A d u lt e r a t t o a o f R u b b e r. T H E BLACK P R IN C E ’S ARM Y. b u m « P re d ic t In spite of the constant talk of a sub­ The author of the “ Vision of Piers T h e l a r f e a t E n g lis h F le e t E v e r Aaaean- Plowman,” a work written iu the reign stitute having been found for it, rubber b i r d T o o l, t h e S o ld ie r» to E ra n e e . seems likely to be for some time to j of Edward HI. predicted with great dis- ’ TH E RETIRED BURGLAR TELLS OF Mr. W. O. Stoddard’s aerial. "With come the stand by of the electrician for | tiuctuess the fall of the religious bou»es TW O UNFO RTUNATE EXPERIENCES. the Black Prince,” gives iu St. Nicho­ iu Englauei. As every one knows, the insulating purposes. The manufacturers las an account of the splendid army . W ill multe S T A O K L.IME1. event took plane iu the reign of Henry who prepare the rubb«» for the electrical that accompanied the prince to tbe but­ aud other markets complain of the in­ D A IL Y T R IP S H e G o t I n t o a n d O u t ot th e B o u a n W i t h VUI, about 300 years later. Governor........................M illiam F. Lord. Crecy. Mr. Btoddard says: Kaae, h u t T h a t W a u i’t A l l — H o w e D e ­ Sir Walter Raleigh foresaw and pre­ creasing adulteration of the raw ma­ tle It of was B etw een • the largest English fleet yet S cr 'tary of S 'ate.............Il- R. Kincaid. te c tiv e G o t u C le w an d W o r k e d I t - T l - dicted the spread of nonconformity iu terial, especially of that coming from L eav es F lo re n c e M o n d a y s, assembled, and the atmy going on Assam and Burma. According to H. Treaenrer.......................... Philip Metchen c .p e d O uce W i t h a B ro k e u A n u . England. His weighty and memorable board was also the best with which any* d a y s a n d F rid a y s . Supt. Public Instruction.. ,.G. M. Irwin. wordswere: “ Time w ill even bring it N. Thompson, the Chinese have a prac­ “ Ladders, when you find them han­ English king hud ever put to sea. 1« A rriv es a t F lo re n ce T u e s d a y s , T liu rs . .W . H . L eeds. Io pass, if it bo not resisted, that God tical mouopxdy of the trade. The forests consisted of picked men only. Of these. State Printer........... dy,” said tho retired burglar, "may will be turned out of churchea into at the hi ad of the upper Namkoug basin C. M. Idletnan. I d a y s a n d S a tu rd a y s . Attorney General.. teem like a very convenient way of get­ bur us, and from thence again into :he are rich iu rubber, aud the trees attaiu 4,000 were men-at-arms, 6,000 were . . . I i. S. B e an j C o n n e cts w ith S te a m e r a n ti S c o tts- Supreme Court -J ting into optn geeond story windows, fields aud mountains aud under hedges. a height of 300 feet, with enormous Irish, 12,000 were Welsh, but tbe most . . . F . A. M oore | b u rg S ta g e L in e for D ra in . A lso w ith but after two experiences that I had All order ot discipline and church gov­ girth. The great tribe of rubber collect carefully trained and disciplined part C . E . W olvC iton g in g e L in e for C oos B ay. C h a rg e of the force consisted of 10,000 bow­ with them I gave them cp aud stuck to ernment will be left to uewuesaof opin­ ors is the Sana Kacbins, who go vust men. During a w hole year had Edward Judge Second D istrict.. ..J. C. Fullerion reagonable. di ---nc«s for tbeir rubber harvest iu the ion atxl men’s fuucies, and as many the old fashioned way of doors aud cel­ 1 we» Attorney Second District. .. W. E. Yates , _________ end his sou aud his generals toiled to Linds of religion spring up as there are dry aeason. The chiefs levy toll «.a the lar windows. to hate produce as it pusses down the river. te-lect and prepare the men and the weap- parish churches iu England.” “ In a suburban town that I visited ftOUpto t us