ADVERT13ER5 |i> ¡mrSLAWS ONLY PAPÏR. ** O P P O R T U N IT Y L , A 7. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Mar. 25, 189«. T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE IIORSES IN HISTORY. A U te ta r le T i l i f ™ “ - L o l l i n ' , O td ra t M ra ta n ra » » . T H E COURT J E ST E R . Probably the oldest restaurant iu Lon­ A P r a c t ic a l J o k . T h a t W i l l S o m m x « One of the greatest services eve» ren­ T R A V E L E R S’ GUIDE. -G E N E R A L D IR ECTO RY P la y e S . » C a r d in a l W o ls e y . dered by the telegraph was the trans­ don is Croaby Hall, iu Bishopsgnte Amelia Wofford tells of “ The Court SOME OF T H E NOBLE STEEDS THAT mission from Delhi of the famous tele­ street, in the city. This was built more COOS, gram of Alay 11. 1867, which warned than 500 years ago, waa ouce the palace Jesters of England” in St. Nicholas. STEAM ER STATE OFFICERS HAVE A CHIEVED FAME. the Punjab of the outbreak of the In­ of Richard III and afterward the resi­ The following is related of King Henry o ----- Will make; S T A Q E L IN E . dian mutiny. The telegrapher, Brcu- dence of Sir Thomas More. It waa in V IU ’s jester: Sommers, like Scogan, liked a prac­ R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S T h . F o n r F o o te d F r ie n d F o r W h o m ■ dish, who sent tbe message, retired thia building that Shakespeare laid the scene of Richard’s plots for the murder tical joke, aud one that he played on Governor...............« • • • . William P. Lord. C ity W a s N a m e d — H o m a n H o r a e . T h a t from the service iu receipt of a special Between ■ of the yoUng princes. The structure waa Secretary oi b'ate ...........H. R. Kincaid. L ir o d I.Ik e P r ln o ra —C h a r g e r . W h o W o n peusion equal to his salary. Brendish Cardinal Wolsey Is thus quaintly told Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- ‘ and Pilkiugton were the two young sig­ injured by fire, fell into decay and in by Arm in: »*......... .................Philip Metchen lie o o w n A m id tb s C a rn a g e o f W a r . days and Fridays. nalers under Mr. Todd, tbe superintend­ 1888 was restored. One tumbles up the “ Of a time appointed tbe king dined Supt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. It is hard to say with any near ap­ ent of the Delhi telegraph office. On narrow, winding stairs, leaving below at Windsor, in the chappe) yard at Car­ Arrives at Florenco Tuesdays, Thurs- , State Printer........................ W. H. Leeds. proach to accuracy how long the horse Bunday, May 10, at 4 p. ni.. it was the modern restaurant, passes through dinal! W olsey’s at the same time wheu Attorney General...........C. M. Idleinan. days and Saturdays. baa been a domesticated animal. Wo found that the line from Meerut was low doorways that show walls 8 feet iu he was building that admirable work Connects with Steamer and Scotts- | . .................R. S. Bean can culy say that ho has been so from interrupted, and Mr. Todd started to I thickness and enters the hall, a great of his ximhe, at whose gate stood a Also with Supreme Court \ ...............F- A. Moore burg Stage Line for Drain. time immemorial—that is, from the find out the break, At the bridge of room lighted by high windows and a number of poore people, to be served ( .. .. C . K. VVolveiton Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge j earliest times of which we have any boats across the Jumna be was met by beautiful oriel. In the restoration the with alms wheu dinner was done w ith­ Judge Second D u trict.. . .J. C. Fullerton reasonable. record a The Assyrian sculptures— and tbe mutineers the following morning old features have been retained, and at in, and as Will passed by they saluted Attorney Second District .. VV . E. Yates they are about the most ancient of which and murdered. The lads, who were left cue end is the minstrel's gallery, look­ him, taking him for a worthy person- we know anything, for some of them alone iu tbe office outside the Kashmir ing down on more prosaic scenes than, which pleased him. In he cornea ure estimated to date from 4200 B. C. — gate, saw the mutineers pass and con- it ouce witnessed. The white capped i.ud finding the king at dinner and the contain more representations of