I am informed that Robt. Lowe Alter conferring together an agreement The Ablest and Most Successful ' moved his family to Gardiner. was reached and the tolloffing candi­ Specialists iu the World. Mcsdaines Gihba and Dale of Clear dates were nominated: They guarantee a complete cure lake made a trip to Uardintr last w eek . For governor— W R King, populist of Your Own Home, and allow you -----T xsms : $1.00 a year in ad vanee.- Mrs. E. B. Miller is housekeeping tor Baker. pay when cored. For congressman—First district, R Mrs. Kyle during that lady’s abseuce Entered at the post-office at Florence, M Venteli, democrat, Lane; second dis­ I from borne. I^tne county, Oregon, as second-class Absolutely Pur» mail matter. Mrs. Annie Lowry h is been engaged trict, C M Donaldson, silver republican, to teach the Fiddle creek school this of Baker. For secretary of state—II R Kincaid, summer; she is a teacher of much ex­ O N AP- advkbtisino bates mam known Thousand« of proraising young men PLICATION. perience and good reputation and the : silver republican, of Lane. have their lives and future usefulness Local notice« 8 cents per line, oaeli insertion ROVAI CAKIOO p o w e r s C O .. H g « V O S S . For supremo judge—W A Ramsay, district is fortunate in securing such an wrecked by INDISCRETION AND democrat, of Yamhill. ! excellent teacher, PERSO NALS. For attorney-general—■ J L Story, pop­ ’ PRIVATE DISEASES. The symptoms Florence, Or. April 1, 1898. One inorc unfortunate weary of Fiddle until cured, are portrayed on the coun­ ulist, of Wasco. Dr. Saubert made a trip to Heceta creek, rashly importunategives up his tenance au 1 in the actions oi the vic­ For state printer—Charles A Fitcli, claim. Mr. Willis Brown has left; his W E S T L IN O S . till« week. tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ populist, of Clackamas. ed, other organs become affected, and Mrs. Tripp started to Astoria Tuesday son came here last week from Iowa and Fur superintendent of public instruc­ spirited liia father away to that land of City election next Tuesday. sooner or later there are serious results. to spend tile summer. tion—II S Lyman, populist, Clatsop. Our New Method Treatment will posi­ W. E. IVarreu is reported quite ill at I Alden Hays and wife came in from plains and blizzards. I am told that districts nominations . Mr. Brown sold liis cattle to Mr. Colvin tively cure these diseases. Heceta. i Eugene a few days ago for a Bhort visit. and the remainder of his possessions he First district—Judge, E C Wade, sil­ MIDDLE-AGlED MEN—There are Remember the republican primary Mrs. W. F. Potter! of Alpha will teach sold to Elmer Miles for one hundred ver republican; prosecuting attorney, thousands of you who have committed tomorrow afternoon. ' the next term of school in Maple Grove dollar*. Mr. Browu's ranch is con­ A N Sloiss, populist; iiiemlier of board Sold W ith offences against the laws of your na­ Go to Mevcr A Kyle for best values in I district. sidered one of the best on Fiddle creek of equalisation, O A Worden, populist. ture, and are now paying up for it. all kinds of boots and shoes. Second district—Judge^ J W Hamil­ Those weak, aching backs, Ix»ss of Sex­ Philip Lunx set out on the Mink Fri- and the improvements are considerable D. W. Stihhens has his new evapora­ ; dsy on his way to Astoria to spend the but “ one man’s loss is another’s gain.” ton, democrat; prosecuting attorney, If ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality, Denlinger, Jr., populist. Bummer. tor about ready for business. Frequent and Painful evacuations of CHANGE OF LOCATION Third district—Judges R P Boise, the Bladder accompanied by more or O. W. Hurd starts Tuesday on a busi­ J. A McLeod lias been getting ac­ populist, and P H D’Arcy, democrat; less smarting and tbe escape of par­ ness trip to San Francisco. He will he quainted with La Grippe this week. The Northern Pacific Ticket