TH E W EST MINNIE ITEMS. SILVER M E D A L CONTEST. HOW TO FIND OUT. Rayai ankea the toe« para. wholtaoma sad dalklenc. Three Bv G race . The fifth eater medal conte-t which Fill a bottle or common glass with BVKttY FHIPAY MOUSING— lias been arrafiued by the W. C. T. U. frf --------, urine ami let it stand twenty-four hours, I Florence wa« held in the church Tues­ Nice weather; how Hie bin shines! ■ gediment or settling indicates an us- -AI- day evening. There were seven con­ Everybody 1» well «ml seems to enjoy healthy condition of the kidneys. When w - F i . o » fmcr , L e « CY unty , O regon .— testants for the prite. The exercises life up here. urine stains linen it is evidence of bid- ■ opened with devotional exercises con­ . . . flY . . . Wm. Fields has been under the ney trouble. Too frequent desire to sisting o( a scripture lesson read by \lr « . weather for a few days, got something urinate or pain in the hack, is also eon- i Furnish followed by a pfayer by A»»- like In grippe. vincing proof that the kidneys and I. O. Knotts. flip n ett exercise was a Wm. McCrae came by g o in g north to ' Judder are out of o rd er. Editor and Proprietor. song by six little g.rls. hunt for some more goats, I guess, as lie W H AT TO DO. The first contestant, Nellie Lowe, lelt some more up here. 1 There is comfort in the knowledge so ----- T erms : (1.50 a year in advance.----- then delivered a recitation entitled Chas. Ntoneflcld was here last nigi.t exp-essed, that Dr. K ilm er. “ An Issue.’’ She was followed by swamp-root, the great kidney remedy Entered at the post-office at Florence, Clara Haring who had chosen "The and went home this morning witli his fulfils every wish in relieving pain In tlie Lane county, Oregon, as second-class horse loaded with flneSteelhead ealinon. Scourge of the Republic." back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every mail matter. Absolutely Pur» I The audience was then favored with Charley knows what’s good. part of the urinary passage. It corrects a song "Behind the Scenes’’ by E. A. C. M. Starr came in from Corvallis inability to hold urine and scalding pain : A D V EC TtSISO RATES MADE KNOWN ON A P­ Evans. The next recitation was “The on a flying trip and while here sohl his in passing it, or had effects following PLICATION. Local notice* S cent* per Hue, each lii*ertlon Wisdom and Justice of Our Law- ranch to B. E. Smith for the sum of use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ oovm « mono power« co., wrw v Makers’’ by Irma Sauhert. Then «mine (250. Ben got a bargain as it is all rich comes Hist unpleasant necessity of be­ ! "Farmer Deane's Conversion” by Olive butto n land. ing compelled to get up many times Florence, Or. March II, 1898. PERSONALS. Knowles. Next upon the program was _________ . _ Every farmer around Ten-Mile is talk- during the night to urinate. Tlie mild W II Spangli was in town Saturday, a song with banjo accompaniment" Way ¡n(, puttings ¡n « |:irge garden. I guess a^d extraordinary effect of swsmp-root W E S T L IN G S . -----------------.... .._ ....... s River” i , . . ......... Down upon tlie o Suwanee by Mr Mr. tbey Uijnk 8(w.n >n<| Unc,e S.U11 is soon realized. It stands the highest Mrs. A. Haring is spending a few days Evans and iiis daughters. I going to figlit, and spuds and beets will for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ Table cloths, dresa goods and ladie«' in town thia week. “ An Old Man’s Story” was next re­ he a good price next year. tressing cases. If you need a medicine skirts at A. O. Futtke’s. Geo. O. Knowles is home from Wild­ cited by Reliecca Henderson. Clara James Dodge and partner who rfln you should have the best. Sold by Born.—In Eugene Sunday, Feb 27, to wood for a few days. Emmons followed ,, her . . with . . , . “Our ■_ the Guynn ranch had four sheep killed druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ the wife of Joel McCornack, a daughter. E. Nicolle was in Florence ou busi­ Monuments of Shame. Mabel Morn. ( Ull8 week ge, „ , rap on „ lar You may hnvea sample hottie and Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to ness a few days ngo. the last of the contestant, then took her ■ £ >heep t„ief Tha, u pamphlet both sent free by inail, Sold W ith operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness, Aunt Columbia s (n g year Uic upon receipt of three-two-cent stamps to Florence school closes today for a place and delivered b ftc . cover cost of postage on tlie bottle. Housekeeping.” j . vacation of two weeks. M m is E E Benedict, J. L. Furoish i * | Something new in tiie line of dress J. I. Butterfield has the contract for and Geo/Brainnrdwbo had been s p - i. Heceta precinct election or rtomms.