T S IL T C O O 3 T A L K . TXTHÌ W E S T ..J - U B lU lk D FRIDAY Moy al o ia k t> th s 1ood pur«, • few «al < B y C. ail M akfb . MOHSlXd— COUNTY C O U R T M A TTE R S - Tlie conntv court lias established an election precinct at Heceta the polling place to tie Cape creek school bouse. We give lielow tlie election boards ap­ pointed in each precinct tu tlie western part of the county. The tirst named judge was selected as chairman in each instance. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with m ine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an un­ healthy condition of tlie kidneys. W lien urine stains linen it is evidence of k id-' ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also con­ vincing proof that the kidneys a n d ' bladder are out ol order. W.-ll-a-day, lack-a-dae! Wbv don’t somethin« happen? Mr. Editor I should be happy to send you a who!» «rut of •»FMWB' ìc «. L axk C ovxty , O kkoon .— news if it only were to he found; hut - - - uv - • • nobody gets married, nobody has been horn, no one, that I have heard of has M atleto n . fallen heir to a fortune, nor are there Judges—W W Neely, II » Gray. Fred ; E d ito r and Proprietor. W H A T T O OO. any new cases of Klondike fever; not There is comfort in Hie knowledge so ■ even the sharp report of a gun disturbs Bean. Clerks—Frank Knowles, M J Had- often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer S i __T bbms : <1.50 a year in advance.----- : the quietude of Tsilteoos. The gentle swamp-root, tlie great kidney remedy ; deer are freely bounding—I write lids snll. fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tlie H eceta . in whisper for we want no excursionists Entered at the post-office at Flore"‘* ’ Lane county, Oregon, as second-class w ith hounds and guns frightening away Judges—E W Cobb. Ira Bray, W G back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part ol the urinary passage. It corrects . mail matter. Absolutely Pur» 1 our pretty pets. Sliarinan. inability to hold urine and scalding pain Clerks—Geo Griffith, W II Spaugh. I suppose Mr. 0 . B. Morgan will not in passing it, or bad effects following I ADViavinisa rates made known on ai - visit his friend S. B. Colvin until the F lobencb . 1*1 ICATION» , use of liquor, wine or beer, and over- . ; hear season opens. I wonder if yon all Local notices S cents per line, each insertion , Judges—John F Tanner, W R Me- 1 comes that unpleasant necessity of he­ ftOVAt CAM1NG POWQgS CO-. NffWVORW. know what a great bear fighter is | C o ru a c k , C B M o rg a n . wing compelled to get up many times approaciiing a bear Mr. C. B. M.7 On approaching t Clerks—Frank q1.rit<_ F ra n k B ils o n , j Joe o e jriu ri.» . i . . „rinate PERSONALS. B W Wilson, Morris. Florence, Or. February 4, 1898. ’ Tlie mild | (a caced bear) he doffs bis coat, takes a Clerks r during tlie night to urinate fresh chew of nerve stimulant, and, L ake C reek . ] and extraordinary effect of swamp-root C. Sweet was in town this week. nearing the cage doubles his lists and ; Judges-H enry Tabor, J P W his- . ¡g soon realized. It standsi the lug i t W E S T L IN Q S . W. L. Fisk of Acme went to Gardiner | dares the monster to tight; lie twits man, G Steinharier. lor its wonderful cures of the most him of his swine-eating propensities and' C lerks-J A Burnett, Charles Potterf. treMil,K « , * . If youneed a medic Eugene lias voted to levy a two mill yesterday. Mr. an __________ ____ prices. Mr. Brewster is making preparations John Powell and wife moved to The regular quarterly examination of W alton . SCHOOL TA X VO TED- to complete his house. teachers commences in Eugene next Mapleton Monday. Judges-A D Reeves, E Thurman, Mrs. A. E. Brewster gave us a friend-1 Mr. Schuster recently lost a fine Wednesday. Wm Cornelius. At a special school meeting held in young cow by falling and breaking her The San Francisco Examiner and the ly call the first of the week. Clerks—J L Atkinson, C W Lyons. y |orelIWS Jttu. 27th, 1898, after consider- Weffr for one year <2.50 paid in ad- J. A. McLeod went to Gardiner Wed­ neck. Tliev have also appointed tlie follow- abJe fljMUMi- bushes in bloom in the dooryard; tins State tax.................................. 3 ^ mills district of Oregon by President Mc­ Mrs. Catherine S Davis died in Eu­ in the third week of January. ¡School t a x .............................. .. • • ® ,, Hall’s Catarrh is taken internally and Kinley. gene Jan. 27th, aged 87 years. With Mr. Austin with a son and daughter C o u n ty t a x ................................... ; acts directly on the blood and mucous Preparations are being made for a her husband she settled near Eugene j moved to Gardiner this m onth; they Court house tax ............. 