********>*************************> * ! * IL S . * * ¡ * * • * ' SLEPT LIKE A CHILD. Three Cained Twenty-Seven Pounds in Four Weeks The Story of aSoltiier. + D esira b le ★ / ‘root IHt Tratucripl, Peoria, ltL mu Ko is better knows u d liked in that happiest hour« I had known for year,. That *" night I went to sleep eaaily and ali pt soundly ri'*b ti«* of Illinois counties, of which Peoria * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ■ i, toe centre, than genial Cheater S. Harring­ us a child, aud unoke refre»li«sl. Three ut ■y^-r ton, of Princeville, ill. For many year, Mr. four week, »tier beginning the treatment, »lien Harrington lias traveled through the country I had taken four boxes of the pills, 1 found I BE a o o f TO ONE ANOTHER. r o v e d , d h im s e lf . ■rid fo r Dtr.r little children, w here'er you he, hearty welcome by the p<-ople who depend who thought my ease was u hopeless one. 1 ■ y«r.i* :•«• to i. I , tu n c tin ißh item Who are w atehtd end cherished tenderly it Is a« upon his visits for the purchase of the neces­ begun my work mi the road again, and have Ihi h t. t ho sljotvi •d By father and int^hdr, uF« eliön eoiiliniied it right along ever since in excel­ , i)l in ail saries, and some of the luxuries, of life. V.ho ar<- eomfoi-twl ),y th e lo ie that lie« of a irr the helpful word» o f u brother, til preten- experience which he related ut the TVuna- wa, a aide iraue, hut a valuable gain to me. ( p o rt tii B en’.« new boj be a ■ * t d forcer- eri/it office recently. His story, telling of I found that while I wus diking Dr. Wil- ' XchArge you by the years to come, gent]« tiii.ji The h irm it b: teck 1 ’ Ribbon the evils of whieh the Civil War wns but liama’ Pink I’illa, I had been cured of the he.: Putin■ ►Kail he far »»way front your homo «barge of m y primary eduent ile And borne shall bo gone forever, k* H U1-Î «n t, a way as the lieginniug in his own, and in thousands smoking habit, which hail bicn formed uheii of «.tiw-r cuaes, was as follows: was drljgl. t w ith rn7 lark of I.aew l- 1 was u boy. eix years old and win h hail By nil you w ill have to feel ut the last, q u u ijJ t behind. " 1 served three years in the 124tn Illinois, clung to me all theae years. The craving for w £?n yun stu,ul «Ion« anti think of th« paat, f(«;c l t d t oyc ndlr: i « .tt many enlisting at Kewanee. 111. I was in Libby tobacco let! me, and 1 have never experienced rliat j o u upiuk unkindly never. tiOIIH, . i r ¿bowed Pirn that be w . ih prefctr v a garniture, Prison, and suffered, like many another Norih- it ainee. 1 have neeommended the pills to W o r k in g 1 ’1 v ir g in s a ii, He melded m,. S:.c p k .i: eru soldier. Until recently 1 was a member many. For cruel w.-rdu nay, oven less. tu n -'rally em- o f the Princeville Post.oftheQ.A.R. Words ,p«.ken only In thoughil.-L ueto (Signed) CMEStiiR R. II arrington . iu •tto r d a b te w ith bis c u n tt hctj • ; pa«y*d. lib b f : rct so pope.lui "The strain of army life diil its work In N or kept against you after, Cheater 8. Harrington, being duly aworn, vf i i s i k J i ' ud, fo/ever iiepr"? ■ i*g r.p«,u it V.\!; If they made the face o f n i i ether sad, p ain kind, undermining my health, although tlie col- depose» and »ay», that the hiattera contained me tl.ut iiigru litcd e wa. 0 r a tender slstt r ’a heart I. ss glad, Tip in i 'ir matching la,me did not come for years. For some time in the above statement by him signed are ttr chis ktd o brother's laughter— •in V. lieu I c o u ld t eas. : heud, he to ld ibf fo u r I tuifered from general debility and uervoua- C hester a. H arrington . if rki ¡» bo of m ull aess, so badly that I coaid not sleep. For true. Siibwrihed and aw orn to before ine, a notary me li:at I v ' tild he iicU , t h a t I m i s t Tr rm c thin iu 1V111 rise again, and tla>y w ill fco henrd. 