FLORENCE SCHOOL REPORT. HOW TO FINO OUT. Report of florones acbool from D -‘ Fill it bottle or common glass with? i Oth, 189* to Tan, 14th, 1893. urine and lot it aland twenty font hours; 20 a sediment ot settling indicates an nn- I Ko «lays taught ’ Ko “ attendance Stonefield B ros.loul1 an’ Clair Morris, Edith Yates, E lna There is comfort in the knowledge an Sheep are looking well up here and I 1 Knotts, Oriin Hubbard, Alice and guess they «IB be O .K . if -o t too hard a ilsxel Wcatberson, Katlieriue and often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer s i . swamp.root, the great kidney remedy j I winter for the next two months. Harry Luvage, Frank and Albert fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tiie Entered nt the post-office at Florence, Republicans up here are beginning to Chamberlain. back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every ,.,»e county, Oregou, aa second-class 1 feel their oats as wool is getting higher Standing in Physiology examination part of Hie urinary passage. It corrects •nail mutter. Absolutely Pur» i under Bro. McKinley’s t a r i f f . Good for Frink Chamberlin KM; Davie Kyle inability to hold urine and scalding pain 98, Ralph Knotts 95; Willie Kyle 82; 1 you W ill. in passing it, or bad effects following - VDVBBTISISG RATES N A D I KNOWN OS AP- We aro having some snow and cold Clair Morris 81; Carl Miller 89; and use of liquor, wine or beer, and over- 1 PLICATION. i .ociil notices « cents per line, each Insertion i weather these days; the old mountains Eddie Kyle 80. comes that unpleasant necessity oi lie- «0VM cam ,so wwora co., wrwvoa». C r t V R IO T TB V a NOERBCSO, look white—some of old Klondike slid ing compelled to get up many times j The name of J. U. Flint is on the readier. Florence. O r. Jan uary 28, 1898. .luring tiie night to urinate. The m ild1 Douglas county jury list as a resident of down I guess. Bray says if any one wants to kill and extraordinary effect of swamp-root FO R IN D IA N W A R V E T E R A N S . Lake precinct. cub bear just call on him to bold the is soon realized. It stands the highest W E S T L IN G S . Tiie Spruce Point saw mill is being ] i near while they shoot. He got in prac- Through tiie efforts of Senator Mc­ for its wonderful cures of tiie most dis­ put in good repair witli a view to its I tice last summer while out hunting Bride tiie senate has passed a bit I grant­ tressing cases. If you need a medicine M rs. G eo . B a rb e r of M apleton is quite operation in the near future. ‘ with a banker from Canada. Give him you should have Hie best. Sold by ill. ing pensions to the participants in all The work of repairing the boiler of ! a call, please. druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ mid Go to A. O. Funke (or Stationery the esrlv Indian wars. T. A. Wood the Robarts is nearly finished and the Steelhead salmon arc plentiful in old grand commander of tiie Indian Mur lar. You may have a sample bottle and Window-biinda. boat will probably be ready for a trip on Ten Mile creek. Ira Bray thinks it is pamphlet both sent free' by mail. Hood’s pills are easy to take, easy to tiie ocean by the end of this week. Veterans of Oregon, is confident that it Mention The W est and send your ad­ fun to spear them, that is one would operate. Care indigestion, biliousness. lo o s e will 1”,M ,,IC *,o u e e thusgrauting tard, I,. E. Anderson and Thomas Hooper naturally think so to have seen those dress to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Binghamton, F '.lniir j"i ,,ce to tl“‘8e »c,«rs,,1# ,o whom the 25e. have been appointed road supervisors N. Y . Tiie proprietor of this paper nation is so greatly Indebted. Mr. Bring yonr job work to tiie W est of the districts in which they respective­ beauties he had this week. Mr. how would you like to flop your lip over WoiaJsavs: ‘‘AU the veterans of Hie guarantees tiie genuineness of this offer. office. Good work done at reasonable ly reside, by the Douglas county court. a piece of a nice one. United Slates who served from 1778 to prices. Blocks are already on the ground and PA U PER CO NTRACT. Sam Hubbard and Win. Bump came 1886 except algmt 4,000 now living who Ole A. Myrind was granted final the work of raising up the Cathey in last Saturday and made us a short served in Ulrtlois in 