with which they were to meet tl:e Iu a wurk written 600 years before The Chinese, who control the trade, pay highly famed chivalry of the continent. once I found ’»m jaicting a Queen Anne ad toha the Kachins for it in provisions and the event took place Tacitus foresaw | licuso in the rainbow style that they I take, cloth, and as they are adepts iu the art An urmy selected from a nation of per­ COUNTY OFFICERS- used to paint houses in, and that, I sup­ aud predicted the evils aud disorder» of concealing atones iu it, by the tin;e haps 4,000,(JJO of people was to contend rat diari ■ which were so long to desolate Europio pose. they paint ’em in still to some ex­ i no dosi, it reaches Raugun its weight and bulk with an aimy collected from Franco E- B a n g s ,___Proprietor. tent. The wen had ladders up, no stage, on the fall of the Roman empire. a and eòa are largely augmented by foreign sub­ with her 20,000,000, and from such al­ His words are worthy of repetition : and I noticed that at tho close of the f theyii. lies ot hers as Germany and Bohemia, .JC. O. P o tte r . stances. “ When the Romans shall be hunted day cue of them was painting near a Stage leaves E ugene M ondays Pportwiij Judge. The Assam supply is fed mainly by re-enforced by large numbers of puid s out from these oouutries which they window, aud I wondered if he’d leave . W. ?c"liso T . B ailey : jVT n and T h u rsd a y s a t 6 a. m . a n d a t- ire notfc Commissioners j ; the Kngus, who, buviug got in tbeir mercenaries. Among these latter were his ladder there when he stopped work , have conquered, what w ill then hap­ henweltg Pullm an pen? The revolted people, freed from crops in December, set off for the rub­ the crossbowmen of Irenes sold to P hil­ at night. I sauntered around that way •di»tifn‘ ( c Jennings J rives in F lo ic n c o a t 4 p in. th e by mi« forests within the draiusge area of ip by the masters of that Italian oli­ , .A. Sleeping Cars after dark, aud there it was, aud it was their master oppressor, w ill not be able ber iof thine Clerk...................... the Tareu river, where they know every garchy. to subsist without destroying tbeir day following. Sheriff..................................A. J. Johnson summer, and the window was wide Edward's adventure had a seeming It Is So, tree, the knowledge being in many Elegant neighbors, and the most cruel wars w ill opm. Mist folks in the country, when ; of great rashness, lor already it wus re­ R e tu rn in g stage leaves F lo r­ of Korirn Treasurer.......................... A. S. Patterson eases passed on from father to sou. The exist among all these nations.” their houses arc being painted, are apt Dining Cars ,D. P. Burton rawing up Assessor, d .............. rubber in this District ia suid to be ported that the French king had mus­ to be a little skittish about the ladders, ] .. .0 . S. Hunt ence T u esd ay s a n d F rid a y s a t 8 tered 100,000 men. Full many a-gal­ ring thia S c h o o l S u p e r in te n d e n t T h e R e la tio n o f S tr u c tu r e a u d F u a o tlo a . growing so scarce that it often takes a Tourist and if cue should be left like this one .. . a cooly • ioad. ’ ■ Iu lant cavalier in armor of proof may . .C. M. Collier a. m. a n d a rriv e s in E u g en e a t 6 inaccw Surveyor....................... Repnxluct.ou aud dispersal are 40 days to eillect Sleeping Cars they’d be pretty sure to closo the win- ; w ell havo wondered to hear, moreover, "dar. pa Coroner. .............. ..J . W. Hurris p. m . th e day follow ing. dow near it and lock it, but these folks two great aims iu the life of every pluut «pit® o t y law- G R A ND FO RKS TO CITY OFFICERS. having striven to attaiu these ends lu favor in tbe Calcutta market It is a teen to walk iu at the front door with j T ick ets for