No Gripe A Suffering Soldier. .' * * * * * * j e * i ( f ä ( f i ( e > * 8 E A BEAUTIFUL CITY. 1 X # * ä f f * * * * * * * * * 8 f * * * * * * * * * * * * CONSUMPTION. BALLADE OF A CITY If bosky (tolls with brown Y.lien you take Hood’» Pill«. Theblg,old faib- toned, siigor-roated pill«, which tear you all to piece», are not In It with Hood's. £u(y to to kt This veteran fought fo r his country; suffered un­ told hardships, and returned with health shattered. M anv a brave soldier has the same kisiory. Jo-day this one rejoices in a new-found strength and tells his experience to benefit others. H ood’s I Wy upper window where t h e ^ ' ^ W l * I They lovo derk tl-lhea who ... i , ' aud easy to operate, 1« traa That build in w ood, pl» inj^ druggl«!«. 230. C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell. Mass, Pleas for tho liberty he .¿"v ^ s r o f r o .-.lo i.y .^ - w u .^ The only Pill» to take with llood'sg«ar»uparilla. Pills w E n ierw a ’i W it aud Huiuoz. •0*01 lTpos nn.nb.i lo», *•1’* to*. Fur publishment b e t i m ^ »ou «. brrathi,lg r U M ± .“*«l“lj U and rill, r»«lt<»«is avail. Finally, having read articles re- My upper w indow , where J N o man is better known and liked in AN TED-TIiUSTW O RTH Y AND There never could be bom a man cn irding cures that had been eiicctcd by that rich tier of Illinois counties, of which 3 0 BRUSSELS IS CHARACTERIZED BY r i.s Cosuirtt.M W hich Invite V<*v¿hoI4 sent ¡ally g . t.t who did uot lik e to laug A «Ust'rln«, turquoise buy it , v. Williams’ Pink bills tor Pale People, 1 o f T i t le D r e a d DI mcm Peoria is the centre, than genial Chester S. My pleusunt bower, u n d \ or to m ake at least others sm ile. E v decided to try them. That was in 18%. travel lor responsible, established bouse Ollt with wild tuustxr.t bloL?J ’ hH| AN AMERICAN TOURIST. The of t h ii di reuse c a t c o t ob­ Schopenhauer and Nietz»' he could era. L Harrington, of Princeville, 111. I bought a box and took the pills accord­ inOregon. M onthly f(i5.OOantl expenses. nooks IUI tain a foothold u n til the resistive pow ­ their grim j- kes. There is nothin ; iu Mr. Harrington is a vete- xn of the Ute ing to instructions. Beyond them (loubttern wlilok . o f ittt M oit A ttractive Features—A er« of the ti , ¡ues have been reduced. wxr. Like many another brave soloier, he Position steady. Reference. E nclose “ Four days later I had the happiest com patible iu that drollery w hich Em In ballad making u,u, t suffered not only during that service, but U .n d m m . MoulovaM l a Place ¿T the There w „ t be not o - .y the seed, but the hours I had k.vown for years. That night self-addressed stam ped envelope. The The world with portent bir„ L jtt ToM at tim es iudu.ged in. In The F for years afterwards diseases con­ Old City W a l l - t h e laim euae Town Hall. soil. T his im paired power o f ie»i» the m ucous membrane, is u n e lly more that he cou.u sp .it a sh in gle four w a y , ing part of this time, and there were many nam es at differ, ut parts, aud Boulevurd , jngdi- "D oubled, I believe. Irving My ,tu times when I uld not g t up. W aterloo— tho w idest— is first a sid e­ prone to become affected, aud the begin­ w ith oue nail, “ w h ic h ,” says Dr. re..tly upon the impure blood. Their tigii. But all at once a young dragoon “ M y brother is a doctor, but all his w alk, then a paved street perhaps 16 nin g o f the disease can often be traced Holmes, “ as the inteution is uot to power is marvelous and many wonderful Stepped out from tho ranks of the sol- m ust bo. T h a t is one of the risk effor’i to help me failed to give any relief. speak of, but he is fu ll of confld 1 cures have been made. Druggists considei niers on guard. feet w ide for business purposes, then to an attack < f som e slig h t ailm ent. sp .it it at all in fastening it to the roof, N ot ouly the children o f consum ptive I took to be a confession c f inaptitude I tried a num ber of remedies withcut them a potent remedy, and all sell them. “ Listen, Orthodox czar,” he said, ” 1 H e does it m ore for m y sake than ground w ith tw o rows of trees, 80 f .e t w ill wrestle w ith th ee.” w ide, fcr horseback riding, then 40 feet parents may show these characteristics, for m echanical work ” In later years thing else. ” '' N»w Sletbv-l lu 1 ubile lo st ruction, but also those of parents gen erally en ­ he lost his m em ory of the nam es of “ W ell, young dragoon,” said Peter, or so of asphalt or mucadatu for car­ th e n I hope it w ill turn out well I h e feebled, or whose uges ure w id ely sepa­ promotion txam iuatiou having “ I w ill wrestlo w ith thee, but on these W hat are th e indications?” riages, then bO- feet (at a guess) w ith thing.