The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, February 25, 1898, Image 4

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A School Gilís Nerves,
/V om 16« " fin n Era," O rttn tbu rt, Ind.
Much in Little
la especially true of Hood’s Pills, for no medl
else ever contained so great ouratlvo power lu
to small space. They are a whole medlclue
^ all A
g III 9
S O M E T H IN G A B O U T ^ ? ^
Their BtrMgeffiaMta, » « .» „ « ,
o f O o ttlu « F ou j
*** » s.
You are a ll fa m ilia r w ith tL,
l.luok b e e tle k n o w n a . , he
and porhape m a y h a v e seen 1.
hall w ith Ito hin d lego, pllshi
T h e b a ll e o u ta iu t the *
'7 1
beetlq, a u d th e c re a tu re la
a p lace o f sa fe ty .
Mothers who have young daughter* of months she had dwindled to lixty-tbree
pouud«. She was thin aud pule, and wn*
tohool age should watch their health more almost lifeless. We did everything we could cliest, always ready, al
A greeu beetle »potted with »1,
earefnlly then their atudiee. The proper for lier, and tried all the doctors who we
Hilled th e tig er be«tle. H . 1. . *’’•
development of their body it of the flrat im­ thought could do her auy good, but without lafactory; prevent a cold
hl cl.
or fever, cure all liver Ills,
fe llo w and very cu u u in g ¡n
. . . . .
. * ^ * ^ ^ F I I * ^ * M
* * * * * * * * * * * * i m
e * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There was an old family friend near sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 28c. of secu rin g h is pray. H e w ill di. 7*
school room, plenty of out-of-door exercue Milford who had a daughter afflicted the The only Villa to take with IWod’S Sarsaparilla.
a foot iu depth and then cr«wi ,**
should be taken. It i* better tbit their same way, and she was cured by Dr. U il-
top and form h im se lf ¡nto g
children never learn their k,b,e.*s, than that Hams’ 1’tnk Pills for Pale People. They
A F O S S IL S E A S E R P E N T .
came here one day Io spend Sunday, and
w ANTKD-TRVSTW ORTH Y AND across tho chasm , burying his h
by learning them they loee their health.
they told us about their daughter’s case. It
active gentlem en or ladies to such a n io n u ef as to appear like ’ ’
tta m a ia a of a n A a eta u t Sau rlau Foau«2 l a
Rut all thi* i* self-evident.
Everyone was very much like Lucy’s, and they advised
A nd IMda’t H an d M attar* a iU t W in « Ha
a, -lorado.
I>i»cuT«r«d I t.
admits it—everyone know* it, bat everyone us to try Dr. Williams’ Pink PiHs for her. travel for rvsponaible, established house tliiu g in an im ate, but he Will be
The U u lveraoy c t Denver lias a very
doe* not know how to build them up when We hod no faith in them, but were finally in Oregon. M onthly fOii.OOand expenses. alert for tile tluwur.y crcattii?1
The fine locking young m an w ho was
interesting fossil. It in uu ancient rep* shown into the parlor w as a new o n e to H ow F lo r id a Boy* C atch T urtle* For th e once they are bioken down. The following persuaded to try the pill» We liuve never Position
steady. Reference. E nclose m akes au attem p t to cross 0U his i t
method of one mother, if rightly applied, been sorry for it. They helped her at once,
tile. Tha parts preserved are in uu ah •lie old gentlem an, w ho had l iv e * in a
M ark et - I t I* G reat Sp ort.
and by the time ahe had taken eight boxes self-addressed el:tni|ied envelope. The lit au in stan t Ific bridge will gi^
mav save pour daughter :
aud the prey w ill be preciblt»,,?
most com plete vertebral colum n, about state of anxiety for years lest some one
The young lady wa* Mio* Loop Barne* of the medicine she was entirely cured.
F lorida boys have one kind of e x cit­
the hole. T he beetle w ill f(,n0, *
11 feet loug and containing VO verte­ wonld m a n y la s charm ing daughter for ing sport which the young folk of more the fifteen-year-old duughter of Ur. and She took the lust dace in April, and has not Dominion Com pany, Kept. Y Chicago
W u
bra,, portions of the head and a few of her money. A ll young men were under northern lands know little about. It Mrs. Stephen Rarne«, who lives near Bur­ been bothered since, She is now stronger
qu ick ly d isp atch the
ney, I ml.' ’She is a bright young lady, is than ever, weighs ten pounds more than ever
# ““»1 When )
the arm boues. Hevcral teeth are in a l­ suspicion w ith him , and he w as partic­ consists in catching the Luge sea tnr
w i l l return, teforth ?ho bridge L t
A W e ll F ille d V alfec.
fond of hook*, although ber progrès* in thia before, and her cheeks are full of color.
m ost perfect rendition. N early all the ularly fo n a a l w ith those o f flue appear- tics which frequent the bays alone the line has been considerably retarded by the She can now gratify her ambition to study
A certain hotel keeper who keeps an lure an oth er v ictim .
bones are w e ll petrified, but some retain »a«'. The caller intended to observe the southern coast of Florida. The tu iiles, eensiderable amount of sickness she ha* ex­ and become an educated tfotfiafi.”