office lias prosecuting attoraev, S L Hayden, dein- ticles of albumen in the urine with The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. absent two or three weeks. been changed from its former location I ocrat. IIW|„ber ,,f hoard of equalization, ropy sediment, all point to the decline L. B. Carter returned Saturday after Hanson on Thursday afternoon April 7. over Hall’s grocery store, to more com- I j ol||1 p Kohertson, populist, of your manhood. There are hundreds spending a year in California. He likes L. C. Ackerly and wife wifi move to inodious quarters, with “The Eugene , fourth district—Judges, J V Beach, who die of this difficulty, ignorant of their ranch at Minerva in a day or two. Maple creek better now then when he Real estate Agency,” on the 8ro,,n‘l ! department I ; Thomas O'Day the cause. The doctors will guarantee left. floor, first door North of Griffin’s hard­ democrat, department 3; Dell Stuart, Bring your job work to the W fst Messrs. Stingley and Lamb came in ware store, directly opjiosite the Guard silver republican ; prosecuting attorney, a perfect cure in all such cases, and office. Good work done at reasonable healthy restoration of theGcnito Urin­ from Elmira the first of the week. They office, where they will he pleased to see prices. no nomination. ary Organs. are working in a logging camp near liny persons .contemplating a trip East Fifth district—Judge, W D Hare, pop­ The San Francisco Examiner snd the READER—Are you in trouble? Mapleton. or South. ulist; district attorney, no nomination. Have you been treated and never cured? W est for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ Frank Harris cam? in last week to For full information concerning rates, Sixth district—District attorney, J T You dare not risk a return of the dis­ vance. take a look at his ranch on Maple creek. routes, time tables etc., call or address, Hmkle, populist. Point Terrace school will commence ease. It may appear when happy in He left again on the Mink Tuesday K. M c M cuphv , General Agent, Seventh district—Judge, W L Brad­ domestic life. Our New Method next Monday under the management of i Opposite Guard Office, Eugene. morning. ford, democrat; prosecuting attorney, Treatment is your refuge. If diseaeed, None who are engaged in any of the mechanical Miss Nofeinger of Eugene. Mrs. W. R. MeCornack and her A Van Vactor, populist. ALPHA CLIPPINGS- consult us confidentially. Next Friday w ill be Arbor day and mother Mrs. Hazelton were passengers pursuits can succeed without reading and Eighth district—No nominations. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) arrangements are being made by Flor­ on the stage to Eugene Tuesday. Mrs. Niulh district—Judge M D Clifford, for our interesting book. “A Warning studying this standard Magazine of Sciences Bv E ven C hange . ence school for celebrating it. Hazelton is on the way to her home in democrat; district attorney E. Hicks, Voice.” Sent free. All letter« kept Miss Maud Chamberlin gave a party Manitoba, Canada. democrat; member of board of equali­ strictly private and confidential. All and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with March 28th, 1898. to her young friends at her home in zation, J R Gregg, populist. SU N D A Y S E R VIC E S. answers sent in plain sealed envolope. all modern cuts -of latest inventions in all Mr. Clayton Pope has returned from Glenada Wednesday evening, that being DEPUTIES APPOINTED No Q. 0 . D. business. Hale where lie has been for a mouth. licr 1 Jib birthday. the brauches of mechanism, and its fund of SundaysclioollO a.in. Preaching at Ed Putterf, wife and daughter of Lake Hereto I-odge, I.O .O . F. have elect­ 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. A i i e u o r B u r to n C o m m e n c e « F i e l d W o r k knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ ed John I. Butterfield and J. L. Furnish The evening service