—-ci n iM irti « a w rx io x v * « xix « i .— C o n o r« , Appropriate* $ $ 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 for (ORIGINAL AND 3IIECTED) Fawn ora xanuLaa OoayttroyDExr i Fill a hottie or common glass with ' urine and let It stand twenty-four hours; sediment wi or aribiuiK settling iiiuivntvn indicates «:• an «•••* un­ i «•» Ft Xf , > ’ • a dWiHncnv ORcnoNi Party lines in congress were »went t . 7 ” •» - »n , 13. healthy The moat universal q.ishtv is diver- healthy condition condition oi of the the kidiiey«. kidneys. When When • . t I T ,ere has been no perceptible change urine status linen it is evidence of k id -, sit /. urine stains linen it is evidence of kid- I n o i’s n a ti^ sV d L en L bm w.W . ^ n for ‘W , '“” it“*,ion in Washington during uey trouble. Too frequent desire to j Ma[nmon is lhe |argvat slave holder tv r > etense bill was up for ; the jtaM week, and unl.-as Spain is urinate or pain in the back, is also con- . t\ E A T H E K S O N The bill passel both bosses guilly o ( o v e r l | W W u cted 1 vincing proof that the kidneys „„j " » »>ie world. . by a unanltnouM vote and was immedi- - ... » , bladder ate out of order. It’s easy finding why other folks Prnnriofnv « . . . b y p „ . llle„ ,. By , ......... • 1,01,1 rvP°rt °* t“e UttVal COUFt of ■ » in e to r . .. WHAT TO 0 0 . .ho.,A 1« R Uie.l. National Defense. XV It n . II. . . « . in . m * — *>— « . isposol of the president to be used for , Havanna despatches say that the court swsmp-root, th e’ Kfreat kidney remedy ! mMt ‘ harming is pity. 51arch national defenses. expects to come to Washington this fuHilw every wish in relieving pain in the I It is to live twice, when we can enjoy T he vkammity with which members It is said the authorities expect to kidneys, iiw r, ....................... bladder and ...... every w e » , uut Muiiiinr inuiciumg such in-I hack, ’ ------ ' ....... . the recollections of our former life. ®» congress of all parties united to pass I > ruggistg, i price ig am There is no man whom fortune docs Sold.” Tmsra axe indieaiionH that an attempt options on foreign war ships and to will say that lie wants it done, hut the 1st- You may have a sample bottle and not visit once in his life; but when she ------- Stock of------- Io being made to switch Hon. T. T. Geer otherwise act in the interest of the navy president and his cabinet are of t|,e ■ pamphlet both sent free by mail, does not find him ready to receive her, the I,lpon J,,ce*P‘ °I three-two-cent stamps to opinion that i» would regarded hy from the candidacy for governor to tiiat of the United States. 1 wn.m „ 1 . . i " . . Icover cost of postage on the bottle. she wnlks in at the door and flies out yQur rJ_ of the window, « f congressman from this district. We The house committee on naval affairs , worl,I at large as e.,u,valent to a decla- , Melrti The W;„ T nn(J an appropri- r*“ ° n W“r a’ia,nat SIm,n u ‘ a’ k '»n- i drew to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, have no idea that the attempt will suc­ lias deckled to recommend ---- ---- , ,t is a point of cunning to wait upon o r ...« » ° n niake a war appropriation.! N- Y. The proprietor of this paper ceed. The people w sntfieev for govern­ ution fór three first class battle ships in i 81X88 him with whom you speak with your • i ill .r * Still, if that were the only obstacle, K“«'antees the genuineness of this offer. or, and no reason exists why Hon. Tims. the hill now iq preparation—one of eve as the Jesuits give it in the pulpit; coi grvss would probably Ire asked to If. Tongue should not succeed himself in them to bnilton the Pacific coast. PARTY PRIMARIES. for there Ire many wise men that have The navy department ie making efforts ! "Ct’ '’Uttl,er'' is anotl“‘r’ and "»ore congress. Tongue Las fully met with secret hearts and transparent counte­ secu re (h e en i i . i i n . n , „ ( ........ i<)r“"'iable obstacle. To ask for war the expectations of Ids friends as an able to secure the enlistm ent of machinists I\>rtland Chronicle: nances. and successful member of congress, and and to this end Commander Hawley, appropriaiions in advance of the report The fundamental error in American I want to sell it, I know a “ Nimble Niokle Is better than, The advice given by a great moralist of the naval court of inquiry would Ire ■will he re-noiiiinsted without opposi­ Chief Engineer Webster and Surgeon legislation for the protection of party to his friend was, that he should com- Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make the nlckle nimble by offering Parsong have been appointed a hoard to discrediting that court by assuming primaries consists in treating them as tio n .— fie te h u rg M a iiiilm le r . pose tiis passions, and let that be the ! _ make special efforts in the middle nod what its rejiort would Ire before it had primary elections instead of primary work of reason which would certainly * upe> Square, Good Bargains. Ireen made, and would indicate a desire A sovthejin pa|mr sa y s: "It is not a southern states. mass meetings. Ali partv primaries of be the work of time •desire to commit crime—us the negro on the part of the administration t o 1 h , » m a „ i . . i n ■ tlie people should lie mass meetings, loving northern press would have one make a reason for gointf to war wPh mt t Partiality is properly the understand­ SECOND HOMESTEADS. Sj ain K W,wn There should be no primary “election” believe—but a determination not to be ing's judging, according to the inclina­ ----- ----- j about it. There should be a ballot but insulted without resentment, tiurt causes A Btn Granting Settler* Right to Maks ¿'though this is the position of the , the delegates should all be selected hy tion of the will and affections and not I desire to sell as m uch of my p re s e n t stock as the colored pets of SteKihley to buried Second Homestead Entrls*. ■ administration, it is hy no mewia idle, j a majority vote. This is the essence of according to the exact truth oi things •soon after their appointment as irnet- possible w ith in th e next sixty days, in It is making every preparation for war of popular sovereignity. And the party or tire merits of the cause. in a sterin some southern town.” Is No. tllRt in advance of appro- : primaries are the real It is with true opinions which ono The following is the senate bill order to m ake room fo r S p rin g sovereignity of thnre any insult in a man handling mail 364 verbatim, which, if it passes the pnatmns hy congress, and is even mak- the republic. Primary "elections” not has the courage to utter as with pawns eio, ply because lie was horn black? house of representatives, will restore to ' - ' ; less avenues of fraud. But the action which place us in a minority of a i you have to live in this country and that, under rules and regulations to be I 1 *8 tl'° belief of Secretary Long a n d i°Ith o primaries, except for precinct minority amongst our own party; very Come and obtain prices, and have a social chat if nothing more perform the duties of a citisen wimtlior prescribed by the secretary of the into- ot'ler prominent officials that the con-1 officers, mnst necessarily he confined to happily, else those poor opinions horn lie lie white or blnekT we have a good seat and a warm fire for all who enter ottr doors. rier, any person, who, prior to the pas- ,tttnt'y reported buying of war ships by ! l ',e election of delegates to nominating with no silver spoon in their mouths, sago of (his act, having made a home- .’ 