Soldier's Escape. * * * * * Liver Ills Like blllouini'ss, dyspepsia, headache, consti­ pation. sour stomach. Indigestion are promptly eiinil by Hood's Pills. They do their work CYCLING ANO A 1-hy.leU.,. « u » . u ,, ' Dr. Maroet of L o m u ’ bicyola rid in g aa « r e ^ . S H in » Is w h at ho «ara ter to Tho J u d ,,* , ÿ f r o » Uu Doouerat-tteuaee, Ml OttrUnf. JU. i* a lorin of mountain ’ was wrought by Dr. William*’ Piak Pill* fc* Whan Richmond had Ikllen and the great th a t SistruM iog f.irnniianHars h&d OlCt b«Q«Bth , th« , . hislOFiC „ I J I was** a great sullerer from sciatic rheu- tude* can b« cured by tmia apple tree at Appomattox, the 83d rena- almost from the lime of my discharge * exiToiae o f olltnbiug, w l , • Sylvania Volunteers, prematurely aged, clad fr<)1(| the arni). x t tiuieo I was bent aim«* asthm a also y ield to the tr in tatters and rags, broken in body but of joyble, and got around with only the greatest easily and thoroughly. to give me per- Rest after dinner pills. * dauntless spirit, swung into ■ line I for the last ‘ difficulty. Nothing seemed ars fespirotion curried out by ago, ¡¡Scents. All druggists. leap iratory movements L u u , "grand review” and then quietly marched attention was called to some ; of i the wonderful Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. away to begin life’s fray anew. Rebel shot cures VI ------- effected i ,. Williams’ Pills for tho tid al air through theh by Dr. Pink . .. ------- The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. and shell, the dread iniuma of the southern Pule People, and I made up my mind to try m oans o f training respirMi*'’ - swamp, sleepless nights and wearisome days them. Iliad not taken more than a halt a A N T E D -T H U 8T W 0R T H Y A N D cy clin g i* the best. Whoa, k HER INVITATION. w ak e an investigation. Our captain had depleted their ranks until only s hand­ box when 1 noticed an improvement in my »h Q fc N E R hulled thetu, aud they replied w ith A D U .U Ì ? V r ___________ active gentlem en or ladies to la k e , a oyoliog _ oxerci ___ _ condition. I took three boxes of the pills, ful remained. Among the number Asa Rob­ ______ (rave| for regponsil)le, established house found, esp ecially on goilia W*r» I tW w Im l. my darling, gestures to sig n ify that they would re­ inson came back to the old home in Ut. and nt tile endot thut time was in better eon- I i" 0 " * 0" M onthly »05 Ofian,I exp en ses. I « “ > breath is wantin'» » A ad y a a a btuabittg flower, tho breath is wanting, the h turn to the shorn for help. They evi­ NENKHEFTA, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Sterling, Ills.; that he had left at the call to I ’d nigh w ith Iowa forevur anus fuur year* previous Be went away in bothered with rheumatism. Dr. i Williams dently took us for w bat we pretended i . n . ....-’ p ogj,jon steady. Reference. E nclose i.ncuuifortably and th„ u .J “1 STA MAN IN THE WORLD. And play aroand your bower. after train in g these ( t i ^ J ------------- -- the first flush of vigorous manhood; he cams Pink Pills for Pale People is the only remedy to be, aud we were piped to breakfast A nd I would corue and Ida« you self-addressed stam ped envelop e. The back » ghost of the self that answered to tliut ever did me any good, and to them I owe peur, n oth in g w ill be thought?1------------- 1 And bring the fragrant ahower, feeliu g that our ruse would succeed. Hi* M um m y Found Iu a C sm stsr y N ear Dom inion C om pany, D ept. Y C hicago President Lincoln’« call for” 300,000 jnore.” aiy restoration to health. A nd 1 would talk In whiapora tile heart h e a r t has t , . . been«,, lu g h ills , tlie About 8 o ’clock, w ith the wind A sa S. R obinson .” th e C ity o t E l liab Tk« Sun Sm iled 'That you could understand. With his return to the old homestead oom for table, all brcutlibliH? ' lw ern or , c breezing up liv e ly , three uative sail Subscribed and sworn to before me thia And I bo perfum e o f your petals there came to him the knowledge that war L'pou Him,'* bu t H e H ied L ike O th er Mor­ appeared and the leg, will N o ta r y o( S NOTHING MORE. craft put out for us. A man aloft w ith I’d «preuetalg All the «laments neceaaarv to give new life That on the lawn are playing c lin g ou t o f doors can takethe You'd spread o'er all the land— sig h t, but she had 48 desperate looking ruled the dw ellers on 260,000 acres praying for even temporary relief, but it did and richness to