g gJUHJUk - t h e w e s t . F O P U L ls r CO NVENTIO N. -P'tuueiv;» ».VK«V FKIDAY MOKNIWO.— 1 lb e jip u iia t convention held in Eu­ gene hint week a.topl*d the following T H E REPUTATIO N OF A C H U T . HOW TO FIND OUT. Nearly every day bring* a new and more or less elahornte scheme foe sum* sort of intervention in Ouba by tin* government before the public, but president McKinley'* scheme, if lie ha* one, i» »till unknown The latest idea j, lhat the U. 8. shall demand of both (jjp Spaniards Hnd Cubans that hostili- rude *. p.|j a pr common glass with The law of the land, which, it way urj(|C nnj jet ¡. etand twenty-four hour*; be incidenlly remarked, ia framed by a sediment orsettling indicates an un- Where«». The people’» party stands jpu'iu Mj£, * 'U'J-'l.lr, IJaro^.s j.ledgud to do ¡ill in it* power to restore grown-up people, lice lieen carefully healthy condition of the kidney». \\ hen ,„ v. M1(lmlllw prepared so aa to afford efficient pro- urine stains linen it is evidence of M ’ the policy of the free end unlimited ' coinage of ko M and silver at the existing tection for the reputation of men and nt? • T'»o fiequtnt o e« irO t - • - ,0V * v iniuHteor pain in the b^ck, is fUgocpn- ratio, which traa fttihtdantiiiliy the p«*liry women, So stern arc the lavva threat i vincing proof that the kidney* an j ties must cease, attd that some sort of A V . H . W E A T I I E R S O ^ o f t.,; A N X O rN C E M E A T . , government froyn the adm inistra- el)ing the 8l.aI),|a ...llOnger th at tl.o«f bladder are out of order. an arrangement be made whereby the lion oi W ashmgion to that of tirant i Cubans are to control Cuba, and to re- who feel it their duty to denounce the W H A T T O OO. •E ditor a n d P ro p rie to r. ' and which jvn* advocated by statesmen s0 main nominally under the control ol There is comfort in tlie knowledge machinations uf evil-doers often find it y a cant io is perusal swamp-root, the great kidney remedy think it an all around good one liecausc fulfils every wish in relieving pain ,iu the now thrown oil' (he msak and stand* of the code. But our little cbddyen, , ba,.k, kilJn'eyHi lhM) bladder aud every it would be accepted by Spam, and be­ avowedly for ttie single gold standard, SIUSLAW HATCHERY. ami for the further demonetisation of embryo citizen-of the land. have no ' part of the urinary passage. It corrects cause it would ¿obviate the necessity of silver, pnd the retirement of greenbacks such protection, and careless tongues i inability to bold urine and scalding pain this government assuming control oi Oregonian.: .‘.‘1 ¡si» aipi Game Pro- and other currency, and converting tlie may wag at will com erning them with-j to P»««'»«“ . or bad effects following Oub;lj They say thgt Cubans are nn- use of liquor, wine or beer, and over- foctor fi. H. McGuire attaches hut ¡,„0 interest bearing bond», and out fear of punishment and with no titled for independent »elf-government, Wi.th New year GreeliugH, and yt | comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ little iiuportfijco to the reports which is for establishing « reprehensible bank- roalizution of the actual injury being ing compelled to get up many times and that until tlie population («comes Jiave Ipsei» cireyfoted to the effect tiqit ing system, h II of which is destructive to , Prosperous Year to all our Friends, Wo done the helpless victims. ; during tlie night to urinate. The mild J much improved, the island would not th e state is about to lose the hatchery ' l'e oi ll"’ p<‘" ple’ ^'hcticial n Piu only to the moneyed class ; ami I A child’s roputation is not otjly very and extraordinary effect of swamp-root make a desirable accession to the U. S. Again Offer Our Goods at Exceptionally on tlie Siuslgiv. This, Mr. .YfoGuiye Whereas, The democratic and fri-e dear to its young possessor, hut it may . ' is soon realized. It