sale a t E. B angs’s, ! the structure of each one is the record «ore point with the Chinese n.erchauts science of war. Edward and his bow- C R O O K S T O N ____ it unlocked. that the N agas ao exhaust the capacity nteu were to teach the world more than i liv ery b a rn , E ugene, and a t H u rd i “ Later, about 2 o’clock the next of the attainment, partial or complete, W I N N I P E Q _____ of the rubber to receive adulteration one new lessen before that memorable Sn«lh. morning, I went up that ladder and iu as the case may he, und each man aud . F. B. Wilson ' & D a v e n p o rt’s office in F lorence, j that there is uo opening left for the ex­ campaign was over. Betcrn this be H E L E N A l>llJ n the oli President at tho window without the slightest woman of us is toiling in his or her ercise of tbeir own ingenuity iu tbe hao shown wbat deeds might be wrought 0. W. Hurd i spealcini trouble, and there was nobody sleeping way toward the saute goal, uncouscious BUTTE Win. Kyle wa» w of thut something within us. greater same direction.—1st Louis Globe-Dem­ upon the sea by ships prepared and in that room. It was all just as easy as manned aud led by himself. He had so Marion Morris _____________ eoothm Board of T ru s te e s it could bo. I poked around the house than ourselves, thut “ guides us, blind­ ocrat C. C. Behnke crippled the naval power of his ene­ he Kosit fold but safe, from one age on to an­ T h s E n g lls b rn a a i’s W i t . and gathered up what stuff there was mies that there wus now co hostile f le e t .........J . c . FLIN T, Proprietor .. ich Teli« worth carrying off und went back to other. ” There was an Englishman hailing strong enough to prevent his present .John H. Morris TO Recorder. The burs aud “ stickers" that cling so from Hull on thia aide the water re­ woth»w that room und the open window aud * F l o r e n c e , O r e g o n .. C H IC A G O . . . . J . A. Pond persistently to our clothes are but a purt cently looking at America, and, of undertaking, although Philip had man­ ud ia th Treasurer dow n the ladder und off. aged to send < ut somo »cores of cruisers W A S H IN G T O N ___E. A. Evans • farmit; Marshal. "A mouth after that, ns I was walk­ of the same great effort. It is the only courst, he came to Washington. He wus to do whatever harm they could. way sweet cicely, dcsmodiuni, the bur ter thrift P H I L A D E L P H I A ing across the platform of a station on O U R A IM —T o fu rn ish th e b est a large man, weighing not less than ■rtilitjd the same road that the other town was marigold and their kin have of travel­ 260 pouuda und riaiug to a height ot at NEW YORK FRIGHTENED AWAY. accom m odations a t reasonable ing through the woods, and so on from 1 pmgMi on to take a train, there was a man least 0 feet 8 inches. He wus, for an . SECRET SOCIETIES. BO STO N A N D A L L forest to forest, from swamp tangle to Englishman not yet Americanized, quite he reet of laid his hand cu my arm and says, T h e F i r s t Mam H a M e t I n th a prices. liken tto ‘Now, don't make a fuss about it, and swamp tangle. They live their lives as chatty and affable, after tbe ice was P O I N T S E A S T und S O U T H G a ld fle ld a S c a re d H im Ute. lrbande it’ll ho a good deal easier all around. ’ truly us a man lives his, with equally broken, albeit just a wee bit slow of w it " N o ,” said a man who wns sitting F. A A. M. F lo re n c e L odge N o. 107. For Inform ation, tim ecard», maps and tick ets tion he Aud I recognized in him the detective as good a purpose thut is equally as well “ I'm a Hull shipbuilder,” be was say­ on a Lox iu trout of a grocery store, “ I • Regular communication on second etc., c all on or w ilte of the road, a mini that I knew mtunt attained. Each embodies those essential ing to a Yankee