the blood and restore shattered A nd joining in the merry sport kin d o f exorcise at home by ------------- -- I>t*a play that you're the wind, and nerves are contained, in a condensed form, in The bounding oollio baying. v illa in s iu plain view aud every one of w ith a rod of iron. Tho women adored not eoiue. T hat I'm the M ushing flower 1 d u m m y cyclo, consisting of To-day he is an alert, active man of fifty- Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale People. them had a cutlass aud pistol. W hile him for his beautv. The men feared —Cleveland Leader. Lot me behold the blue ulxivo, five years. His rheumatic pains have de­ They are an unfailing specific for such dis­ w _ h eel driven by - - pedals, . tlie ...» M m R O Q U I her captain wus h ailin g us in a luu- and respected him Tor bis wisdom. Fair ships on dreamy seas. parted, aud while there are traces of his ease! as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, of tho w h eel being so oontrived T ■ N o more I ask of kindly fate, gunge uo one could understand she wa* Near the c ity of El Kab, which is y ears of suffering in his fkce he walks with 8t. Vitua’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma­ sim u la te b icycle riding. Aitr,fa¡_ * B ut only Joys lik e these. slo w ly edging along dowu our starboard situated 76 m iles north of tho present the soldierly bearing and springy step of a tism, nervous headache, the after effect of la —T. P. Johnston in C lum bers’ Journal. rr’ppc, palpitation of the heart, pale and sal­ young man. partly urouud tho rim of the»u" quarter. A t the same tim e a second site of Cairo, there lies an ancient cem e­ healthy To toe Democrat-Mataae reporter he talked low complexions, all forms of weakness HT CHAULES B. LEWIS. bo tig h ten ed at w ill by the rid» . cruft was draw ing ahead ou the port tery so old that even the meu to whom freely abont his case. Mr. Robinson is a man either in male or female. Dr. Williams* i in creasin g tho lubor und ree»lii?d 8 e " ‘ 7 ’ side, auil tho third kept iu onr wuke. tho papyrus scrolls are as fam iliar as of much more than average education and Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be 1 A W A TC H IS A W O N D E R . From the year 1858 to that of 1867 effort o f rid in g up hili. Mv ei^ • • ? Only seven or eigh t men were iu sight the waters of the N ile are unable to say intelligence. Where he is known in Brown sent post paid on receipt of price, 60 cents a County his word is a* acceptable as the bond box, or six boxes for 12.50 (they are ncvei lo m e T h in g s A b ou t I t T h a t A re N o t G en­ o f the resu lts of th is treatment ¡?>ramlBSl0n' (hero were uo less tbau seven British, ou our decks, and tho natives seemed to wheu it was first devoted to the pur­ of the average man, and there is no question sold in bulk or by the 100). by addressing Dc, e r a lly K n ow n . F rench, German uud Am erican cruisers have no suspicion of a trick. The hreezo tuu utcly lim ite d to ouly one pet« ls iso of housing the mortal tenements of bat that in i his i esse on almost miraculous cure Williams'Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. constan tly cruiaing in the w aters of the w as a little bit too strong for their the old Egyptians. The archaeologist Open yonr w atch and look at the l i t ­ th is case it has proved eminent!!,®1’7 ............. C h in a and Java seas after pirate*. Dur­ uiuueuveriug at first, but ufter wo were tle whuels, springs anil screws, each an cessful. T h is person took to bicjtil’e n f f ......... has long found it a fruitful field for re­ in g th is tiioc over 100 piratical cruft a boat six m iles off shore the tw o sud­ indispensable part of the w h ole w on ­ in g three years ago for plcainn«’ea8u r8r' ' ADVERSE CRITICISM. search. aud m any a mummy that today w ere captured, a dozen or 15 strong- denly closed iu to board ns. Onr cap­ derful m achine. N otice tho busy littlo very groat m oderation for thei»3se8 so r' ' is gazed ou in t)ie m useum s w ith round W lut flower« I had in ono fair knot were holtl* broken up uud at leant 2,000 tain hail been closely w atching them balance w heel ns it flies to nud fro u n ­ yours. H e observed that the attst-'liool Stipe eyed wonder was undisturbed here for bound, “ black Hags“ were killed offhand or and w a itin g for thia move, aud of a ceasingly, day and n igh t, year iu aud usthrna to w h ich he was subject iijir v ey o r .. . thousands