E W E ST MAFLE CREEK BREEZES. Hayal makea tbs foed pure, wbelesea« aad d á lle le « . IVISON ITEM*. RVZRY t U M Three Desirable DB.W.H.SAnHD2aS4C9. Bi C n H ti B om . B y I ch D isn . B y F. A. 0 . MORMLN’O— March 10,1898. P A Y W H EN C U R E D . hut Pruning orchards and oat sowing is Murcl» tim e to us like a lamb, now the order of the day. the L ans C ount », O bsoon .— , notv threatens to leaves us with Walter Chastain of Halsey is visiting roar of the Hon. - - IT - - • relative« here now for a few day». Frank Rollins and F. E. Fremont Levi Vaughn is building a new house, i ,’ E A T H E R S O N The Ablest and Most Successful from Upper Maple creek, were inter­ W. T. Cornelim is acting as boas car- ; Specialists in tlie World. aud Proprietor. viewing the people on the lower creek penter on the job. They guarantee a complete euro at Tuesday, March 8. A. F. Davis has moved out to his son- ; Your Own Home, and allow you to $1.50 a year in advance.----- have | in law, Pete Harpole’« to help put in pay when cured. Gentry F. H. Koge-s and G. A in the spriugcrop. 1 gone to the valley to look for goats. Entered at the post-office at Florence, School meeting in district no. 100 ans county, Oregon, aa second-clans I Mr». W. H. Service, who has been ill, passed off very quietly last Mouday. i ail natter. Absoluts«/ Furs A. Worden was elected director for three j ! is now improving. years and I. 8. Day clerk for one year. '[ Thousands of promising young men nviartsixo mates made known on AF- With returning spring, the alteen t PLICATION. School to commence March 28. have their lives and future usefulness I S cents per lino, each Insertion onea arc coming home again, to our We understand that E. Thurman who wrecked by INDISCRETION AND mvM muna «noet» co.. I Maple creek. rented bis ranch and moved out on PRIVATE DISEASES. Tlie symptoms Commissioners’ court held a short Torence, Or. March 18, 1898. Mrs. George Shulta returned not long Long Tom about 2 years ago is talking until cured, are portrayed on tlie coun­ session the 9th Inst., at Eugene and ad­ since from visiting relatives in the of coining back. It is very seldom one tenance an 1 in the actions of tlie vic­ journed till the 23rd. moves out of here but what they want tim. If neglected or improperly treat­ W E 8 T L IN G S . The schooner Rio Key, Captain Vogel, i valley. to come back mid as a general rule they ed, other organs become affected, and a r t a . S O I E 3 S T O E S . Meyer A Kyle have some spring tooth is ready to sail for San Francisco. She I Mrs. S. J. Shrum is home, after a come back better satisfied with the nooner or later there are serious results. has 106,000 feet of lumber on board. ■ short stay in Acme. arrows that will be sold at a bargain. country than ever. That’s right boys Our New Method Treatment will posi­ W. 8. Lee of Junction City has made Mr. A. Miner arrived home from Eu­ when you starve out, in the valley, Get your spades, shovels, hoes and tively cure these diseases. an assignment. His liabilities amount gene March 5. come back to old Wild Cat and we will akes (or making garden at A, O. Fonke. MIDDLE-AGED MEN—There are to <6,984.69 with assets estimated at Something new in the line of dress Mrs. Joseph Austin came home from reinstate you and give you the right thousands of you who have committed Sold W ith hand of fellowship once more. oods. Call and see them at Meyer A <10,000. offences against tlie laws of your na­ Gardiner March 6, much pleased with In the closing exercises of the Florence ture, and are now paying up for it. (yle’s. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION- school last Friday each of the pupils her visit in the White City by the sea. Those weak, aching backs, Loss of Sex­ Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take Mrs. E. B. Miller made the U. L. 8. Easy and yet gave a recitation and there were several rith Hood’s Sarsaparilla, A meeting of the republican county ual Power, Failing or Lost Vitality. * " 1 songs l_ a ».— __l. a .