cold indifference of the stars. For hours she would remain seated nndcr a tre« without once kissing tho sleiulerest « TRA V ELEFtS’ GUIDE Ah. how m uddy’» oar country lone After autumn rains have Booh J the dtwtl her rosy finger tips.. Hut worthy, worthy is the girl I love So great was her despair teat at last Of all that can a youthful lover move. «lie resolved to destroy the roie that And I my top hoots miuldy make had dared question her title yo incom­ i* r • • Willingly for her sweet nako. parable Lvauty Alas, the knew only ---------- 8 A IL S With caarda hat act Jauntily too well that a dead rcse did not mean S T A G E L IN E . Xiul docket with perfumed toseraary. the disappearance of resea altogether» On the 1st, 10th anil 20th of each I’ll »trolladow it the village »tieot. .William P. Lord. vernorv ........ They would blecm again every epriitp- How a ll the girls w ill amile on uiel m outh. iretary of » 'a te........... .11. R. Kincaid. timc, every summer,'to the sham e.of Philip Metelien Wrinkled my top boots are and long. Leaves Florence Mondays, M edner- Single trip $3.00. R ound trip $5.00 lips less red anti of fkin less rosy white. in s u r e r ...................... Upon their heels gilt spurs shine hi lvht. But at least Eve would have avenged pt. Public Instruction ,.G. M. Irwin. days and Fridays. ■nn'y'll clank’the tim e to dance and ¡.eng. ,\V. H. Leeds. • How all the girls w ill ainilo tonight 1 _ ______ _______________ _ Thuts- the fir-»t insult. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays ite Matter —“ A Oirl'a Wnndeiing In H nngaiy.’ Fijst the thought she would tear her torney General....... .C. M’. Idleman- i days and Saturdays. enimy to pieces, trample it in the dust ............R. S. Bean Connects with Steamer and Scotts- For Passenger and F reig h t R ates among the stones, then fling it to the F. A. Moore preme Court Also with C.' E. Wolverton burg Stat e Line . (or Drain. fuiious wind as it passed. She had wtor ------APPLY TO------ C. Fullerton j Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge seen a vulture seize n lark; so would Jge Second District. J- On that particular morning I was in she have liked to tear the rose. Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. torney Second District. TVs K. > ates reasonable. However, site bethought herself <’f a decidedly seutimental mood, bi cunse the day before I had heard a young ami another tortcre. th e built upon thw charming woman accompanying herself sand a little pyre of dried grasses, light­ STEAM ER ed it with a glowworm, and picking at the piano anu singing the temiereEt o -----W ill make;;------- ÖOÜNTY OFFICERS tho rose tossed it into tho fire. A slwd- of romances in which during the Iasi der passed thirngh its eUBeatc petals TRIPS - G r o o c l s m S t O C K - . D A IL Y REGULAR note the butterflies of tho song linger ns, with a low, plaintive murmur, it at the heart of the roses. — Between - yielded up all its p( rfouiei'its charm, B a n g s , P ro p tie to r. .F . O. Potter. And the garden in which I was walk­ its tesy whitemss, its life ahel incom­ Of dge. ing was quite of a character to foster parable grace to tho devouring flame. i ............. K ö Ä j S taSe le a v e s Eugene M ondays At last udlliiug was It ft on the dyirg this gentle frame of mind. It waB net mtifttan otters embers but a little brag of white dust (........ A. C. Jennings!«»»1 Thursdays a t 0 a. m. and ar- wild or overgrown. Its flower beds, where bine, red aud —tlu> ashes of the rose—aud the wom­ erk................ • an, iu w hom savage instincts were al­ A. J. Johnson liv e s in Florence at 4 p Hl. the yellow balsams were ranged with ns Wool Sweaters 81.00 teriff......... rife, was satisfied. Men’s Suits for S4.50. Good Values. __ A. S. Patterson ! day following. much precision as tho Sevres cups and ready -easurer.. But tho Lutterflies iu t t» garden of D. p. Burton Saxony statuettes on a whatnot of a Ladies’ Wool Hose 20 cts. per pair. ssessor. . Eden were mad with unpuish, for they R eturning stage leave Flor* .0 . 