of years. And so I laid them on a public stall, sent ashore to be boflg The cruisers sudden the drum beat to quarter* and I year out. This wonderful littlo m achine few er. Tho tightness and vkaoroner.. . . Wondering would any ono take note at all, It so happened that n short tim e ago thou ght they bod finished their work, our decks wero a liv e w ith men. taking note, to praise them w ould be found. is the result of hundreds of years of whioh occurred every night hw b . t ice of T persons prospecting for new fields in a Or, A keen eyed critic turned tho nosegay round, but iu 1869 several traders w hich had stndy and experim ent. 1 w as cuptuiu of No. i) gun crew and h ill in the cem etery described discover­ en tirely disappeared. ” Then cried, “N o true flowers these!" anil let ic o n fitted out ut Bantam, Batigviu uud had the honor of firing the first shot u n sta b le .. The w atch carried by tho average it fa ll— ed a little pit w hich apparently had Siugapore wero overhauled by pirates It w as a solid ball, uud it struck the “ Mere weeds that grow against tho church’s man is composed of 98 pieces, and its never been made the subject of in vesti­ NO MACKINTOSH, w all! and their crew* butchered. Whou we craft (Hi her port bow amt wont clean m anufacture embraces more than 2,000 gation. Excavation brought to lig h t And what coarse thread about the stalks i3 arrived nt Singapore iu 1870 in the through her aud dropped iuto tho sea distinct and separate operations. Some C « a tr a r y E ffe c ts o f tlie A bsciss «10, wound!' ’ tho fact that it was not only som ething Cl B ritish gnu brig V ixen, a nest of p i­ beyond. T his opened the fight The na­ a F r ie n d u f C olonel Cslllpv. of the sm allest screws are so m innte rates had been located on one o f the is­ tiv es iu stau tl) realized thut they had new, lint from tho archm oiogist’s *Tls true, I fear me, dandelions and grass that the unaided eyes cannot distinguish standpoint ono of the most important " I know a m an once,” said CL: I culled, m istaking them for garden bloom land* off the w est coast o f Java, and we eanght a tartar, aud they saw, too, that them from steel filings nr specks of dirt. C alliper, " a you n g mau who hi finds in a very long timo. The pit was And half believing that they ho m ight pass. had ordera to proceed to the spot uud their only miuut. of escape lay in cap­ And now m y critic has pronounced my doom Under a powerful m agnifying glass a erytb in g th at heart could with ‘resid en t tho eutranco to a solid ehnmber of rock T H I CHROTCICLB rM kl with m clean them ont. Wo overhauled our turing the ship. Therefore, instead of Half undeceived, I shall not grudge my lot Mwapapwrs In the 0 b 1U<1 8Utoe. containing u number of stone coffins or If perfect screw is revealed. The slit in w ho n otw ith stan d in g that factn friends may find one true forgetmenot. arm am eut, took in a lot o f anim uuition running aw ay, u* v'e had looked for, THE CUKONICIsS has m «qsal on tho Poolfto Besides these there lay the head is 2-100 of an inch wide. It pretty san e und sensible sort of yi —I. in London Spectator. Cooot. It leads oil In oblllty, enterpnee and ne«ro aud strengthened our crew hy 14 men eueli craft bore daw n on us to board sarcophagi. upon the floor of tho chamber a num ­ takes 808,000 of these screws to w eigh man, but w h o nevertheless did ntloard of Ti THE CHRONICLE*» Telefmphte Roporte oro before sailin g These men were drafted They w ere handled as easily us an In- , • pound and a ponnd is worTn $1,585. U»e loteot ond moot reliable. Ito Loool Howe the ber of statues. Exam ination of the in h is you n ger days before hehadi« SILK FROM T H E SPRUCE. o u t o f a crew belonging to a muu-of- diuu m aneuvers u canoe, and it w asn't ! foileet and aplcieot. ond Its KtfUortolo from the various contents showed7 th at one of tho The hairspring is a strip of the finest ed tho ph ilosophy of life occusia ohleet pent In the euuntry. w ar w h ich hud been wrecked on the five niinutcH after tho first gun waa fired ! wircophagi contained the m am m y of 1*0lp F ib er I s F o a n il to M ake Very steel, abont inches long, 1-100 inch have periods of depression. In a le c o r d e r .. THE CHRONICLE has alwny« been, ood olwnpo M alay coast, uud a ll were old hands. ore they were ou our quarters like G ood S u b stitu te. will be, the friend and cbompleo of the people eo and the roll of papyrus and wide, 27-10,000 inch thick. It