^ .1 •« itninkaF by the school. Quite a number 8. a two week’s visit recently. She ffleient. central committee was held in Eugene Frequent and Painful evacuations of of visitors were present. reports a pleasant time, as all do, who last Saturday. Saturday, April 2, was the Bladder accompanied by more or Henry H . Wright has been appointed 1 Crosby Matthews agent for Wells, have enjoyed the hospitality of those selected as the time for holding tho less smarting and the escape of par­ ostmaster at Lake Oreex, Oregon, vice Fargo & Co. at Newport has been arrest­ primaries and the county convention ticles of albumen in the urine with Villiaui y. Heater resigned. generous people. ed on charge of larceny by bailee. He is | ropy sediment, all point to tlie decline Dr. Alexander Patterson has been said to he <1600 short in his accounts.' Mrs. W. T. Carle our Alene post­ will meet on Saturday April 9. One delegate will be allowed to each of your manhood. There are hundreds ppoiuted health officer at Gardiner In He was held in <2500 bonds. mistress is again home. Returning precinct and one delegate to each 20 who die of this difficulty, ignorant of dace of Dr. J. L. Elwood resigned. R s - T o - B e e f o r F i f t y C ent«. last Friday from Olenada, where 8 16 ! votes and fraction of 11 or more votes the cause. The doctors will guarantee Guaranteed tobacco habit cure make« weak Neither the populists nor the demo- a perfect cure in all such cases, and j men strong, blood pure. 50c, f t . AU druggists. has been sending the children to school. cast for Judge Bean in 1896. On this rate held any primaries in Florence or healthy restoration of theGenito Urin­ basis precincts in the nest part of the As the spray from “ Lake Wavelets” I The Lillian towed a set of boom-sticks u Mapleton precincts last Saturday ary Organs. Our shelved arc now full of elegant! up to the Benedict boom Monday and reach us we note, “Occasional” seems to county are entitled to delegates as fol­ READER—Are you in trouble? uorsnsssw^ Freneb | brOBght down a raft of logs next day for have a severe attack of the grumbles, i lows : lew patterns of prints, I Florence 7 Hermann 2 Have you been treated and never cured? the Spruce Point mill. Captain Steear lame and dress goods. Meyer A Kyle. Now neighbor occasional, as your ap­ ; Glentena 2 Lake Greek 1 You dare not risk a return of the dis­ managed the helm with Frank Fox as At the school election hel in Eugene petite seeme to be craving some more of , Mapleton 2 Waltou 2 ease. It may appear when happy in engineer. domestic life. Our New Method llonday J. IL McClung and E. R. Skip- ' Heeeta 1 the abominable “Lake Currency,” we J. J. Anderson has been doing some Treatment is your refuge. If diseased, None who are engaged in any o f the mechanical vortli were candidates for director and The whole number of delegates In the repairing on the machinery of the Mink think a prospect of a few more doses of consult us confidentially. Jeo. T. Craw for clerk. pursuits can succeed without reading and which made it neccessary for that boat tbe iam e, would effect a complete cure convention is 153. WRITE (enclosing stamps for reply) Good times have come to those whom to lay up for a few days. The Coos car­ D IE D . studying this standard Magazine of Sciences for our interesting book. “A Warning Hood’s Sarsaparilla has cuied of scrofula ried the mail to Mapleton in her place of your disease, Voice.” Sent free. All letters kept catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism, weak aud mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with At Acme, Or.. Friday March 11, 1898 T O C U R B A C O L D IN O N E D A Y Tuesday. Strictly private and confidential. All lerves, or some other form of impure Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. of dropsy, Mr. Spurr. E d u c a te F o u r H o w e ll W i t h r a e e a r e U . answers sent in plain sealed unvoiope. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all blood. Candy Cathartic, onra constipation forever. All druggists refund mouey if it fails to He had ¡¡veil in this vicinity but a No 0 . O. D. business. ’0c. 35c. It C. C. C. fall. druggists refund money. A meeting of the Bryan club will be cure. 25c. few months having come from Douglas the branches of mechanism, and its fund of There were seven members added to neld in Florence on Saturday March 19, county last fall. But little is known by GREENLEAF ITEM S. Consultation by Mail Absolutely Free. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ 1898 at 2 p.m . All members are ear­ the Florence Presbyterian clmrcb last tlie residents here of any relatives of tlie nestly requested to attend. Chas. E. Sunday, five by profession of faith and deceased. Tlie remains were buried B y a W est CoaugspoNDgNT. ventors and mechanics. Sold with T u s WRITE TODAY. two by letter. It is worthy of note that Saturday in the Masonic cemetery near Harwood, president. W est at clubbing rates. A company of emigrants arrived from four of those uniting by profession are Luther Milledge of Indian creek lias Acme. Address A WORD HUNT? Minnesota last Friday and are living in from one family, the only chi ldren of gone to Elmira to teach a term of school. Dr W. H Saunders & Co Ulenada. One of the party was here their parents. Meantime Mrs. Milledge will stop with 69 Sproat St., Dotroit, M id i. In the circuit court nt Eugene Pent last summer for a short tune. , her parents Mr. aud Mrs. Howard at j Miss Vanderbnrg gave her pupils a Norton whs convicted of larceny and Hale. I work hunt a few day» ago. Each was to • The regular meeting of the W. C. T. Fred Pepiot ha» lost a couple more of 1 try how many words lie could form by notioe FOR PUBLICATION, i U . will be held on Thursday, March 24 sentenced to two years in the peniten­ tiary. He with Peter Wilson a boy of George his fine goats from the mysterious dis- j using the letters, found in at the home of Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Land Ofttce at Roseburg, Oregon, Burns. Subject of Responeive Reading, 17 broke into the Japanese section house ease tliat lias affected the flocks here Washington." We give below a list of February 4, 1898. those wlio obtained more than 100: Notiro la hereby given that the following- I “Christian Citizenship and Legislation.” at Irving some months ago. The grand about of lata. „ jury reported not a true bill in Wilson’s named settler has tiled notice of hi» intention Willie Kyle 1030 words by Margaret Dye Ellis, nat’l supt. Leonard Tabor of Alpha lias gone to to make final proof in .upport of hi» claim , and case. Davie Kyle 1012 The residence of J. M. Shelley iu Eu- Crabtree bill nenr Eugene to do chores that sal'l proof will be made before C. H. Hol­ Ralph Knotts 543 PERSONAL8. den, IL 3. Commissioner at Lake Precinct, geue was entered by burglars last Friday 1 for a man wlio lias his ribs broken. Isa Kyle 385 DouglasGo., Oregon. on March IS, M98, vis: night. The visitors entered the room i J. W. Morseman is preparing to start Byron W. Dorsey on h. o. no., 7993 for the te li Edna Knotts 160 James Mitchell started Wednesday on for liis former home in Washington. If where Mr. nnd Mrs Shelley were sleep­ ne‘4 . »«c. 31; w)f nwQ. aud ueM nw‘<, sec. si; Alice Weatherson 120 a trip to the valley. ing and ransacked it without awaking tp. 19 »., r. t l west. lie can sell his properly there be talks Thia monthly magazine ia one o f the very LANE COUNTY’S APPLICANTS- ; lie names the following witnesses to prove the sleepers. <10 in money was taken. Mrs. A. C. Karnowsky is visiting her : of returning to Lake creek. ' hi»continuous residence upon and su it! ration boat printed in this country, and ie sold The Corvallis and Eastern Railroad parents on North Fork. T o C u re C o n s tip a tio n F o re v e r« Tlie state board of education lias i of said land, viz: has been mortgaged to the Central Trust ♦ Alice and Hazel Weatherson are visit­ Take Cuseurets Candv Cathartic, loo or 2So. John I.. Furnish, of Florence, Or., and Darius to all subscribers at rates within tho If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggist« refund money. granted diplomas to Gertrude Harwood ; W. Vnnderbure, James M. Young and Willis Co., of New York, for the sum of <11,- ing relatives at Mapleton. and Mac Larimer of E igene; state lite j Brown of Lake Precinct, Oregon. 