stands tlie highest therefore thnt the logical outcome is i Low Prices. Somebody oneo said, and it nave, ia the beet hatcbeiy byild^g in „¡Iver republican parties agree su fo tan -; ofiei, . . . . . „ . ■ . . • a ! for its wonderful cures of the most dis- . n.iportant influence upon ' , rvHsill(t j, yoil nee(| a llie,Heine Cuban government under Spanish sill the state, and cost the state I2.XW. The tially with the people» party on the ' i ■. . , , lias been Repeated. “ Well Bought Half you should have tlie best. Sold by pices. But all this is put forward in tlie land on which jt is located was pre- huaneial question, and a» to the neces- ' |lit> sity o, reform in state and county gov- error’ an e»Pl« ,i°« of temper, resulting, druggists, price fifty cents and one dol I-. belief and dependent upon tlie contin­ Sold.” Wo Have a (’lean Desirable sentc-ii to the state by Mrs. Bean, ' em inent. | in the injury of a playmate, the theft, lat. Yon may haven sample bottle and gency that Spain will satisfactorily meet mother of Judge Bean, and the deed, as ------- -Stock of-------- , . , Resolver), That the peoples party of of some small articles accomplished in ' j pamphlet both sent free by mail, ( i upon receipt of three-two-cent stamps to ^*e demands made on account of tlie usual is such cases, provided that if the bane Co. is in favor of uniting with the reckless merriment and without any | cover cost of postage on the bottle, loss of the Maine, and that we shall n o t| State ecaser) pi operate tlie liatcheyy the democrats and free silver republicans in conception of the meaning of tlieoffcnse. ' Mention The W.: st and send your ad - have to fight toenforec those demands— j land should revert to the donor. The ,l,e approaching election, and that tlie 1 delegates elected by this convention to an unblushing falsehood uttered under í (' reBB to T>r- Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, a belief that is heavily in the minority. _ j great temptation and sturdily maintain-1 N. Y. The proprietor of this paper j over w liicb it had jw control, did not the statu convention are hereby in ed, cunning deception exposed, wanton I guarantees the genuineness of this offer. If.the talk of an alliance between [ j England and the IT. 8., which was | make any appropriation at its last ses­ i structed to use nil reasonable efforts to destruction and a thousand more phases j sion for operating the liatcliery, ami, of , effect such a union of reform forces. WASHINGTON LETTER. I started several days ago, because of a | of childish error, are often circulated | Resolved, That thjs convention _— course, it il ia beep lying idle. It I ihs message of congratulation brought to and dwelt upon by careless tongues and i is unalterably in favor ul tlie system of been atat»(j that on thia account a President McKinley from Queen Vic- I’ltOM OCR REOVLAK CORRESPONDENT, , made to appear as constituting pouiej claim has been set up Unit the land lias direct legislation or the initiative an f toria, by the British Ambassador, was I want to sell It, I know a “ Nimble Nickle Is bottar than a little man or woman’» ruling character. ¿everted to tl»o original owner. Mr. refeienduin. : intended as a feeler of public sentiment, W ash ., D. C., March 14, 1898. It is a cruel fact th at this manner o f ' Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make tho nickle nimble by offarlng '1 lie follow ing delegates were then McGuire says Hint he lias no iijea that those responsible for it must 1« con­ judgment usually seizes upon what is ] The Spanish flag must go I Boiled down elected to the state convention. uni attem pt will •*> ijitule fo enforce vinced that no such alliance is desired Sure, Square, Good Bargains. G V Snapp, F M Nighswander, R I merely a casual incident in the young that is the universal sentiment in con- aucli a