r A HISTORIC HOTEL Three J * * H M The F m r ttt m tj la Aata-BaHaai Days— Often Patranizad by Abrabaai L ln c a ln -F ra « Ha Veranda Stephan A. Danglas Deliv­ ered a treat Spaaeb—A f ala tha Saana af an Impartant Evant. * Desirable ★ /Vow» the I'rk-Ctmnty ¿fcribe, Ptyinouih, HL * * Ur. sad Mrs. Canipliell Tliuiupaon run the I she could not stand straight. One of the doe- historic Cuyler House at Plymouth, 111.,a lire- *»ir P ri«{r»". ,ot Augusta, was the first Kicha/d Oglceby bought refreshment, for the h ? *° “*d ,"’r .<’“ «• Hs doctored her THE QUEST. maer man in ante-brllum days, and from the $ SEEK FREE DOCTORS. M ooble S k irted E ffects. i doctored her most all the time, f t t when the veranda of which Stephen A. Douglas de P p a i lay Ups then, full «lieu first th e alyht H istory repruts itself perhaps ofteuer to m o U u*»r K *pe>1»aeea In th a livered one of his great speeches. Habit« was fen years old «he had an unusually severe Pa I US in the highest heeveu, seuln« day in the m atter of dress thau in any other _ O l»pe»«*rlre a f M a* F ork. 1 his article has not so much to do, how* attack, and we called in Dr. Kreider. of Prai­ Fur ikrM-u the futheiulene eastern <1"Ptl“ ; respect. Years ago the fashion of ar­ Itao least hi.p« of nay change jg this Away— ever, with this historic hotel, as it has with rie City, where we were then living. Be ranging trim m ing on the dress skirt to the landlord’s thirteeu-year-old laughing, trietl hard Io euro her but finally gave It up. f°*“ d t y to all policy r .McDaniel who doctored her after we came n ow York city i t Ioeated ou the ', w t And then ray ey es awoke to dazzled sight. nine of the thirteeu years of her life were «pent to Plymouth, but no benefit waa derived «Jde, aud. in view o f ita defiant about The wuriuth, the tender Ini) set and the thrill is worse confounded by m ixing the an­ on the bed of invalidism, that'tor months she ‘‘ Then I heard how Vntle Wesley Walton tique and modern in present modes Burnt on uiy ltpe, end the cabn pul»« of deep o f ali kiuda o f m edical charity, ha« ne ver walked, and for years suffered the pain had been cured by Dr. Williams Pink Pill* w ith double skirted effects. We have Awoke and quivered quirk In soft surprise, tam ed for itaelf the uueuviabl«, sobri­ misery and diatre«« of iuda/aiuaiory rkuuma- for I ale People. Knowing the condition he r reu i that day forw ard knew I lo v e ! had Iwen in, J ibou^lit if the pi 1U cured him the overskirt iiiuted at by outlines of liaiQ ia ita worst form. quet of the "diam oud dispensary." It i And utlU ruffles, braids und all the new trim ­ Able pUyniciuun were employed bht no they might help Ollie. Consequently 1 bought Uaa aoch a high repututiou for the num ­ By day I search und nightly vigil keep a box for her, and before she had fiiihheu It permanent benefit resulted. m ings, and even the bustle is favorably r o r her revealed to me in sueh strange n ine. ber aud pecuniary ab ility o f ita patient« ,rh;,l“ P*"‘ beard o f a wonderful eUrs she was much better. She continued takina looker! upon by many. Whether this all —The Late H. C. Biinuor In Herlbt.er's. them, and when the second boa had been used Pinkh Pd?'