Old fash ion ed furnlttlhj is Often to,
Those win, lire iu a positInti to know, state unpretentious establishm ent in A lgiers
a half bony structure. Professor Lee of proprieties by introducing him self, but from w hich is wude the green turtle perienced. She lie* mimed two year* of that
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pitla for Pale People not far from the passenger station o f tho Illetoly ruined by the larvte of „ J “
school on account of her had health, but now
the un iversity thus w rites about it:
the host said lu his s t’ffest business soup so fam iliar to restaurunt fare, are she will lie able to pursue her Mutlies, *ince is not a patent medicine but a prescription Southern Pacific railw ay says th at iu called tho auobuini. A peculiar Z ,
used for many years by an eminent praeiitiorer
“ The specim en is a g ift to tbo u n i­ tones:
lik e tile tic k in g o f a clock is
confined by the fishermen in hngo pens, ! her health lisa been restored.
Her father was talking of her cote to a who produced the most wonderful results with futuro he w ill uot take baggage in se­
versity from Johu K eegan of Flagler,
"W hat can 1 <0 for yon, sir?"
or "Inrtle craw ls," consistiLg of fences newspaper
’-lie m anner in w hich it w as found is
"I cam e to te ll you, sir, that I Lave extending from the shore en t into the daughter lias ■
had ■ a very aeriou*
time of r n
it, ” from a watery Condition of the blood or tographed under tliO X rays. “ Oue other, th e noiso being made by «trikL
interesting. One day a M exican herds­ asked your daughter’ ’—
water. When tbo fisherman w ants a sail! Mr. Barne*. "but now wc are ull happy shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of al­ month ago," said he, “ a w e ll dressed tho ja w s a gain st their resting pi,™
to know that ahe is getting along alt right most every 111 to which flesh 1* heir. The
man rode in to F lagler and reported that
"Just as 1 expected,” w as snorted
and is stronger than ever.” Asked to relate pills are also a specific for the troubles fellow Who owed ino for tw o w eek s’ often in old houses filled with old h,
h is horse stum bled and fell over u long back. " I t ’s pretty tuugli when a m an of
the story of hi* daughter, Mr. Barne* con­ peculiar to females, such as suppressions, boat’d cam e to m e Bud told mo that os nituro th e su perstitious, when thtstL
string of bones. Tbo man picked up on« affairs nt m y tim e o f life has to put in
tinued : "About three year* ago, when she all forms of Weakness, chronic constipation, 1 he Was in financial difficulties o f a this poculiar sound, im agine the „i,.
'o f the bones and w as surprised to find liu if his tim e te llin g youn g whipper-
wa* twelve yeere old, she began to grow bearing down pains, etc,, and in the case of
weak and nervous. It was, of course, a tlell- men will give speedy relief aud efleet a per­ purely temporary ebaraotet ho w ould tn be haunted.
it heavy sg stone. H e carried a piece to snappers that they c a n ’t have that girl
A n other beetle l<l found in daft f|J
age for her. She gradually grew Weaker manent cure in all cases «rising from mental like to leave his valise in geeurity for
the town, and Mr. K eegan saw that tho of m ine. There is the most mercenary
end her nerves were at such a tension that worry, overwork, or excesses of Whiter«’ the bill. He said he w ould tedeoin it in latfii w h ere it th rives upou dust ui
bones m igh t la, of scientific interest. lot of m en just com iug in to active life
the least little noise would irritate her very nature. They are entirely harmless and eafi •
trash. It is so difficu lt to exterwiiuu „
H e drove to the place unil fotiud about that I have ever seen. I ’d better give
much, and the was very miserable. There be given to weak and sickly children with tw o Weeks, or i f he failed ft) Url st) 1
was a continual twitching in the arms and he greatest good and without the slightest 1 m ight sell tbo valise and its contents. that it is looked upou as something,,,
IS feet o f the vertebral coluniu ly in g on m y fortune to som e charitable iustitu- !
lower limbs, and we were afraid that the anger. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold I The bag w as n et w orth 60 eetltSi but as Cautiy, and th e iguoruut Fegaid its ro,
the ground, as it had lain through count­ tian. You c a n ’t have her. ”
was going to develop St. Vitus’ dance.
by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on
less thousands o f years. There it had
4“ She kept getting worse and finally we receiit of price, 60 cents a box or six boxes he wus w e ll dressed I concluded that a euco a* an i ll omen.
