all the other qualifications, know child is un English article of very gcod qual­ petnre or have much appreciation of ity and extremely reaaonuble. ” TRAVELERS’ GUIDE children 's need*, aud many wen bsva TRAVELERS* GUIDE. M aurier stood mute and undecided GENERAL DIRECTORY S*ld ■ BeanMi'.v Imy to ■ Bradley girl AN INTERESTING VISITOR WHO COMES little or no leisure to attend to Ijy» du- " I f she remember« m e,” he thought, Whom h« met on « pouter bln«, ties of tbo office. Therefore a t»cani FROM PITCAIRN ISLAND. •1 haven't »ii id"» who 1 .to . “ she must think me a prodigious fool." composed entirely of men, even edu­ Aud who the deuce nr. yout" And believing that he «aw hovering cated r eu, is not likely to be ideal—-In G - A - R D I J S T E R . STATE OFFIOERS Said llie Pradley girl to the tieurdnley boy: about tbe corners of her lipa an indefin­ W o m a a ’s ta ta re « » t a M a c e i n » — P r ls l- fact, is very sure to be inefficient and • I'll tell you wh»t I think. ____~ S A I L S ----------- I uau:e Into being one night Innt week U ( M • ( th e C lu b — N e ta b la W iM a e a a n d able «„tile——a smile which he w ell knew incapable of bringing about tbe beat a T A C t H X j IN H J . I On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each ' — he said to himaelf, “ She is paying W . a a a S u ffra g a — A C a u U o a to W h e e l- conditions for the school under its con­ vernor........................ W illiam P. Lord. me back, th at’« certain. ” So he, too. w o m e e —T w o S o o t h e r * tro l.” sretary oi S'Bte ......... I I . R. Kincaul. ¡month. ~ began to «mile, a foolish, fatuous grin, »usurer............. , Ph ilip Metch«« Mias Rosalind Am elia Yonng, a di- j Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Single trip «3.00. Round trip «5.00 P rlvllogoa o f Club » • W o which waa promptly extinguished aa he pt. Public Instruction. . ..« • M . tra in . One of the newest courtesies offered realised that ahe waa not looking at teut deaeendantof that now historically days and Fridays. ite P rin te r.......................»"'• H ’ I * eds' him, bnt seemed to be absently w aiting f.tmona party of “ bounty mutineers" ' by man to woman ia the establishment Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ “ W hatl” exclaimed the ¡«undress, n util he abonld make hia choice of a who settled on Pitcairn island, is in of ladiea’ annexes to men’» clnbs. Con­ torney G eneral........... C. M . N iem an . days and Saturdays. pausing in counting the liueu. “ Youdo cravat. F in a lly be said desperately: | the city, a meat at tbe residence of servative Boston led the way in thia “ - . .R . 8. Bean Connects w ith Steamer and Scotts­ For Passenger and Freight Rates not know w hat has become of Camille? Miss Mindoiu Berry, on Van Ness ave­ innovation wheu the Algonquin, Som­ • ' I w ill take thia, aud thia, and th a t F . A. Moore premo Court Also with K. Wolverton burg Stage Line for D rain. The yonng man in his shirt sleeves, “ la there nothing elae? Monaieur nue. M ist Yonng is a pleasant, bright erset aud Puritan clnbs opened tfceir --------- A r P I . Y T O - Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge and intelligent woman, simple, earnest Coors— that is to any. their octsidu who was searching the disordered cham­ wished to see collars." dge 8econd D istric t. . . .J. C. Fullerton He nodded Why did he not apeak? and straightforward in manner. She door«— to women, friend« of the mem­ reasonable. Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. ber for cigarettes, stopped short and re­ torney Second District W . K. Aates He was alone w ith her, tbe clerk at the waa educated, «he explained, ou the is­ ber«. The Ouiveiaity club of San Frau- ■ plied: land by her father, who was a teacher eiaco followed i l l their footstep», aud “ Certainly n o t How should I know? midday meal, the hnaband absent, and S T E A M E R “ C O O S , ” I t is so long since— and then,” he add­ he could not nay the word« which were there. She commenced to assist in the now two of the moat couaervatire clnba duties of the cluaaroom when but 18 in New York are aerionaly conaidering „ ___ W ill make"-------- o ed, w ith an air of bored indifference, strangling him: OOUNTY officers “ Camille, it is L Don’t yon remem­ year« of age. In «peaking of ber cduca- ' tbe question of adding ladies’ reception “ what does it matter to me?" tion ahe added: " Y o n ask me where I | rooiuu and rrttr.urautR. ber me?" R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S ‘.