‘ »'*•?. hy D r W illia m ,’ that it w ould appear to be rather a means u return to the heavy draperies, ' nK V1"? ^’r I •*” BuxiSi.'. ■'•d was influ­ »he waa well, and has never had rheumatiem «redit thau a diagram, to roceive ita out- since. steels in the backs of skirts and huge enced by it to purchase soma o f the pills for TH E BOER AT HOME. rageoualy m isdirected charity. Such at “ 1 ,c*?n,ot to° H‘U«,h for tfa* Dr. WIJ her daughter. bustle effects rem ains to be seen. How for i 1 Geneve believe v Ollie would least is the inevitab le conclusion that x i n . ivr i n e would T ‘ r i— _ Before .lie had taken half a box there was hams’ Pink Pills U s D ues N ot H a t . A ll K n g lU b u e n . Only ever, if negative head shakings ou the may be based upon the large average o f I iherhid t X r° 7 m“ “ iB ‘“ C «"»'Htlon ; when B+s» o f T hem . part of thu sensible and comfort loving she Ixad takeu two boxes she vraa completely **’2“ / .. ^V ictoria T homkon *" w e ll to do people w ho claim daily the Subscribed and «worn to before me thia 11th ' - V »-/ B rjaut LicdJey m et u Boer and asked women and designers mean anything, respired to health. Today them .’ nut beneflta of free m edical treatm ent «0 day of September, 1X07 h T h i ' ‘ild ‘h. a " ? llie ’ ^ ’ '■h'y aad ‘“ diacrim iuately furnished the way. He received u aarly answer thia scare is only for the m om ent.— W. S. Rolttcx, Jfotury PuHit. of <^*’ ^l,rue tu th» attention of the editor w hich aroouuied I f ‘.‘Go to the devil! . W oman’s Home Companion. I ’»•reby state that 1 have examined Miu <«11 apply. Many o f these visitors Ollie Thompson, and find ia » outward ap> Upon this he protected ungrily, and the ) arc from out of towu district« and w ill ¡¡»id : M rilu“*P»o“ « own lip«. She pearance of rheumatism. W om en u» A frican T ravelers. M y aevera! d o lla r s tor car fare, w ill ask Boer rejoined in equal bud humor. At o . ., , , W- D. W ade , M. D. 8 o ld W it h This expression, “ The gentler sex are »««?«& 7 “ * i'“ rty’ » '" developed child for a w ritten diagnosis o f their disease length fho Boer shouted, “ W bat’a yoor ' Suh«enhed ami sworn to before me this ! and an extra prescription, uud w ill then namo anyway?" and when he heard it tramping through A fr ica ,” would b< Iroin the time «he was Imrn until she was 17th day of September, 1897. "he » “ ‘•kre dow“ - , "• S- B o MICX, AVgirw Publif. ootnplaiu if they are kept w aiting be- his manner altered at once, and he ex­ rather inappropriate when applied to whh’ re5" ° d- In ¡»flaixiuafory rheumatism. For oine . AH dealers sell Dr. William«’ Pink Pill» claim ed, “ Whut. and are yon the sou of wom en, aud so one m ight in n w o n youd the tim e for their return traiu for Pale People, or they will be sent po«t- eáw and fre* fnm the dia- The exam in in g doctor is content to ride the great Am erican m issionary Daniel " genteel" paraphrase refer to theii ea^e, and niucli of the time was iu an alarm- aiil on receipt of price, 80 cent» a box or six > 1 oxe« for f2.S0 (they ari . . . In bnlk L indley?” My friend gladly pleaded iïïS < h«diÎl?.n' At îiK**' ’ h« «"“Id not walk, > c (¡hey are never »old " w a ltx iu g " or " p irouetting” or "chiis- to toe dispensary in a horse car; the pa- u ^7t‘hez,"X),’ ,>y addres»ing Dr. William»' tien t cornea and returns in a cab. It b g u ilty to thia churge, and the snrly sein g " through the dark co n tin en t.. and her «pme wa*drawn out of «hr 4 w that Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. no longer , joke to refer 1« the display Boer became nt once the m ost hospitahfe M iss K ingsley having visited the can­ o f daamotids or th e number of women friend and begged forgiveness for his nibal«, other ladies seem intent ou sa t­ women SLAUGHTER OF DEER. «lad in sealskin s in the patienta* wait- rudcncHH. A i they rod« together toward isfying their natural curiosity, und ac­ the road w hich m y friend wua aceking cordingly there are to he several books in« room, nor does . .. appear to be uu- Gam« K ille d Iu M nutaua by N portsm ea the Boer recounted w ith grateful sutis- tellin g of wom en's experiences iu the lik ely the». In the near futore, couven ■lust F o r th e F u u ut th e T h in g. Ictxma v r liin o t be n q n ïn r t f » c ^ k V u « IT ”?.0" “‘",ny * °<’d decd<* Performed benighted land. W ill lady tourists open j W. H. Wright tells in Recreation ^ C41*" *“ d d l,to ib o “ “ * carriage uum* .bu ? ê " _  4d®r. L ,n d k y , but of them «n up Africa? E vidently woman is “ ■to“ “ 'till I ------ ap where roach o f M ontana’« gam e has t?r,..A ,b u ordsr o t tbu dlffcreut or ’“3 . “ I’U 'VU1‘ l *iat represented by proaebiug a higher sphere, but gone. Ho Hays: ¡ * a a . l i u 4fcbt ronatectloB, the follow .T iD,,. m ore than h a lf of them ,u X j t o r e. bullock w h ip th at the youn g g ia n t roar- w aist line look sm aller. Leather now | never heard of him since. He claim ed foire« «nd , plcle* ** *M,verty- But “ I None who are engaged ii ohtolned (r«e traata.cnt .nppoaed to be ed for mercy before tbe w holo «choo'l. may be had in all colors, to matqh till to have k illed 100, but I counted 150 • lita t peu« lu the country. in any of the mechanical b,,n' “ a •‘toy. A nd for th is and sim ila r deeds thu gown». Black silk belts are m ost be­ fiurcasscs in sigh t near his cam p the fol- w01Hh I ,b8 c*'y thrashing I ever had— he saved w y chur- " I could name more than 60 o f such ventors and mechanics. ,Or UW ' On '«•to« «cter, and I urn u Letter m an today, wear 1« oue of pnle pink crejie de chine Sold with T n« 7 tied in w ith a mauve sash and w ith a hunters w ho have killed thousands of «toured that flw ,footer received no ««I- thunkif to him . ” lst at clubbing rates. M y friend cheerfu lly promised to fluffy bow of niuuvo nt tbo throat. Oue deer and left them where they fell. On- nry from oource. the putieut became 7 1 v’ i i W.iUter two 1116,1 ,oft Spokane 1 grant the request, paxxliug his head as of d e l blue m uslin is all tucked and ““ d Pro‘4 ’ u '<1 'b » ‘ »he flounced lu a loose, floating coat over n and killed «3 deer in Idaho, not bring! B^ U e i t to atten tion equally w ith the to w hat w as going to 1» required of íj • « o u t a pound of m eat to show for i t I tody who had preceded her and from Him. The Boer w as m ounted upon au m auve m uslin undtrdress of the sumo w h om .h e , hou«e the week excellen t horse, w h ich he prized be­ dreigu. It is u perfect vision of summer. o f ¿ m 7 8e<'n1luany