The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, January 28, 1898, Image 2

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    T I-IIH
c i) fcAT.m
f r .^ av
j i A j n iT J t u íi
ç iita .
»f lif t A M V - ’* ™ r V1>IV<7 1 UI4« IB
x .ax i„4 .- B) the Faapia'a Ptrty Club of Hsctts, , F tf* oça ,M»çua ÇpaM «re;jr x
w- —------
- —
It is bat poor policy to Bell these
‘•■(II Happen When Women Am Emin- ■ natural product« in th« .raw State
; tad allow other« to manufacture
W a > h „ P . 0 ., Jan, 17, 1S38.
OacooK i Wharesa, The Peuple’«,Payty County
Speaker,Reed is said to have become! Men will cease to be gentlemen, and
; Central Committee of Lane county met M
some IJIU
ago of
and Ipye
they -------
have --------
^HVtUWSI wytliu
C ilgU
Ml the
Hit- . j j ah the reepect
at Eugene on Dec. 22, 1897, and as re­ ¿»pqnillUity of Iipporient currency legis-1f,jr ‘«uthar, wife and «¡»ter, will he move
R I N ' portad in the Eugene Guard passed
lotion at thin aeaaion, and to have Bai I i 1,11111 counterlmlancad by that awful
to unite with »be j that i* woold be an impossibility to ! t«"’"«1'»—'bey vote. Wouieu that have
’’ ■' ' 1 resolution agreeing i<)
them for our owa use. We need
the employment and the profit of
uauufacturing. We are not yet
AV. 11. W E A T H E
ready to invade the “w orld’s
m arkets” except with a few pro­
Editor »ad Proprietor.
1 democratic and unipp pgytjea AOd
1 construct a bill that six of the leading ' »>*«)'■ been refined, retiring ladies will ducts. We are not prepared to
- I thoriting John Sutherland our county j members of hi* party iu tho house i' inei»t *»•> usurping mme of the rights
riorenc.’, Or. Jan u ary 28, 18‘lfk !cl,nir,nan «’ >>'" with the chairmen would agree upon in all its details. He and privileges so long the exclusive dispute possession with England
________ _ ¡ of the snij democratic and »©-called is also credited with having advised ' property of m en; and will lie seen of what is essential to her and
union parties in calling a joint nominal- i tbat ÿ „ wciK, agitation I* dropped as far ' lounging on street corners with cigars what we have as Vet little use for.
ing convention under the name o f , as poaglbte fpr the remainder of the in their mouths, or hanging around the For the present our own m arkets
Union Party” thereby
Rt. „ lon> m
moch easier
c«m.r »aid
-, i nvssiuu.
a t is ¡, iiiucn
tain than
man saloon door. Timid women that have are the best in the world, and we
The (rank statement made by S en a -1 abandoning the peoples party organi- Jonei 80w tbiU the extreu,v8 oi
lh(, always been afraid of their own shadow
can make and save most by sup­
tor Woleolt cor.cerniwg the
obstacles , ration-which has cost reformers » o 'p ,rtie. have got under a full head ot
w iil insist on going out alone to club
W ith New Y ear Greetings, and a
have lately
thrown in his way by those opposed to : much patriotic labor to build op and I Mtenrn> There is bound to be financial meetings while their poor husbands plying them. We
the success of Ilia m isaioq will do no'commanding as it does the prestige ol j talk
learned, to our immense cost, the Prosperous Y ear to all our Friends, W e
stay at home
harm to tlie cause of international h i- : being .the second party in voting! Some day it is likely that the presi-1 Tbe
*"i,e of »
that i foil)’ ®f perm itting outsiders to
Again Offer Our Goods at Exceptionally
metallism.. It will serve to open the eyes strength in both county and state deipa of the U. 8. will be inaugurated ( 8carcely C0luea to ber ¡‘usband's sbuiil- 1 have advantages ia them th at be-
Low Prices. Somebody once said, and it
of foreign governments to the exact ri"-r. fore Resolved.
I on April .TOtb, when there is mud, more ' derS
insi8t °" wearing llis <r° '>*'"< ' lo n g
exelusively to ourselves,
l«t. T h a tw e th e p o p « l» t.o fH e c .tH ,lprobabi ,.(y o ,
we#tber tban
'and swagger „you,id and call herself!
condition of uflairu in this country. It
has been Repeated. “ Well Bought Tfalf
will hardly be [»»aaihle after tho sena­
regon hereby protest against th e n
r e . « oast.
ranch. Woman will no • and of trying to make even by Sold.”
