'■ .¿fc J" 3ÏC ** V' ^ ODDS '* “ ’*' '■ ----------- - —- - ’ « .• '* . ¿K ~M' ^ ^ - y| -ADNTID E N D S . - ................................... ■ ' * NERVOUS BREAKDOWN T h re e It Conet to the Preacher fren Over Study and Brain Tire From the Huron * * , #% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % #% % % % % % % % % % % % % % . PRAYERS 7H E LITTLE c h ildren s a y . Th<||»ray«jfd the little children say— Til© hoy are not fine of Xpwx ii, But they hold doe per mystery Tiuin Any toino could lwu»h, And they reach farther np to heaven Tluiu wisnr pruyem oan reach * The angel» laugh to hear each day The prayer« who little children say. STU A RT, T H E PAINTER. TH E PATE NT M E DI Cl N E M AN. Gurluu* Wits Born of 111* Faculty For H eading Faces. H e W a ite d I .o n g F o r IU '*alt*, a n d T h e y C a in e W it h a K u s h . It Cornea te Any Parton, tee, who Worriet and Frets. ïf t * D e s ir a b le T i 'B / m , Bad Axe, Mich. A “breaking down o f the nervous system” meat nor vegetable». I dared not allow my hare feet to a* lunch as touch the cold carpet or floor, to suy nothing of taking a cold toot hath. If 1 did 1 was immediately seized with cramps. In this condition I com­ menced to take Dr. W illiam s'Pipk Pills for Pule People. I took one box und felt no better— in fact worse. I suid 1 would tuke no more, but iny wife urged the matter, feel­ ing uiy life depended upon the result, a» every thing else had foiled, uud 1 tins “ used up. I tnerefore continued to take them. Siuce then, und it has been several months, 1 have had hut one slight attack and have enjoyed life. Have preached all summer and held revival meetings for fifteen weeks. During that time my wife was sick seven weeks, so that my rest was much broken. Some nights I did not sleep at all. 1 huve had no musculur exercise for years until re­ cently, when 1 have dose some work in my garden, and my muscles stand the test re­ markably well. I can eat any thing I de­ sire, anu can now enjoy a cold bath daily. Every Sabbath 1 pre&cn three times, and now think I am good for another twenty years if the Lord wills. 1 am surprised at myself and sometimes think it cannot he possible that 1 have accomplished what 1 huve. (Signed) “ K kv . J. N . M c C ready , Elkton, Mich." D r . W illiam s ’ M kd . C o ., Schenectady, N. Y. Find attached, the affidavit o f Mr. Mc­ Dear Sirs.-—In April, 1896, I was a hope­ Cready, made before a notary public. less ease, owing to a complete breaking down S tate of M ic h ig a n , | of my nervous system and to a persistent C ounty o f T uscola , j S8, stomach trouble. I had been treated by a J . N. McCready, being duly sworn, say, great many physicians hut received no per­ that the above and foregoing statement.» manent benefit. I had been down four times made by him are true. Subscribed und with nervous prostration and twice with sworn to before me this 23rd day of July, gastritis. These attacks would come with 1897. J. D. B rookes , Notary Public. such violence as to throw me into spasms. All the elements necessary to give new life The time came when physicians said I must and richness to the blood and restore shattered stop preaching or die. I would be so ex­ nerves are contained, in a condensed form, hausted after the last service on Sunday that in Dr. W illiams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. I could scarcely get from the pulpit. Many They are for sale by all druggists, or inav be a time I have had to sit down and rest be­ had by mail from Dr. W illiams’ M edfcae > fore I could leave the church in order to Company, Schenectady, N . Y., for Ou cent© gaia a little strength. I could eut neither a box, or six boxes for’$2.60. is a mtxieru expression,—a modern com* pfoiut. it is induced hy prolonged strain aud the overtaxing o f the nervous system, j a d b ^ U product o f over hurry and ¿„.tie. V aftects the preacher end the lawyer—the direct result o f brain tire. It affects people in any walk of life, too, who worry anu fret. It means a depleting of the nerve forces. It is curable by complete rest and change of scene, also by the use of nerve restoratives and nerve foods. As the first method is not within the reach o f all, the latter offers the most universal and practical method of treating the complaint. When it is de­ termined that medicine is to be used, se­ lect that one whicii contains the most nerve- nourishing properties. Do