3Vtr a col- fifteen »ears iny sleep was completely broken public, this 15th day of July, 1807. A R T S e t n e i S C I E N C E S •P 'u r t uMiiiev fw n e r u u iiy an d that some 01' 1 s ii , U pre A2 try them. That was In TRO«. I bought or six lmxes for *2.50—(they are never sold id an«l cerr-flm - r b .« ' ------------- n<4 fi“d ‘ I'C girl, tu t learned that she S box and took the pills according to in­ bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. William*' A-1 n g a r: v ili he fash- fractions. Just four days later 1 had the Medicine It ffiH i.. n e, ...... , ,1. hlld ü m b l ptoyed aud th e n adept Company, Schenectady, N Y . first, all thè 7 , corner o f the conservatory ed hy a w idow whose husband 1 ml f a llo n lot.otbh’, nt?. .behind thu palm s during one of ti in all tene», in the war. 1 left money w ith a lawyer, fro m l!*o aa e.-;t to tl . kest, passinp m ost fashionable fun ctions of the s« a ELEPHANT NOT CLEVER. te llin g him Io find the girl uml have lier t kr«,tigli tl ‘i r c i : f a. The mor­ »on T h is »ecw" a favorite situation educated A year httrr thia me ta; y wa> Tb© P o p u la r B e lie f C on trad icted b y an «a - . , g r a y u n d m a t ve v ii tc w orti cs- w ith faio w h ilo -e.caving the w eb of « ’lorn«,I Iu me w ith notice that lie could ' tiJ-'rVI jV. ( g ti K ngllnh W riter. uttc-ntien is a do nothing for me 1 wrote for further hum an destiny Fred Trevor, tall, dar.'-, v ery <’c llv ft- ln o i.v e c a litd tu lg a iia .— Tho elephant possesses very charm iu form ¡|( jou, but could get t o rrply tt lf eontuiui'd, w ith power apparent in P h ilid ltip ] d a T im e-'. i ing characteristics and make» a very “ Before my 'benefactor dn d lit told every look, movement, and feature, stood j pleasant companion. For ouo thing h o m e of the rii it gold find he had work, d Moxv Two Gill» Vtat'.o Money. w ith hands crossed behind him In to; ■ i is not easily ntisiai«!, au«l lie is very w ithou t »haring hi« aeoret w ith any ' ‘A «*: mitry , ir] who is dotenninfgl to the m agnificent wom an he had just one Yon know how it proved tt verita­ t;o to P e n s to ¡;; u«.y art is L y in g aside i obedient to the sligh test hint given by his mahout. «eateri. ble m ine of w ealth, bu ilt up a thrivin g f« r t p «« «., U dollar b L c lias In speed ha is scarcely a record break "Y on know, M iss A ld en ," as In city and won me the title o f a bouauxa n.M ' v .ii .a Kuth Aslirnore, in an leaned toward her, "that m y knowledge king He also told me how a heartless t.r ti. l e o u "The G irl In the Country,” er, but he can get over the ground in « f tlin social tenets is not profound. ” wom an had wrecked hi» life and asked •n T ie I d;., Iicm e Journal. “ She his shuffling w ay at the rate of 1,5 inc to ue.ver uhaifflou th e ««arch for the fo u n d tlu it tlii :: w as no “ » • > bee«. .M elephants for the purpose of capture. " Y o n ‘re incorrigible, bnt I'll accept found no trace?" " be tbe friend mid «Ouunplon of ihe people as ; t ti'3 tti' can succeed without —-*i ' C »m all on«—aud naked for or- reading aud A ll the actions which are apparently »«a net combination«, clique«, corporetlone. or the verdict and curry out the thought I " N one th at I could follow After derR. 1« i. ¡¡king inouey tccaruse oppreeelone of « ly kind. It will be Udepeadeiil hud ill bringing you here. ” spontaneous on the part of the working ta ereeyumig neuUmlln notai««. P that fight w In u tiie strikers ti i, d to de­ Hiero h studying this standard Magazine of Sciences Elie m ade no unswer, save to w itlidr 1IVV stroy the mat hini ry at the m ine, n T ir n ho ; i.t vor t« ou it ïud le a f o f trend elephant are really performed at the vy bis« n it «eut out front hoi bidding of the mahout. The driver uu her eyes from his and gather in tini w ounds threw: m e into a fever, and Icitobcn. and