H E w e s t HOW TO FIND OUT. U oyal m ak es th e load pure, 'TJxiGG wbol.Mdn.aBdd.lldw». X..M. ltoBey »b« I » ' 1’ Bidder. Btll a V.»*1 ..>««« «ss«\n I’Ll RM WÍtl) Fill bottle a ..m or < common glat» with i bant Friday evenirne the Ladies Mis- urino a und let ¡I stand twenty-four boura ; I Hionarv Society id Florence addfó , ! unno n a i«-i >, e»«..» » - ' - - z ---------------- tVSKY rB iü A Ï MOIUUNU— tl r to the lift of enjoyable enter- The blJs for constructinga new court I# ^ ¡ ,„ „ ,1 or settling indicates aa qn- I BLISffi»» which that »Viety has already j house for bane county were opened at |,eMlli,y condition of the kidney». " beo . On each occasion «*>» entertain- j Eugene last week in presence of Archi- lirine „tains linen it is evidence of kid- e C ounty , O kkoon .— g 'n t in s presente I so il» new or. tect Neer and the ine intiera of ¡be county n(>jr trolIj,le. Too frequent desire to - by • • - striking feature diff-‘i..gfrouJ all those ; court. The following in relation to the 5 j urinate or pain in the hack, is also con-' rincing proof that the kidneys and 1 that have precede! it. ! matter ia taken from the Guard : 1 This time the n .velty isv in the i Following is a list of the bidders and ! bladder are out of order. Editor and Proprietor. W H A T T O DO. method of determining the price »o he , the amount of their bids : , paid for the refreal........ N u m b e d I. N Roney. Eugene ............... $«.«->’ ............_ . There is comfort in the knowledge so that Dr. Kilmer’s r | among the Thomas Mann,Portland....... ■ ‘XI. JO : ()fjen expressed, T ibm b : $1.50 n year in advance.- distribute! badges were received A J B Burgees, l’ortland .. .. 52,499 swamp-root, the great kidney remedy ladies. Eacli gcntlcn in budge the number on it it corresponding I Engl. & Gray, Salem , (,,icis every w isli in relieving pain in ,.bo lterodat the post-office at Florence, ’ ' 3 F Hulchiii«, Salem 54,940 hack, kidneys, liver, bladder nnd every j county, Oregon, as second-class lo that on the badge worn by some lady - . Eugene . . . . . 66’700 i part of o| the n,® urinary passage. It corrects 1 matter. Absolutely Puro who was to be his partner at supper. W T Campbell, to bold urine and scalding pain L* N. Roney is the lowest bidder. He I inability . The price of refreshments was fixed at ebtising batss made known on *r- one cent for each pound of difference in was tine contractor on the foundation of in passing it, or bad effects following plication . the buiUling, which is already construct- use of liquor, wine or beer, and over- the weight of the couple. 1 notice« 8 cent» per lin e, each insertion and is in readiness I M|I)M Uiat unpleasant necessity of be- ROVAI BAKING POWOt» C**L. WgW YORK. v e u tn K w « v e ed, u, m h u everything i — In tlie program for (he evening were i included several pieces °F instrumental push construction of the building to an ¡nt{ im p e lle d to get np many times during the night to urinate. Tlie mild ronco, Or. March 4, 1898. J. I. Butterfield’« bid for raising 1 >« - h j j rH. Fremont, Mr. Poud and early completion. Odd Fellows building was the *owest’ | ,,avij i^.qe a song tiy Mr. Evans, an The contract »•» not ret been let, but and extraordinary effect of swamp-root The contract lias not been awarded yet. , • anj a recita- will undoubtedly go to Mr. Roney. Tlie is soon realised. It stands Hie highest W Ü S T L IN G S . l,ave tbe. ; lion by Miss Knowles court desired to get the ea *ir‘’ ^ st “ for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ Efforts are being made to be Robarte w ent to Coos bay Tues mail route from Gardiner by way of After listening to thia part prepara- tlie building under *b0’^ ’ The C®9 I tressing cases. If you need a medicine w . c , you should have tlie best. Sold by Ruby and Ada to Alone, extended to lions were made for refreshments. Mr. ol tl.e foundation wjW » W druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ , Wilson being an expert weigher was with Mr. Roney s h.d wouldI make t lie