- Mention Tlie W est and send your ad­ dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, goods. Call and see them at Meyer & rasing the Odd Fellows’ building. pointed judge, then retired for consults- ! » !>'•«>« T ,.? for i ^ t i c e N. Y. The proprietor of this paper K yle’s. Jesse Bounds the sewing machine Hon. While awaiting their decision ■ qmedir. Ir“ » " V . “’P" J » * « « ’ guarantees tlie genuineness of this offer. The San Francisco Examiner and the Rev Mr. Marsh of Olivet, Mich., g»ve and Henry StoneHekl, Deni., for con man was in town a few days ago. 'W est for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ Ye editor and family made a short call an address which was listened to a t.e n -! s«.hle; W. E Warren chairman ; and vance. lively by the audience. The judge. W. H. Spaugh, secrelart. on Mr. and Mrs. Ackerly Sunday. The Funk & Wagnalls Bring your job work to tlie W est then returned and Mias Vanderbnrg was ) The sheepmen beiween the light Mr. and Mrs. I.indsley were visiting office. Good work done at reusouahle in Florence a couple of days this week. called upon to announce the deeiaiou to , house and Cape 1‘erpetna are trying to prices. and ,...................- present the ----- m edal.! , make up a scalp Inanity on cougars each It F. Kane has a contract to build a the audience ..... F O. W. Hurd has placed a handsome large barn for 8. J. Brand on hi. ranch, j With a few brief but instructive remark, one ‘ ° ‘ ‘f been seen Of The new cash register in Ills store within the is visiting her >»•« announced that the judges awarded »>>eep he owns. There has been seen past lew days. ENGLISH LANGUAGE the prize to Mabel Morris aud delivered 1 over a half a dokun different cougar I tracks in the last wick. Something The Douglas county republican con cousins Alice and Hazel Weatherson for the medal to her. C O M PLETE Mention will he held April G an d th e a few days. After another song by the little girls will have to he done soon. Rev. Father Daley of Eugene was on Mrs. Holden president ol the society primaries on April 2, Louis Emmett, James Wan and (Ed. S U C C IE N T W. A. Frater lias been recommended tide water this week attending to his thanked the people for their attendance Bradley, colored! went out in the A U T H O R IT A T IV E for postmaster of Roseburg by the Ore- duties as priest. and announced that the program wae mountains to scare up a chipmunk or None who are engaged in any of the mechaaical Bnrt Cobb made a trip to Waldport concluded. weasel; don't tldnk they would notice a . gon delegation in congress. with the mail sack the first ol the week , deer— tlie law is in force, von know. I A. J . Keeney who has resided near purnuitH can nucceeil without rending and 8UNDAY SERVICES. guees they have got so tliin for tlie want J»|,8«S Vocabulary Tarai* Goshen for the past 40 years died at hio giving Frauk Vader a chance for a short Rtiidying (his Htundard Magazine of Sciences of meat they can't get hack, for they >47 Esitar* sail Sp*clall*t« rest. home last Friday aged 70 years. Sunday school 10 a. in. SJJ ReaSar* far Qua! atlas* have not sliowed up yet. Wm. Chamberlin and Mrs. H. D. Our shelves are now full of elegant and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with Preaching 11 a. in., followed by the gaoo lllu itra tla n * new patterns of prints, French ging­ Chamberlin ami children visited with Sacrament of the laird's Supper. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION- Caat avar »»60,000 all inoderu cute of latest inventions in all hams and dress goods. Meyer A Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ackerly on North Preaching at Point Terrace 3:30 p. m. Appcadli of 47.46S E o trtr* Fork last Sunday. Mr. Sporr an elderly man who lias the branches of mechanism, aud its fuud of A meeting of the republican county B ible C lass . Chas. Vanderbnrg, Andrew Brund been on Mrs. Tripps’ ranch for a few central committee was held in Eugene Monday 7:30 p. in. Lesson—“Jewish knowledge is inseparably connected with iu- months is now at Acme very ill. His and Misses Charlotte Vanderbnrg and last Saturday. SaturJay, April 2, was The full number of word* »nil terms in , — vUri> S. J. Institutions."