mechanical Arts. I t is illustrated with She w ill supply a neighbor his ueek direct» every m ovement hy folds of Iter dress to m ake room for through uJl the delirium I talk «I iu the w ith het hr senil» nt tcatiuio, and she «11 modern cuts of latest inventions in all him to sit down. «lia ect of my boyhood w ith the little baa lean. . «1 to m ake dainty rusk, espe­ pressure of the knee, and as the m an ’n " I w ant to tell you som ething < f n muid bud never mt-n t u t c u n Ih u t c ia lly ;« r : valid«, w h » enjoy these knees are concealed under the elephant’s Ike branches of mechanism, a u d its fund of -if« ami then ask yonr ndvice 1 am t cars it is very easy to im agine that the n I iowm yon the hold shp biid upon me, ligh t, cw < t dainties. Her prices are elephant thinks for him self. ussdm iug that the »tery lias any speei and < ven y< t I L aw an ideal tliut i: t, re osci’; l i e , J knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ When the mahout elects, for a change, interest for you, but 1 have u selfish d e ifh ir le s h a ttr r r d or confirmed l.. i,nt. “ An rr ; t i , am bitious to gain to sir« for your opinion after 1 have t s.t on the saddle, or pad, he drives I can be content N ow for your udvieo ROW. tl: ventors and mechanics, . o h. r father to le t her have it ." •Sold with T u e w ith his feet, and the du llest eyo can Should 1 marry before I have seen this a I it « .u d nnd to give her the d e to E how a rub of the heel on the "R ut don 't you know, ns a g« i n u l girl?" AV dst at clubbing rates. n.« IJI V (bat he w ou ld otherw ise have truth* that, w ith the uverage wcimtn', right shoulder (urns the elephant to the "N« t w ith m y approval, Mr Trevor b. ««wi i [a 1- r f«r a w edding d ress, left, and vice versa. the niiiii w ho Is rich, futnoufl nnd lion G o to the « nil of y , , r foolish d:«am , or t t i . h t h ) : c h e w «« able to buy plants After his traetability his gentleness is •’rod glorifies Ins antecedents, no multi : it m igh t haunt you and som e w in all em l to hire :. 1 to help her, and dur- the cleph aut’H m ost marked cbatacteris- w h at they nuiy ho?" m igh t stifi« r " m g tin ,.i im r, w h ilo tho boarding " i f you wero tho nveruge wcunin, I 1 hail hop« «] for a (liiTerctit r.nswcr b'..'RCs ::: ¡,:d «lenaiudeil them , she tie. The m ahout takes cruel advantage of h is disposition som etim es, thrashing WOifhl ni v«T have Sought this opportu from yon ” And Iris cy« s told the old si i .. «! th. i.' t of radishes, theorigp- him on the too nail w ith a billet of n itv W hin 1 first tii<«-.1.1(1 u n til t h o ix m t •m i two days ih at elephant enjoyed «if iny own age w as 'k iip m ' lioiiae iu a in a squaro or tw o of one «not her F . h with t hollow slum p, just in tsn le bbe put olio s«*eks to uttraet guests by high f i a t w i i- ttniued in an e a r y him self am ong those stack«. Spearmen her frenzied head over the w all of het souuding titles For exam ple, iu Can­ l. d t ir v .. 1 • * a« h « f any o f ns p ott.d rouud the palisade w all kcDS Tic Gnatei Weekly in the Gentry, prim itive atnslo to oonduet an exum ton are hotels w h ich flaunt the sign s of w! o i 1, ¡re to i ..’i ite n ii ol:l chair <,i him m , and cue m ight have supposed 40 inatnin * Who is yon u u s , hoy?’ ’SYbur'a The Fortunate htar, The G olden Pr< tits ta ll« . elephants bent on m ischief had been y o u ’ pur;' ‘Whnr’s y o n ’ mur?' Whin there instead of one mad one. At 1 ,«t au unusually frauk confession for a I:« • V*.le lo mir pen <0 «he UnllM • hat I «nattered as w ell as 1 could tw o lug tuskers and chained up un‘il ring end The Happiness. The food is bare C i ••« i ..bly the o n ly wom an *Ute< c*nada »ftd Meulca Then she said w isely, ’1 'low s tin t you not so bad, hut thu traveler w ho gees such tim e as he »hould recover birnsen 1,1 * ’• 1 " K Iter liv in g as nio- 1 h run ned a war ’ — London Sketch. ««rnseu m w X ‘Ci r e br1' b“*" to one of these houses to sleep veil! " 'lh ia w ould have put me to flight, w ish that he had goue to another The lon an u on m, e.. rie ear. Y.'hen elec- but ah« sprang m t , ffild me to take lif t bedroom« are sm all, thin w alled b cxis rt »■«:• - I - I , ; , , la st intiiMtm ««1 in LIFE IN ih e polar seas a '« vv m outh» ago, «lie pl«««>, nun whiJo I sat in the rruui|e«i iu w h ich you may hear the breathing ¡'in (a Gat. SAMPLE CO PIES SENT FREE , ;h udy i f the principles quarters she (nought m t ail D ia l 1 could of jo u r next neighbor or be kept awake in. « t e u t 1 ' “” * *nd "«rwhals. i , '« jm rated. When she r ’*“‘L..’.L-r out and a juipir of loon to entry with half the nigiit by the conversation of ' 1 ' 1' ; M ilito « * o f V id illrre an d F lea s. - .tiitien, site answered IX ) yo u ant th e It ia evident, accordiug to Naiifen m e After iiiMiring me tliut she would piop le ut the other end of tho hall, or, ‘ • I '* ' "■Ve louât take pwsesstf» af •-1 lil’’ ’ ’ ■ :■ t3 * w e ll that she •ha» «he M of |b e Jiavii Inr 'pin shoot any «new bo m igi.t worse still, he alm ost stifled by the c h r o n i c l e v n ;.«i't hi «itntion. tlie WI,erever*'tl,le" rtFl1 tT U ' iUR “ lie trying to n c u p tu ie n.e, she pointe«« sm oke from an o|uiim pipe w hieh is be­ ‘ “ i t i i lik e sittin g iu the Wherever th e sea is open t t partially so the neatest w ay to a tow n, walked u ing indulged ill l y the m an ueriss the * ’ " 1 ■¡.»«idl«’ 11. , i,. i.f u g„_v h o n e in n w ay w ith me ano said us we puttiil, '1 pussagt wav. " b u p l , iv . i w ild re ad. ” «lie said •ea », narwhal» and bird« abound. ,,,„> reckon you tu a ill h< v t. r kt in buck Th Ica sniooiiR furuish em plorm cnt UC" ‘ he *dBe of th*' re r en tiy to a i pe ter. « V h : u 1 grasixd wator” th e 1 h" f d the som e tim e an marry mo fur «11 thcin to sing« is and ventriloqu ists or rlrcu w ater the bears are numerous. Under TO ntents t h is w o n t h j y m a g (be,m otor I i f, it I had a force owjno w Ittli s a il tin refill. ksw n u i.s ia v m t tiouima, w ho nix1 lured by the pti.pri » h eicem arin e ni.im.ila are n otw au ti, Mt'd’ I t that < i ul«l outran a agaztno saw en you vvlien tiny lo u ie is urchin 1 ctor to entertain tb« m« n w ho gather The explore rs found iu abundance l i t / ; , The United States, Dominion of l 'i s « ' « i i : y m«v a g thing, i knew I ^ ^ ^ w w i t h i i s prem ised her, of cou rse." there to drink t >n ami gossip Upon crustae. aus, w hose d iscover, w as the Canada and Northern M eiieo “ Hui yi u l iv e r told us that you Wi r. "mall tables are placed tr a ,» holding a I . ii him .«a liv s iu m y charge, hut I rtsnifc of un accjd eu t • U * A m , a s g u U e , , . o f e iiiiH e n t felt t! at it required sk ill, not m uscle, O N O N E S IC K , * engagi «1," b.iigln d his b n iiia u t lislotn i tin e day the cook sunk a piece Variety of euses uuil pre«« rvt ». w hh-h S ’ *■<» Mia lo « « t:i. nte * !e i ' d < f the ear, tn round ■ A h eie He find jn ur U n K tlta ill am scrvrd w ith each cup of d elirious v - - « f i n t e r e s t i n g Ule n a m , «neat in a hole w hi. h be had rut in t the cue'. j | «t.y nn«| in a tn rta n d stop daisy?* fresi.ly m ade ten ice w ith a v iew i f thaw in g it cut. 1« um f'. qu ilt t. A*ifts Will< j* is to be " I w ish 1 could tell you H i, luci *’ and th ^ r thoughts are worthy the 1 he !