claim, and he has n°W, hut there is a general agreement dll without provide fo. lalure will without doubt doubt proviifo for ; ‘,' ra" k Kirk, J C Uiehardson, A J Zum- to whip Spain, and if it did, England overruling sellishness, avariep, a cold, ! tl,at end must be the driving of the wait, W W Withers, 7. E. Yarnell, » R the operation of tlie hatchery, and this would be the last country from which unsympathetic nature, morbid enjoy- dug out of Cuba. A week ago, there ! d e s ire to s e ll a s m u c h o f m y p r e s e n t sto c k as will doubtless he mope satisfactory to I.ajUn. ment of suffering, imposition upon was some doubt as to whether this our people would be willing that it Harvy Taylor of Cottage Grove was all concerned than the reversion of tlie ahould either tie asked or received; p o s s ib le w ith in t h e n e x t s ix ty d a y s , in the weak, a dishonest spirit of barter, »entiiuent was held by President Mc­ nominated for surveyor. land.” and other intrinsic traits. The most Kinley, but His actions since congress England's assistance is an expensive o rd e r to m a k e ro o m f o r S p r in g Tlie Oregonian is somew hat mistaken luxury for any country. DO N O T FO RG ET. honest and frankest of naughty jm - ! unanimously appropriated $50,000,000 in stating that the 8iusla^ liatcliery Intk g o o d s to a r r iv e . pulses and open perversity, impulses i 'or kim to spend at liis discretion in Blanche K. Bruce who next to Fred been lying idle. It ha» tieen operated the The change of location of ttie Northern that it takes years of training to sue- preparing for national defeuse, liave Douglas was regarded as the most con­ past two seasops with funds furnished j Pacific ticket office, which is now witli eessfully restrain and tliat we often re- j b*en those of a man who expects to spicuous colored man of this country, by the national fish commission. Tlie j "The Eugene Real Estate Agency” on wliep they have been cultured out ; to ^K1“«, and the delight expressed over i ,¿„,1 ¡„ U.„D, • , , the ground floor directly opposite tlie gret « I * . . 1 uifu in v> asinngton the 17th. He was amount allowed was not enough to run i : Guard office, near corner of Seventh and of the adult, are the ones that lav the’ t,‘e preparations for war, which are now a tlie butchery to its full capacity but j Willamette Street», Eugene. Tlii» is , ’ i ■ . . . | «’em a save but served a term in the U child most liable to be misjudged. ! vtmbleon every hand, shows that the : 8. senate and at the time of his death about tiOO.OtMj »pawn were taken there i the only regular City Ticket Office in Come and obtain prices, and have a social chat if nothing mure, The reputation accidentally acquired '»’om itry’s lighting blood is up, which was register of tlie treasnrv. last season. We have not heard any- Rune County, Wo are absolutely the in the school or on the play ground often ' a ' ‘«tic to the certainty of war. Ac- we have a good setit and a warm fire fol­ all who enter our doors. tiling before of any claim being set up only lino running through ears from Eu­ »ticks to him throughout long years of i '•«riling to the general belief, it is now gene to tlie East or South without BLACHLY ITEMS. agnin»t tlie land and doubt the troth of ' Yours V ery T ru ly , , . ..........................1 change. Uenteinlier no change of ear» residence in his native place, ami will on,y 11 question of how and where the the report, as .1 was chiefly I at Portland via the Northern Pacific, By G eresuobs . even follow him to new comm unities, j dgbting wilt begin, tlie effort» of L. F. Beau, a brother of tnw only line running the nplmlstered turning the balance of judgment Although Secretary Long ha» again Our Greenleaf correspondent gays) Judge Bean, that the pational fish ! Pullman Tourist Sleeping ears and tlie against him should tlie years lead