Y V p r -r w J’"**’-<•** 1 r advertisers > 5IUSLAWS ONLY PAPZE. 4 OPPORTUNITY 1 HE-W EST > YOUR HOHE PAPER |> SUPPORT IT ______ ■ L_ FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Mar. I, l W . VOL. V ili. A GREAT ADVOCATE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE APES MUTINIED. ¡ THAT family closet . A nd t h . V nrtooa K in d s at S k e le t o n . T h a t SKELETONS IN CLUBS. THE QUEER PERFORMANCES OF THE TWO BLANKS OF NEW YORK. Every family has its skeleton. We There are still somo members of tho know that, of course, anatomical speci­ New York bar who remember George mens, neatly put together and stored M y a tery a t t h . M a a W h . S t o le » o a d a t G A R D I N E R F r o . L o a c h « « » - A a o t h . » M ao W ith a Wood, tbo contemporary of Daniel D » u A ll t h e C r » » ■ » « •!* « ■ » ®“ *- sway in a secure cupboard, of which _ " S A I L S --------- Lord. Ogden Hoffman, William Kent, H is to r ic a l N a m . W h o T o o k t o W o e r t a r S T A O B UXNH3. t» i„ i n t o t h e B l n l W - T k e K s c .p t lo a only family members have the key a i On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each James T. Brady and other distinguish­ W a s r a t a l t o T h e ir P la a a , If T h e y H ad skelt ton key, probably. Only when the O ld C lo t h .« a n d W a . D r o p p e d . 2 r r - s - - tc......... " i " ed lawyers of many years ago. The ven­ family is aloue, with no visitors about, A .y —A U s e fo l B u n c h o f lla n a u a a . month. A decently dressed roan, with® sham­ erable Benjamin D. Silliuian has de­ docs it go to the door cautiously and S u r e r .......................... Philip Metcben Leaves Florence Mondays Wednes- gj„gie trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 scribed George Wood as being couspic- "I havo had some strange crews in unlock it and bring the bony occupant bling gait.aud a shifty eye, walked down toua for his great learning, bis wonder­ my experience,” said old Captain Ben­ lorth. The family knows its own skele­ Broad street oue’afibrnoon last week and Supt. Publie Instruction. C IT Y O FFIC ER S. personification of login and cold us fuumaking they felt safe enough to Duoi ing was the skeleton In his cup tho club can. j to me one day and said: S “ ‘See here. I ’ve got a disagreeable marble. I was sitting beside him in give no heed to my warnings. The board aud tbe reason was one that oau- Tickets for sale a t E Bangs’s On one day duty to perform. You know that re­ court one day when ho arose to argno niatos und sailors took good care, how- not Pullm an enlarged upon here. F. B. Wilson livery barn, Eugene, and a t Ilurd freshments arc served at every regular case, and as ho arose his coattails ever, to in every j year - ho shut himself up . in _ his President. at a w. safe from the to LVI pass f u e l *«v — — distance ------ _ Sleeping Cars a caught the bark of tho chair and hung cago in going about their work, for on bon8e aud wag uot seen by mortal eye. meeting of the club, and I have n o titd O. W. Hurd & Davenport’s ottico in Florence. for several months back that John Blank Wm. Kyle over it. Wood stood up and spoke, I Elegant or three occasions the alert oocu- Tbat Was the one day when his skele- baa »towed away a lot of things in bia Marion Morris should think, for fully two hours, but two Board of Trustees to suddenly ton camo out and stalked about. panfs had been known D ining Cars C. C. Behnke never once did those coattails move. Many people have what seems to the pockets on every such oocasiou. • thrust forth a long muscular arm and “ ‘Why, that is absurd,’ I replied, •*Ou one occasion a young lawyer general public a harmless enough skele­ grip the unwary seaman iu such a sav­ Tourist Drew Severy ’and I suspect that ho has been drinking MORRIS *** HOTEL, who had engaged George Wood to try a ton, bnt it is real and ghastly to them­ age way as to elicit a howl of pain on Recorder.. Sleeping Cars case was asked, ‘How did tho judge too much. You know that these month­ . .J . A. Pond Jack’s part. I could go among them selves. It is of humble origin. Treasurer ......... J. C. FLIN T , Proprietor........; ly luDches ere free to the members. ’ charge the jury?’ ‘Oh, George Wood S T . PA U L prising the pains people w ill take to . ,E . A. Evans without the slightest fear aud several Marshal.. “ ’That was the view that I took or charged the jury,’ was tho reply. — times entered their cage for the purpose conceal that their grandfathers were M IN N E A P O L IS K lo r s n o e . O r e g ° n ' poor, bnt honest, the lies they w ill tell it the first time that I noticed it ,’ he New York Times. of caring for a sickly little baby ape DULUTH that had boon born just after leaving (which only proves that the grandpa'- replied, ’but I watched this man nt the SEC R ET SOCIETIES. OUR AIM—To furnish tho best FARG O nut trees . Africa, -nd for which tho ocean voyage cut’s qualities have not descended in last meeting very closely. He was act C R A N D ? O R K 8 subsequently proved too heroic, as it the direct line) and the meannesses they intoxicated. Ho ate his lunch, and then TO accommodations at reasonable r ia n t t h . Nuts, and th® TreM W ill Grow died before we reached New York. w ill indulge in, iu the pitiable effort to I saw him wrap up a picoe of chickeu. CRO O K STO N A fter A w h ile. ■ r A A M Florence Lodge No. 107. hide the fact that two generations ago some lobster salad and a brick of ice ‘ One morning the crew were all U e td a r communication on second prices. W IN N IP E C The age at which any nut trce3 come aloft on the yards furling sail, for it they kept a small greengrocer’s shop or cream in eeparate packages, put them »„d fourth Saturdays in each month. into bearing depends on the caro given was blowing strong aud the ship had wore plush aud powder. After all, the uudcr ln s o creqat and leave the club. H E L E N A am* , M. to tho trees. Some authorities state that been longer ‘ the ass.« line —------- the more certain . it . is to , It’s nu omai ing proceeding, and I think O. W . H vbd , obliged to ----- rcduco DOVI1 UUJlgW -- her - spread » . of IUUKr BUTTE 15 or 20 years am necessary to bring caiiva». I had taken the wheel, aud the ancestors who won their bread that it is high timedhat something was I . G . K kotts , Secretary. done about i t ' them into full bearing from tho tinio two mates were going from must to by the sweat of their face. “ This man’s complaint interested m e,, the nut is planted. This is a mistake, mast helping the work along by haul- w . w . NEELY, Prop’r. If all tbe world were not descended as trees that havo been well cored for ing upon the uie gear as it i« was required. • from tbe same “ gram* a----- - ““^ / ‘“^ i ^ ^ / u k t B l a Home n k h of a d tbe o c club oa- the grand old gardener, Tables furnished with all the _ * General Lvons Post, No. 58 should bear a bushel of nuts in ten y cars, The apes had been fed a short time be- tbero might be more comm«, reuse in , waiters told me that.Blank had occ. TO C a meet« second and fourth Saturdays and it must have been that I had trying tQ and the quantity w ill increase rnpidly fore, to forgct forget honest t o l l - ÊngliA > « y ^ t ^ delicacies of the season. Wild CHICAGO fore, and ----------— oi each month at 1:30 p. m. ! each year after that time. carelessly fastened the bar that secured W A SH IN G T O N Exchange. j I. B utterfield , Commander. ried away a paokago after n free supper. Some persons may enjoy raising those tho eage door, for while I was looking game, fish and fruit in season. Best P H IL A D E L P H IA There seemed to l e no reasonable ex­ J L. F uesish , Adjutant. ! trees from seed. To be sure it is rather aloft 1 heard u startled yell frif*» my IN LO N D O N ’S SLUMS, planation for his littlo steals. He wae accomodations for the traveling N EW YORK a slow process, but it is Interesting two officers, and the next moment they work When planting the nuts, if thoy were climbing up the rigging like mon­ A K s tb o r H o n » h E a p e r lo a e o T h a t T « « « h l and is a lawyer in good practice, and, B O ST O N A ND A LL public. Charges reasonable. BB A rttot a L esson . as you know, ho lives very comfortably. have thin shells bo perfectly sum that keys themselves, while the crowd or n it w Perpetna Lodge, No. 131, An artist who is well known in a I consulted w ith some of the other P O IN T S E A S T mul S OUTH they have uot dried out at all. Tho host apes came leaping aft iu pursuit of ft « J t / e r e r y l«t and 31 Saturdays northern city used occasionally to put house committeemen, aud wo decided H, meets eveiy is anJ vl8lt,ng For information, time cards, maps and tickets nlnu is to get them as soon as they ripen them. I and plant them at onoe. When this is “ Then the funniest scene that 1 ever on his shabbiest clothes and penetrate to look out for Blank at the next sup­ fiS th re n ?n good Standing are cordially etc., call on or write I notpossiblo, keep them in moist sand or witnessed was presented. Six