We H ave a Clean Posi rabie
j is on March 4th. F r some years past, 1
I taking something far less valuable
tor's explanation of tho attitude of th e action of our county central c o n d u c e ! *
more be considered fragile delicate >
— Stock of--------
presidin', for tho British to deceive m agreeing to fuse away the life of the j
{o ! crektums only flue I for building tires j th at is much harder and more
lo MXCK,
Lent £orxTt,
selves people
iuto have
the belief
that the '
/ 7 T
T “
change ho« been offered
eacb -
cold mornings,
costly to get. When we have
grown some more; when we have
build some m erchant ships such as
They will no longer take slock in the
2nd. That we absolutely refine
constantly repeated assertion that the vote a fusion or socallod union ticket 1 many of them have been, tho sentiment I te“cliera or (Jerks, so that they may we can build; when wo have got
have to labor for a living. Old maids !
election of 1898 permanently detoroiincd gottou up or controlled by tbe demo­ in favor of the change increases. It is and,Ilesa widows will he constantly I m ° re fa c to n e a > m w e W “ «», m ore
that the United ijtates would accept cra tic ring of Eugene and yvo ask all Ixiund, sooner or later, Io become strong
to win. Senator Hoar has leaving their husbands and children to ! means of profitable employment of
the gold standard, but will condude ■ ! true a populate
to j join with
us in asking enough
»» IVII ' * SIS IIGaill^
I .1
| •
joint re9olutio"-
resolution. 1 It 1 run for office, talk polities and vole, e v e r y kind than we have now, and
that tbe money plank in the St. U « i# ¡and demanding of our county chairman ! offered tho
h° U’
"R iO'nt
Mrs Gail Maker will leave the future when our people
have more
the that he do his duty and call a straia,.t ■ prov‘,*‘-B for tl,e «»tension of the. term
platform was houraily
honestly regarded hy tlie
I want to sell it, I know a “ N im ble N ickle is better than
that he do his doty and call a straight i „ . .
v> « n . a n a
; of President. McKinley and of the fiftv- president to the tender mercies of Mr. thoroughly learned how to earn
people as a declaration of the principles peoples
party convention at tlie proper .
Lazy D ollar.” And I shall make tho nickle nimble by offerln
Gail Maker, and he will immediately
t im e f o r t h ,,
of the republican party, and that lhai time,
lor the purpoie of nominating a , . 41 congress . to April 30th, 1901, ami
a z r
; more and save more than thev do
1 io .-*
* *
I of vnv
the e*«-«i»»Mii
extension v of i m
the e term
te r m o of i Buell
such! I ( ----------a—
tllv a u p v r iu r i
. ...
party would do all in its power to pro­ ....... .............................
Sure, Square, Good Bargains.
county ticket and electing delegates t o 1
».• on wrong side
., ¡ now, we shall be readv to seek
• ,i.«
i__ o _ .n. . _
! K
nators as would
. ..
wouiu otherwise expire on ¡ 8ex^ ° Put
H his » |tockings
"c“ 1
mote nn international monetary
tho state convention who are populists; ,» ,
side _ in . fron
in other
March 4th, 1901, to the same date The P ul an” hw al’ron 0 ,1 back
___ ____
. . . . . t!
. P''ofitabl0 employment
- -
electing a new county chairman and i ,
I <• i >
The censure to which Secretary Gage executive committee and taking such ’ *' ” n,?e FW,IJ *'ld ne“r'y tW° nioi.ths j :,n'1 ,ast bllt ,,ot leuBt. « “‘"cn will spend ' h eltls- I t ip a y be necessary then
“ “ tlleir '*
........ J | 1,11
ti,ne voting! ‘ Whom and ¡to dispute with England for new
wtl subjected hy Mr. Wolcott was fully oilier action as may he expedient to to the short session of congress, wliieli
to wl,1,t t'"-y wi" vo,e for I « n ’t tell, but ports in China, or other
parts of I d e s ire to s e ll a s m u c h o f m y p r e s e n t s to c k
deserved. The secretary of the treas­ perpetuate our party organization and has more than once been too short
, haven't we l>eeii told over and over. L i
,, ,
ury ha» put himself in the position of we further protest that this could not transact tlie necessary business.
