\O V E R T IS E R S 1 T H E W E S T Î YOUR H O H E PAPER • k S U PP O R T IT L.Ä . oÄiiÄtsS. A rA -A SIUSLAW’S 0ÎTLY ?APSE. O P P O R T U N IT Y L *- ' • —1¿^~— sí^KCíi NO 41. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Feb. I, 1B98. M il. J iN E R A L DIRECTORY TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. STATE OFFICERS- G t-J V R D IIs rE Z R . TRAVELERS' GUIDE Steamer ~ ~ S T A Q S L .I N B , Governor....................... William P. Toni. d eeretarv of S*»te ........... H- R - K incaid. rre a e u re r ......................... P h ilip M etelien d ipi. Public In stru c tio n .. .0 . M. Irw in. ...W . 11. Leeds. S tate P rin te r........ Robarts S A IL S H .H . Barrett, Prop’r ; ^ » ” '-1 0 , 1 1 of Leaves Florence M ondays, Wednes- Single trip »3.00. Round trip 85.00 days and F rid ay s. A rrives a t Florence T uesdays, Tlitirs- ! days and S atu rd ay s. C onnects w ith S team er an d Scotts­ For Passenger and Freight Rates burg Stage L ine for D rain . Also w ith j ------ APri.Y TO- Stage Line for Coos - B ay. C harge I reasonable. Meyer 4 Kyle, Florence, Or. HAMPTON N E W * FOOD FOR TH E FIEND THE AMERICAN NILE. NEW YORK’S “FinEPROOF" SKY­ SCRAPERS INVITE A HOLOCAUST. SUCH IS THE GREAT RIO ORANOS, WITH IT9 VAGARIES, O n e . W e l l S U r t . i l ■ C u n fla e m tlo n M ig h t f t 1» a R iv e r of F re a k ta l» B a M te SM W ip e O n t « h . Ueot l ’a r t o f t lio B tu ln c M M u s t B e Seen M o ro T h a a O aeo i o B a C » - S e rt lo o - T o o M u c h Ir o n , Soy» C h ie f o f d .ra tu o d - F l o w . F ir© D e p a r t m e n t D o n n e r. b u t a t T i m . » T h e r o 1» a M a la ly C a d o r< ra a a 4 , Torroa* o a Tap. • ’ New York’s business section— that “ It’s a river 1,600 miles long, ■>«— fart of the city that includes the newest cred in its windings,” said the man F lo re n c e to Y a q u in a . i f modern fireproof buildings — is in from New Mexico, speaking of the Rio ,C. M. Idleman Attoroey General. great danger of being wiped out by fire, Grande. "For a few miles, at its mouth, ......... 11. S. Bean j Capitalists who furnish the money that tight draft steamers run np from tho ......... F . A. Moore i-ulf of Mexico. Above that It doesn't S uprem e C ourt puys for erecting these new buildings ilont a craft except at ferries In the old i::: C. E. Wolverton ! ilo not seem to realize this fact, although days, when New Mexico was a province Judex Second D istrict. . ..J . C. F ullerto n Att i- iiey'Seeond D istrict .W . E . Y ates ^ 7 “ d i r e c t * * * * * * * * * 1 the veteran chief of the fire department r f Spain, the people along the river reiterates this statement about ones) a f.iiUi’t even have ferryboats, and the .inly way they had of getting across was year. Read what he says. s t e a m e r “ c o o s ,” f r o m tlx © f a c t o r y “ That a big section of lower New , by fording. For this purpose a special of large horses was reared to bo O O U N T Y O F F IC E R S Win n ^ e : — o H a v e x x o o l d . 1 York feme day w ill be wiped cut by breed Are is probable if existing conditions kept at the fords. When the river w— REG ULAR D A I L Y T R IP S " - ' " Z = " = = C 3 - O O C i S i l X S tO O J S .. too high for these homes to wade aciosa, S T A G E L IN E . continue,” Fire Chief Bonner said to a travelers camped on the bank and w ait­ ; Press reporter. ■ ßetw een - ed for the waters to subside. Now there E- B a n g s ,__ P ro p rieto r. These conditions are the height of the are bridges over the river at the larger J u d g e ...Z .......................... T . O. P o tter. buildings, the material used in their Rio Grando towns, and in other places . . . tV. T. Bailey Stage leaves Eugene Mondays I construction, tho narrowness of the rope ferries and rowboats are the means C om m issioners - ' ' ' ’ ' ’ ' ,j. j , Callison streets and the inadequacy of the water of crossing. and Thursdays at G a. m. and ar- _ C lerk ................................. A C. Jen n in