FAMOUS CHARGER. tho secret. That was me way w . — - were. He gave orders to set roe r u . H o n . T h r t L»<1 t b . U t M B r l« « ts er’s coarse and keep it sod to pay n° to know the destination. D ie d o a « a o a i o Into tho vrsn l of tha w hitew ashsd w all» It was a foolish idea in tho count to attention to ns. and if we leet h«m « The noted white Arabian steed ridden GENERAL DIRECTORY Where the bravo. STATE OFHOERS- Wuariog «till on his pole, sw eet Is« )— We were a small croft with a bigIcie* ’ b iui; we sailed up the Madagascar coast S A IL S S T A G E L IN E . So«.n to lie bid by th e duat of th e grave— and all hands were crowded, but the old in las wake. We knew when night tered for several years in tiro ta>t»«flW» vicinity of CiMcinnati and (tod a> iwU>- The lin gerin g ligh t of his boyhood a trace. fellow was w illing to suffer any incon­ closed in that we should find him on ral death at a ripe old age in the “’‘{B1 , On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each William P. Lord. venience and run any risks for the sake B lotted and dam p are the eurla of gold the morrow. The Count D ’Charny got wvernor......... .. - borhood of Murro*. O. K issing th e snow of that fair youn g brow. ,H. R. Kincaid. of overhauling the elopers. .„ i.v . sick and got well again. He had fun- a . n n Pule are th e ilpa of d elicate mold. iitrelary ot S'ate When the blnnderitig ordei for the Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednee- month. He had two friends aud a doctor with Philip Metclien ! Single trip 83.00. Round trip 8o.00 Som ebody's Curling ta d yin g now. ens utoods aud weeping moods , .h,irne of the Light brigade was g .aattrer days and Fridays. t On ? day he would forgive his wife rharge of the Mg iu ^ OIQDiahd hint, aud it was his lavish use of money , Buck from th e beautiful bluo veined faco Z Public Instruction. ..G, M. Irwin. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, T h u w ' he.would be’ impatient to J X ^ l into the “ vaMsy of Brush every w andering, ailken thread. would be which prepared us for sea, so QuioUly_ and the next be ' £ P r in t e r » ...................H. Leeds. ! Cross his hands aa a sign of grace days and Stt1 unlays. take her iifo. He uever faltered in his death” Nolan, on his couspjcuougwhjte The elopers hud a fast craft, plenty , Som ebody a darlin g is atill and dead. .C , M. Idleman. v'torney General money and would not be overhauled if intention to kill the Englishman, how- i Arab, sourred far » advance of aU-^a Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ K. K. Bean For Passenger and Freight Rates I K iss him once moro for som ebody'« auko. ! they could help it. The count had plen- ever That was what he lived for aud , fine mark for a Russian riflem an/W fth Also with F. A. Moore burg Stage Line for Drain. M urmur a prayer, soft and low. i ty of money, a craft equally as fast and what held him up. One morning we ¡^prenne Court . É. Wolverton Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge -------- A PP L Y to One Iwight cu rl from the clu ster take. bad vowed to hunt them down if it took found the schooner lying to, as I have | Itis sword high uplifted and a ris»«* T hey w ere som ebody'■ prtdc, you know. his lips, he was struck in the breast ^y . ..J. C. Fullerton reasonable. *dgt> Second District . I five years. That was the way things said and on nearing her her captain , « fragmeut of shell, thrown in the Rus- Florence, O r. Som ebody's hand hath rested there. M eyer & Ky’e, *torney Second District . .W . E. Was it a m other's, soft and w hite? boarded us in a boat and sought out the tians* first discharge, aud instantly knl- I stood as we sailed, out of the harbor, And have th e lips of a sister fair i "Bound for the Indian ocean meant count aud said: , ! «1. His sword dropped fropt bss baud, Been bap tised in thoao w aves of light? «i a great deal, and yet it meant nothing "The countess is