T H E W —-PCOiibMtB C H .U È S T . THE WOMEN CAN VOTE. JAPANESE VBIOVV UÀIJfkikÀ..— ! HL'bS. Children of 7 to 16 Year» Mo»tly Em­ IF THEY ARE TAXPAYERS. pio) ed in Their Manufacture. F iomnc «. L ava C o v a r t , O asooa a decision in the cane of Laura reapMidcnt va. Hherwood Harris Burr et al, -rvBLta OUR MOTTO. ; T«O.«i* I.«lger: of Chicago, ndvances l or God and Home and N ative I.and. what he calls a novel plan as to obtain­ American Economist: Some details <4 the jnte rugs in Japan appellante from lain« county. PLAN. Mr. Herbert The a lale auprcux court haa rendered W. U. T. u, rUÍSIBIL» I I t o u r m t n t n o t n i are mantifttctlire of given in the OUR BADGE- ing a compromise between the advocates of the different metals, which is fora A Knot of White Ribbon. GROT WHITE STB F lobx circulating medium consisting of coin ,, , . W. C, C. T. V. I’, meeting» meetings are »re held every alternate Ttie appeal In this case was from ____ _ a * “ Imitan T e stile Journal" of December, certificates payable half m gold and halt Thu,« U) aj,eri,.».ii iruu 2 to 4 ..’elotk. The «lute judgm ent in the court below, awarding 189’ . The seat o l thia industry is the in silver—a |2 certificate, for exam ple, a ul place ni meeting will be aiinouueed the Editor and Proprietor. . . . . . . . ii • i lievlmi« week, 1 damage« to plaintiff fur having been town of Sakai, situated atou t eight to be redeemed by $1 in gold coin and Th(, Sll, w c T V- has 0VPr forty (t(, --------- denied the privilege of voting at a 1 m iles south of Osaka. Its population is $1 in silver coin. l it h e relative value pertinent» or lines vi work, uniter tbe four gen­ erei head« of Preventive, Educational, Evalo IX'JS st'hnol m eeting in tbe city of Eugene. »bout 48,000. The rugs are made prinei- Florcnea, Or. February of one-hal shall dim inish, the value of geliatic and Social. The only question preaented la whether pally of jute, the numlier of people the other half, according to Mr. H er- T iit Lovn bill now p>.« ling before women are entitled to vote at a school employed in the m anufacturing being hsrt, would relatively increase, and the 1 NON-ALCOHOLIC MEDICATION 4DV1BT1 con gress prop ,ars great changes in t l,e m eeting for directors of the district in aliout 8,600, m ostly children—girls and value of certificates payable in both lioys between 7 and 16 years old. There ¡ I.oc*l no law relatin g to second class m ail m utter. which the m eeting is held. Our opposition to alcohol is purely metals jointly would not he subsequent­ are 2,400 looms in 800 bouses, giving an i Mhoultl it be enacted all newspapera esaasTS u.iv v o t e . scientific. It is based upon its narcotic ly affected. average of three looms to each bouse, Floren ,, | ,, . . . I nature amt ecis upon me With Now A Cfir GtoetlllgS, a m ia and its injurious cn effects the e x c e p t those se a t to su liscrib eis who Kaloin Journal: “ Attorney-General There is no novelty" m tins proposi- I , , . . . . . . . , . , ! ami each loom is attended by four per­ i body as set forth in our best pltysiolo- - , - , . ,. . • i u - . have paid for the l i m e in advance, will Idlemnn was seen today and lie de­ tion, as a bill covering tbe sam e ground gjw The promoters of I this departm ent ! r ''‘Wp®r0U8 ' Car t0 a l * ° ,U Frien<,H > " e MHO M IIX T I II. I e required to bear a on « cent stam p. c | , rt., that under the old law that bas sons. The warps of the rugs are of o a i n l e n d Massa, 1 i in n ..C it i, « v a .a I __t . l 11 ________ I I - I ! .. I - J ! a • tin _ Y wrs congress a o a Fzvia. few cotton, but the weft is thick jute V 8 r n /« r s introduced mtrouuceu tew years lielieve Iqffteve with the non non-alcoholic pbysi-I A •alcoholic physi-, Again Offer Our S'* Goods at Exceptionally T h is would include all sam ple co p ies, never been repealed, men and women i I «« « • « S>1 . M I