1831, Oregon, naturlicatiun papers by Judge Potter , building to tiie level of the sidewalk stay. Mr. Hubbard sold bis right to Washington, Idaho and California from The county court has made a con­ last week. will probably be commenced in the near bis'homestead to Georgs Stonefield for 1838 to 1857 and possibly 1000 men tract with Dr. B. F. Russel of Thurston The San Francisjo Examiner and the future. $100 and Ills stock to Mr. W an oi who served in Florida in 1858-7, have for keeping tbecounty paupers (or the W est for on« year $2.50 paid in ad­ At tiie direction of the post office de­ Yachats and brushed the snow and ice been pensioned and no adequate reaeou next two years at $2 per week for each partment, the post office at Gate Creek off bis boots against us and left for ean tie given why these men should go person. Dr. Russel agrees to furnish vance. «»’. V ' 1 Ms I »Iittv/l *t >-»/"I U* ' Captain Fisk in bis official report j Lane county, Oregon, has been moved Seaside, Oregon., Tuesday o h h ii week. unpensioned.” food, clothing and medical attendance opposes the improvement of the Ump­ m ile s west ami tiie name changed to and bury at bis own expense all who FO O D S E IZ E D - G R EEN LEA F IT E M 8 . qua river at Ibis time. Elliston. may die during that time. Children , T o C u re C o n s tip a tio n F o re v e r. Judge Fullerton held a brief session under two years old consigned with B y a W est C orrespondent . Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. Seattle, Jan. 25.—The latest from their mother as paupers are to he cared of tire circuit in Eugene last Friday then If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Alaska is that Captain Rav, United (or free of charge. Dr. Russel is to have adjourned t-ll Feb. 5th. We are informed that O. G. Dalabn of Jan. 23rd, 1898. States army, has taken charge of tiie the right Io tie© services of those paupers U T lic people of Acme are taking advan­ Elk Citv, Or., who spent a day oi two J. A. Burnett lias his baru frame up stores of tiie Alaska Commercial Com­ who are able to do so, in caring for and tage of the tine weather to do some here last summer, will return before long pany and the North American Trading nursing the sick ones so far as said work at building roads. and endeavor to organize an assembly of and is covering it. This has been a mild winter, anil & Transportation Company, and lias services are available for that purpose. Lane is the fourth county in tiie state United Artisans at this place. Dr. Russell gave a bond of »1,000 to stock lias lived largely on tiie grass that proclaimed martial law in Fort Yukon, in wealth. The order is Multnomah, To accommodate parties who have kept growing, but this morning the and placed its inhabitants on rations, faithfully perform the obligations of liis Marion, Linn,and Lane. grain to grind I have set my bulirs compelling those who have money to contract. He has kept the county Q j days on Fiddle creek. THE VESSEL M OW IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION W W Neely J A McCIcod Florence Friday Mattie Brynd was visiting friends in , ment to be given in A sebool meeting was held in the Glentena. J F Tanner ' evening Jau. 20tli, 1898. W IL L BE O W N E D BY T H E C O M PA N Y«: Florence school bouse last evening for ! town the first of the week. J U Sutherland By ‘1,e Orchestra C B Morgon J. C. Flint was at tiis ranch on Overture the purpose of v o tin g a tax fur school Hermann. Walton. ' Devotional exercise Rev. Knotts purposes. It will be too late to get a ! Wboahtnk lake Wednesday. J L Taylor Recitation...................................... • • • -^ ° 1 0 W Lyons report of the result before we go to A O. Funke was at Acme Wednesday F F Tucker Lake Creek. Orchestra March Lonsdale .R i doing some work at his trade. press. ................... No 2 Granville Lundy. Recitation................ The merchants of Jackson county Drew Severy .arrived at home yester- Instrumental music Mrs. Ellerby A T T E M P T E D RO B B ER Y- have effected a combination to begin j i day after spending some weeks at Six LÌttle Girls Song euit against the state board of equali­ Siletz ............... No 3 Recitation............... A bold attempt was made to rob the zation to prevent H ie‘entering ol , tiie bnowhAsiftd oar-locks must be search of a location for their families. make? What kinds are full legal tender Sanford B. Dole, piesideut of the authoritative I Their Name* T ng^ t’o the marshal of Florence Mr. Deyoe is a brother of Mrs. Carnes and what arc partially so? The Blade’s Hawaiian repntdic is in Washington. C i five days of this notice, or arrest and a nephew of our worthy citizen Joseph E. McKenna has been con­ ' answer is given below. conviction will follow. firmed as a justice of the supreme court JS1.8SS V«e»k»l«ry U rs is A. R. Buttolph. The United States coins gold coins, of the United States. ■ n t . T o i r W it h Cs«Mir«ts. »47 B4HSVS sn4 Speilsll»” standard silver dollars, subsidiary silver d r Cathartic« cure constlpstlon forevtf. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. John W. Griggs, governor of New ZZZ Reader, tar Q aolatlon. If C. C. C. fa il, druggist« refund money. —liaivee, quarters and dime«,—and Jersey has been appointed attorney gooo tltaM u tts a« The «round wan covered with the general by President .McKinley Q .M aaar >060,00« By local applications as they cannot minor coins—nickles and cents. »enntiful last Monday for the first reach the diseased portion of the ear. Gold is legal tender in all sums. So; - QR p ii« ! , CATION. ti.iu w in te r, sn ow having fallen to , --------- _ - _ . , i There is only one way to cure deafr.e«», are standard silver dollars. Subsidiary N O T I C - F O R H U a L lU A M U depth of about an inch. .In« ; an(j that is by constitutional remedies. silver is legal tender up to $10. Minor The fu ll nutpber of word» and terms in ¡ Land outre al Ituwtiurs, Oregon. different dictloosrts» for the eniire alphabet i« Januar)- 12,1WS. i some re named for several days. * , , ie coins are legal tender up to 2Accents. A S'Xlce V» hur«t>5 Zf*»n t,,ot th” a . follow»: 8roaa i»TS, MÀI»: W osciimtsw .here has been frost a feiv morn an Tub<) w h e„ t,„g tube Government paper money consists of ! nai.e-1 ae«l< r b a . AlaU notfiM of lit» tntoutlon l(»,OI«i W is e r sa lintem aüoua». W M » ’ : C l ” | *•»"«> ” tl '** j inflamed . vnll ings, at n.^ttme m «bue during d !l’n the ’J'6,?*'*', you have , a ruinb rumbling sound or five varieties: Gold ......... ...... .......... ----- - - ....... .. r , - of h i. -ilaini aiel prnof In jiipport certificates, silver to make in a i h Um ground been ft »en to the d p itnperfect h w i ug, and when it is en- certiticaleg> c(lrrenev certificates, treas- ' tv a v , («lx vo lli»«", complete,) 21%0i»: Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 POWDER No. of Shares 10 ,0 0 0 , a t $ 1 0 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity W ho De­ sires to V isit the N ew Eldorado. This is a HomelCompanv. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley Should ^ - w d ^ .Own at Least one Share. ITS AIKS ARE P3RELÏ C3-0PERATIÏR.- W ork B eing Pushed Vigorously. Standard Dictionary DON'T KSS TUE OPPORTWÏ OF A LIFE T IR Alaska Gold Minin» &, Navigation Co. FI.ORKNCB, OREGON. STA NBA (U>, over . . . . tirely closed, deafness is Hie ury notes of 1890, and United Btatp r ^ . r r » . i m viz: oie A Mjrmrt, on The entertiar ment at Acme Friday esl tbs tofisniinstion can tie taken; r „ ., , b. , e. „ n ». :»7s >r the 7. m, i S s . ! h. 'Ï7» f f ir the e'i nwQnf evening waf a decided success. It butxcd thit-Uihe SBitorpd to its normal no»* .rv«n»ac f. * t. 9 w rit. .............Bni-iftlo Pago» F ro c ........... ’ X« u a m -ith e I dlowlux wltneases to prove ei-ted of a number of reading., reciU- cold certifl- P a d fk Coast Agents , yonr zppe- ____ vonr blood lt.iwar.la pu.cbaaing s bell for the scht-il Cure. 8end for circulare (ree. ratea, silver certifleat-s, currency tioB perfect SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tite good, yonr f . J. Cbeney 4 Co , Toledo, O. fcoise. csrtiflestcs and national bank notea are by taking Hood’s füarsspsrül» which 033 M arket S t. g d a e a t a V n u r Ite w a ta * H h C a w a n f a 8old by sil druggists ¡ lias power to keep yon W K L L . ■ pot legal tender between ind vidosts. C an df CiOiartia, «nr« eoauntpatlno Mravar. Hall’« Family Pilb »re the best. - | . > c If C U. C ts li. druggl.tarefuad moss?. K ’Ê G L c A T e TME »« SM 5 0« AB80WJTELI CDMMTBED sia aad 1 - -kin Ass. *d. «wat JW WgWgaT IO.. Oteas». 4 i n m a a a «s» n s » i| l l , | t | , , s LSe