"Perhaps i t I should ex p la in " —
The sacred boetlo o f Egypt is not,,
had to take her from her school and her for *8.60 (they are never sold in hulk nr by 1 roemy valise stuffed alm ost to bursting
been left w hen the rock decayed from
"T here’s uoHiing to explain. I ’ve
studies. She was strong and healthy before, the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medt | w ith the wardrobe of such a sw ell w ould lik e o u r ,o w n comtubti beetle, xudil,
around it. About four feet of the tail heard it all more tim es than I have
weighing eighty-five pounds, and in three 1 cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
w as s till imbedded in the solid roclc. hairs on m y head. Of conrso you lovo
m uch more than pay tbe $14 he owed fem ale la y s her egg in the same wn
T h is was carefully dug out and the her. You c a n ’t liv e w ith ou t her. You ;
mo. I allow ed him to take MWay tho Wrapped iu a substance Which is t0 ™
A F ire m a n ’s F a ll.
w h ole skeleton preserved by Mr. K ee­ have no money, but you're educated, J
rest of his stuff w ithou t auy hesitation. tect it and fu rn ish food. She rolls it up
gan, w h o scut it to the university, posses« u bruve heart and w ill shield
“ W ell, the tw o w eeks passed, and I into a bull w ith her fore legs, «nnolimn
An incident that happened in a large
w h ere h is son became interested in the her from a ll trouble. You w ill" —
did not have any m essage from the carrying it u lou g distance upou htt
great turtle for market, one of the boys, cotton fire iu the lower part of N ew
study of geology.
sw ell, but the valise rem ained u n d is­ head; d ig s a hole iu tb e earth,
" Ju st to sh ield yon from a little pres­ whose brown body is stripped bare, York some years ago had its comic side
"M r. Keegan reports that w h ile the en t em barrassm ent I w ill inform you stands iu the prow of the boat as it is and was the means of the firemen dis­
turbed. A week later m y housekeeper her egg ludon ball, covers it up, «u
specim en was in his posm-sxicii it was that I ’m not in the least in love w ith pushed from the shore. He watches in ­ covering the m ain body of the fire,
cam e to mo and said that tw o of my leaves it Io a tta in its perfect develop
exam ined by several geologists. From your daughter.
best p illow s w ere m issing. They w ere ment.
tently, aud preseutly he sees one of the w hieh fur some tim e they hud been en­
them we learn that the bones are from j
The sexton betgle is a enrioux ere*,
“ What iu thunder did you proiiose to big turtles takiug a nup on the clear deavoring in vaiu to locate.
big ones, worth about $4 apiece, and I
the uppermost cretaceous form ation of her for, then? H ave you the u nm itigated w h ito sand of the bottom. Ho dives
The f moke w as pouring out of nearly
did not lik e the notion o f losing them , ture. H e has a th ick body and powerful
th a t icgiou. The place of preservation g a ll to com a in here und te ll mo that qniekly, aud, sw im m ing down from be­ every part of the building, and although
you m ay be sure. I fe lt sore, and in an lim bs nnd a m ost acute sense of smell
w as so near the division between creta­ yon w an t m y daughter w hen y o u ’re not hind, seizes the turtle firmly by its several entrances had been made it had
aim less sort of w a y began looking N o sooner does a sm a ll anim al die thin
ceous and tertiary rock that they could in love w ith her and not expect to get sh ell. Of course the turtle wakes up been im possible to find the seat of the
around behind the office counter, not the sextons gather about tbe body sod
•not determ ine the age definitely. F u r­ kicked out? Why, y o u ” —
aud, like a bucking broncho, begins to fire. The chief in charge ordered some
because I had any notion of finding them begin to put earth upon it. Iu s few
ther study, how ever, shuws that the
“ Break away, pap al” laughed the dusli uud plunge w ildly about, seeking w indows on the third floor to be
there, but ju st because I had now here hours the dead nuim ul has been covered
reptile is a cretaceous form.
vision o f lovelin ess w ho hurried in to the to throw its plucky rider.
"opened np, ” and a ladder was accord­
I else to look w ith ou t leavin g the desk to aud the beetles have la id (heir eggs in
THB CHR0IVICLX raak* vita m* gr**U*l
“ During cretaceous tim e not on ly !
room. ’ ‘T his is the gentlem an v isitin g at
N ot succeeding in this, it darts quick­ ingly raised and a fireman ascended. ■*»*l>*p*r* In tn* Ualtod SUU*.
j take care o f itself. Suddenly m y eye the carcass, w h ich is to nourish tin
the greater part of Colorado, but the Mra. W inton's, aud ho is arranging her ly to the surface, where tho boy gets his With tlie aid of a hook he pried open
THB CHKONtCLK ba* no **u*l on tho Pacta* ' rested on that big valise that ow ed me larviB.
greater part o f the western h alf o f the private theatricals for her. H e has asked first breath. Then down again it goes, the iron shutters, aud, lamp in hand, Coaat. 1» laada all In ablins, aalorprtaa and naw*.