g s ‘‘In times of low water a stranger supply. -------------------- :---------- - • It is a favorite argument that if worst seeing its current for the first time Sheriff. J...................... A. J. Johnson rives in Florence at 4 p in. the camo to worst, buildiugs ahead of a would bo apt to think slightingly oi tbe T re a su re r...........................A. S. P atterso n day following. Men’s Suits for 84.50. Good Values. Wool Sweaters 81.00. burning nrea could bo blown up, us the Bio Bravo del Norte, as the New Mexi­ Assessor............................... » ’ Returning stage leaves Flor­ Ladies’ Wool Hose 20 cts. per pair. farmer turns a dead furrow to check the cans lovo to call tho groat river. Mean­ School S u p e rin te n d e n t..........C. e. H u n t pruirie_flre. This theory is not udvanced dering in a small part of a v^ry wide C M . Collier ence Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 Ladies’ Flannel Vests 25 cts. Outing Flannel 20 yds. for 81. Surveyor....... .................. v * * „ any more by intelligent wen, says the channel lie would see only a little muddy C o ro n er................................... a. m. and arrives in Eugene a t G ctream, for oidinarlly nine-tenths of the chief. I . s l i c e oi P e a c e ..................F . B. W ilson We can fight a flro 125 feet high, or jjjo Graude is underground, the water R C o n sta b le ......................... Jo h n 1‘. T an n er p. m. the day following. ten stories. Above that wo are well soaking along toward the gu ll through u nigh helpless. They say that the modern the sands beneath its channel. The v»l- tall fireproof building needs not as much ley, bounded everywhere to left and Single fare _ - - - »5.00 protection as the ordinary low structure. right by mountains or foothill», 1» »andy, N C IT Y O F F IC E R S . But the fireproof building is yet to be and the water, percolating the aaad» Round trip - - - - »9.00 S built. The communists couldn't destroy down to hard pan, spread» out on each Tickets for sale at E, Bangs's I O r e e o n . Paris in 1871 even by the use of barrel# side so that it may alwny» bo found of petroleum. In American buildings anywhere in the valley by digging •resident..............................F- ».W ilson livery barn, Eugene, and at H urd P u llm a n are all the necessities of a big, hot fire, to tho level of the river’» «urface. For S le e p in g C a rs UP ON THEIR WANTS. O. W. Hurd & Davenport’s office in Florence. | A W in n e r N evertheless» without the aid of a drop of petroleum. the greater part of the year the rim AV in. K yle “ There is the usual disposition to be I t IV a . Q u ite A p p a r e n t th e W t t n e . . K n e w The large structures in foreign cities abovo ground flow» swift and muddy, E le g a n t to a rl oi T rustees M arion M orris come jocose with reference to Alfred are built far more solidly than ours. narrowing as it swirls round a sand bar L a w y e rs W e ll . C. C. B ehnke D in in g C a rs Austin’s poetry,” said the matter of The cioss examiner had had the w it­ Having fewer forest# and less wood, and widening over shallows. But the fact person. .Drew Severy T o u ris t ness on the stand for some time, aud European builders get along with little thing that strike» the stranger moN Recorder.. “ Yes,” replied the pale youth whe the latter was naturally getting a little inside trim of wood. Iron aud steel in quoerly is its disappearance altogether J . A. P ond S le e p in g C a rs Treasurer writes, “ but his detractors can't cblit-1 these days have taken the place in this for reaches, many miles in length, of B . A. E vans ......... J. o. FLINT, Proprietor ST. PAUL erate the fact that he triumph3 in one t weary. V »rshal. “ If you would only answer my ques­ country of musonry. Nothing w ith ­ its chauuel, which, exoept, it may be, F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n . respect.” M IN N E A P O L IS tions properly," said the yrossexaminer, stands