds the "10 o’clock a. lu. Preaching II cowboru rings and iron bands. The years in tbe same study at Columbia. H er final advice was: brim. A rosette of satin ribbon in fresh a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of The scholarship was named for Mrs. bogle is the property of Mrs. Annie “ L e t woman devise a dress that w ill rose color posed at the left of the front ard's supper on 1st Sabbath of T h e fu ll n u m b e r o f w o rd s auDR- Tbo scholarship w ill practically nia Medical College Hospital Training must needs offer some excuse or reiterate lily invited. G. F. R ound », ACENT8 W A N TE D . lorbood for miles around w ith his ¡ make tho recipient independent, and school. tbe fact th at they nrn accustomed to Pastor. , R A ID U T O A 8H C A P IT A L . reveille call from his bugle u n til his ' though none of tbe Daughters who M ils Richards has probably had the something better. I t is a weaknera «60 OOO I S U R P L U S A N D P R O F IT S , w in it may wish to make practical use broadest experience of any woman in which brings them littla credit from death in 1864.— Frankfort Call. of it, tho certificate, which is a ll pew- the United States in establishing tra in ­ tbeir couildants. A g irl entering a ATTORNEYS 1 erfnl, w ill always give them the ratis- ing schools, both in thia and other school fur typew riting and stenography A O O O X J N T S S O X j I O Z T B I D First Sweetthiug— 8o you are going f act ion o f kuowiug they have capital to lauds. Mhe waa graduated from the was nsked by the other students w hy Pacific Coast Agents • OREGON EUGENE. ' invest to marry Lord Oldboy, my dear? New England Hospital T rain in g Wchool sho had come to the school. " A r a you SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Second Bwcetthiug— Yes; ' it's de­ For Norses in 1878, w ith the first class takiug up stenography and going to G irl Madeat» a t nemo. 9JJ M a rk e t S t. cided. for unrsi s organised in this country. tsko a positicn just for fv.u?” they ask­ NOTARIES. I In a tin y new house in tho northeast­ Immediately after her gradnatiou she ed. " W h y , certainly n o t,” she replied. “ 1 suppose you made up your mind T h e C a r« a f C lo s h ia s . when yon heard his title was all right?" ern section of tbe city a charming set of was called upou to take charge ot tbe “ I t is too bard work. 1 do not do hard college girls have taken up their abode training school of the Maseecbusetts work for tbe pleasure of i t ” “ We ara “ No-o; not then.” “ Always shake, brush and fold your t«xxm , O r**« © » . R. BUTTOLPH, “ When you beard of his castles and for tbe winter. They are a ll Johns Hop­ General hospital in Boston, where aba so g lad,” auswered her querists. “ The clothes at n ig h t,” is W alter Germain s • 3 n » ia ' 7 » lid » M e U rri» ;» ButJSlu«. kins medical students, two having en­ rem ain«! four years A t the end of that greater number of the girls bsra my advice to men in The Ladies’ Home Jour­ lauded estatcc?" I id e a tio n g iw u to cotleetteá» a nd pro- terad this year, the others having spent time she resigned for the purpose of they liavo com« ‘ Just for fn a ’ and w ill “ N o-o.” nal. "N ever hang »oats— fold them. I bütiueu. “ Ah, I know. I t waawben you heard their first w inter in Baltimore last year. making a general foreign tom* and take pn«iti. Y hospital of wv.ton end the Hartford has been elected director of the Bangi? tibc--Wine ackwL— Town Topics, Dotuiniun Cuuipany, Dept. Y Chicagu. The d in tu r room, a bright, cheery hospital During the U tte r tuna she cr- aud Old Town railroad. It was suspected • fu ll century ago G A R D IN E R STEAM ER H .H . Barrett, Prop’r , REOULAR “ C O O S ,” daily trips Florenco ani Head of Tide. EUGENE-FLORENCE ■ I ______ = STAG E L I N K E. Bangs, ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. n Proprietor. Sleeping Cars E legant D ining Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars MORRIS ♦** HOTEL, T H R O U G H TIC K E T S Head of Tide Hotel, R. IWcNtURPHEY, The Funk & Wagnalls E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. Standard Dictionary Twentv-three M iles W est of Eugene. ON E U G E N E A N D FLORENCE S TA G E ROUTE. Money Saved By Patronizing it. Prop. Geo. Hale flRST RATIONAL g ANK E. D. BRONSON & co, . c. WOODCOCK« ¿Attorney at A. Notary Public, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC, P atents PATENT C . A. SNOW & C O . > w sîssiis; WOMAN’S WORLD.