: * .................................................... ..... ............................. ..........................................................'• ' " # Biliousness.. A Mother's Misery. c h a r it y fairs . “••«Oram^’^S Argsm »«» to Show Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents dlgee-, t!on and permits food to ferment aad putrlfy Io I C harity has been de«nH u , the rtomacl). Then follow dizziness, headache. o f th in g s: T h at no soon as » ‘"a® 40 ° 0Mider * U t U0* to do for him . A ll charitabu < ' Instance, are baaed on t Z ' - Y oa *> an d lm y somethin» The story o f this woman is the every day history o f probably do n ot w ant in ard« , * lnsowlna, nervousness, and, _ profit m ade on it may go to 1 thousands who are suffering as she d id ; uho can he If not relieved, bilious fever a C3,UT ' Invcfu V OQ had teallj», or blood poisoning. Hood's cured as she was ; who w ill thank her f o r showing them w h at y o n bou ght yon wonld J** Pills stimulate the stomach, ■ to p s bou ght it somewhere » » * " • rouse the liver, cure headache, dtzitness, con­ the w ay to g o o d health. stipation. etc. 25 cents. Kohl by all druggists. regu lar trade n s . su lle n from' 1 J?1 1 trade fk thu The only Pills to take with Rood's Sarsaparilla. o f you r custom . In case of r. “ ‘ Herat«!*«» Io UorM*. C o w b ells. days were numbered. My mother brought A N T E D -T R V 8T W 0R T H Y A N D fairs, lik e th e “ saidtary fa in ^ ? 1 T O M M Y CflUSE. Th* most remarkable thing about Mrs. Tu rainy wudther, w hen tliere ¡8 p len­ me Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills lor Pale People One of the com paratively f-w t> ’• active gentlem en or ladies to tim e, the ordinary local trad« »” '* Nellie J. Lord, of Strafford Corner, N . IL, ty o f uiuil. unless rare is takftfi to clean In H ard L urk W h en H r Mtrurk D ents that the band of improvem, ut and the lint box made me feel letter. I 'ravel for responsible, established bouse tio n a b ly suffers, perhaps for ia that aba is alive to-day. it off uud w ipe the feet dry the horse» continued the treatment and to-day 1 am L u m iu on d a n d H lttom etl Out. touched is the cow bell. wl.itL I . ¡. in Oregon M onthly ftlfi.OOand exp en ses. year, and th e com m unity is thu,I*' N o one, perhaps, is more surprised at are lia b le to bo attacked w ith scratches well. W hen 1 m et Tom m y first, bis only now ju st as it was 60, 100 and i this than Miiu Lord henelh She looks back “ When I commenced to take the pills I Position steady. Reference. E nclose (-rishitd to a degree in one war or greusu lic è i If the leg s get m uddy asset w as a serious danger, for bis five years ago and has now just the it m a y bo helped iu other wav» *' weighed 120 pounds) now 1 weigh 146 seif-addressed stam ped envelope. T he 'and the ani mal gets heated mid then i» uudirfed uud underbred ponies were peculiar, clanking sound us iver. i at the day when she stood on the verge of F or a grea t national object tei and feel that my recovery it permanent •pat in to a cold »table w ith ou t cleaning about to be seised for overdue taxes. I hells are made som e of coppi r and w i death and shudders. She looks ahead at a e a sily be endured, although, tote “ I owe my happiness and my health to Dominion Com pany, D ept. Y C h icago off to get cold and shiver, conditions could not help Tom m y w ith m oney, but o f a com position m etal, but most i hfe of happiness with her children, her hus­ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. My husband w e never h ave known jnatwhi are supplied that are favorable for the I tried to w ith advice. “ Strike old Sam them are made of iron and finish' GRANT AT W EST POINT. band and bar home with a joy that only a was benefited by them. I have recom­ regu lar dealers thought about It t developm ent of th is disease. A llow in g Ashby for a couple of hundred d o lla rs,” w ith a coating of bronze. The