r. n TH E W EST I- YOUR HOHE PAPER -j| £ SUPPORT IT j s L ^ < .= A . r ADVERTISERS [> SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPES. f A— À- A . k â J VOL. VIII. O PPO R TU N ITY^ NO. 46. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Mar. 1», 1898. GENERAL DIRECTORY TRAVELERS' GUIDE MADEMOISELLE THERMOMETER. S T E A M ER “ C O O S / I lcncx of a restless young h»3s, Who lives lu a house made of glass, And from her location Murks each vibration Of hot and cold waves as they pas#. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. STATE OFFICERS G A R D IN E R A NATURAL WONDER. Th« T r a m p R e d Sandstone B o w ld e r • t th e N e w J ers e y M o u n ta in s . SONG. I would Ihi.t my love wem ■ Illy fair Aud I wuuld that 1 were a sunbeam bold, Stlil U. be dressing her flowery hair All day lung with iny airy gold. FRANKLIN’S GRAVE. G iv e n F o r A llo w in g I t to K eixu dn I n l i e P re s e n t C o n d itio n . Benjamin Franklin's grave 1« in is Countless thousands of yean ago vast ueglected condition. No appropriate, stretches of glacial deposits came slid Or would that aha wero the de»v that lies In th* ruse uud 1 the rose tree were. stone rises over it, the ground round ing across the state of New Jersey Whon heat Is announced, sho will spring Governor........................William P. Lord. ( R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S fold my red lesves over her ey e . To quickly make note of the thiug. about it is uncared for, and the temb of mounted the i’sllsades, pushed their To And make my sw eetness u purt of her. Secretary of S 'a te.............II. tt. Kincaid. 'Tls very surprising tbe great scholar and statesman is os - R o tn C O Il way across the Hudson river, scoured TIiat simply by rising Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- Treasurer...........................Philip Metchen obscure as that of a uiau whose nam» over Manhattan Island and slid out iuto Would I were a breeze that Is where It w ill flo true a report she cau bring. And she s leaf iu some lou-.-ly p lse^ days ami Fridays. Supt, Public Instruction.. . .G. M. Irwin. aud fame were no part of the glory of the Atlantic ocean, whither they disin­ Bow I would cling to her, sing to hen till To se’f elevation inclined State Printer........................ W. H. Leeds. [ Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Tliurs- his country. tegrated and sank iuto the deep or per Sho gathered ma up lu her greeu emb.-aoe. She has such a volatile mind His grave is deetituto even of a head­ haps glided on to the other shore . .C. M. Idlem an.; days and Saturdays. Attorney General That in every season would that sho wore a fawn so gay stone it is covered by an old fashioned Bat in their onward march these Or And A suitable reason .................R. 8. Bean Connects with Steamer and Seotts- I w Lhia nuniu lowly bed For frequent depression she’ll And. marble slab which was placed thure 1 00 glaciers left indestructible evidence of Where o il her s i very feet would stray ...............F. A. Moore i,urg Stage Line for Drain. Also with And dimplo the turf above w e spread. years ago aud is now worn aud discol­ their grinding stride, and today all . . , .C. K. \Volv«-tnn I’olveiton I _. . Her temper mercurial thus Stage - Line for Coos Bay. Charge ored by age. along the palisades the trap rocks and Nay. learn th ’ sunbeam tlvUjglit that's Ids Creates everywhere such a fuss JudgjkBecond D istrict.. ..J. C. Fullerton reasonable. That in conversation Nothing has been done to it since bowlders are worn smooth where the And le.'