«. Once lie w anted his umbrella, conditions: It thou throwest me, I w ill four rows o f trees for pedestrians, w ith rated, or w ho are closely related by blood, but could not recall the word. But bo been abandoned, the teacher's estiuiute T O Y 'ra*7 ™00*1’ 1 heor J «innot judg. pardon thee, but i f thou art thrown m yself. Tho con d ition s are all diffeJi neats tor r e s tin g ; theu another puved or o f a m other w h o has previously borue got around ihe difficulty. “ I can't tell of (be pupil’s ability to no advanced work determ ines hig promotion. As a num lier in quick succession. Kven its name, but I can tell its history thou shalt be beheaded. W ilt thou from w h at I am used to. ” street for busiuess aud street ears, and, lastly, the other sidew alk A t different vyheu heredity is sound the sam e condi­ Strangers take it a w a y .” H is daught; r the teat her's estim ate is shown on wrestle ou those conditions?” “ I understand. W e are too slow tion is soin, tim es' induced by coddling, the report, the pupil and his parents plades are booths for selling papers, etc., ran in one nay to ask w ho should be in “ I w ill, great czar, ” said tho soldier. aud th rifty, I su sp ect— to run the swift by im proper feeding, by attacks o f acute kuow m onthly w hat piegress he is w a itin g rooms for the street car service They closed, and presently the so l­ Am erican pace. Y et 1 can’t see «bt vited to join their berry picking partv aud public convenien tes Through the uis»ase or by w ant and distress. In " ............ A ll the c h ild re n .” he said, "from 'fi m aking toward advanced work. In the dier, w ith liis left arm, throw the czar, there should he such an amazing diffe’ primary grades tho teacher’s judgm ent tow n there are tw o broad avenues and g row in g children a bad carriage o f body years to 60. aud w ith his right he prevented him ence in your theatrical busiuess iM determ ines the record, and iu the high ­ m any outside, like the Avenue Louise, tnay act injuriously by contracting and from fallin g to the ground. The sover­ ours. Tho stories w e heur of New York d< form in g tlie chest. The so-oped posi­ er grades the leueber’g judgait nt is cor- w h ich leads out to the hois, and. like 8t. Nicholas Day | n H olland. eign was clearly beaten. profits sound fabu lou a 1 should say tb«» tion w h ich boys som, tim es assum e iu n c le d by w ritten recitations and tests, the boulevard, bus the sam e com bina­ In some houses the little children w ho l h i s method puls a premium ou the Somewhat in the spirit of Herod, the were fubulous if I had uot seen the re bicycle rid in g should be discouraged for tio n — part street and part park of itse lf go to bed our y put out their shoes a-id czar offered the soldier whatever reward turns o f W ullack 's when f he other streets are u. itber w ide nor th is reason.— W illiam L. R u ssell, M. stockings aud find them cram m ed w ith daily work aud g i n s a moderate but he should claim , aud the soldier igno­ piuys w as produced thero. oue of my D., in P opular heien to M onthly. rilM. CHROXTCLK r a n k , w ith U n ( r e w e a fout;iiucus stim ulus rather ibuu un tx- A hundred straight, but cool tu a hot day and lik e­ bly claim ed the privilege of drinkiug pouuds a n ig h t presents in the m orning. Others have In the Onlu-rt sum » tts. ive and spasn ouic cue. l i s t s given is nothing to you, it ly warm in w inter to play a gam e o f hide and seek for by the principal und the superintendent m ' l(lf n ‘.‘K ““ •b* P»"9< free as long as he lived in all the inns seems. ” The buildings uro not w h ole blocks THE LONGFELLOW STATUE. their presents, w hich the father and Tlk / ¿ J v . ,’“l«'Pnw.n(| n»w» belonging to the crown.— Youth’s Com­ show the proper com pleiion of work " T w o or threo hundred would not O H K d M o n K 's T nlesraplilc H«