cow ls mended them to many of my friends aad mother can realize. w h en w e consider that the «un«,), ‘the bor»«« to-get fat and to stand in the I suggested. Snni Ashby wus oue of the is not cast. It is cut from a si.etc < * S t o d .n t a n d a H ig h will be glad if any word of mine will direct A G ood R ecord Mrs. Lord is the me thcr of three children, is done to som e exten t in behalf o f »table» With no exercise and upon a pile rich men of Heleuu, Mon , at that pc m etal w hich is folded into shupe ui. B aeord a . a M an. others to the road of good health.” local or sectarian enterprise, it i? two of whom are twins) until the twins o f h eatin g is also favorable to th is dis- riod and ran a sm all savings bank. Tom ­ riveted. The m etal loop at the tc, Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilb for Pale P' He w as brevetted second lieutenan t of den t th a t the princip le of the «»,' ‘»usu. Prevention is m uch easier than m y C’rnsa “ tried old Sam Ashby. ” AU through w hich the strap is passed, i. came nothing marred the joy of her life. have cured many cases of the Fourth infantry aiKl ordered to re­ not q u ite satisfactory. nature. Then she was attacked with heart failure •euro. A proper regard for com fort and he got, how ever, w as som e pretty free riveted into the bell. Cow bells u n ­ port to his command at Jefferson bar­ Suppose, for instance, that wer •clean lin ess w ilt read ily prevent th is d is­ talk, in w hich the banker assured T om ­ m ade of ten sizes, w hose sounds range and for a year was unable to attend to the The vital elements in Mrs. Lord's blood racks, St. Louis, after u short vacation. ease. , - a ll to agree for a sin gle year to h»*. were deficient The haemoglobin was ex­ my Cruse that he would rather throw through an octave. Som etim es musical ordinary duties of the home. In describing The entire army of the U nited States hausted. She was unfit for the strain she ' W hen the horsea com e in at night, if his mouoy into the bomb of h is Satanic eutertuiners w h o play upon bells of cne her own experience Mrs. Lord sayai our shoes aud h ats made by was compelled to undergo. Her nervous at that tim e numbered less than S, 000 “ for sw ee t c h a r ity ’s sake," and to h. th e legs a f e -wet dr m uddy thdy should m ajesty than loan it to such a drunken, sort aud another com e to the m anufac­ “ I had heart failure so bad I was often men, and the supply o f officers w as e m ­ system was shattered and her vitally he carefu lly washed off in tepid w ater sh iftless fellow . a sin g le ch arch or hospital take i turer am i by selection am ong bells of »ought to be dead. barrassingly large. It w as the custom , dropped below the danger point • ud then w iped dry w ith a cloth. If valu e o f th em all. Then sweet chad Tom m y Cruse got the m oney, h ow ­ the various sizes find eigh t bells thut “ With th thia I had neuralgia of the stom­ AOtC WAS A collapse was inevitable. therefore, to brevet graduates second •the scratches appear, as aoou as the fact ever. Threo w eeks later be located the are accurate in sc a le w ou ld m ako an apparent gaiu nodo„, ach to bad it was necessary to give me Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilb cured her by lieuteuant. 'is uscertalued wash th e fe et w ith tepid groat Drum Lnmuiund gold m ine. Hi | but a ll the ordinary hatrnakersandm There ure only four factories in the morphine to deaden the pain. supplying the lacking renetituente of health Ho graduated twenty-first in a roll of “ Sometimes the doctors gave me tem­ w ater and costilo soap ami then w ipe knew he had a big tiling, hut somehow United States in w hich cow b elli are by filling the veins with blood rich in the m akers w o u ld starve. Or, if there 89, w ith a fair record iu all things— a dry. If there is inflatum atiou, m ake a he could m ake nolxxly believe iu hit made, aud in each case the cow bell is porary relief, but in