capari­ tinned steadily telegraphing to Lahore cook stands at the huge fireplace, now cardiuaii by attending, to disgrace hint R soned horses than even men. Still, we all the news brought in by peons ns to converted into a grill, and the chops that he uevor loved, Harry, sayes he«, OOUNTY OFFICERS- do not get any examples of favorite the doiugs of the mutineers in the city. and potatoes come smoking to your ta­ lend me £10. What to doe? saies tho horsos until a long time after this. Breudish went out at noon to see what bla Pretty waitresses wish to know if king. To pay three or foure of the car- E- B a n g s , P ro p rieto r. Even the first examples, indeed, are was going on, but was desired by a yon don't want a pint of the famous dinall'a creditors, quoth bee, to whom is my word is past, and they are now coma 1 only legendary, for, though there is no wounded British officer to go in and ’arf and ’arf,” aud ----------— . . the . . wayfarer mui i,i Judge.'............................... F" ° - Potter- Stage leaves Eugene Mondays , ‘ doubt thut Hector of Troy existed, it is close the doors. There for two hours the wise if be accepts the h in t This would r ..................................D. P. Burton enco Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 offered to Philip for 18 tulcuts (about peans. We must shut up. Aud now I Sir Philip Sidney and Ben Jouson—a though I owe none. With that be lends School Superintendent......... 0 . 8. Hunt T o u r is t but he displayed so much vi-1 am off. ” room where it requires uo very vivid Wili £10. W ill goes to th e /a te , dis­ Surveyor.................................C. M. Collier a. in. and arrives in E ugene at G S le e p in g C a rs £2,518), ciousuess that Alexander’s father was The little party then made its way to imagination to fancy the Countess of tributes it to tbe poore and brought the Coroner................................... J. VV. Harns p . n t . the day follow ing. about to send him away wheu the the flagstaff tower, where the Europeans Pembroke reading the famous sonnet empty bag. There is thy bag againe, ST. PAUL Justice of Peace.............. F. B. Wilson young prince offered to tame him. He had congregated, and from there saw that Spencer wrote to her honor. — Home saies bee. Thy creditors are satisfied, M I N N E A P O L I S Constable........................ J °bu r - Tan,,er agreed, in the event of failure, to for­ tbe blowing up of the magazine. That Journal. and my word out of danger. Who re­ Single fare . . . - 15.00 D U L U T H ______ feit the price of the horse and began by night they fled to Umballa. Before ceived. saies the kiug, the brewer or turning his head to the sun, as he ob­ they left the tower Pilkington went FARCO Round trip - - - - 89.00 tbe baker? Neytber, Harry, saiea W ill It is a bonny sight to watch tbe lithe served that the horse was frightened at back to the office to send a message for O R A N D FO RKS Sommers. Bat, cardinall. answer me in TO CITY OFFICERS. his own shdKow. In the end lie com- an officer. Every step of the way was and breezy English girl promenading one thing, to whom dost thou owe thy Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s CRO OKSTON I pletely tamed him—so completely, in­ taken iu danger of instant death, but with her bally dog npon the bowldery To God, quoth hee. To whom livery baru, Eugeue, and at Hurd deed, that Bucephalus, though be would the daring mission was accomplished, beach at Brighton, according to Sterling sonle? wealth? To the poore, saies hee. W IN N IP E G Heilig. She w ill run a foot race w ith i thy . ,F. B. Wilson permit nobody except Alexander to for the message is recorded as having & Davenport's office in Florence. Firai-Iv :. t ............... H E L E N A » n J _______ Take thy forfeit, Harry, sales tfaa foola mount him, always knelt down for that been received. As the last click died her 8-year-old brother down tho main Open ooufession, open pennanca His O. VV. Hurd street of the village, utterly thoughtless BUTTE purpose to his master. He died at the away the mutineers burst in, and the Wm. Kyle head is thine, for to the poore at the ago of 80, and his master built as bis signaler was slain. The effect of Bren- of attracting attention. If she happens gate I