T H E W E S T , property or matenniiy m o ra n . out' commerce with the inland, *' fitOM Wfc RpîctAR Coanr:rosDEXT. "•recLWMFp araar raipst uuwmxd -— ' OfcgcoiAo: ; «luce we continued to gather from (OftiuiXAi. AXnsELKi r tn j Fbe dùpAtcli of the hattlo-wlnp it soma 1100,000,QUO per annum; 1 —»»•» Maine to Havana in interpreted an W a « ., I). C., Jan. 31sl, 1898, Words hurt more than blows and heal FlÄgXXC«, Lu*< OorxTV. OfXCON one of th . many Indications that a Ibut in thc preseat war The president, and the leaders of the i more than balsams. war cloud may at no very di-tant SpaniHb wWieB' P"**«1 ’ • • »V • » • A WAR CLOUD. .... parties in congress several parries M,»; are just ; Heaven will nerni GREAT WHITE SI Heaven will (lermit no man to secure date darkon our political sky. K o r V‘J*l n t "’0C>“arSi 10 pop" now engaged in playing o'd ««d i.appinma by grime, u n r e a s o n - “ **d b‘‘e" ,eduC€‘d «adoatlag game of politics. The silver j j ; ; W. If. WEATHKRSON w is thia this popular popular aaapldon suspicion unreason­ Behavior is a mirror ip which every ANNOUNCEMENT from 1,500,000 to 1,000,000 aiuce men have been making their plays with , able, for the recent speech of Rep­ Editor and Proprietor, one display* his image, the rebellion broke out fti‘d our the object of making the congressional resentative Hitt was significant by Men do less than they aught, unless commerce with Cuba has been re­ campaign a square light lietween silver they do all that they can. Florence, Or. February 11, 18118. its admission that tho Cuban and gold, and tor a time the administra­ situation was ope of increasing duced to U'»tbing and we are send- tion appeared to bo willing to aid them No man without intense faith in some- , ¡ng food to its starving people. WHERE W f PRAW THE LINE, in bringing that result about. But there thin* can ever ** in earnest gravity, l(r. Hitt is at the head has been r change, and now the admin-1 Politeness has been well defined as o f the liouse committee on foreign REMINISCENCES OF FLORENCE. We hope tlie patron* of thia paper istration has made plain its purpose of benevolence in small tilings. affairs; he enjoys tlie president’s will excuse ail Mie typographical and I sticking to the international bimetallism The secret of making one’s self tire- Jíy J epcthax , fifaiiiiiistical errors, and also the lack full confidence, and his affirmation plank of the St. faiuis platform, at the some is not to know when to stop. With New Year Greetings, and » o( original editorials for the editor is that Hr. MuKiuley would ”not ,i \ ; Away back in the 70’«, Florence was a name time declaring its intention to The rays of happiness, like those ot Prosperous Year to all our Friends, Wo out of town, and when it comas to disappoint the egtiecfal tons of h is! ,, sand h ill; strewn with clatn sheila and maintain the present gold standard light, are colorless when unbroken. Writing editorials when the editor isn't countrymen can fairly mean only | fiil, of lllC llnfortuna(e inliaWtnnt. untill international bimetallism is se­ Again Offer Our Goods at ExceptionnDy No amount of regret can make amends home, that’* wiiere we draw tint line. one thing, vig., that the president o( tlie blue waters and black mud of the cured, Ot course tlie silver men say Low Prices. Somebody once said, and it for one's life opportunities misused. Wo have nnduavored to make this that this is merely an attempt to be­ contemplate« forcible intervention ; Siuslaw. issue as newsy and instructive as To persevere in one’s duty and to be has been Repeated. “ Well Bought H alf fuddle tt.e issue. The senate which is posailde under the circumstances; und if need be, in Cuban affitirs. i TlM!« tlle dusky men and maidens silent is the best answer to calumny. controlled by silver men, fired its first Sold.” We Have a Clean Desirahlo Jiave almost wished that someone would Among oilier thiugs, Mr. Hitt ^ ¡ j j Plied O'vir canoes along the river or What do we live tor if it is not to broadside when it adopted the Teller iW ”'aters with 0,,ly nature’8 -------- Stock of-------- EaiLinto tlie river that wa might get a that tlio president had *>inforn»e(i l • resolution. It was at first intended make life less dilficult for each other? n.