•( use , j entertnium eut p«« ubar 1» a m ethod often resorted to tor t «• u e < i Icrhiua ua rhv is iu tvllim ut. «1« nt vv aw i u«' «I the «vei.t t et n V hio °N THE OTHER purjxis«) of sparing tho fuel. Forte e « e r a t i o n o f «11 p e o , * t" « bu a is tiie deg ami cat n n „ t rvs _ . ------ S I D E . Fot the first tun« I knew tb, > v . hours afterw ard, w h ile takii g »attrai,t This «n , k , m t m ean thut hoi.si and OUt of sy u u a tb y 1 luivi g u w t i i meat, the rook was astonished to I Bold with ue W m A W hl«test the |io p J v In m whom I i pUllK • ut Hint Tal l y and Fido a ie « rved up an im m ense unn.ber of little UUiu lN«un>e«.f U nir igni lu m i .mu n « k II tu st, w s that dropped upon the surface of the i A c ie id u ig to pu e«s charge«« • M t e R R S B ------------ * am bition, t a i Ui«- Iitti, g u i op t | bol »er other fo«sl, ib e w stew s are r a th « r When you take Rood's 1*11«. Tlwd.la, oUklasfi- and com meuced fa jum p about li , o low rtuni|i lias alw avs Inni a v . t l.l exp u lsive, « |"I tally if the cut er deg f l.a « ..N a u s p a , w h o ) . . p r a f . , ^ , toned, Slixar-rewtrd pilla.« fileh Ivar you altto - ‘"»IX k ï Ch~»'èla. place m mv m . m öly You know un : ehuucs to he Ila k, ami therefore u.on pieve», are noi m il »iin Huud a I nay In teks xuclogy, had u„ trouble iu reeoguit. -------------- -- ,AW r*»«cmcxj. c AU r l tny exp«r:eiiee m the t ar «,, „t n u ln tie iis . a. «eredi g io popular moton theso iitt.e crustaeeuu», w hich muv l, Datore 1 h««i t s m t h e » six u r u t lis l —- J.tppti.i« ti » V ig a sine w en jum ping hi (he sand, and which A u Eugashm au wa» boasting «« found tin- old D un kuowii ■ lu nu it ‘■»bed aand fleas. He was delight American that they had . "" Hau ly tug i.iiconscv o» aim «H a»« ntlv muaeuui a book which w»« h° Bru,Ri’ •« Ibe direovery, U eau se the ercatu M- ( * |.larr< l Hausta A aa a . by C im o . “ ™K'C owbed «lying in one ot tfie uiei iitsin gi i««« | •re good to eat. although t h e , coni*, L H H « t k k o f tian Mubu. T ex., who hut littU nou rish m en t 7 ly to opernto. Is u in brought tlm aid tliut carried him tp | eapttireii ( ,. i„ ral huum Anut» H| >eai« a in ’t ootbiul*1 Hood*« ITtH, whieh »re sh ftity , ir o c u iid a itoci nr und wi.« I » ago, ia now m las acvrnty eigh th j«»r e e ^ T Iuou,b’ l,tM ««• when in Th A m e r ic a » :" -,^ ,'i,7 ‘u ' ;" r'',Qrt"'1 Che or to ,1x1« la ever, respect n u ise m i be secoYrred t i r l il t t, w+ ni H ew eu t n, Texan iu IM S and eetth d m rr 80 degree» north latitude. i n «> ,, Baie, "ertala anin»d G rin rul Houston*» army A fttr u b i b id e eraetaceaua T b t. provei „ ’ be uo so ip tr w as w e ll tfiau n< an Tb« W aur |Jiy. U Z A \ ¡ E lt - t T il M W G K I HY 4 \ | i buttle, iu cru ip uB , w ith tw o other uouitced that 1 w as hi« twy Jim I Ins young «ura, he wo« aeon tin g ever tbe Several •p c c,m ,M u WMw ijhM Jim 1« by no uieana »nspende.1 under I ariive gentlem en or ladle« t b»ve ,he vttJ CUII0B< w as m y |«x>t«ctieu, for. despite »fie fact eouutry »brut eigh t m ile» from run p toarel lor reepureible, eetai iieliret b on » ter; on the contrary, it i» very aetn of Ä Ä r ü - c Prculixritj. ........- An Ihe m od o f tfi, bottom, where t ibm be wa« a recluac. B *n was known when he saw a M exican H anding tu the I'Viuiug elo». as u bad man wbe.u in le iftr e d w ith aud nigh graaa He attem pted to buu*. hat iiiOreg. n M onthly «MOO ere I exp»»»«-- * * * r »hallow, there are nnroer e'radv R r ir m u e En* to-e ting irflsh, moliuak». w o im i, »< , boitiniandefi a respect that wa« In igfit »bcy to, k him pttaener, aud be proved P i-iiio n relf-»«W’. •«•-! »iaiii|aNt rnveloiw . The reverul eperne. c f Crustacea _ Jnot « k i t by the m ystery w ith w h u h be sur to be Suutu Anua. d«*e Debut». Ihm .iiiiun Ootnpuny, Dvpt. Y Lii tea ho S ta r s in A nd T h o Sold With CIFIC COAST- CHRONICLE s c iH n tifÌE Ä m E r ic a n . THE CDSMnPDLITflN, the : d a il y s Only $6.70aVear. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 a X J X 'I.L THE ARENA . W ; Reversible Map? »H * M ap o f th e W o rld »3 Mo Gripe M* T *?• YOVN- . H o o d ’ s of Pills look over this croup , ■t MA* B YOU" ««LtOTIOM. W EST. »« to« FLORENCE, OR.