uot take nerve touics. They only stimulate, and the reaction leaves you worse than you were before. Select the medicine that is to the uerves what meat is to the body—one that as it builds up the nerves, also increases your weight. The best thing for the purpose is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, the reputation of which is built up bv solid and indisputable proof, and which is known in every hamlet in the country. As a proof of its merits in such cases, read the following letter o f a clergym an: ★ S ta r s i n “ I iloa’t waul people to look at my “ It was more than 20 years ago that pictures aud say how beuutifnl the dra­ I decided the thing was ready to bo pat pery is. The face is what I care ubout, ” on the market,” said tho inventor of a said Stuart, tire great American painter. compound that lias now passed ent of He was ouee asked whut he considered The prayers the little chhlren say the category cf patent medicines aud ttie most characteristic feature of the No toiling angol brings. Th«7 pass right through the shining ray f face. He replied Ly pressing the end of become well introduced. “ The question That senr<;bes selfish things. his pencil against tho tip of his nose, that bothered me was liow to get tho (They are so h ttls that llwy slip stuff before the people and make them distorting it oddly. • Between the muerding wings.) His faculty at reading physiognomy personally acquainted with its qualities, And God cay}, •‘Huai* and give them way I’ -The i ay or* tho little okildron say. Sometime» made curious hits. There so Ibat I might find out whether was a person in Newport celebrated for my own faith and confidence iu the The prayers tho little children say— Ah, if we know tho samel liis power« of calculation, but iu other article were justified. But how was I to For oui rt, no wl *e and gaunt and gray, respects almost an idiot. One day get it into people’s hands? That was Walk wearily and lame, Stuart, being in the British museum, the question that I had to answer. And by |h o Mnw they come tp God cattrc upon . bust whose likeness was I went to tho wholesale druggists, aud They Havo forgot his nanie? Would wie m©y some thne learn to pray apparently unmistakable. Calling the they said it would te useless to put it Tho prayers the lilt In children suy I curator, he suid, ‘I see you huve a head ou their shelves, us nobody would buy —Post Wheeler in New York Press. it. I sent it to doctors, but that did very of ‘Calculating Jem m y.’ ” ‘Calculating Jemiuyl’ .” repeated little towurd getling the article into the T R O U B L E FOR HIS H O N E ST Y . the eurutor iu umuzemeiij. “ That is hands of the people. 1 gave it uway nt S o ld W i t h • . . . .... * fairs, und the result was that a small T h . N e g a tiv e R e w a r d o f V irtu e In th e the head of Sir Isaac Newton. ” On uuother occasion, while dining portion of the people there got nearly XVIody C ity by th e L u lls. with the Duke of Northumberland, his all of the stuff, while the ethers went “ A queer thing happened to m e," aaid Bailey, lighting u freeh cigar. “ It host privily called his atteution to a without any. Plaiuly that would not d a But I didn't know yet what I would 1 wus only one of those -incident« of atreel gentleman anil asked tire painter if he do. travel that m ight happen to liny oue, knew him. Stuart hud never seen him before. "After awhile it occurred to mo that hot anooyiug from tire Eiffecoustructiou “ Tell me whut sort of a man he is .” I would start a man in a buggy driving p o t njkuf it. ” in a certain direction. He was to dis-1 “ Let’s hear it, ” said the other fel­ , " I may apeak frankly?” ’ tribute the staff to everybody ho met on W om an au d A m b itio n . j By all m eans.'' low«, making themselves comfortable. ‘‘Well, if the Alm ighty ever wrote a tho roud, and in that way the stuff Ambition is a most desirable quality “ I was riding ou tho electric,” suid Bailey, “ and in tho ecat opposite was u legible hand ho is the greatest rascal would finally get into tho hands of the when it does not carry one so far into people. I was going to have relays' the sea that the waves are stronger than preGy girj. ” « ‘ J that ever disgraced society.” It upireared that the man was an at­ enough to stretch a line across the j can be buffeted successfully. Woman’« “ Ob, you consider y iurself a Judge?” torney who hud been detected iu sundry