w ill be a People’s creek paid friends and relatives a visit o f 1 8 9 8 A fiM ifim e n t delegates to the grand lodge which Gospel and Praise Service, all the con­ last Sunduy. WRITE TODAY. ventors and mechanics. Sold with T uk meets at Roseburg May 18th. Mrs. Isahell Potter! will begin her gregation taking part in responsive Assessor D. P. Burton lias made the W est at clubbing rates. school, in May, in the McLeod district Ezeriali Park about 80 years of age readiug, singing etc. Address appointment of the following deputies on the Siuslaw river. dropped dead at his home near Eugene AU are cordially invited to attend w ho will assist him in the field work Dr- W- H- Saunders & Co , March 25th. He had been a resident of this service. We understand Elmer Lamb will I 61» Sproat St., Detroit, Mich. of the 1898 assessment. Some of the Lane county since about 1850. leave fur Modoc Co,, Cal., in a few 1 deputies have already begun their BIBLE CLASS. " M o -T o -B a e fo r F i f t y C e n ts. Monday 7:30 p. in. Lesson-Review weeks where his brothei Brunt lias been ! work ; Guaranteed tobacco habit, cure make« weak NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. men strong, blood pure. 5Cc,il All druggists on page 48, and the Old Testament for a year. I Camp creek, Mabel, Mohawk, Mc­ As sevetid of our teachers will leave i Kenzie and Gate creek—G W Riggs. A mass meeting of the legal voters of Doctrines on pages 50 and 51. I,aitd Office at Roseburg, Oregon. to lako charge of their schools next I Willamette, Mohawk and Spring- I. G. K notts , pastor. February 21.189«. Florence will be held in the Odd Fellow's Notice 1« hereby given th st the following week the young folks have planned to j field—E C Martin. building Friday evening April 1st to G REENLEAF IT E M S . ’have a patty at Mr. Haights uext Fri-j Thurston Jasper, Fall creek, Middle named settler has filed notice of her intention nominate candidates for city officers to to make final proof In supp irt of her claim and , day night. , j.\,rg gi,(f Hazel Dell—Paul Hadley. Bv a W est C obbespondent . «eryu-tlie ensuing year. that said proof will be made before C, H. Hol­ Fruit except some of the peaches Pleasant Hill and Lost Valley—J F den U. 8. Commissioner at Florence. Oregon, The W est has for sale one year’s on April 9th, 1831, vis: Hannah C. Fostor, on Three inches of snow on the morning which were in bloom is reported not ' Oallixon. tuition in the Holmes Business College h. e. no. 6458, for the ti'-J ne'4 sec. 28; and et« damaged much by the late frosts. Ore­ Creswell—Robt Hawley. of Portland. This is one of the leading of March 25th. se!<, sec. II; tp. 18 a, r. II west. gon will likely have a large crop of fruit Goshen and country west of Eugene She names the following witnesses to prove This monthly magazine is one of the very business colleges on the coast, having Ernest Tabor nnd Charley Pope start­ her continuous residence upon and cultivation and find a good market as Cal.’a punch, —B F Keeney. English, Commercial, Shorthand and ed for Florence today. best printed in this country, and is sold of, said land, vis: apricot, almonds and some other fruits Irving—Ed Bond. Telegraphic departments and we offer Alice K. Hums. II. II. Lawton and H. Q. The new stringers lor the Greenleaf are entirely destroyed, caused by heavy Long Tom, Richardson and Cheslier this tuition on easy terms. l.indsley of Florence, Or., and William Saubert to all subscribers at rates within the bridge are 76 feet long. frosts and dry weather. Much wheat —J II Yates. of Acme, Oregon. ANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND Mrs. Frank Eldridge presented her has not been sown down there as it is Spencer, Coyote, Siuslaw and Mound j ability of all to pay. It is finely illus Il M. V xatcii , active gentlemen nr ladies t o 1 husband with a fine boy lusl Wednesday, toe dry to plow. We look for a large —W II Hawley. Register. ♦ ravel for responsible, established house trated and presents the names of famous Gleuteua, Walton, Lane and Gate The silverite3 at Alpha think they emigration to Oregon from the golden in Oregon. Monthly $05.03and expenses. