V E S T . REPORT RECEIVED. WASHINGTON LETTER. • -taw HOW TO FINO OU r. T U B was evidently intended to apply w in* when either Spam or the United Stuns r. .. . , ... snouui Ü6 Ul war wiuj aooiuer jiiuhhi , F u o u o f « xxì - clai Coitjtrerosngxi. I f i ll m bathe ur common glass with (• • No Dsmsm, for Indemnity to ho * urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; and not in ca*e of hostilities between M*de at Present. Other Mat- 1 a seifiment or settling indicate* an un­ themselves. "on W ash ., D. C., March 21, 1898. .fLonxxc,*, f'X yífin cxw r, Ogw.ux ¡ healthy condition of the kidneys. When tor* Concern,ng Cuba. The law of nations was not modified Washington is again a storm center. urine stains linen it is evidence of kid- by the Declaration of Paris or by treaty, All eves are now turned towards the 1 ney trouble. Too frequent desire to Al’ I f ••> r ' TUe re*"rt *>f inquire. A perfect storm of cxcite- J-.ditor ami Proprietor, I hands last Fidgy. WHAT TO DO. «(firmed by the courts of the United ’ men! is raging and it is constanty : The court holds that the loss ,,f the Ttiere is comfort in the knowledge so guiles, the government has always look- , r >»ing in intensity. O ongnw in roak- J o i isslt t V i < / t c Y r x t — p XXQUXXjl ^ J ’ ’ tkat that ' Dr? KHiner’ I k» IT ¡1 •«■S.a>*a s . /•'lomiee, O r, 4pr.il 1. 181)8. j Maine ia due to an explosion from the ,n- a Brave effort to wait patiently, j swRinp-root, the great kidney remedy ed favorably upon the policy that a ll; outside, hyt the court is unable to fix nt it is only succeeding in waiting, Iu,‘*‘®-e '*ry .wish in n-lieving pain In-tbe ' Pr,' a‘e I,roP®r‘T a‘ *®a , n ‘*nl* wnr, the responsibility for the explosion. GOOp JOAOS. **ecH(jHe it iiitikf wait; ite members are back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every except contraband, should be exempt I Tile court does not express an opinion part of the urinary passage. It corrects ! from molestation. human and their £t(M lc of patience is ina'oiiity to hold urine ami scalding pain I ■ ■■----- ------ lOneof xlu> gteeVeat advantages to a I lH 10 t‘le ‘dlar3,:‘er of the explosion, hut practically exhausted. There re a in passing it, or had effects following A TROUBLED EMPIRE. /arm nud one which will help to make ' t,ie t<,8,i^l0nJr ‘O ohow that it was a i thousand ami one rumors as to what * use of liquor, wine or boer, and over- _____ H valuable is a good road, over ' «"*«*»1 euhomrl, mine, the exact the president will do witli the report, . co,,ie8'hat unpleasant necessity of be- With New Year Greetings, ami a /h e product* of the (arm can ia- taken ' ,:l"’ra''t‘‘r of 9. F Chronicle: i was not determined, ' blll 't|>e ¡ mpression prevails among the i ing compelled to get up many times /o market. Frequently there are sur. ' tll0ugl‘ t,“‘ ’' ilH » ’'pressed that it The report made a fortnight ago th a t' Prosperous Year to ail our Friends, Wo j during the night to urinate. Tbo mild senators and others who have talked únese Vicerovs a rt! Viceroys in tlie the southern p part . . . , and «x'raorilinary effect of swamp-root ! Chinese pills vegetable* or other produce that was a floating submarine mine. the matter over with the president and I is Again Offer Our Goods at Exceptionally soon realized. Ii stands ihe highest of the empire are conspiring against Tiiere were two explosions, the court are not needed ,oj) the farm which duy- members of the cabinet, that it will foi its wonderful cures of the most dis- ,y)e central government is apparently finds. The first was from tlie outside, Low Prices. Somebody once said, and it itng a ptirt of the year tit) I ready sale depend on t x* nature of the report how tressing eases. If yon need a medicine an a neighboring town. One farmer and that set off one of the smaller noon it