is coiled th ese on h is w ay homo onee fremrreMurer T h e captain got h is bearings from some w olves seekiug to ham string a deer. I | Ncnkhefta, •Caln«* combination«, cliques, oerporottoas, or the inscriptious ou the sarcophagus S ilk of excellent quality is being oppremione np in spiral form uud finely tempered. rope ho cam o to the conclusion thtt^argp,tti . . source unknown to us, and when we fill'll another solid shot unil then loaded j both gave tho inform ation that these of any kind. It will ho ladepowAoal i« Tho process of tem pering these springs w a sn ’t w orth livin g, and he unit x left. Singapore th e brig wus beaded to w ith grape, und this lust chargo was wero the mortal rem ains of ’’th o in o st mado from the spruce tree in Europe, U everythla< was long held as a secret hy the fow for­ h is m ind to end it ull right the east. We jogged along dow u the fired right into u m ass of natives wait- I beautiful m an in E gypt and probably and a m ovem ent is ou foot to establish the industry iu this country. It is said tunate ones possessing it, and even now jum p iu g overboard. As ho looked« | oonst o f Buiuatra for a week w ithout iug to clam ber up the side. Tho gun the world. ” that the cost of m aking silk by this proc­ is not generally known. T heir m anu­ tho rail aud realized how wet the:_____ a n y unusual incident, and though wu next to m e fired a solid shot, w hich When tho wrappings o f the m um m y facture requires great sk ill anil care. ter wus und how m uch there waici--------— ’ •poke u saute o f craft none o f them hud tore through her bottom, and tw o mitt- of this ancient Adoni* w ere nnfoldod, ess is one-fifth tliat of the spinning from the silkworm cocoon. The fiber Tho strip is gauged to 20-100 of au inch, he know that ho ought uot to go« nuy Iufonualiou about the pirate. The utes later she foundered right alongside there was nothing to indicate that the takes dye as readily as the anim al prod­ but no m easuring instrum ent has as yet i t w ith o u t a m ackintosh. crew had begun to rid icule the idea of us 1 be secund cruft got near enough rem ains wero those of a man of ■ F . & A. a man or any uct auil can be woven as securely and " G o in g below , ho discoveredttaR* been devised capable of fluo enough w h en som ething occurred to opeu our to grapple, but the irons were throwu beauty whatsoever. Tho griu uing skele­ as rapidly. It is also claim ed that the «yes very wide. gauging to determine beforehuud by tho had neglected to bring one. On thi an d fourtl off and tw o guns played solid shot iuto size of the strip what the strength of ' casion of a ll others w hen ho wants), Guo m orning, about an hour after her iiiill until she w ent dowu stern fore­ ton looked exactly like those of today. tensile strength of tho fabric is as greut, d a y lig h t, w e cam o up w ith a Dutch most, leuving 80 meu struggling iu the The only odd fact wns that the shape of ns if not greater than, the real silk. tho finished spring w ill be. A 20-1,000 m ost bo had none. But ho cottlol. G. K so the skull, the hands and tho feet were, A lthough the spruce lends itself to trader, w hich w as tak in g c a r, of her­ wave* part of uu inch difference in tho thick­ th in k of encountering the wet hup ** w h ile unm istakably Egyptian, of more | the process better than most woods, oth- self. A ll her sa ils had been cut away, ness of tho strip makes a differenoe in priately clad, aud so he deferred jm —“ Tho third craft had forged ahead, classic m old than tboee o f m ost m um ­ ! er forms of pulp cau be used, the in ­ rope* w ere Hying in twery direction, sa ilin g five feet to our one, aud would the rnnning of u wutch of abont six in g overboard n u til ho could don j j f an d sho w as so low iu the w ater thut have bourded us at the bows but for the m ies. Tho form ation of tho sk ull also ventor even declaring that old newspa­ m inutes per hour. proper form . N e x t morning, with.Q A. JL litpntg w e wondered w h y she d id n 't go down. sudden destruction of the othera Their indicated that its owner w hen ulive pos­ pers, after they have beeu cleaned of The vuluo of these springs wheu fin­ resilien cy of youth , he was feeling ___ , "a ' W hen a boat pu lled off to her, it wus to fate frightened her off, hut she had sessed great m ental developm ent, thus tlie printer’s ink, may be readily made ished aud placed iu w atches is enormous ter, and he arrived iu New Yorkti'® ■i find