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- state. creek—J H Sutherland. have the world by the tail, and they authors as contributors. T a s W est Position steady. Reference. Enclose Hermann—W S Meade. A couple of our voung society gallants self-addressed stamped envelope. The meet to twist it every Saturday. Land (Jffieu, Roseburg, Ojegnn. and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ Florence, Mapleton and Heceta—W A few potatoes have been sold here­ have made n bet on election in which Karell 3,1938. Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, II Weatberson. N otlcais hereby glvon that tho following- about for 10 cents a bushel, and for 20 they agree to let their mustaches grow duced rates at this office. Efforts are now being made to have a Bohemia, East and West Cottage named settler has filed notice of his Intention cents one can get all lie wants of the until after the June election and the Io make ffnnl proof In support of bis claim, and county road laid out to connect the one loosing will shave off one side and j Grove and Eugene—I) 1* Burton. finest table quality. that said Proof will bo made before , Deadwood club $75 to go to Eugene and proposed route is.ou the west side of no. 7038, for the se*4 sw'4, soc. 24; eH nw1/« and quently shaved from 2 to 4 limes a week | North Fork following the general course play a game, the university club to in fiopes of koeping the wind from I The prohibitionists have nominated Jot 3, sec 25; tp. 17 s., r. II west. * lie names tho following wltneases to prnvo the following ticket; of that stream till near Mr. Lindsley's have the gate receipts. twisting them into ropes, we can ; Ilia continuous residence upon and cultivation Senator—Calvin Hanna, EtgfttiO. Mr. Niohols of Sittslaw I ihs bought then »ros-es the hills to the Mercer imagine hoys with two month’s growth I «aid land, vis: Representatives—J A Bushnell, Junc­ of O. lakeB nd. quite a lot of cattle hereabouts which Dowell of Mercer Ioikc, Or., and J. Lavage, you will have won the complete ndmi-1 tion , Edgar King Cottage Grove. will meet more from Siuslaw at Hale M. Rath and F. Sutton of Florence, Oregon g n C o r e C o n s tip a t io n F o r e v e r . ration of all ihe fair eex and the envy K. M V satch , County commissioner—Geo. Iota, 1 Take Cab arets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 28c. the first, of April and be driven to of your rivals. “We do not take pesseesioa of our idea* but are possessed by tbesaf Register. II C C .C ta il to cure, druggist« refund money. Eugene. Cottage Grove. They natter us and force us into the arena, Clerk—J W Lakin, Eugene. ANNUAL ELECTION- Fred Rowe came up from Gardiner Last Friday Alice and Hazel Weath- NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION Sheriff—H M Manville, Eugene. Where Uke gladiators, we must fight for then.” erson invited about twenty girls, nearly the other day built another cabin on his all being their school mates, to spend homestead, sold Ids turnip crop to J. A. The annual election of the Town of i Aiaessor—S S Morss, Cresswell. Suck is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the Land Office, at ltoMburz, Oregon. the afternoon with them. Besides amus­ Burnett for 15c a wagon load and went Florence will lie held in the Cathey j School superintendent—A B Minton, j March 9, 1898. entire contents of (hie monthly magazine ing themselves with swinging, various back. building on Tuesday April 5th, 1898.: Junction. Notice i> hereby given that the following- named settler ha« filed notice of his Intention i were played. Mrs. Burns and Mr. Leonard l'abor, who has taught ' This election is for the purpose of