A rem arkable creature is the bom­
and then a kind o f sick feelin g
THB CHRONICLB’S Tclasrapblc Haporta ora
continent, w as u sh allow sea, dotted 1 mo to take a part, uud 1 referred him to tearing through tbo w ater snd beating stepped in — and disappeared, f lis com ­
«ba lata*« and moat rollabla. IU Local Naw* m cam e over me. I opened it in n hurry— bardier beetle, and i t is provided win
here and there w ith islands. The age of y o u .”
tbo foam w ith its fiippers. But its rider panion upou the ladder, wondering why fblleat and tplcleat. and lu Bdltwlal* from (ba it contained nothing but m y tw o big a strange m eans o f defense. It lives in
rep tiles w as nearing its close. Those
The old gentlem an glared ho|x lessly never lets go fora moment, and present­ he hud so suddenly vanished from sight, ablest p*n* lu tbe country.
p illo w s.” — N ew Orleans Tim us-Dcm o
a com m u nity under stones, and whin
THB OHRONICLB ba* a)w*y* bean, and always
clu m sy, overgrown m onsters w h ich we for a fu ll m inute and in h is confusion ly the groat turtle grows exhausted, peered in, and found that he had stepped
will be, tb* friend and ebainpton of tbo people *o
disturbed discharges a fluid of :t va«
arc fam iliar w ith as inh abitants o f the said brokenly:
aud the boy, by liftin g on the front end into the elevator shaft that was directly asalnot combination*, clique*, corporation* or
penetrating odor, m u ch like gas, which
D enver region bad reached Ibeir c u lm i­
‘‘Take her, m y sou, take h e r .” — Do- | of tho sh ell forces it to the boat, where under this window aud li»d fallen opprraolon* of ony kind. II will bo tbdopondoal
N ot k
d A n th e m .
explodes as it com es in contact with lb»
«* ovoay tblog neutral la notblb«
nation aud were ready to puss out of troit Free Press.
i t is qu ick ly loaded aboard and tukeu through to the basement. H astily de­
Mr. W. S. G ilbert told a good story air aud passes iu to vapor. Eighteen ex­
existen ce forever as eoou us the new
aw ay to market. It is great sport and scending, ho alarmed tbe others, and,
against Sir Arthur S u llivan and h im self plosions can lie m ade iu succession by
conditions w ere inaugurated at the end
tho boys enjoy it as much os our boys forcing un entrance, they made their
nt the Savago club. Whilo “ Tho M i­ oue bombai'dier, and w h ile these m » i
•of I be uge. A m ong these reptile forms
lik e a lively young pony to rid e.—C hi­ way to the cellar. Here they fonnd their
kado" was in process of incubation tho being throw n off lik e a volley of urtil
w e find the ancestors o f the m odem ser­ H in t* H a v e N o U lfltn ilty F in d in g I t l a th e cago Record.
comrade in n sittin g position upou a
collaborators decided that it w ould lx» lery the beetle effects its escape. Tbe
pents. D uring tbo cretaceous period the
bale of cotton, partly stunned aud dazed
an excellent hin g to herald the entry of fluid is lik e n itr ic acid to the taste. It
seas were inhabited by long, suakelike
Tho num ber o f birds tliut go to the
from tbe shock of the fall, but other­
»he Japanese .nonarch by asu itab lo J a p ­ causes a shnrp pain i f placed upon the
rep tiles rafted by (Jtipo pytliouuiuurphu, lux tie regions to breed is “ vast beyond
The follow in g giinio is offered by the w ise uuinjnred. Iu h is hand he still
anese tune set to real Japanese words, tongue mid leaves a y e llo w ish stain -
or mosusaUi in. H e g iv es three genera— conception. ” They go not by thousands, at homo departm ent of Every Where:
held the wire handle of his lamp— all
and they appealed to a gentlem an learn­ Our A n im al Friends.
olidnates, plateoarpus and niesasunrus. but. by m illion s, to rear th eir you n g ou
It is founded upou the frequent use that
..... ..............
of it— w h ile in front of
ed in m atters concerning tho far cast to
"It is iu one of these genera o f sea ser
the tundra. Tho cause w h ich attracts o f tbo first personal pronoun in tho con- him , farthei in the basement, blazing
help them in their difficulty. The result T W O C L A S S E S O F R E A D E R S .
gen ts that our m ouster m u st be placed. them is because now here iu tho world vorsutiou of alm ost every one whom wo
m errily, w as the fire they hud been en
Waa tho chorus in the second act, "M iya
I t is difficult to locate it definitely, be­ does nature provide at tho som e tim e m eet. Som e people, of courso, put into denvoring to find,
H is fall lrad led him
eama, m iya sam a,” the strains of w hich Tboae W h s la k e D lo k eu * a n d Thoe* Wbu
cause eo niauy o f the characteristic and in tho sam e placo “ such a lavish their tulk the word ” 1” much oftoncr
directly to it. On afterward exam ining
are also heard w ith such singular effect
parts are destroyed.