the captain m ortally wounded and scarcely laid her head for the isluud ju stify in g the pleasant things which t into silk. The inventor, who has made in proportion to tho m aterial from ant, hop efu l aud strong. h is w ife aud tw o «ailurs, stiff aud deud than it wus brought urouud, as if het w ere said about him iu tho perfectly the subject a study for 20 years, based w hich they are niude. A comparison " A n d , cu riou sly enough, wink: preserved roll of ancient m anuscript his experim ental work on tho fact that and horribly m utilated, on the duck be- crew hud m ade some desperate resolve. w ill give a good idea. A ton of steel other respects he remained as punt .. I tho silkw orm , in eating and assim i­ aide him Wa g o t him off, hut had no Now occurred a curious th in g She had w h ich reciteii h is history. mado up into hairsprings w hen in ious as ever ubout his dress, hens Som e of tlie archirologists here were latin g the leaf of the mulberry ,ree, ob­ tim e to g iv e th e bodies burial before about 80 m en on board, and she came watches is worth more than 12 »„ tim es after th at w ore a mackintosh, and i q . U th e little craft w ent dow n. The enptuiu dow n on ns w ith every one of them at first inclined to dnnht the accuracy of tained tho foundation of the silk from the value of the same w eight iu pure w en t out iu u ll sorts of weather m eet wa* a man about 40 years of age, uud, shouting and scream ing uud triod to lay the claim s made regarding thia find, vegetable fiber. In trying to hit upon gold. Hairspring w ire w eigh s 1-20 of a out h esitation . I t w as his carelew e .lCi, nu though hardly a liv e w hen w e found os abourd. We could bare sunk her hut investigation showed that there w as the particular chem ical process that the grain to tho inch. One m ilo of w ire iu th is regard that led finally lo- brethren him , bo tallied enough to tell h is story. w itli one gun even, or w e conlii have Uu causo for doubt whatever, i t would original fiber w ent through before it w eighs less than half a pound. death. O nt w ith o u t a mackintoshii- in v ite d t' T he trader hud been trafficking uloug picked off tho w hole crew w ith out have been im possible to perpetuate a w as spun as silk by the loom he found Tho balance gives five vibrations overy heavy rain ut the age of 97, ho cangh W st. Kvi the Java coast and hud finally oomplutud luuwkctu before they bad crossed the fraud of thia sort. Tho papyrus roll, that alter tho fiber had been separated •ecoud, 800 every m inute, 18,000 every cold th at settled on h is lungs, dee. ------------ h is cargo aud headed for Miugupnro. rail. Word w as passed to give her a w hich told tho history of N cnkhefta, it needed the chem ical action of a cer­ hour, 482,000 every day and 167,080,- ed iu to pneum onia and carried htai g q . 0 . ! J u st nt suuset on th e previous eveuiug fu ll broadside nt command, aud when set forth thut h is dom inion extended tain form of glucose. In the new treat­ 000 every year. At cacli vibration it m ent the tree is crushed, and tho result­ ■ e v e f JT ho hud been overhauled hy a native the smoke cleared away she w as not over 42 m iles of the banks of the N ile. ^ ? t,C^ ,bOUt tim es' w h i<-h makes he ow ed h is long life and his desfi H a ll, ing fiber is m ixed w ith glucoso and craft, carrying about 4U men. l ie wus to be secu There w ere over 20 of the H is residence w as termed N ishwaka, 197,100,000 revolution* every year. tho sam e c a u se ." — N ow York Sun. then «boot teu m ile* off the coast and pirates banging to the wreckage around w h ich is supposed to menu thut tho v il­ then placed in deep m etal tubs. A diRk, Take, for illustration, a locom otive w ith ab ou t five m ile* south o f au island us, how ever, uud a boat wus lowered to lage whoro he lived boro that title. som ew hat lik e a steam piston, is then Tks O krm tsU BaHAtag. O foot driving wheels. Let its w heels I r is h D a e l i u f Code* know n as Q ueen’* Bower. H e hud uo pick them up. You can judge of their ' . "G reat were h is flocks, ob, ruler of forced down on the m ass by hydraulic be run u n til they have given the same T he Irish d u elin g code lias 1« m sp iciou w hatever of th e nutive*, and desperation whuu 1 te ll you thut every r u le r s," sa y s the m anuscript "N one pressure u n til it is compressed into a number of revolutions that a watch adopted w ith certain modificatiMt ’ very heavy gora. A t the