.Te the Illy her ui.Wgold, Attorney Second District . TV. E. Vates ¡ Affairs of the nation And «ive me my maiden, ju«t m nho is. Frankliu was buried there, aud evm mountains of ice and sand passod over Are slighted, this maid to discuss. To kii»s aud sing to, to keep and , hold I the modest arrangements of the grave »■Julia M. Colton in New York Christian Ad­ them. In some rooks are deep scratches, —New York Ledger. ire uot kept in the perfect condition vocate. till pointing eastward aud showiug that is expecteiLof a great man's tomb. which way the glacial deposits drift-4. R A LAD WITHOUT GUILE. A MORNING GLORY CULT. COUNTY OFFICERS- The earth ou all sides is bare of grass, There is the evidence, mute, b"t indis­ putable. B o w G ra n t Im pressed Ilia Com rades aa a the common thatching of tbe common­ U T h is F lo w e r T a k in g th e 1 'lae e o f C h ry s ­ est gruve, aud au air of desolation is To the careful observer there are W est P o in t Cadet. E- Bangs, Proprietor. a n th e m u m . In J a p a n . numberless other evidcucea of the pres­ “ He was a lad without guile,” testi­ about the whole place. Miss Eliza Ruhainah Scidmore bas nn Judge................................ F. O. Potter. Tbe sexton said that the descendants ence of glacial influcuces iu the past, Stage loaves Eugene Mondays article on “ The Wonderful .Morning hut none is more conviuciug than the fies General Longstreet. “ I never heard of Franklin would not do anything to _ , . ( ............. W. T. Bailey Glories of Japan" iu The Century Miss tramp bowlder that has finally settled him utter a profane or vulgar word. He repair tbe grave; neither would they a l­ Commissio ners v ...............J. T. Cal lison and Thursdays at G a. ra. and ar- was a boy of good native ability, al­ Scidmore says: low auybody else to do anything. Ev­ down iu the woods iu the heart of En­ Pullm an As u floral sensation the chrysanthe­ glewood borough. There it sits, a tow­ though by no means a hard student. So ery day ho has received offers of sub­ l rives in Florence at 4 p in. the C lerk ...» . ................. . . . . A . C. Jennings perfect was his sense of honor that, in Sleeping Cars mum may he said to have had its day, ering mass of rock weighing perhaps tho numerous cabals which were often scriptions from visitors, who are dis­ Sheriff................................. A. J. Johnson day following. the carnation is going, going, and seek­ tressed by the forlorn appearance of 300 tons and resting apon three points Treasurer. ...................A. S. Patterson ers after novelty among flower fanciers which in themselves find a purchase ou formed, his uamo was never mentioned, Returning stage leaves Flor­ Elegant for he never did anything which could Franklin's resting place and who would Assessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D. P. Burton are sighing for a new flower to conquer. D ining Cars | a flat rock that is part of aud common be subject for criticism or reproach. He like to see it improved. Iu reply he It is hardly known, even to foreign res­ School Superintendent......... C. 8. Hunt ence Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 to the character of rock which composes says, as lie has been instructed, that Tourist idents iu Japan, that that land, which the palisades. But, straugely yiongh soon became the most daring horseman Franklin wished it so, "being a plain Surveyor.....................C. M. Collier a. ni. and arrives in Eugene at G in the academy.” He had a way of Sleeping Cars bas given us so much of art and beauty, and to the wiffiterwent of geologists, solving problems out of rulo by the ap­ man averse to display of any kind.” Coroner..................................Harris has lately revived the culture of its most the tramp bowlder is red sandstone from Justice of Peace.................F. B. Wilson p. in, the day following. Not long ago, at hiB own expense, be ST. PAUL remarkable flower, tbo asagao, oar the Jersey hills 35 miles inland, and plication of good, hard sense, and Rufub had the fading inscription