fire us well ns a well constructed for a water hole here and there, i» oa “ What is that?” i who was called by courtesy a lawyer, brick wall. Iron columns uro covered dry as Sahara. The river is keeping DULUTH with four inches of terra cotta or brick, right along about it» .business, however, ‘ ‘He gets his poetry printed. ”—Wash­ “ we would have no trouble.” S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . OUR AIM—To furnish the best ington Star. FARCO The witness, who was a good witness, which fire und water can tear off in a and where a rook reef or clay bod block» G R A ND FORKS TO accommodations at reasonable - simply looked askance aud let i t go ut short time. Then Hie stripped iron is its subterranean current it emerge» to I . I t S ot left to warp and twist and tumble. I tho surface and takes a fresh start above ____ Florence Lodge No. 107. CRO OKSTON ‘One peculiar feature of the new that. V. Regular A A. M. communication on second prices. believe tho covering should he eight ground, running as a big stream which, “ If I could only get you to under­ woman business occurs to me, " h er e- W IN N IP E G ____ farther down, inay lose itself in the stand, ” continued tho lawyer, “ that all inches. "n fourtli Saturdays in each month marked. "With only one night vvatchmun iu a sand« again. ‘ ___ H E L E N A > » < 1 I want to know is what you know, O. W. H crd , W M. “ What is it?” she asked. building, in danger, like ull mortals, of It is when the flood» come down we"— B U T T E I G. K motts , Secretary. “ It is almost invariably tho old wom­ “ It would take you a lifetime to ac­ sudden sickness or incapacity, and with that tho Rio Grande shows why it re­ an who is the new woman, or at least no night elevator, u fire could get a quires so big a channel for it» »11 the quire interrupted the witness. w . W. NEELY, Prop’r. T H R O U G H T IC K E T S it is very seldom the young woman. ”— The that,” lawyer recovered shortly after, good headway in the upper floors of a year round nso aud demonstrate» that Chicago Post. »1 A R , G eneral Lyons P ost, No. 58, being accustomed to knockout blows, 20 or 80 story building. Bnrsting out if the waterway wero even wider it TO of the windows and fanned by u strong would be an advantage to resident» J . m e e t! second and fourth S a tu rd a y . Tables furnished with all the C H IC A C O aud tried to explain himself. So F u n d . wind, tho flumes could easily leap tho along it» banks. It is fed by »watershed delicacies of the season. Wild W A S H IN G T O N “ Whut X menu is that I merely want ,f each m outh a t 1 :30 p. m. Mrs. Ferry—I never saw a boy so narrow streets of lower Now York und of vast area and steep descent, which J . I, B cttkiifield , C om m ander. to learn what you know ubout tbiB game, fish and fruit in season. Best P H I L A D E L P H I A fond of pets as Bobby is. a Ure of enormous extent aud damage in times of rain and melting «now» pre­ affair,” he said. "I don’t enro any­ J. L. F urnish , A d ju tan t. Mrs. Wallace—Keally? begin. cipitates tho waters rapidly into the thing ubont your abstract knowledge of N E W Y O R K accomodations for the traveling Mrs. Ferry— Yes. He has worn out a "I have ulways opposed putting a big chauuel. In Juno, when the snow melt» law or your information in regard to BO STO N A ND A L L ; kitten and two purs in the past three public. Charges reasonable. theosophy, but what you know ubout building iu City Hall park, believing on the peaks about its headwater» in months.—Cincinnati Enquirer. that the time might come when that Colorado and northern New Merieo, and P O IN T S E A S T « iid S O U T H a O 11. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, this case.” meets every 1 s t and 3» Saturdays “ Ob, that isn’t what yon w ant,” re area, needful as a base of operations, later in the «ummer. when heavy »hew­ For inform ation, tim e curds, maps and tic k e t, W h a t Old H o M ea n t would be tho salvation of the city.” ers and cloudbursts aro the order of tha etch month. Members and v>»ltl,}8 etc., calx on or write Jeems—Did Miss Highbloom and Mr. turned the witness in an offhand way. Most of the new skyscrapers have fire day, the Rio Grande overflow» it» banka, brethren in good “ I’ve been trying to givo you that for Hiishleigh explain what they were up tu invited to attend. J. J. A nderson , M. w . fighting appliances of their own of more deluging wide tracts of valley and R . M c M urphey , when you saw them on the piazza lust tonic time, and” — or less value. Tanks on the roof and iu times carviug a new channel for H»el^ WM. K vlk , Recorder. *** *** Of course the lawyer pot in Ills dead­ General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, night? the cellar ore supplied und kept full by changing it» course, f«» mile». Where EUGENE, OREGON. ly work in the line of objection# at thia W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. Deems—No; they were very close various systems, but these are as much the valley is unusually wide and sandy, O O F . Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meet, point, aud the witness had to stop. mouthed.—New York Journal. A. D. C H A R LTO N , for the ordinary requirements of tenants ns below lAkila and A the Merilla vol­ every Wednesday evening in Lodge “ If I don’t want to know wbut yon it F lo r en ce,----- Oregon. Brothers in E U G E N E , - - - O REG O N. as for [icssible use iu fire. Some of the ley, the old cboi{ncl» in which the river A ssistan t General P assenger A gent. Hall, know about this particular case aud W r e c k . A lo n e H ie Ito a d . structures have standpipe» inside or ont used to flow axe plainly Indicated in tha 255 Morrison St. Cor. Sd. ^ • ta‘‘di1,gÍ,7 . 1 d ^ ¿ l esS N . G nothing else," inquired the luwyer lat­ “ Snd ubout the Duzeustickers. ” F o r tle u x id O r . side the wall. Legally there is no way er, “ what do you think I do want to of compelling the builders of what is landscape. A ndrew B hvnd Sec. - “ What’s tho matter?” “ No one who has seen the great river “ They’ve lived together 16 years, and know?" called a "fireproof” building to put in in flood is likely to forget the poritire BO YEARS’ E lk P r a i r i e H o te l. Tbut seemed so easy to the witness they never had a quarrel until lately, more than the moat ordinary fire appli ferocity It seems to display m its water» experience when they bought bicycles of different that he almost luughed, and he showed anoes, even above the 126 foot line. sweep all before them, and woe to tha O H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y u willingness to speak that made the makes."—Chicago Record. Building a 20 story strncturo is much man or beast who is overtaken by them I * lawyer prepare to object before a word T w e n tv -th re e like building a dwelling house iu one Tho flood arrives without wanting. Tha was said. T h e D e m a n d s o f F aalilou . 1RE8BYTEBIAN CHURCH, Florence, respect—there’s always deviations from sky may be.clear abovo when the travel­ M ile s W e s t Jones—How is it that yon never play [ “ It isn’t what I know that yon want the plans and improvements upon them. er, leisurely jogging across the wide T Oregon. Sabbath setvice: Sabbath to know; it’s what yftn think I know golf. Miss Smith? 1 though you hud sehtx»LlO o’clock a. in. 1 reaching 1 of E u g e n e . For every alteration from the drawings I that you’re after, aud you’re trying to tiled wlt'b the building department tbe channel,* hear» his wagon whrels gv»0a ? * „1 and 7 P- in. Sacrament of takeu lessons. upon the staid with a peculiar sound. I t make me know it or prove mo a liar.” D esigns tlie ffAwi’s supper on 1st Sabbath of Miss Smith—Oh, yes! But I’ve only permission of tbe board ot examiners menus thntMie water» are stirring the la n u a S ; A p rT July and October. C opyr ig hts A c . Then it was that every one in the. A nyon. .ending » .ketch “ ¡J so fur learned enough for conversational courtroom knew that he had been on must be had. If tlic alterations are prop sands A efteqth 'liim, and then. If ha Ev" rehab is welcome to all the services. «n<«.kiv nBCprtaln our opinion Tree wnetner »u purposes.