the end it seemed as if requisite element of life. The heart re­ n ot starve, th ey w ould lw supportaL 'hot poultice and sprinkle finely | jow - m ine. For years he worked at it, how- only an item of production am ong many m y suffering was multiplied. sumed ite normal action ) the nervous sys­ good record in m athem atics nnd e n g in ­ th eir kindred, w h o [lerliups are Medicine did me no good and was but eering and a remarkable record as horse­ tem w u restored to a stele of harmony, dered oliatom i over it, ap p lyin g one in fever, liv iu g at tim es a d og’s life. ; other thiugs. Cow hells are sold all over an aggravation. above th e starvation point themself man. and the neuralgic affection disappeared. th e m orning and ren ew in g it Ht n igh t Once, w h ile talk in g to a friend ol the country, ju st tho same as ever, out or th ey w o u ld be suppirted by mwi “ I was so thin m y nearest friends failed Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by More than 100 had entered w ith him , u n til the inflam m ation subsides. Then m ine, he fe ll forward unconscious. Hi much the greuter number are sold in to recognize me. druggists everywhere, who believe them but one by one they had dropped ou t t ill charity, and th e la ft condition of thin, apply u lotion made o f o n u o n u ce o f su g ­ hail not eaten a m outhful o f food foi the south, the southw est and the west, ’ N o one thought I would live. w ou ld bo w o r st than the first, It|,„ to be one •( the most efficacious m e d ic in a only 89 remained. ar of lead dissolved in a pint of wuter. 80 hours, and"yet, w ith dogged persist- I where farm s are larger, less lik ely to be I was in despair aad thought that my the ceatury has produced. really th e fa c t th a t the evils of Apparently Grunt rem ained m arkedly W hen it begins to beul, uso veteriuury ency, had worked ou t ill he fe ll in hit ; under fence, and cattle ure more lik ely um nilitary throughout the four years' can be g r ea tly helped by dretuin,,, vusclincT C ontinue the treatm ent un til tracks. A t last his day came. Ho open I to stray. There are sold iu those parts course. Ho served as a private through­ youn g g ir ls p r e ttily and having tho thoroughly cured. K eep the horse quiet ed up a big vein and had *1,000,000 tc of the country a hundred dozen cow THÉ ItOSfc Of- STARS. out the first tw o years. D uring the third take m on ey and g iv e rather nml su pp ly sufficient bedding to keep liis credit iu a good snfo hank. Hard bells to every ten dozen sold in the east. Wh-.-n love, oar great immortal. year he w as m ade sergeant, bnt was change a t a bazaar table. Onedar », •the feet clean. If taken id baud at the tim es over, he decided to pose as a “ so l­ A m erican cow hells are exported to the P u t on m ortality dropped (prom otions at that tim e were haps, w h en th e la w s of trade aretes first stages, w ashing clean w ith warm id c itiz e n ,’’ so he opened a saviugi various countries of South Am erica and And down from Eden’» portal B rought thin sw eet world to be* made for soldierly q u alities and had no understood, w e sh a ll look at chariu w ater and castilo «oap, w ip in g dry and hauk in 'Helena. Oue of the first men to A u stralia.— N ew York Snn. fairs ns w o alread y look at lotten« A t the sublim e archangel app lyin g v e tifin a r y vuseliuo w ill effect t o apply to Tom m y Cruse, banker, foi exact relation to excellence in studies), He laughed w ith veiled eyes, w h ic h w ere once regarded as one of tl, » cure in three or four days. In severe a sm all loan w as the one tim e banker, and during the fourth year ho served B a th in g an E le p h a n t. For he bore w ithin bis bosom h ig h e st form s o f sw eet charity, tat cases iu addition to the troatm eut given old Sam A shby, now less prosperous. again as private. The seed of paradise. F. F itz Roy Dixon te lls of "a baby w h ich are n o w prohibited by li»,_ ' i t may In n ocissary to g iv e a good c a ­ Then cam e to the old prospector the eleph ant" that w as captured by friends The first year he took up French and B o hid It in his bosom. H arper’s Bazar. th a rtic.