T H E W E S T . WHAT WAR WOULD MEAN. ' three years I supply. —r r n iM iM kv - khv ra in a i MtiaNixa.—- 8. r. chr»nx>: co make an . adequati Literarv. WASHINGTON LETTER. , . Obviously the hr.e-of-battlo ships an* too few to go on the offensive in foreign waters against a strong naval power fcua at t|,e gailie tjlne t„ ieave a sufli- ejent force to protect home ports, while F k o .u "I'M KM'CLAM COMIKSPONDCMT. (OKJUINAI. ANU dfUCCTltJl ) a There is as much bad judgment l a u s a c i) shown by the jihgo press in trying to W ash . Feb. 21st, 1898. In every parting there is an image of j force the government into a foreign f I-OBÏNCB, I.ANE COVNTT, It is perhaps fortunate for the country (O beoon 'o s« « » . I f ' • ' , I. • . • I -I death. war before it ia ready as there was in that the power of declaring war is - - - BV • - - Passions make us feel hut never see . I Iss early days of 1861 w hen the On to tiiey are too poorly supplied with aiu vested in congress, and not in the yel- Richmond!" cry sent an unorganized >„iunition to make a pro.ra ted tight of |ow juUru,,i,. wbicb bave aint.e , he clearly. * .u w and undisetphned force against the any kind. It lnay he urged, aprojxw o f , blowing aiu, destruction of the • * » a . . 4 ; ’’ • « The cleverest of all devils is oppor- ; E d it o r chosen position of ths-confederate army current events, that Spain is not a baWie.|,ip Maine and 250 Americans, in <««»»/. .Editor and Proprietor. a t, ,‘ ; ......................... . I’tron8 "•*“* Iw * er> b,,t everT one wl,° ) the harbor of Havana, been busi,yen - Everyone luta a fair turn to he as l.ook at the military nituation aa it ’ j,aH looked into the matter realise* that gaged in inflaming the publie mind und great as lie pleases. F loren ce, Or. M arch 4, 1808. really is. Out of twenty-eight ports, she bftg fighting ships enough to do in- i toted at ; adding Io existing excitement by ¡a M on verge hate each . xe the wssws A i,ov(. X 7 »V in i l H the IV W X I go ’ of j county, where ten billion dollars’ worth « I calculable mischief along the Gulf and pub|ig|ling gellgationa, manufactured time it stoops for pardon. I m atter. PeorLE coming l o Oregon or properly lies exposed, hut three, and Atlantic seaboards liefore going to the stories for the purpose of showing that thoBe already here w ho intend one of those on the Pacific eoast, Chance opportunities make us known ' wall. It Would 1« small compensation IB T IS tS G B ta k in g ,up honieHtendH, w ould do in a fair state of defense. The rest are for Hna| 8II(Ve„- tu ,oge „ W|Uon dollars’ ; the terrible calamity was the result of to others and still more to ourselves. 1 malees 8 < | foul play on the part of the Spaniards, You will never “ find” lime for an y­ w ell to visit ithe fchualaw valley i early, ff not quite, wide open to at- worth of real property. and demanding all sorts of ridiculous thing. If you want time you must W ith N ew Y ear G reetings, and a laeforc locatin g elsew here. There tack. Assuming that guns can tie dis­ We do not argue or sug est that the things from this government, not the rence, tributed in time to all of them— which is United States Should submit to everv I ■ . < , ■ « Prosperous Year to all our F rien ds, W e «• . decla- j « make it. arc still q uite a num ber o f places - I least of which was an • immediate a very far-fetched assumption, indeed— insult or any insult, or “crook the preg- There never was in tlie world two , Again Offer Our Goods at E x cep tio n a lly . ou th e raaiu river and its tribu­ of war against Spain. They we have hut five regiments of trained nant hinges of the knee that thrift mav I ration opinions alike, no more than two h airs’ .. « > m « . . . . . . • » a t a n j vl| bfv tbe ujimmstration in taries w here th e in te n d in g settler artillerymen, consisting of 288 officers Low Prices. Som ebody once said , and it tie Robarti or two grains. follow fawning." Self-respect some­ every issue because it lias assumed that can obtain enough bottom laud to and 4025 enlisted men. to man them, times compels an unprepared state The feeble tremble before opinion lias been Repeated. “ W ell B ou gh t H a lf the explosion was accidental, until it is lie winter to m ake p good hom e for h im self the great majority of whom have hud to throw down the gage of battle. the foolish defy it, the wise judge it, the ! Sold.” W e H a v e a Clean D esira b le otherwise proven. There is a grave es west F« no experience whatever in the use of and h is fam ily. 1'hese Jands are It inay yet compel us. But this per- skillful direct it. new