s W E ST TH E COURT HOUSE SQUARE ■ • « a l reaksa tb « te«4 p u » . „trete, oom aad utliciees. EVKRT »«IWAT MOBXIN0— L ane C ofxtt , O beoon .— I . - . DY - • - ,W. h | .. w EATHERSON Editor unii Proprietor. ___ T bbim : U GO a year in advance. Entered at the post-office at Florence, Lane connty, Oregon, a« second-class tte pro » •»n •«$ f quarter tiefore 3 a. in., Feb. 14th, ISOS a sediment or settling indicates »it un­ „ - Hannah S. Phipps, th e beloved wife of healthy condition of the kidneys. Uher Guard: An effort which.was started p #nJ nio|her o( y „ , urine stains linen it is evidence of kid- about one week since, looking to the I - IV. A. Cox, aged 83 years 9 months and trouble. Too frequent desire to improvement and beautifying of the 23 days. . f i . . urinate or pain in the hack, is al.iocon- county nquaro now promises to be suc­ Doeeased waa a daughter of WilUain I vjod |||# |. t,|(. kil| ncys and cessful. anil Hannah Saumlers ol W es tfie ld , b U , ,e f w |, o| n r,ir r . The projectors of this worthy enter­ Kings county, New Brunswick an d was WHAT TO DO prise have in view at present the tKin. April « m l WH. Shewn, married I .......... ... .o improvement of the tW two O south parks, n |uju ,|j | husband be,n* ofh.n exp^ , . , li p r. Kilmer’» which are unoccupied. A subscription October ^ ' ^ Z A l.th H ^ , b 1835—her e ^ s e X ’^nTt'toy hied of'*" «-«P™»-’. A r r i n f t m w it i H i» s Absolutely Pur* Three ★ Desirable ★ Stars in ★ swamD-root the the great kidney remedy swamp-root, fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the l it e r a t u r e A D V iU T ISIN Q BATES MADS KNOWN ON A P­ PLICATION. Loeal notice» 8 cent» per line, each ln»ertloii HOVM LAX I MG FOWfXW CO., WfW TOOK. ing compelled to get up many Mines contemplated include a particular care into the fold of the church in infant during the night to urinate. Tho mild of the grass plots and shade trees; also baptism. Stic was confirmed witli tier ' L. E. Bean goes to Portland Tuesday, j to lay out regular walks, flower gardens, husband at the church of St. John in ami extraordinary effect of swamp-root IS T L IN G S . in soon realized. it stands the highest! ------ i Delia Morris is attending school in etc. In short the idea is to make the Cornwallis by the Lord Bishop of Nova for its wonderful cures of the most dis- parks a meat pleasant . resort where our 11 Scotia October 24tb, 1888 and came to The Robarts returned from Coos bay Eugene. ! citizens can enjoy a stroll, “ Acme, Oregon with their daughter and tressing cases. If you need a medicine, Tuesday. H. Stevens of Smith river was In l.aviug them remain an eyesore as they i son iil.,n w a J ) l l Mrs. W. A. Cox you should have the beat. Sold by | druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ The annual school meeting occurs on Florence thia week. have been for so long. I . Monday March 7th. j John Dahlin made a trip to his rancli This is a matter deserving of the \ k r 3W4 Pt a'igposition endeared her lar. You may have a sample bottle and i Sold W ith Remember the Missionary social at on Mercer lake this week. highest commendation, and it ,s “ R„ wl)0 kliew ,ier. Rhe lived a life pamphlet both sent free by mail. eaailip)ca to her children and Mention The W est and send your ad­ Rev. Knotts' tonight. j I.uclla Neely and Hester Nicolle are source of gratification to know it will be ( dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, so soon started.____________t,>e worl Several good articles from onr corre- IVin. Kyle received a telegram Friday I over Hall’s grocery store, to more com- BLACWLY ITEM S ■pondents are crowded out thia week. T h e B e t t le a M ip S u n k la H a v a n a « H a r b o r morning calling him to Portland on , modious quarters, with “The Eugene T o 6 « r o C o o it lp o tlo n F o re v e r# —G r o a t B a o lto r o o a t— M a n y L iv e s Bv G kfeniiobs . Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c er& p . business. He lejt for that place the ; Real estate Agency,” on the ground I f C. C. C. fa il to cure, druggist« refund money. Lost, floor, first door North of Griffin’s hard-1 — same day. At Eugene Mr«. Clara A Thomas ha« Feb. 21, 1898. Lester Ogden is taking a few days ware store, directly opposite the Guard sued J. B. Coleman for $4,W0 for rest from his arduous labors as driver of office, where they will be pleased to see The U. 8. battleship Maine was blown Clinrles Callin ol Goldson is visiting up in the harbor of Ilavanna. Feb. 18lh, I si inder. the Eugene-Mapleton stage. Jesse any persons contemplating a trip East friends here. Born in Florence, Saturday, Feb. Bounds handles the reins in his absence j or South. I Mrs. R .T . Clevenger returned from and about 250 men out of 350 on board . 319th, 1898 to Mr and Mrs. J. A. Levage Win. Bernhardt arrived from Port- : For full information concerning rates, Portland after a sojourn of 3 weeks at were lost. By some it is thought toj have been by a mine explosion, by time tables etc., call or address, n iat place. a 9}» pound girl. IJ and Friday having obtained a license ; routes, I m.iv others, a torpedo, spontaneous com­ It. urfhv j We nn} • „ ,1O |IC 8 ,rf getting a daily M c M vrphv , General Agent, Miss Frances E. Millard national I i authorizing 1,1» « m n lo v in e n t his employment ns engineer bustion, a magazine explosion, and Opposite Guard Office, Eugene. president of tbe IV. C. T. U. died in on ocean going steamers. He is now mail from Junction City to Deadwood, New York Feb. 18th. I engineer on the Robarts. We con- . as it is very much needed. We are not other causes. Great excitement pre­ N one who are engaged in any o f the m echanical vails and the cause is now being inves­ SUNDAY SERVICES. A fine uew assortment of men’s suits, glatulate you Will, on the promotion. ___ able to say in regard to Judge W. P. tigated. Warlike preparation are beiug pursuits can succeed w ithout reading and » «r also a good stock . of underwear at Mover Meyer , Regi8ter; Mr. D. W. Coolidge left Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Vrugg our mail contractor «•»«»* «¡W*. made in different parts of the country. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. I but wc ean boast of linn having the best ! this morning for Salem, Tangent and studying this standard Magazine o f Sciences I A Kyle’s. Subject for the evening, God's Plan P«y«"8 route in Lane county He is The San Francisco Examiner and the Woodburn, to select hedge material and T O C U R E A OOLO IN O NE D A Y . and m echanical A rts. I t is illustrated with ! T » * »" > »ndustrtous ami W est for one year $2.50 paid in ad­ shrubbery' fo rt,ie new Public R9,,sre of Salvation Rejected» Take Lexative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Rev. Mr. Marsh will preach in the j man ami fully competent to All the poal All druggists refund money if it fails to project. The hedge will be of Cali­ all modern cuts of latest inventions in all vance. j lion that has been awarded him. Hood’s pills act easily and promptly fornia privet. Mr. Coolidge is a practi­ cure. mBible class Monday at 7 30 p .m . Les-| J. P. Daugherty sold 40 acre, of land the branches o f m echanism , and its fund o f on the liver and bowels. Cure sick cal landscape garden artist and will work of selecting and son, Civil and Moral Laws, page 27 and to Henry Haberland. Consider ation ! supervise the headache. know ledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­ $300 00. - .. .. , setting out all the shrubbery needed for the Sacrifices on page 30. T o C e r e C o n s tip a tio n F o re v e r. i Mr. Austin of Deadwood made a busi- ventors and m echanics. Sold w ith T he Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. the parks. I. G. K nottb , pastor. ' ness trip heie the past week. He pur- It C. U. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. BID8 W A N TED . W est at clubbing rates. IVISON IT E M S . cliaaed a load of oats of Squire Drugg A meeting of the republican county and quite a lot of goods at our city called central committee is to he held in Eu­ Bv len D ien . Sealed bids will be received by the ' “ Slayterville.” gene March 5th to make arrangements trustees of Heceta Lodge, No. I l l , 1. O. Dr. W. W. Oglesby of Junction City for bolding the county convention. Feb. ICth, 1898. O. F., till March 2nd, 1898, for made a business trip here tlie past week. A silver medal contest will be given raising the Odd Fellows' building in Com. Bailey of Eugene and Mr. R in Florence under auspices of tbe W. C. Florence. Plans and specifications may Taylor of Indian creek, passed through Tlie Dr. has a farm here and lie is get­ ting s unu ground eleiTad and fence T. U. on Tuesday evening, March 8tli. be seen at the W est office. Tlie right here Sunday going down the river. built. Considerable work is being done in ; reierved to reject any or all bills, Our old friend B. B. Jeans of Hermann ' Aaron Thompson is at Eugene on a different places along the river to open M. C hristensen , j came out this week going to tlie city. ; business trip. Trustees. L. F ubnisii , the road between Florence and head o f : George I’eil and family of Deadwood I H. H. Drugg was re-appointel road W II. W eatiiersox .) tide. have moved in with Gran’ Pa Fisher to supervisor—a good choice. We hope E d u c a t e T o u r lto w e l« W i t h C i* ,« « r e t,. M IN N IE ITEM S run the ranch. I the good work will go on. Candr Cathartic, cur« conatlpaiion lorcv»r. I Wo. 31c. I t C.C. C tail, druggists refund money. Tom Goodpasture of Eugene was ill; greenleaf I tem s . B y G race . here last week buying cattle. The little daughter of Jns. Bay who Thia m onthly m agazine is one o f th e very Stone can’t compete witli zinc for Charley Barron returned today from was so severely burned some tw o Bv a W est C obreseondent . durability in this climate. Many years best printed in thia country, and ir sold Warm weather and the graga a near Coburg where he has been working months ago has so far recovered as to be oi hard work erecting thousands upon growing. the past two weeks. Feb. 19,18)8. able to sit op part of the time. to all subscribers at rates w ithin the thousands of zinc Monuments, uuder B. K. Smith has been pulling carrots Married, Feb. lOtli, 1898, at the home ' Mrs. Almasi who has been very ill, is The Exgenc Register says tlie report ia scientific efforts have brought ability o f all to pay. I t is finely illu s out down tlie vnlley tliat J. G. Stevenson for the last few days. Ben had a fine of tlie groom near Junction City, Mr. slightly better. I.aet Monday she was W hite Baoifltfc M onuments Peter Harpole and Miss Serena Davis crop of them this year. so bad that Herman Steinhauer made a To a high state of perfection. Better for • nf Lane county will be a candidate for trated and presents the nam es o f famous Bray is talking of trying the Klondike daughter of A. F. Davis of this neighbor­ night trip to head of tide for medicine 2,000 or more years than any granite for Ftate superintendent of public instruc- authors as contributors. T s « W est lion. | country a visit next spring uothing hood. We all join it) wishing them a for her. 40 years. long and happy wodded life. I There was a gay party nt the residence It is better to take Hood’sSarsaparilla certain yet about going Be not deceiveil longer. Buy White and the Cosm opolitan are sold a t re­ Tlie Lyons Bro’s. and John McClure 0{ bachelor Farmer of Alpha Wednesday Bronze Monuments. February 19th was the time set for than to experiment with unknown and duced rates a t this office. meeting of Walton went to Cottage Grove this evenj„g. F. A. T ozier , Agent, Heceta precinct untried preparations. know Hood’s nntrieu preparaiiniio. We --------------------- -- tlie --------- - . . to hold a week to build a bridge. They calculate ! John I‘0|>e is carrying on so many Eugene, Orc. Hnrsapaiilla actually and permanently to nominate