TH E W E S T . IF THE HEART IS HEAVY. —e r a u a u s e « r u t rsin a v mumnisu .— Fight Against Allowing Yourselves to bo _ 4T_ i Submerged by Fsrsentl Oriels. Faux ora mulla * CoiwesroNBMT. 15i Ocrtsios'Ai. Tacoin« Lcdg-r: It has b« n asserted by some friends ' of silver thrt In ease of war with Spain (K IT WHITE SI ----- — Fiddle creek hc I iou I district is out of W ash ., D. O. Feb. 28, 1SW. ri the country would be on a silver basis debt and has voted a 15 mill tax tor F*>u««xfs, Lasts C d v x t v , (inxooe i "Titers to always a remedy for a “ Bally'round the flag, boys!" That within twenty-four hours. The wish school purposes. We expect a six | heavy heart,” writes Ruth Ashmore In is the prevailing sentiment in W ash-' was no doubt father to the thought in months term this year, "cash up" and | the March Ladies’ Home Journal. “ It war no order on cashless clerk or any other - v ! ington tï v may ’ botb ‘ nd to ont ll‘1' view tl,at the by dec a ,r wild “ ion sen of 1 -1 3 J b e in t h m k m w o u ttb . lev , that have not in have light, w’n' but i would be followed scramble form of Siuslaw or Lake currency. Next in thinking out tlw joys that have we must show the Spaniards that we 1 for gold; that the government would be ,0 the Bryan 40 dollar the alsive come Editor and Proprietor. lawn given you, and the sorrows from are not only ready to light but deter- i unable to meet the demand and there- Uext as abominations. The firm, cor- which you have Iweii saved. It may be in helping others by sympathy or in ,u‘no'' lo ^dht, if the report of the naval fore would have to suspend gold pay- poration or individual who has no cash ( Florence, Or. March 11, 1X98. whatever way help ia most ’ needed • ° ° urt ** tbat tbo explosion which de- inunta; that this would place the to offer for labor or its products ought, W . If. W K A T H E R S O N •»“>• »*“* » J - THE WAR ANO SILVER. WASHINGTON LETTER. • * n ANNOUNCEMENT ,= Hut the heavy heart can always be made "troye‘l tl,e ' ,aine was ö“ lho outside of country on a silver standard and gold at for decency’s sake, to go out of business. light it self to forgotten, and the needs i The *l,ri*e* ; « premium of 100 per cent, with the Esperil„enU with the Australian salt ' point ia that direction now. Had the j forty-five cent dollar as a basis. With Atriplex Semibaecatmn, prove Now that the. time for holding state ',tbe" a" "»««■»'»red, and, a, ns I <* “n 4i,eevereU Proof that the explosion ! such a possible calamity th e liorrors of that -t jg not t0 ,|lig country as acid oounly convention« by the various a' r e l i e v e d . * •« ™ »1 waa due to an accident on board of the ; war war would would be be increased increased in in the the same Mm® j ! ,t wi|| not endure our frosts. We wish ,«U lteal panto, to drawing near, the « " »*«»»• »«'“ •««*«*« i With Now Year Greotinga, anti a Staine, there is little doubt that the ! ( ratio And almost anything would be it were otherwise as it is a rank grower •lay, or a week, or a moath, or a year, voters of each party should endeavor to 1 Prosperous Year to all our Friends, Wo for it ia the lesson of life, thia knowing facts would have been promptly com-i preferable to the danger of a war with and highly relished by cattle. attend the primaries of tlieir party and municaled to the administration and as such foreordained results, bow to lift our Ixiorta op and giving We see that Mr. I.awton lias just had Again Offer Our Goods at Exceptionally see to it that the right kind of men are from them help unto those who art in promptly made public, in order to allay ! Fortunately these predictions have no built a very fine l«iat for the lake. It is Low Prices. Somebody once said, and it chosen as delegates from llie different need. It ia a good fight—this one the excitement. As nothing lias been [ foundation in fact. This country is in i a modified “Bob Roy," light, tight, precincts to attend these conventions. ■*•1 *• Washington by the court it has i good shape, financially, for the extra has been Repeated. “ Well Bought Ilulf agafntt allowing on e’s self to be sub­ ' strong, graceful as a swan and it does Let them be men who will use their in­ merged