, they
,| get
’ the world, but we i have
no need to
p o s s ib le w it h in t h e n e x t s ix ty d a y s , in
The house bad the usual auuual sp a t! ; when they
g8t a “ chance
cl'“"L'u to to vote
vote that
,I||U ! ,to ko n ow
antagonizing the policy of »lie repute tie zucccssfiilly done at a mixed up, joint,
over the appropriation for the free dis- they
t,iey will
w*b have time for nothing else?
else?, j
<l,e 110 m o n ey
Lean party, and ia distinctly at vari­ or so-called union convention.
o r d e r t o m a k e ro o m f o r S p r in g
Bueiness ‘"
and still find tilni!
time j !
j trihution of seeds by the department of B,,t!ine“
« « ’ vote
Me »"<1
fond to China a t low rates o f
ance with the president on this impor­
3rd, That we lielieve and with good
g o o d s to a rriv e .
tant matter. No doubt Mr. Gage a ex­ reason that the great hurrah made by agricultyre, with tlie usual result; the for work and a little recreation, hut ! interest. We are _____
borrowers in
tra ofiiciowiineM had much to do with the democratic sheets about uniting the ' making of tlie appropriation.
women will not; they will lie going o u t ! stead of lenders, and shall be such
the failure of the commission, but it is silver forces on a platform only demand-j * President
McKinley lias
has asked con all tim e. Of the day to vote, household i „ „ til capital can no longer find
'« .u v n i aiciuniey
easy to understand fro.u Mr. Wolcott's ing free silver and direct legislation is a Kress Io appropriate 1473,151.28 to pay duties will be neglected and the poor
husband will have to take care of H,e 1
ProQtabIc m vest.neut here
Htatenieut that the principal factors in great political scheme emanating from the damages awarded the owners of
sealing vessels under the British flag i ‘'hi,,,re"’ a"'J “ they 8l,0U,J
! ‘ h ™ eliM3'Vl,ere' W li « ^ 'lO t a t
bringing it to naught were the hankurs Senator Jones who is notorious us the
Come and obtain prices, and have a social chat if nothing mor
who delilierately misrepresented the introducer of a bill to retire outstanding by the arbitration commission, as CO1„ . ! of th«ir
" “ *-y '‘“«b' borrow some, ' Presen t
to change our form
we have a good seat and a warm fire for all who enter o u r doors.
real sentiments of tlie country, and who United ^tates notes by converting them pensation for the seizure of their vessels ' ' ' 'at '* °" 8 ° f tllC grei‘test »ntumeiits ,
protection for that England
did not hesita'a to falselv charge that into non-taxanle interest bearing U. 8. by this government, and congress w ill!
'T',nli‘" »'»flfowi. And how often : u ses, for w e h a v e n ’t h er k in d o f
the republican party was acting in had I bonds, and the real object is to disrupt probably do it, although it will not he !
“ ha,Towln8 pen picture of ^interest to protect. But we have
done with good will.
pw>r l,n,b*n,‘ at bomo
fftith when it pledged Itself in its plat- i an,I destroy the people's party,
no reason to he dissatisfied with
form to devote its energies to securing! 4th. That the democratic party has
The A P A
„„I- < -i j .
I d“‘"g i '”,t Wllat is <:0,,,*'ter«d a women's
1 he A. 1 . A. not only failed to p re-' Jllty p |ea, ure.
kind we have. Ours are the I
international bimetallism. These m is-1 failed to keep a single promise made to
vent the nomination of Attorney General
valuable and are likely long i
ehlef-niakcru were re-enforced hy os- . the people in the last twenty years, and
Mas. G rvm ble .
McKenna to lie a justice of the supreme ’
treme ilryunites, wlm eeput H mi idea of we believe the present pretences favor
to remain so.
court, being favorably reported, but it j
«fleeting u monetary reform by ngree- iug free silver and direct legislation to
got knock downs on tho floor of the i
' iu«nt with foreign nations, and who to ho a fraud, a humbug and unworthy
senate from liotli friends and opponents j Tacoma Ledger:
urge a policy whicli would bo fatal to of Lioliyf, and in justiljcation for this
of Judge McKenna, for trying f injcvt , England is willing to make Chi-
bimetal lisuiv
belief we eite the past history of the a religious issue into the matter A t '
It bus been assumed became the democratic party. Also the actions of the request of Senator Allen, the « n s ie i '
“ W 0"
tnenotary com mission which Mr. Wnl- the Bryan democrats in the legislatures posponed a vote on this nomination ' ,,olldr8 , f C h ,n a Wl11 Klv e her in-
Our bravest lessons are not learned
i ott headed, failed to bring about an of Missouri, Kentucky, Alabama and
untjl Friday of this week, to enable him j crea8e(t an 4 exclusive privileges !