—Brooklyn Life. er, consent is granted, but on condi­ PastoJErcquests Christians to make fnventh»n in probably patwtable. Com the witness stand before.—Chicago Post. tion that approved fire appliances be put kuows the ri’tcr, he lashes his bores tfonfl strictly confidential. Handbook on l »tonta making nt a l l . speed for tho nearest aent free, oldest «»«ncy for a^urtng s te n ta . theme^lves known. D raw on T lie ir IxnacinatJnnfl. in tho building, particularly in the up­ bank, and Incky lie Is if he reoohea it Paventa taken through Munn & Co. receive I. G. K notts , Pastor. Fancy Jacket». “ How is it you don’t see any bathing I tpreial notici, without charge. In the per stories. These include • stipulation A topic that is perennially interesting that at least one elevator shall be ready safe. The chance« are t hat before he get» suits worn like those in the paper»?” thuro ho hears the roaring of water» ap “ 1 suppose becanse tho artists have | cannot be cousidi red hackneyed; there­ to run at any time in tbe night in or­ tho channel and sees them coming down aBETiODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH A hanitanmely lllu«trat«d weekly. fore a discourse e< net ruing fancy jacket» never been to 1 18 seashore. ” —New der that the firemen oan get up und service. Preaching at Glenada needs no apolcgh #. It is on the tcoks down quickly; the putting of hose and toward him with a front like a wall, M oney Saved Yolk Journal. and A « ie two Sundays of each month of fashion thut we are to lieur consider­ fire buckets on each floor, and, usually, rolling forward and downward 0» tf M U N N iCo.38,B roidw ”-New York By 1 B rin" ora“ « P Bt.. Washington. D. C. SabbfA-School every So*‘d!L5[11]r“t able about them lor some time to come. a standpipe, with couplings for each over a fall, with a rising flood behind. M inter M o o n lig h t. Many a man and whole wagon train» 10 a. iB. Prayer meeting e v e r y » “ Motley is the only, wear,” says Hliak< s- O Mr. M oonlight. gt> , o ' w ay P a tro n iz in g it. floor. Wheu the builders consent to sdd ,Uy « X in g at the eb'yeh. Every bo y En d o n ’t y«»’ whinp lik e dat! peure. The gri atly varied fabrics intro-1 these equipments aud other# deemed have been overwhelmed In this way, A f t e r th e G a rd e n P a rty . cordially invited. G- 1. Fer it nitw’ »’ollie tim e fer de break er day duceil r.'id the < iver#ity shown in their , necessary, including a competent night and, buried In sands or east away aikin loud, in the way of trinkets, sticks, lace hand appear quite imufticii l i t a# a substitute | To the end that the fire resistance of them. ’ Like the Nile, the. Rio Oresda En de m eh n round en f a t ! kerchiefs aud li/ve letters is forwarded .to m e y -a t L a w , for u heavy winter coat or eape. Being j building materials shull be known pesi- euriches the enil ot it* valley to the E li I fqin the river to be dis­ lined Velvet blouses ure still worn with • 5 0 .0 0 0 public the better to guard the secret of are apt to tread on other people # toes. PO TTER. bourd of oxiiuiuors. P A ID U P O A 8H C A P IT A L . tributed through little gates to the field» The man who walked in where l:c saw liundsoine cloth skirts with both bouse » 6 0 0 0 0 bis craft Charcoal thread is sold at The cry for more water iu tbe lower of the valley, which It both water» and ’< - * S U R P L U S ANO P R O F IT S , a sign, “ Walk in ,” mid who was or­ and street costumes. Their simple, i Attorney-at-Law... wholesale fcy the gramme (1 5 ^ grains, part of the city lias been insistent for enriches. A trip along the river reveal» aud is used for incandescent lamps. dered out, wa# a literal man, aud so waa . vere style remains uni hanged, elabora­ years. Many have been the plans fur n succession cf p’qtnres of » primitive eloese , óreoos . he who went \nlo a pawnbroker’s shop tion being txereiied in the case of a c c o u n t s SOL i IOITHID That for the 80 candle lamp costs filS,- reservoirs ut tbe Battery aud cn cither civilization of the old Spanish-American ¡>rrtca At th e Court Hounc. 