S A a « I k A and tbe filling thin jute yarn. The > incc’ The m atter w a. not t given more ela n , that alcohol is as injurtons to the T he ! ,ow Prices. Somebody once said, and it a ll exch anges so l all tltoae sen t to over 21, who live in districts under 1000 ■ , . . , ,, . serious consideration then than it is Tuesda atiliS'Tibers wliose tim e for which t l x y and have children of schnol nge, may | designs are m ostly Turkish and Persian only does it fail to help, but it really de- has been Repeated. “ Well Bought H alf presen ,. . ... ,, „ likely to receive at present. Mr. Her- The (m utated,) very few of the older flower r ’ i lays, and in many cases, altogether pre­ liHfl vxpirptia It will I m ? m ich t im t 1 yotc w iiftlicr tiicy M onda pay taxes in the bert'8 plan does not — go far enough in i vents Solil.” We Have a Clean Desirable — »cuts i c v u t c i j . v u r tie-pin vmuiii r u ia recovery. Our departm ent work (Jupuneee) designs being now made. th is would im pose a great hardship on district or not. State Superintendent Rem ¡the line of novelty, for upon the basis is not antagonistic to the medical profet­ th e weekly newspapers. The object of frwin Lacks up thia opinion, but lim its The prices rang.» from !. I » ^ ' e r s have made a step forward by lio la ie : S irA slley Cooper, who said, /IS further into the possibilities of the plan, ’ “ I never suffer ardent spirits in my : At L akt fall when proponafo for vote. H e agrees » i th tbe atlorney I turning their attention to the m auu fac-' the coinage m ight lie made som ething house, think them evil sp irits;" Sir sued luring of wool rugs, and they are now I want to sell It, I know a “ Nimble Nickle is better than 1™^ carrying llio mail during the four »««cral after the manner of layer cake, or a Andrew Clark, physician to Queen able to turn out a very creditable article, I “ Ju stice Bean says tbe decision ren- yearn commencing July 1st, 1HD8, poussc cafe, with the different m etals Victoria, who called alcohol “ an enemy Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make the nickle nimble by offering 19n° ! dcred Tuesday is in effect that in dis- which, in appearance and durability, iu of the race;’’ Sir B. W. Richardson, | were ¡Miked for by the postal in layers in each coin as in were, to alm ost equal to a Turkish carpet. Al­ who said ill the Medical Teiuperaucc Sure, Square, Good Bargains. i tricts of 1000 or over any eitlxen, male a»^ show that they were there, and to pre­ Journal, “ In its whole history and in ! department, the schedule called Mil or fem ale, who pays taxi» on property though this branch of industry is yet in its infancy it em ploys 120 looms in vent the values of the different m etals its unholy alliance with medicine, alco­ lor a daily mall each way betweea m <1*. diitrict niay vote. presii being affected. Or again, the certifi- hol has not cured a single disease per so; New Florence and Eugene. Rumors The .Salem Journal thinks as a 50 houses, and 480 weavers, and can antidot.» for n o th in g ,! turn out 120 square yards daily. The C“ tea m igbt be madu redeemable in the it is an A I are in circulation now of efforts fundam ental proposition a specific for nothing, a core lor noth­ men or a lso t warps are weft in cotton, the filling metal itself, without tne expense of ing, a preventive of noth in g." Among a k being mude in cor tai u quarters wom en who have children of school , wool ynrn, nnd the prices range from «oinage,or in wheat or coon skins, or ' American physicians: Dr. Nathan 8. to have this eut down an as to age m u tt be perm itted to v o te , w hether &l. to Is. per square foot. Most of the iron ore or canned salmon or any old Davis, dean of the medical college Tb W eb U ni­ give only the same serviee along tliey own property or not. wool yarn is manufactured from Chinese thing the value of which it was desired connected wi h Northwestern vane versity, Chicago, who, now in his that route us at present viz: two raw wool spun in Osaka. An import­ to m aintain. There are as im m ense ix ssib ilitie sin Mr. Herbert's p la n a s '‘";l',l‘!,ll.