lod ian hunts, one ,h c h 1r e W lW in ,he «I over, bafura. — Dr. Uearga F. Bbrady in yond an yth in g he owned. l H le disinouut- A ‘ tea coat” of old tim e brocade, w ith F o n ia «d, put thu reins in L in d le y ’s hand and gold stripes and flowery lin es of roses 400 deer, but not one of the deer was b“e m d t i h: IndianS '“to ‘ »od «h en ; " then ran aw ay in to the black forest as aud forgetm enots, is tau gh t in ut the tW the m eat before they hunt again. They I M e w T h e y W ash. though the devil w ere after him . llure w aist by a broad black sush w hich fa lls ta ll*rdr?* * * , k ’ d washerw om en 1 w as no Indian g ivin g. T l.is Boer had on one side. It opens over an uuderdress ! k ill to cat, hut tho w hites k ill for f u j in tha world are the Koreans. They pul it oat o f tbe pow er c f the Am erican of w h im m ousseline w ith narrow ruffles Last spring one man in tho Bitter Root .¿ r e • ' “h ,* 1««“ • d e « « drs«w . f j valley killed seven elk w ithout stirring to discover the nam e or whereubopts of of black lace.— Exchange. from his track. N ot oue was saved. ” 8 i »hair husband«, and inasm uch as every- tbe atraugo giver. It is a story typical of tho Boer aud pantaloons or drawers tin » ou th » J o k e r . T H E C n S M D P D L IT A N , T en n y itio an“ ’ « Ph-oty tradictiona iu his nature. Ho does u„ t of an om nibus aud cries cheerfully to J / i “ ’ Ti * Wtohing is usually doue in Bate Lnglishm en in general. Ho hates »60 «inductor, "Is the ark full?” r e « 1 , ^ “ T “ Of , r n e ' a8'°. he wrote «••d w ater and often iu running only those w ho seem to threaten h is pc. nr T i^ . ° “ bOat h i’ for her i ' ' " [ep,iea " ,e jovial conduct toream a l b s cloth es are pounded w ith euliar q u a lity o f indepeudeuco.— "The or, wo have kept a seat for you What " t v ht’^ t i f u l dedication beginning Dear near and tru e,” ja that bit of T ow "r’•» * “• « »Ip there garm ents lin e. associated w ith her name. She was a best printed in this country, and is soil hrewd critic of her husband’s work T h a C h r o n le ia B a l l d l » , . iteslr ,,u'1 ,t,ey iruu *». Vaut» Kb»n'« W isd om . T h » O ld H a a d t » ,. Tennyson has been accused of inability 2*"‘ »preading them on a I t° «11 subscribers a t rates withiuth. treare ‘Z ‘ Γ ’'V RÜÜ,‘ H O U '« people “ B lottin g paper," said a man o f ma- **_ i “ **4 “ d *»«ning this up against »reata pet anim als an how bad dey treats to fuse tho different portions of a km« ability o fa ll to pay. I t ia finel> illuj w rin a?“ * ‘i*7- '» k to th e lure years, ‘‘has been com m only used hum an f o lk s ." s a id Uut.lo , . “ 18 Pw ni, and the difference in style be »ween "Tho Com ing Arih 7r" and for only about 40 year.. Before that we * r M a il, r o s ta « « P a id . out Of lb s clothes, and some ‘i . X ! m"re m L ^ ah ^ “ ‘ebrxly say t'-ated aud presents tbe nam es o f famous o f theta have q u ite a luster. The Jap- ore« aoud, w hich w as poured from a flat fate dog ia ’is m<>«' “ M y l h o 7 ‘ ?h <,g A r ‘ . ! U r” " n d ,h p °» h er W ï $ 6 / 7 0 , f e fsith fu l friend. ' ° " i UPUU tb* lU,1* r Enough — W ashington Star il i n r . f h K ” ‘k h a * been cited in i « * “ wom an does her w ash in g out of T r e authors as contributors tolT re .H e r " “ i’ ‘ub * not more than o f it adhered to the w et ink to keep it U d v T e n '' Conc*>rnin« 'hi* difference T h e W est from blotting. The reat w as poured tex inches high uud ia about Lady Tennyson rent to her sou ouIy P e rils or th e H e a te d S p e ll. big bock Into the bux. I think I liked tbe «nd the Cosmopolitan •round "aid are sold at re- ..