agreement tlint it is liojieless to expect Arkansas, where they defeated bills for
to investigate some of t.,e charges tiled I for commerce. This is like Eng- ! T,
ut "llMd'enturc.
any such result in the future, singu­ abplishing gold contracts, in violation
hut confirmation may be regarde,1 as ' land. She is always willing to !
“ ,\ m°re 800,1
larly enough while cotnn ent of this of the demands of the Chicago platform. « „ • i n . T h . A. P. A
, .„ j
lrad(, fa c n .
« . I « ,» « ,
kind is freely indulged in by Americans,
5lh. That we Iwlieve the demand of than one occasion controlled the house
i .
Melodies die out like the pipe of Pau
° COnqUO
>ove them L
a contrary opinion >z expressed iu au­ the democratic party to redeem all b u tith a sn e v e r w o n e v e n a sk ir m is .
* * * *
4 *
Yours Very Truly,
0. W . H U R D .
C A R M A N ’S
Drv Coods, ★ Groceries * and * Notions
thoritative quart, t s in England. In the
second volume of Nicholson’» "Princi­
ples of Political Economy," just isaned,
we find this signiflennt reminder, from
which a striking inference is drawn.
It ia worth recalling, in view of the al­
leged practical impossibility of interna­
tional bimetallism, tha memorable decla­
ration of Adam Binith on free trade:
pajier money in coin to tie illogical urn
■» ientiflc and a relic of barbarism and
as populists we would lie inconsistent
and unworthy of support to join forces
witfi any party »till holding to this
pernicious lielief.
its numerous attempts to control
More than one advocate of
then’- fIaving acquired them, for them.
she defends them at whatever cost 0,1 »h at a world of vile ill favored
j hy her fleet.
; faults looks handsome in three hundred i
Mr. I England’s policy with regard to I pounds a year.
Dole, the president of the R ep u b lic„f! trade is precisely the one we h iv e ' , Modesty and the dew love the shade, j
Haws., did n,.t s i.y at home while tbe found profitable with regard .o I Lncli shine in tbe oj^n day only to be
«III. That whatever may 1» said in
annexation treaty was under discussion .
c »
exhaled to heaven.
behalf of the so-called regenerated h ,
it »
protection, Ti,e opportunity t0 do mischief is
. we know that
---- the
---- party is
Washington, w here hia presence cannot and that is all it is. We protect found a hundred times a day, and that!
"To expect, in ,le d that th* freedom of controlled hy the same men in Lane
l-ossibly do any good and where it may «nr home m arkets by a tariff; „he of doing good
trad, should ever lia onlirely restored count» that lias controlled it for twenty
1 once a year.
in Great Britain is us nbanrd as to e x - , years; the same men that have hurlfd ! ti°
. Th* re,ul1 of 11,0 debate on protects lier trade with her n a w
A virtuous name is the precious only!
pectthat an O -eanaor Utopia .honld i and epit.wts at the people's party a s ^ ' r a ^ n g "
'" Z d s U
i.i- OO<1 ‘or
a iid ' ^ m
lnr whh.1,
varivi. I» queens
nexation of Hawaii
ever I ju estnhlMhed-.n it. Not only the sin,« its inlaney and continue to oPPofe trf,ntv
prejudice, of the public, hut, what is J and ridicule its most important de-
_ _____
i . .i
” '
xhort a nuint>cr of v o to
,, w
....... Just Opened,.
Goods as Represented,
, b e "«lar country, thickly populated Wlve* n‘"’t co"te»t togctlwr
'‘Cy Rr,‘ st'11 m
id w
_i . A
w ith
ith a a ll
ll her
her n
n atural
atu ral e resou
A|l «,U!>ic»l Inopie seem to be bappV(
tn ratif«, »u.. i
vm i
— *'-’•»i' v ow u» io ov iia n n v
. . h . . , , , . ¡abroad.