250,000. It covers the present 141 miles ability of all to pay. It is finely illu s FID D LE CREEK CROAKINQS. I. B. Cushman goes to San Francisco R. M. VtaTCH. diplomas to Jennie Anderson, M rs., of track qwned by said company and In a few days on a business trip. Register Ollie Slayton and Edward E. Orton of j trated aud presents the names of famous provides for the building of 609 miles “ Ad Quod Damnium.” Sounds like Eugene; state certificates to Luther E. Carl Bergman returned home Monday NOTIOE FOR PU 3LI0A TI0N . more. authors as contributors. Tait W est morning after a week’s visit in Florence. what Bob said when Nepton shot hit Millege, Hermann; Mrs. L. L. Vincent, before buying tickets to any point in dog; but it don’t mean the same. It is M ud Offlee at Roseburz, Oregon. Dexter; NettioKress, Eugene; Nannie B. F. Knne has moved his family from and the Cosmopolitan are sold at re­ the East or South it will be to your ad­ tlie name of a writ commanding tiie February 21,1898. vantage t^ consult the Northern Pacific Olenada to Benedict’s island near Acme. sheriff to make inquiry "to what Wallis, Goshen ; Nellie Howard, Lane; Notice 1» hereby given that the tollawlny- duced rates at this office. M. F. Horn, Franklin ; J. L. Furnish, Willie and Davie Kyle are at the Railway Company. We are the quick­ damage” I think when Bryant wrote, Florence; Mrs. M. D. Malioit, Junction; narned settlor lias died notice of her Intontton to make dual proof la support of her claim aiul Umpqua life saving station for a short est line to Kansas City, Omaha, St. “To him who in the love of nature holds Edna Doane, Springfield. that said proof will lie made before C, H. Hol­ Louie SFiOtber Missouri River points. visit. communion with her visible forms den U. 3. Commissioner at Florence. Oregon, Misses Yanderburg and liaring and she speaks a various language,” lie , CATARRH CANNOT B i CUR ED , it th is: 3itays to St. Paul; 3,'g OB April 9th, 1898, viz: Hannah C. Foster, on h. e. no. «458, for the n'4 ne’< tec. 23; and eV{ and 4!fc to New York and Chas. Vanderbnrg went to Violin river must have been listening to tlie frogs, I ! seii, sec. 1»; tp. IS a , r. 1? west. Tn cities. For full informa» yesterday, for a few days. for they say aaytliing you want them j With local applications, as they cannot I She names th« following witnesses to prove or address, R. MeMurphy, Rev. and Mrs. Knotts with their ion to. As I came down Fiddle creek a few ' resell tlie seat of tlie disease. Catarrh is ' her continuous reeldence upon and cultivation gent, Opposite Guard office, and daughter are spending the week at days ago I heard singing (in a house) a blood or constitutional disease, sml in | of, said land, v iz: Alice E. Burns, n . H. Lawton and 3. O. F. E. Fremont’s on Maple creek. accompanied by a violin, and tlie frogs order to cure it you must take internal I.iudsley of Florence, Or., and William Saubert llier column of this issue will Geo. O. Knowles left Thursday for outside were all screaming as loud as remedies. Hail’s Catarrh Cure is taken ; of Acme, Oregon. ”W« fio not taka possession of our ideas but are posseosed by tbentf the advertisement of Dr. W. Wildwood after spending a few days they could "Vanderbnrg’s a Fiddler,” internally, and acts directly on tlie R M. VBATCB, Hail's A Co., 69 Sproat at., Detroit, with relatives and friends on the river. and when I came to tlie nest habitation j blood and mucous surfaces. They master ns and force ns into tbs aroua, Register. . Their offer to allow patients Silas BUckmun and wife who have they were saying “ Me and Maggie, : Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. Wksrs like gladiators, v s must fight for them.*’ ben cured is certainly a very i been spending tlie winter at Mapleton 1 Fat and Sassy, Bob and Mattie, Nell It was prescribed by one of tlie best NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION F«oh is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the end should meet with ready left on Barrett’s stage Monday morning and Lyda, gone to Florence, gone to physicians in this country for years, and Lend OOkce, at Roseburg, Oreeon. )ou tlie part of tlie afflicted. for a visit with relatives on the Coquille. Gleuada” all jumbled together. Down is a regular prescription. It is composed January 28, 1898. entire contents of this monthly magazine I C u re C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r , M. Rath returned home from Portland the creek a ways further, one said nl tlie best tonics