will l»e sent to congress and you slioulil have tbo best. Sold bv confirmed. According to a Shanghai has been Repeated. “ Well Bought H alf druggists, price fifty cents and one doi- dispatcli of the 10th ¡list, all tho prov- who lives on agoo-J road sells his stir, magazines. public. If it merely shows that the lat Wo Have a Clean Desirable T oil may have a sample bottle and ; inces bordering on the Yang-tse-Kiang Sold.” Tlie Spanish government has cabled plus making a good profit gbovo cpst of ... • i Maine was blown up from the outsole pamphlet both sent free by mail, are preparing to revolt, the movement ofl.cially to Washington that the Span- ' . -------- Stock of-------- raising. Another man living no further by unknown parties, it will probably I upon receipt of three-two-cent stamps lo ■from the same town hod.on a bad road ish naval commission bolds the disastei besenf to congress right away, hut if it i cover cost of postage on the bottle. being so strong that the Pekin cabinet arc behind it, Mention The W est and perhaps could not s e ll, hia crop for to the Jfaine to be of internal origin. is shown that the explosion was due , I 1-’16"H‘jn 1116'VEsr «»'i send «end your ad-j is helpless. ■ The — - Viceroys ------- ------------ Tlie government of Spain, it can be thoMM/i».» r a • , ‘iress to Dr. Kilmer & . Co., Binghamton, ostensibly from patriotic motivi es, but .enough to pay expenses because be could the s c o n of any Spanish official or j N. Y. The proprietor of paper j actually because they feared tlie diver not deliver the articles when they were stated postiroly, ¡S not disposed to turn officials, it would probably be withheld j guarantees the genuineness of this this offer sion of their revenues toward interest in demand. In addjtipa to this there is back hey torpedo fleet now proceeding until every preparation to make aggress-I —“ — ------------ payment oil tlie proposed national Ioan. ' nt all times theegtra cost,of hauling on fr.otn th e Canaries, and would be disin­ ive war was completed, as the president' ,N rERNATI°NAL LAW, ft iq not far from the scene oi this i « bad road. Any man examining a clined to consider a suggestion from tiiis knows, as does everybody else, that in ' -------- farm with a view of purchasing will j government tending to interfere with that case, as soon as the official trouble that the great Taiping revolt Z l\ facts ; the disposition by Spain of her own * A declaration of war or tbo begining °<'c'ilrcd, the affair that gave General fake io lo consideration the condition of I were laid before congress, war would be ! naval forces, of hoiti.itiee without fermal declaration , Gurdo11 h‘8 Ubinese sobriquet and ; * Wan^ *0 Sell it, I know a “ Nj tnble Nloklo ¡3 bottsr th the roads leading to and from it. declared, ! War preparations op an unprecedented Bui how many think about tliese changes the international legal status v“'86'1 Li n »'>g Cluing to bis rank of LaZV Dollar ” And I t x. , Higns of coming war are plentiful in of every civilized nation. t First Subject. But a rebellion in th e 1 S ° m 3 k s t h e n l c x l o n im b le b y offerinq things when they go out to work their scale are being hurried to completion bv mittee" m a d d J n n i .u ^ t o ’ tlm regular ’ ,• T‘'e t'V° ‘T “'’ P0™ ’ 1,eCOm,, I ^ ng-,,iC-K'a”g val1^ « very Sure, Square, Good Bargains. road tax? Many of them think nwre tiie war and navy departments, and the about putting in the time easily, caring country practically is on a war footing. naval appropriation hill, by p rovid in g 7 7 Ot'‘er8 nC"tra'8- To d‘^ r6,>t event both m its proportions A note informing Spain of tl,e finding but little wlietber their work is any . . . . ......... ........... J 1 ' U’6 former are conceded riglits and on j nni1 ,ts Prob:)hle ending than the one for