recut, or else Constable ............... John F. Tanner M IN N E A P O L IS morning glory. For size, beauty, range the pedestul is inetainorphite or soft Ingalls ends by saying: “ When our school days were over, if the average even the only distinguishing mark, tbe Single fare - $5.00 of color and illimitable variety there granite. DULUTH opinion of tho mombers of the class had name, would be gone. attaiuod this sunrise flower precedes all Round trip _ _ - - $0.00 Aronnd this marvelous monument been taken, every one would have said: If be had uot doue so, the last rest­ FARGO others nntil its cultivation has become have grown trees that may perhaps be CITY OFFICERS. ‘There is Sam Grant. Ho is a splendid ing place of the greatest man, outside T O G R A N D FO RKS a craze, which is likely to spread to Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s a century old, and they have completely of Washington, iu American history other countries, and—who knows—per­ hedged it in, while the rock itself has fellow, a good, honest man, against CRO O KSTO N livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd haps there introduce the current Jap­ stood where it stands today for thou­ whom nothing can be said and from would have been forgotten and un­ known Who is responsible for this con­ W IN N IP E G . F. B. Wilson President anese custom of 6 o'clock iu the morn­ sands of years. On the pedestal or that whom everything may be expected.1 ” & Davenport’s office in Florence. dition of affairs? Not the living rela­ One of tho keenest observers in his H E L E N A rtaut a subject as this portrait, ness for the many bleasiugs of life h» A U T H O R IT A T IV E poems which scholarly brushes repeat little or no uest— to the shore birds, J. .1. A ndsbson , N. G. and its history is purely mythical. broke off into a recounting of them, today. "Asagaos bloom aud fade so A ndrew B bin d , Sec. terns, guillemots aud tbe like. Why? Another picture that has no better says Cicero T. Hutton of tbe Owens­ quickly, only to prepare for the mor­ Because these last drop them in small 301.865 Vocabulary Terms row's glory," is Tai Kwan's best known clutches aud with little or uo prepara­ claim to bo considered a likeness of Ben­ boro Inquirer. "An den, dar's possum. ----------------------------------- jamin Frankliu hangs iu the Metropoli­ »47 Editors and Specialists verse. tion upon saud or rock, where, were tan Museum of Art and was painted by Lord—how'd you ever think of makiu OHURCH DIRECTORY S33 Resdcrs for Quotations possum? Possum jes' beats all. You H ow P a n d i and Ja d y Cam e to Knglaad. they spherical, they could only with Stephen Elmer, an English still life Money Saved jes’ couldn't beat it ef you tried ag’in. 5000 Illustrations difficulty be kept closer beneath the sit­ painter. There is nothing to show that The heyday of tho puppet show in Posaum, he, he I Yes, dar's watahmil- Cost over *960,000 ting bird, but couical objects w ill tend By ¡BYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, it was given the name of Franklin until lion I hadn't thought of dat. H it’s Jes* Englaud was during the last century. , Appendix of 47,468 E n trlis ;on. Sabbath service: Sabbath- Long before tlieu strolling showmen always to roil towurd a center. An ad­ 1834, when a plato engraved by Ryder great. You eoaldu’t beat h it neither, Patronizing it. ditional advantage is that eggs of the 10 o’clock a. nt. Preaching 11 and published in 1783, as “ The Politi­ coaid you. Lord? Now, hones’, couldn* bad exhibited "drolls” or "motions”— a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of as tbe English puppets were known in latter shupe w ill tako up less space— cian,” was rclettered and issued with you jes' fix it to dey bofe git ripe at s supper on 1st Sabbath of The full im m ler of word» and