A d o r e T lia o h e r a y .
prodigality of fo o d .” T hat tho barren than others uud are noted for tho fact, tho hatchw ay, or shuft, through which
iu the overture. U n til quite recently
•‘I sent som e of the bones to (be de­ sw am p o f tho tundra should y ield a food but everybody uses it more than ho
"About 15 years ago regdart u*»l 10
he had fallen, they found that it had
Mr. G ilbert and Sir Arthur Su llivan bo divided roughly in to tw o claxsev—
partm ent of the national geological sur­ supply so great as to tem pt birds to thinks he does un til confronted w ith a
bars running diugoually aoross at euch
were nnder the impression that th is air thoso w ho ‘lik ed D ick en s' and thosewiw
vey at W ashington uud received word m ake journeys of thousands o f m ilos to record.
floor, and iu some m arvelous way ho
belonged to som ething iu the national ‘adored T h ack eray,’ ” w r ite s tlie critic
th at ‘(110 specim en is probably a cliilas- roar their youn g iu a land o f plenty,
W ith the company a ll pleasantly and had escaped euch oue in hia downward
anthem ; but it now seems that they Droch iu T he L a d ie s’ H om e Joumxl.
tes, although the jaw is more w assivo on ly to bo found beyond tho arctic d r - eoxily seated iu a circle elect tw o or
fligh t.— Charles T. H ili in Kt. Nicholas.
have been badly Rold. A friend of Mr
aud the teeth art, more compresard than j cle, seem s incredible. The vegetation three scorers and a quizzer. Designate a
"Each cla ss used to v ie w the other with
G ilbert, who saw “ The M ikado” the
lu the only specim ens w e have. I think con sists o f cranberry, cloudberry and penalty or u booby prize for tbo first
more or less contem pt. O f the two liw
H e W a n ted to Know*
other day for tho first tim e, has w ritten Thackeray people f e lt Uioiusclveacaiuiid-
th a t you probably have one of tho most crowbcrry bushca Forced b y the per­ oue w lio says " I" ten time* and a reward
a letter com plim enting the author aud erably superior to tlie Dickenn people.
The burglar noiselessly opened tbe
com plete vertebral colum ns of this petual sunshine o f tho arctic sum m er for the oue w ho says it least aud tbeu
group of m arine rep tiles in existence. these bear enorm ous crops o f fruit. But le t the quizzer have at them. Each door of the bedroom and glided in. A ft­
composer upon the general schem e of There w ere not h o m an y of them, for
Tbo tail is particularly fine end gives the crop is not ripe u n til the m iddle and m ust uuswer every question asked him er flushing bis bnllseye lantern aronnd
their local color, b at expressing as ton- one thing, and (h at iu ita clf gave them
ishraent at the introduction of the
m e u much better im pression c f the cue, o f the arctic summer, and If the or her fu lly and circum stantially; otli- the room ho placed it on the dresser and
a feelin g o f exclu siven ess (something
‘Miya sam a” chorus, the tune of w hich lik e tho a ttitu d e assum ed by Gt-orgo
depth and com pression of this part of fruit eatin g birds hod to w a it u n til it erw ise a count is the penalty for the coolly proceeded to collect everything
th e body.' A fter careful exam ination w as ripe th ey w ould starve, for they failure. A llow all w ho w a y w ish to o s­ valuablo. Ho had been nt work perhaps
he declares to be that of a song sung M eredith's a d in irerso f th e present day).
o f the published descriptions I wus led arrive on the very (lay o f tho m e ltin g o f tia l in cid en tally iu tho quizzing and to tw o m iuntes w hen toe occupant of tho
only iu tho low est teahouses of Yoko­ B ut T hackeray’s com plete works for
•to the opinion tliut the species bus not tho snow. B ut each year the snow de­ interject any remark they may w ish , so bed awoke and said, " I say, Mr. |
hama and calculated to m ake (he lord fiS.99 rapidly abolish ed th e aristocracy.
Burglar - ’’ But the gentlem an ad- '
beeu described heretofore.
cham berlain’s hair stand ou end.__P u b ­ A rtificial barriers do n ot long count tor
scends on its im m euso crop o f ripe fruit that the scorers keep good watch of
" I f 0110 can im agin e a loug, slender before the birds have tim e to gather it. them aud count their phenom enal d e lin ­ dressed prom ptly covered the speaker
lic Opinion.
m uch w ith n great w riter.
rep tile, som etim es 70 feet iu leu gtb, not It is tlicu preserved beneath the snow, quencies w henever made.
w ith his revolver and remarked huskily: |
T h « O hrantel«
“ Y ou no doubt very soon found eat
Valaahle Penni««.
q u ite as aleuder us the modern serpent, perfectly fresh and pure, and the m e lt­
It is wonderful wbnt a lot of merri- " I f yer eny anndder word er make a
A striking instance o f tho desirability that iu certain m oods th ere w as nothing
■uud baviu g iw o pairs o f short, paddle- ing o f the snow discloses the bushes ineut and instruction th is gam e w ill movo yor'll be lately deceased. See?”
lik e feel, oue w ill have a fairly good w ith tho uncuiifiumed last y e a r ’s crop produce if played thoroughly and good
of taking
pennies w
sAi’ii iu
in more sa tisfy in g to you th an ’Pcudcunis,’
“ I bril Tour pardon,” «aid the other,
, - care of pennies
as seen
and at another tim e tho best noirel that
tho sain at Sotheby’s of
idea of th is class of reptiles. They were hangiug 011 them or lyin g, ready to bo naturedly.
whose name w as Wheeler. “ I don’t in­
* T M all, T o sta « * P al«,
the second
great sea serpents aud were covered eaten, on the ground. Tho frozen m eal
portion of tho ‘ Montagu collection of you ever read w a s ‘ D avid Copperfleld.'