000 per pound aud that for 20 candles aud demanded 40 shillings Leeansc there tloow s of brocade, satin or similar light , side half a mile cr a mile up stream. type. Adobo villages, with small, ft»« OREGON EUGENE, was a plucurd in the window that read: textiles. Modified mutton leg sleeves, ' >8,000 per pound.—New York Ledger. “ Look nt this watch lor 40 shillings. ” i costly buttons und u very uhttow fur Every time an i xtra Huo of pipe has roofed houses built about antique “ I locked at it," said he, "and now i roll on the flaring collar ami t u t s foim been laid with the object of famishing churches, nnd the spacious house» of the W i t h th e L ig h t * T a m e d I Io w a . the needed surplus it hat been tupped vices, nr great men; orchards, vineyard», a BENEDICT. n o tar ies . ■ the sole decoration, und frequently the | I wuut uiy £2. ” “ Do you notice any increase io your The most amusing incident we have showy buttons aro omitted. On theutir , up town. The fire and building depart­ wheatflclds and grazing cattle »re all gas bills since your daughters are old beard is that of the ccuutty man who, ments hope that the two 48 inch mains feuturcs of the scenery of the Rio i A T T O R N E Y - A .T - X j A-TJV. blouses of russiau red, green, brown or : euongh to receive company, professor?” while sauntering ulcug u city street, being laid iu Fifth uveuue w ill be left Gntndc, the American N ile."— N ^ black velvet a more ernate style is ob- "Yon have recalled something, sir, for Hie relief of tbe scctiou below Cham­ York S un .______ ; Oregon. A . R. B U T T O L P H , • e n able. Tndor or Queen B< s;i ruffs arc saw a sign; Floreuce. that is inexplicable to me. We regard "Phase ting tho bell for the care­ employed with addition, cf creamy lace bers itreet. Chief Bonner says the Forty- 8*vast*|M >l. , ,, matbematica as a fixed acicnee, and yet second street reservoir should not be dis­ plaiting* or rnelies of mcusoeline tie taker." Tbe fort Iflrat ion» of Sevaetapol, which X ntnrv FtlbllC, p u rv e y o r It is a fa c ttb a tlp a y le s s fo r g a s tb a n turbed until water is flowing undiverted After reflecting for u few mi«nh-s, he soie, some of theio having tiny eluate rs 3 U ld l J l i i o i n . . - ' j whcu the eutire bOTiehoJrt uaed to re- cauficil the allies bo roach tiooble^MfWg walked ep aud gave H ip belt *ui b a of perfumed violets in the hetut of eat h through these muius to the locality that ---------------- • tire together. It'a astounding. De­ need, it most und for which it is in­ the Hix months’ Acfenao cf the pull that it nearly came out Ly the fnll plait.—Now York Post. by the Russian», were Ot fire* v«T troit Free Prvas. tended. O regon loots. In a few n.incUs an ungry fiiccd F lo r e x io e . That New York will be bronght face weak, and military expert» say there»» mau opened the door. The first anthropological society, fer might huve been taken by • vigor«»» “ Am you the < aniukrr?” ai:k- “ 1 saw that notice, so 1 mng the bell, in Oregon Monthly <06.00 midexpenaee. the strength of the w«th»e [ and now 1 want to know why y,ts. einets. — New York Bits». SC. A . CKOY7 & C O . giestiCK Dominion Company, Dept, 1 (Chicago. »— rwr Cr*,— • \ !—M,we— P. c OREGON FLO RENCE. - - WECAN SAVE YOU MONEY EUGENE-FLORENCE Florence and Heafl of Tide. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS’ FURNISHING. H ORTHERN P a c ific , Ry- * HAMPTON BROS., E ugene, : : MORRIS «*» HOTEL, Head of Tide Hotel, A. HOTEL EUCENE. »onio- I. P atents ON E U C E N E AND FLORENCE S TA G E RO UTE. M Scientific fliturkan. i PATENTS NOTARY LLi-teeLT '■ ■ * . « * PUBLIC. Rn»»iw ‘_____