line suspicion that there was foul play con- ----------Stock o f---------- the new coast artillery—the heavy petual demand on the part of lingo nected with the blowing up of the covered for the jnost part w ith a He that aspires to he the head of a ! bons at A. guns. If all these troops were com­ journals and statesmen for war, no thick grow th o f vin e jnaple, alder, he San F t petent to hit a mark with such ordnance matter what the occasion or the pretext I ' Maine, hut there is no proof. The Party wil1 dnd it more difficult to please st for one only way proof can be had is by investi- bis friends than to perplex his foes. hacel and cr^b-apple, and when as that now mounted at New York, ee. may he, nt a time when no adequate gation, and an investigation by naval The same refinement which brings us cleared, produce large crops o f Boston and San Frnueisco, and had the ometliing means are no hand to safeguard the vogetables, grass qr sm all fruit. guns everwhere nt hand, there would country, is a criminal misuse of influ­ officers has been provided for. It is new pleasures exposes us to new pains. ids. Call i claimed by the administration that it e. The heart has always the pardoning F ru it trees th riv e w ell on eith er the he only 154 officers aqd men available ence. Apart from its intent to bring ! has made public every telegram received J power, ring your at each of the twenty-eight ports. A bottom or bench lands. In a about hostilities in haste, of which the or sent since the first news of the sink­ re. Good reasonable allowance for New York One couldn’t carry on life comfortably j nation might repent at leisure, is its cOtaparutiveJy short tim e th e •es. ing of the Maine was received, and it without a little blindness to tlfh fact I alone woqld lie 5000 men, and these natural effect upon the apprehensions • . , 3 t0 cont,nue ,. • r i i . cug . u ,,,, ! lntenj tblg se ttle r can raise an abundance o f ought to have a large force in reserve. open policy, tj(jt everyt|iing has been said tetter I want to sell it, I know a “ Nimble Nlckle is better than. he Spruce a„d and susceptibilities of every power that „ ■ . , j i' | and there is not a scrap of evidence I fruit for h is oyyn use. pom e h om e­ So much for the heavy artillery re- than we can put it ourselves. does not want a nation to grow strong 1 , • , ... Lazy Dollar." And I shall make the nickle nimble by offering ;e that tin b b showing this claim to be untrue. That stead s m sy h e found : too having aou.-ces of this pugnacious nation in . . ... lie Lillian that believes war to lie a good thing The golden moments in the stream o f ' which is on the ground, lias i i . « u . i ' Sure, Square, Good Bargains. n the boo ou them a good ly q u an tity o f the shape of inen. As for the ammuni­ and threatens it at every opportunity, i « congress, ¡,« • ., . , . , . life rush past tis, and we see nothing > ** i j faith in the manner in which the exec­ uee Point tim ber wliich a t no d ista n t day tion required by the huge cannon now bliould we attack any one of the Eu- | but sand; tho angels come to visit us' utive branch of the government is hand- in place, it has been recently stated . siiven nr w ill prove a source o f w ealth to Florence t . , , , J \ bng tins delicate and trying case was and we only know them when they are that hut three charges for each pioco th e owner, p eop le who have are available. As San Franciscans will quate cause, who knows but tiiey would shown by the manner in which Senator gone. U. on Tue all combine with that country as a T o1 The sacred hooks of the ancient Per- . som e moans and do n ot w ish to reinember, there were not enough Mason’s resolution, providing for a I desire to sell as much of my present stock SB « in la d r y a te Cnth« measure of precaution against future 0 a B c '-It& C sians say I If iou would he holy in­ uudergo th e hardship in cid en t to charges to spaye at the Presidio forts congressional investigation, was re­ assaults upon them? This ¡sone of the possible within the next sixty days, in )ur shelve clearing up a new place, can oc­ last month to enable the commanding most obvious dangers of jingoism, yet ceived. Senator Allen was the only struct your children, because all the v pattern man who publicly indorsed the idea. | 800,1 acts they pefortn will be imputed ! order to make room for Spring1 casion ally ¿ m l ft settler w ho for officer to accept the invitation of the it counts for nothing witli the sensation ) ns anil ot That i'ne president is alertly guarding ito you . jubilee committee to give an