bottom of the tb s first th in g he knew th e y bourded his nue of thmn fought lik e a tiger against w as so w ise. N one w as so beloved. The sun sm iled on him w hen he jour- I tube arc tubes term inating iu tiny glass T . year’ “ *d they wU1 bav° d u elists both iu E ngland aud tbe U# Mall, Footage Paid, draft aud began io cut aud slash. When being rvscnixl uud tnut w e got ouly five oovcreil a distanco equal to 28 complote ed S tates. It w as drawn up by tbe J« they had finished th e crew , they beguu out of the lot. The others w e hail to □eyed abroad, aud when lie looked w ith nipples, w ith exceedingly sm all aper­ circuits of the earth. bar at th e C lonm el assizes in I'”1“ au plunder uud strip th e vessel aud were k ill us they flouted about, w ith the displeasure a sorrow as of death camo tures. Under the hydraulic pressure the attenH*1“ * . ? W“tCh doe8 w ith o n ‘ « ‘her appears to a im at so arranging nutK w ith her uutfl m id n ig h t Before leaving sharks suapping at them. T w o of the upon him who bnd caused it. Ho w as to m ixture is forced out of these glass O n ly attention than w inding once every 24 th at no Irishm an unxious to figbtsL bis people what the w aters of tho N ilo I nip ples in silk lik e fibers, w hich are so Oreg they bored her fu ll o f b o le * and w e hud five leaped out of the bout after beiug hours.—Jew elers’ R eview ? bo balked liy h is w ish . "The W 1 reached her ju st iu tim e to rescue the pull ml iu aud w ere seen uo more, aud are to E g y p t G reat is h is name. N o fine that the girls w ho are em ployed in captain. The first cruft w as joined by the others gave us so much troutdo that inali w ho lives w as fo Iwautiful. There th is portiou of the process are obliged fenso requires tho first apology. • •X.SOO J o b BB.1 N o T obvs t o Sh ed . to w ear h igh ly m agnifying glasses in though tho retort m ay be mow of’: tw o others luter on, aud the three car­ the captain sw un g them up to the yard is uoue to tako his place. ’’ Perhaps there w as a touch o f oriental order to see when any of tlie fibers John P. Green, an O hio politician of siv o ." “ A fter one fire tbe retort“11, ried a t I ia st J 00 desperate fe llo w * Tho arm. Tlio m aterial is then car­ extravagance in th is, but nm ong the break. •omo note, not long ago w as appointed be exp lain ed aw ay. But if either I* raptaiu heard aud understood euuugh to Thus not one sin gle men o f the 100 The Gniifd Weekly h (he Coailry, to a fairly good place in one of tho de- ty, ” tho code hastens to add, sa tisfy him th a t th e y were a u urguuixid or more who cam e out to attack us es- statues found ou the floor of the cham- I ried over electrically heated drums P frtm ent. at W ashington. A t home rathe.r fight on, after two sboti f*8 tftiug of pirates and thut they w ere also ca|N'd w ith h is life. 1 w as iu ono o f the ber w as one w h ich unquestionably was ' w hich dry the ether and the alee d S X b v M Cn,UiD‘‘1 1“ W7er and is tho princip al w h o m ade the retort M w e ll equipped fur their bloody b u siness bouts afterward sent ashore to see wbut intended to represent N cnkhefta. T his ' out of it. It is then pluhged into iced nown by his success in influencing the exp lain aud then tho original off“ * The ialaud m entioned wu* not over •ort of a lair the pirates bail made fot w as evidence sufficient that tho inscrip­ water, dried ami spooled for tho looms. X l . n8a t° bth° jr r - H e w e e p sT a C T tladssi», „ „ T p.n UnltM X ) tulles away, auil a s the Java sou was th em selves The ouly human beings tion m ust not havo been w ith o u t cause. — Buffalo Express. tender h is n p o lo g y .” "When tb«» Acixirdiug to the standard of beauty tears at the right tim e, rends his hair . SUIen Csnsdaantl Meilco. and is a great h igh w ay i t d id not seem ashore were an old uative wom an, a one direct is th e first offense, thcagp® C olor llllad n oM . w h ich existed in E gypt iu those days, possihle Unit man would take such a armed Japanese and a w h ite bay about CHROXtCLK. th . brtsh»«, lawyers8 do H th lHB8 Wh‘Ch snccw « W m ust eith er lieg pardon iu expreM ter® The term color bliudnoss im plies an •n«' ond hands h is principal I ut cue p*' In the tom b of N cnkhefta w ere also v io le t— is w an tin g, aud which are approach near enough iu use her guns different vessels, large and sm all, auil in gross cases tw o, holding another®’ know n ns red blindness, green blind- and sh ell the fe llo w s nut, aud w e were iu every euso hud plundered auil sunk tlie m um m ies of his w ife and little I earned “ T ? " thttu tho »3.500 ready charged iu reserve."