newspaper man iu a can't »ay ua 1 know very much about and fourtl. Saturdays in each month. qualities of living that the Great Teach­ 'a , hae business, and I went along with him. W . W. NEELY, Prop’r. small party of journalists who were Alaska. " M c M urphey , O. W. H ckd , W. M. ymn w "Eciug a man of brains, he had gone er discerned when he bademeu “ consid­ blowing him off to a few rations, wet His companions looked at him in as- Rooms 2 and 1, Shelton Block, I. G. K notts , Secretary. T ab les fu rn ish ed w ith a ll th e General A gent EUGENE, OREGON. tebellnn np to the house where tho robbery was er the lilies of the field. ’’—Professor S. and dr/, at a foundry where such things touibhn.eut. It was tbe fiTst time ho bad ie«, uii as soon as he had heard of it, which Trotter iu Popular Science Monthly. are manufactured. over «omitted not knowing much about delicacies o f th e season. W ild A. O. C H A R LTO N , was the day after. There he had put ranocf» “ Of course you are,” responded the anything. K " .1 1 1 T h s B e lla . Asuitftaut General PM Senger Agent. ichiuoad himself iu the burglar’s place aud fol­ Yankee as he measured his huge pro­ A A. R- General Lyons Post, No. 58. gam e, fish an d fru it in season. Best “ I reckon, then, that you're not It was in the late John Sartaln’s mag­ portions aud smiled. “ You coulu scarce­ 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. lowed in his footsteps as near as he • and te­ U s meets second ami fourth Saturdays thinking a Lout going to dig for gold," P o r t l a n d O r . could. lie bad bud the ladder placed iu azine thut Poe’s poem, “ The B ells,” ly make us believe you were only purt accom odations for th e tra v e lin g it w nal­ of each month at 1 ‘.30 p. in. said oue bystander. was first printed. Of Poe’s last visit to just the same position, aud he hud gone lit) piit» of one, don’t you know. ’’ J . I . B itttkkfiei . d , Commander. "N o." public. C harges reasonable. up that und stepped efl into the win­ him in his old Sansuni street house Mr. strr lm Those in heariug laughed, and tbe J. L. F vrnibii , Adjutant. “ Mcbbc, though, as the stories of The Funk & Wagnalls dow and followed over his ttaek in s id e Burtaiu recently suid: “ It was ou a Englishman Jooktd ut (he Yankee with sudd.u wraith keep pouring iu you'll i ali tha the house us close as In tnuld guess at Monday iu 1849 Poe had been locked a puzzled, yeurniug exnr. ss.uti ou his change your m ind,” said unotber. >1 itiön d it, and then he’d ccmc back to the w in- up in Moyann’using prison over Sunday broad anti honest face. of pmf "It won't bo possible. I ’vo been dow aud got out on to the ladder, and so for intoxication und wus completely un­ ie sontii ‘‘Really," he pleaded, " I beg your a O U .W . Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, strung. Ho thought there was a conspir­ pardon." And tbeu before international there." down to the ground. s glmpl; A s meets every 1st and 31 Saturdays "And came back witbont getting Of The Members and visiting Twentv-three “ The ladder went cp on tho right acy to kill him and asked to be hidden. complications could arise somebody call­ rich?" md lih each month. I humored the frenzied poet's hallucina­ brethren in good standing are cordiallj , baud sido of this window, and while it jrefemd ed on the Englishman for a speech or "Yes. I didn't much more than crosa ENGLISH LANGUAGE M iles W est was easy enough to reach it, still it tion, and for two days he remained iu something and the Yankee joker got the boundary line Lcfcre 1 turneil P. l iesi Invited to attend. J. J. A nderson , M.W.I concealment in tho Saiisom street house, j W m . K yle , Recorder. was quite u little step from the sill to away.