paid his debt, which hee yields Board of Trustees Marion Morris to pull up breathless and glowiug, mausoleum tbe city of Bucephala. C. C. Behnke dish's warning message to the Punjub is due, or if thy stony heart w ill not Readers of Macaulay w ill remember was that the regiments tainted with flushed and moist eyed, with her golden yield it so, save thy head by denying . . . . J . C. M I N T , Proprietor hair a-hanging down her back, in the John H. Morris tho famous black Auster, the horse of mutiny were disarmed before they knew TO Recorder.............. thy word and lend it wee. Thou kuow- F lo r o n o a , O r a g o n , C H IC A G O Mermiuius, and the dark gray charger what had taken place at Meerut and center of adiniriug friends, it is to ox- ost I am poore and have ueyther wealth ....... J. A. Pond Treasurer.............. plain to them that she has been run­ of Maudlins, whose sudden appearauce Delhi. — W a s h in g t o n ___E. A. Evans ning. “ Such larks I Tommy and I have nor wit, and what thou leudest to the Marshal................. iu the city of Tusculum without his been running a fo o tra ca ” It’s not to poore God w ill pay thee tenfold. ♦ • * OUR AIM —To furnish the best ! P h il a d e l p h ia T h e H lc h t t a c a U . master brought the news of the defeat make her effect, aa a French girl would. The kiug laught at the jest, and so did of the allies at Lake Regillus. Connect­ The nightingale does not sing every­ accom m odations at reasonable new YORK tbe cardinall for a shew, but it grieved ed with that battle, too, were the horses where, yet it is as great a mistake to Really, it isn’t She doesn’t know SECRET SOOI ETIES. BO 8TO N AND A L L him to jest .w ay £10 so." enough. of the great “ twin brethren, ” Castor consider tbe bird shy as to imagine its prices. She w ill scratch herself in company, P O I N T 8 E A S T »ad S O U T H aud Pollux, coal block, with white legs H0Ug jg chiefly reserved for the night, no matter where the mosquito has been. D O N ’T TALK OF YOUR ILLS. For information, tim e curd«, maps and ticket» and tails. But those ore logendary. Not jj 0 wjjj ajua continually from one of She w ill fall in lovo with a man and a F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. so, however, the well known horse of | oaks bordering the wayside while A s Regular communication on second etc., call on or write P e o p le A r e M o r e In t e r e s te d I n t h e P le e e - Caligula, Incitatns. This animal hnd a ! the village folks pass and repass. The w ill follow him about like a dog. She a n t Stde o f L if e . and fourth Saturdays in each month. w ill sit on a reck and be hugged, ob­ w . W. NEELY, Prop’r. R . M c M u r p h e y , stable of marble; his stall was of ivory, | village couplea may reat npon the foot “ Every one of us has hia and her O. VV. H vbd , W. M. livious of the fact that every one is look­ rple aud his halters g,ije or linger to listen beneath tbe very n . p General Agent. Rooms 2 »nd 4, Shelton Block, his clothing of •own ailments, *’ writes Edward W. Buk I. G. K notts , Secretary. Tables furnished w ith all 1 , EUGENE, OREGON. stiff with gems He had a set of golden , ree On which tbe bird is stationed, ing. She is wonderfully frank. She in The Ladies’ Homs Journal, decrying w ill say to a seasick man: “ What a plates and was presented with a palace, gtjj| the full burden of melody goes cm delicacies of the season. W ild ; shocking bad sailor you arel Your liver the unpleasant habit many people have A. D. C H A R LTO N , furniture aud slaves complete, in order unchecked, without pauso or iutermis- must be in a frightful stato I” She is a of discussing their bodily ills “ It i . Assistant General Passenger Agent. i that guests invited iu his name should ; gjou And what a glorious outburst it A. R- General Lyons Post, No. 58, gam e, fish and fruit in season. B e s t > great fisher and can row a boat. She is enough for ua all mfceep well ouraalvea 265 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. Us meets second and fourth Saturda) s P o r t l a n d O r . bo properly entertained. His diet wns ¡g, What a perfect cascade of trills and all the time blushing. She lias freckles To be compelled to listen to the ait accom odations for the traveling | the most costly that could be imagined, ghakes and semiquavers I Suddenly it is of such month at 1:30 P- ni. on her hands. Wheu she walks out with wants of others does not make that ta«k I the finest grapes that Asia could provide pierced by a single note that shivers in her bally dog upon the blooming sands, any easier. Besides all this, these un J. I. B utterfield , Commander. public. Charges reasonable. ' _ «.