term» in the early days—to crowds of gaping form a snugger package to be warmed. the name of Franklin. oncet? Ef you was todo dat, you mought , April, July and October, Geo. Hale Prop. different Iu the case of guillemots the single egg Tho lost picture to be mentioned in go out an shet de do'. Dey wouldn’t ba diutionitriea for the entire elplials-t 1» rustics, blit it was uot until tbe time of dy is welcome to all the services, laid is especially fiat sided aud tapering, this expurgutorial list is of the first im­ requests Christians to make »» follow«: 9 - osmontii , 63,093; Wont hextkk Steele and Addison that the puppet show aud the species owes its perpetuation portance as a work of art. It was paint­ no mo’ siu au no mo’ sorrow an no mo* Ives known. tribelation Jes' try hit ouoet. Lord, au i 136.000: WxBxTsn (international), 125,000; C i n - became a fushiouable amusement, pat­ lurgely to this circumstance, since, ed by Thomas Uuinsborough and is in jes’ see whnt • diffuuce hit would I. G. K notts , Pastor. ronized by upper tendoni. BUSINESS CARDS tvry . (»lx volume». complete,) 226,000: Pulcinella camo to London in lflflG, were it not for tbe egg’s toplike tenden­ tho collection of the Marquis of Lands- make. '* STANDARD, over 830,000; when an Italian puppet player set up cy to revolve about its own apex, th» tlnwue, but it is clearly not Benjamin And then "old ancle" began to hum j H L lO D I S T EPISCOPAL CHURCH his booth at Charing Cross and paid a chances are tiiat it would be pttsbed off Franklin. It is, in my opinion, the por­ a quaint negro camp meeting tune and tbe ledge of nakod sea cliff v-here the IR wrvice. Preaching at Glenada trait of Governor William Frankliu.— small rental to the overseers of Bt. Mar­ stopped to look at a piece of liver iu a Charles Ilenry Hart in McClure’s Muga- and * '> ie two Sundays of each month tin’s parish. His name was at once careless or stupid bird leaves it .Sanple Pages Free,, This suggests a word in reference to OP E U G E N E . riuo. . butcher’s stall as tbo best substitute for Englished into Punchinello, which was KabbaMh-Scliool every Sunday at bis loved possum or as best suited to 10 a , m . Prayer meeting every Thurs- T . Q. ME MORI O K I. soon to be completely Anglicixtd as tbe popular table that sitting hirdscure- ® O EAKIH. J r .. C aem ' r tbe small piece of money which repre­ T h e F lra t Ht«am P ow er. fully turu their eggs every day or often- chiirch. Ev Everybody i Mncpnim? day evening at the church. Punch.—Harper's Magazine. Tho power of stx-am was known to sented his total movable wealth. er in order to warm them equally No G. F. R ounds , ACENT3 W A N TE D . cordially invited. Pastor. Ileroof Alexandria, who exhibited what ■ ■ucli thiug is doue, because unnecessary, •6 0 ,0 0 0 P A ID U P O A 8H C A P IT A L , A C o e tleg en t Name. Ku(« and Moving. seems from the description to have been ' S6O 000 S U R P L U S A ND P R O F IT 8 , The Syracuse Post says that a girl since, as we have seen, the germinal A oertaln man who owns • row of a small steum engine to Ptolemy Phila- part always rises to the top and places baby was recently brought to a clergy­ dwelling bouses over iu the nurtliwest E. D. BRONSON & CO, man ATTORNEYS of the city to be baptized. The lat­ itself uearcst tho lufluential-wariuth of delphus and his court about 160 B. C. quarter of tbe town bas learned wisdom S O L IC IT E D Pliny dt-eeribte a small bout, built by a the mother's body—Eruost Ingersoll in A c r a o u N T g ter asked tbe name of the baby Pacific Coast Agents “ magician” of Rome, which moved by by bitter experience A friend of mine Harper’s Magszmo. OREGON. EUGENE. “ Diuab M., ” tho father responded. S A N FRANCISCO . C A L. ni'-nns of a wheel, "driven by a pot of went to him uot long ego to rent ono of “ But what does the 