a-hlitional battleships, torpedo boats ! benefit to tlie road or not. Tl»ie class of j of the court has lieen sent hut it is said tlie latter devolve obligations which do which was suppressed by Gordon’s and torjiedo boat destroyers; hills are j tlie president will at tills time make no not exist in time of peace. * ten injure themselves directly by so “ever victorious army.” In fact that now under consideration to provide for i no n ! . , • ¿Icing, it is just as moch for a m an’s demand for indemnity profering to j an extensive increase in boll, the armv 1 ° " tht ocea" toulu,crce 18 «object to aimy was ra.sed m the provinces now I desire to sell as much of my present stock interest to do a good duy’s work on the leave that lo be arranged after the ex- ! and — ■ navy; - . hundreds . . of w»r. war. Of Of course course threatening the peace peace of of official notice's ' the 7 international ,al law °* ™ i u , m g u,e of the empire, possible within the next sixty days, in ci lenient n over. road ns on his own farm. of recruits wanted are bcimr nr J d 'reCt “"“d* bet"'3en the bellig,’r«nta For,,1Prl>'il «as possible for China to As to the war in Cuba, President Mc­ in the navy department so \ s 7 ”^ ! order to make room for Spring h™1“"" Off’ bUt neU'ra‘ V688C,8- i n P’ V *Ucl‘ trooi'9- b,,t no«’ t-cro is no ‘f f Tux statk of Maine I* very much nt Kinley advised tlie Spanish government ready to be used in every city in th | the abience of a blockade-m ay con-j mon«y- Aside from that, each province goods to arrive. the trout gt presept. We have luat tiie in the politest terms flint the time is country at short n o tic e -tl,e , arc beine 1 7 ? 7 " i,h ei,l,er or l ‘“l8 ° W" ar,ny and tl,e ao«tb6>-n fleet ! battle-ship that was called for her, and ! il4®‘ drawing near when tho Unite I ___ b ‘ 01 tbe belligerents, but under restric- 18 «’boby under viceregal control. I’ Pro b- if the war grows out of tho M«ipc dis-1 Stat®8 »ould lie compelled to act upon sent out by mail, so that in caso it be­ tions imposed by the law of nations, ably it would bo easier for tlie rebellious aster, the men of M h U io will have »good i t,u> *'“rni ,'g so often given to Spain comes necessary to use them , the They may not for example, carry to i ehiefa fo ,n«rcli on Pekin than it would ¿leal to say alxmt the conduct of it. The ' ®inc® tliu « fn g g le in Ouhn began. The department will only have to wire its either any contraband articles, such as i for Pekin to bring them to terms, gup. speaker of tlie house, the chairman of I l,r68'dent clearly intimated that tho war agents to go ahead. Tljcre is an un­ C oo.0 an d ob W „ pricM i au d )m v e a arms, munitions of war, etc. Each P08*1*« foreign |sjwers to remain neutral. the ways and means committee, and the i ‘n Culm must cease, hut lie fixes no usual hustle in every bureau uf the more, . . . TBF | belIigerent bal’ tbe rigbt to capture all j If the south ,.Vi w e l , a v o a g n » d , e a t a „ d a l v a r l n f l „ f„i. e n tw actually breaks away .chairmen of the naval committee* oi j dl‘te. The note makes the question of i and navy department, and in ai < ition . merchant vessels under the flag of the England and Fran« 6 will have plenty ho h house apd senate, are from tlie , G,lban intervention paramount to the to (lie telegrams received over the enemy on the high seas and all the ■ of occasion to differ about the utatu of Maine.—Oregonian, Maine owe, which the president's mem- i wires in tho building, there is a contin­ proper goods of the enemy in sudi vessels. ¡ division of trade and influence there ; ual stream of telegraph a---- - -------- orandum refers to merely as a lamen­ ..........