„ ________ . . . . .. 1 close-fitting dress for a bathing suit. sensational subject to write on. When the Sagasta government that the He who boldly bears calamity is more that this resolution should be quietly Then ,Siuslaw was rich in game and it comes to pimping into the river and war must cease and proposal« for its waters as now were teeming with smothered in the house, but upon con­ valiant than he who dares to die. having to bo hauled out by parties on Hettlement lie niaijo within a rea­ flat sideration, the republican leaders livery duty which we omit obscures the bank * lw have throw» a rope The white man learned ot its wealth i 'let'*ded that us an offset to the action of j some truth that we should have known. sonable time,” TJijs is nothing around ngr Back, tor tlie sake of getting -.1 i t . .. _ 1 - . f the )l4k C O n a l . l t 1 . « S ; _ _________ 1 1 I ___ senate, tlie resolution must 1 be de The greaest evil of modern educa­ a subject to write on, like a man did short of a threat of forcible in­ and the undisputed possession of feated by a vote of the house, and that tion is the evil which it inflicts on health. some year ago when tie wa* editor and tervention. Mr. Hitt begged con­ the Indian was over. His pale /need action was taken today. The silver preprint« o( g paper in Springfield, gress to be “patient and ready to brother came to be his neigldior. One Fretfulness of temper will generally republican senators Iiave decided that by one little shanties were to by seen on why that's where we draw the • line. characterize those who are negligent of support the president if he takes the sand hills where Florence row the country must have some explana­ I want to sell it, I know a “ N im b le N ic k le is II we Iiave offended anyone it) anyway order. tlie stop which the honor and in­ stands. A cannery was erected, after­ tion of their support of the Teller reso­ with this laaus, they will please call Honesty is one point of eloquence. Lazy D ollar.” And I shall make the nickle nimble by off of our country may wards a small store. Tlie population lution, and they will be given through around when tlio lighting editor is in, terests We persuade others by being in earn est! Sure, Square, Good Bargains. Jn another paamge was increasing. They missed their speeches on the senate floor. So a fresh ourselves. (or wliou it oouwes to taking bis place, demand.” that's wliero we draw the line. Mr. H ilt confused the laijuip mail, until a sturdy map undertook to Hood of financial oratory may Le ex­ Barrett up the beach. For twenty pected, as it is not likely that the other ALPHA' CLIPPINGS of Cuban autonomy, which lie said EXPERIENCE DOES NOT COUNT. years or more this same old man has will allow the talking to be mono]>olized had been extorted from Spain by passed and repassed on his tiresome by the explainers. B y E ves C hange . tiu ard: President McKiuley, and «aid that journeys, between tlie Umpqua and The Cuban situation in congress was I desire to sell as much of my present stool W. H. Bpaugh has a long «rtidsin tha ‘«Spanish authority jn Havana Siuslaw, Ever faithful through storm Feb. 7lh , 1898. eased tor tlie time to a marked extent possible within the next sixty days, In Hie Flown«» W sst op,msing a union of was tottering between armed forces and shine, in all the years lie has by the sending of that warship to Ha C. A. Polterf bag the only fountain in •liver and reform forces, Mr, Spaugli vans, but the advocates of the action i i-"“ *. t '0,.',,ty' 'n '« People of Alpha be- order to make room fur Spring without and tumultuous riot Journeyed to and tro, but few days have heve m improving their homes. fs an irreconcilable and will not rec­ found tho weather severs enough to are get.,ng restless ogam under cuon the Migs Bertlia within,” goods to arrive. GENERAL * ognise the plain business proposition Mr. H itt’s argument that ft the only means by which Oregon tan be represented in congress by men granting belligerent rights who will oppose the schemes of single Cubans was placed by him gold standard Leaders