winter term of school in Florence ¡ Qiuna,in. lar. Yon may have a «ample bottle and I Carpenters Butterfield and Johnson are ,,|aced ¡„ charge of a pair of ecalee and cost of the building fh«,8&S ee next Friday pamphlet uuw both »ent free by mail, iatiwg an ad- barrels of salt^salmon for shipment to unwilling their partners should out- tial and attractive structure. It dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The ___ proprietor of this paper Dress I San Francisco via Yaquina. She took ' weigh them. One lady remarked they of brick, with presse >r ce. guarantees tbe genuineness of tins offer. omethlng new in the line ofl over*100 barrels to Coos bay Tuesday. I couldn t fool her as «lie had alreaxiy outer wall, and trimmings of Pioneer „la. Call and see them. Meyer A j J Anderson talks of starting for ' been weighed that day. Though tl e stone. It is tlie intention of ttie court another oecision . .1. j Anueison » weight of different pel sons ranged from to arrange for ttie completion of the e. building by November 1st or earlier. ring your job work to the W est ,o P, - - s i x “ .™ ::- re. Good work done at reasonable ; : 2 . , . u c A LA N E C O U N TY S U E D . On an appeal front Waahington county •es. in the case against Henry Hingley, j ' the heavier or the lighter party, it was C o r d e lia I t e y o n ld , A s k s S I 5 0 0 fo r be Spruce Point mill started up last stream. indicted for voting unlawfully at a Postmaster Harwood of Glenada the tleman who paid for the urdny and has,been running steady m a g e s S u s t a in e d , showed us a letter from the department ( nt been onlv school election, in that he had no prop­ ;e that time. yesterday stating that no reduction is , o( Uie peculiar arrangements of erty on which lie paid a tax, or children lie Lillian brought a raft of logs contemplated in tlie daily mat! aeryiea , Mrs. Cordelia Reynolds has corn- . to educate, the state supreme court n the boom at Point Terrace to the between Eugene and Florence that is to When after much merriment all had menceil suit against Lane county fur decided against the defendant. Tlie uce Point mill a few days ago. commence July 1, 1898 ascertained Iheir number of pouuds $1500. The cause of action, briefly . silver medal contest will lie given decision holds it to be a felony for The contract tor building tlie court avoirdupois, refreshments were served. stated, is lids: Florence under auspices of tlie W. C. On June 8tli, 1897, while plaintiff and a man who has no property op which he None who are engaged in any of the mechanical house lias been awarded to L. N. Roney. Sucii quantities of delicious cake. We [J. on Tuesday evening, March 8tli. He filed a bond witti the court in tlie tried to sample the diflerent kinds but lier husband in a wagon were crossing a pays a tax, or children to educate, to pursuit# can succeed without reading and d u r s t . T o n e B o w e l« W ith C n sen reta . „urn of tlie bid $49,875. The contract gave it up long before they quit passing bridge on tlie county road »bout four vote at a school meeting. ndr C ath artic, cu re constipation vnd. Cathartic, cure consiipaiiun forever. .u .w .. * -L r , ; i ,i, n.n iw;« i-pf ttnd money. SSc^- I t C. C. <» C. i fail, druggists refund money. require« that tlie building shall be en­ to us. We hope however to see others miles east of Elmira, a detective plank studying this standard Magazine of Sciences (woke and struck one of the horses )ur shelves'are now full of elegant closed not later than Oct. 1, 1898 and like tliem in the iature. T O CURE A C O LD IN ONE Q* Y ’ and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with Alter supper an elderly indy resem­ causing them to jump, thereby precip­ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Talilets. v patterns of Prints, French Ging- shall be completed by Jan. 1, 1899. T o Cur© C o n s tip a t io n F o r e v e r . bling Josiah Allen’s wife appeared and itating plaintiff and her hubaiid fro in All druggists rofund money if it fails to ns and other Dress Goods. Meyer A all modern cuts of latest inventions in all tlie bridge, breaking one of tlie small Take Casearets CauJy Cathartic. 