exhibition goods to arrive. le. mongers beside the satisfaction they get one reason or another w ants to of the power of tile batteries. He had uur rights was shown by his refusal to The W. C. iu making tlie eagle scream. CUARD FORCE INCREASED. m ake a change, and is w illin g to the consent of the government, provid­ allow the Spanish authorities at Havana d in tbe I * * * * * * sell th e right to h is hom estead for ing there was ammunition enough in INCONVENIENCE OF COMPETITION. to take part in the investigation to be y evenint 1 ■ ’ • »' -■ t , T he Guard force lias lately been in­ II form pa a reasonable price. ,Qthers who the magazines, to (ire at a target in the conducted by our naval officers; he creased in number by the addition of a f. A. Arcl , says he desires the finding to be such I young m in named Coggewell Fi prefer to buy lan d in favorable hay, but he declined to act, presumably American EconomlKt; ,ted on c A London dispatch states that in con- ' that wil1 carry conviction to our people, j Ca,llI’l,el1. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Come and obtain prices, and h ave a social ch a t i f noth location s and near to schools can because there was not enough. What ing more. easants < - t • L slirapnel lie had for field guns was sequence of the approaching completion ' and consequently would not allow ! L « C'“"phel1 11,1,1 wa» horn Feb. lfitb, ilty and w we have a good seat and a warm fire for all w h o en ter ou r doors find iw proyo^ q m be . . . ...................... 1 I, . . , .. | 1898. Congratulations Bro. Campbell damaged. of the Siberian railroad, the British sub- foreigners to have anything to do with) — —____________- The sclioc bought for fair prices. As a strong naval power engaged in sidized steamer companies are conteni- **• The situation is critical enough CLENADA SCHOOL REPORT- •uggie, ws ednesday war with the United States would make plating the necessity of building faster without adding sensational lies. It CLENADA POSSESSIONS. tli lumbei Report of district No. 127 from Jan. its first attack, by means of battle­ Itoats for the Anglo-Indian passenger ,,iay veEult in war. If foul play is 3rd to Feti. 28th, 1896. J. W, Oat ships, cruisers and torpedo-bouts, upon service, adding that there is no boat in ’ bown, it certainly will. Therefore all B y G i . kanem , , . ,, , i j ... No days taught taught lied Feb 40 the helpless aenlionrd cities, our in­ Hint service capable of a greater speed 800,1 cltizel18 sl>ould join in trying to No days attendance ilea north 1223 fantry and cavalry resources would not than 14 knots, and that the ordinary keep down excitement until the truth | No days absence r named 104 White waiting for an “ abler peti I count very much in deciding tlio issue. rate of the Peninsular and Oriental line Is known. It has always been the 'N o enrolled i acted in 35 : will tell yon a few things wc have . i Rnf *f the case were otherwise, our total is only 10 knots. proud boast of Americans that in the General average Sitamte T I 31 tileunda. One of the most important is i ?andy Cuti The deportment of the school ha* The Peninsular and Oriental line, face of foreign complications, partisan­ ......... , v . . ..... , ........ , strength in thoroughly trained regular S.25C. H C . ! been good. our school. Wc can boast of one of soldiers, aHsuming all to bo withdrawn which first commenced receiving sub­ ship was forgotten and every American ! Guard : J ames F urnish , teacher. the trust schools this side of Eugene. It from the interior, would give each ex- sidies from the British government in 8^00tl shoulder to shoulder in support of ' e followli has lately been graded and Furnishes THE M AINE INVESTIGATION. e Woolgr jsised city a garrison, in the two j 1B37, and has received a subsidy every ! tl,e government, and the yellow jour- teachers nearly every yciw for several Thp Dal branches of the service named, of about | -vear »¡nee, is the same that objected so na,8t which have no higher mission than schools in tlio country. Wo have a ihn T»ffi Tlie board of inquiry appointed to in- 36 men apiece, or, say, enough for much to the subsidy paid by the Ger ; to increase their circulation and make ugene. £ fine church in ttio center of town vestigate the sinking of the Maine provost guards. man government to the ships for the should not be allowed to change finished their work at Havana last week Guard : where about 49 people meet every We now come to the m ilitia, which North German Lloyds running to India. tliat condition now. but we have not received ling mad, Bunday for