known, combined with Notice ia hereby given that the follow liif- »carets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23c. tho la-st blood purifiers, acting directly “Storm will get it," and another an­ nanievl settler has died notice of his intention are upon a plane and in keeping with its [fa ll to cure, druggists refund money. Tuesday evening. He infotms us that swered, "So will Husby.” They said on tiie mucous surfaces. The perfect to make duel proof In aopport of his claim , and The Bost office department has asked he left his boy in a hospital in Portland motto. Tho |Arena’H gallery of eminent "By and Charlotte,” last summer. I combination of tlie two ingredients is that said proof will bo made before ('. II. H ol­ for bid# for carrying the mail from Drain where an operation was performed some U. 8. Commissioner, at Florence, Oretou on guess because Charlotte rode a bicycle what produces such wonderful results in den weeks ago to straighten bis feet. He March 21 1898, viz: Ellt« H. Vader on h. a. no. thinkers is a group'of interesting men and by Elkton and Scottsburg, to Gardiner, on her journeys to and from the school curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, 8097 for the nw'X of see. 17, tp. l i «., r. 10 weat. a distance of 56 miles. Service to lie 1 also had two operations on liis eyes. v jm en , and their thoughts are worthy the from July 1 1898, to 1 The boy is getting along very well but * house. If every one could utilize every free. lie names the following wltnessea to prove six times per w e eek e n ir u iu .m y », n’-™, w i F. J. Cheney tk Co., Props., Toledo, O. bis continuous residence upon and cultivation ' ill be unable to leave the hospital for , thing they possess our friend Mr. J u n e » , 1902, and to 1* made each way w uoiiFideration ol all people. The Arent ia of Mid land, viz: Sold hv all druggists, price 75c. Brewster might have tlie lougest worm on • running time of 24 hours. j » ° r raore >eL Unmeet Bobt'II.Azel Jorgenaen and Henry Hall’» Family Pills sre tlie l,eet. Dr. Alex Patter- 1 fence in tlie county. sold with T hk W est . Bohell of Axtell, Ore., and Wllllnm Jorgenson \STEe-TRCSTW ORTHV A SD , « “ ^ " 7 » ' , ; , -------- -A T ----------- O, Stars in ^AKIH0 Lost ¡M ooi Restore! POWDER And The Scientific American. THE EDSMEPnisITAN, THE ARENA K uid H opper . of W aldport, Oregon. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION , » “ «■ > « a . , . , , . . 0 .,.; R. M. V satcb . ALPHA CLIPPINGS- Reel.ter I for responsible, _establ.shed hoose diner, where wbere be b„ parebMed the drug1 be lias parcl L«U'l O B cc , ft iwburg, Oi»g-"i n. Monthly <65.00 and expenses. March 8,1998 store and practice of Dr. J. L. Elwood, B y E ven C hange ,n steady. Reference. Enclose Notice is hereby given that the fullowini;- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- who has gone to Alaska. Dr. Patterson _____ named settler lias filed notice of his intention Idresscd stamped envelope. Tiie will visit in San Francisco s few weckt to make ITnal proof in support of bit claim, and Land OBce, at Roseburg Oregon. Itiion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, before going to Gardiner to reside. Dr. j March 14, 189 . that said Proof « III bo med-: taif.-M H. January .’ I, MM. ction City Times: A petition Patterson is a Douglas county bov and J J. 0 . Farmer left Saturday to pay a Hoideo, U. 8. Com in issl juct , Floreico, Oregon, Notice is hereby given that the following on April 16. 1898, vlzt John L. Dshlln on b. e. _____ ; for a dsily mail service between liis many friends are pleased to know (cw days’ visit with friends at Hale. namc-l settler has died notice of h is Intention no 7«S8, forth« se1* aw 'i, sec. -•<; r 'j nwQ and I to make dual proof in support of his claim , and thia pla'-e and Blachiey was in circula­ that be has decided to locate within its up getting bis j lot s. soc 25; tp. P a., r. U west. E. C. Potter! was that said pr-xif will be made before C. U . Hoi tion here Wednesday. The service a t , borders. __ "ame» the following witnesses to prove den, V. ». Commiwloner at Florence. Oregon, papers for supervisor fixed up before I bi« lie continuous T u t is only semi-weekly and tlie