10c or 23c. It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money repeated a recitation giving an account bones of her right arm and cruahing her cure. 25c. the branches of mechanism, and its fund of of an interesting event in her life. After "he W. C. T ,U . medal contest will be The big cigar-shaped raft that is be iiand so it liecame permanently stiffened d in tlie Presbyterian church Tues- ing built at Stella, IVash., is nearly ¡ much applause Miss Vanderburg gave knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ and useless. A. O. Woodcock and H. v evening, March 8th. Good music completed. Ttie raft contains 5,000,000 a short recitation concluding tlie pro- D. Norton appear for plaintiff. ventors and mechanics. Sold with T uk feet of timber, or 400,000 linear feet ol gram. Il form part of tlie program, Over 100 persons were present—The CATARRH CANNOT B - CURED, r > . Archibald of Junction was nr- piling. It will lie towed to San Kran- W est at clubbing rates. receipts of tlie evening amounted to dedon charge of killing Chinese ciBco as soon as completed. Tlie value With local applications, as they cannot easants out of season. He plead of the raft is over $20,000. It is tlie $13.60. A F IG H T FQR LIFE- reach tlie seat of the disease. Catarrh is fourth raft that has been built for San ilty and was fined $50. a blood or constitutional disease, and in the schooner Ralph J. Long, Captain Francisco. Two of tbe others went to internal Irving, Oregon, Feb. 18tb, 1898.—Mrs. order urUer to iu cure vu,o it i* yon j,,,, must take ---- — •nggle, was towed in over ttie bar pieces. The present raft is made larger ednesday morning. She is loading and in ttie shape of a cigar, so that it E. Irena Wisearson of this place, after remedies. Hail’s Catarrli Cure is taken offers as little resistance as possible to passing through a siege of serious illness internally, and acts directly on the th lumber at the Cushman mill. which left her weak aud debilitated, lie- ; blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's J. W. Casteel a miner, was shot and the water. gan taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Tliis Catarrli Cure is not a quack medicine. lied Feb. 24th, on Lee’s creek, eight PERSO NA LS. medicine gave her strength and brought It was prescribed tiy one of ttie best ilea nortli of Myrtle creek, by a part- up her general health to where it was physicians in this country for years, ami r named Oberman. Oberman claims is a regular prescription. It is composed Mrs. Chas. Hubbard has been visiting before she was taken sick. , acted in self defense. of tlie best tonics known, combined with at tlie cape this week. Dou’t Tobwco Spit and Smoke lour tire Altar. d n ea te YotiF lto w ela W ith CascaretR. the best blond purifiers, acting directly andy C athartic, cure constipation forever, Win. Kyle returned Tuesday from a To quit tobacco easily »»d forever, be mav ,25cf I t C.C.C. fail, d ruggists refund money netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- on tiie mucous surface». The perfect Thia monthly magazine ia one of the very business trip to Seattle. Bae. the wonder worker, that makes weak men combination of tlie two ingredients is Jiiard: Governor Lord lias appointed Stone can't compete with sine for L. M, Christensen intends soon to strong. All druggists, 60e or SI. Cureguaran- what produces such wonderful results in best printed in thia country, and ir sold teed Booklet and sample free. Address j following Lane county delegates to durability in this climate. Many years Sterling Kemedv Co.. Chicago or New York. curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, of hard work erecting thousands upon > Woolgrowers convention to tie lield leave on his way to AlasKa. to all aubacribera at rates within the Geo. Griffith of Heceta, was initiated thousands of zinc