- “ “ p ,“re all con. | al1 of which adds one more cloud to I T ue Si-iuxurtei.u R eithlican remarks : table incident. The issues ami problems stined for tho other tlie massing line on tlie Far Eastern Presidents Eliot mid Andrews take 1,16 Guban wnr, the United States ing office hours, but goes on all (|..v • S n n l.... . . ‘b,i ) w m a neutral vessel. This right carries ¡' horizon. I undny and tne greater portion of every il|, »ntisfttction in the fact that “few qpliege government now culls urgently to the it tlie right of search. Hence, ’ night. The work at the gun and ear- ' men go wrong,” yet fapey (or a m om en t; “Wention of Spain, declaring that the , every neutral vessel on the high seas additional locals . what it would mean if many of them ; conditions prevailing in Cuba, so near riage and amunition simps in (be Waeh- ¿lid go wrong? The great majority .o f I ‘be shores of tlie United States, have ,,lgtOn "*Vy y#rJ co,1,inuo"8. ‘ b reejMnd of " ar- 18 1,14,1,6 *° 1>6 stopped searched by any armed cruiser of . . . * * . . ’ ’ V ulliftu ....... , . . Last Friday morning J. I. Butterfield i ¿•ollege hoys come from superior lioniea, I ,ong been intolerable to the American shifts oi men each working eight hours either belligerent A sa rule the right : ^ sisteil I,. R, ’ ’ i 8’6'1 by E- «■ Jolmsot’ i, J. I..’ Fumisi, right along. Hud, a big bole has been where tRe best influences arc stippoaed 1116“!’16- is exercised only in suspicious cases,1 a,1,1.'V- L- Eisk commenced the work of to prevail and where ihey have been He contemplates steps which will made in the |jt),000,1WJ emergency ap. where there is reason to believe or I b t „mi.'',:? 1l'e 1 M E R C H A N D IS E ★ * * Yours Very Truly, 0. W. HUHD. C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! n ot’ President McKinley's memorandum of war. j tm enerence with ocean commerce, not which is said to he strongly argued and -m I contraband, among neutral nation« COUNCIL MESTINO. T he wah scare has not affected gcuc The new Spanish minister is both I between them and either ) couched in tlie most dignified, hut un- rnl hnsinesR, and were war to I.. t , , belligerent, brainy and audacious. In , ,, « ' « « » n r to ne rfe- nnstakeahle terms, is tlie statement that iddilion to t After the Crimean war, in 1856, a At a special meeting of the citycom.cil dared it is believed that it would i„ making fresh contributions for the S i nn g.on 7oC,,,’“n ,'OU,,” ",S,Onvr’ code - l e s on this subject, known Held March 3ff,h, jg,«, Jo||1) y¡i ¡ -.,m u.ate ia tlierth a n re.itfd i , , pwUcu-j relief of tlw suffering people in Cuba ash m gton toep en negot.ation. with Declaration of Paris, was agreed as the John fanner and G. C. Cumplo,, were i irly in «.he way of armv requirem ents.1 th. American people expect a practical our reciprocity commissioner for a i by six of the powers of Europe. 8 Tins F,mk” 'a ’id jíh n lí.^ Io !"‘'1 A,fred The iron ami eteel interests, wlijch are 1 term assigned for the complete restorn- commercial treaty will. Spain just a« provides, «rst, for the abolition of i cIection‘° l^ b rid AprïlTui.11 already crowded with ordirs for e o n -, tion of peace and order in that island ‘bough he really M ieves J„ thc pos- privateering; second, that "Um nein ral mimer. in general, would be rushed to The Spanish reply i, eq n .lly flrin , t slhility of tlie conclusion of such a T H E populists - Hag covers the enemy,« goods,” and t i e , r utmost capacity. .Gold coming resolutely asserts the intention f Spain 'reaty’ ' un lor existing circumstances, third, that “neutral goods are not liable Part of the delegates t„ n from Europe freely, and as export, of no, to tolerate any invasion of s . J . i . h Sun° r P' bio has made strenuous efforts l r. 7 " r.0 . U"d" 7 enen,y’" fla'f’H 7 ; ! ! 