country and start a man from the west ambition, as a rule, forces her compara­ remarked cue of the crowd. ' to come east through the territory the tively much farther than man’s. Be she “ I certainly do, and I let her see I dishonorable acts. that I appreciated her godd looks. B a t 1 Stuart's duughter tells u pretty mt,try other man could not reach. I was going single und working for lier living, her COAST' my admirutiou made no impression. of her father’s garret, where many of : to send the stuff on ahead, so that at ambition generally leads her to the hope different points ou tho road the man of accumulating property, or dressing iu T he young womau busied herself iu g et­ his unfinished pictures were stored: “ The garret was my pluygrouud, and wonld be supplied with enough to give fine gowns, or owning handsome jew el­ tin g her faro ready, and I Watched her ry. Married, she is ambitious for social as she deftly ixtrncted a dime from her a beautiful sketch of Mme. Bonaparte j awaIr- “ The fellow started on his long trip position, for worldly honors to be show -: pookelbook and hold it on tho palm of u wus tho idol tbut I worshiped. A t lust j I got possession of colors aud an old , an<1 distributed thonsauds cf packages ered on her husband and children, I pretty hand, ready for tho conductor.” panel und fell to work copying the pic-I of tbq stuff. Other men started in ditfer- through which she shines in reflected “ Yon were hit hard, Bailey. TH E CHRONICLE rank* w ith |h * greatest ture. “ ” • - ................... “ Xhpn I thought me cf n ./o w u fare, J ™ au d d el d/ { !“ i,rd “ fri8htiul mar­ ent directions, aud there were only a glory, and so in many instances she newspapers In the United States. aud'a* I was holding a newspaper in « g K° o Ud' The kitchen chimney was ou few thinly populated aud remote coruers struggles and strives, worries and eon- | TH E CHRONICLE has no equal on the Pacific Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news. mvhand I rose and dived down into my lire. "r e ., my father uppeured, to of the couutry that coukl not huve some trives until, beaten or triumphant, she i THE CHRONICLE'« Telegraphic Reports are see i t th e lire was likely to do'uuy diim personal experience of my invention. ____________ „___ _ r„ uulral .JuyB. discovers that she has exhausted phys- th e latest and m ost reliable, its Local Nows the pocket fur «nickel. The conductor came fiuished 'Upsaud Iw ait- > , ical strength and mental force fo r a fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from ths , None w ho a re engaged in a n y o f (he m echanical along and I handed it to him just as age. He suw tbut I looked very foolish ablest pens In the country. ed. But no response caiae. The people at being caught at such presumptuous m y vima-vis said: cliimein that fuils to sntisfy even when TH E CHRONICLE has alw ays beeu, and always “ ‘What has hceotno of my 10 cents?’ employment and pretended not to see whom I had expected to answer with a within her grasp. Many lives are sacri­ w ill be, the friend and champion of the people as p u rsu its can succeed w ith o u t read in g an d against com binations, cliques, corporations, or “ There she sat staring ut her hand, me. But presently he could not resist cry for what I had given them remaiued ficed to ambition. Dark hair grows pre­ oppressions of any kind. It will be Independaul looking over my shoulder. mute. A year passed, and every cent of studying (his sta n d a rd M agazine o f Sciences maturely gray iu worrying over what Hi s vary thing neutral Lu n o th in g which wus no longer occupied by the “ ‘Why, hoy,’ said he—so ho used to uvailnble capital bad gone into the keeps forever just a step ahead of the piece of silver. We all looked for it. scheme. Thousands of dollars had gone, uddress me— ‘you must not mix your and m echanical A rts. I t is illu stra te d w ith hut it had disappeared, aud she funud a pursuer. Contentment is the jew el that nickel with which «he paid her fare At co,u” with turpentine. You must huve and evidently no more bud been done means absence of wrinkles, long, undis­ all m odern cuts o f la te st inv en tio n s in till toward crcuting u demand than if the turbed nights of rest, placid days and a tbut moment I slipped my bund into It ia pleasant to add that tho littlo stuff bad been locked in a closet aud rare enjoyment of the things we have, my overcoat pocket uud found there the the branches o f m echanism , an d its fund o f girl who thus found her inspiration left there. I strained hard, but I never whether they be much cr little. 