— Washington Btar. of Eugene. CO M PLETE around and struck for home." the ladder, and he noticed that when I even went so far us to cut off Poe'a j "beared?” mustache, at the latter’s request, iu or­ Y e s M o t Y o a r M lf . bn had got his fcot on the lat'dt r be »af. Heceta Lodge No. I ll .meets . S U C C IE N T "That'« tho answer." O ..O .F; der that his fancied enemies might not I Wednesday evening in Lodge , swung hack a little toward the house, I have no heart to finish these verses rer e»- Is every •* W hut of—polar bears?" recognize him. ’’ The first draft of “ The H all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in so that his elbow just touched it iu the F it or to think of you any more. They say neo, en A U T H O R IT A T IV E “ N o.” Bella” consisted of only two stanzua, good standing invited to attend. auglo hctwi eu tho window frame and ovest (f that 1 loved you, and I did love you— “ ¡supplies give out?” 8 J. J. A nderson , N. G. and for these he was paid $16. A couple the clopbot ids. He gave a little push for five minutes it wus, perhups, but I and. il "No, I had plenty of food. What A ndrew B bvnd , Sec. on that, elbow naturally and threw him­ of days later be appeared with another did love you— and now love baa faued changed my plan was seeing a man dig­ agn, Mt 301,865 V o c b a l. r y T e rn i. I’ self cut again on to the ladder. Then verse, aud before tbe poem wus pub­ out of it all, like tbe sunset from tbe ging a hole. I had these ideas about gold giputr .4 7 Editor» «n J Speciali«!» he stopped at d looked at tLe spot where lished he bad added again to it. By snows we used to watch together, and I being found anywhere and everywhere, -,intonai SJ3 R e a le » (or Q u o titio n . his elbow had touched. TLe paint was tins means be received $46 for tbe poem, have no heart to tbiuk cf you any more. aud 1 went up thinking to get sonic d ir e c t o r y B uroh rara anti 5000 lllu s tr.tio n » Money Saved dry aud there was uo mark, Lut he ta il­ and bad not tbe day of publication beeu Bo take these versee, like a basket of points about mining. 1 asked him iu serpent, ed up tl.e pi inters aud It trued that cn near at baud be would probably buve ferns left out over night through an au oflhand way whether be had struck C o .to v e r *9 6 0 ,0 0 0 te., at» By - ^ J y TERIAN CHURCH, Florence, the morning before—that w as the nx ru­ kept on adding to it iu tbe hope of re­ early troet, with bright green leuves aud any pay dirt yet, and ho turned around A ppendi, of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E n trte» iiistm S K n . Sabbath service: Sabbath-j ing alter the home bad teen rolbed— ceiving additional remuneration.—New bright w hite lim e, Lot dead, quite uead. aud glared at me and said, ‘Young fel­ Patronizing it. and. « schooLlO o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 the paint at that place, on the cupboard Yurk Tnbuuo. For I do not w ish to IhtLk ill cf yoa. I ler, what do you think I am digging an op"1 o'clock a m- an,i P- °t by the window frame, and on the frame do not wish to think of yoa at alL Jtw» T^ ti E h supper on 1st baljbath this for?' I told him 1 thought he wee The («Il number o í woltl» and term« in ■C lrphaut U f a l a t h s J a a f l a a . itself had been smudged a little, at d “ 8 U fc lix e t s la t «-an.ll.la fa ta t ib i.” nsistinf Prop. different dtetionnrie« lor the entire alphabet 1» they’d nigging for gold. Uo glared at mo January, A p ril, J u ly a n d October. Geo. Hale Without elephants jungle« would be touched it over. Thut was ull . V ex ao t jo u r a c if w lth o rw -n in c h ie n .e in b c rln g . «en tv» RvarVbuiv is w elcom e to a ll t h e »erv ices. again aud said: 'Gold nothing. I'm do­ »« fo llo w ,: 8» okmo «TM, ÖO.OUO; W ouch . stbb the detective wanted to know. From virtually impussakl» The great beasts Ll(u 1« too »Loa t to « a».