8 P"in are largely tho work of European conventions. Democratic government how would they get nourished and Carr.UM M ahan ’ s prediction that all stead entry, hut for any cause lost or MlliP l»”i'ders who have vessels on hand, is impossible . in _____D- a large republic. It can ! fed. th e great wars of the the future will be 1 forfeited the same, or for any reason w I'ley would gladly sell to the U. S . ; on'y 'je representative. fought mainly on tho «on has its tirolo i . , 1 Those orators who give us much noise ,.... .. , I nnh'd to perfect or secure title in fee at war prices. Scotetary Long postively ! T|ie New York Outlook, recently dis- and many words, but little argument ability greatly strengtliened hy the simple to the land emhraceii therein, or denies the statem ent that the U. S. was I cussing the new Illinois law tor primary and less wit, and who arc most loud ' firehent policy of -nearly every powerful wlio, having perfecto,! or secured such contemplating securing options on a elections, (which are run at govern­ when they are least lucid, should take ! nation, maintains the Atlanta Journal. title, did so hy what is known as com- ni’mber of war vessels or that, it secured ment expenee,) complained that it only a lesson from the great volume of Na- ! England is spending more money imitation of Ids homestead entry under i °P,ion" upon n sy . Of course, he ought provided for electing delegales to a ture; she often gives us »he lightning! o n her iiuvy than ever before at section twenty-tliree hundred and one, , to know- bu‘ a" the same nobody nominating convention, which the Out­ even without the thunder but never lhe •«iiie time. Rhe ia constructing a L’nited S late, revised statutes, and who !»r° “ «’d Washington will te greatly sur- look esteemed a concession to the shifty thunder without the lightinig. number of liattlethips, each of wliidi is not nt the time of passage of this act j I,riae’ *»«‘»e counties into wards.” The j of one perished with entry.” | little,|ta„,ph let that has just been pub- • ° utlook8UPP'»“'ents and says "divide ' the other continues to t l ' i'°.r than seventeen listtleshipe and a large • liiilied by the U . a S. Geological «urvpy, by : war,l® *nto election districts” j It has bee 18 ft>- , liumirer of cruisers, torpedo boats, «te. SUNDAY SERVICES. direction of a joint congressional resolu -' whereil‘ «'one the masses of voters can ' ulcn ai)tl B" 8 reWll,J 8Ri 8U8poct our" Bun.lay school 10 a. m, powerful navy If she hir■> «- guard the elections that bU‘ 8° ° ner U tI,*t b«'«ht attain,- i ' a *ba" I - at Portland via the Northern'" Pacific’ i“ ,m ‘ lR“ ‘,i‘!l, ,,ervi' « : a"d '"-»"'.v »¡M running the npholstered ’, '1*II",R,, « '^ P i“« «ml the D ,u ^ ■ ............R’ • this in « rhoosing notisi Pif y your route Ifon I forget at the lequeat o( the district attorney tor a liusineas or pleasure trip. For full information call or address, as there are atill 17 indictments for mur­ K. M c M itbiuiv , General Agent, der ami 3H for felonious assault hanging Opposite Guaiti office, Eugene ovor thru,. b removed > » » " them. says Jf the nomination, a r e , that pure and straight from the people, the With*!r « " “>•« er* veran<* '« »»‘ alwayg an indica- «»vernment printing office was representatives, a hoever they he, will ,<,n 0 *reat abilities. An indifferent! J. n“V,‘r l’,a‘*d * ¡‘1«'» ‘b-classified '-»• good men. Many 18 'nvul"cr«h!e to a repul«., lhu ' Many states states have have legis- lh i’ dire< tion- A Bs“ iOTRl i Z „ t o ’" ibi,i‘y direction. oerviee. convention ...i. 1 " * " nob'« was convention was was lately lately held held in in New v York "‘' ble «Mf-confldence se'f c°nfL Tho decision of Speaker Read that dc- ^*0’ to consider thia great reform. But Mll,on" Tb‘‘’e excluded «««vs««« u u i ; . — «aitors ’ n c w t b «'«*. to hang their bate in the house, when sitting a« a #I1 tl,e8v »'erlook the vital need of hav- . commiture of tlie whole, shall Ut contin- ing '"B the ,,'e party par,-v primaries I’riniRrica made ,n«de genuine genuine R'>llfl at " ie S«to, to anoint the door W . CARM AN, P R O P R IP T . w TSPVIAR j 'P F ^ G T IQ t U i ed to the suliie, mm............ meetings acting by majority vote. P'” t ' an'’ even kl’ s the very thrc.i i. »hject t mutter „f ,b e hi,, I acting by maj ------------ ------------------ --- - m « ™ “ . The senate passed the bill extending under cons,deration, tumbled over a U WooW « “»’ •»“ "»»• YAQUIIMA ALONE FAVORED. th e homestead laws to Alaska, ! them not in. 'ong line of precedents. Mr. Reed j« providing tor right of way of THEY DENOUNCE IT. Washington, March 10.—The senate getting roundly abused tor the decision ro a ls in Alaska, without division, com mit tee on commerce has reported by h i. political opponents, but if the President Hawley has aroused The World's Great although there was olqc-iinn Iron, I ... _ . . . , ......................... “ » real,lent Hawley h»s arouse, much ml rm l, on HIV the propoaeu proposed amend am endm ent, decimo., b . dvW| up to without partiali- feehng by h „ lecture on John - . Blood Purifier is Pacific coast senators to privileges ex- I t ) i l i t * S i i n i l r v ( ■ t t o „ i l ■ Brown _ « • « . aa t . v s . i . . a . —.. 1.A . tended I,y tire bill lo Canadian railroad». ■ t Rppropr,allon bi". l ' ' r' 1H 1,1,1 »hgbtcst doubt that delivered in Eugene lately. Pu|«»r« all I lord's Sarsaparilla, .................................................... ............... ....................................................... • ........................................................... ............................ ..... .......................................... ... X ’ m ” ‘ " A * ” “ ,,r"v“1' ......... .. . ..........- ,h,. A. K .r « .,. . A - H n l r ,, Which absolutely tlie ■nd „ . . W b l U . , . , . - ” »• r ' « , “iW * * to" « - “ l - « • » « « 1 1 .; ,hem. ---------------------------- Angeles la«t Friilsy age,I 7« years. effect of ruling out all the am endm ent. Spain asked tire rscall ot Oonaul Gen- . eral U-e b it President McKinley M , b w ” ‘ *pl tb» »n* offered — by Senator McBride, providing gironi pt I y refused. , - for the improvement of Y.quina barlor in The president of the Spanish coart of , ___ _____ investigation gives it as liia opinion that Oregon end appropriating f l 60 000 for ••• —g m — — T r ' Sto» sai« «itri/.EXAI I OF ■ .. * . . . ------------ ----------------- . ■ — a ’ She explosion owurred vn board the tide purpose, on which favorable action Maine was recommended. »P«*> l.rs. Tb« Ifovrrnnient l,M in c r e a ^ iU — Vo«»™ ns r' w"r’» <»r intormation that will lead -------- to ,l,’‘ the • arrest rrC!,t , and , conviction n , , * of '« the '---------- murder B ,,... Cures every form cf of impure blood, from W. The pimple on your the ' Woman’s Rebel Corpa No. 4 of Eugene. l ace to the great Whereas. At a lect, re delivered at iHiEdP, a i a rcuivrv upiivcrve ’■'»'»red postmaster and his k it . cinhl, l.&ke Cit’ child, st at Lake City, R. <:., to $1,300 in liar, tlhef and murderer: and ease, and has - , iss put some of the, best Whereas, History disproves deteiti,-e talent in the employ of the statement, as later; therefore 1st it post office dapartmatit and of the de- Resolved, That the G. A. R„ W ■eeevtredy fcars Se. Csscarrts Candi Cathartic. Uie mnst wnn , C., and friend» ,saetnblariXhi>«t IOQ I* «• ut »' hvjduvbE*, r. It liMluluid A c tio n »tem lv. E ueln*? **n ’l01en, " hub PVOOJpt’ d thè jeH -sdd....... . S,:..... red envelope. Tb, re2î"* * ‘ '"r'.’ r Cwegwam^ and which tend lo