-------------i— I tl){j ouf with ,he sharpness of a fife. Iin being reserved for him. Verus, another J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. The F u n k & W agn alls you don’t know which to whistle to, nooessary narrative» of personal ail­ Roman emperor about a century later, 1 mediately after comes tbe wondrous both are so in telligen t—San Francisco ments are positively injurious to our treated his horse almost as extravagant­ water bubble, to be followed by u de­ selves Physicians all agree that many ly. Ho fed him with raisins and almunds licious warble, long drawn out aud soft Argonaut of the slight illnesses, of which some C lim b e r s B a r a C o a q r a r e d A l l e i t h e A lp « . with his own hands, and when lie died as could be breathed from the richest a O U VV. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, people make so much, oould be cured if A a meets every 1st and 3.1 Saturdays ■ erected a statue of gold to him, while flute. Auother prolonged trill, and then Of oourae the mystery is gone from they would but take their minds from Of The each month. Members and visiting T w e n tv -th re e nil the dignitaries of the empire attend a faroff sound that almost seems to the Alps— none but climber» knows how themselves. Too many people work brethren in good standing are cor^.lu'vy come from another songster half a mile completely. Every mountain aud point themselves into illnesses or prevunt ENGLISH LANGUAGE ! ed the funeral. M ile s W e s t h X d to attend. J. J. A nderson , M. VV. I As we come to later times, so we get away serves to throw into relief tbe pas­ of view of even third rato importance themselves from getting well by talking W m . K ylb , Recorder. o f E u g e n e . C O M PLE TE ' more examples of favorite horses. Wil- sionate tremolo issuing from tbe same has been ascended, most by many routes. about a petty ailtneut which, if forgot­ I linm the Conqueror had one which ho tiny throat, and all the time tbe wings Almost every gap between two peaks ten, would right itself. O, O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l .meets I rode at tbe battle of Hastings, about are quivering with excitement and the has been traversed aa a pass The puhli S U C C IE N T “ I w ill uot say that women, mors every Wednesday evening in Lodge ! which almost everything seems to be whole coppice seems to vibrate. cations of some dhzen motmulneering than men, are prana to this avil, but ~H Florence, Oregon. brothers in a u t h o r it a t iv e I known except his name. He was of Tbe song is, indeed, • whole orchestra societies have recorded these oountlees aa the majority of women have mors tstauding invited to attend. huge size and was a present from King of bird musio. Expressive of every shade expeditions in rows a t volumes of ap­ leisure than the majority of man they J. J. A ndebson , N. G. Alfonso of Spain—“ such a gift as a of ecstasy, wo are at times startled by a palling length. Of late years vigorous are more likely to 1st their minds dwell A ndrew B rund , Sec. prince might give and a prince receive." succession of deep, plaintive tones that attempts have been made to co-ordinate upon every little ill that assails then, 301,865 V o e .b u l.r y T e rm . I This gallant horse, however, did not thrill like soba. No wonder the nightin­ this mass of material in the form of and talk about it. It seams to ma that >47 E d ito r , and S p x l a l l . t . survive the battle, for Gyrth, Harold's gale's singing season is brief—six weeks climbers' guidee, doaling with particu­ one of the most important lessons wn 533 R eader, Ira Q u o ta tio n , CHURCH DIRECTORY butcher, "clovo him with a bill, and he only of tho entire year. Nay, it is lar districts, wherein every peak and can all learn with the close of the year 5000 Illu s tratio n « M o ney Saved died.” Richard I’s horse was