'M' staud for?” A. C. WOODCOCK, hot water.” Watt’s invention of a ro­ tbe houses A l.u c h j Find. »33 M a rk e t S t. interrogated the minister. "Do you lease it by the month or tT NOTARIES. Two men walking ou Campbell street tary steam engine was putented in 17110. the year?' site inquired. "W ell, 1 do not know yet. It all de­ The first railway locomotive was built toward Twelfth one night were accosted pends upon bow she turns nut. " "That depends ou what you are going by Trevithick iu 1804. Tho first prac­ Ixempre/a. “ How she turus out? Why, 1 do uot by a negro woman who vVas excited to have on your floors," suswered the tical locomotive was perfected by Ste­ »ne, - O regon “ Kin either one of you mens give me A. R. BUTTOLPH, In tbe rivers aud lakes cf New York understand you,” said tbe dominie. phenson in 1830. As early us 1707 Dcuys landlord "Are you gomg to have car­ state there is a bnuditfisb that roams at -Room« and » McLaren'» Rnildlng. "Uh, if she turns out nice anil sweet • match?" sho said. Papin built a model of a steamboat, pets'?’ ' 1 Attention given to collection» w o pro- ; "What for?” large aud makes its living by robbing and handy about the house, like her "N o." answered iny friend; "we V iniiicsf. which was destroyed by a mob of boat­ ” 1 lost a quabtnh down there, an 1 the geutlemen flub It even attacks such mother, 1 shall call her Oi»uh May, but men. The first practical steamboat was have rugs ' vigorous fish ns the black bnss and the if the has a fiery tamper and displays a waut to hunt fur i t ” " Y o a ll have to sign a year's lease She win given several matches and built by William Symington in 1803. pickerel, fastening itself to them sud O r e g o n . sucking their hlocd until they are drad. bombshell disposition, like mine, 1 shall ran ahead ami began striking matebet In 1803 Robert Fulton, in connection then, tbe landlord made reply, smil­ F lo r e n o e , E. O PO TTER. call her Dinah Might. " and looking along the sidewalk. When with Chancellor Livingston, built a ing craftily "If you bought carpets and The name of this bold bandit is the ......... jAttorney-at-Law ............... the two meu came up. sbe had stopped steamboat which was tried ou t h e Heine. had them fitted to tbe floors, 1 know lamprey. Professcr Gage of Cornell A t H er Mere?. FRANK B. WILSON. Iu 1807 the Clermont Ix-gan trips from you d stay in the house as ioug as yon university has seen 13,000 of these lam- Bl'GBXE. OREGON. “ 80 tho t< lephouo girl is taking her hunting and bad apparently louad the 1 New York to Albany could, but these rugs are too easily ad­ tom revenge, Wlilrly?” justed to auy sized room You'll havn t'r r ic i At the Court House. “ Well, did you find it?" inquired one I Cayuga-lake alone, aud he bas es­ " It’s awful Every time I ring np to sign a year's lease if yon have rug» A D iscreet E a tlm a tr. of the uieu OREGON timated that they kill more fish than all rhe connects mo with three or four • LORENOE. “ Papa." said young Mr». Hunker, There are aeveu bouses in my row. and "No, but 1 done find this horseshoe, of tbe fishermen of tbe state put togeth­ wrong uumbers in succession, aud then sis of them haven t kept a touant longer er. Tbe lamprey is shout tbe site and sweetly iufonns me that the number as that’s better u two quobtahs, " she "won't you pleuse give George and nw thau two years at a time for tbe last five E. E. BENEDICT. $10,000?" has somewhat the appearance of an re). which 1 really waut is 'busy now. ’ ”— sanL—Kansu City Star BO YEARS* "What do yon wont that mn-h money years The seventh house—well, the E X P E R IE N C E Professor Gagp advises some manner of Detroit Free Press. A t t o r n e y - a t - X j A.'W. people tu it bad carpets inada and lari for?” Th eatric al. killing them by means of trap« in the for it five years ago. and they huvuu't "We want to build a$3,0C0 house." streams as they go np in the spring to An Epitaph. Brette— I never saw such a culd au F’.orflnce. : : Oregon. thought of moviug Carpets. I'll rent —Harlem Life. spawn. The danger ot using porcelain letters dicnce m my life by the mouth, rugs, a year's lease."