F r VERY FB ID A T i A pproved MORNING— by A c tin g M e lk lr jo h a . -A T S ecretary HOW TO HMD OUT. F R O M L IN N E U S . Y A Q U IN A » A T F R O J Z C T - W E S T : Ilv a Sugscaiaaa. F ill a bottle or coromr n glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedimeut or settling indicates an un­ Feb. 14th, 1S98 M r. Jared Scott returned from Eugene healthy condition of tlie kidiieya. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kid­ last week. ney trouble. Too frequent desire to A. B. Johnson is the hose fisherman. urinate or pain in the hack, is alio con- A rt averages about 75 per day. vineing"proof that the kidneys - and Home stock buyers in thia vicinity bladder ate out of order. recently. They did not get many W HAT TO OO. cattle. There is comfort in the knowledge so M r. Gurnev is logging on the Scott often exp-ease-1, Hint Dr. K ilm e r* place. He has about 70,000 feet of logs swamp-root, the great kidney reined) Washington. Feb. 12.— Acting Secre­ tary Mciklejohn to good story was told in eat effort on his part to give tlie hotel lobbies at Portland during the tit as lie possesses talent of s recent republican convention. Many laying tickets to any point in South it will be to your ad- consult the Northern Pacific lonipany. We are the quick- to Kansas C ity, Omaha, 8t. other Missouri River points. tet this: 3ilays to 8 t. P au l; and 4.H to New York and item cities. For (nil inforina- II or address, R. McMurphy, Agent, Opposite Guard office, Frank Condon was doing business in BIO* WANTEO. Florence yesterday. E . C. Knowles was in town a few days Scaled bids w ill he received by the the first of the week. trustees of Heceta Lodge, No. I l l , I . O. Chat. Hubbard leaves today for Port­ O. F ., till March 2nd, 1898, for land to work at bia trade. raising the Odd Fellows’ building in Miss Sophia Nicolle visited in Flor­ Florence. Plans anil specifications may he teen at the W bst office. The right ence the first of Hie week. reserved to reject any or all bids. M r*. A. O. Funk was a passenger to L M . CitaisTaNaaw, 1 Eugene on Tuesday’s stage. f Trustees. J. L. F u b n is h . If . D. Chamberlin starts to Portland W . H . Wa.ATHEaaoN.) today to work nt carpentering. H E A V Y O Á M A C E S U IT . Pat McEnroe of Meadow is talking of joining the rush to Alaska this spring, J . H . H arris has commenced snit at we hear. Oregon gold seekers were shout the Geo. Pederson went to Yaquina on hotel waiting tlie sailing day of tlie horseback by tlie beach route a few Elder. Among these were Joe Matlock days ago. of Eugene and George Waggner of Cor­ W in. fteruliardt ws* a passenger to vallis. M r. Waggner was a delegate to Eugene liy Friday’» stage ou hi* way to the convention and as his friend« know, Portland. M r. Matlock belong* to the Bryan «¡de Rev. Henry Marsh of Olive, Mich., of the political fence. A republican was an arrival at Florence'li, last F ri­ friend told Waggner that he would he day'* boat, missed from the party's counsels if he Mrs. Latharn who ha* heen living in went to Klondike, and th at lie should the Myers house in Olensda has moved not go until after the June election. M r. Waggner answered that he had re­ to Judge Fisk’s boose. Mrs. John Lawson sad son returned futed to leave the state until lie had effected a “ pair” with Joe Matlock and to Gardiner on M onday’s stage alter spending a few days among old friend* now he was satisfied. “ W hen I leave, Eugene against the Columbia Im ple­ ment Co. to recover »5,100 damages. Harris was arrested about Aug 1st, 1107 on a charge of embezzlement pre­ ferred by F. K . Grav an agent of tlie company. Upon examination he wae held in bonds to appear before tlie grand jnry. That body reported not a true bill. The suit is brought to recover damages for the arrest. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Land (MBee, at Rotebur* Oregon. authoritative Work Being Pushed Vigorously. JOI.S6S Vscsbulary Tsraas M V Bdltor» aa * SpMlalUt« (3 3 Rsadsr* 1er QastatlM S (• o s lllastratt*»« Cost ovor »o*o.ooo A r k o SI i of 4 7 .4 6 t E stri*« Tho fu ll number ol word« and term« in different dictionari«« for th« entire alphabet 1» a« follow»: S-MauoNTH, 50,00»; WoBC«S»TSB 106,0*0; W«»«T«« (International), 125,000; CSX- toby , («1« velum««. complete,) 225,000: •T O O K SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OAN BK S E E N AT T H E OPFIOE OP O. H. HOLDEN.» STANDARD, over 300,000; .Sample Pages Free. ACCNTS W A N TED . E. D. BRONSON & CO, Pacific Cuaat Agents DON’T MISS THE OPPORTOHITÎ OF A LIFE T I E S A N FRANCISCO , C A L 933 M a rk e t S t. January 31, IWS. veral years there lias resided in ILittce 1« hereby given that the following NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. kity a family in which one of uaraed neuter baa «led notice ol hl« Intention Ire n is a boy about 8 years old to make Snal proof in «upport of hi« claim, and Land Ofice at Roseburg, Oregon. I club feet. Some two weeks he said "Joe w ill go on the same here. that M |<1 proof w ill be made before C. H. H ol­ Person» February 4 . 1»M. | man took thia boy to Eugene steamer, and if it tin ts , so help me God, Mrs. Thompson a sister of Mrs. Burn* den, U. H. Coreml-rtoner at Florence, Oregon, Notice 1« hereby given that the following- on March 19,1«». v li. Francl« M. Rath on h. «. i avowed purpose ol soliciting Joe Matlock drowns if I do. I will arrived in Florence last Friday from St. no. 7B8S for the nJ* net/, tee. 7*: nw% nwJi «ec named «ettler ha« Sled notice of hU intention i have tlie boy’s feet operated go down iiugging Joe with a death grip, Paul. M tnn., Icir a visit with relative* IS; «w*4 «wX, «ec. 21: tp. H a , r. I I We«». to make flnel proof |e. , upport of hl« claim, and aurgeon. Arriving there an or if lie should return to Oregon to cast here. He name« th« following wllue««e« to prove that «aid proof w ill be made before C. II. Mol on i dsn. U. H. CommlMluner »t Lake Precinct, htance kindly went with them to his vote, 1 w ill come too if I liave to 1., P. Tallman is preparing to start hl«eo-itinw>«areohUuce upon and cultivation Dougl», Co., Oregon, on March 19, 1S9S, vlr rian who informed them that the walk back by way of Siberia. I propose to Skagway in a few week*. He intends of, «aid land, vl»: W. H. Cox. of Heceta, Or., and O. Dowl, X. Byron W. Dorrey 00 h. e. no., 7993 for the «e1«' on could he performed for about j 1 to make our pair effective.” to put a fruit dryer on h it ranch before Marr and O. Hutton, of Mercer Imke, Oregon. net*, «»c. « : w*^ » » I / , amt ne"i n w '{, «re. 13: S frtie party then visited various } tp. 19«., r. »1 » « ' R. M. VSATCM, leaving. He nam«> th< following w it ne «»a« to p | | n town and by evening bad S ta te or O h io , C it y or T oledo ,! Keriater. Mrs. J. A. Bean returned home last _______ ______________ hl« contlnuon« realdauce upon and cultivation L ucas C o u n ty , I I »49, which the acquaintance Friday after spending two months visit­ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he NOTIOZ FOR PUBLICATION, j O,j “ ^ J *y ,^ n„h, of Florence, Or., end Darin« Aly kept in his possession. Next ing relatives in different parts of Oregon the hoy’s father told bis friend i* the senior partner of the firm of F. J W. v«ndcrbutg. Jamee M. Young and W ill- | and Washington. Drown of I-uks Free I net. ora „-on. I was sure the physician’s esti-1 Cheney A Co., doing business in the Land OBlceat Roaeburg. Oregon. R. M. V s a t c b . Geo. M . M iller writes u* that be ex­ January 12. IV * . gas too low and that he was sure City of Toledo, county and state afore­ Reg liter pect* to leave in a eliort tim e lor Alaska. Notice I« hereby giren that the lollowing- said, and that said firm w ill pay llie eration would cost more. He namsd «ettler ha> Sled notice ol h l. Intention He is a member of the firm ol M iller A ai'l that he could not wait around cum ol One Hundred Dollars for each to racks Snal proof In «nppwt " f hie clslra aiid i for a number of days. He then and every case of Catarrh that cannot Davison of W rangel, Alaska, real estate that eaid proof w ill be made hefts» C. H. H e l­ NOTIOE FOU PUBLICATION. and mining brokers. r other towns down the valley it be cured by the use of H a ll’s Catarrh den U. H. Commlrtloner at Florence. Oregon, Lead ORce. at Ronsbnrg, Orason. OU A. Myrtud. so by - ^ ^ ^ ^ .L e e v ln f Their Nemes Alaska Gold Minine & Navigation Co. FLORENCE, T h e Power (or OREGON.