-veilr. has not used liquor iq Kvervhocljr Raya So. mails per week eaeli way in winter Cancareta C sndy CatburLic, tbe moat won ant im provem ent in the rug business is on ll , h i. practice for fifty years and is the ! in the plans of "Coin" H arvey, and lieac iiit dieal discoverv o f tbe age. p eas­ the attention now paid to dyeing foremost physician in the country; Dr and three per week in summer. aerful ant aud rcfroalunir to the taste, art gently i hey are no doubt folly as practicable. Martin, of Johns Hopkins U niversity; and and |Mjsitlvcly on kidueys. liver nnd bowels, l colors. -------- • * Fast dyes m »»< beautiful shades When we consider the fact that Dr. A. B. Painter, of M ichigan Universi­ i a - Pl«ce of theip former « c the government has been experi­ Sr c bL‘“ ty; Dr, H. C. Wood, of the University of GENERAL NEWS. I«, ‘s,!* s s s 1 • H e,np" iu tbi8 rc8pcct' and there A ______ P ennsylvania; Dr. J . If. Kellogg, of menting with free delivery in guaranteed to cure by all druggists. cent seem s no question that the quality of . . . , . . . ,, Battle creek, and others too numerous Come and obtain prices, and have a social chat if nothing • b u ster U o sifo r d sent a dispatch from to m ention. I)r. Palm er and Dr. Wood more, gem rural districts aud has been ex­ their article is now much superior to for THE LUMBER BUSINESS. ; Madrid to ti e secretary of state announ-; have made elaborate experim ents we have a good seat and a warm fire for all who enter our doors. what it was n year ago. IV. H. W EATITERSON GENERAL + MERCHANDISE I desire to sell as much of my present stock at possible within the next sixty days, in order to make room for Spring goods to arrive. * * * ★ * * tending the free «lelivery, it looks cing that the governm ent of Spain bad >l,owing ll,at alcohol is never a stiinu- as if thia is an effort to cut ns off .1 : i the l l letter . . » l l l t a alwavs lt l'm in n _______ of > Kenor De U rn e If) ,B lit l but a < also. Tbe best of all is plenty of I Oro*on’ Tl,e ,re8b air' penses by cutting down the mail only have prices advanced, but the evaporator which Mr. Mayer set in op- flre waa e Xtill\ air. 11 It PC0P>e neo nip would wnnl.l avoid ««-/wj.i over- over. era,ion last fall. Mr. M aver says that > 1 7 , L , T ^ 1 eat,ng and „a,ing between meals, there servie-j on tue star routes of the --------------- - u*"*B |* 7 j r i « il 7 l | f,*;l:i - 1 ’, f ‘ ” a)'Cr Mya ,h a t returned to Astoria. The damage was " ° " ld >-« M of appetite.' detgund is in CT»p. Mr. Mayer 1° 88 of thc Bt‘!» ra«>>ip Clara Nevada with writes in the Lon.fon Lancet’ “ Tho ----- •¿I — a a . I conaitlpr« th« «lrv«w tu«» __ a all *’ on considers the dryer the best thing on on board. board. She She had bad started fwwtr. from verv very tliin iontbi ail), mil,8 aro kept b„gy possibilities in the drying of fruit, e s p e -' and wl,en off Seward city in for many o f its difficulties." Irreg­ «ion of the star route service filling orders at tho increased rates. cially sim-e the Alaska trade b a . pencnl ''Crn‘‘r b a y a b o u t ,b ir t y ">¡1“ *>u.h of f ularity heart is often or caused o ^ X t f of o n 11,a fr mThurryfog irr T hy rather than tbe free delivery? or irregular i - c l . a m arket, and th in k s farmers Skai * « X s e e n by the inhabit- meals, or from business a n x i e t i e s £ . .\ll the coiqiRon grades of lumber sue Yours Very Truly, a 0 . W HURD. . in T. I be tid C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! 