8. Hunt provincial housewife; tbq sand of its loved the rese so hated fcy the woman. iliool Superintendent Ladies’ Flannel Vests 25 cts. O uting F lannel 20 yds. for 81. Tuesdays and F ridays a t 8 paths, where tho rake had left workings .C. M. Collier cnee Never again, quivering with pleasure u r v o y o t .................... as distinct, straight aud exact as the und delight, would they settle on tto J. AV. Harris and arrives in Eugene at fi ow n er... ..................... a. in. lines in a bar of music, and Its correct trembling petals, uovrr again brnsit F. B. Wilson) istiee of Peace........... and uniform borders, stiff as the frills with OIKn wings the pprftimed myiter- oustable. ...............John 1 Tanner j p. ui, the day following. of a dress that has not been crushed, of MB b* ai t. s«iemed to suggest the ambition of a it s While the fatal net was being com- very pleasant ideal—an idonl iu perfect Single fare - - - - mitteel thty flew wildly round the mere taste, without violence or exaggeration; ciless executioner, tut Eve did not even CITY OFFiCERS. Round trip - - - - 89.00 narrow, elegant, pretty aud quite suit­ | see them, to entirely was she given over O r e g o n . ed to furnish water color subjects. to her revenge. And now, as she walk­ E u g e n e , '• J ) Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s A July sun lavished its gold and ed off triumphant,, they «Irew near to F. B. Wilson j Uv(jry barni E uge„e, and a t H urd threw into the garden all the infinite ’resident. gaze upei.i the pale remains of tl^eir be­ S le e p in g C a rs that a bouquet is capable of holding. o . W. Hurd j & D avenport’s office in Florence. loved lying on the little heap of extin­ AN AMERICAN BEAUTY. A L .e fu l B oot Rack, A butterfly which was fluttering Win. Kyle I guished grasses. E le g a n t lio well regulated houses should be Marion Morris ; lourd ol Trustees W ash ing ton G irl W h o N ow R ank» a» around like two flower petals set free At least they would keep aa much of by tho wind brushed past n;y hand, her as thty could. So iu u tniuultuous without a boot rack that will allow the D in in g C a rs C. C. Behnke One o f B r ita la ’» Haz»slipping backward. The of Pless has already become famous. Lady Egerton’s portrait now hangs in I began, ‘‘wbauce cornea this delicate other two eborld be so arranged os to the National gallery among the master­ powder you scatter from your wings us tilings. Not long ago he waa al a,re­ A R > General Loins Post, No. 58. Tables furnished w ith all the TO w ell support tho boots, the heels being piece« of Romney, Reynolds and Lely. you fly from flower to flower tun you cepì ion, ami a few minutes Ijgfore c a s ­ ■uMts! second and fourth Saturdays C H IC A C O delicacies of the season. W ild so placed over the buck rod ns to prevent The picture shows her in a pose similar tell mt? I r.m sure you must have sug­ ing time he went to the coal Lox and liiipnth at 1:30 p. «’• oí W A S H H M C T O N gested the art" of the toilet to the per- soeufed hrs hat nnd coat. Then he w att­ any slipping forward. to that shown iu the reproduction given ( game, fish and fruit in season. Best P H IL A D E L P H IA J. J ijuTTKitriEi.D, Commander. fumer, for yours are the only wings ed up stairs to the duucing floor and Iu order to neoommodate boots of dif­ J. L. Funsi««, Adjutant. picked up another coat and walked ferent sixes the reds may be fixed, closer here. accom odations for th e traveling N E W Y O R K Unlike many great beauties, slio has that scatter whiteness like a puff.” The butterfly said, " ’Tis strange." home with it cu Lis arm. Arriving at together ut cue end than at the other. But as he bud nothing to do lie coude-( his home, Le feurd that he had ono BOSTON A N D A L L * public. Charges reasonable. It is a great and inexpensive home com­ seended to enlighten nie. 1 um sure wo coat ou and unother on hi" arm. L'ho n U W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131. fort.