■ i .i TCTKCE» " W E S T , — A I— L à N SC o CKTV, '• E d itor * and n difference oí jan i i m b GOVERNMENT TESTS OF TIMBER. Literarv. (ORIGINAL A S ß S E I . i c r t H.) SIHI ANN WHITE STD O UNCEM ENT «'inters pass w ith every day aeon - j Oi.K.ox ¡1JK iike „pring. W h ile in the ing down of the Teller resolution by tl,e material is carefully determined, W . IL ,\V E A T L IE K S O X • Ti.cn ¡» «»id lo ¡Z i a pu opinion between President McKinley People com ing to thia eoaat and Speaker Reed as to the advisability Scienti#«' Amcrfewn: It ta surprising that in theae dava, from a cold clim a te find the of the house pawing a financial bill at this session. Mr. Reed thinks the vot- when the strength of all structural — ccblishko xviuiv »-moat Mur..vix* F io r k . v c x , t h i sh » sí . rwkall « . ■■■ . * Proprietor. we The want of occupation is no less the house was sufficient to put the party on should possess such imperfect knowledge plague of society than of soltitude. ■ m iddle and eastern at at cm the .............«’»»•vo «*»»'i record against silver, and that it would - «1 *he strength of the various woods > No t|y , honest No is is a a ju surly« honest fellow, fellow, s| speaks ’ bpr' n<>m,‘t ^ ,1* v e ’’how n a tem p- be Wiser to have the house finish up the which are used in construction and his mind rough and round at once. I w erature varying from from freezing tn to regular a tu re varvinxr manufacture. There There ia is la<.*kintz lacking tidiuv tiduy a! a regular business of of thp the Numinn session anal and manufacture. hut adjourn as soon as possible, than to thoroughly reliable table of the strength ! thirty degree» below zero _ Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than • = I once I hi« w inter ha» the mercury have the financial debate that would l»e of woods. We say this witli the full truth. F loren ce, Or. J e b r a a r y IS, tMW. ¡ at Florence been more than three necessary to put through a financial knowledge that all the text books and r i i i „ . d eg re e» below freezing . ” F ob » xvjebaj . years tlw current of the e l ' ! HIM>llt ¿111 iiw h n f wnnu’ river has been striking against the nlxiut an inch o »now (hank in the upper part of Florence in j. (luring the hcumoii . A t . and on ly bill along the tine recommended by the ... . president s message; while Mr. Me. ■ . . . . . . . . . . . be better Kinley tt.inks that it would j for Ids party to further emphasize its engineers' and mechanic«’ pocket books they love The real man is one who always finds c give such tables; but unfortunately excuses for others, but never excuses j himself. Lou lL n hat) iu fallen the data upon which they are founded We are not so much troubled by the thia tim e is not of that comprehensive or scien­ such a manner as to keep cuustantly th e !»u«l» on .several kind« o f tree» ■ P«*'‘ ion by having the house pass a tific kind which alone can give such events of life as by our own reflections washing it away. I t has already cut here are »w elling and sonic are a dnaneial bill. Although some per- tables their proper value. Most of the upon them. , back for quite a distance and' if some­ already p u ttin g forth leave«. T h e ' “° ns “ru pr* ,,cUn8 <1,at tl,is difference investigations of the strength of timber The home where each member has 1 th in g is not done to stop it and change i . „ , nl ;u 11 , , .. I “f opinion will lead to trouble, the Irnol l,l.«,m „„,1 . f„w . „ J Ih. „ OTa„ the direction of the current, it is diffi­ owprfl In,,v «1 liiiin d | n Hie j |« ,|iiin i 1. endnm«! by the sirniiguRt cult to say what tlia result may be. In that part of tow r many of the lots ad­ ! men of Ills party in the house, and the jacent to the river are owned by non­ For those w ho lik e a ntild e,isnces are that he will have his way, residents who tuie no steps to protect clim ate, western Oregon ha« eer- “nd U"“ ,b* Prc8i<,ent will not insist their property. Those owners who live tnin ly a» fine a one a» can be i upon having a bill passed. here and see the need of it are anxious The house committee on labor lias found in the world as it i« subject to bave xo,nettling done to save their favoiably reported a bill amending the their to no extrem e» cith er o f h eat or eight hour law in such a way that it can .own property, without, at the same timo cold. be enforced (for various reasons, prin­ f ile »<»¡1 in the Simdaw v a lley is protecting the rest and'they''think that cipally lack of jurisdiction, the law has all who would be benefited by the work very rich f producing large crop» only been enforced in spots, and no ought to bear a share of- the expense. o f vegetable« o f a l, kind«. Sm all where very rigidly) to the house, and Does it not ¿»roper/y belong to the city fruits yield abundant return» for will try to gut I lie bill voted upon. council to tiiko steps'to haré this work I t is now known that Jerry Simpson's the laborer w h ile th e apple», 'done and assess the cost to owner« of sjieech about the London label in Rep­ the lots that are benefitod by it? If so pear«, plum« and prune» w ould resentative Dingley’s hat, which that thu sooner they do something about it m ake a M innesota or D akota gentleman said was put there by the farmer open hi» eye» w ith su r­ the heller. American maker to catch the dudes who property, but they cannot protect Tint mail frouiT'ugi'hs due at Flor prise could he see them. were willing to pay extra for already made have by individuals who out learned to rule his or tier neither the an ideal home. been had time nor the means to do own spirit is carried the work as Liberality consists less in giving much W ith N ew Y ear G reeting», anil a Prosperous Y ear to all our Friend», AVo A gain Offer Our Good» a t E x c e p tio n a lly thoroughly ns It should be done. The than in giving il the right way and the Low Prices. Som ebody oneo said , and it first investigation of the subject on an right moment. has been Repeated. “ W ell B o u g h t H a lf adequate scale is now being carried out The exact Value of any man’s religion by l)r. B. E. Fernow, of the forestry division of the department of agriculture. To examine and test a sufficient number of specimens of any given species is a costly undertaking; but the department has shown good judgement in preferring to expend its appropriations in doing Sold.” may be determined by noticing The woman who really this work, anything Fernow rented a testing machine Dr. There are many dirty roads in life; The most knowing man in the course life Glean D esirab lo wishes to re­ She who explains wants to be convinced. with of the longest a with saying, No. hut, if you use your judgment, you may thorough work on a limited number of always be able to find a clean crossing. species rather than in doing more or He is happy whose circumstances suit less superficial work upon a larger i.is temper; but lie is more excellent variety, During the past year, owing to the who can suit his temper to any circum­ failure of the government to provide stances. funds for carrying on H ave ----------Stock o f---------- effect that it has on his conduct. fuse contents herself Wo the will always have GENERAL + MEßC'HANDIS] I want to sell It, I know a “ Nimble Nickle is better th Lazy Dollar.” And I shall make tho nickle nimble by Sure, Square, Good Bargains. Stock th riv e w ell, ca ttle, ence Tuesday evening failed to reach here, a mistake having been made in and goat» gutting »beep labeled London, was prompted by Rep­ which to carry on life investigations. much to learn, and the wisest and best, th eir liv in g on resentative Hepburn, of Iowa, who In the course of hie work lie made the much to improve. Resolution, with foresight, is but a the uiail-sacke somewhere on the route th e range aud need little or no never looses an opportunity for a joke. important discovery that a constant und the Florence mail left at some other hay d uring the w in ter. D airying He accidentally saw the label in the hat mathematical relation exists between temerarious folly; and the consequences I office. À If hough we do not remember ha» been carried on here ev e r and told Jerry to go and look nt it, the compressive and the tensile tests of thing, are the first points to be taken knowing that lie would Le sure to make of any species of timber, and that hence- into consideration. vi this kin«l of a mistake happening into consider,,,!.... «inoe th e cou n try wn» settled aud 'tiefore, other mistakes" in handling Aie a speech about it. He did, and now forth it will be sufficient to make a Avarice and ambition are the two mail's hâve occured eeverej times laUly last y ea r a cream ery w as micccs»- some of the republican members are laboratory compressive test, the