in a union of the ground that under the silver forces. against to the on the present condftious it w as possible for "good Mr. Bpaugh's abuse of tlie iteiuocrntic men, sympathising with Cu1m>8 rnnke it necessary for him to lose a trip. In time the valley lands were tnken and little farms began to dot the river’s shores. numerous reports that the warship was week down the valley visidng toe merely a trick to gain further time, and | Misses Elinor Hale and Clara Tabor. thoy may start some sort of move­ E. C. Potterf has been appointed road ment any day. supervisor for our district. We hope lie MERCHANT * * * ★ if. + * Then a trial wound its wav up tlie There is a disposition on the part of a will carry on the good work as in the creek beds and over hills to Eugene. past of puttingour roads in good con­ Come anti obtain prices, and have ft social chat if nothing considerable number of senators who fA,,otb*r ,”“‘l ro- ta ••‘»‘’fished and strongly favor some positive action on dition. we have a good scat and a warm fire for all who cuter onr tloon party is unjust and uncalled for. That K a s fo r a n u in b ero f yMrM a young Kjr) We are sorry to lose some of our the part of this government in behalf party sent Mr, Cleve.and to tlie rear as cause,'’ to make their way to the wended her lonely way through fifty neighbors. George Peil and family n traitor to its cause. Every vote it has ¡aland, “Suppliea, guus and am­ miles of forest and farm land to that of Cuba, not to allow a vote to be taken have moved out to Noti to take care of on the treaty for the annexation of Mrs. Peil’s mother and father who are east in congress as a party for year* has munition were going from the town. Hawaii until the administration has getting old. been against monoploy and clast legis­ United States,” and every pound Timo passed on, Florence was spread­ made a plainer showing of its Cuban Some of our young bachelors whose lation as exemplified in tariff and finan­ of powder fired in the cause of ing slowly and they were beginning to policy. Nothing positive has been faces are as yet not ornamented witli cial measures, (t wgs only last week have a somewhat longer bill of fare. Cuba’s freedom had come from agreed upon, but it is significant that I lie regulation military mustache hut th at U m democrat!« vole of the senate, The days of salmon and potatoes w ere have fair p r e s e t s of becoming so soon the senators are agitating the matter country.” This speech •a re one, was cast in uuiun w ith tlie this are doomed, if we understand the sup­ over. Lard and blitter were gradually few populists and silver republican is so full of the throat of forcible taking the place of ‘bear oil”. Other ; nd i re in political a cord with P e idem pressed mlitterings of some of the fairer vote*, and prevents Hie retirement of intervention, both expressed and fruits were usurping the huckleberries, McKinley and in favor of the annexa­ sex, unavoidably over beard, to get eye tion of Hawaii, but are impatient at the openers on St. Valentine’s day that greenbacks with replacement by gold implied, that it will be accepted and a Pickle might sometimes be had. slowness with which the administration’s will yet remind them of tl.eir younger bonds. Of the 47 vote« cast against Hurds of people were seen on the boyhood days, when they went to town MS equivalent to a notice that the Cuban policy is developing, and anxious the iniquitous schema 29 were voted by circus day to gaze at tlie elephant. streets. Opposition stores and hotels United Hiatt's will at no distant to hurry it up a little. An intimation democrats, 6 populists, 0 silver republi­ appeared. Soon Alleys as well as streets Several people here are tab,,',,» of . . . . -------- of thcir feeling has been given the nr» dote declare that Spain’s scheme cans, and 7 republicans, with f demo­ Z t ’ n'ew .nJL ' L ' . T . ’ *"J *',0" nce’e ! •ide»‘- The senate has so often shown putting hi irrigating wheels to punii. cratic and 1 sliver rapxbllcan paired of autonomy having utterly failed first newspaper dropped into tho homes water from Deadwood to water their its sympathy for Cuba that there is