Sunday school. Our town of its the yellow journals say is aliout to he And the move of the British ship ' A question that may eventually grow finding, yet. There are many reports I ill be rea, is graced by a stately building of three »sires to i “ mobilized." But the mitilia is chiefly owners, mentioned above, may be due I to national proportions is whether it m circulation of several explosions he- ¡ stories and a basement known as the ; open nr a social organization, with some police to German interference, dread of the should he proper or advisable for con- mg heard, and indications that, the first I Glcnads hotel. It ia finely furnished explosion happened beneath the vessel.) id April adjuncts, and has uniformly failed Russian railroad through Siberia, or to J gress to regulate the hours of labor in It is announced that the ill be ms througliout with Harwood, Wc n lso ! as an arm of public defense. It was the fact mentioned in a late number of all the states. Representative Levering ) '»»lin« in the mud and tluu if Vlm ls to ’ r t r r v r v have some line Towers in GlcHada ' responsible for the loss of Washington the lxmdon “ Engineering” that the ) °« Mass., is the author of a joint reso- ' ** rH'8e'1 it,n "8t done »t once. The which muy be seen for some distance. I llllflillv titilli * I va Japanese — ____ . II HIP 111. IlflB iU subsidy paid ItV l>y the govern- lution, ______•_ proposing an amendment to the ' RO g0' V©T ern,ne,,t 1,as IlAOrìr» made n a contract . with a I and the other land disasters in the war R »vei for i The toimtry hack of Ulenadn is quite i Oregon, m en tto the Japan Mail Steamship constitution, authorizing congress ami'take her"| ,nV f’ "*6 0,8 of 1812. It made up the greater part of vessell level with a few hills and Dries. We ' to New York. oeition Company amounts to more ttian 14 per : to regulate the hours of labor in the the union for, es that stampeded at Bull ure still Holden our grip and waiting ■I (-add rei Run. During the New York draft riots cent, of that company's total receipts. states. Tliis resolution is before the | «VISON ITEMS. ominion for that wave of prosperity promise,1 Whichever of these causes is actuat- , house judiciary committee, it was outdone by the police and soon which has us some time ago. We liaVe plenty of Tli« Ws B y I, ui D ien . superseded by regulars. Its attempt to ing the British companies, it is plain been hearing arguments for and lilion In Kanes ;o help us over the rough places quell the railroad riots of 1877 was a that nothing hut the force of competi- against it The cotton mills of the in life an,I if we play our Cards well j well I dismal and costly failure, nor did it dis- tion can induce them to make any south, against which the resolution ' Stock Is looking iC ',i r“n,f0 ' we will get along, for when tlio larder Inglfah, improvements. ' tinguish itself in the railroad strike of is aimed, or rather against the long as l:,8L winter, 8can ro!'‘ gets Lowe the mud-fiats Furnish us elegrwph It ia liecausv the British shipowners hours worked in them, which it is claim- ' with plenty of clams and w e have salt 1894, There is no tight in the militia as Greenleaf correspondent his tuitk »father imws)'t",‘ aê ù Ï and Pepper to season them with. May it stands and but little discipline. In know that were Hawaii once a part of cd has enabled them to drive the Now ¡ Te < our business never Collis away from each week, and alwav" Take C m ease of war, to make the force effective the United States a troublesome compe- England mills out of many profitable (C .C .C . ttlenada lo r we would soon be a Craven ) i,,,ere",in* -t b » t was a good against a trained enemy, 90 per cent of Litton would cover tlio whole Pacific , markets, sent a largo delegation of "b" for more clams and that would Landis The 8a! ocean, compelling them to build faster inriuential men to protest against the heard o H h a H ^ 'n m n ’ 1 >»*> its officers would have to be dismissed in more trouble. Ling of t that haunted linuse. ! if they did not hasten to resign, and the ships and reduce both freight and pas- resolution. Representatives Lov, op, Hot enng, 'V. R. Hardin, the Denver, Colorado ALPHA CLIPPINGS ‘ortlsnd men given six months preliminary drill I "•'’’¡ft*'’ charges, that they keep a lobby and Walker, of Mass., spoke for j - w . CARM AN. the mail "•'“’ ^ •ired the Ici,,,,, , md R. A 1 under regular army control. But in at Washington and employ the Uit- resolution, as did a representative P R O P R IF T O B ••»-> Hale mail contract is trving t o ' ^ ) ^ of B y E vrn C han tie. or gover