in personal griefs—it it a geod been taken to mean that the investiga- demands io lie made on its resources by great credit to Mr, I.awton, its designer, Sold.” We Have a Clean Dosirablo fluence to have iioneat, capable men light, and out of it you can come con­ tion hs far at it has gore, shows the ex- ; a foreign war. Our treasury is well- i and the Messrs, Johnson, builders, •etoctod as candidates for each office, ----- —Stock o f------------ plesion to have been oa tb e outside; filled, our credit first-class, and there is queror if you will. men who are not members of any ring Speaking of boats reminds us that we eenncquently due to treachery, and that j no reason why any one should want "Do you intend to give up the fight and a im, if elected, will not use their gold'to the event of war any more than b«re, like the Si.wlaw river one or two the court is waiting until it secures the and fall by the wayside overcome by a office tor puroaees of private gain with­ he does now. A war with Spain coaW ! who have no regard for the heavy heart, or to go along through life fullest proof to that effect before making out regard to tl« interests of tlie public. have but one ending, the defeat of that | rigl" ° f ° * nersl,iP in » bont or bo«t "g- its report. Neither the president nor a* a brave woman should? You must Many people make a serious mistake | They will maliciously or thoughtlessly, dociile this early in your life. And you Bhy memlier el the cabinet will admit cottntrv with the less of Cuba and and fait to do tlieir duty as citiseae by will, I feel aurc, decide to do that which that the administration puts that con­ haps Porto Rico, and no one for a ! neitber i8 excuS!lble’ ‘“ »k®. steal and neglecting to attend the primaries of *»*»««* Want is right, and then your heart will never struction upon the silence of the court, moment believes the resources of this i carry " *“y ” “ tlieir party. Frequently, too, these are country would Ire crippled. The ability ! St ° r " herever they find “ • ,n,,rb to lbc but there is no occasion tor any admis­ lie heavy nor your conscience disturbed, tl* very men who howl tlrn loudest of the government to maintain the ! ¡"J“ry and inconvenience of the owner. sion from th em ; tlieir official acts, in unless you fall. And when you fall, about corruption in |>olitica, Lha place I want to sell it, I know a “ Nimble Nlckle is better ft thank God, you can always rise again if preparing for war, tell the story, and parity of gold and silver would not be If there is any relief at law, otto or two to I egin to root out thia corruption is in of these parties will have the distin­ tell it no well that congress is perfectly- you keep up a brave heart," impaired, and there is no reason to Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make the nickle nimble by offo tho firimary, and tlie way to do it ia by willing to keep quiet and allow the ad- suppose that the event of war would guished honor (?) of interviewing the attending that primary. Let every Sure, Square, Good Bargains. ministration to^lay the game out. GENERAL NEWS. affect the disposition of congress to grand jury to give cause why they man, ba be republican, democrat, [>o,iu- Nine out of every ten members of maintain the present financial condi­ should not make stoves for Oregon for list, prohibitionist, or whatever bis crime of larceny. This thing must stop The amendment to the sundry bill congress, believe that war with Spain is tions. politics may be, uot fail to be present appropriating $150,000 for ami by t h e --------it will stop. We hope Yaquina bound to coine out in the near future, In only one event could there be an and see that clean, honest men are harbor was defeated in the house by a either through open act nt hosti­ increased demand for gold, which might Siuslnw will take a similar stand. I desire to sell as much of my present stock chosen lo represent hie precinct in the vote of 76 to 36. lity on the part of the Spaniards or by result were European holders of Am­ Abate the nuisance. A man (?) who councils of his party. possible within the next sixty days, in The U, S. senate by a vote of 50 to 19 open declaration on the part of congress. erican securities to become panic strick­ will thus habitually lake a boat will take any thing else, as a rule. If tho ! Things seem to have gotten in such a refused to sent II. W, O orlielt as senator en and dump their holdings, without C. I). H vbatvobb has purchased Col. order to make room for Spring use of a boat it necessary it is worth! J . 