him officially denied the renewed statement some tall stories ate told of supernatural cotntniaaion waa iynfoced to examine f Dining car» on every train. the river and later to furnish money ' D,jn’' ,0«yR «bi» in choosing your route into new troubles or society look ask- th at the president had been informed performances in an old fog house on ! ~ j for a hnsineRs or pleasure trip. ante at hi» qualities. It may even prove ' of the nature of the report that will be i he Blachley place above Triangle la k e.! to operate the liatcheyy. He further states that numerous people ' For full information cali or address. his death warrant. In these day» of made be (he naval court of inquiry, have visited tlie house after dark and • It. McMcneirv, General Agent, close-searching legal invesiigalion the i there ia no doubt that the president, in declared thnt they have been scared i SHO ULD MAKE OUR OVyN SUGAR. Opposite Guard office, Eugene career of u man who stands accused of j common witli almost everybody else away by a sound on the roof resembling : , , - - goes - - that «child ! Rome serious violation of the law i i in- ; is fully satisfied that the report will be a .. .^l’x,{‘ni; tind tlie story nc .Taeuum Lodger T o C u r e C u ii » il p a t l o n I o r e v e r . died tiiere years ago after having T ake Cfesrarcts Candy Cathartic*, too ortS e vnriably follewed back lo the day of h i» I tliat tl,e explosion was on the outside There are eight licet sugar factories in I It I C. C. tall to cur«, ilrug»iHH rufuud money. birth, if possible, to ascertain whether, I of the Maine. Of course, he cannot act fatl' - bfa-?,,nK ,r,,n1 '«■ B«ep tlii» country, as against 1,145 in Ger­ her' Tlle fa,,lilY tnovod away, and in liis babyhood, he betrayed any symp­ many, France, Russia and Austria, and until the official report is made, but ho ’«’ «be story goes, ami ever since tlie DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, tom of moral degeneracy, and a single an get ready to back up his action, and ll0llse Imsbeon haunted. aa a conecquence we pay one hundred j damaging incident, faithful.y rcinem -, that he is doing. Every ship that can j Answer: This is correct except we and twenty-five million dollnra a year to The fame county demAcratic conven­ bered while all the good deeds of his j possibly be made use of in a war with * don t know of any one beimt scared foreigners for sugar. A layge projsirtiop "a“ h“*“ by tion which met in Eugene the Ifith Inst., youth are permitted to slip from his as- I Spain is being carefully looked after by Aaron BlacVley“ of thia inigut he prmiueetj at home, for eho»o the following delegate» to the sociates’ memories, may tell witli deadly : naval experts, and every manufaitory «be house alone, at tl'iij 111 live in Drv Coods, * G roceries * : a nd Notions. thia country luia good laud, climate, i * . . i »• .«, or a"-v °tber «late convention which convened in effect if recited in court. I with a plant for making guns or ammu- tl" 'p- rl,ere baa been no new roof put and everything tbat goes to make beet Portland the 23rd. Yet after all tlie most serious harm j nition, lias received assurances that the | on ■ the raising profitable. The talk of the . house. The house was built George W W hitsett notice ! o 'r " , y? r" ‘,gO by " ,na" na,,,e'1 caused l>y trilling with tlie reputation j government will, until further influence of Hawaiian annexation dis­ not, , e , ; o Kelly. Aaron Blachley ,JWI1ed the II J Day of the child is Ihe harm of the child buy everything in that line turbing the l«ct aijgar indiiatry is the they can place up to . he time of his death, about John EJinundaon itself. Under the influence of love and ( make. veriest rot, for out of tlie 2 500,000 ton» i Wfo?" Wi,S WUIeJ 10 l,ia nel,he"' a chreeful eonfidenee the child’s char- ! Tlle onIy artllal enli, tnienlg yet Itoliert M (¡low | Walter Blachley, who now owns the of sugar annually used in tins country, I () M Ki»»enger aeter as a rule unfolds like a flower in .