—American Quern. P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H .m e e ts every 1st 'and 31 Saturdays should learn many things that are not next day lie f und the owner of the ex­ • meow eve j anj vl!tlting For Information, time cards, roup» and ticket« A CuriouR A rgum ent. iu books and not known by learned tra coat; uud mutual explanations fol­ etc., call on or w iitc men if we chatted more frequently with lowed aud all whs well. But ttiatk aa Mr. Lnhoucbere argues as though one been eclipsed ly his latest exploits. Hp of the necessary qualifications for the the insects of the woods and field«. c urphey had finished liis toilet and started for W m . K yle , Recorder. #*» «** diaehatge of public duty waa the posses­ I General Agent, lloom» 2 and 4, Shelton Block, tho street. As soon us he’ made his ap­ sion of muaclia ear the power to kill When nubnru haired Eve w as horn nt w . O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. EUaR SE, OREGON. . pearance lie was greeted witn smile» Hcceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets somebody. That is a curious argument 16, an age at which the women of our I 0. 0. F everybody who saw him. Ho ^ every ^ w w Wednesday ed u v sd a y evening in Lodge A. D. C H A R L T O N , lu the reign of a Woman. If women time do not linger half long en o u g h - from B a » ,.....,, .... (Iresfon. Brothers 111 E U G E N E , - - - O R E G O N . walked dc.wn the street aud could not Oregon, cannot oigauixe thcniselve» to kill other in the miraculous Eden, teeming with Hall, Florence Assistant General 1‘aaaenger Anted. imagine w hut made the piiesertfcy swHe îvited to at tenu. N.Ü •M Morrison St. Cor. 3d. women, it only impliett that men ought life nnd youth, she was plunged at goodstouding inj at hint. Finally lie reached the restau­ P o r t l a n d O r . to give up sneh insane folly, aud the first into an ecstasy of admiration at ASDKEW líRl’NP» ndveut of woman w ill, doubtless, has­ the night of so much mugnifireuee, and rant w here Le lake" his meals, und tjieu he realized that he was carrying some­ ten the dav w lau international issues not the smallest puug of envy poisoned BO YEARS* w ill bo settled, not by base bloodshed, her heart. Even before she had g u ed in­ thing iu his hand. He looked ut i t and found that he had curried the lighted ■XPERIEMCE O H U RC H D IR EC TO R Y but by rational arbitration. As thing" to the nrurest spring all creuturcs crowd­ lamp from bis room nnd had watke«l are now, women suffer quite as mneb ed around to do her homage, and after T w e n tv -th re e . - __ " ’ T and iu some respect" even more from having seen her own radiant reflection several blocks along the multi street ATERIAN CHURCH, Florence, war than meu suffer, and it is a mon- she concalved a profound feeliug of with it in his baud. M ile s W e s t Another case is cited concerning tbs jn Sabbath set sew icc. Sabbath- n. Sabbath atrona »njiisliee that womru should have compassion for all other creatid things. . ‘ O’C . lOC ... k - a. ivi Prciichinu 11 of E u g e n e . m. Preaching same young man. At the offic« where 10 no voice at all in relation loan snapeuk- The splendid lights iu the lion’s a. in. and 7 p in. Sacrament of ahle curse of their sex.—London Meth­ ntnne, luminous iu the sunshine, could ho is employed fie has «H-rasion to an­ not rival the tawny brightness of Eve's swer many coll» at tho teieplmuo- On» odist Tim««. OCW«N« evening lie was reading a b«o,k in h>" long, flouting looks. welcome to all the sei \ ices. room when an ulurm cl-ak rung in tho Jy is T h . Is«r»rt In B rlr-» -h r»e . An ro w wading ■.»kv’ -h «md Christians to make Why should slie have been jcaleus of requests adjoining rcorn. Th« aL»ntmiuded The oddest thing in brio a-brae ia a 1 the swan, ainee liir own throat nnd Ives known. youth pet up and commenced to yell little Italian vase made of red rlay, np | 1. G. K notts Pastor. arms were made of living snows, or why on which, with a little rare, you tan of the great vines iu the fonst, her own •‘Hello! Hello!'' and when the occo nteiti nntu«, wKkotaWr»«. ln tn» I.AIIV OltFT-r.eiKPTOK. pant i f ti e other room inquired as th have «he ‘‘preen gras« growing all photograph, hut uo rolorlesa counterfeit embraee being far more lieacl.irous H a «anse cf tLc yelThhg Hie young man arouud” in the utmost luxurioumesa ODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ! and more sweet? All you have to do is to soak the vase eonld convey the rielinesa of a com­ rvice. Preaching at Glenadu ▲ fcjuuUom Tho sky. in its deepest, clearest blue, said lu a tlieapisli uiaunnr, “ Okr- I M oney Saved In waUr for a day and then sprinkle plexion dark, but exqnisitely clear and might buve hoped to rival bi r