— **o* struug euuugh to luuil from our them. They did uot alw ays k ill all the son. It would appear front the inform a­ n ess aud vio let blindness. Tbo lin e be- earned at home. I tell you. tb U th fo g S f 8ï e lia “ j u ry“” 7 ° Ur h"‘r M agazine. boats aud deal w ith them. The sig h t of crew boon after the boy w as captured tion contained iu the papyrus that th is tw eeu these various k iu d so f color blind au armed vessel nosin g urouud would they brought iu au Aiucricau sailor off old tim e E gyptian w as content w ith ness aud a perfect perception c f colors T lie la o o p h o le. is uot sharply drawn, vo that a large p a l the pirates ou their guard, «ml so a spice trader. The lad knew biin ouly one w ife, sniuething of a rarity in.those Mr. G oodhcart— Regarding tho* b h o w in » num ber of persons have w h at is called keep at it much longer, it h d 10 days. H e w as evid en tly an exception ft wks reNolvid to play them a Yankee by the uame of W illiam , but rem em ­ tens, m y dear, the president of off The United State«, Dominion of " " « ' f ciety Fays the m ost humane f f ! trick. We ruu into a hay uu the coast bered I lint his home w as iu Uostnu. It to all rules, howover, aud th is probably a feeble color sense, w h ich fnlls short of actnnl color blindness. There is no You don't account* for the presence of tho m um ­ aud set to Work. know w hat it means to Canada^and^Northern Mexiao drown k itte n s is to pu t them 'n *“? turned out that they had spared hi* life me to get that *».500 w ithout tears, Von are probably aw are of the fact to make u e of him as a blacksqpitb, but m ies of bis w ife and sou iu b is tomb. doubt that color blindness iu its vari­ dinary earthenw are flowerpot and w O N E 8XDKL Between *2,500 w ith tears that au E nglish man -of-war, no mutter whuu they found he had uo kqow ledge It is believed that if he had had mure ous form s is much more common than Aaa Ik . " PWÇticing member of suddenly turn th e flowerpot of* how large or bow sm all, is a pattern of of thut work be w as pat to death w itli than oue w ife there wonld tie som e e v i­ is generally supposed, aud it is more dowu in a pail o f lukewarm water. dence iu tho form of inscription or o th ­ com m on am ong the im perfectly than nsaimma ami regulation, unit the cut of great cruelty Mrs. Good heart— W hy, ye*. th« By order of the eh ief ho .“¿ " l ” '““ ' 1 lh . the w e ll educated classes, and i t ia, cu- erw ise to indicate that th is w as his fa­ her sails w ill aluue establish h erhleu tl • good idea, isn ’t it, because, you I*» OM T H I © T u ra every time. " - Angnsta wus biiug in chaius ou a trve about a B I n it rion sly enongh, still more common vorite w ife nud the m other of h>* *on. Chronicle. (G a.) there is a hole in the bottom of ty w h ile her n u ll is yet below the wa quurter of a m ile from the village aud > 2 and G et th« w * is held that th is m ust have beeu his am ong J ew s and Quakers, probably» breathe th r o u g h .— London Eun. w eut w ith us ami «huwed us bi* A IkSlItltsl Ixiuua, ____ On M>P P a^ r^ pyrtis screll. ‘There i* noue to take his more frequent am ong m ales than fe ­ thiug iu seem ing ooufurioai aloft, d is ­ s till hunging. pluoo. cooched un- m ales io the general population, but * g u ise d her h a ll us much us possible, ami It is said that A ustralian thepi* The one armed uiau and the old w o­ ¡ S i . S ! ä »8« of -V 15 he M. B Nunkhefta'» w ife waa named N yicp. am iaig Qoakera it is nearly the same Y O T77TC». whan w e le f t the hay the Shark had the man. aw isted by 'h e boy, were the cooka can foretell th e w eather from the» in both sexes. In the general popula­ tha. Thi* is the inscription on her ear- look o f a tuerchautiuuu w hich hail been for tbe gang They at first «ecmed very »o his r o l l * the £ ‘ m ‘ ° n ¿ I n d ition of th e w ool on the backs of ‘ **!* f k a vcnrio. through a typhoou ami w as too short laiach alarm ed aud protested their tnuo- oophaffoa, “ N yleptha, tbe Qucvu of tion 4-16 per cent, or abont 1 m ale in sheep. A u increase in the carlln1* A v ^ h 6* " ,hBt his wa ““ handed to m ake rep airs The Dutch cap­ uvuce of any com plicity iu tb« crim es of N eukhefta, G reatest of Rulers. " N oth ­ every 25, ore color b lin d .