elect-; Treasurer—Dr J S Dale, Eugene. are upon a plane and in keeping with its i Vanderburg and Haring were school near the so-called haunted house ing one President, four Trustees, one 1 The uttices of one representative, snr to make final proof In support of his claim, and left lor the that said proof will be made before C. H. Hoi veyor and coroner were at to assist in the games and look l on the Bluchley place and who took an 1 Recorder and one Marshal to serve for , motto. The Arena’« gallery |of, eminent den, U. 8. Commlwloner at Lake Precinct, executive committee to fill. after their wants. After partaking of | ¡nterMt jn ,^3 spookly manifestations, I the ensuing jear. Douglas county, Oregon on April 23, 1S98, vis; thinkers is a group oi intercHting 'men and Jame M. Young on h, e. no. 7981 lor the wl£ refreshments the little folks went home , thOuKh no believer in ghosts, says: Mv j Polls open from 9 s. m. to 6 p. nt. H O W S T H IS ? I «w>4 and «e'4 »w)<, »ec. 22, fp. 1»r„ r. tl W. all agreeing they had a nice time. ! ¡n(or„,Rtlt was iu error about the house. | By order of the Board of Trustees. women, and their thoughtsjirol’worthy the I He name« the following witnesses to prove Before buying tickets to any point in , He says it is about 30 years old and was Dated tliis 30th day of March 1888. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ his continuous residence upon and cultivation consideration of all people. The.,Arena is J ohn U . M orris , th»E;»Ht or South it will be to your ad- occupied by a family before Aaron ward for any case of catarrh that cannot of said land, Viz: Byron W. Dorsey, Knut 0. lfu«by and B. F. Rocorder. vantage to consult the Northern Pacific j Blaebley lived there alone. Mr. Tabor he cured iiy Hall’s Catarrh Cure. sold with T he W ert . Wilks of Ada, Ore., and L. F. Ar.derson of Railway Company. We arc the quick- j ha« heard the mysterious sounds and F. J. Cheney & Co., l’rops. Toledo, O. Florence, Oregon. HAVE D ISAPPEA R ED . the rat-tat-tat of a [line to Kansas City, Omaha, St. compares them to Wo tlie undersigned, have tnown F. R. M. Veatch, RsKiner. Lmtia or other Missouri River pointe. 1 skunk walking the floor or of table-j J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and D ol't forget this: 3,lays «0 St. Paul; 3'-'' tapping spirits, while Post say*, they, Shedds, Ore., March 21st, 1898. Mrs. believe him perfectly hoiiorahlo in all IO Chicago and 4 '/ to New York and sound as if a knotted cord were being Nettie M. Carothers of this place has 1 business transactions and financially NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. er Eastern cities. For full informs-j drawn acrose the roof. The sounds been taking the well-known medicine, j aide to carry out any obligation« made L»nd 0 3 1 « , Roseburg, Oregon. call or address, R. McMurphy,, Tabor heard eamc only when the wind > Hood's Sarsaparilla, which lia s com- ' iiy their firm. Marc 1 7, W ». Iteral Agent, Opposite Guard office,; was blowing or bail just died down.! pletcly relieved Iter of rheumatism, , West A Truax, wholesale druggist« Hotlc« 1» hereby given that tho following* gene, 5 Win. Blacliiey declares tliut something headaches anil nervous attacks. She Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, named iwftlrr haa ftlorl notice of 1)1« Intention j invisible slapped his shoulder one cold was also troubled with scrofula swellings i wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. to make final proof til «npport of hit claim , and d a c a te T e a r tlo w e l« W ith C»«caret«- luit these have disappeared since taking Hall’« Catarrh Cure id taken internal- that said proof will be made lrlt 1«, 189S, viz: John ^ ^ C o m m issio n e r Binger Hermann, of j Finally, there if a lonely grave near 1 mucous surfaces of the eyetem. Ptice Shultz on h. o. no 673« for th« ««If w'4 sac 11; REBUILDING THE COOS. the general land