I that six months billions of property lander press to oppose the annexation the New England mill operatives, let the same. We would bUe see I H. R. Kt some of . ot these islands. They propose to nir Mr. Fred Pail is expecting Ills brother I® l’P »n smoke. Canada’s attention has been called by to e r n e o u t here and .. I'"VB and Judj Henry out from K iu .n s in atiuut a week As for volunteers, it would also take such a danger in the bud, and prevent tl,is government to the injustice of a ""’ter; perhaps tl.ev w,„'|,i tber/ kno'6 t K iô * # who will I.M-ate here taking an inters,it ! months to weld them into modern ,he inconvenience and loss of competi- number of regulations it has adopted ■ lo M o u -H e Oreg, n r, 1‘n° W Before in the saw mill which Peil Bros, are army. !>»°n- l« v » « .« i-................ ... ..................... ... Mr. Vi the East building ou up|isr Deadwood. governing entrance to the Klondike sugl.n our present mail contrae- ¡ But the whole world will be a gainer j country by U. 8. citizens, and ahroga- w r is The next consideration, and perhaps vantage giving us ns a g„o , I I service an,I "irac is giving n i -p f^ G T IW h Alpha l«asts of an incline railroad Railway wliich lia. recently been completsd for the most iuijmrtant one, is the navy. tlirough such conqH'tition, for as less ’ lion of som e of them have la>en politely M ini now comp* tl “ 1 est line That defensive entity, from which m o s t) occupied Ift traveling and asked for. It is expected that pleasurable purposes having a train Canada tract IXI".is Ol consisting ol .me car wliicti will ac tie counted the mere comuierce-de- 'C811 'Money will lie paid, through such will grant this request, but if it doesn’t, Don't to commodate several persona who must strovers, consists, esclusivo of four competition, for passage and freights. to Chiea its own citizens will he made to suffer, act at conductor, engineer, fireman and more will la» leit for division between as congress is fully determme.1 to take other Et brakeman the latter lieing the most im- torpedo-lioats, of sixteen effective ves- p o ru u t post as tlio grade is «me tluiu- *el*’ ,lie l" '1»«11». Massachusetts, Ore- j producers and consumers, tion ca a hand, if diplommy fails to obtain just His Story of W hat H ood ’s Sar- General sand fret to the mile. No wreck of a 1 °n> York, Columbia, Minneapolis, and fair treatment to our citizens who Eugene. sap arilla H as D one serious nature reported as y et. Texas, Olympia, Amphitrite, Miantono. ANTED-TRUSTWORTIIY AND intend going to Klondike. active gentlemen or tallies to The 1 N oon» of our Deadwo.sl citizens has mall, Monterey, Monadn.xk, Katahdin, Senators Pritchard, Lodge and Elkins, W hole Family Crea „ , lican, the Klondike lever or ready cash enotigl Terror, Brooklyn and Puritan. This travel for responrlble. established house <>> Thl# N,®<,|cin e. in Gregon. Monthly $6.5.IHl and ex pui «es. of tbe senate civil service committee, tmr do not lielieve in mortgaging their I sm an old run «Jowu soldier mv loee not give one lighting vessel, of Position slemlv. Reference. Enclose fight foi lioniSs and leaving their wives and had a cnufem ice with President Me- »bole system being out of ords, children or sweet hearts to take tlioir ,lel* nil*ble class, to each Important ’*•» ml.lressed «tamped envelope. The Hkht side p a n ,,,, „ . ¿ X - •"«« »F Kinley, at the fatter'« request, for the the rep. one chance in a liumlre«! of gaining port. The whole fleet, if the war were Dominion Company, Dept. V Chicago. tried virions remedies and resli,^« , £ 7 * kJ“' U tk « r> wealth in the far away frozen north. locnl to the Atlantic seaboard, would 1« purpose of disruaring the evidence tem po««, relief. , Hood’s n d Hood’» u Many from the eastern states used to _ ^irsanarili« •^ p a r tllt tad » puit .« h T he a s s i ai . school m e e tin g taken by that committee during its V__ no more than enough to take care of 'from’ ’ *"d judges every «xinifort who never cani|ie »pv ag. n vat : turkey. Oregon. TO OUR P A T R O N S . ant nnd refto-slone h i th e tasie, aci «cuti.« tbron>,li one day • fighting, and that it import of the senate committee has been M H »w ruirino ami |>oailtr further P«ri icnlsrs inquire *t thie "nr adtlress for the sum of two •W.H. VEATHEfiSON ^A N N O U N C EM EN T W1 GENERAL + MERCHANDISE Yours Very Truly, HURD. C A R M A N ’ s 0. W . CHEAP GASH STORE! Drv Goods, ★ Groceries *Zand ★ Notions. FLORENCF meat market . Just Opened.. G oods as Represented. PVIAR; REVIVE An Old Soldier W H o o d ’s Isrs, payable cash in advance. wa :