tend to make an angel ont of m yself
E nglish coins, w hieh w as particularly I have no doubt th a t iu the long run
w ith bony scales, as Professor Marsh ■tn tehe» acm es the breadth o f Asia. It
A K itte n a* a D e ll.
ju st yet. I only wanted to know where
rich iu Anglo-Saxon and other old pen- deep in your heart you w i l l cherish a
h at shown. I have referred to them as never decays and is accessible tho m o­
A little girl 11 yeurs old recently I can buy a bicycle lam p like yeurs.
t he allocator« o f snakes. The iottu of m ent the snow m elts. A ges have taught traveled all the w ay from W ichita, tbe best I ever sa w .” — Truth.
a ^ rh'efl7 Z U wlTer’ The follow in g finer affection for th e one thau the othei.
th e body w as very suakelike, and the the birds that they have on ly to fly to K uu., to Rochester w ith no com panion
are somo of the prices obtained: Canute That is a m atter o f temperament and
your surroundings. Tho one you like
lo n g jaw show s a m echanism sim ilar the arctic circle to find such a store of but her kitten. She was allow ed to have
F la a n e la l.
best fits best iu to yonr lif e as you ant
to that of serpents w hich m akes it pos- "eryatallioed foods" as w i l l last them tbe pet in her lap, nlthcugh it is agaiust
He don bled hio money.
aible to sw allow th e food whole. Their t ill the bualics arc once more forced into tbe rules of railroad com panies to allow
W ithin a fraction of a second he
Chelsea penny (un iq uel, the m :iking it. You w ill discover that a
h ab its seem to have been eerpeutlikc, bearing by the perpetual su nlight. The anim als in the passenger eoaeb. Perhaps doubled it again. Then ho repeated the
only com known from this m int, from change of scene or occupation often
Tie 6ntl*rf Weekly h tbe Comtry,
aud they lived during the age im m ed i­ sam e heat w hich frees the fruit brings th is m ay have been duo p artially to tho operation.
the B n cc collection, £18 1 8 s.; Harold brings you in to sym p ath y w ith a writer
a tely preceding the introduction o f true iuto being the most prolific insect life fa ct ibat tba kitten w as dressed “ liko
Bristol penny, £10 lO s.; W illiam the whom you never before appreciated. A
He doubled It again and put it in his
snakes. It is au easy step from an aui
great sorrow w ill som etim es reveal
Conqueror Stamford penny
in the world. The m osquito «warm s on fo lk s ,” iu clothes. Tbe cat was as hand­ w atch pocket. “ Perhaps my w ife w ill
George E lio t to you ; u lit t le journey Io
m a llik e clidastes to the modern serpent. 1 the tun dra N o European can liv e then.» som ely attired as a favorite doll uud in ­ not find that dollar bill, ” bo said.__New
« . i a .o r a n ™
J u st drop off Iris lim bs or m ake them w ithou t a v eil after tho snow m elts. The finitely more am using. Her little dress York Journal.
England w ill sh ow you n ew beauties in
u w
rndim eutary aud m ake the body a little gun biurcls are black w ith them , and did not seem a uovelty to her, aud the
and Mexico.
^ S;UrL Z ,“ ì ? n^ " b- Trollope; a w ave of w ar fe elin g in Eu­
THB WBBKLT CHROXICLtt tbe hrtxr»»»*-«
m ore slender and the change is rom
H er Cholffi«.
rope and people b e g in rereading Tolstoi s
the ( loud often obscure« the sight. Thus little w aiet, w ith bishop sleoves and lace
Carlisle penny
•««1 moet complete Weekly N«.**«<»«•*
plnte. " — Denver Republican.
“ W hat! You cannot mean to tril mo world, prints recnlartr iu
( unique), £10 10». ; W allingfi.rd pennv, 'War and P e a c e .’ ’’
12. the
tlie insect eatin g birds have only to open at the auklee, or more properly w rists,
b « ., t t.
“ “ 15»., and W areham
their m ouths to fill thorn w ith mowiui- w as dainty, w h ile a handsome lace baby yon found tho professor stupid? Wliv,
pin ny (rare’
H aas«.
MyaUrle* a t H vliaia.
toea and the presence of a w u n u sof teu- cap com pleted tho m ost fetuhiug toilet. he knows everything. ’’
H is house was ooustrueted after tbo der warblers, o f c liff chaffs, p ip its and ! The little girl apologised for the state
" I know he d ecs," said tbe sw eet SAMPLE CO PIES SENT FREE.
A s further exp erim en ts are carried
-London Telegraph.
fash ion of bia library anil of hi* grnius, w a g ta ils in th is tuvtio region is a c­ of k itty ’s clothing, as she had had but youu g thing, “ hut I ’d rather talk w ith
w ith (he n ew g a sc :d le d h eliu m —which
w ith m uch of grandeur and m ajesty iu counted for.— N ew York E vangelist.