office, lias issued in-j the house. Scoffers and those who sit 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. ■!» swzi. sw'.i «w*4 sec. 12; tp. 19 «., r. It W. 11« names tbe following witnesses to prove •tructione to local land offices in O n - ! in the »eat of the scornful say that a reed Testimonials free. The caliin and engine liousc of the his continuous residence upon and cultivation H K n, restoring to settlement and entry I or perhaps, a bounl shaken^by tltts wind, t Coos -veto remove-1 this week. Tbe Hall's Family Pi'ds are tl e Josst. of said land, viz: eeveral hundred thousand acres of land . made the somnls that Tabor beard, machinery is to he all taken out and Robert ft Milts, Fred It. Knoaper, and An­ PRIMARY M EETING drew B. Hartley o f Florence, Or. and Ed. ■itnated in Linn, Crook, Grant, Har- [ while tho knotted cord had a real ex­ considerable change made in the craft. Anderson of Acme, Oregon. »ev nnd Malheur counties, which had istence and was moved by a practical ! The side wheels are to be removed and The republican primary of Florence R. M. VeaTcw ’ years been held in a state of reser- joker. It is reported tliat the house, or site will be fitted np with ucw engines fif Register. precinct will I n - hold 111 Hunl'd hall to- J a part of it, hsa fallen down this winter. gtion on account of a Innd grant to the and twin screws. A new cabin and morrow aftern. on at i o"cluck. Every Tillamette Valley-Cascade Mountain But tb-tt, «p ink» cau spook without a engine r>oin will he built leaving room rypuliln an should attend. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. bentac I .nipposf. '"agon Road Company. for carrying teams on deck. In this STEAMBOAT FOR EUGENE. way it will «tdtlom be necessary to use a Lrnd Office, at Roasburg, Oregon. scow and this wilt In- muclt more con- March 14, 1898. [ 1 venient. Tbe loaf will be easier to At a meeting held in E igenc Fiiday I Notice 1« hereby given that the following handle and net running exneose« much eveqing rasolution« «»re paampl lhai named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final pe«d In support of his claim, and lese. 9'ibecriber« to tbe tNtat meet Munday to that said proof will be made before«'. H. Hid­ I Tlits work lias been in contemplation organs« end ipixitpueate, that ’.lie b*>at den U. II. Commissioner, at Floreiiea, Oregon on what effect alum has upon the stomach. Then for several years ami now that it is to* built in Eugene and that the work April 80, MW, vtz: Lewis Betters on h e. no. ! 29; tie'; and ne*4 I we expect ere long to net; a commence as soon as lumber can l>e I 7357 for the »»54 ’»'i- make up your mind whether you will put any commenced uw f;, «ac. as; tp. 17 a . r. 10 W. fleet trint little steamer ready for busi- procured. He names the lollowing witnesses to prove { more low-price baking powder into your husband's ne«e. The craft will have the c.ipai-ity of his continuous residence upon and cultivation j J 100 ton-, t is V f’ t t . icltg'li from 120 of sai't land, vis: _ _ _ MU0GÏSTJ or childrens food. A.F. Walker. W. W. Neely, T. J. Neely and T N K W H O L K ayefem feels tho to 140 it S’, d' ptl, »»t |,r.|d 4 Ice', and w ill John L. Pahliu, all of Mapleton, Oregon. I effect of Ho-xl’s SarM|>arilla— stom­ ABSOLUTELY G U M A I T B E D X ^ Z ^ X Í Í Ä ,^ ? « w ^ * • , Si/ulling's Best is pure cream of tartar and R. M. VeaTCB, ach, liver, kidneys, lieart, nerves ere draw al out 24 iucucj wttii a <5 ton ffcsn d h m W s« A re.* ad, «TgU UN B M W «»* «•»• IMmsm — wtresL m . a i w t « « - RegisMr. load. soda. Nothing else. strengthened sod S U S T A IN E D . ses POWDER Stars in ★ Lost And The A R T S ana S C IE N C E S . Scientific American. the EnsMnpnnTAN, W THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS CROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTION/! THE WEST. Ask Your Doctor v FLORENCE. OR. dNDY cathartic CURl CONSTIPATION.