« » a as , . tbs average d'*hpan- übe old sand box better than I do the mod o f I h V c u i!" PrOitr“,10U‘ par« ■Th« r “’’1’ Cfo.rfi her dea" 1’ The Com ing of A rthur’ and 'The Pass «®te »h. dirt out of tb« clo th e, by rub ,ll't’ed rates at this office eru blotting paper. ¡Sometimes wbeu « » f i »Irete betwuen ber bando. Nh. rel« rhr’hUr' “re Pnr'**<’'7 "impler in “ Yea, oue man knocked another , , -------- - «be R e H ( Japaorae «o«p, w hieh yfid »»penetl a letter you w ould And aaud dow n for asking him if it was roan style than tbe other idylls a , d»„n„ te fu ll of greaas^ aud’ vvorkx aw iy” w itb t a e ' Wh‘Ch rub,* d off wag hot w ith the aw fulness of birth and death " enough for him . " - C h ic a g o Record. 6r,lltst n lb« foajtr/, bet bare feet. iu Tbe Bn‘ ’"•» . ’. S 0 , ? ’“ Ibink Mi,'s F l-Tt« “ flirt?" father— New York Tribune. *7., .u " I ' L Ï W ' “ “ waalierman ire.h l i V 1,'11,1' ? "’’"d* ° B I’"1'’’ Wbt>-" th r ' " ,PU lil”i b«r bread X1D uk ‘" d '* ’,n ‘"k'to from the lim e “f ‘b e N U . weddiJ •'^'•eets it tb conio back a A Q u eer Coin. ’ kl »w e‘ w iu * • «to*- bodily by tbe blotter— it waa uniform w edding cake. " — Pick Me Up h a lf c f ’,¿ ;^ nl7 J;t'f“ nP P. w » r r j ln « w i t h J a a e . fran eain P , P . * Cbw'k ior 100,000 ” ‘tolva * » d •’•eh fellah wom en aa woab pouud blended or blurred or softened I or spread T TS,7a i ! « Wd on th? meadow » b a d i« out of their d o lh e e iu the reme out, more nearly uniform . They were Th« d a is ,« am „.«LUng awn, Tho Ion« „ „ r j,, , he h o a w clear and precise aud characteristic of I t a , Ih . „ r á , . SEN T FREE. That drre ihreuah ,h* m e a n , , (lay tbe writer. POU“ d " w ^r» ”□ t with And dow n Ihrough th« blow n,« b |,„ 7 piece, and hat in order to create . de- I X ) Y o u I liked the old rend box, but of Pto'Uva. often alaw ajin g thu clothe» A»d over the gray stone *ij|o maud • for 11 Napoleon resorted to the f course w e couldn’t use it now; w e ’re ' We d° not take Possession of our j tWmee Jane w ith her lerrv l.e k e « device m entioned. The iter eye* ,||« h t w ith n m ill« too busy. — N ew York-Sou. Ä x i * “ - « • 'b»t r iv a l, the »lory X < ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ä f 5 * * * ä f f * D f * * * # j ( f J ( E K f ä f f # J t f ä |f J f f * ä ) t ä ) f ä ) f ä f f * * Stars in ì And The . . . m a l ' -A.BLTS a n d SOIEKTC tt who E CHRONICLE thx mq S cien tific AmErici w m m . w sm . the y‘“W to DAILV [¿¡d e l ? a Year k $ 1 . 5 0 THE W ant the chronicle « »»-» .. u. And ¡’i ’..™ «'1* " ' ”- " -n „ n K Are, Tb* P»‘“ ary ranee of the baro » k h h marks the .toru, 2 ^ * ? ' ‘“ d to»«bll.h e . Ibeeyrloua i . ex ti JIL “ ,rou« *»<*« 2**^P*«*nre. T b . heated air, h risin g i 0 of - P l» r tafitona. bre . ^ort 1«, o< Ite vapor e o n d e o ^ le t« eloode. aud ***** * • d<'*<| . I«» 7^.