„».fo are of Ulcn for the two new Hawaii lias never produce«) more (ban artil- ! ( place. Our Greenleaf correspondent Frank I, Wooley ’ the sunshine. Under the baleful spell . |ery regiments, authorized by congress i‘,a,eB ,be' c ¡s a man hid in the bushes 275,000 ton», ubile the product of tlii» L L Stevens I of nnlaihef, harsh condemnation and | t ant| of lliell ,„r the uavy> but the i «ear by holding one end of a string the country is about 400,000 ton», leaving ! Wm I, Houston aversion, all the most dangerous i,„- ; department .» getting together arms : ot,ler end «» which was attached to nearly two million tons to 1« imported some W I* t'heslier ------ -------- - pulses th at an 1------- -- • providence aiiiinunition and accoutrements for rutable ll,at waH rattling around ot the from Kurojie. The hulk «if tlii» foreign J R Gampliell seems io have implanted in every child- 100,000 men, so tiiat there will be no roof. This is not correct. G. sugar come» from Germany, ytljicji di»- j W. Geo W Kinsey ish breast, wax strong and malignant, delay in getting an Graham and family lived in the bouse criminate« again»! American products army together at J J Walton YY ho among us cannot remember ex ­ short notice, as soon aa the first ca|| for ¡ for a,,o" t ,h ree years, and this ra pping j in every |si»»ilile way, The lesson of' II D Norton perience o( thia sort. There, far back volunteers is issued. How soon that on the roof was constantly kept up tlie aituation is to increase our bee) J I' Gurrin. in memory, is tlie day when our word will bo will depend upon circumstances. ,lurl*’*» ,lle*r Btay there every day sugar farms and (aetorii-n. and The committee on resolution» reported was doubted, Rnd it seems as U tl We are already going ahead too fast for night. Everv »toitor who has been the following which were adopted. Whereas W. . . , . ' " ‘’“J*’ " e''“r W° r" ‘ W'‘i,e ,O “ “ , ' ,t' J no«’ showing an anxiety Oxr MiafAKg many |a |lioii»*in<|R of mile» away, where situation or is making a gigantic dtplo-; by the republican puny party of 1-d bv , . « / / ‘ ••-fsT e x — if this , found a vieioit« vicious pleasure in a determinn- determinn situa,i”n ,,r 18 “’’totog a gigantic diplo- R the environiuentH and perhaps the cated lion to pile ful»eh(X»-l upon falsehiNal niatic bluff to make us think he is. Just climate a re , ntirely different from their na,i"n ; therefore, he it think of the nerve of the man, now P V IA R U former location. T e y do pot step I** Resolved, By the democratic party and to become distinguished in wick­ a . .............. ...-------- • »f when the opinion is universal that edness if we could not in virtue, since A fte r L o n g Illn e s s H o o d ’s S a rs a - 'P R A C T IC A L eoiiaider the difter. nee in the suryound- of Lane county in convention assem­ our rejmtation for tru th telling was for­ Spain’s Iasi hold on Chiba is bound to , p n rllln R e s to re d Cood H e a lt h - mge and io learn that what is a disad­ bli»), th at wi, reiterate tlm principles ever destroyed. Tlie child who has in N o w as S tro n g a s Ever. la-broken in the near future by inter-i vantage in one place may be an advan­ proclaimed in the Oliicngo platform a moment of passion hurt a plnviiiiite an illness of two a S S P ™ * w ntion on the jnirt of the V. 8., eithm adopted by the national convention of «ml who i» pointed out as an example which tima I underwent ««veril «urJir^i tage in another. Few people, jiqrlh it- ; pcaeably or by force, in giving out a a opera! ion». I nt last beg.