called doubtful whether any individual bird pass is dealt with in strict geographical ia to refrain from inflicting upon others Cort over $ 0 6 0 ,0 0 0 Maleck, and was jet black. He bore his sings for so long a period. The redwing, succession and every different route aud what is purely personal to ourselves. By SBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, Appendix ol 4 7 ,4 6 8 E n trie s master through the holy war aud ar­ another fine singer, is a similar instance all the variations of each route are set Let us cease this tiresome, this incon­ •’ l- L .il. .rara.siçQ ; bftubfttll’ »regon. Sabbath service P a tro n iz in g it. rived in England before him. Iu fact, of tbe limited period of song. Its voire forth, with references to the volumes siderate, this unnecessary talk about our ol, 10 o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 he survived the kiDg several years. The in thia couhtry is confined to two notes iu which they have been described at ailments. Cold and hard as it may Sacrament of a:k a. in. and 7 p. in. The lu ll number ol word, and term, in second Richard, too, bad a favorite and these by no means musical, yet the length by their discoverers. Nearly half seem, the fact ia nevertheless true, and Sabbath of □ary1 " April?j""b' ^and October. Geo. Hale Prop. : different dlrtionprte, for the entire alphabet 1, horse, called Roan Barbnry, which was redwing is the nightingale of Norway, tho Alps has been treated in this man­ w ill ever remaiu so, that the vast ma­ supposed to be the finest horse in Europe to which land he returns for breeding ner, but tho work has taken ten years, jority of people are interested in what ►•body is welcome to all tbe services, i _____________ _ a, follow ,: SVO8KONTB, 60,0(10; W orcrmtbb ~ at that time, aud it was on Roan Bar purposes each succeeding April. So and of course the whole requires period­ ia pleasaut iu our lives, but not in what or requests Christians to m ake, ___________ — 105,000: W kbhter (international), 125,000; C en ­ with our nightingale. From the day ical revision.—Sir W. M. Conway in is unpleasant. Pains and sorrow, are bary that the young kiug was mounted (selves known. 225,000: business cards tury , (»lx volume». complete,) I. G. K notts , Pastor. when the incident wherein Wat Tyler the egg« are hatched be becomes gradu­ Scribuer's. elements iu onr lives which are sacred STANDARD, over 300,000; was stabbed by tbe mayor of Walworth ally silent, until cf the marvelous voice aud interesting ouly to ourselves. ’’ Why Ttaay Wear Bata. that stirred a mile of woodland naught _______________ _ took place. History does not tell, so far as w e: About a oentury later we get tbe is heard save a dismal croak, hardly to M a t 10NAL B a n k Vue M .ltk a . serv Sai iple Pa^cs F ree............. , Wars of the Roses, aud in the many be distinguished from tho hoarse cry of know, how it came about that members' Von Moltke was originally an officer month of the English parliament wear their; Acme two Sundays of each e ° battles of that civil disturbance a cou- the bullfrog.—St. Janies Gazette. OF EUGENE. hats. Tho custom has descended from an ( iu the DanUh army At the age of V Sunday at -------- pie of horses played important parts. bbatli-Scliool every s B. EAKIN. Jft.. C a » m « age when its proceedings were not re- years he was entered aa a royal cadet— every Tlnirs- 1 A C a r ly la E e t t r a . T O. M tMOSIOKS. e«ra. These belonged to the great Earl of )a. m. Prayer meeting |y evening at the church. Everybody j Warwick, the kingmaker His first One of Carlyle’s letters is dated corded, but one may suspect that there-1 i. e., he was to he educated at the ex­ ACENTS W A N T E D . ■dially invited. G. F. K < > ^ ; r was Maleck, a beautiful gray, which March 18, 1888, und refers to his by han^s a tale of sturdy and victorious pense of the king, Frederick VI, iu the » 5 0 ,0 0 0 P A ID U P 0 A 8 H C A P IT A L . ho rode at the battle of Towtou. It was “ Frederick the Great, ” Home one had revolt against privilege, such as broke ' Copenhagen Military academy — and. aso ooo S U R P L U S A ND P R O F IT S , this horse whose death turned the for­ criticised his book, referring to a certain out at Versailles, could it be recovered. | huviug taken