of the to the slums in search of inspiration for per. He turned up promptly, and, sure i S S X attend. J. J. A nderson , M3V • euough, wo wo saw saw nini him stealthily make R . M c M urphey , in sawdust until they can be started. anes took stations at the foot oi ms brush. urusu. On uu one uuu of «« these excursions euougti, - - up j of tue the his *** W m . K vle , Recorder. General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4. Shelton Block, Butternuts, walnuts, hickory nuts and shrouds, to that each mast was guarded I be s to p ^ ^ a package from the urchin who was disfiguring the wa’lk out with it. There was nothing w . O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. EUGENE, OREGON. filberts, being bard shelled, w ill keep in both sides, and the other foux mount- ‘ ged s o O. F. lleceta Lodge'No. I ll .meets growing condition much longer, but e,l the shrouds with all the agility of i pavement of a squalid street with a left for us to do bnt to ask far an ox- A. D. CHARLTON, should bo planted In the fall, as they sailors aud sought to reach the men. piece of soft blue stone, and, . although planation. . - OREGON EUGENE Assistant General Passenger Agent. “ Charge« were preferred againat htna germiuato better when allowed to freeze, The apes followed the men as thoy tho figures which the lad drew m o d itauding invited to attend. 255 Morrison St. Cor. Sd. rauundd higher and higher to escape; grotesque, the “ ‘1*t ”^ 0 an and a formal notification was sent to as that cracks the shell. aBgy* b J . J . ANDERSON, N . G . P o r t le t n c A O r . The fall planting Is nature s own then when the latter could climb no their originality and began to take an him. Blank paid no attention to it. Wn A ndrew B runo , Sec. wneu me ia » w t _ iuterest in their development. thought that he might not have receiv­ plan, and the nearer we follow her ways then, farther, they would grasp a stay that E l k P r a i r i e H o t e l. "That’s right, my boy 1 Make your ed it aud we sent him another notifica­ tho better results we may expect. An­ led to some place of temporary safety BO YEAR»’ other thing, dQ not plant tho nuts deep. and slide down it, sometimes going lines clear and never mind the detalla tion aud made sure that it reached him. experience C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y Nature drops them on tbe surface and from one spur to another in this wuy. Champion I What! Yon don’t know how Blank ignored it, aud then w* dropped gives them a thick covering of leaves in For nearly an hour this impromptu ex­ to sketch that old man s hoad? 'ib ea him for conduct unbecoming a gentle­ Twcntv-three man. Blank never came near the club­ which tho dirt catches as it blows about, hibition continued, and during all this give me the chalk. I’ll show you. • M iles W est The next moment the enthusiastic house after his first notification, and so then tho snow covers all aud helps the time the sentries on deok hopped about leaves to decay au.l form a covering of iu excitement, uttering guttural yelps, artist was on his knees, and with the fur aa I know be has never given an in­ of Eugene. leaf mold for the tree to grow in. which I have no doubt were cries of en- piece of stone had quickly drawn a dication of resenting our action in drop­ H / l n d “ October It is not practicable for any of ns to oouragement aud advice to their friends clever picture. Before be could com- ping him. Kow what do you suppo*» OcaioNa menee another sketch, however, be felt waa tho explanation of his thefts? I try to raise all these kinds of nuts, bnt aloft. .. , r . . - COPVRIOHTS «C. and a never have been able to find onetha» select the ones most likely to succeed in “ At last the big monkeys gave up the a stunning blow on the head, was satisfactory. It has been asserted onr climate, and by proper cam and at-1 chase aud came down on deck, whore shrill female voice cried: invention I« conftdmjtUL £ iH im k on Patents Take yer bloomin hook, ye great, that despite his large income be is nat- „.elves known.G K ¡w m pagtor tention make a success of it. W o may they joined the others, aud all sat on tu>ns «trlctly «M dboo joooj not nwp the benefit of onr labors but S & e s . g T z T n g \p \t the crow, good for nought hulk I What d’ye mean nrally a very miserly fellow, bnt that "K Ä S tiîS î K S S i " notice, with ont charra, »n the our children w ill and theirs after them. 4 l)y Hbowiug their rows of , by messin up t flags at I vo jo merely gossip. I meet him occasionally, - V