« on w l.h a re d Rower». liffsw» PgatorT req tests C h r is tia n s to m ak e ing this for fun. I've been living here 105,000; W eimt . k (International). 125,000; Csw- that time on be had been looking for a are a mixture of atmigth and weakness, T im e loved tu once, b u t iw w he w a lk a •» EUGENE. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. aud that settled it. “ That was one ladder This was the away wtth by an elephant As tor stop­ ing i a moaicui comedy theater. He tut a stream of liquid gold, her eyes ns blue A. C. WOODCOCK, 933 Market St. ping him, some one has well said that near tbe stall door, aud as it was chilly aa tlio heavens, fathomless as the sea other: NOTARIES. “ Looking around the outside of a you might as well try to stop a runa­ he kept ou bis overcoat A lacy in a and dancing with cxritcwent; her lipe bouse iu thi country cue night, 1 fotcd way locomotive by pulling with your piivate box by aocioeut dropped an ear- of coral wreathed with a roguish smile, Start«*« o f I'rn fiM U . she is indeed trsnscendentaliy beautiful. Many stories are tcld cf bow the Into a ladder lying on the ground Hgaiust walking stick on the fuuuel as seek to riug of no great value, but tho trinket , Hut the man seems blind to her love- A. R. BUTTOLPH, 5e.1v®, - O rm gon composer Lruhms treated |,iani.ta and the- tear of the house. They had some cb.-ek an eh phant at such a moment struck against tbe edge of tbe box frent litxsa. He regurds her with a frowning and dropptd into »tie open top pocket of • lin o n i, 7 »nd 8 McLaren’» ItniMiiUi. .infers who were eager to g ti his enti- fruit trees iu the gurden. and I suppose with a goad — Exchange. I iite n tlo n s iv e u to c o lle ctio n s e n d pro- the gentleman'« overcout. The guileless , brow cud eyes that smolder witli anger. they'd beeu walking over them, or on oen of the«« u.‘(btantH for bi. rbusiness. llaaaovm M ral C aaS IS at«*» W a ll . man weut home, when his wife, ulways ! Timidly she rep»ats her question. the grape arbor maybe, and were going la rn r w nt furluuutt euc. gh to litxi him favor was "Yea, be aaid dolefully, “ 1 was de­ on with the work next day and had left carefully inc lined, turned out hia coat i "Am 1 not fair?" at home aud be receive«« Brahms’ fii.t Her companion's face grows black aa the ladder out instead of taking it down feated The »lory of my campaign was pockets. The sequel to this pretty story O r e g o n . concern was to seat hin>«< if cu the lid F lo r e n c e , B. O POTTER. is not told, though iu moral is obvious. thunder. of his piano, a foailiou Loin which be cell r for tTe night. It was summer, a simple oue ” “ Fair, Being pressed, he told it. It la uuwiae, as it ia mean and uugul 1 "F airl” ho cries bitterly rightly denned few wt 1*1.« hate the te­ and on the side of the house there were . . . Atlorney-at-Law “ 1 st.MMi w e l l w i t h t b e ladies,” be laut, to go to the opera without your , whtn you open a jack pot with a ten"— FRANK B. WILSON. two w indow s open ia < to rm u. I merity to cu£t him. 1 t; is failed, he Rage chokes his utterance and with igUJBKNE, OREGON. bad recourse to the ...tut that the though« 1 d set tlx ladder up then and explained ” 1 aim.d to stand well with wife. a passionuto gesture he dashes tbe curtla go in one ut those windows. 