7 ,Ven,ionbein« o p p c w 7 . m K ; : farm products luring l elwuary were , right or any step intended to lead to to have thc world believe that the only contraband of war being excepted in •ave nominated a separate ticket Ti I M l,634,IMO, showing an inci-A-aso of 50 ‘ be overthrow of Spanish rule in Cuba. !eason al,,onon,y in Cuba has not las issued an address to the voters i,i n both cases. That is to say, no per ixuit. in lireadstuffs. and gb per cent. A’esse l, Spain deprecates sending rlmlesale fully accepted |,v the insurgents and (lying a neutral flag »‘ate asking endorsement of their „ l her cargo,; and adopted a st-ite oi..w ork in cotlon, the condition of our foreign relief in the manner suggested peace r , « to C ub. has .«-en the though it he goods of’ ,he by Mr. Í enemy—unless ‘° ‘bo Omaha ami St. Louis "pl-i'iihtl trade is lu'althy and goes a great way M eltm le. on ‘lie ground that it will war-1,ke attitude of this country to­ contraila nd- is liable to rapture, nor 1 nj Tho ^ u f i ~ II „ K „ „ d, c '■'W „ , UIH , pl.ltloriDH „ c toward making a confident toffipg.— ' 6ncuura8®‘be rebels (separatists i* , , ie , ""r’bt Spain and the presence of ti» may neutral gooffs under a hostile flag term employed) even if it does not lend 1 7 * 7 “ war8llil'8 a‘ Key West, j be seized. .(.'otnsirrctgf /?,nqrw. ’ These rules are binding on J « e c 7 , ' 7 ' f f sía't": , to the actual conflict t etween the au- , It is impossible not to admire thc in- the powers which have signed and all county • «tntu „ ! gennity and industry of this thorities of tho United States and Spain. E U u c .l.V o a r M nwet* W ilk »'»■r«r«ts. b p an tsl., others that have formally accepte.1 the ' P o lk ..... ' ,ea" " 6r. J- K Sears, county, superintendent forever. ( hut Spain doca not refuse the alms, diplomat, but that does not UK. . it c. C. C. fati, UruseiiiiNrefund uionej. prevent a Declaration of Paris. This list now in instruction, J. E. Uosa 01 public J- W. CARMAN. nunilier of prominent r, «enators »»d eludes all the maritime nations of both «'»‘e printer, D , ",er' 3,6«j''*ii¡c ; sh e will not resist this step, probably. . J ’: ? repriwentativcs thinkiug that he aud hem isphere except the United States, T ut lurrEKKM E iji tlie financial stand­ Spain lav« much stresa upou tlie his dummy I- Hill, Albany. commissionerà should In­ ing oi the Units«! States now and at tiie b|K,in ami Mexico. During the civil efforta she hat made to satisfy t |,e v iew s; »ivcn a little hint that their talk an war, the United States, loath to sign t i m e d President Cleveland’s V en e-' of the United States, and to p r e u v e conduct is bringing them dangeromiy ’ away thc right of privateering, which it suela,, war scare clearly .how n, At ' cordial rela, ions while endeavoring to near to being classed us lying lobbyists considered a formidable weapon in the that time immediati) exports of goifl implant home rule and thus hasten the It is not pleasant to hear these persons j hands of a country like this, with a 30 H o o d 7 7 ” l■lm b!, CU^ “y took pla-r, foreigners soiling American asserting that autonomy, which Mood s S a ra a p a rlU a - H eart y pacification of Culm, winch has been •or» Proctor. Gellinger, and Money’ " "H“” 1 W<’aD CO"Unerte' securities. Now the yellow stream i s ' retarded so long only because of a power like great Great the wh.. have personally investigated, de- turned our way, twanty.four million of Britain, for exam ple, with a moral and materia) assistance given 1 6,®r® •« I* a miserable failure, is a navy and a vast *ocrazy. I w . , , | , o commerce, proposed troubled' gold having Iren receive.» fro.,, Euro,«. frou, the Unit,M State. ,|,e largo success. It is a little too much like nevertheless to become a party m the in the past few necks. ,n place of a relw-llion fund raised in North America. C**ling ° l'r se"1“ or8 liars. Their object Declaratton of Parts on ............... ^ X h e . ? ’ i ”“ *h° ,or" "dumping” of