aboard of tne but tho arm «malted jtsu priftU tftei- “ C O O S ,” S T E A M ER st­ (tod know s best. He w as som ebody's love. It meant a run of thousands of mdes schooner, to n have followed us for tiou and his left band the hriale rein, ia. B om elxxly's heart en shrined him near. n ------W ill luako"- down tho coast, around the cape of Good weeks. If you Wish for satisfaction, you as his horse inHtiuttlvely turn«! back C O U N T Y O FFIC ER S _ m w -r -n e v tom eb od y w afted hts nam e above a* Hope. Australia, India or » dasen other have only to row ashore and Mr. Kane and galloped toward tba brigade. A» o v n iT L A E D A IL Y T R IP S K igb t »„d m orn on th e w in gs of prayer. 1 Som ebody w ept w hen he m arched aw ay, places. As tho schooner badI six day» w ill give it to you. ” E- B a n g s ,___Proprietor. R E L x U A J A X V the files opeued tfi let hjm nass an un­ ' L ooking so handsom e, brave and grand. B etw een • the start of ns aud the winds had h<*n Tho count and hi» friends jumped at earthly shriek rent the air, said by I Som ebody’s kiss on his forehead luy. hie I fair she was at least 800 miles ahead. the chance, taking both pistol» and ,F.. O. Totter. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays FlOTBiice a i d ïïe a û o í » Bomelxjdy clu n g to his parting hand. tome to have been the last ’ agonising “vig e................. ! Our only hope of getting on her track swords. I was ordered to take cry of Nolan in vain effort |eAurv- ihe ini . <*. w* b - I Bom ebody's w atchin g and w aitin g for him . W. T. Bailey and Thursdays at 6 a. m. and ar- before reachiug the Capo was in speak- of the boat which set them ashore. The brigade from its impending doom, but ! Yearning to hold him again io her h e a r t .. J . T. Callison f^Smmiaaionera count was at first inclined to rush upon thought by other» to be (he result of uo 1 ing vessels coming up from the «>u‘h. ' T here he lie s w ith th e blu e eyes diin, IB rives in Florence at 4 p m. the As soon as we were clear of the lnnd the Englishman and kill bin‘.OU‘ £ human will, but due rather » tbeeo And sm ilin g, child like, lip s apart. .A. C. Jennings ! T enderly bury the fair youn g dead, ^ e r k ................. all sail was piled ou to the bark, with hand, but he was restrained, and Pr«*ty A. J- Johnson ; day following. "spasmodic forces wWflh flUHF. Ac.1 u*ta“ pau sin g to drop on his grave a tear. orders to furl nothing except to save her seen a duel with pistol» was arranged. Carve on th e w ooden alab at his head, tho form when life has cqased. .A. S. Patterson Returning stage leaves Flor­ (dr As Kane had uo second one of the I «ticks For 36 hours we ran to the eaau rer ......... -S om ebody'» darlin g liea buriod here.' Straight into theRustftan gun», which p. P. Burton - N e w York Ledger. ! south in a gale of wind which kept her Frenchmen gallantly offered to act aa were opeued full upOA them, dashed the ence Tuesdays aud Fridays a t 8 assessor. ........O S. Hunt such The ground was paced off in full lee rail under the foam, and the run Bÿliool Superintendent brigade and “then they «Xie back, t»ot ,. ,.C. M. Collier a. m. and arrives in Eugene at C ; we made has uever yet been beaten by view of the people ou both craft, and not the 600. ” The immense loss waa surveyor.. • ............. a steamer. TheD we spoke our first ship, one couldn't help admiring Kane for ‘•only counter balanced, ” « y » one, by J. W. Harris p. in. the day following. hffloroner............. .......... but no schooner had been seen. We got his coolness and gentlemanly bearing the brilliauco of the attack and the gal­ ,F. B. Wilson R ’•tjgtice of Peace........... BY CHAULES B. 1.F.WIS. down to the Madeiras without Retting He had no taunts, no liurd word», A lantry, order aud discipline which dis­ John F. Tanner onstable...................... $5.00 word of her, and after a.race to the Ca- «rood untnred smile rested on his face, Single