‘ Oh, bnt I know where she live«— In Boatou aud San Francisco the ex­ Yea, undoubtedly she did. Again was educated. In yonr acceptation of j ■ Between ■ there flitted across her lips that h alf tbe requirement« of education I cannot , periment has been a decided success and happily tool" 6. B angs, P r o p r ie to r . .F . O. Potter. Then, chuuging her tone as she tied smile so fa m ilia r to him. Certainly ahe lay claim to any. I «imply can read and from all point« oi view. The ladies’ idge................. restaurant adds to the revenue of the w rite ." knew him. np her bundle, she said: H ,W . T . Bailey Stage leaves Eugene Mondays , Yet thia woman from the faraway clnb, the members can offer au easy hos­ I “ What sixe?" «be asked. "However, i f yon do not care about minriaaionér» . . . . . . J- T > Callison He made an awkward gesture of ig­ isle, whose advance in letters has been p ita lity to their friends, and women aud Thursdays at G a. m. and ar­ hearing” — .............. A. C. Jennings norance. She unrolled her tape measure principally through self culture, baa give unqualified approval aud u n lim it­ 'e r k ................. M anner tock long whiffs of his ciga­ ..............A. J. Johnson rives in Florence at 4 p m. the and placed it in n businesslike manner w ritten a volume— “ 8tory of the P it­ ed patronage to the new establishment«. rette. He had the day before, after read­ around M aurier « neck. For a aecoud, cairn Island” — which has gone through le riff............ There are many reasons why a man’» A. 8. Patterson day following. ■eaanrer.......... ing his b rillian t thesis, received his d i­ aa she stood before him, their face« were its third edition. She speaks English clnb appeals to a woman, the first aud ..........I>. P. Burton ploma and was now an M. D. In an- | to near together that he conld have w ell and correctly. jsessor. Returning stago leaves Flor- foremost bring, of course, that she^aa other week he would return to Trivas, ■bool Superintendent ___O. 8. H unt f Mias Yonng baa regular features, a for to long been excluded from it. "T h u . ,.C. M . Collier enee Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 his native city. The uume aud memory I “ F ifte en ," ahe said, opening some rich olive complexion, w ith a slight club’ ’ baa been m an’» special preroga­ irveyo r......................... . . . J , W . Harris of Camille, the m illiner, who had been collar boxes for _______ him _______ to ehooee from. He flush of color at time« playing in her tive; women have formed societies, and arrives in Eugene at G ....................................... a. m . his sweetheart for a year, at the end of ,.F . B. Wilson picked ont four boxea; then, «»ill un- cheeks. Her eye« are dark, aud her black more or less chaotic gatherings, after all, latice of Peace .......... R which he had brusquely cast her off. w illin g to go, naked to «ee «orne urn- h air la atreaked w ith silver. She has which have never been to ber w hat " th u John F . Tanner p. 111. the day following. instable----- were not altogether indifferent to him. brolla», after which he bought a muffler passed her life, w ith the exception of club" is to a man. Now it ia aa though U “ Cam ille! Ob, yes, that was a loug aud some handkerchiefa C am ille had auren years of childhood spent ou Nor- tbe moou. or a piece of it, had fallen Single fare - - - - «5.00 time ago!” he said as he looked at the not once flushed, paled or otherwise be­ N into her outstretched hands. There ban laundress, a good, ugly soul from Ver­ trayed heraelf. Nevertheless, that ahe always been a mystery anrroundiug a C ITY OFFICERS. Round trip - - - - «9.00 sailles, whom he bad employed since S m an’s clnb, and womau has been recognised him he would have been his early student days. brought so close to it that ahe ia sure w illin g to wager hi« rig ht hand. Tickets for sale at E Bangs’s “ N ot so long, after a ll,” said the ■be asked tbe veil w ill aoon be rent entirely asun­ “ la there anything else?" «he . F . B. Wilson livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd P u ll m a n lanudress. She was looking at him resident. der. . S le e p in g C a r s now, her hands on her hips, her keen again. O. W . Hurd & Davenport’s office in Florence. Another reason, whioh women theiu- “ That is a ll." face expressing e sort of maternal in ­ W m . Kyle W hile paying for tbe article» an idea aelvea w i 1 be slow to acknowledge, bn» E le g a n t terest. She was not to be so easily im ­ Marion Morris oard of Trustees which they must recognixe, ia th at they suddenly occurred to him. C. C. Behnke D in in g C a rs posed open. She returned: delight in the order and method which " M ig h t not these parchases be sent to "Y o u were rather cruel to the poor they find in this housekeeping done by me?" he «aid. Drew Severy T o u r i s t little woman, weren't you?” men for men. From time im m em ori­ '.ecorder. . . "C ertainly, monaieur What ad­ . J. A. Pond S le e p in g C a rs Maurier shrugged his shoulders al­ al women have been tbe housekeeper», ressurer dress?" most imperceptibly as he took from his E . A . Evans ........J. 0. PUNT, Proprietor the housewives, and most of them have He looked at her aerutinlaingly while ST. PAUL la rs h a l----- closet a bottle of cognao aud two glasses, she composedly wrote in a large book fe lt tbe friction, the wear nnd tear of j r io r e n o s , O r e g o n . M IN N E A P O L IS sayiug, as he filled them: their work. Here, In thia aauctnm of Then he said very distinctly, "Robert “ I broke w ith her when I found the Manrier, M. D ., IB R n e C u ja « .” D U L U T H ______ man'« ordering, everything move» in a SECRET SOCIETIES. matter taking too serious a torn; that is quiet, methodical way, aa i f regulated "Cujas, ” abe repeated tranquilly. OUR AIM—To furnish the best FARQ O ____________ all. One must have amusement. But to For a second he bad the foolish hope by some liii» en clockwork. The ques­ GRAND PO R K S___ TO accommodations at reasonable compromise a career— entI To your good that she wonld herself bring the pack­ tion arising trom thia discovery may it* C R O O K S T O N health. Mother Legrain.” I F A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107 . ages, bnt he waa speedily undeceived. the near future be found hard to an is Regular 2Oinninnic«ation on second prices. The laundress as she drank the brandy “ Tbe boy w ill deliver the order to­ awer.— N ew York Journal. W IN N IP E C nd fourth Saturdays in each month. said: , . night or tomorrow m orning." H E L E N A ««<> “ I t does not prevent her being happy O. W . H u rd , W • M . N o ta b le W o w o n e n d W o m a a B u lb age. “ I shall count upon receiving them MISS NOSALIXD A. TOtJXO. BUTTE now. , prom ptly,” said he, " fo r I am quitting G. K xott B, Secretary. db of tbo grievance« of the suffrage fo lk island, on Pitcairn island. Thia ia Aa she did not continue, after a short Paris. * * her first visit to the continent. She left leader» lay lu the fact that the literary She replied, w ith mechanical polite- w . W . N E E L Y , P ro p ’r. women of tbe country wonld express no nesa, "O h , they shall be sent in tim et" home on the missionary ship Pitcairn, sympathy w ith their efforts. Poets and which, after erniaing amid the Paoiflo _ . n General Lyons Post, No. 58. “ She is married. What do yon think Tables furnished with all th e . “ Good day, monsieur.” — Pariaian. authors in geueral were denounced. TO l e meets second ami fourth Saturdays ialanda, came np to Honolulu. Miaa of that? To a fat haberdasher— a hand­ G a il Ham ilton, who had the good c f delicacies of the season. Wild C HICAG O Young from there came to the coast by some shop, really— Anx Trois Priucessea, ”rf each month nt 1:30 p. m. D o a iln a a I n a L lo a 'a C ag e. womau in h tr heart, who waa better In ­ steamer. Since her arrival here she has j . j . B u t t e r f ie l d , Commander. Place Olieby. ” A game of dominoa in a lion’» eage formed on pnblio affair« than perhaps »...1 fruit in "«»»"• » • « • been at the aauitarinm near Napa. Her J. L. F u r n is h , Adjutant. “ So much the better." waa the novelty recently offered to tbe 75- visit io C alifornia waa to place herself any other womau in the United States, “ Ar.d three children— loves— round accomodations for the traveling N E W _____ and whoae trenchant pen cut deep