American aecuritiea. __________ _____ '; ik to make friends for autonomy in its scope he extended to exempt all * »Ince taking Ho< ^ ’ ’y (Europeans have been and a -e continu- voiigresa, hut the evidence against them DO NOT FORGET. private property at sea from capture “V o ^ r ^ rE- a; ^ n ' . WM I '■ too convincing for ng to pur.liaie “ Americans." There i ----- ••••■ "s «wc them to Tiiis proposition was. however, not Tlie change of location of ihe Northern "Uke “ny h**dw-‘X in ‘ hat direction, Inng trouble and flu’tcrlnVof'th“ » °' * •c-epted. is no particular Hurry in th* American ■>‘flce, which is now w l(h j* V*n i,c o n «reee were not overwhelming Not being a party to it nor having ha, Incr’e L id n,y. w’7 b t stock merketc, aud it is heiutved that in Tbe E igene Heal Salate Agency” ,,n in '»vor of Culm i independence. Th ese formally accepted, neither the United çood a n d V c .c 'now’- l ? ' ’I’y case of war the drop will la- h-aa th a n 1” 1* •‘r'"‘lld floor directly opposite the L',- |n tic „ v a ,e .i. „ the strength of to Secretary Sherman today. rules of that declaration. Hence, each, lllr. linancia! condition is sh on p , together Ihe only regular City Ticket „ Ollie m ‘he event of war. would be free to C a m t. PriinevlUe, Oregon. L ' Lane County. W . are absolutely the ' ..^ " a ^ c a r e w ” mt " X t N r T T ; , . With the fact that the possibility of wnr send out privateers of public cruisers only line running through car» froni g „ . ” u c< c '“,l ‘•«uf'. drncxiAi rrfunu muu^ Sarsa­ has i,irea.ly hpen largely discounted.— J IP'ue to the East or ¿gainit the commerce of tho other. Bv fioilth without Two I change, Remember no change o, enn parilla ‘»«‘Uesldps the Kearsarge the treaty of 1795, a* amended in 1819, TiiiH/ina Ltdijtr. at I’-irllan-l via the Northern ikicific, and 1,16 Kentucky were launched at the two nations stipulate that "free tin-only line running tlie uphill,tered ->iewport News, Virginia free _____, goods,” which is one of H o o d ’s P ills X th' March 2tth. »bip, . make ________ gEversbedy Shays Pullman Tuurisi Sleeping cars hml the P't a.aid .l.«e,t, C aae arct, I '«ndv C athartic. U h - un-st woe andy> 7 7 ‘7 'rni“ h' 7S * 1 ' ' b#am rUl* U ,h * ion, but this derfw l nn dk-al discovery e f Uie ugr, |- caa- celebrateli Dining cars on every train. F0R SALEO« exchange . »n I .1 feet 6 inches draft, qne being the I------ W A N T E D -T R F P T M 0R T H Y AND a..l and rerrealiing to the taaic, act gently Don’t forget tliia iq choueing your roule ■7-T8* T " 1 J » aed positively on klduvja. liter and bowels, exert ooagt*r|Mrt of the other. Each » clu e gentlemen or Isdic, , »w'i r«k.,T.«en iwi i « t , u«, Ul> 4 ck-anelog tho en tire a it le ia . dls|>el colJ,, fur a Iwwitiess or pleasure trip. A house and |ot in ‘ravel for Waponsihle, eetablishe.I l *° To quit Vitxuco easily and forever lie m u For full information call or address, cunt Itoadaehe, lever, habitual mnelii-atloa require* 5,1 officer*, sailors and marine* »Otic, » » . « - « u i U s r ‘ - " » « » t a i , 1* * ' r i „ | luti of Ilf« nerve an J i Igor take WT-Jt “ aud hhlousuv»* Plcear buy and trv a box <"« 'om leeH orh, ,. lh, : Z .k “ E e k ^ U Mt Mi « m y , Generai Agent, to navigate it, and they will coat tlie * f C. V. C to-daj ; 10, 25. MG-enta. i-iclUand P-eiH i. „endy. R«ieren(t. e - • half in height, °ri® story guaranteed to cure by all druggiats. Opposi1« Guard urtke, Eugene Koverumcnt ♦’.’,500,(MX) apiev,. self-ad-lressw,! stam i»,! enreh . r ... re . •**"•'** »"H i sample fr— a,i.i—_ . emped •tertlag Kernel, ç » ^ £«** “n premises. F( UBtniuivii Cottij-rj) ~ A Notions. Drv Coods, ★ Groceries * : and FLORENCE MEAT MARKET Ju st O pened, Goods as ReDresented. Almost Crazed .„J Hood’s M. PROPRIFTDP ‘ (■ V Ô & # PVIAR; SP F A C T U A L 9Û R B SM V6 -