W h a t Frodncca F arfou ia.
oue change out o f her trunk. But kitty some one w h o know s everybody.” __In­ b o y o u
ant th e
w as recognized iu the su u before it hart
tito w hole, m any brillian t beauties,
had speut the m ost of her journey ou . dian apolis Journal.
1, ^ C; Ordi“ g
M- En«tno Mesnard R been found 011 the earth — the merer®-
m any gaps and som e sm all thing« in
her m istress' lap er on th e .velvet car
C unhl Ila R e n r h r d M ill.
is not oxygen but lig h t whi.-l, ta L
man, cause of , hc t X n a f o Z a Î On ^ d m arkable it appears. M any chem ists be­
seat aud was uot in the least bedraggled. '
O at n t I t.
detail. It wn* above all com posite. As
lieve it con sists of (w o gases, yet they
"D id you catch a glim p se o f (he foot-
^ ^ l o u o f the odorous“
•In hia hooka, he reconstructed iu his pnd?’’ naked tho policem an w h o w as Tbe little g irl said site did not care for
“ Madam, is yonr son expecting fo
have not been ablo satistu ctorily to di­
house everything he m ade use of. B»
althi»ngh iu nianv c a k f a H i a »
vide it. Professor R am say, 011c of R*
stooping over the insensible victim aud d olls, because they w eren’t alive aud carry off any houors at college this
‘nit furnished aud doooraled w h ile he exam ining his injuries.
k itiy could pluy w ith her. Besides, year?' ’
discoverers, ha-> fa ile d in every attempt
w a s com poaiog "The Legeud o f the
" N o , poor follow . Ho injured his
to m ake it enter in to a chem ical combi­
" Y e s," su a w en d the m an who«»
V enturi««,'' it resembled these |as-nia
tim ely arrival bail scared the m urderous and undressed, «0 she had ull the pleas­ kneecap in the first gam e of the season. ” » . I M M
nation. Lord R ayleigh has found that it
•Tho Old and the N ew Testam ents had v illa in away. "H e w as a tough looking ures of play lu g doll w ith a liv e d o lly .— — Detroit Free Pre»».
possesses by far the low est reft activity
th eir place there; live G othic dom inated; fellow , a little taller tbau I am aud C hicago Tribune.
?ver obeerved in any gas, aud surpris«
th e sixteen th aud follow in g centuries wore chin whiskers. ”
C urr«Bt It«m «.
is expressed a t the aston ish in g distAlicct
dow n to the revolution are repreavuted.
"Our w h ist club is going to play «11
T be prostrate mau shuddered, gasped
traversed by electric sjiarks iu darting
G uern sey had for a loug tim e iweu the and moved h is lips. Couseiousnisw was
T w o boys were sittin g on their door­ su m m er."
through helium .
Teeort o f pirate's and sm ugglers, «0 old returning.
step, w ith their slates and pencil» to
“ T hat’» good. N ow w e shall not
riches abounded in the houses of riaiut
m iss any neighborhood n e w s “ —Chica­
" S trictly sp eak in g," the policem an their hands Oue said to the other:
1 too little scent Thia i . «I 7 ’
A dimple an,i efficacious hair ten?*
oT H ra
P ierre-P ori. Iu h u n tin g for them Victor heard him inulter feebly, *’there is no
" T w o from one leaves oue, doesn't go Record.
consists of 8 d ia m s of tiucture of can
H n go laid bis hands upou som e mar- such thing a* chin w hisker« W hiskers, it?"
tharides, tl dram s of essence sf re«»-
A S ara s t« a .
O a e ____ t
v e la What he did uot find in the tw o grow on the cheek*. H e wore a chin
“ Y e s," replied the other.
diary and 11 ounces of eld er flower wa­
Islands he had bought elsew here, cepe- beard. ’’
A gvntlem an passing by heard th em
ter. The druggist w ill pnt np this tonic,
these e c g s were stole«?
r ia lly in H olland. He rarely left the
The finest wire in
Tlicu the Bostcu man becam e ancon- and said:
country ia or the ingred ients m ay be purebssed
fo r u itu r e and the «arloa ns he found
C ln b in a le — Yon can see yourself
« • TrOTTlFO,
made at Taunton, Moss. Th»«
"B oys, if yon prove »0 m e that tw o
echms again .—C hicago Tribune.
cobweb of m inute diam etir^is'* m etal and it may be put up at home.
r T. rwontcito
th em . Ho dem olished them to pot them
from one leave« oue, I w ill give yon they'vo been poached.— Princeton Tiger
«AB FBawcmOftOAK
exact iv
togeth er anew , m ek lu g m antel pieces
each 10 cen t«.”
T* r tt t h . Crlara.