eyes bail thought it wus the tokuhoue bell riug- me two Sundays of each month TB*r ; four nim nu timothy s‘ed all over »lie outside. Tilt rosy, nor the woiidrcna lights nnd shad­ i they not had a softer aud more exqui . | j„„ “—Pittsburg Chronicle Toiegruph. Sunday at Kttr«»4a»T. By Il-geliool every aeed sticks to the wet rlay and sprouts, ows linking in her eyes aud hair aitn azure. every Thins- Prayer inceli ng 'ht f ut.. WMhwkl P a tro n iz in g It. aud in ubent ten days from tire» tim> There is aboiU her fare end figure a Talk It Over, In line, she ltiokcd at nil things, ami ning at the church. Evurylxidy G. F. Roixp", yon sow your «red you have a harvest charming girlisliuesa that would never n great wave of pride cumo over her. I have Icat k d renw things in tt*i ly invited. I Pastor. in the ft rm < f a green juekrted vuse suggest to the stranger the fuel Hint r,he “ Without doubt,” she said, ' ‘all i" course cf a long T.nsiness life ui:d "till Tw o ku u tliern W om en. Prop. that makes the most beautiful flower has now been nia’Tied mere than half a very good, but then what of it all' liavo n treat mauj’ cflifertt to learn. Qeo, Hale Mrs. William Felton, » 1 » represent- receptacle imaginable. dozen years mid is the mother of three Hut the chief thing I have «earned Aud thereafter 1 .« r ed Ofofgia lu lb® national council of The grass lasts for alsiut a mouth it children. Bhe hue been spending the ATTORNEYS mothers in Wusbingtcu. aud Mrs. Wil­ yon are careful to keep water in the winter in Ceylon rs the gw at of Sir raent was to sit under a tteo and r*1“'' <-nu lo ccndenagd into ol «> nugget tif liam King, who v a* the leadhig dele­ vaae, aud thi n it can I e peeled o ff mid West and Lady Ridgway nt the govern­ all tho «¡ay kissing the rosy tips of Li r | wisdom iu thrvo wbrd", Tulk it. over. If thy husftifis enemy offend thee, gate from 'Le Atlanta Womun’s club to renewed iu the sume utanuer aa before. ment honse, Bir West being the present slender Angus. business CARDS. den t smite 1 im n’• “ d fogyi»» of ek etii’g women to fill all the city almost any wiUt flower «bat enn be to her splendid nnd vietorious rival. n.ore friendly nspet t. Ilcje't K‘ * ,u“d A »»«in«», of which you cun lorni no office» ba» proved a complete sue«»««, taken np with native moss around ai d rush to your oeak anti scud u sct.i'cli- idea, took 9« ’«a«'«»ion of 1st, v. Iio-eeu- tb« eity huHneaa being eendneted by tbs roots, w ill looji cliurming wlim ing utter; Loa wan and a Christian pt'-maev, acknowledged by nil ilhrr _ poll lx at diaht'iKAtj, Intimp< ram e aad them iu • earefni. rctmoviio»! a»d el.l- Kt il _ l its saucer Inside the silvtr created things, was «ttzpufed ,hx.jl la« to und go yeurseff. ■arrowne««.— L'x- reUgkaa I rim, which ia really on«: * cent« rplree. eiaat Binuuer. ■ __ Talk iti.vct — Uaidwart*. O regon. flower, th e no longer had auy 11' asuro Fiorone»« After the table is cleared the plant, io in the llnit«"»»We. iwt«i.lW.««l ho""« azines, etc. They w ill lh(P be at hand I fortunate thing" kept her “ table gorten” shut op Husband (gtowliugly >— , '^’^Tf»*» "I «”•*'; i n ‘We » on M -n lh la ta h W » '“« expenses. at a iRf>tn*nt*« notffF, and yet not in in a waab boiler iu the cuwL «larkcellar. bnt Eve no longer watched them. Ail ulght she dreamru bitterly of het have meant, for yno T' Po-ition steady. Reference. En«l"ee the wav is ri’tt ntt wanted. |E a1Noesi». ‘ «««»it •“ » M » ? » , — Exchange d r a l and tosacu ntatnifcuttu under the had luck ever since I'te aelf-ailiireeeod stamped envelope. Tha Steamer Robarts H .H . Barrett, Prop’r, HAMPTON N E W ¥ Florence to Yaquina. Wc CAN SAVE YOU MONEY VV© lo u c y c L ir© o t c o o 3,” f r o x i A tT i© f a c t o r y —° H a v e EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. Ê. DRY GOODS, n o II O RTHERN Pacific,__Ryj; * HAM PTON MORRIS . * HOTEL, IU Head of Tide Hotel) h A HO TEL EUGENE. R. M M , I» E l k P r a i r i e H o te l. P atents , . . . ON E U C E N E A N D FLORENCE S TA G E ROUTE. COPVRIOMTS A«- Scientific JWierka«. Süïü* a . b . potteh - AT - XoJL'W, : O»egop. R, Notary Public, Surveyor PATENTS w B. ANMWA«», L*»». *•»•«» «S»»«», NOTARY 1 alore noe , - - axt > PUBLIC. OREGON pqipinjoh Cowpany, Dept, 5 LhiratfOi BROS., ashes , of coses .