1 Orv t,00°8« ★ CrOCeNCS ★ and ★ NOtiOnS. WEALTH ANO MORTALITY. « c is u lltc am erle.ni On t l x illfiuern e of wealth on m ortal­ ity , th e RrMtaw statistiraa, pu blishes an iutenesting paper ZeisciiriU fuer H ygieioe o n d K ran kb eitea. As a tak en . real tlx Infaktions eriierion m eans, the am ount o f Keefe, in of paid In IBM there died oi every the was 1,000 liv in g IMMOM w h o paid a ren t up to 300 marks. W’7 ; with a rent e f 301 750 m arks, 11-2; t l x rent raging ould pay pay more more attention attention to to the the m m atter. atter. , have been advanced on an average should , f>0 oeiifo a thousaud, while the T he waste of fruit and vegetables each higher grades have gone up 91 a season in this county is enorm ous and thousand. During the past fo„r i •>» ‘«oll.rr- ° ‘ i,eward cltT “ » *" flames. Soon ««tract is very useful as a heart stiinu- alter a lond report resem bling an ex . lant. As alcohol has been clearly proved plosion was heard and nothing more to he not a heart stim ulant but a de-i pressant a paralyser, it should always ! was seen of the steam er. ¡ be carefully avoided by those s u f le n n - ' .. , , T his could all be turned into gold bv the from heart weakness as it wi|| o „ , ^ DO NOT FORGET- years the demand for lnmber has , linp,c way flrying t,|c#e ‘‘Kgravate tlipir trouble while benumb-' Iweo only per cent of the capac- and the ex ten siv e drying of fruit would Ti,e e i,.n „ , , ing sensation. ity Of the Pacific coast mills. This J ‘‘«'p »he m arket for green fruit. It is a Pacific ticket .d fic ^ w h ic h f ,h e Xor’ l,er" I - , , , , ' .............. • j "The ------ Eugene -- '"■■vr, h ic h IS now Real w Estate Agency’* on'' i n ^ '» v m " * 1"’ ” R "” ian wa" drewned I year the demand will go as high a s lavt “ ,at * u ,i arow ing cannot be m ade 'The Eugene Real Estate Agency , " am ut,e n 'Cr about 1 ^ ,„ i|e_ 7ft per cent in the milling capacity, really profitable if all tiie growers are , the ground floor directly opposite th e 4ft if not higher. The demand for lumber this month obliged to throw their entire product on Guard office, near corner of Seventh and ,ea” of last illam ctto Streets, Eugene. This is W illam Streets, This i is Tis ’ ¿ i ? " UP8et- * T " aCr° S8‘ he to the m arket at the sam e tim e. The the only ette regular City Eugene. Ticket Office week. He ri'’«r when ' FLORENCE MEAT ....... Ju st O pened.. — 1 W lOOClS |-> M A ■» W ~ D i G S G 11 LGCI b W . CA R M A N . In reality m ach largor, d e s t l x net included because therein ,-elcl.rste,l Dining cars on every train n » » -, r^ , tlx ( w v a n x . in ^nUffn Oregon and -wv— -----e»--- — W a s h in g - M ontoitli evaporators would do thc work r n * > iw « , pcrtM«« w m > died iQ the ton, Idaho, QHorado and all parts »nd do it w ell. H e nays that his evapo- h o sp ita l., e tc.) may he amrnmod to be of Montana, aud as the building «lor is the l.te a t patent, op era te, will long alouw t exclu sively to t l x «rat ____________, ^ , o „ in docs good not w ------------------------ ’ • ‘•a seuions m heat, leaves eight to the elam . The greatest diffeeen e. ,» t l x start in until tho anow leases tho pr* ,uc‘ and «'*> cry.- start in until tho »now leaves tho m o r t a l i t y . « , o f eW W , . U. tt0 by the gr0Ull<, bab ies; m ore than half of those born • i uH.se mm for a business or pleasure trip. f o r full information call or address, R -M eM v a e a v , Genera. Agent, O r i™ .,* G nard offl.-e, EuM>n. republican J . K o “ i - PROPRIFTrtff nnt,on"1 »«ber ” of March hie I .