1 set the them. 1 did everything possible to win inatruni iit was out ■ • . ‘‘Oh, that A a A w f n l Id in * . » w n c s A t th e C ourt H ouk . to the floor. —Ban FTancicco Examiner. does not ra.'itttr,’ ito» ik d cue cour- bidder upend found it a little short, but their favor, aud I asked them to throw “Of all the fools I ever heard of, Jim- -LORENOE. - - - OREGON agcooH iodiviucal. ’Ft t* « not to yon, by reaching tp und getting u lx,Id of tbeir lufiueuce for me. ” V a lid r«cuR<>. bersou ia tbe chief." He paused and sighed. ■ » the master. the window sill end stepping up on the but it dots to me, She—How iu it you were not at Wert- "What of Jimbeteon, pray?" “ Fatal error.” ho said at last; "they E. BENEDICT, ends of the side pieces of the laddt r I - just leaving On one occastco I k 8 0 YEARS* "Because hia wife insisted that be end's reception? nuiitd yooth, was able to get in tolerable easy. 1 weut did t h e ir best, tint you kuow bow a wo­ bi. bouse when EXPERIENCE He— I staid away ou a.’count of a pex- should not slay around home while she ^ T T Q R N B Y - A . T - I —A . W . under his arm, tbrougb th< house and gutherul up man throws ” —Chicago Post with a bundle of waa cleaning house he thinks her love aounl matter. what there was to get und was turning , you tell me bailed him w'. . C onipenR utloB . bho— May 1 ask wbat it was? for him baa w a n e d .In d iu n a p o iis : Oregon. "Certuinly," to go from the last room when I knocked where Dr. Bra .a.» F loren ce. He— Will you prowiao to keep it se­ Journal. "Far. well I” he sobbed. a picture ovi r on a bureau cud woke up the meat amia- aunwertd tin li. < cret? The beautital Miranda, tfcfe light of the wan that was sleeping iu the room. UtM iu»«. np three ble uanm r, *11 The larynx of man is twice tho size, She— Yes. hurried away 1 we nt ba< k to the- roe m Id ee tne in at his life. was. alas, unotber al flights. ” An*, - n - on au average, of tbe mime orgun iu He— Well, they failed to send tne an However, tlx- same thing vs» trne of and backed out the window and l.uug the unibteiia be managed to giah in the wowau, although this disproportion is invitL'.icn.—Collier's Weekly. ()„ down for the ladder, aud, by cracks, it From C » ..... - to W a a liin g t o n COPVRIOMTS Ac wasn't there 1 Eut I’d got to gei ull the ball »» he left h«r forever. — Detroit equalized by the fact that woman uses A.TOn» »endlos • ’ k«»»h »nrt dMcrtnOnn m.7 oyage is 9.34« i.tlles in length. be» larynx a little more than twice aa Imitation slates, mado of corrprcssed same, and 1 let go aud dropped. I saw Joaruai. ..Ic k lT a . -r l» ln onr “ ' u u .h us man. wood pulp, are used for roofing in ä Ä k i; the lander us I was going elowu at the í XTF.D-TRUÍTWOKTHY and Tbe depth at which some i f the Bel­ Christiania They are made waterp •',’Ä V IÍ« Î S X J h ' T O T xt window. I'd geit out the wrong «Kt.»ci7Ts1. M«rk«r*t.l»~t »nd »li P»t w aefi'-e rrntteiiini or Iteli«« to ne The Turkish langoage ls sald ty by a secret process. irUfeoutc _». *-î»a«K c r-dnrt*d (cr M .d«r«t« F««*- window. I turue-d half ove r g<;ing dow n, gian c«D»le. ••«tal»li.he,l bon«c struck <® uiy left side and broke my arm. prodigious In u pit at Flenu tbe work m holán to be tho sottest and rnoat mu- ~,«YM « ( r — •» C h - r e • r ta» « » t du e t.1. ah ni iunguage of modero times, beiug The populutiou of Egypt is mta^s1 t u n M . M r i a v t . A P .m r -I> « t " I I . - *>_oh- in Oreg-n. M'>n’hlv »«5 00 and esperisse. ” 1 got away that time, but 1 was laid is how done at 8, 7DO feet, in a pit at in F*«»»-.." w ith co.» . f imm I, th e t . a A hamteomMr Fremerin at 2,800 feet and iu the HI. bett. r uuapted to tlie parpóse* of mu­ 2,000,000 and probably exceeds (*“■ np for six weeks, and after that 1 didn't Po-itinn «tend». Reference Enel«« calatloe o( 1 r«nhp> ooaDtrhM M a t ( tm . A ddrcA Andre pit at Mouligny sur-Baicbra at sical ua.tutloo aud recitativa than »ven the period of its greatest ansi, nt : (var •*»lf-«d.lr»-*«e.l Kst,i|ied envelope. The foul any wore with luuder*. "—New the Itallan. 2,000 feet verity. ___ _____ _____ York 3-b- P atpist Prese» \ Dominion Company, Der*. Y Chicago. thiol O -^ Z R -D IK T E Z R . 8TE IM ER “ COOS," H .H. Barrett, Prop’r, RE0ULAE Florence an