— N ew York The Hom an Flffherm «^ dicates better w eather. • tain d u d ou the day after w e found the pirates, but wheu they cam e to un­ ing i* aaiii as to w hether or uot she was Ledger. ^ ^ . ‘» « ^ t e l l s o f . c i f i m . ' - ^ S , : ^ eom m ù him , hod h is last worila w ere a prayer derstand that all th* villain* had met beautiful, a* it is plaiuly evident that N early 200 patents have been ‘s who waw vvidt'otlr too Mis* Fjon's Ci ’ ■ere iudicted for a 2 ■ r n ffia ns "ho tlie effulgence of N cnkhefta w as such i«*r to sit “ — 1 “ that eve m ig h t fa ll nu w ith aud punish their fate auil thut w e bad c o m e ashore for horseshoes, but not one of the I” 3Ì.o',r i “ 'l 0 ’'h 'f " » »he Pn » Policeman. M i« L illia n Oordcu P ym of Boston | man'uer of Í* roug that any w om anly charm in his fam ily th e p irates lion s has ever com e in to general os to clear the islaiid of ita last isile of Hilf tlw» anra'i usfii I _« • 'in «*.-..— c . was practically lost sight o f .— Wash- w as am oug the snccriwful students who ‘'«tend arranged1*1^ “ : «•hvrmau. but victed, " ho sbv 7 \ e Th?'y Wer” “n oou- It Wa« ju st nt d a y lig h t that w* ap pluuiler ttfiy aadiiruly rau into a ratio iugtou Post. Properly so. " 7 h#erfully, " M(1 Tery recently passed tlie rxam m atiou of tbe Mis* W lta e r 's A ppoUrtsssa»’ jewred off th e m irth .-oast o f tin- island Morehouse, blocked ap the doorway form of a u to m a te ue«« w h i'? '“'' *h’' R oyal G ollcge o f M usic iu London and to revolve hy the " d Tf 1 mad® M iss H elen Wilder, youngest^* sm l tin hflaeJ on a huuk about three w ith boxes aud opened fire ou aa w ith received tbe degree of aaeociate. M i» IHssaMIliT «4 ■«•rj. sn ilea from th e beach Men were scot platoia. We had tw o uieu woundeil be­ ter of Mrs. E. K. Wilder, the , the current of tbe stream #nd The du rab ility o f ivorv is proved by Pym waa born in Boston 16 year* ago not necessary for him fo’vUi ,h “ “ ■ loft us if engaged iu rep airs a boat fore w e could dislodge them, aud they tress of a large fortu n e and one <» ami has beeu stu dying abroad five year*, of truer than cnee . ,)aT w ' u ?.e ’ P0’ Hie fact that billiard balls w hich for u as if to wurk uu the hull, were llieu hanged to the aame liuib auil W B » g i l t I dow I ®fwt popular society g ir ls iu Hcuf duriug w h ich tim e she has been aw ard­ a m i t h e bulk I h*s been esp ecially honored Iff »^j, j of the crew rem ained la their bn lir* loft to the b ir d . What the sake of curiosity had been m ade of of • pneum atic tube t'o «boot th* ed a m edal fo« ptoflcirucy as a piauist by h id in g below . N o doubt the fe llo w s J pluuder wa oould uot bring off w e very w ell preserved m am m oth Ivory un- fDnu tlie be bank to e L h r i . e T h o T M Wtmld fl’ h torney general by receiving a " vm to ¿ u i r the am oruted board o f the R cyal Acade- ¿ 1 1 I O . H - I I . , : ashore hod a lookout in som e tree», and hurued on the Miand, and before im vin g iloubtitlly m any thoum nd year* old m y o f M usic and tbe R oyal C ollege of Pi”, tell me what r J ? m®' for « * « » - rion as a hum ane officer. M i* p rovided w ith a gi«-d glass he oould see w e set th e fore*« on fire in a rioaen were played w ith for several m ouths by Mnaic and also the degree of licentiate even th i* Niuht,,« w „a ,J first. " part J 0“ would draw the first wom an in t h c llo w a ii* 0 * experienced players in Phris w ith ou t it then e v e r y th in g gvtug ou aboard, it we* pltCva, aud the flame* did not di* out to be appointed to turth a pDs'th* bring uorioe.1 that the balls were not from the Royal Academ y of Music. She electric h ard ly stm rise w heu a sm all u ative n u til the w h ole length aud breadth had in his eycP l’o ^'Jd up 8 n f iChan‘ nH-a,,1og bouor wa* cen ter red upon her •"* made of fresh ivory. Mammoth ivory ia, i ia a daughter of Mr. Jam es Pym of the witeffsv« i 3J1 p'l in recognition of her frefitiei t t ssratt w ith four tueu .« her, cam e out Io h eu i «wept clean of vrgetaliuu. m atic ton e extractor— Buffalo and quietly said • ^iS teaciicr’i aa a rule, not a* lough aa fresh ivory, j Bcstou D ally Herald. mereiai. to relieve the sufferings of (lD1J —r mala and to bring cruel nia*L-‘» »•r'*« ! iibm ent. * Hood’s Pills w A \ T ATlOXTS OF FirYPT 4 A HOT FIGHT. :33JZ 32 OF THE] .7 ICIFIC COAST C H R O N IC L E Hi«* '''A. I TH E D A IL Y $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 a leaf C H R O N IC L E Reversible Map? 7 Map o f th e W orld "'““"At.