— HL Louis Republic. mathematics, and though the course happiest m om ent o f h is life, one that of h is in Ceylon in an article that he And thero such warmth it found It brake iu bud und bloaeom, w ip ed out all m em ory of starvation and contributes to St. Nicholas. Mr. Dixon was severe, including algebra, geometry, A nd the rose fell on tho ground. U r b a n I le v c lo p m e n t I n ttw Inlh. H e r G rea t N e ed . trigonometry, application of algebra to privation. For Tom m y Cruse, show ing says: A n the green ligh t on the prairie, T he rural sou th, especially in the old­ Every woman*" ought to pay a reason­ h is w ou ld be custom er to the door, as­ geometry, etc., ho stood fifteenth in a Her d a ily bath afforded ber great e n ­ Aa the red ligh t on the w», able tiegfeb o f atten tion to her person, sured that custom er, in language too joym ent. Through fragrant belts of summer class o f 60 iu m athcm aticcs and forty- er portions, is, econom ically Rpeakin, A broad, sh allow stream, Camo thia sw eet world to be. and especially to havin g her hair neatly em phatic and gruphio for E nglish ears, w ith a sandy Imttom, flowed through ninth iu French and tw enty-seventh in far from progressive, and what wm no TI1E r-HOOMCUt rank. »Ito t o . anM tol and becom ingly dressed. «•napaprrs In the TnlUd SUL«, that he w sn ld sooner throw b is m oney the estate, and iu a lnrge pool Rengun order of general merit. Tho second year the sin g le occupation of the mntlim And the grave archangel, seeing, T H E iH I K o M I C f .K has no equal on Mia P acifia Bpivad his m ighty vana for flight, T w o days alter u great fire hail dev­ in to the house of his satanio m ajesty used to scrub her dow n every day. Of he clim bed three points in general m erit gen tlem an is now the last that hevotM l*ada all In a b llliy , enterprtsa and n « » i But » giow hung round him fleeing iated a north country v illa g e a worthy than loan it to suoh a drunken, sh ift­ course be w ent into the w ater also, and and stood tw enty-fourth iu a class o f v o lu n ta r ily nsram e. In the rich nils T H E C IIK i)X T C I.U * s Telegraphic lta n o rts ara L ike the rose of an arctic night, ph ilan thropist of the place w as serving less fe llo w as Ham A shb y.— C o u h ill she would lie dow n und roll, som etim es the I at, «st and m ost re lia b le, i u Local New s taa 63. H e stood tenth in m athem atics, and ou the gra zin g lands of south»» And siidly moving heavenward *oîleat and spiciest, and Ils E d ltortala fro m u>a out clay pipes uud tobacco ns relief for M agazine. By Venus and by Mars, w ith all four legs iu the air, hut alw ays tw enty-third in drawing, bnt w as be­ V irgin ia, in parts o f Georgia and iu tb »West (>ena in the country. F e heard the joyful planets tho poor hom eless men w hen u young keeping the tip of her trunk out of the low the m iddle in ethics and French. bine grass region o f Tennessee fantiin; I’ H E C i I I t o X IC LK has al w ays been, and ai ways e Hail earth, tho roso o f «tars. w om an presented herself before* him. T H E W ELL MANNERED BOY. w ater so thut she m igh t have air to *11! he. the frie n d and cham pion of tha people «t not poles. These w ire» w ere of «liffew? rustles w ith every m ovem ent, is one of Fe train had an unusual experience. 