his examinations, he wore E. D. BRONSON & CO, tunes of tbe battle, for Warwick, seoing collection of letters “ gathered at Ber Now and again wo find antique allusions the Dauish uniform no til he, as a sub­ to the practice. When the commons lieutenant at the age of 87, petitioned attorneys that hia men were giving grouud, de- J lin:” A C C O U N T S S O L IC IT E D Pacific Coast A gents voted that everyone should "uncover the king for three years’ leave to pro­ liberately sprang from his favorite horse “ j had not heard of the Monstrous • OREGON SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, orstiror move his hat” when the speak­ ceed to the continent to study the m il­ EUGENE. and ' killed ................ him. Theu his ----- men *------- know Platitude at all, • • • but gueaaod theu that the kingmaker was prepared to wbat it would be—an old acquaintance er expressed the thanks of tho house for itary art, us he says in his petitiou. “ to A. C. WOODCOCK, 933 Market S t. to employ hia oc- conquer, but not to fly They rallied of mine. Truly a tbriee-brutal stupidity, any service done l»y a member. Lord be able on hia return NOTARIES. Falkland stretched both bis arms cut ¡ quhrements for tbe good of his country. which has had red-hot pokers indig­ aud finally won the battle. A R otb I Bldar. » There were two horses belonging to nantly run through about ten times, but und clasped his hands together on the . This petitiou was granted, but the count Queen Henriette of Belgium, by birth highwaymen which were famous in always revives aud steps forth afresh crown of his hut and hold it down close ^40 oskid to be allowed to retain hia A. R. BUTTOLPH, O regon an Anstrian arehduch«'«», continues, in B u sen e, their time. One of them belonged to i with new tap of the parish drum, there to his head, that ail might sue how odi­ pay, and as the kiug refused thia be spite of her snow white hair and, rank j 7 »ad « Melaren'» BiilMinS- the celebrated knight, of the road, Panl i being no parish in the universe richer ous that flattery waa to him ."—Pail took hia discharge aud entered the Prus­ •¡tetra» yp7is?«ti»iitie:i fiv e « u rene-eUen. aud pre’ ¡ P ^ b Ü C , S l l l ^ C V O I’ a« a grandmother, to occupy her limo sian army, a recruit whom that organi­ in prudent darkness aud flunkey lnulev- Mall Gazette. with circus riding A year ago she gave Clifford. lie was called Robin aud was zation has every reaeuu to hold in en­ •e ojulneH. Irisli. Iu color irou gray, he waa re­ oleuce than ours is! 1 set Neuberg upon A O b »d *s B . a r t . in the riding school cf the royal palace during memory , it iu Tho Athenaeum; but know net puted by judges of horseflesh — and ; Among tbe bizarre articles offered at Brussels a semipublic performance, O r a s o n . in which she and Iter daughter Clemen­ there wero some who were quite a« com­ what be has miRi of it. No Editor, in for sale at the Hotel Druot, Paris, was F l o r e i i o » , P a p a I . K ao ara d . E. O PO TTER. petent to give an opinion, if uot more my time, boa crowned himself with such 8 child's heart immersed in a jar of tine put Ihe.r hrrecs through all kinds Hero is the latest cf an enfant terrible a Puir of Kars as he of the Williams and so. as any of tbe present day—to bo ab- ......... Attorncy-al-law spirits, and, although 97 years had of fancy piuce and trick riding with the FRANK B. WILSON without blemish and to be seo- i ! Norgate Piriodkal. Il is u clear fact, passed since the organ was placed in its who lords it over the home of a politi­ m i n i T P skill of professionals. They leaped their solutely cian in this city, says tbe Toledo Blade: C C O E X t. OREGO N. though uot d eal iu England, that here rnd to none Another famous horse, or transparent receptacle, every portion of F U D L IL . through burning hoops uid over ia the most brutish of mooncalves lately H— the right and left auricle and ventri­ Tbe minister came to the house the oth­ flaming hedges, and her majesty jump- rather mare was Black Be»« Her own­ »—e r s t e s At tbe Court Hou«e- er day aud the kid entertained him for a er, Dick Tnrpm, or. to give hint his heard of iu tbe country; that to have ed a pet horse over a dinner table cov- correct name, Nicks, committed a reb- one moment's belief