fare - - - u it. ’ . . . t . You may think it queer that I cannot oariea were again disappointed. It was and he was as calm as if getting ready tinguished $9.00 i The remuant of the Light brigade after leaving the latter for a game of billiards The countess was sent over to Quebec to recuperate, Round trip - - - give you tfce real names of the principal two days N actors in the drama 1 am about to re­ group, and while holding for Cape was the only one on shipboard who and with tbeat Nidau’s whitp Tickets for sale at E Bangs a first nows. It didn’t watch matters. late, bet such is tlio fact. Things were Verde, that we got our with two slight “ ber cut...«»^hi,^du S By and by the two men took their He carried the mdrkS Ur Hi» death. I livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd managrd so nicely that uo public scan­ came from au English man-of-war which had come upon tho schooner to places, the word was given and they U dal resulted, aud as for names we were tho south of the cape while she was re­ fired together The count was unhurt, After his master's death the horse was Wilson I & p avenport’s office in Florence. Pullm an ish 'resident............. Sleeping Cars cnly sailor men and bad uo business to pairing damage» received aloft daring a but bis bullet penetrated Kano s heart, called Nolan. While in Quebe? Lester O. W. Hurd tn inquire or to know them. What I hoard squall. She did not need assistance, and the Englishman was dead before be Taylor, a wholesale cotton merchant or Wm. Kyle I Cincinnati, purchased him and brought Elegant * * * and saw aud passed through, however, and her cuptain received the offer in a reached the ground. We buried him on HOTEL, Marion Morris joard of Trustees MORRIS him to Cincinnati, where he shortly D ining Cars C. C. Behnke ■ 1 con tell you all about aud with the very churlish manner. She was not the island that afternoon and did it de­ afterward sold him to August Le^Brdct i» Proprietor boarded, bat her name was recorded in cently, and at sundown the count went ...J . C. FLINT, ! hopo to interest you. Lu Broot waa a Frenchman« Thq La . Drew Severy I Tourist ■lia logbook, aud that was the way we aboard the Sylph, and both craft laid » Broots owned a pretty summer nouse , ; Recorder.......................... F lo r e n o a , O r e g o n . Sleeping Cars Tho Count D'Charny, ns I w ill call the . . . J . A. Pond , j course for homo. him, was an old man with a young got track of her. at South Covington, Ky., dn tho enff« -Treasurer ,e ..................... She was still four days ahead of nt. ST. PAUL It was said that the erring wife was of Licking river, aud now known as E. A. Evans wife That his honor was safe in her ‘“'Marshal. . . Û ...................... But for this information we should forgiven nud that she expressed all OUR AIM—To furnish tlio best M IN N E A P O L IS Dinmore park. Luxurious quarters, yiere hands he never for an instant doubted, .¡«t _ proper humility and returned to Paris fitted up for Nolan. A French xcuave and she came and went as she pleased. have touched at tho islands to make in­ DULUTH accommodations a t reasonable quiries and tlins lost nuother day, As to live with her husband, but 1 cannot was brought from France to «»»« -ex­ Aside from his «0 years of life he was U was wo gave the bark all the sail she J S E O R E T SO O IE TtE S PAROO_________ gouty and dyspeptic, and, though be could stagger under and twice refu«ri vouch for thia. 1 only remember that pressly for him and a handaoure jet prices. grand forks had millions of money and a title, the to answer the signals of ships wishing there was uo public scandal and that black stallipn, called Sultan, purchased TO mi every sailor was paid for keeping quiet in Algiers by M Le Broot on on# of last was not an offset for the first. Three C R O O K S T O N >« speak us Kano would not even sus­ and had nothing to say. Kane s body his numerous trips to EareI’’ - . ^ ol*Q _ ■ — Florence Lodge No 107. or four years after her marriage the to pect that tlio count was after him. and was afterward taken to England by hm was a magntflcent creature, ?B$f hand» W IN N IP E G ltg u la r communication on seco countess met an English gentleman have l a n d fourth Saturdays in each wont . having his ladylove aboard and seeiug H E L E N A » " « _____ w . W. NEELY, Prop’r. whose imino 1 must give as Kane. He no cause for haste he would take hi« relatives, and they at least must knew high, snow whii»L.with mane and tail been among the outsiders who O. 5V. Hi'itn, M • M Uke strands of biynished silver, nud was as flue looking a ntan ns 1 ever saw, BUTTE time So we reasoned, but there was more or less of the affair. Tables furnished with all the nostrils like pink satin ; fleet, asith e aged nbout 85, aud every word and ac- ■ouicl. G. K notts , Secretary. much cousolation in it. wind under the redOT#—the-on»p W$ to v v-. TT T 'T f'’ V V T S ? Gnu showed the gentleman It was said I not We delicacies of the season. W ild might run a parallel course with _____________ — — Ctmrenlon by M irrbf.. Which he was pub—with a swinging, K 1 j 1 O that hc had a mint of money and from him for a week and neither craft Bight A correspondent »ends * »tory about the expenses ho met 1 am inclined to be­ 1011 IL General Lyons Post, No. 58. game, lish and fruit in season. Best We might pass him by in TO ¡ the other. “ f t . ^ a s m t o n d and fourth Saturdays lieve the statement. might shorten sail a conversion by« marriage. A col»«« accomodations for the traveling C H I C A C O For a year he lived in Paris in tho the night, or we . uh woman came to bis office to solicit 6 as a fawn Both Rolan and Huhu»i were of each month at 1 :30 p. m. a ? s s t s ¡ . ’X r W A S H IN G T O N and 10 cent snbscriptions f’n o r w rit® d ls’ minister, aud then of course I waa a ly, apd, with fh» aonave cry tq the I of three months she was rendy for flight him within a couple of days. brethren togood M.W. Miles W est Jnst before sundown next day we Mefodia*. ” This is not the first case on child. and had something like $1,000,000 in "Tranqniell Trunquiolf’ mean­ (hi ln vitedto ratend. J. J- Aanta , caught sight of a sail ahead of us which c urphey of Eugene. record of couversiou by marriage. Oue ing be quiet, wouM, with rare iM«lli- money uDd jewelry to take with her. W M . K yle , R e c o rd e r. _____ wo believed to he the schooner, aud that G e n e ra l A rchi . Room s 2 a n d 4, S h e lto n B lo c k case 1» known in which both parties gence, tend his head aud carefully » ish Meanwhile Kane had gone to England cv* • - ' hÿr " E U G E N E , OREGON. night none of our passengers slept. You i and purchased a large and handsome converted. the little one from bis P*‘}>• mJ . O O .F . H ccoU L odgoN o.lU ,m eets that he I know how excitablo the French am were A certain governor of Rhode Island On oue ot the foraging expedí trail» ot schooner yacht and given out A. D. C H A R L T O N , I who lived in Newport and waa a mem- tbe Union troops stationed at F<*t K itch­ A ssistan t G eneral P assenger Agent. n O r r i S t" attend. . | ber of the Congregational church mar­ en, a few miles distant f»w* » M i/* 255 Morrison 8t. Cor. 3d. ¿bod’a^pdi.-g in v ite . ANDBKSON N .G . ried a woman who was a Baptist with­ Broot residence, both horses were taken P o r tlC L X id O r . A ndrew B rvnd , Sec. out any understanding as to the arronge- from the stables M Le Broot was nud some alien tions made to her cabin». , meant to sink the schooner i ment of religions m a tte» The first away from home. Upon his wturu, with i I« ' — I GENERAL BUTLER. She was called the handsomest craft in let her get aw»y from ns. Suuday morning after the marriage the the impetuosity and deuisiv« actum of así tho harbor, and it needed only a glance , We meant to gam on t pair starte d out at church time togeth­ the typical Freuohman, he start BÜ# l ‘Bht • fine.y molded iines to teil that but not too much « t w a . dark aud er They walked side by side aa far aa ouoe with h it zouavfflu hot pursfiit of Money Saved to E m p lo y a F re ro A < e n t. overrun her IC IB could sail like a witch. | rainy and we feared w the corner of Church aud Spring street», the animate Soule tour t a s l r e from "General Bntler originated tho em­ ehe One By 71» «RW W YTERIAN CHURCH,Florence, afternoon in June the master of Men were on watch alow * where their accustomed wsy» to church home he came across them, ttsthersdand ployment and coined the term of pre"» natte Patronizing It. 1 He Svlph. as the schooner was called, | night, and when mon g diverged, and there they stopped. He in charge of a subaltern Iro Broot oov • Ortgon. Sabbath service. Sabbain agent at political headquarters, re­ im e .b o a r d with his wife, aud a great Sylph was ^ « ‘. ¿ ‘S e n pfannec that stood with a little dogged leaning to­ it sta­ a m. Preaching 11, ered the roan with pistol's w hite the marked a gentleman who has given bs»« school, W o’clock lot of baggage followed. I do not think I m .le. a w a y It bad teen p ward bi» church, she with the suuie r.ouave deftly secured the horse» Then a. tn .an d T p . « ^ Ä ' ^ t h many years to the consideration of ac­ ty. • ot __ Prop. tive politics. "During his campaign for guy roan i ou tlio schooner knew whether we would speak ner suit of order. he directed the latter to take them across If leaning toward hers. "W ell, *'!»• ob BA M ni’ii July Geo. Hale said the governor, “ which way shall the Ohio «ver tuto Brown connty. O^ he ,, APwelcome ?o all the services “ ' the presidency ou ihe labor ticket he the owuer was married or single, nor Our chronometer was rt ta . y is lay to the wo go?" She made no answer, nor d i d - noticed that ilia representatives of did any one question that the lady be , «he with three or four men aud seek to de she make any sign of going his way. himself riding ou iuto Covington, Ky.. er i* requests Christians to m ast and straight to the old Planters' Houre. brought aboard was his wife. the newspapers gave but little atten- ■wow business cards - ves know n .^ Ks0TTS> r a8tor. Two hours after their arrival the ves­ tain her until the count could follow The governor looked up at the beautiful where Ute oomiaauding officer «Í tha - tion to the labor ticket headquarters. i ae Wo signaled the schooner ns soon - He decided that this should not contin­ sel sailed, nnd she had teen gone three we could make her out. but she gave us spire und cheery door of Trinity ri»nrch troops. General Stanhope, was stopping. rtta i ’p S e d K u»-er“tho ahadow of which they s , o £ There he defiantly challenged the gen­ ue Bailey, the eircus man, who was a days when the Count D’Charny turned leu« flRST N ^ t i o N A L BANK friend of Cicneral Butler, took some in nt Cherbourg with three or four uo attention. As wo a ado more roil, and "Ha. ’ roW the governor, la» » 1>~* eral’s interferenee'iit'the case Nothing 'qBTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH tbek terest in his campaign, and mm General j friends nonas a nu u v e « * an investigation. Mr. ; *9”^ V'” U'°iini, rw'il'adventure up both our churches aud go in here. and began cauto of the affair, hpwtevar, and •<»»» » ¡»rvice. Preaching at G leñada tre * BuUer «poke to him of tho neglect of Kano nlld the countess had eloped to- theni began the real »dvc0^ And into Trinity they went aud were time tho liorgts jvere returned to e»ghs Irours. tho first political press agent employed most "be overtaken and shot down orran | • l « » » ^ ^ and kept it. ------- , The plays in the first class theaters be­ as such. He took hold of tbe Butler through to satiify a husband » vwigo- evenly matched Both were racers aud liam. who took him to Berlin, where gin at 10 or 11 aud are uot ended nntll ance. The only way to overhaul the bourn and played it for all it was worth ho