2 j surfaces of the system. Send for testi- dance at tt.e Mapleton hatchery Feb. in 1847. ! are living in tlie creamery, where they ; monials, free. 22nd. A grand good time is promised Total................................ , Harper Workman and W. S. Brewer . have nice comfortable rooms. Mr. F. J. Cheney A Co.,Toledo, O. all who attend. The court has advertised for bids to be were passengers to Yaquina on tlie i Austin works for Mr. Reed and tlie Sold by all druggist, 75c. received up to Feb. 21st, 1897 for fur-j Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Wedn?sday was Cadnlemas day and Robarts. They are on their way to the j young folks go to school. If tlie old saying 1« true, the bear prob­ gold fields of Alask. Miss Katie Erbardt, who lias been nishing all materials and labor neces- , sarv tu build a court bouse in accordance | C O U N C IL M E E T I N G - ably staid out unless lie came came out Casper Tylden was a passenger to quite sick for several weeks, is improv­ with plans and specifications already i early in the morning. ing in health. Mrs. Mattio Fink return­ Yaquina on tlie Robarts. He intends to prepared. A check fur five per cent of A special meeting of the city council T o C o r e C o o .t lp o t lo n F o r e v e r . visit liis brother in Idaho on liis way ed to Acme last Thursday after a visit to amount must accompany each hid as a i was held Saturday evening. The resig- ’ Take Ctisturets Candy Cntharlit 10c orSSe. her mother Mrs. Erbardt. I f C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. to Fisher, Minn. ' nation of D. E. Severy as city recorder Mr. Simon Kelt lily lias been riming a guarantee of good faith. Mrs. I .each who lias been visiting was presented and accepted. John II. _x-Heceta Lodge No. I ll, I. O. O. F. of dairy farm on Smith river tide summer. SUNDAY SERVICES. relatives on tlie 1 Morris was elected to tilt the vacancy. Florence nas lias purenaeeu purchased Hie iuo Cathey — j me river fur some weeks ---- He came home last week to his Teilt- property in Florence and will use the ! retnrne(] home by Barrett’s stage Wed- in I The council then adjourned. coos ranch, a-horse-back and overtaking Preaching at usual in the church , -------------------------------------- I ne8(j„y morning. Her daughter Mrs. | game for . lodge purposes. I.a Grippe on the way and brought it Florence on Sunday Feb. Gth, 1898, at _ Sarsaparilla, , Frank Hartley accompanied her. Mothers praise Hood's home witli him. T H E V E 8S C L N O W IN FROCKS» OF CO NSTRUCTIO N 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. because by its great blood enriching j p rew Severy and family have moved j I. G. K notts , pastor. T H E M E O A L C O N T E S T . in husi- qualities, it gives rosy cheeks and vigor- ; to gi|etjs where lie will engage W IL L B E O W N E D BY T H E C O M P A N Y «: While the peo- ous appetites to and I puny Mr. Phillips. W pale ---- * children. j ‘ negg wi»h . . . . . . ---- B SHERIFF’S SALE ON ANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ' pie of Florence are sorry to have them Tlie first of a series of silver medal EXECUTION- M » gentlemen or ladies to leave they ivîq »! Mr w AM active wish Mr. Saovpiv Seveiy inftv may urosoer prosper contests to be given this winter under in his new location. the auspices of the W. C. T. V- ol travel for responsible, established house N otice i s h e r e b y o it b h , t h a t s y v is t u e B. A. Cornell of Seattle arrived in Florence was held in the Presbyterian of »n ExecutlBii Sj!»srlb> t v 3 b A C n erson, with Win. Hardell, W. L. SUCCIENT on February 26. I*«, vlr. Ole A. Myriud, on times tardy The judges then retired, the- audience h. «. no. 7J78 for the e!