resideneu upon «nJ uuhivatlon ou March 19,189s. viz: Fna-.ict, M. Rath on h. c. CHANGE OF LOCATION o( ph UI laud, viz: our juatiie. sns at the various post office along no. 7068for the n‘, ne'a. see. 26; uw’X n V , see. Ptswcll of Mttrccr I-nkti. Or., end J. Levale, 25; s w 'i swQ, sec. 21: tp 17 a., r. l i West. epw route desire and should have better Mr. G. Lundy and family who have M. O. Heili and I*. Huttuu of Fl'jmnce, Oregon He names the following «itnetwea to prove The Northern Pacific Ticket office hae •m ic e . K. M VtATCII. liecn over ou Lake ervek visiting at Mr. his co-itlnuous residence upou and cultivation been changed from its former location Register. petition is being circulated in town , ol. salu land, viz: Jus. Burnett's, returned home Sunday. g for a change”in the mail schedules j over Hall’s grocery store, to more com­ w■ H Cox. of H e'cte, Or., aud O. Do«l, K. The Union League Club meets next NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Men* and O. Cntiou.of Mercer Lake, Oregon i effect July 1, 1898, on the root«« modious quarters, witli "rtio Eugene ground Saturday night at 7 o'clock. We under­ R U. VxavcM. Florence to Mapleton and from Real estate Agency,” on the Recirier. Land OiUcc, ai Roseburg. Oregon. ileton to Eugene. If tlie petition Is floor, first door North oi tiriffin’s hard­ stand that some of the prominent sound March 9, tris. | ware storo, directly opposite tlie Guard ited the mail will leave Florence at money orators irom latke creek will be Notice it hereby gl»«n that the following- ' NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. m. arriving at Mapleton at 8 p. m. office, where they will lie pleased to sec over and convince member« of the club m m - l «Mie» ha. died notice ol h i, intention to make dual proof in support of his claim, and 1 t day, and leave Mapleton at 6 a. m. any persons contemplating a trip East la n d Gitter, Roeeburr, Oregon. that they must get snowed under nnd that said proof w ill be made before C. H. Hol­ at Eugene at 9 p. in. The or South. Mateli 7,1199. For full information concerning rates, will need a rotary snow plow to scoop den, V. S. Commlseloncr at Lake Precinct, | Notice l , hereby 'glyen that the foll-iw iiu- iule arranged by the department Douglas county, Oregon->n April 22, 1W8, vis: j ' named eettlrr has filed notice of his intrntl-m i fov tlie mail to leave Florence at 5 routes, time tables etc., call or address, them out after the June election. James M. Young on b. e. no. 79rt for the w ) | , ' to make dual proof in support of his claim , and H. M c M vbfhy , General Agent, to arrive at Mapleton at 8 aud Fred Austin of Upper Deadwood was «w’.i and sc*i ,w!J. wc. 3*2. tp. 19 ».. r. It W. I that said proof will tie made liefors C. H. Hol­ Opposite Guard Office. Eugene. He names the follow lc« witnesses to prove 1 theie lor Eugene at 8. down last Sunday and judging from his bis continiinu, residence upon aud cultivation den It. S. Commissioner at latke Preeinet. Doug- LOOK OVER THIS CROUP. MAKE YOUR 8ELECTION. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. I leseounty, Oregon, o-i April Id, lSW. viz: John Every Package of Schillings Best tea is a sample. Your money back if you don’t like smiling countenrmce we eould guess of said land, rlz: ■ Shultz on h. e. no »788 for the se)4 eee. 11; Byron WT. Dorsey, Knut O. Husby and B F. m e-1*’- tp. l ’ r. 11 W. what tlie attractii n is. Wilks of Ada, Ore., and L. F. Anderson of n!» ,w ’ i. •<*4 lie names the following witnesses to pmve We umlerstn d Miss Elba Mock of Florence, Oregon. R M. Veafeh, hl- continuous residence upon end cultivation Of said land, , Iz: Elmira lias l-ccn •□gaged to teach our RsKiatrr. Robert B. Mills. Fr-d B. Kneeper, and An- school commencing April 1. f. Hartley of Flor nee, or. aud Rd. D U M B BLOOD Is the foundation ' drew Mias Elinor Haie will teach tlie Lake ■ of health. Hood’s Sarsaparillamokes Anderson of Aciac.Oregni , R. M. V eareg creek scl oo' I •_ini«g a,»out the first of the blood pare, rich and nonrisiiiiigand Register. . April. [ gives aud maintains good HEALTH» I 10« 14 ♦ 40< ABSOLUTELY GüiaAITEED K ÏÎS S Z Î Î I sad haaklet Dea. A4. «tTFHUM. CF.4FDT US., 4 ___ DRU««»; jsefSeMaal