0 . Lady's interest in the Roseburg from Oregon. Senator McBride was condition that there is no other way regard to prices. There is no reason to out. goods to arrive. believe such an occasion would arise, asking for. It is certainly becoming ' Plaindcator and ia now editor of that among those who voted against seating and gentlemanly to the boat’s owner or Corbel t. The personal statoment of Secretary for this nation is too strong to be im ­ paper. Despatches from Washington that the Sherman to many senators, that if the perilled by a war with a fourth-rate owners. Any other course is not. I T u t Auootca* Newspaper Annual for war department lias decided to give up naval court reports tiie Maine to have power like Spain; and there is every Water has been low all winter in the 1898 has been issued by N. W, Ayer A tlie Klondike relief expedition and that been intentionally wrecked, the admin­ probability that tljp increased activity lakes. The high water mark of last Hon. Betides much that is designed for Secretary Alger has asked congress for istration will at once demand a heavy caused by the conflict would increase year has not been reached by several Come and obtain price«, and have a social chat if nothing B advertisers thia volume contains a great authority to dispose of the supplius money indemnity from Spain for the | tbc e»rn‘n«s o{ American corporations feet. deal at information that is of interest to gathered. ship and for the families of tho men and consequently the value of their Stock is doing exceedingly well. N„ we have a good seat and a warm fire for all who enter our door», everybody. It gives a Brief description killed, has not been well received in securities so that the danger of the complaints of loss is heard. Feed on D w rt Tsfcwre 0*11 u t Hawk« leer lift Away. of each stats, territory and county, also congress, where there is a very “dumping” would be small, indeed. the hills is good. The marsh-grass is T o q u it tobacco esally asil forovor. bo tu t, tb s veto of each stats and county in the notlc, fu ll of life . norvo and vigor, luko N o-To pronounced feeling The government would have no d iffi-; now coming along nicely, against giving B w . tho wooder-worker, th a t makcv weak men presidential election of IMA. atro o f. A ll drtiKiflits. too or »1, C urcgim ran Spain an opportunity to settlo such a culty in borrowing the money necessary I We have been favored with a report ONE OU TV OF CITIZENS. GENERAL + MEfiCHANDt * * X- ★ i f 4 ★ Yours Very Truly, toed l i Bool-let nod siimpla free. 0. W. HURD. Address score with money. A demand for in- to carry on operations, for it is known J from V. 8. fish commission upon sal,non Tan o s bat powers of Europe, actuated Sterling ltcm odv Co.. Chiooiro or Now York. demnity, say those who op|>osc it, would that cap.tahsts in New York alone have investigations in the Columbia basit, chiefly by mminsraial ideas, are still CONFEDERATE PENSIONERS. be too much like assenting to the taunts ! Fro,»ised one hundred millions within ; and elsewhere on the Pacific const— dividing among II «an selves tlie terri­ of the Spanish press, that we are a i ‘« ’"ty-four hours, and it is very prob- ¡Everman and M eeks-This document tories of noa-pr«gressivs and non- Tlie invalid pensions committee has nation of shop-keepers who value money i “ble tbut 4 iwpular loan would be ! covers the ground of Dr 8 F M k ’ Christian potentates. Commercial agreed on and favorably reported the above everything else. They also say ! « ^ ¡ l y taken in this country without work on Siuslaw river a’n d’oor Dou -hss privileges are tbs modern incentive to Gibson bill extending the benefits of the that nothing but blood can satisfy such 1 «0,n&,0 ll,u ^ e ig n money markets. ! county lakes north of (Jmp,,„a river empire, not laud hunger, or glory, as June 2 t, 1890 act to men who served treachery as the blowing up of the Tbe '»«ue of bonds of the United; w , , , 1 . 