—Pages 36 and 37. Clara Haring spent Sunday with complaint is dropsy. selected as the time for holding the different dictionaries for the enure alphsbet is ventors and mechanics. Sold wu,^ t » c Brund and family. K iln c n ta T o u r H o w o la W i t h C as c a rc i« . The carpenters have built a platform primaries and tlie county convention as follows: S tosmontii , 50,000; W obchxstes F. H. Rogers started on a trip ’to the | Candy Cnthartlr, euro constipation forever. w ill meet onSatnrday April 0. W est at clnbhiug rates. this week in front of O. W. Hurd's 105,000; W ssstxb (International), 125,000; Can- ’Oo. 35c. If C. C. C. fall. drugRl«!» ref und money. tenement house which extends the en­ valley Tuesday. We are informed that I One delegate will he allowed to each t o y , (six volumes, complete,! 225,000: one object of his trip is to purchase tire length ol the building. precinct and one delegate to each 20 STANDARD, over 500,000; CHANGE OF LO C ATIO N. some sheep and goats. votes and fraction of II or more votes T o C u re C o n n tip a iio n F o re v e r. Tiike Cancarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. cast for Jmlge Bean in 1890. On this THE MAINE INVESTIGATION- I f C. C. C. fail to cure, druggutU refund money. Tlie Northern Pacific Ticket office has basis precincts in the west part of the been changed from its former location Democratic primaries are to he held county are entitled to delegates as fol­ ........... Sample Pages Free........ The court of inquiry have not yet over Hall’s grocery store, to more com­ in this county tomorrow to elect dele­ lows: gates to tlie county convention which made their report as to tiie cause of the modious quarters, with “Tlie Eugene Florence 7 Hermann 2 destruction ol the Maine. Reports on Real estate Agency,” on the ground meets in Eugene Wednesday. Glentena 2 Like Creek 1 AGENTS W A N T E D . Register: M. J. ILtdssll has insti­ the outsole seem to make it more cer­ floor, first door North of Griffin's hard­ Mapleton 2 Walton 2 tuted suit in tlie circuit against J. A. tain than ever that the explosion hap­ ware store, directly opposite tlie Guard Heceta 1 McLeod to recover $702,42, with inter­ pened under the vessel. It is given out office, where they will be pleased to see The whole number of delegates in the E. D. BRONSON & CO, from one quarter that this delays our any persons contemplating a trip East est, for labor in constructing a dyke. convention is 153. government from interfering in Cuban ' or South. Pacific Coast Agents Register: Tiie Vulcan Iron Works affairs as it had been intimated to Spain For full information concerning rates, CATARRH CANNOT S c CURED, Thia monthly magazine is one of the very SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. has brought suit against The Kiuslaw tlint the war in Cuba must be ended by routes, time tables etc., call or address, llTver Lumber Company, to recover 933 M arket S t. lipat printed in thia country, and ir sold March 1, hut this adds another compli-1 It. M c M vrpiiv , General Agent, With local applications, aB they cannot $1559,38, and to foreclose a mortgage. cation to tlie difficulty. Opposite Guard Office, Eugene. reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is to all Bubacribers at rate» within the Scrofula is the advertisement of foul a blood or constitutional diaease, and in NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. blood. I t may he entirely be driven T O C U R E A C O L O IN O N E D A Y ability of all to pay. It ia finely UU ma SHIPPING AND MARINE- order to cure it you must take internal Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. | from the system by the faithful uee of remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Land Office at Ko*eburs, Oregon, trated and preaenta the names of fatto«UL Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly All druggists refund money if it fails to i February 4, MSB. Tlie Roberts sailed Tuesday fos As­ internally, and acts directly on the cure. 25c. purifies the blood. Notice ia hereby given that the following- authors as contributors. T a* W ebt Hall’s toria. She will go from there to Seattle blood an4 clared elected to serve as director for weather and put in at Astoria the 2nd. NOTIOE FOR PUBLIOATION. to Chicago and 4 « to New York and three years. They master as