or doubt on such a cle, aud even a portion of the aortic short tim e FLORENCE. - - OREGON arch—was in a perfect state of preserva­ __________ cred with flowers and lighted rondel«- " 1 say. I'm awful frald at the dark.' subject ia to make affidavit that your bra. Then she drove a team of 20-in- lirry in London at 4 o'clock in tbe knowledge of Frederick and his affairs tion. It vvaa catalogued as the heart cf was bis Qrst remark. E. E. BENEDICT. morning, and, fearing discovery, made BO YEAR«* Louis XVII, duko of Normandy, and hand herself, mounted on her favorite for Gravesend, ferried across the river “ You should uot be.'' udmonixhed the is zero aud less. “ e x p e r ie n c e from tbe documentary evidence which visitor, “ for God takeacareof you ov- mare. ______ ________ A TTO R N EY - AT - L A W . and appeared at tbe bowling green in accompanied it there waa little doubt K ra i 1 4 » . Or.w. TMl.rar. cry wlMiro. ” York tho same evening, having accom­ nr Sp.rl.l Pemit. m to its authenticity.—Tcmplo Bar. | "1 know it. and I suy my prayers The historical “ thin red iiue" so cf F lo ren ce. : - : Oregon. “ Here! Wbat does this mean?" aboat- plished bis ride of 800 mile« In 10 bonre every night, hut pop h« don t have to, ten mentioned by lu g lis b writers iu ou one horse At least so says tbe leg- OlzratiSl. y ».S, ed Wbooply as t s focud his young"»t at be don’t get home till most morn- riding a broomstick over the top of tb« rud, and this i» certain—that ou hia connection with their scarlet coated ar­ A simple test for digestiCility given trial ho was acquitted, the jury consid my ia becoming decidedly thinner, for, to a class of nurses, by which one can in«- '* ________ __ ____ piano. “ Thia is all light. Mamma said if I'd ering it impossible tfcat ho could have according to orders issued by tbe war easily determine if a solid food is one Tablets said to contain the "oouoeB- O C StO N S stay in I could play on lha piano.— De­ got to York in the time. — London department in Loudon, the chest meas­ which is proper to give a sick person, is trated eseeuce of wine’ find a ready CoevRioHve Ao, urement for infantry recruits has been to drop a small piece of it in cold wa­ Standard.______________ ralratTrä^S? ra, . " ' ’l î 2 ' Î E X r « troit Free Press. Mie iu Frauce Two of them cost about reduced to 33 inches. The standard iu ter. If it soaks up the water rapidly, 3 shilling» and will produce three H e L lw tro e d to A ll. ä S s u ä this particular baa beeu giuduaily di- s K S f s e æ s « 3 '- ANTED-TRU8TXVORTHY AND thoftod is moderately digestible.—New quarts of so called claret. Fontcnello li«ten«i to everything w C ra ra t.» n t t r a - ,• t n g w m u i e e * a llT a t ¡ ____ active gentlemen or ladies to anil he offended no one by disputing miuisbiug for some time past, and at York Post ■at b ra x c m conJnrt«d fur M e S e ra te F r a « . the present rate of progression the “ red e « J n » 4 .1 .ffr a » l» (!o r p h u W _ travel for responsible. e»tat>H«lied honra anything At the close of his life be line" w ill soon become so (bin ss to 1« Ctesar did not My, Kl tu. Many women have excelled as exec­ -- «-- ».Li m »»ram m» 4»b trSK Ont *, PÍStfíratJÑÍ A f î a m t a M MOV in Oregon. Monthly HW nrt « was naked the secret of hia suocess, and invisible to the enemy, which, of utants In ninaic. No woman has ever Byewitnesses of the Portion stemlv. Reference. Enclora he replied that it waa by observing two course, w ill not be without ccttain ad- beer, a grtwt or even a uiodiocre com- posed that ta» lied lighting- but 1 like e wolf ¡»elf-addreared stamped envelope. T ie mazim». "Everybody may he right” ' vantages — Londou Letter. F*«- ____ _______ ____________ C . A. SNOW & CO . and “ Everything may be so.” Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. O r . P a r« « , C r . e , W »«m »CTea. P . C O A R D IN E R H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. EUGENE-FLOIiENCE * STAGE LINE. The Krai Nlra Eaeltah Girt. MORRIS > HOTEL, THROUGH TICKETS Head of Tide Hotel, A E lk P r a ir ie H o tel. ^ an(¡ar¿ ON E U G E N E AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. Attorney at Law NOTARY P atents PATENTS Scienti I. L X , . X l . l . l » X l » Y V Y t Y Y - t - | - J ' ■■■■»«' Dictionary