A w ind ow box m av be a very rhesp
A K o*to* B e llo .
o n t o f strong boxes, bed canopies out of
So the boy« took »he gentlem an into
"Y ou don’t look lik e a hard cittaen.
homon or a very exp en sive affair, but a rbe*P
C eleb rated
a lta r hangings, rhiin uey pieces out of but vou plead g u ilty to the charge of be- the house, where tlie rat was waohiug tq>e m astered all the petal« nt eti«nett« with
(r e a l facility.
ch u rch tra ils and chandeliers o a t o f ul- iu g fonnd in a gam bling reaort. I ought her tw o babies. Each boy look a kitten
otll hrate<1 pack of playing in steel p |Bh, . í," ?***“ ' hroDg^ holes owi. m ade out o f a packing box, wM
la learnln« tn play wMw oh* ahuw «1 remark
flowers ju«t ns w e ll aa a ccstt.c
» a rts w the w o rld . " T u r c o i di ?J.n
■tar can d lestick s, ituugiu iu g and com bin­ to inflict a flue of at least $A '—
away and said:
able ability.
wear, »uch pU .e ’ . '
1 m ade nt tile«. AU th a t i i neccssacT
in g th in g* s t ill m ore beautiful w ith e le ­
" T w o from one R aves o n e .”
«he lui.t.-retamts the harp amt plar-t (he ciolin
bT *nCtl,'n ia
"B u t, your honor, I waa intoxicated,
. cannot be used in is som ething thut w ill hold «o il
drll«h tfully.
V»? , eiid li*. c.mpJt'fp «g »ke»« e
m e n ts m agnificent la ibem aelve» B eing or I w ou ld n't h ave" —
m aking the
So the gentlem an gave them each 10
wire. The .TaBBt<)u ,
A dlvcerd—It I f * not the Wa<ner k ia d -a n n - n
factory m entioned
ttn c i t e llab I designer and a laborious
"Drunk. K o. were you? T h e fine w i l l cen ts.— Baltim ore Herald.
her frtahtfulty
Tbe delicate chiffon »0 much used
for that purpose.
drill«d diamonds
an d sk illfu l w orkm an, be w ield ed the be fir 0 aud Coats C a ll th e a e x t i-aae. ”
may be cleaned and freshened by flfs*
» h e »las* *nd pnlnt* *nd rbto* to hound* »»•
to o ls w ith hie a w n hand*.—G aatav« — C h ic ag o T r ib a n e
A B ird nt L otterw
»(earning it and then plai tug it lightly
dnn *■» very prettily
Larronm et in C bnatauquun
•ABC. A BC. A BCt”
"D o ’
BU Tl*'
»he r r . k , tho Fr.-n.-h nt P*rt*. *ad *h* talk*
a plate and «land in g i t in
Th« iwrrnt Cited, prvtul a*
•ífoc he h l f í S '
d the b4r‘* r ° upon
;en *®
T lie wom an tcunis cham pion o f New
“ wa hint» w ho know Inter*
T akan.
H • Ad
Ap modern wny* to charm r a n , men, in
Through tbe carelraan«* ,',t
Zealand has but one hand, and that is
Are Miroly your be liar*. '
m an's hair
the tall
f*.-t. hnee been dtflelcwwt to her.
T h e Dvwa.
Ha («tied to the btrde tn the tree.
• Do yo u r e a lly »dh ete To tli«
" i? “
tlie left one. but ahe can sorre a ball
Bn: »ho can't hake a pot nt bean*. *a no on* n g rtto t deal c.t nioaev
PrnfoRsor— N ow , T om m y, tell •*
(trie « ru le ?
has propowol to her.
that is exceedingly difficult To return.
liu i the Mrd* la (he tree top at pl»y
• w
w ith «tens, —(.«no,,
i / Z ” 1 b°kcd
w hat you know about th e dew x that W *
-Ooo»*rnU e Joarnat
’ W« d « .” S«id Hie Bien liant. “ A
AU riuriwA la the joU icst w ar.
in the night.
vi »nag m arrie« ! m a n rsta b a y «a ch e a p ly
"We don't know A H c ’o.
Ray drolare* that the «red o f a oingl*
•voided If th..
le w aaething."
ficnerally gjve me
T w enty eig h t youn g wom ru w ere re­ taken of keepmg
But wa re qu ite at our raae
Tum m y—T hey are the nolydcw*»^**
? ’‘ ' W
»■f a s as the n o«t ex p e rie n c e d to a fro a ”
«pleeiiwort w ill number at least I 0 0 0 ■
in tiu-w- hishar brnaelu»*. rat.1 lhay
cen tly graduated from the W cm aa'i
W ell, so w ill J,’•
t have to lie p a id .— Av’^hmfitiJB
*— t ll a c io n u t i E tiq n ira r.
•oda. Placed beneath the
u ? , h0, M be took hi« tally, M>d the tall man
— L- BrMamnn in (It. N k h -lnw
M edical co lleg e c f Pvuusy iv a u ia .
T i r a c a . _________________
w i drip* ou „ h ,* ,ar0, !yP
, tbe hair. ” __ Pick m
A pe»*i,ui*t ia an in v a lid w ho con*Ifl-
liappiuea« g diaease. — D a lla s N 4»B
bb b
mct '1
d a il y
s Only $6.70aïear.
The Weekly Chronicle I
$ 1 . 5 0 a b
~ Un««'*
Reversible Map?
^ P o f th e W orld
wtl be.