398 in the closet. H e has added a few vary a second a week, w h ile « q u a rter! «ixes, the largest b ein g one-sixth of’• H is arm s w ere pressed a gain st his the latest acquisitions of the Z oological Am ong tho articles in h is core w as a to his collection since th at tim e. turn of its two tim e sides, anti he tried iu vain to m ove. tw o w ild cats, consigned I In every other w a y except, th is pas- «crews, m eaning inch in d iam eter and the smallest w society of Loudon. Its nam e is the pan cage coutniniug the m illionth of an inch w ill v-.ii o __ i. iu , -, h »R - "tate, to Mar- ! «ion for um brellas, w h ich am ounts to Ihit w illin g bauds w ere ut w ork upon g o lin , or scaly ant eater, and it beloni!» fn,n* 1,111 Th: Grail st Wte'.l) b th« Ctniry, a tw e lfth o f an inch. T hey were gtretcW difference of 20 s^ m d « h, w ill ’ make " * *1 till'»» f i -................. _ Í At... ____ J th e w i n k , aud a t last Jones, th e world cacv of it« “ d“-v ’ tlle ' nor‘l* »nd sou th and inclined in snrhi to the kuuie fam ily group oa the arm s t iu ’s Ferry. <>. T lie m essenger from m ania, the m an is perfectly sane. H is ronownud b alf (rack, w as drugged out. Uted as w ill al«ot rt.e n t- T U. 1* aPPrPci" ’’’«»»»r a« to form an angle of fre®-’" d illo and platypna It has excited great whom he received tin m said they hail friends regard him us a very clever! * ^ ^ . i y but’ X n t o ^ h S " - ? d e g m * W lth ^ U t o n . » Looking around, in a duxeii sort of atteution at tlie aim, for it ia— if w e are been behaving very w ell, but no sooner man, and ho holds a responsible posi­ a b w ay, a t h is rescuers, ho asked: ll^ ls .1 ln , ln „ th e U n i( t ( j . oorreotly inform ed— the first anim al of w as ho started on h is run thun they got tion in a b ig w h olesale house down queer instrnm t-nt wii3 not intended »- Jew elers’ Review. “ H ow m any yards did wu gain ou th« kind w hich has beeu exhibited info a terrible tight. The frail bars of town. But um brellas are b is wenkues«. an exaggerated toy, but w as construct«- ... ‘ »"flaarit Mw,?oa th a t •down, • boy»?” —C leveland Leader. THF WEEKLY <-H'«iNICl.v , j,_» . . thore. Ils home is where the term ites, the cage bent so under their battering H e is a v ictim o f the um brella habit 6)i « - » • C l .« . or w h ite uuts, are found, for tho anim al that ho drew u couple o f revolvers and ju st as another man m ig h t he a victim "<’"i w ,,u rre'ih - s ' , , . ' ' 7 ^ ’ ““ changes in th e w eather, which wc Ih e fish ranged from 4 to 0 foot io ! T h e {'••» I d » ra t« W a m a u , feeds ou these destructive creatures and watched 111. in. ready to fight for h is life o f the opium habit or m orphine habit, i e i g h t ftV,lHfrOIn ? to a0° in calculated by IV ofessor Veritan uccof“ It wus at th e busiest hour of thu bu si­ posses* a claw s w hich are designed to in case they g ot loom. W hen the growls, oml his relatives are in constant fenr ^ e j8ht. Judging from their size I it« , ing to the different tones the isslruinw est day the store had tx-eu in a long break dow n their strougholda The snarl» and sp ittin g finally had ceased, that the habit, m ay som e day get him vA M P L t C J P IE S S iN T FR .£ . made w h en the w in d was blonfe tun e, aud th e busiest place iu all the ulaw s are also necessary for burrowing the m easenger took a lantcru and looked into trouble.— Cliiougo Tim es- Herald. through it .— St. I»| “ t h u t s lik e w ine. 1 just w anted to through the s c S . V t Ä , ^ i n« reason other than that ite nee would Passion are in excu sab le in a judge «• 05« T H E O T H E R S ID E . to fetter on tho tee?" T he tnrf editor k n o w w h at hg paid for it. T h a t’s a ll." sim p lify aud fa c ilita te the operation. It is to he feared that clergym en who w hile not u n m v T V m * kp' m ust be d eferen tial i f ho expects d«fer « • n t « 2 , nd Ow, |h < A nd aha sailed out of the shop. N ot have eu tered th e church through theolo ■et his teeth firm ly, stared hard at the On the sam ep riu cip lo they ought to eat t o t 890 feet of line „„J £ I cnee. H e should be p a tien t and «wa W e r < l, « h r e n „ |e f , r O ne PY on e o f the four wom en w a itin g found a g ical college» are w retched se b o io n aa a w all tn front of him a few m om ents thuir pea« w ith chopetickn. as a C h in a -! cod «> quickly that T t, ¿ o ’ P ° f n’-T tempered, for the case is sure to g° p o » ..