gardens, orchards and meadows wliicb against tlie measure. after fair trial, ¡t has become the of the people. little doubt of the success of a motion to will consist of a 20 foot under-shot But experience does not ruunt with duty of our government to inter­ Years rolled on, whole avenues have postpone indefinitely tlie consideration wheel with a bucket Httaclied to each Mr. tspaugh, He is anxious to again ...... ...... . ' fwc and restore the reign of nene.. been added, and today, u Mayor Wilson of the Hawaiian treaty, if it were made spoke wind, empties into a fluil,3 at taka tlio lutiidle-of.Uie-roiid with certain „_.i„ ..................... P - > rule the city, he top and will carry the water to a defeat staring bin- m tlio face. „ Iord cr » “ d to tho de in connection with a statement that it large pond or reservoir located above A neat little church stands on the hill was done to help Cuba. wmilsl nA.» the »l.-w priuciphis _ i . . lw pro- AMMfutciI wasv ««.!. vacated H()j| soil 1II1, at lbe moiith But Mr. Rpnugii’s«p in ion s «tajid for H,ie f^'ls hopeless to continue he conducting himrelf, a. we., as for Oeadwood as little. Tlie praotical uuauiuidy „ h i , j but it is not likely here now, Howe it happened we cannot Ins moilctt and unassuming ways. drown«"* -lrow „,..i a few years since, the Martins twittered so zealous and vigilant in the dis­ in the little school house. Only yester­ on his part in behalf of annexation T*k*rc« «Mil I w i r l « . ..........« ~ .iœ : T * , u l | u.b«r*a M olly mi S Xursver be uis* ch a rg e o f its assumed day a Mother Cary’s chicken was seen would be exploited by the anti’s »« after inly 1st. T1,e„ 0|K , s»u. »waetwr..«».aa*rt*u,, „ M . E “ K» m us mal anti ----------- . “ eWtWd o b liKu ti’’n’‘ Spaia that walkingdown Madison avenue, ami lie offensive meddlesomeness. papers will not be st ile if ai" j - w . C A R M A N . *•»< tl<>ir— I ¡n il),, tl... c. . The moral cowardice display by reme ,u* d »• • <«»«/ rervicL w'c w” °2” -ÿ"« !l‘®*‘,t‘< ’ * lly the United States has j did "Ot appear in the least frightened. •Urlutif iUnwU« C u ---ijnicwvn or NM Y>*lt | ---- - rv * ----- senators in the vote, upon several l,ow <-au read old ,,a,Ws T ®,'’ ' .. been tlie ally of Spaili in her ««frni-tw ir*M“«»t the out skirte of the «mu.Mj~.MMA_ . .. b . . M Teller ^ u t i o n , i Rre „ ^ ¿ a * wevk e7 r l)chii)>|, Wf informed I ■ amendment* *- to tho 'O -X ................. . Lord to r. prsMut O sg o u in loree . at » time. to represwRiug ttregow to th e U. H, but a lady should wear a veil or a boa- I ' ,Ut'°n the ____ senate. W« w ant a man » h o is liotli be \Solated the precedent« net by net In March or she may Tanner face, l,rv,ent Policy of paying lionds in gold, who under phyaicaUy and uu-uully »14*, ‘ ’ ^ w ' » • «V, but t h ^ .- ^ dor«, > tbst tells ,u U *°r calling them financial Fair- , *n ,re honest. wVhoveMrMp^r111* lt’ ~ « r the public, end this «ri»« Ö ’*^•’'•0 con^treeeiunal record, m*dle1nel merit, |a «y,. th t’ ,0 Perlstlve containing „ » votes in detail C0 tlie *bidine ~ a M e n c c fo u«'» togs in tb s Spper n rer sud its tribu Li«douiul of belligerent right* than *'"* * ho',r‘ ,rf >-Nn‘ taries. i « V 4> « l • « * ,., a , ,h . c o « re.„ i, X " ' j ; T' 11" " d_u" ------- W A K T K jF-T IW B T W O B T tfY AND --------------------- — u Pood r t a i In , the t a n noat t a t o i a l.e - e ‘ “ O l , I - l— i-.rfull. ’ E active gentlemen or l.dire to « f w u yearn duratioa front LS«S to been a small ' revel lor responsible, established I,o u « ---------- « post office. studied in more that one state, and to UGO hail not destroyed much But enough of Florence for this tiuic, ja Oregon. Monthly Nifi Wand espeller*. wake trouble for more than ooe eenator. Position steady. KUereine Kudos* perhaje our Gienada friend can Fur- -•'If-sd4fresaed stamped envelope- The ■ n - . n . i r r w c i x a m p e c i envelope. I lie Tw C u re C - M l l n i i H r m > H . ni*h u> «ufi i - t .. fc-einiaton Company, Dept, V Chicago. . ‘c ‘v T iu îT c iî^ d ’ l* u *rua *■•«■»*. v of tU t ci.y nrxt ■ S w e a t* Tow r B * w m * With t • “ v-k-V. lailiscure, drug.-i,tân tu,d ” eck. ( C athartic, cur* c