tensile elements that enter Into the composition expressing fear that the London label strength being calculable from the data of almost all the other crime,. Am bi­ that have caused us inconvenience and fully o|>erated. lose. As it is probable that othère hive U ntold m illion» o f feet o f tho in M r. Dingley's fiat will lie heard from , so obtained. Dr. Fernow gives the tion is boundless, and avarice i , ¡n. suffered in the sume way it looks as if finest fir tim ber in the world grow oftenur than his explanation, especially credit for this important discovery to satiable. Mr. S. F. Neely, one of ids assistants. in the rural portions of their districts. greater care is needed in looking after along the hank» o f th e Situduw Have any wounded you with injuries I the mail. Instead of being offended at the num­ t is needless to say that the cost of meet them with patience; hasty WOrds liv e r am i it» tributaries and erous jokes that are told about the completing the investigation of Ameri­ rankle the wound, soft language dresses lum bering j» sure to becom e an Come and obtom p r lc « , aud have a .o c ta l c h a t i f M U , | , * • C u r . C a e o n ip s tlo o F o rs v s v. autocratic manner in which lie runs the can woods will be greatly reduced, and Talli» Cascarria C alai y C athartic. lUc or 28c. it, forgiveness cures it, »„d oblivion mg i f C i. V. L , fa ll 10 cum . « ru fg is is rufuud wolle?. im portant industry in thia v a lley . house, Speaker Reed is constantly it is to lie hoped that congress, encourag­ » 0 have a good and a » arm f„r w„„ takes aivay the scar. Salm on in great num bers com e adding them. His latest was gotten off ed by the fact, will grant the appropria­ T u t BxrcuucAN state committee have More is got from one book on which into the river every fall and their in a street car on Representative Hicks, tions asked for the coming year’s work. recoibendcd that the prauinries bo hold the thought settles for a definite end in who was absent when the house voted on Saturday April 2mJ nnd tbo county flesh ha» lx?en an im portant article M ILITA RY RULE NECESSARY. knowledge, than from libraries skim- on the Teller resolution. M r. Reed was conventions on Wcdiiuaday, April' 6th of food for th e inhabitant» o f the med over by wondering eyes. A cottage in tlie cur when Hicks came in. As Tacoma Ledger- unless otherwise ordered by tlie several valley for m any year« liefore it ¡flower gives honey to the bee, a king’s « « .. « . he saw bin, the epeaker said: I Popular government loses in favor county committees. 'Wo hope our Lane garden none to the butterfly. Mas settled by w h ite people. H ick, come here,” and when M r j with the work,, and something i„ Z county coihniliee will'give more time Restraint is honorable to man, and Tl»e hateh«»ry C s stood before him, he . a t M apleton ha» ......... ............. ... » continued, w i u n u « i , | J < estimation m i u a i i o i and confidence of its own than this between the primaries and what is more, restraint is honorable been oj»erate- Have you brought are advancing its interests in new terri- '• more free than a bee, but you honor af not impossible for many of the dele- w ill I an excuse from your mother?'’ The the bee more, just because it is subject ■* A- —• ** .f.» , , t to.-y. England has extended its in­ gotee |rotu the western purl of the afl'ortl a y e a r ly su p p ly o f food t° w rtain laws which fit it for order| , joke was so apparent that evepybody in fluence and autiiority round the globe couuty to re*ch Eugene end attend the besides being and im portant ar­ functions in bee society. tlie car, including u number of congress­ by the policy of giving prompt protec­ r !,«t, couvcntfo'ri so'soon after liciag chosen. ticle o f com m erce. In the course of our reading we should men, joined in the shout of laughter tion to every honest Englishman who ‘•>y»P m our minds a store of g00l„ , that followed, and M r. Hicks forgot to Aliouf 1100,000 ha» been exp en d ­ had attempted to do business where ■«•rviHxty Sara a*. thoughts in well-wrought words, which w hen the answer tho question. there was no established government to «MUwrUç, Die moat .woo ed on the je tty and U c a lA tf------- ‘ ' •houid bealivin g treasure of knowl­ Commissioner Evane, of the peneion •ont “M X pro te.tl.lm . I t has sometime, gone so work 1« com pleted