and bewildered gaze of the visitors to a YORK aud rosy as apples. Yon would never menagerie. The player» were the under surgical treatment. BOSTO N ANO A L L public. Charges reasonable. Mias Yonng, who ia a great-grand­ spared not, always reprobated the cauae. recognize her,"said Mother Legrain in ­ “ tam er" and a worthy citiaen who, ou Mrs. Stowe stood aloof, and ao did a A I T V Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, daughter of John Adams, or Alexander P O IN T E B A B T j a d B O U T H _ sidiously. uativa I Catherine Beecher, though urged to the the strength of a het, had entered the every 1st and 31 Saturdays Sm ith, and bis w ife Patty, a native “ Do yon still aeo her?” S h m S iX Members and visiting habitation of the king of beast«. Seated For Inlormatlon, timecard«, maps and tickets and of Edward Yonng and bis contrary course by Henry Ward Beech- " N o t longer ago than a week, M. quietly at a table which had been islander, iB i.n u e r.rto o j n , . . « ~ I e r ,n d Lab el la Beecher Hooker, '“ ih rtn ’ "«good standing are cotdialh ; etc., call on or wiite Manrier. I waa at my door, Bne Morgue, brought in for the purpose, the pair got w ife Nancy, also al«o RB i 1 d e C a th c r ll), Ä f o X n d . J. J. A ndebson , M .W when she passed with her husband and on very w ell for a time, tbe Hon watch- ’ “ “ " X i . . X X ~ raid: " I am ndt opposed to R. M c M u r p h e y , W m . K y l «. Recorder. children. They had come to Versailles ing thair movement« apparently w ith Adventist«. She » » j women’« speaking in public to any who General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4. 8ticlton Block, to visit the chateau and the park. She w . 0 . Z E IG L E R , Proprietor. I S i S a S S i * . I ~ wmi™ » ~ « - • " 1W EUGENE, OREGON. intelligent „ w o - , a . — l O O F . Heeeta Lodge No. Ill,jn e e ts stopped aud talked w ith me a fu ll min- ever, to arrive at the eonclus.on that to women’« preaching, «auctioned as i t Io every Wednesday evening in I«°d^ A. D. C H A R LTO N , nte. And dressed I Not aa ahe used to the game waa a poor bnsiueaa, after all, oumatances. John Adams, «be says, ia by a prophetic apostle, aa one o f . the . O REG O N- HJHall, ^foronce, Oregon, Brother* EUGENE, be— oh, no! One conld see that her hus for instead of allowing the two men to when he determined to reform hia own m illenn ial lesulta Nor am I opposed to Assistant General Passenger Agent. rood standing invited to attend, 255 Morrison 8t. Cor. Sd. lo o a s t a a w j j ANDEKgoNf N . G. band was w ell to do. ” finish it in peace he suddenly made a fo r tle u iic l O r . And satisfied, when M anrier feigned dash at tbe table and sent it spinning A ndrew B bun d , See. ! x t x - X . ' . . to vawn, that ho was inwardly piqued w ith the domino» in w ild confusion S f t f i S f t S be J f to interest, she slnng the bundle of into the air, much to the horror of the BO Y E A R S ' ciotbea over her «boulder w ith a “ Good onlookers, who feared that a shocking E X P IR 1 E M C « “* CHURCH DIRECTO RY day, M. M aurier— until Monday— good catastrophe waa impending. oibeTdenom inations, Roralind Young us women to rat for h Uw w rong, aui d« j ” , . , • The amateur, however, waa not alow among Ibe number. The young woman fered by groat multitude« or our ae , T w e n tv -th re e M anrier prepared to go ont, indulging in taking tbe hint. On the contrary, he E K IA N C H U R C H . Florence, w ill probably go back to her island which are m ultiform and moat h u m ili­ M il e s W e s t in the following monologue: lost not a moment in bolting out of the Sabbath service. Sabbath- ating. Nor am I opposed to women’« “ A h, me, poor C am illel Well, it is cage, and tbe relief waa general when home on the Pitcairn wheu it sails of Eugene. undertaking to govern lioya and men— o'clock a. m. Preaching 11 away from thia port in January or Feb­ better so. She has found a chance to— be succeeded in patting tbe bar« he in. Sacrament of they alwaya have nnd they alwaya w ill. in. and 7 p has got married, in fact. Uuriona 1 tween himself and tbe demoli’ her of the ruary of next year, lu tbe meantime r on 1st Sabbath of supper N or am I opposed to the claim that wo­ should so entirely have lost sight of her! table. The Hon appeared to he a very she may make a trip to the A tlantic men have equal rights w ith men. I A pril, July Rnd October, DCSW NS rii, C O F V A IO H T B A s . 