and fores as into tho arena, Tlie captain bad the mate arrested POPULIST CONVENTION. For clerk, O. W. Hurd and Marion there for mutiny but later withdrew the ther Eastern cities. For full informa- Whore like gladiators, « 0 mast fight for than." c o ln p ltM1, e Tlie vessel brought a load Land Office at Koreliurt, Orason. ion call or address, R- McMovphy, Morris were placed in nomination. O. complaint. February 21. IMS. Jg {(jr our merchants mid will The Lane county populist conven­ Sucli is the exalted motto of the Arens, and the ieneral Agent, Opposite Guard office, W. Hurd receiving a majority of votes , q( Notice I, hereby given that tba follnwlng- was declared elected. f ! take oat a cargo of lumber from the tion ha* been called to meet at Eugene su g e n e . named «ettler ba* Bled notice of lier Intention entire contents of this monthly magaziue After some talk about the number o f , C(18l„,ian |nU1. March 10, 1898. The primaries are to to make ffnal proof in support of h«r claim and Died.—At lier home on Camp creek, months school in the diatrict the <»m- Cushman mill. , . „ be held March 12. Each precinct is that *al<1 proof will be made before crt N orth F ork . Hermann ii Oregon. Monthly (415.00 and expenses, Glentena I of Acme, Oregon. «old with T he W est . The voters of North Fork district 1 Lake Creek ’osition steady. Referenee. Enclose GREENLEAF IT E M 8 . Mapleton It U. VlATCH, in woman's rights. If-addressed stamped envelope. The i evidently - . . . . . - . , believe -■- ------------- ----- Florence Walton Regleter. miitiion Company. Dept. Y Chicago, 1 They elected Mrs. Atnos Haring director B v A W £ S T C o R R E S F O N D fS T . 1 Heceta . ’ and Mrs. 8. G. Lindsley clerk While running the edger m the Spruce j m ______ NOTICE FOR PUBLIOATION NOTICE FOR PUBUOATION- Feb. 28, 1898. M apleton . )int saw mill Tuesday afternoon, Charley Pope of Deadwood went over In Mapleton district P. E. Jackson 'auk Fox met with an accident from Laud Office, Bow-burg, Oregon. Land Office, St Roaeburg Oregon. lich he will be laid up for some time, was elected director (or one year, Geo. the moniitaiiM today. March S, IMS. January 81, lSBS. board lying on rollers, was struck by | B. Gamp lor three years and Fred Bean EJ. Potterf is getting his house on his Notice i» hereby given that the following- Notice ta hereby given that the following homestead ready to move into iu April. n«nicd n«uicd settler acltlcr ba» ba« Sled filed notice of bla intention I uaail,, «.ttler ha» Sled nntioe of bla Intention e log carrage and the end of it pushed , clerk. P l.n r lie Slmmous cut a frightful gash ! *° m»ke IT'1*1 pri‘o< •UPP°* ol *“* »jy1 to malt* (Inal proof In «upport of hi» claim , end aiust Mr. Fox’s thigh crowding him G lexada . , . , - that »aid Proof will bo made before C. If. *nl»l prv-t( will be made twin tieforu C. H. Hoi •¡nat a wheel and causing the board j j n Glcnsda C. A. Dressier was chosen in his foot the Other day wlnlschopping. Iioi « f . & i »w Q and I uo. 7088for the nt* ne',4, ate. »; nwM n w b *ec. „ . „ , » 1 1 ; lot», »ec 25; tp. 17»., r. 12 we«t. 2A; »w’4 *w'4, sec. 21: tp. 17 *., r. 12 Wc«t. ought to Florence. His leg was con- j A cme . J. A. Burnett while looking at ins He name« tbe following wltneiw* to prove He name« the following wltne««e« to prove lerably bruised but fortuustely no f . C. Cushman was elected director in {traps yesterday found cougars in a , nt» continuou« n*«ldviice upon an 1 cultivation hl« continuou« rcd-lcnce upon and cultivation »lies were broke«. Acme und H. Gates clerk. of, »aid lend, viz: couple of them and added their costa to j of «aid land, via: ' his pile of peltry. He sold (8 worth o f' » »•”« " Mer“ r L‘ ke’ Or’ ‘ p,‘ u ’Me’ W. II. Cos, of Heceto, Or., and O. Dowl, E. Kalb and P. dutluu of riorvuec. Oregon. Marr and O. Hutton, of Mercer Lake, Oregon, i small skins, taken this winter, to Jesse K. M V s a TCM. i R. M. VSATCM, B egM ar. Rust recently Resister. Mr. Evans is hewing longer timbers to take the place of those hewed last I NOTICE FOR PUBLIOATION. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION- summer for stringers (or the Greenleal lAnd <»»< c, B-raeburg, On-run. bridge, and wo may yet be able to drive Land Office, nt Rueeburg. Oregon. March 7. I’d». : a t e s u i rtry-ehod across the raging January 2*, 1SS5. Notice 1« hereby given that the follow ing- Notice I* hereby given that the following-