1 - in former sgss. Africa, at the door of less than six m entl» in the confederate Maine; but inasmuch as it is generally ! •'’ i*1®1' were subscribed many timesover, | g Un° .U. ‘ ‘“L0Very a new Europe, has already been pretty com­ army, and who jeined tho unton army i bcltoved that ffpain would refuse to pay “,nl 8olJ at a premium, and the c-ondi- ° 1 le order • 1>lectospondyli, pletely appropriated. Tliere remain V - . . ---------- - - - ’ 7 I huborder, Eventognathi; ! before September 10, 1664, and did not I the FaniiJy indeminity, anyw ay,'no attempt is tions arc radically better than at that I n". for division Turkey, Persia, Siam, tune. With the government supplied i 7 ^ ^ ’ Ge"U8 U‘,t• on,y one danger to 1« seen Corea is ia dispute list ween Russia ami care to inflict them with tho diagnosis. and of the public, and that if the senti- ,,pon the financial hnrixon, and that is Japan. China to in the process of d is­ The change of location of the Northern We refer all to bulletin for 1897, ment against demanding an indemnity ! tbilt ,bc Tel|eritea in the senate might Pacific ticket office, which is now with tribution. Japan, Russia, Franco and Not to he outdone by us Siuslaw is pronounced, the idea will be abandon- refuBe to "auction a loan in order to England have all recently had "The Eugene Real Estate Agency" on the ground floor directly opposite the ed by the administration. We shall Aorce an ‘B!ilIe ° f treasury notes. The river contributes a,mw species of min- “ whaeka" at this vast arsa, and Ger­ Guard office, near corner of Seventh and ! soon know all about it. president has no authority to borrow now, 5 to 5’; inches long, which is many is now seeking, it seems, to get U m o 'X '^ a r ^ G ^ to ^ The sharp discussion in the house 1 n’°" ry f° r wilr PurPOB« « - i n fact for no named Leuciscus Siuslawi. Denixen, of even with its rivals, China to tlie the river call it a chub. Thus docs 'Cr pl,rPo8u tban ‘° redeem United coming Africa. Its distribution among Lane County. We are absolutely tlie over tbe •PProPfi«tions for river and only line running through cars irom Eu- ,1Brbor improvements provided for in SUte8 treasury notes, and money to immortality come to our waters. Dr.' tho powers to to be tlie uext great gene to the East or ftowth wtthont the sundry civil bill was not brought <#rr' ° n war must be provided by con-j Meck conJcn>ns Whoahink, or Clear' problem of European ,« litic s.—Cfyifr change Remember no change of cars »bout because such apjwopriations were i 8rW" .. If the Tellerites should prevail j lake, as trout water because of the lack I JfcraM. at Portland via the Northern Pacific, I. . and tlie only lino running th s upholstered thllt " ’ bul ,,ccaUBC of the an ,mm c„«. ,SHue of treasury note. , of food and spawning groulld In there is • a nossibilitv ‘n re- m w e th« * •• possibility »1... that |ia rd to T .,ltco o sl.b B he groi",,J- W milx tmb qualification» for Ameri­ Piillnian Tourist Sleeping cars and tlie Un‘,w l,“>,lf» < * '»•'"here that there will * erc i made has to say th a t; celebrated Pining ears on every t r a i n . n o river and harbor bill passed at ! 80ld nilgl,t to a Premium, and in ---- , can eiüM M hip ara fixed by tollerai Don't forgvt this in choosing your route j this session, owing to the opposition of “n ,itipat-0" ot BUcb • result there would ; anJ 8l,awning grouud abound , law ami ara uwiforni thraugliout the l i i r *1 txs i a l s i ., aw i t » » t lm m a i. w A S m » * ! _ _____ . • I fl.A i I _ l. • for a bnsinvss or pleasure trip. 8|>eaker Reed, and tlieir consequent be “ rU" ° ” tb® ^®*dant supply of natire t|>out ' that marriage and diroree laws, which R. McMvavnv, General Agent, to these appropriations aud charge them P“' n'en‘*' J and sweet in flesh, and are regulated by tlie individual states, Opposite G uani office, Eugene of cxoicllent with inefficiency because they failed 1 1 »ot probable, however, that in qualities are so various th st a man or woman Shades of Maltón protect IN C IR C U IT C O U R T , to get an appropriation put in the i tbc °f a foreign war the "endless divoruad in oaa state may still br mar I US ! May the Lord and tho I for their districts. Representative P ing. I lh a'n woul'1 h® enlarged and the' g, fish risii la anotbrr, or a person divorced The following cases from this psrt o f , «„tem ent that the appropriation ! 