vessels can go bureau, hae the courage of hie convic­ far as to protect some who were not over edge, always with us, and from which, mí f t •, •J'“ ro ■v»1' H'. ./•« ««ma. How and present system of medical examination Us inclination to err in that direction hifting of circumstances, we might be "hipping produce to m arket. •ureof Mn,e comfort, guidance and of applicants for pensions and of pensi­ rather than the other. TTT2S ------- 1______ 'TT •ympathy. u T ak in g ev ery th in g in to eonsid- oners, of which lie eaid : “ Tlie examin­ While the theory of popular govern­ A WAT O U T FOR C H IN A . ing (wards ure expensive, inefficient, and I t is the close observation of little erat ion w e b eliev e there are but ment is opposed to material law, and I desire tO Sell munt, 88 mUC^ ° f mY present StOCk possible within the next sixty days, in order to make room for Spring goods to arrive. * * * ★ * * HURD. Yours Very Truly, o. W . CARMAN CHEAP CASH STOKE! Drv Coods, * Groceries * 'a n d * Notion “T î f , - FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. very few if an y pl*ee« in th e swayed by political and local influences. free people are at times jealous of t mgs which is the secret of ,uece8, ¡„ «. F. I'hronliTe ■a -The hofii 6f the Chinese government w orld w here a com fortable liv in g There ought to be only one corps of ex- military authority, there can be no busmese, m art, in science, and i„ , verv amiaing pliysicans and surgeons that objection to either where the civil law - • ■ ■ t m h f e . H u m .« knowledge i, that if, way bo able to eacape the per­ tian lie obtained easier than in the would travel from one state to another is not eeUbliehed, or where for any plex ¡tits "of a new loan by getting an , 8" ^ “«»»«tion of small facts Siualaw v a lley . Hoiu«-«eekers and at advertised tim e, to examine old extension of tune for tin, payment of cause it is not strong enough in emer­ P 7 ’ UCJe“ i' e It e r a t io n , of men in tend in g em igrants w ill do w ell soldiers. Then they would not be gency to protect honest people against < '-•■ tt.e b it.o f knowledge and experl’ tlie Japanese war iodeuinityr is not without practical bearings. Japan is to v isit th is place and learn about swayed by local likes and dislikes, a , outrage. A condition of things now - e carefufly treasure«, 1Ip by they arc now, nor by the congressmen, Skagway and Dyea that cal’ K -w m g at length into „ . „ ¡ T “ «lesiroos, for purposes of its own, to it for th em selves before loeatiu g Ii>hty a . the local board, are now.’’ A . »n ex- ! ¡«•»«‘listely for a more vigorous Z ’ pyramid. keep China out of the liamls of E u. elscw hurc. ample of the kind of work done by these , ,ro1 <>» » »«in«« than civic authoritv can The enormous i„fllIencc n( n _ ropean lamdl,older«, f t |a obvious that b o a rd a . M w a n . cited the case of an I «**»• u . >• « condition ... van boards, M r r. V Evan, such ■ - way w„ich it quickcna tlie power wliioh holds liOO.OQO.OOO in W ASHING TO N L E TT E R . old soldier that he personally took t0 i l,*» ° '«un anticipated. A sudden might rush hon. sharpen, sensation, „ „ j * #1t . - Clmieee obligations will have para­ Philadelphia and had examined by tour '»> »>*•» direction of people seek!« mount inffueneo aFPukln, and. in tile sentm icnt-is not “ ¡»If enough • l . , Ilex An* .........- seekimt 18 not Faux or« ax.ivuw L\.aaxaIV xnxxT. U___ • r . >«»r . aa. I. 1 . » . .. m ¡>eople * ‘ 1 K ........... «vent of a default* ijj principal or later w « r e ’ ” l T “ f them knowing that he wealth I ,« been followed or attended by “ • »»J •• «o m . a verv c was to go before the other. They each a ru.h of other, -e k in g only to n,ent western nation a stronghold near iia thvestene«, shutting out of Americwn «..,«1«* swün Z h , U u f o o I d ^ J d L ^ “ «iek it would make my head swim would be a r rule Z - Z ’*"8’ .¡m e; aud ” ^ bl* own »bores. I f three «langrrs rah bu horses by Germany as the first blow in ! ______ z sn ^ o u ly eongvem could bring ............ - . I e r , y element ha. m - t - - b dtmwderly element has most tim . „ „ j averted or poetpomxf by giving China that war. Tlie administration, bow- change.