< u w 'i of «ec 7; tp. 18 «., I and Chas. Hubbard to assist him. 8 lieing entertained by music while boys enrolled authokitative . is a good workman and the boiler r. * west. Leaving Their Wem« He nam«i the f-dlowlng w itn ess» to prove awaiting their decision. Mr. Bendict •• girls “ ow in first class condition, 11 in a well chosen speech announced the hl» contluuou« r»»ldencv upon and cultivation Total number enrolled J . Bangs was arrested in Eugene 8 j result and presented tlie medal to Grace ot. aatd land. »1«: g e i,M g Vatabelary Taras ! week on the charge of rape, the Average daily attendance Those on the Roll of Honor, who Lloyd. Victor Robertson then recited W. H. Weather-mn. of Florence, Ore.; and A. S47 esitar« aaS Sp»et«ll»u »plaint being made made by Miss p Knowles, Frank Knowl»», and il. B. Gray g j j R»aScrs ter Qmetatteea (G illam . Upon examination Bangs were neither absent or tardy during the i that amusing piece, “Joe Jones.” Mrs of Mapleton, Oregon. term were: Edward Ia,o button. It M. VSATCH, geee IlhMtraUena Holden thanked the audience and the j I hound over to tlie grand jury, his Miss K atherine E- H anna , Register. I exercises were concluded with Home Coat ever g » *« ,eoo ill t-eing fixed at <1,000. Being un- Teacher. AppeeSi» «4 4 7 -4 * * Eatrtea Sweet Home,” by the orchestra. 1 to furnish it lie was lodged in jail. W .ll. WEATHERSON ^AKlH^ S iu s la w POWDER C o m p a n y O r g a n iz e d , CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 No. of Shares 10,000, at $10 ; EACH. E v e ry b o d y ’s O p p o rtu n ity W h o De­ sires to V is it th e N e w Eldorado« This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley Should^-^^^-" Own at Least one Share. ITS AIMS ABE PORELÏ GÔ-OPEBATIÏE.' W o r k B e in g P u s h e d V ig o r o u s ly . Standard M A R R IE D - Use only one heap­ ing teaspoonful of Schilling s Best Bak­ ing Powder to a quart of flour. You mutt use fuze tcaspoontuls o f okher baking pewdef. b Dictionary DON'T MISS THE OPPDBÏÏNIÎÏ OF A LIPS T i l l A laska C o ld M in in » & N a v ig a tio n C o . notice for publication . The (u tl number of word» and term« 1« I,cnd office, at K -mhure. rtrezon. In Florence, Sunday evening Jan, 30, ) January 24, IS» 1898, at the residence of J. 8. Montgom- > Notice 1« hereby given th«t the following- named mtiter bsa Bled notice -»f hl» Intention ery Mr. Frank Montgomery and Mise u, make Dual proof tn support of hU claim, and Maude Tripp. F. B. Wilson, J. P. j 1 that »»Id proof Will be made before (!. H. Hot- officiating. I den V a r.rntwlmlonvr. at Floreiu», Oregon on ! March 21. 1808, vis: Kill» II. Vader on h. e. no. » IR K IN E U G E N E . j tur, for the nw!4 “* U- *F 1’ f- 10 we»*- ----------- He names the following witnesses to prove A dwelling house in Eugene owned by ht, continuous residence upon and cultlvstlon different dlctiouarte» tor the entire alphabet 1» ■a follow»: S’-osaoiTH , 40,000; WUBCUBSTSB 104,000; WgsrrsB (tntenm tlonsl), 124,000; Css- tost , (sis volume«. complete.) 2JS4W0: STANDARD, over »00.000; mm RR w » « » « « te » t,» » i n e n « ,m » se M Y CATHARTIC .Sam ple Pages Free. W . I I . A tim m s was d estroyed b y firs of mid tend., vU: Jnrgenwn ,„ d «eery last week. E. J. F ra s ie r an d family have of AKtRit« Ore.. End W llllim Jortenson | AGENTS W A N T E D , occupied the hons» for the past l * ° ! w,idpoet, Oteguu. years hut they l.sve been in Califotnia B. M for at out two month», and as no one K. D. BRONSON a CO, lived in tlie house «firing that time, the , Pacific Coast Agents T H E WHOLE system teeto the fire is thought t- tie in c e n d ia ry . SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I offcct of Hood’S Sarsaparilla— stom­ I is vai red at <3,470. The! urniture There was <700 insurance on tire o-.n-i ach, liver, kidneys, heart, nerves are strengthened and SUSTAINED» tug <1,710 Ht the foiOtt i.c. « OREGON. FLORENCE, cumcoityrti in â m i «Duunit Jtesse beeMetteea. art sntauaa FI**»; *^***8^- L