Monuments, under The Dalles: Jasper Wilkins, Coburg; free. DIED. into the mystic circle Saturday evening F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo, O, ability of all to pay. It ia finely ¡Hue linTait, Creswell; Walker Young, scientific efforts have brought in Florence. Sold iiy all druggists, price 75c. W hite B ronze M onuments igene. Splendid selection. In tlie insane asylum ?t Salem Feb. trated and presents the names of famous N. P. Robinson goes to Yaquina on Hall's Family Pill» nre tlie best. To a high Btate of perfection. Better for 3uard: As a number of inquiries are ICtli, 1898, of consumption, Sophia 2,000 or more years than any grauito for authors aa contributors. T h i W est ing made ns to when Sheriff Johnson tlie Robarts on his way to Dayton, Yam­ Landschoft, daughter of Henry Land- SUN DAY S E R VIC E S. 11 be ready to receive tax money, tie hill Co., Or. 40 years. schoft of North Fork. and the Cosmopolitan are sold a t re­ Be not deceived longer. Buy White Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Vanderburg of sires to state that tlie books will not Sunday school 10 a. m. DO N O T F O R G E T . Minerva were visiting relatives in town Bronze Monuments. open until some between March 15 duced rates at thia office. t Preselling 11 a. in. nnd 7 p. m.— F. A. T ozibr , Agent, nt April 1, announcement of which n few days ago. Subject for tlie evening, “ God’s Plan of Eugene, Ore. Rev. Henry Marsh occupied tbe pul­ Tlie change of location of the Northern II be made later. Salvation Accepted.” ANTED-TRU8TWORTHY AND pit in tlie Presbyterian church in Pacific ticket office, which is now with B ible C lass . active gentlemen or ladies to Florence last Sunday morning. “The Eugene Real Estate Agency” on The F u n k & W agn alls Monday 7:30 p. m.—Lesson: Review tlie ground floor directly opposite «lie avel for responsible, established bouse Rev. Mr. Morse wtio has resided in the Sacrifices, complete tlie Mosaic Oregon. Monthly $65.09 and expenses, Glenada since last fall departed on tlie Guard office, near corner of Seventh and sition siealy. Reference. Enclose Robarts Tuesday morning on bis way to Willamette Streets, Eugene. This is Ritual and take Quarterly Examination • I v lU lB © w -« ^ g l stamped envelope. Tlie California where lie expects to make his the only regular City Ticket Office in on page 34. r-addressed Tlie Quarterly Communion Service Of Th» Lane County. We are absolutely tlie ompany, Dept. A Chicago, minion Con home in the future. will be held Hie second Sabbatli in only line running through cars from Eu­ ?he Wssst lias for sale one year’s J. A. McLeod left home Tuesday ENGLISH LANOUAOE “We do not take possession of our ideas hut are possessed by tb o a . tion in the Holmes Business College bound for tlie gold fields of Alaska. He gene to tlie East or ' South without March. I. G. K notts , pastor. change. Remember no change of cars ; They master ns and force ns into the arena, P im S B K Tips is one of the leading will make a short etop at Meadow to set C O M PLETE a cific, ¡ Portland via Hie Nortliern P r-aciuc, ___ sine« colleges on the coast, having j up a fruit evaporator (or L. P. Tallman st Where like gladiators, w e mast fight for them.'* the only lin» running Hie upholstered ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. S U C C IE N T iglieh; Commercial, Shorthand and a"' after which he will continue his journey Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars and the Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the ,i. . _, the ____ legraphic departments and we offer toward north A U T H O R IT A T IV E Land Office at Roncburx, Oregon. celebrated Dining cars on every train. is tuition on easy terms. February 21. IS9H. Dr. Elwood of Gardiner was in Flor Don’t lorget this in choosing your route entire content* of thia monthly magazine T o C o r e C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r . Notice 1« hereby given that the following. ence Saturday evening. He intends telfiflÉÜÍálÉArL’ts C wm I v C’iithixriic. 