8he was pretty, waa Cam ille— a trifle maguanimona creator«, for daring tbe coast.— San Francisco Chronicle. ia welcome to all tbe services. rather claim th at they have tbe sacred quests Christiana to vu make thin, bnt a good g irl and fo il of droll next performance he allowed a friend superior rights that God and good men T - i a r T 1- la ta v a s t l a BCdneatlaa. hnmor; a piquant face, alwnys dusted « know n.^ K}J0TTg Pastor. ’• S S S : B ¿ . ' “. s T C “s a v . of the fngitivs domino player to pay •Every one w ill admit woman’» in- i accord to tha weak and defenaekaa. by w ith poodre de rix, and her silky hair him a Visit nnd aotnally rondeacended tereat in education, ” «aid Ellen H. E. \ which they have the eaaieat work, thu like an aureole about her bead. How the gwçHH no((e<, without eharge. in the to accept from him a piece of meat pre­ most safe aud comfortable places and year« fly I And ahe is married, aud I am sented a» a propitiatory offering. Aa, Price of Swarthmore. P a., to a New D IS T EP IS C O P A L C H U R C H a doctor, ripe for patienta aud domestic after doing justice to tbe morsel, he be­ York Tribune reporter. "E ven the moat the largest share of a ll the moat agree­ able and desirable enjoyment« of this ce. Preaching at G lenada. I »rsml çlr- life. Really, I am not curious, bnt it gan to regard the intruder w ith wistful conservative w ill grant that the train ­ M o n e y Saved A life. M y main objection to the woman « m ia tity n of any sciontiûe Joaruai. two Sundays of each month 'SotïhjSt.Moïïîolors. ing of the young is not only her p rivi­ would be quite amusing to see her again j ; ,onr montas. SL eyea, and by other sign» and tokens io suffrage organization ia thia— that a chool every 8und“?[lllr“‘ By — to are her in her new surroundings manifest an inclination to make a cloaer lege. bnt her duty. Does it not aecm wrong ujutio ia employed to gain a^riaht Aud who knows? She loved me when 1 strange, then, that in many of our state« 17 y„rtlm Ceci,mrcbCVCE won’t . ” — Tit-B it«. • of children. »om enm ^ w ||h ing, "Thu clerk is at breakfaet. but 1 uent painter with hia ttata, and bid him ­ child nature and — the neede O r «»Bow- F lo r e i'.o o . self under a large tabla, where be yelled tbe ab ility to judge character and to is more d"n« * * " h* “ m,tn7al .a lt e r sac- w ill «bow then» to you " M r F tiih de­ deal w ith men, and sufficient leisure to a man, lecauae it to natw » » A N T K D -T R U 8 T W O R T H Y AN D She did not look nt bun, opeailng tbe an til he waa tired J , folfoti w clares in hia "Raminiacence»’ ’ that tbe “ vote to the varioua dutireof the office, ing bin. PR" boxes aa tbongb alia had never seen hint, active gentlemen or ladiea to (Ttada «■»« H c e a d o e to d to e M o S a n a a F«T*- little prince «bowed a moat unforgiving FRANK B. W ILSO N. as though he were a passing customer, and the more of these quabt tea and aU jb « P T s h e doea »0» -J* ” travel for responsible, estatdished house del. p«Mo_ W e a d . l . . : spirit ahrt rweuged himaelf afterward tatnmeuta a aehool board possesaea tha fl0, W ingskh » Ha felt actually in dragon. Monthly f f t 00 andespense«. absolutely unknown membe» in time She played her part without by sitting ao badly that the painter more nearly It approaches the ‘dral- Po«ition steady. Reference. Enclose tim id - « H b coot o f aa“ 4 failed altogether to produce a aatisfac- •Now. men, aven granting them require' nwra roem aalrtae aaot tn*. *' affectation. self-addressed stamped envelope. The t u r y likeneaa. — Loudou Cbronieia. • 'The«« tie« are the im t worn Hara Dominion Company, Dept. \ Chicago. bte Or*»«». b P» V OREGON FLORENCE. blue . Steamer WOMAN’S WORLD. Robarts H.H. Barrett, Prop’r, SWEETHEARTS ONCE. Florence to Yaquina. EUGENE-FLORENCE 1 STAGE LINE. Florence and Head of Tide. N orthern I ..... Pacific. Ry- * MORRIS •** HOTEL, O Head of Tide Hotel, THROUGH TICKETS, ’"7K ga»w, r,.h 1 HOTEL EUGENE. E l k P r a ir ie H o te l. P atents ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. hartaos»«!? SSrn!5' » ,t orney at Law, Notary Public,Surveyor ’ATENTS «I J® “^ ¡ N O T A R Y A IBBT OO. F A. ^ »HOW W BW BW. PUBLIC. faw without rtak.