“ ________ most inclination to assert itself. Tlle move Uuia Io pay the war debt, it ie rea­ ever,Moss „„t U ke that view of it. It * "holesomo aetivi- national government has, therefore sonable to auppoae that Japan would >■ ratlier inclined to treat the matter I'ghtly pending an investigation, which I ty in regard to the Nicaragua canal which H*dud the call of Um peaceably diJ concede the point. Another’ thing which lea.is the same '■ Iwing made. Congress fo ilispoeed to ' ."’* * " * •’'‘■■¡’css rather than a plan to ixwe,l citixens of t h e - town, for a m ili­ Change of Climate B reak s D ow n t h . H ealth o f an congressional action. Repre- tary police. To provide il and provide way is the fact that Japan wants to treat it more seriously, the senate bar- O regon Man large syndicates of ■ it promptly will quickmt pr.qar,. t,ie w „ . t * n U ‘ iT* * of oi several '«rg« syr “ — keep tVei-hai-wei. That fortress is ing adopted a reoolntion caMing upon •entaUree W h a t «»tracto rs are on tlie . .. . J way for the rule of civic law. On,e Ul. . * . ! * * . 8 ««>o" o f H e e d '» liekl as collateral security for the pay. the department of state for information. _____ ' C* ,,ltab* t* ground uh t h . W .ik e r government ® »R ary «s’ e control file and property “ Oor h o J ir 7 , ri l ^ | J * , M 'm - n»cnt of the indemnity. Tlie moment T lie total value of all the American fruit commiMion. w.th a view to estimating " ill be secure, and civil government in ,l,u * Z w s T ^ ,? /'W *’ k China e««l>es in, the Mikado’s govern­ * n t to Gurrasnv ha. not in a tingle the cost and gaining practical knowledge *>■“ « form can be eetablishcd to reni n» WhtD " ' J ‘ Wo F » « ” * with *“ ment must turn Wobhai-wei over. year exceeded »1,000,000. but the out- — «Id, and n rv e e s a rv I,. in i _ l i i . _ . * . __. . ' it P '- W w orse a o t t l - look for increasing it very largely was neceeeary to intelligent temlers for ¡L Now that Russia lisa o«-cupie a dry tliur, just so I the gulf, Japan needs .onsidere.1 very promising before the • 'csoived to co to th . _ \ of »lie projret. Jîetimates for the cem- Die use of tim m ilitary in tliis way, « „ j » h e r fl.id .o of f F . . , __ th* P « t “ “ to liold its present ground, and the German government began to hamper la harvm k_> i Drsgon and work fX g .^ " - pfotfoa of th« cens! harc been re- H I « « neve. Win be any except'"’f ^ eeaicet Way to de 1», of covfae, is to post­ it. Tlie trade In Amen, an horses in r tro n i —’ «va f a llin e I ' *M d u re d to fifty millfou Ooll.m. wbieh tlioee h I k > pone tbe day of Anal settlement witli tieruiany, allbougb retti|iararively new ••• r xo onivr. v.. . • wiiftool re tin a . d' " r 1 Pmcurwt . has rlready grown Io large proportions, I makee •t no groatev financial or phys.cal Tb* M < *» <“ * “ « »re in United tiu t« , th e vaâquishe.r owner. •kin g than th that huihtmg u k l»« «». undertaking a t of hui kt iug a line ‘•"•««*5’. No state government ha. vet •» " t . . * ^ ^ ' 1 — ---------------------- anti is rapidly growing. Thia rav. Altogether Altsk^tK.- tlie « i _ outlookfor __. been orzamv.-l i n . - . there. -ru_ _ • _____ . * * * • * »»ell ■ ■ ■ t and od a h i. to been organ,s,ri The foryitori.l , w o rk •Wry ol railway. able If T A N T E Ik - T R U R T U G R T if Y AND me-it is slow i day. My huh boy ta Bow »’ active gentlemen or tkdirs to I r . , l , . . f o w to believe that vformany commencing and puri .in , „m work g o v e r o „ ,e n t ..r o ^ w l,. governo,. a t al £ * F0R E X C H A N G E to 'ravel f.»r rropu'isihlr. established house ¡» •«»•••»«» by a .p in t ol re talli.im e, com pieties «eemat o he m o « •H- Il'» u tte r ly unprepared for what T O O UR N A TR O N S “ “ “ " - - ....... - vt " • - « * . W happen,ng and is in no way calculated A I,onte and Po' ttiu n (stem! y. K «ín mt*«. Ehcloee he ’ „ ••" , •IW P a tilla b,,w* » 1» bv 2, (e_. G'* " kd »«cope w ith ,». M i.ta ry ru fo foe llw ^ ha.i 7 M -ia Ía a i , ¿ o ¿ T seff-adtlreaae«, stam ped envelope. The , , Fa*'<‘, , • '» will speedily ei-ow that re- Tin fi ffea Ws h a r. * * • • • • • Y««’ Wawsle W m » i. ' X ’ "j ■ © •T ifie n Ç -m p a n y , l»ep». V Chfoago. ! talliation ie e two handed g— i t . at is tl>e only n'!»« «tory and foce.sv which " « -o , Ifc C O fsll,.tnigxi.i,rviuo-lBicBcy. cffec’ lve. •“ Î O r e ^ o * ” * iH ,UrUÍ’ b U“ » * '« • * F - fnrtb’ e r «» Premi.*, »« this office. I * n k"'«™ • . " ' " * , w *,* « “ n* « 1 - , d. P*y«b!e ca»!, ia aii.. if ixÿiii ó r. 'FORTIMIROB Hood??^ « Darli • Hood's W II « t “ ~ S 5 = r ;