„ lo improve*b *’ larly those who have travelled but little ' the democratic party at Chicago July, of ferocity is not likely to loeo m sav­ Blow £ agery or to gain in gentleness through column of newspaper interview in which ■ my improvement w 189«. can go into a place and form a correct 1 «e- this piililicitv. Youth always seems to lie enlarges ii | k > ii the success of autom - came diacoursgpj. I doi- n and I did not hsve any .p p V h “ opinion, ol it at once. Nuarlt every one , Resolví»!, That denounce the J possess a foolish, unreason ing pride in uiy In Cuba, which ever.vl.ody in Wash­ I did not care to Ihe. One day I ' w hen lie goi* to a new country lis» ; l,r,'w'«t corrupt and extravagant, ad- sustaining a reputation once estiib- ington knows to I k - a failure, and be­ friend Who had taken Hood’s SaroaMH l“ •ishel. Human nature is always dis- i ministration of our public affairs at lormi») some idea as to itf appearance and who ur^ed to tr_ . P*ritls 1’ Hke all other entities and powers come enthusiastic over tin- reciprocitv .« d « h er! had taken iiew d o ^ '" ’^ nnd natural advantages, but to get a cor 1 now administered by the republican in nutiirv, to follow tlie line of least rc- treaty, wlu. li he says lie expects to aid to feel better and had a better .n,b^ * n feet Idea «imply froth leserijition is well ; l’a r*.V '« tins state and county Mintance, and it taken heroic qualities tlie delegates of tlie autonomy cahinet Resolved that we heartily favor nigli itupot'aible, especially for one who k in a child to undertake to live down an of Cuba in negotiating wuh the V g. , a d grew etroeger every day. j . . - ‘^ b o n f o a o , l i o o d i g a X ^ 0 lias never seen any similar eonntry. I,niun of all ,*< *i. ’, 7 T^ ; ; ^ '~YM.ue.tc bOVV'JA this convention, nnd II.is eonvention exeypt to hit injury, he is not regarded cocks'"'0 l,‘al neither Spain nor the U. ; 5 Í PORTIAfflXOR funke it tlie ir home. as luiix.rtant enougli to lay rtaim to S. want war; it ia tbe business of n Hood’s Pills r*” "ve, nt,~7S7T, does hereby instruct its representatives o|w-n trial and investigation, and he diplomat to pretend to believe what he ----- U m . . . , , . . . . Kverilnxly Kays Mo. in tlie democratic state eonvention to must helplessly »war the lash of cruel F° R SALE OR EXCHANGE. knows to he untrue. Caacarctal'an.t. (¡a ltw rlii. I hr most won WANTKI--TRFSTYVORTHY k v r. «ait il tiedk*ui dls.'i»ieri of tin. tgc. pea» la- held in Portland, Oiegon, on the tongues. Il is time that public opinion TO OUR PATRON«. »ill and refr* stung to lb< lasts, act geutli 23rd day ol March ItfoS, to use ail rea- *botiM rally to liis rescue, and a curb I»- active gentlemen or lad¡e« , tx.» t Tubarro XgU «»U -uaokr Twr llt» *„»j. * bouse and fot .cstab list,;, im.l |K>eiUv. ly . h i kklueya. Ih er mid laiwela. Tn q n ,( « .A d «av.tjr and Ivrever Is* ma» ib znaiiig lbs rutin* si.*,* in. dl»|»l tpl.l- tonaMe effort* in securing an honorable l‘! «*'* nj»m tin* hasty judgment which i» ifi j,t G,en««l*. The UM orin- tallot tite nrrv» emt »iVV” ' ‘:a l“'u ®r lla.- ia.. « .n.ler soetu-r. IhM i.iak. » mrs Posit.en „ M , |v. |{r(,.r t r r f . |u d hl.iousn.-se Plrusr l.uy mid try a I»*» * half in heigiit. which would w -c k a hfo because of a single »tr«* g. Alt diHggiata, 90c «e(i. vurvg xraa- fC. (J.C toetay: 10,!)’, dim !» held gin 8°«» woodshed W’ Will furnish the Weekly , i.,,,...i„i.._ ... , ° - a ' fcvsVM ) i«.»! ll.*>l,iet »«4 *4n,|.:e fre» Aa.ire.s» seif-add-,sw»l ttamjK-d vm efof-, The ° n f r e m i i v Al’ jsrauleud w cur. by .di d m .g u ts. f.t.a i__ ^ r- m a n with the Wxrr for one ( ettrllng Kcotcdy Co, vhicag.* cr J(»w kot» pwiiuni n (foni -n Den- V r i * ' FMT h'rther r« n ic u la n • - • 4 I hicajf... to q u if,,, , hü 'o »ny sd.I res, for „ M, of do|. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ★ * * ★ * ♦ ★ 0. W . HURD. C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! A FLORENCE MEAT * MARKET. ....... J u s t O p e n e d . Goods as Represented. HasR to Health REi>5iVB HOOd S ( ore.on.