a justice and constable ‘ farms that he is buying young cattle to cnrM, ; Mrs. Bray gut home last Saturday to be gone a couple of weeks. stock up with. O -B .C fo r F if t y o u t « . after spending two weeks on the Alsea S tate or O hio , C itv or T oledo ,) gg The Funk & Wagnalls J tobacco habit cure m *t:m weal: rjvcr visiting among old friends. Ira L ucas C pustv , f , Johnny and EJ Whisman are at work Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he at Bakersfield. Kern co., Cal. blOrt of hl» claim and j of steelheads in Deadwood. cago and 4’i to New Aork and W. H. Pepper is improving his prop­ »aid pn»>f w ill ba made bcforoC. Ih Ilol- Mr. ton Tutor has returned from tfc«t Eastern cities. For full informa- erty by a idee picket fence. lien U. 8. CommlMioner at Florence. Oregon. AGENTS W A N T E D . Point Terrace where lie has been teach- on February» . IM9S, via: Ole A. Myrtnd, on ,.u or address, R. McMitrphy, _____ Mrs. Oolles and son Frank have been of aee. 7; tp. 1» ».. ' ing school. He will teach the ■P r l , , g b g Bn n 1li | ur , | ie ,1^ kl Agent, Opposite Guard office. visiting witli friends up tbe river. term at Ulachelcy where he taught a r. 9 west. D. BRONSON & CO.i Thomas Hooper *» maving back to. year ago He ,,»n,es ,he * •»•’ "*'>» wt«ne«»e» to prove a te Tow B ow ala W ith Caoeereta. Glenada after a year of ranching on tbe ’ A number of our citizens who favor hl» rontlnnnu, rcdtonce u,«w »»d cultlvatlui. Pacific Coast - Cathartic, eur« constipation forever. I f C. C. C. fail« druggists refund money. Jotm Sliultz place. <■- reform R e la tio n met at the school »L W. II. ’l'«’- v,f SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Weather#»»!, of Fiorenti, Ore.: and A. , Ite February term ol tbe county i Arthur Johnson, a (oimer resident ol house Feb. 19 anil organised a union P. Knowlcd, ErnnW Knowle«. and II. U »33 M arket S t. a petition having about 325 signs- Glenada but now of Sweet creek, bad league club. The following officer» of Mapleton, Orc<»»n. R M. VratcWr isking for a free ferry nt Jasper the misfortune to loose two cows and a were elected: C. A. Poiterf, ehalrman; RegiBu Jennarv 2». 1*9». [ naaw d aelUar baa Bled notice of lit» lutentti'ii Aprivate ferry is now being hirtliday. A pleasant time is reported. up Deadwood several ndlea where we Ja given tl»*t that the fu ll-» Ing ’ tn make Boat proof P .u pi-w t of hl« claim , and , |t«d at that piare. ___ 1» _ hereby »y Riven A select party of young people were presume lie goea on buainera or ple.it- Notice • * * *- - — — that said w ill be naada Indof*) C, II. Ilo l* , invited to tbe Glenada hotel Friday nre or both. When a reporter attempt­ named aet'ler ha. »led notice of h l. Intention dan. U. R. Consmtssl'»tier at Lake P rrclnrt, to make «net pried 1« support of hi- claim, and night where they were entertained by ed to interview him on general topics, that aabl proof w ill »« made before C. If. Hot Co., OfWton. oti March !•» vU: James Craven with bis phonograpli, lie waa refused an interview and toU den U. P. i.’omuila»tuner. at Floraiicc, Oregon on Byron w . Dorsey on h. c. no., 79%» (or the sv'i nw’i» «ini no’« hW 'o hx . 23; ' Starch 21. ' •'». via: Kill» H. Vader on h. e. no. Glenada acliool gave an entertainment that he Haights reporters. tp. 19 a., r. H west. I BUT for lb W>4 of MX. n , tp. 16 a., r. to west. Born to tbe wife of Mr. Joe Norseman, He names the (otlowlwu wltncMcs <<» prrrti last Friday afternoon, consisting of He name» name» the the following wltne.ee» to prove ' *«« eonMniww re-ldeoeu upon and c u lt.v .llu u soogs and leritatlona. The »chool has Feb. 1 5 th , a fine mm. Mrs. Norseman h l, He conttnnnua residence upon and cultivation ! been nicely drilled in marching with and aou are doing well. of Mid land, vlr: > John L FurnUb, of Florence, Or., and Dar.u» Jeware o f ” ch eap " bak- 1 m usic. That the euterta in meet »»1 a »rue»« S obelbA xtl W. Vanderburg. Jama» M. Young and WtlUa, j awT-vss g