«I T '* ? ' t " tb e ,0,,1 speak on the foil X i W' U r‘robabl ? , Mare,, 6th " h S " " March 5th, Ashland • | 7 h. F,. J ? . * ’ , M ond"’r. •PVIARi' M arch F^G T IW E additional locals . «B jaiV t ’* i • c . lg ciu fin cl almost ex O Bring vour jot, work to tbe W krt please,! to show his plant to any une office. Good work done Mt re«ttonab!e interested in the m atter. prices. W c ti«»« have ■uuwri shown « Mr. M sver's sam ples ir. ¿inver e «Ampie* Th»» i county democratic The D Douglas Strong, steady nerves Are needed for success t .O ~ « l- ™ » r . T t U u f. «T Iw b k -O , i l . ru l! a u w u N t^ to otti, |,tiiil>or tron i C o lilo r n io ttnd «Ito, o’ h" ” n S t t « t t d otiti tbey L .v . intani- ,2tlt io w lo « o .l oo ilio boy Everywhere. Nerves ... . . m ously pnmoun.'e.t 1 ec, « . , v r , ‘o,d ' ,’k ng ’ tbe tlic jM-imaries. primaries. luooaly pronounced Ihcm tliciu as as i.rvttv pretty . sp D«ipend simply from Alaska, ami much more At t l x teachers' exam ination held in lin en s as they bad ever seen. Vpon thc blood. would l>e ahipiwd wen« tho traui>> (W e were shown a letter from Mr. Eugene tins m outh, Delia M onia POPULIST SENTIMENT. and « ure, rich, nourishing r . n . , 1 « » „ l i i t i - H .,,-,. t ,„.„ grade E ditob W err, Dear B lr. Kindly is a n lio r ta g e o f veaaolg, a m i thia ia of O lenada, Or., in which Mr. Mayer a»»«*» Blood feeds the nerves third allow m e a p .e e enough in t l x c o lu m n . |ir o v i|)R „ « « r lo u a . ^ U d e ”»«' ttluw>n> > . . . And makes them strong. sale <»nc vear s the state,! that l x sold Ida cutire bulk of T lx WrsT has ” for «wir o f your valuable pa|H-r U> exp ress the evaporated apple« u» a wlmlevalv house *',lll»n in tbe llotm ea Bittiness College The great nerve tonic is lumini' trade. The Alaskan trade se n tim e n ts of t l x populists in Florence of Portland. This is one of the leading in Portland, Or., for seven cent« per ---------- - > > « u,e Because. »HOÍí ’ SarsaPar‘Ha, »«>• P«r b u s u x x c o lle g e on th e n x s t . hi precinct. I have conversed w ith m ost i* proviug a great benefit in dia- pound, wpot r w li, and they wrote Mr. KnxUoh, Coninierwal, Shorthand ..i .,..1 o f tlx m on t l x subject of fusion, and P t^ 'ttg o f largo quantifies of low •m l Clecau-se it makes _ .» . , - I . . . Mayer that th ey n rre the finest evan». rrlcgraphic department* ami offer The blood rich and th e y seem to 1« un antm ou .ly in favor grade lumber that Ito» aeeumulat- • ' w n « p i > - „ ......... ______ ' e m s ami « e tin s tuition on ea«y term s o f u n itin g w ith t l x free ailver tor,«« lo n e . . . . . , i ra’” 1 a ,‘1,,*• U" P *‘* 1 v '’ r ■ * • - Tlx of Pure, giving it poWCr S r e » very im enretlng exercise« in ed during tbe ,»ant few years. M onteith evaporatora gire entire satis- throughout the country. I eee that t l x lionor of WaeliHiMton’a f o „ |,(lay Were To feed the nerves. op p oeilion papera are doin g all they livid by t l x Florence school ¿0 u ,e A N T £D .T K V nrtV U K T IIY AND (action .—Ed. W' b t .| Hood's Sarsaparilla forenoon of that day. Enel, of t l x C„*c- can to corrupt the plana b id dow n l>y active geni temen or Indire to p u p il, had l« a n x d » pfece, sn a.roa.i,- t-urc> nervousness. th e freo silv e r forcea, w h ich m akes travel for responsible, eatahlxbrd bomw* O ret T r e m a .« u » fare.« Tm LNk iw«r. « liv e lielongiag to tfos poor populatio» ' <, i Ui,:v „ | v MARKET. ol ♦ to »«ex» tho v exnort trade. ij a | f m iì (iMtie. de.,,,. U | T | , e „ a . « „ r f d . m . „ d r „ r O ^ „ ..... ... W' t l x fokioa aen tim en t ail th e stronger in till* country. A l ’ervutr. in Oregon. M onthly flUt.dOandexpcniew Poeltlon a,eaily. Reference. Enclore e«'lf-a«ff AUdrea» parents were present. T ¡ j Wtertlag Uea«4> U e. u sir e r, ir New T ert , a h all holiday in lb s afternoon. D y s p e p s i a r h e u m a t iip - , C a ta r rh , s c t u iu l^ And all forms of Impu blood. poRiwnoR FOR 8ALE c " exchange TO OUR N A T R O N S d ’- « e . n d ,ot in G |çM d# bons». I« i s bv 24 feet an t have fns'le nrrangem ents by . . .. . '«et a n j one , , or>. fci(J * h ilf in h*i|fbt. *'• w ill fnvi.iet. tl.e t ’ e c tlf 1 nn prem ise,. Fitr F- hrtbo.- P,„ fo u !a r e l KOn,,n with t i x W kot for one 4 '»T tire at j y , 110 any addreae for t l x su m of two I r « y n h ! o cash io aJvanre.