** k JTJZ J'J u - - f . ~ TO*toru.«iug, c f latent heat. »»M , O - i M | , p „ , ld, J irew, an tbe am ount given out where large form ing a - mareea e< rl.’’ crowd to tbe fact that It ** ®f 1» 'H is poliov 1« reared by u»p,d liver, which prevents dig»»- M W awM Iff the Im m edt.te paym ent of nre and permits food to (rrmrnt and puirify in bis w eekly indem nity w ith on t centre the stomaeh. Then follow dirzlncre. hradavhr, veray or l i« t g s l» o „ ." - y a a , b ' . c * « p e r a le eon»«, tbe toraado. R toH l. f lo w , o , deette«’. if w ith ou t »be aid of (hose great moaeea uf not fond of street m aair Itinerant or **• ’ ape» wbtrh alw ays accom •n men o ar,folly avuid plnving any f» » y m the fertn o f sti rnielouda. — « »h e r e near the I k i ,*» < ff ' R * f W - • P*a» »i»loi„ r w illiam e. M a . in H arpe«’« w h e r e . frrvwthi B y M q> or an M trmbkroiM e f f r i u d m Lotuton Puncli Mi at a , V a 4 .B y k r ew .J -vr— Mrw V a . Dph»— N ow . ba careful w h a t y o u say. V IH lam D on’t think you throw ree off t h . cm ifi. tooftra scent.. 2 n d » o f^ a ’T »•p er p.bJtel-,-d in Greenland can », ». o f - tk — »aree la rxi«tfwce « it Arraogairliotio N atinguuM vm k By rerarem aa Mlntk 0 coi'1 WM n,ad‘’ Tbf”1 broket, open a n ^ a r o ^ ^ Reversible Map? S H O W IX O r n c e tae story of tllp chock W||g eulated — N ew York Journal. 1 J , U n ite d C « n ta "a Biliousness ARENA A s ""‘ “ ««» ^ . ^ ‘ ” “ ‘, ' ‘ 7 " * S a m , D o m in io n o f nn d N o r th ,™ M o w . Lamp I . n u Poehe^ °7V E S I D E U , i „ k<. „ Ama th » n X c r on ^ e ì e r a t S ’ r e ì “ *,, Mlrohol I t a lo lik e . L J ? 1“1 R ÌSai! cylinder, “ v . m r , » L b * ? of br;‘" Inch through, and w ita a A0" * .I,nd ♦wo or three inches Io n . b í ' v ' 1 ÍU,'‘' w ick, proper,ng „f ,er- » rapid “' ^ r e d by rlp ..rtl.Ilre the six ,n Pause „ n f'n , P«««« in h,s p n ^ a , , h U he la m the lost car o f r h . , r T, Ht’l»»««, he pu lls dow n »he çhim nev * “ Gf what a / v ,!K,’/ Cr ',r’n"' ’'HO. teaewena. nervmisnew aiMt, m ap he has light,-d anrt tu ra, "L’ ly asked. • “ lh 'u‘‘‘"k?’ b-final If not relieved, billow, lover ? I I »he rear doer he b low . v ° * arrt lam p and drop. ,« to ° T , ^ ¿ 7 or Mood potw'mh,« ll.«wij h” eb a ,, f o r i iu nita ittaMilat« the vtoma.-b reark. ■ bands ore now free He r h / « . 11,8 - . „»to Mver, eur» headache, dtrnnexs roa. door, w alks out noon i * k ,hv "I»', y w r ’" '“u , - re‘«h<-d nharrly <»K>.s the gate anti Ü f p« off « M u e platform or ,iouw nJ!,, " -C h ic a g o Poet PWp° * ’ W A S ÎF D -T liU M T W O R T H V ANI» • ‘de. r o « ,» lwW(i ' ’ other » o ir e rentier,,»,, or u t o m h u f « m a to ', w i l l i g , t , »rain x J q ... * *>W A t>P'l«Mloa. .t.cohol c - 3 J c a c h e r __ 1 . travel for rpe|N>n»il.le. ee-a, |ip|.w | |„ mw. la m p — N ew York Sun. s r x x - 7 T" * b*’ ,“« s pa,* r’ In Orexon M mnldv tifi 00 ,„ .| „ trw nM . « u n cu » » J »hoir th o u g h ,; a „ “ “ ‘ ''" ■ « '-> — ^ ■ 0 .0 . n »'W b v o x L ': with T he \V L it . Hood’ s I I I C SIS Ovtenletton has team deerrtbed a» the * •* " •" •* E n lo - e ■ngL ,Í?aoTb ^ a lw a y /m U r X “n ' W pcopl« o» Tuwu r e lf.a ,|,|» .,.e .t r a i „ l» ,| »,n r | ,v T, „ ata» O otuiry J u»rual OlQ't tavara. W