married a Berltu woman and entered R. BUTTOLPH. both carried about tho same amount of A. O roB orr and ran the campaign on regular eircus «tliooner was to charter another vessel, tho service ot tbo prince His wife pre­ after sunset There are tutervats. of one, s AtcLaren's UnildoiK- principles. He Itad a man t bree or fonr aud this was done as speedily as men , *B From 7 o'clock in the morning until ! sented him a sou in lb«J He was Saboc coarse, tor retreshmaus, and a ree«*t In­ Kocm* ? roetSkc*»»* •*”> Pfu- novation is a theater yard t«r ejercise. days ahead of the general, whoso duty could move. »ttenU oti givuu with her night closed down each craft held its el Cher, a musical lad. who began to lined with eating booths and fancy >u sitíeos. Lying in tho same harbor, it was to erganixe Bntler clubs in case ' study tbe violin when he was 8 years own, neither losing uor gaining by » there wm not any or where the club cargo just discharged, was the American hundred feet. We knew that she would old Later he went to a conservatory, stalls Boxes are seemed three cr four days beforehand from a uroatabcriag tea O r e g o n . was an insignificant affair. l«rk Meteor, of which I was second ¡ r i o r e r i o e . seek to escape n» during the ulgbt, ant. aud t n 1886 be eutered the military E. O POTTER. “ The clubs were organised ou tne mate The Meteor was one of the fastest but few men slept. Three diflcreat ! service as oboe aud trombone player iu bouse, where arrangementa are crade principles and m the fame way that craft afloat st tho time, and the count s times tho schooner altund her eour»e, the Thirty fifth regiment of royal Pros- for attendance and relreshmenta dnnug Attorncy-at-ItaW................... fr an k b . W IL S O N - . armies villagers and ballets are secured friends came aboard nnd told the story but we detected the game each time flan fnsileera Prince Henry of Prussia's the day Full dress is trover "«*» . Tiro following article» aulera ocner- EIGENE. OKEOUh'- i o X a t r ie a l or . ton s representation. of tbe elopeunnrt and offered Goptsin end linng to her trail. When ™"rai’’S Having served there several years, he J U D L i I v . _ thRt bired for the lime they were Black bisown price if he would charter went to the Royal High School For wise ordered, are brought to t ame, we had gained half a mile, btt A programme, a enshion. a tobacco fin* ' t r i c a A» the Cou?1 f lR F G O N occupied in making the parade. Tbe Tbe idea was to go iu pursuit of tbe t , 7 o’clock sbe had picked up hf full W active gentlemen or ladies to w.tko of the Hylph. Tbe captain of the ful in.xmlifffct nights aud beastly dark a power station bhe sleeps there cairn at James— sir T» ere PMTOta. .'saeyégy! 1 ones. But for • ---------- Kane's defiance of the ly and peacefully while the machinery knowledge Ye*. of any r e h j e x t c » ^ ^ the only man aboard of ■U h n n u e r was tbo m a n s u e m o * o n e « . travel for restsmsible. established house around and within six inehcx of her it down to the root e< tblugs. >0 revolutions —Chicago Journal __ •«««»■ A F a ä r o Ph l kt bound to the Indian ocean, and as we did. _ ---- B tlS B « * ttZ * A M in IO ? » - Position steady. Reference. Enclose was n eetlng with an old friend in port and In those long weeks be e.rald ba [ I f m m m .- wi * «M* sf per minute A ja n o s . o n lg n o o u a m ^ M a t fr . sclf-a.Mresse.1 Maniped envelope. The U k in g . J l-ss too much h . had 1st out ,y.d ed u . a doam » w e . over, b u tte Dominion Uompany, Dcpt. N Chicago. Î. SNOW CO. Steamer Robarts H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Florence to Yaquina. T EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE L IN E . N ÔRTKERN Pacific, Ry. RUNAWAYS. * I Head of Tide Hotel, feA. niR O L GII 1 IL As R. M M , ON EUCENE AND FLORENCE STACE RO UTE. g Mr M . ttoniey at Law, Notary laWic, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC P atents PATENTS A. A