i c k ’s Magazine. I ^ k e d locking teeth, as much as to cd? ’Tain’t no wonder a « aud he is always affable. It was a disa­ S c ie n tific A m e r i c a n ., 5THODIST KPISlC.0PAL, CVuenad" wliou a a senseless senseless old old Idiot idiot likoyerseii likoyerself set sets greeable affair, and to this day an in- --------- --------—— 1 say: ’All right, my fine fellows. You wliou «ervice. Preaching at Glenaaa A h*P<1*o1?e,T21Ï5îlnt»Sp Journal. Tatin«. M a 'em t'example. Be off, or I’ll^acour •xplicahlo one. ” Money Saved T h a t W oo W h y . i stay where you tiro if you know what's culatlon o# goldbynll newedealera. ' r month», »1- M ; t ’pavement w l’ yer ugly carcass. A man who bad listened attentively They were out f< r a stroll. She no good for your health. ’ By Tbe artist hurriedly dodged another to tho broker’s story saidt ticed her husbaatl throw it - glanco at her 1 "1 had been thinking out a plan to _______________ 'srinch 6m«. «» r Wretun»too. D. Patronizing It. “ I can equnl that with an experience and then lock about the groundI in a | re(XJTer pes are very fond waiting to argue the matter, sneaked in my own clnb. The man iu question it in very T h o M rste r i°n « G uest«. Pastor. search of something, Ho uppoared per- of bautmus, aud In my room I had a igiiominioualy off. He vows that ho has recently died and it is only charita­ I had three friend«. I naked one day Prop. flue bunch that had bceu grocu when will mind his own businoss when next ble to »ay that he was prol»bly insane Qeo. Hale That tile j would dine with me, "What is tho matter, James?” she placed on board, but which had ripened be goes slumming. —Loudou Tolegraph. for several years before ho died. Ho was But » hen they came 1 found that they Arthur Blank’’—mentioning a hiator- Inquired, beginning to feel anxious. i perfectly since that time, it gave me Were «lx iuatcad of three. ATTORNEYS W h y D ooon’t tb o B o lte r BnrotT ionl name. "About three years ago thia Dave you lost anything?’’ , -------- . . 1 something of a heart spasm to part with My good w ife whispered: "We, at beat, What a tremendous force is struggling man began to wear very ahabby d o “ *»- “ I uni looking to sec if I can find out tbenb bnt j considered that if the But five can hope to dine. by it ia, ” was bis response. “ It la In- worke,i the sacrifice would not to tear a boiler to atoms! Take, for ex­ Ho had alwaye been very careful in hie business cards Send one aw ay.’’ 1 did. Thereat Znnp'rehensible to me, and I should like , ^ ' a'"”eat'¿ñe." S o l lushed the wheel to ample, a horizontal tubular boiler of dreaa, and thie change wee anrprieing. a c . W O O DCO CK, Remaining numbered nine. ► to have it explained.” keep the ship stendy, then brought the ordinary proportions, 60 inche» in d i ­ Ho come to the club and aot around, "L too, w ill go." the aeeond cried. s J “ What is it?” she asked quiotl). one fruit from below, carried it forward in ameter by 16 feet long, containing looking like a tramp. Hia liueu wt" He left nt once, and then, Altbongh to count but right I tried, began to grasp the situation. She had lull view of the opee aud placed it w ith­ eighty-three 1 inch tubee. Fuoli a boiler raggedi aufl even the waiters looked fIRST RATIONAL ßANK Th0 “nJ We «aw the first returning. Do, canso I huvo no trousers pocket to stuff yon may be assured that for the re­ holler has resting upon it tho equivalent went to his tailor aud «^red^ a new With all the rest, turned I ound. KUGKSE, OREOOS. S O L IC IT E D mainder of thut voyage tbe »ecurity of r.f a column of granite 10 feet aquar« n i t of clothes for him. They told the . . And there, behold, were my friends three. it into.” He muttered acmethlng nbout its bo- that gate was carefully looked utter. ” and 954.8 feethigh, or, to p u tlt another tailor that it waa in payment of a . OREGON o r n e z At the Court Houre. Though six they still were found. tUGENl. When tlie suit was made, tney ing useless to talk to a woman, took his Harper’s Round Table. way, the boiler is holding up tho equiv­ For those of you who yet may find ^ “X d it “ill a box with a he* b * . hands out of hi» pocket» «nd «wnng alent weight of 29.371 pereo“ ». *crb My riddle too complex them nbout to tbe inconvefflenco of the ihoca, collars, thirts and weighing 182 pounds. I'U say the friimds 1 had In mind A I to flo c tlo » . notaries . K. E. BENEDICT» pedestrians. —Peareon'* Weekly. Tho beat authorities agreo that tho sent it to Blank. A letter waa incloaea W<»re “ 8 ’ *n«l “ I” nn