10c or 2Sc. 1 •» j for a business or pleasure trip, are upon a plane and in keeping with its named »eUlcr lias tiled.notice of her intention > o i .S65 Vocabulary Far»« C. Ç. C. fall to cure, d ruggists refund money. ¡ nvsvrii to »xr remove to --- The Dalles ft no came For full information call or address, to make final proof In anpp'irt of her claim and ( motto. The Arena’« gallery of eminent that BOtd proof will be inode before C. H. Hoi- 147 d JitorsooJ Speclallfita rite Safem Journal says that Senator np to try to arrange to ship his goons by R. M c M urpiiy , General Agent, den U. 8. CommlMiotier at Florence. Oregon, I 533 Reo Jara lor Quotation« i^ élR aker, Senator Smith of Clat- tl.e Robarts. A Dr. Patterson succeeds Opposite Guard office, Eugene thinker« is a group of interesting men and on April 9th. 1SSS, viz: Hannah C. Foster, on 5000 Illustration.« Geo. E. Chamberlain of to liis practice in Gardiner. h. e. no. 64W, for the n!4 ne% sec. 23; and e',4 Coat o ver > 9 6 0,00 0 D E L E G A T E S A P P O IN T E D - A 2 2 » ‘n. i navison, Robert Veatch ■ - women, and their thought« are worthy the «ec. M; tp. 18 r. 12 w«A I R. a '^ Miller, are being mentioned j CHANGE OF LOCATION, She names the following witnesses to prove Apgwndlx ol 47»<6* C n trlea consideration of all people. iTho Arena is governor on the union ticket; Hon. , Tlie governor has designated the her continuous residence upon and cultivation R. Kincaid for secretary of Btate The Northern Pacific Ticket office has following gentlemen as commissioners of, said laud, viz: The filli number of word, and term . In Alice E. Hums, H. If. Lawton and H. O. «old with T he W est . 1 Judge Geo. D. Barton for state ci,anged from its former location n ' to represent tlie products of the state of U ndsley of Florence. Or., and William Haubert different dictionaries for the entire alphabet I» ■surer. Ì over Hall’s grocery store, to mòre com Oregon at the Trans Mississippi and of Acme, Oregon. a , follow«: «•’•oawoNTH, 50,000: WoacHX«txa R. M. VlATCB, Luving tickets to any point It. ! modious quarters, with “The Eugene International Exposion to be held at 106,000; W ebster (international), 125,000; C rn - ■ o X l l . it will be to vour ad- Real estate Agency,” on H,e ground _______________ Register. Omaha between June 1 and Nov. 1, tcry , (»lx volume». complete.) 225,000: f g . to consult the Northern Pacific | floo;, J t e the Guard ' : J E Ha^ Ìbe’ F°rt- ,’‘n,Ì ’ ° NOTICE FOR PUBI CATION, standard . over310.000; store, C Beeman, Jacksonville; Henry E I V O VA/« X. i directly ---- J opposite s i iHwäiCompany. We are tlie quick-: ware .... ... ! 1 1 I.zx nini U n i to City, w. On,alia, e e ! Doseli, Portland; J A Wright, Sparta; 'r'*. t o s "T [O Kansas Vgivy, ...a...., . St. - | office, . where they will ite pleased Lan.l Office, at Roseburg Oregon. trip Last j Henry Longinaid, Bourne; J G Day, other Missouri River p oin ts.an y peraons contemplating .Sample Pago« Free. January 31,1*.*. Roseburg; Philip Metscban, Salem; II l't f5rget tliis: 3d#ys to St. Paul; 3), , or Soutli. Notice ia hereby (Civcn that the following- For full Information concernirtg rafes, B Miller, Grant’s Pass; Colonel B F itamisl settler ha, filed notice of hie Intcntlnn CtiinSgn and 4la to New York ami ■er Xwtern cities. For full inform». routes, time tables etc., eail or address, Alley, Baker City ; J O Hanthorn, As- to make final proof in »uppoft of his claim, and ACKNTS W A W TB 3. R. M c M ubphy , General Agent, toria ; J F Batchelder, R D Iniuan, that «aid proof will be made before C. II. Hal- ,n call or address, R. McMurphy, Sen. U. «. Commt»»l<>ner at Florence, Oregon, Opposite Guard Office, Eugene Portland. mer^l Agent, Opposite Guard office, on March 19,1893, viz: Francl, M. Rath on h. c. no. 7068fur the nQ ne%, see. 26; nw'4 nr,'« «cc. D E M O C R A T IC C O N V E N T IO N . igene. E. D. BRONSON & CO, P O IN T T E R R A C E IT E M S . 