« e p „ .p. , , , o , M , p 4nd p a * « . 'Word to suy. hut the salesw om an gasped rule. The bishops have lately found it and w rote th e fo llo w iu g rep ly: “ Iu case man could ea sily do. 8 0 w ith certain w t o t had happened* w av in h is o w n coart. And, on the oth­ APUREOS ' ----- w tak ly, " W e ll, 1 uever!" — W ashtugtuu ueceaaary to in sist on an entrance exam- a player snaggles his iron it isperw i.w i- kinds of pie and poetry. The relish is er hand, the har sh ould alw ays grt® ble for him to fu z ile h is pnt. but a l e t ­ AI. H . Y O W O I ‘oat. iuatiou on general subject« before ad marred by the loss of jutoee too th in for pow erful aid to support the infittriMfe* ter plan w onld bo for btm to drop b is the fork to carry. Y et the man who a chramèia, niiasiuu to a theological college con be the courts, for th e ju d ic ia l departme* A J a a n d lr e d T l»w . V ttA xci^y e««. guppy in to the pringle and «needle it values bis social reputation tnuat not granted, and the results have beeu d e­ 1» tho keystone o f our government ** " I don 't see w h y it should be deemed cid ed ly startling. The requirem ents are out w ith a niblick. "— C hicago Tribune. ask for a spoon. assaults upon it threaten the w1*** a dtegruce, “ th e y ou th fu l bachelor re- alm ost ridiculously elem entary—a co» The proper use o f the silver fork A G esti. Reminder. M i»h A rt a a th » H ig h H»aa. « •o k . D ee.«». u ia |k ed in the eouroe of the con versa • pie o f Ixxika of Xenophon's “ Auaba structure o f tho sta te ly nirb. ” m ight be better underatood if it were o f Mp t,IX .» T Th” ™ » v e r e n i U ttw “ It w as a rather expeusive ocean trip * low, “ for a w om an to ask a m an to • la," m m o qu ite easy Latin, tw o b oots regarded ae a modified shovel w ith h m - ! o f Patrick » offering H.M Storv». that Splasher to o k ." ■ natry h e r .’’ *¿7. ,To ^ a m y<(u o f E uclid and »0 forth. N evertheless, it itatione im posed by its alita. For eolida Mary What sh all I yen TOarTui^p, to* »nakes or " I don't see h ow J o lly liv e s with th»1 '•W h a t hap ien td ?" ■•J ia reply for ; i H t o i m p r i s o Ä ? X L " t 70n '•It isu t fe d isg r a c e ," replied th e e ld - it is an excellen t shovel. For liq uids it you? is stated that a large uumber o f can d i­ rich w ife o f his. S h e's a Tartar “ “ A frigh tfu l sterni camn up and the «•ri/ ttiaidcn. " Id iocy ia a m isfortune. ” dates for o td e n ere so grossly ignorant ia naturally a failure. Tha ixvuutryman ", PDC°nntcr manv Mary—T ell him, mum, if v a u’a». dangers. If Tou “ It w on ld be a good deal harder» captain threw Sp lasher'! oil paintings -dN iiciunatl Enquirer. w ho oa hia first v isit to a o ily hotel that when I ge, ,ny w ^ r r i s ^ P „ I toart w ill b,. false T J ? Ve'-ronr »»eet-I that they have been uuable to get crp lain how he could liv e w ithou t het overboard to calm the w jvra. " — C h ica­ asked the w ater for a spoon w ith no •bake shows voa w i ñ ^ “ “ 5'"® kiU » ' threugh thia exorediugly easy ordeal — w^X ito ’" t r - , n ,c « ' " t o T t o — D etroit F ree Press. go Reccrd. A a M b e r M * tl« r. cnlties and entrnde,„ , diffl. ! London Truth. slits in it w as no legitim ate «ubjeot of w edding things— Tit-Bits. " D o yon th iu k • man has a right to or f X m g bm TOer,* ía l la ridicule. Ha w as an im partial critic, A cork leg w ith ou t a knee jo in t tloea ^ h « t is called elm dust is really G raap lag a t a S ir a * . ..pen h is w ife a letters?" Ama , a , r , . r, F— O h, doctor, tell Iu :hrec years the progeny of a î'oc.m.l Spurt— Wi,v too t , „ warm er than love, nothing richer thaa eligible. “ an-ied women ora me, w h o was youx pbysiuian?— Water id rata, under ravorable eruditions, ‘ wisdom , noth in g brighter than virtue toll C ortvt’ nmt F ili Ctoartty. 'w im m un. tm ry. unmher I, ovo. t t o « ? - V ' - ’. - ' - f i R . .