— Light— Didn't they warm up a bit? on a tombstone is illustrated in a village Washington Pott D id H im a Favor. Watches are adjusted to beat and cemetery not far from S t I jiuia Th» Rrette— Well, when they tpoke of Pedestrian (to footpad)— Money or cold by beiug allowed to stand first in iuscriptiou reads: briuguig ont the author 1 lieliero some Lloa T uiuiat. a room heated with dry beat to J 20 de­ of the nudituco got hot — \cukers my life, it it? 1 wa« wondcriDg hoar 1 O lz>rd, Men who have hod long exporieaca w its going to live through this week. grees aud thru iu void storage, being bhw IB thio! C ofvwmhts Ac. Statesman Now I won’t have fo. Very kind of you. With lions give thorn a very bad char­ Anjon. »«ndln« * s»«trh nnd d««CTiptIon m«v regulated alter oac treat aicuL Th. fiual " • ” bad bten knocked off iu acter There ts said to tie uo art in so OBfeEly «BreTtatn our opinion free whether m A contemporary mention» th.it there bhoot away. — Boston TranaeripL (B.entloa la » rn tab lr M M ntabl«. O b w w m K»- a thunderstorm.—St. Louis Star. Milled lion turning but the art of terror tton, mr’cily <-onSd«nu«L HanSbeofc on Oaten-.» are schorls in Belgium where the girlx •«nt fmn. Ol-le«t u rtn e j for »«cnitn< mtent». l«u. aud no rule but keeping tin» lions' m U »n i T tvi . Marlra oMalwM aud all P at, asted - trustworthy and The willow 1» one of the most ad apt- Pat«nts taken taraafta Munn a fe . receive are not only tanght housekeeping in el! bu«lRCRRoondortod for MaJcrat« F ees, i The clergy of Russia are divided into itomachs full and their miuds c-iwed »Arrtai iw fi« , wMbnot cher»«, la the active gentlemen or ladies to nl.le ef plants. A willow switch slack n<1 vnoJrt.drwvtnwBrpfcoto. WeadvUeH two classes—the white or village cler­ its hranehee, but tbe rnauag- rnt-ut of There never has been, nud there never •ntablaTre* o f charga. Our fee notd n etilK in the wet ground w ill almost inavria- travel for re«non«ihle psfat.llshed bouse ►ntiBRar.’ired. A ta B p h le t **Qew t o O t- | gy, who must all be married, and the children os well will be, say some, an appeal made t - My take n o t aud become a tree. 1 Pa**utE '’ with eo«t af stma In 1>B V. K in Oregon. Monthly f65 00 and expenses. black clergy, or mouks, who are vowed A h»nenelf IllaatraUS eenklf. l. r c M t Mr- tbe lion s intelligence, because tl.c lim .fcrci^» ©mntrte« frees Addreaa. ralaiton « f unr wn«nti«e tnnreaL T«rnx. S3 • Porition steady. Reference. Endone to celibacy. The higher dignitaries of r ^ r : four month.. »L W 4 by »11 « « . t - lM lm Keren British regiments have been In Garrick's time when the weather ited amount of that quality which he 4 A. 8N O W & CO. . self-addressed stsni|>e<1 envelope. The tbe ehnrch are invariably chosen from given prriuimioM loadd the word "Chit whs warm the men iu tbe pit took off possesaos is entirely dominated V hi» P«»f»T O rn e « . WaSMIBBTBM. D . C .A this last ctaas. tral" to their cofora coats aud vests. Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. faraaity ____________ - Will ms ko;? S T A G E L IN E . H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, of EUGENE-FLOßENCE N ORTHERN P a c i f i c , Ry. STAGE LINE. N S MORRIS A HOTEL, THROUGH TICKETS Head of Tide Hotel, Elk Prairie Hotel. i Standard L D ictionary ON E U G EN E A N D FLORENCE S TA G E ROUTE. fIRST RATIONAL ßANK ttorney at Law, ¡ Notary Public, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC. Äton*Un,e ,heont P atents PATENTS E Scientific American. iW lc o -^ n s w ro rk W