10 cent pier«. “ How could you ideutify it?” asked eventually hieauiu a portrait painter of could bear tbo voice c l Ibo public call­ Speaking from the fullness of per­ know ledge is inseparably connected w ith ing for my invention. Tbo months were sonal experience, the writer pleads with merit.—.Y outh’s Goinpauion. one of the boy«. ‘ •• •' •' 1 ln - miserable with suspense und despair un­ “ I never carry money in on outside women to lay down their arms and ventors and mcclianies. Sold w ith T n i) til suddenly tbe public, to speak meta­ FOR AN OCEAN VOYAGE. pocket. Besides it had not been thero u calm ly aat out And th . thinkers Io portray, aud that cramped, rtokcly by their papers at home for not ticinc is a group o f in terestin g men a n d little Franklin press tbut John W. F«>r- a chew of tobacco and without moving bo given to cattle is iu lumps, big more assiduous in looking after the uey uud I used to work played a big a muscle said, “ Licutenaut, you hud enough for them to lick handily, with uommercial interests of their countries » and «heir ,,m ig , „ s „ „ part iu the making of tliu nation uud better try tho other barrel. “ Forrest no danger of their sw allowing them. O í» T H K O T H E R S I D E . and bow they arc bidden retake patteni ”“ '»‘ ’ia T h s ftpear. timed, sugar-coated pills, a hlch tear you alt to “ make a man feel sm all. ” »s.y ruasciaoo. c a t N L v And *° “ M- - pieces, are not la It with Hood’s. Yasy to taks Tho kind woman who bad come into In old days, when the spear was used New York Merchants’ Review. tbe darksoms place to cheer him smiled as a weapon of war, men had to be verv rodiauxly. careful haw they carried it. if in a Anethrr Eccord U ro l„ B, S o l O altty. “ Good “ Ubly tb lu k ,” she urged, “ how strauge country they bore their apeare Professer Scrnggius— Yes, it » a fact I exm M,t* E lfe r s ! How do? m uch worse they would be if they ran potut (oi ward, it was takeu aa a ciocia demonstrateii bv science that i the tho other way. Dotroit Journal. ration of war, w hile if tliay earned •mi easy lo o|>er.,t», la I m e earth’s supply of watl , is tin.Her I , 1 haT‘ !”>«ts them ou their shoo Mera with tbe point of Hood's n il«, which aro Colonel Pepper of Kentucky—Well tortile '» « " S Ä Ä » « « A O * In ^ono couulry district ot Germany batkwaid they were treated aa friends up to date in every respect »uh I can look the world in the face ’ ’ Mil luvi- “ pay wtxtdtiiga*’ wera iu vogue «util Safe, certain and «„re AU aud boucslly «ay that I am not to blame Utiou. I know, but”— recently, each |u e s t pa viag far hi« ou- 'út tiu,« i, ,ti w _ It is my creed that a man baa no *oggf«U . v C. I llo.») g e„.. t owell. Mass. iu tbe least.—Clevelaud Leader. dwicr?' tertattiu>ebt as much as lie would at au claim u[m« his fellow creatures bayoud The only I’llta to take wllh It jvxl . Sarsaparilla. “ I I w w m ill r I,. , rjdT ,n Past flv I .’ I du afld tbe feceipts bread and water «»d a grave, unless he H o r r lb lst UZANTEIKTHVSTW ORTIIY a n d to set up the happy pair hi can * lu it by his wwu strength or skill. •dtd »ho w a s — r u . . ' minutes. ' A woman, being informed that her ud PU iu ’ ’ active gentlemen or lathe, to husband was drowned while fishing ,,ff Deale home.' —Hawthorne. travel lor responsible, established house (he coast, exclaimed: Qu«!**««, <|il, ts a grevi thiag. Tlir XI n ' ***■’" P’in». it him who ncglecta to raise the inOretew M.inilil, -Aft 00 ,ii.| exo. u-e. “ Horrible! H ct.ib lsl Aud he had on -Mi«s Pescbblow —I | u . , it\ of ’ uuud m ia a iu „ ii. ‘^si-.faiirB feu, lest w lien he falls no cue I‘"«i'ioii s'egde. Keiereme Em live a gold w atfh. three diamond ring* •’» m „ «, nir feft ,#st u «o h » than «roto of lll.ts r y r.ra «ip, ,„ r e trb oa, b u bnl¡d |(J , jf| ’•elfa.l.ln s-»-l sn inion Company. Dept, Y Chicago Y «k JournalI P n ” y c i‘" ’- N * w And The A R T S a -n c i S C I E N C E S a iB E m CHRONICLE S c ie n t if ic A m e r ic a n . THE nnSMnPDLITAN, the : d a il y Only $ 6 .7 0 a fear. The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 . 5 0 a fear the arena Reversible Map? Map of the W orld No Gripe Hood’s Pillsi look over this croup . wake your selection . ■THE WEST. -, FLORENCE. OR.