25; swQ «wQ, »cc. 21; tp. 17 ».. r. 12 West. Tl.elMyrtle Point Enterprise, repub- lie name« the follow ug witoc»»e» to prove Pacific Coast Agents an, says: “ A. M. Crawford, of At a meeting of tlie democratic coun.y tiisco-itiuuoii» rcaldcnca upon and cultivation B y M ore A non . SAN FRANCISCO, C A L. ____ central committee belJ in Eugene teb . jeebnrg, is said to have given up the of, «alula»'?, viz: , _ W. H. Cox, of Heceta, Or., and O. Howl, E. 933 Market S t. ;ht lor circuit judge and is after the . I 26th it was ordered that the county con- in s>1Keoe Wednes-lay, M«rr and O. Suliou, of Mercer Lake, Oregon. minsition for secretary of state on i ■ Mr. and Mr«. Monteith are spending ' cnUon lx, R. M. V b i T c h . __________ at 1 0 ,. m. Saturday i® twpuhlican ticket. It looks now aa «few days with D. W. Stebbins and Mgrc|( .i6|h Keel »tor. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. ipubiicanr would nominate A. C. wi(e. March 12th was »electcJ a« the time (or :k, of Lane county, for circuit Tii® Sweet Bros, have tlie frame of i hohling tlie primaries. notice for publication . Land Office at Hoeeburg, Oregon, md G. M. Brown, of Roseburg, of their new house up and it looks quite 1 convention will consist of 103 February 4,1»»». Itrict attorney. They are all imposing. Notice 1» hereby given that the following- I ¿eleggtes apportioned on the basis of one Izind O3V,'\ at Rosohan» Omon. en, eminently well qualified for named retller ha. Sled notice of h l. Intention January » , 1*W. Mr. Wisdom lias rented the Sweet j ei,^ate to eacti precinct and one dele­ tes, are well known for their (>ce for „ t8rm o( yPars and will move te ,or cacll 45 votes and a fraction of Xotice ia hereby (riven that the following- to make final proof I- »upport of 1*1« claim , and :y, and if nominated would make (aroi|- on or about tlie first *' ; 23 thereof cast in the Inst presidential B4¿n*1 aettler haa (11**1 noth*« *»f hla intention that «aid proof will be made Indore C. H. llol- to make final proof In «wpport of h l, claim, aud den. U. «. Comml»«ion«r «1 la k e Precinct. successful canvass. election for Bryan and Wats in, that »aid proof "HI *»’ m*“’« before C. H. Hoi­ Itougla.Co., Oregon, on Marrh 19, is««, viz: March. Tlie preclnctffin the west part of Hie dan U. «. €'omml,«lon»r. at Flore»«-, (»resoli on Byron W. Dortey on h. e. no., 7993 for the «•!» Frank Hartley anff family returned on county are entitled to Hie following March 21.189S, vi» gill« H. Vader on h. ». no. ne’i , «ee. 32; w'4 nw'i. end nc'i nw%, »ec. 33; Friday from a visit on Smith river. tp. 1» a , r. It weat. 8027 (or the lier'., of »ee. 17, tp. W »., r. 10 «e»t. He name» the following wltn«»re» 1« prove Tlie bright snnshiny days make every­ numlrer of delegates: Florenr® 4; He nem e, the following » ltne.ee, to preve Glentena 1; Herman 1; Lake Creek 1; hi» eontlnuou» re»ldcu<-c up- u and cultivation hl« eoatlnnow, re»id»uce ap< u and swRIvotlon one feel like gardening. 10« ^CULATE THE ol »aid laud, vlx: Mapleton 2; Walton 2; Hei-eta 1. of »aid land, rti: powder is almost as Commissioner Bean placed over forty John L. runil«h, of Florence, Or., end D«rlus Eame«t Bobell, Axel Jorren»»« and Henry » « S O « i tboni ml young Chinook ralmon in th» EC O N O M I Y In taking Hood’s Bar- Babeli id Axtell. Ore., end William Jorge««’« W. V»nd. rb'irx, Ja ne» M. Young and W lill, ABSOLUTELT 601ÄMTKBD Srew uuf Lake rrecluct, Oregon. raters of Sweet’s creek last week. K» Aapani la, because “ 100 rlosce one of Waldport, Ursgon. pie amt breklat free. M . gTSSUV« WXXFBT dm. Oleare. ------------ K. M. V xatcsi , le t, and prussic acid ¡3 1 head g. M. V batcs , Mire Stella and Mr. Fred Bean vLi’.ed dollar** la peculiar to and true only of • Desirable ★ Stars in ★ .H, WEATIIERSON POWDER And The A R T S a n d . S C IE N C E S Scientific American. THE EnSMEPHLITÄN; W Standard Dictionary THE ftHENft LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. MAKE YOUR SELECTIO N. THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR. ANDY CATNAP' Alum nger than vinegar. CURtCOnsriMTIOH