'll,n8er ° f ch*n«“ io »»'’ finsncial CO,nn,,6,,,on B*»-l »B, next time, an ttX. by tlie courts id one state and enjoined CARM AN 9 CHEAP CASH STORE! Drv Goods, s ★ Groceries *Zand ★ Notion FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........Just Opened. J MOOQS as Represented s ’ » from again marrying during the life of ' land. Me., was for the benefit of com- ' thC W°®M no ,loub‘ »P- "’an- Thc ‘><*tor evidently j the divorced husband or «ito might Eugene thia week ; is—oh well still be married in an otlwr stale, but O. W. Hurd vs. Robert Thomas i mcrcc generally and not tho state of iwec the issuance of "gold" bonds which ' never mind A '»an can't be Cooper; to recovery money. Maine alone, and that it was place,l < '°U'd 1 TOry ,ow « » o of J thing. on re-entering the state wbtoli has en- W, c-arc still asking for ClmrlesF. Dox vs. Sarah Jane Cox under the contract system (the only 1 wo" ld be likely to place' joinail such a marriage tlie person and Brown trout. of the might ba Habla tor failure to olwervr ; kind of river and harbor work usually I an obstsclu in the way oi me tssuaues M an b . Pick v . Alex Pick ¡divorce. ,»»'••. now out- tlie injunction. This lack of uniformity 11 by — « “ «re. and •U "dj n* b^ « a - bos lad to grest confusion of property f o £ « i £ o X ” The Vnlcsn Iron W ork, vs. The n° ‘ ,a88M ,i° n’ Joub‘te- ! It X W to ^ to a L intrreats, beeides subjecting the indi- vid osto to great personal iniwnvenirneo ( Hineltw River Lumber ( ’ompany, a ,n ,e * that did not prevent! ’ l* riI#t*nt aa DeDcfant Blood c . u. ea - in certain states by making it not only corporation; foreclosnn*. ( members enjoying the charge made by - *»eF arc, the silverites in congress will " » . I Break Down - im p le M e a t but unaaie Ltr auch an — ■ —- Representative Moody, of Mass., that ***•"*•“ *° ,ake a^ra»«sge of a foreign Hoad a Sarsaparilla Curas. individual lo pass from other states Til« oau , far the U n e county popu- this particular appropriation was pot •« ,nake • change in our I lost ray appetite sou »boat all I it*»« into the one wlære hie m arriage ia list convention concludes with this in as a favor to Mr. D in g h y » -, charge bna,K'*al ")'*«®m, w hich would have the on waa towel lemonade. M r .tranJ.K Extremely Weak n held to he invalid. Tlie relationship •*■«•»>*. wish a full représenta­ that will he likely to he heard from the Oi ••• precincts and harmonious stum p in every district that fall refcorn Cs. , A N T E fM R l’SlAV|)RTHY A Np I , gives the tlie delegates from the th fim ft, outlying •» «••* Florence postotiice bir »’ activa gentlemen or ladies to precincts nu no opportunity onoertunitv to attend «tim .i tho u... «** w**k ending M ar.4, jflSH : ! preiincts «ravel for responsible, rata bhsfeed houas Willard Jcbneoii ami Joint Johnsen. BeowSoav asya So. ccnvsntion unless they travel by private in Pregón. Monthly fr>5.00*hdsgpcoaaw Any person caiilug for the shore w ill Position steady. Reference '{ucloae Csaeurcta CBndy ttotliarttc, tin- tonai woo « T p Z S - — n ,s and no opportunity u. m-nd ' pl^ . " •attui n id io a i aeM-addresserf stainped envelope. Tp, ant and retr> r y t î U . ^ -, r iir 'S îJ i'i Pre«“ « « ’• ™ « . . I leaving W«. K vm , P«e< matter. and iHMMtn-ly-----------r Dominion Company. Pupt. y Cl, ifooiialag I M sutlrs s«at gute by all Srs^iat*. retirent mn. li i . V. V. tail ta cure, UniggETt« n fuou nuaey the Bandon Recorder to F. P. McPevitt. UZ afok. One phyaktan told ma hi * ! i f ! 1 ' on’ * nd h* «»vs m . raedleint b 2 It did not heln me I »«t Ire* .11 faith lnP„ X - wo.M n’t'eu" d- PP* ‘7 n"’ch U’’w«k‘ « Iw s a much ^ t o r ïs n d ra“ '* not to be s irs ot |, i wel1’ u'n“ ‘ « ^ s T s Ï Ï 'f o I ® Sil Ar» hotties. «red to ra . ’ PORTIMAI* It S*„ d— . „ la , “ ‘.„‘T * onBP**kih|e Hood’s,-,; .fl er»cr.t. m ^7i Hood’s Pills x* mud .m i r