Her goods would lmve ! °n y iBnocentl‘"'’ «npnnished passion.1
incojj. Tb# (aW oj tbe tr(,Mty ja in tbu |)>nik
J n tl as protecttnn met its potato fam- j «istent, ire.iton to onr
in« thè gold standard may meet ita (ani-1 crime against hnmanity.
lue, possildy thè financiera of England
umy proier thè adoption of intrmutiorial
bimetallism to tlie adoption of a «ingle
silver siamlanl hy tlie United Ptatrs.
m. value but for foreign market«.
Tl'ere *' in a" tllis void and hollow !
To gain access to these market«
io".nt °f deep’ ,,tron>f. deathless
themselves to be iu doubt and
to be she lias been forced to do the ! love, save that within a mother’s hleari.■ s?
Tl to , conviction
. either
| « « ‘ryi«R and she has made it nrof .vN"po1'!On 1 mi«'“ have been the:
*ni1 n flveor six senator, who have announced
W. E. W iitnsa, chairman,
W • H. SrAVOH, secretary.
I»«nbuily flays So.
Bryan is to be continued
B „t l
,l,i. , i ,
“ '>IF™ '-''! h'
In the .s u p in e Cour, of the United
r . Mn’“ dÄ"
o u
they threaten to supplant those of such
predecessors as Mill. If a man with ■ Htatea Juatice Harbin banded down nn ever.T congressional district.
. s
a burden on
•ueh i.pportiini'.ioa for olwervation pre.
Ottr industrious people; that the
opmivn in llie case of A. II. R itter,'
. ,ai'l
. . ou imported goods force
dicta . by
tlie ... utunate , fail- ! executor
. . . . M.
. . Runk
U |l I U o K . H lA JiW IN h l TTKRWORTH com-
com -
ft'.'U A l o r e
. . implication
' ...
of . . W
va. the Mutual
ure of the Lnghsh npiiosition totlK ontv i
, ..
1— for
. home made goods
ri • tuiaeioner of patents died at Thomas, j h ‘Pher -------
K l-'w Insurance Oo., of New York in-
r tiortal mo.irv system >e, suggested, volving the question whether the heirs ! v‘”e '
,aat week
and so favor capita} and monopoly’
“ Merit talks" the
!"trin' fc value of
Merit fn mediclue
T alks
cure. U
o o d ' . w . ------ *“s the
la e Power
P °W(r to
“ b*’V u e ^ '
1..1M not ,_________.
H o o d .s .______
“ ■ ''*>en you buy
betause i t ‘e llie only one which w ill, of a man who commits suicide can
I, has
been possible
to p * ro v • e, ! ,0
d lr r e tiX ^ .“U'*n,d U k e lt »wording
permit the inopie of the Grient, at »ell recover an insurance policy. Tbs court
‘ »’'»•mn of the legislature ia thin by actual deni
'• '
eany oK : 1: . ? U
_r ,y -VOar Hood,
m the west, to utilise tlieir stocks of tlie field that they eonid not.
now beine ae.lateH <■.
------ - _
precious metal», it does not lenoni? the
tlv ô *
-P f^ G T K A t
is cont- There is a chill a,r surround,ng those ,
It is worth while for Americans to I | 'lwl'lui ina'lfliMAl ■ I . «'allmrUe,
tbe —
k’ressional campaign of thia • year, ’ tu the
oil sat.» of
ei> at...
____ iCeoa-1,
u«rfiil ittcdicid diMxnerv
U» a«e,
o ,
, „ s llv
,w „ .„ lh i
i ™ .
maintain I ope when dirtuiguished 2mi
'*” ■ '**"•
*cn,|y hid extent of tho power and influence of
vdy liltkkipev
>. . ||ri.r
economists of thr rauk of Niehoieoii ex
m * iU’ " " R'>d ‘° Eet a* V ir° m th' m’ “■ '">«•>
1 »“Mi* »>•“ ui, dl»|x*l t-cUJs, tb f national committees of the demo- ten au ce tu x es o
,4ilbhui|1 » onaMpolioo
press themselves in this fashion, Nich­ iHSTiaiS' noi25
tennuce taxes every form of ¡„- »cold room.
the free si,w d(|M rv
olson has for years filled the chair of
«uaraanvd to cure by all drucgists.
republicans. Tl.e chairmen of those
political economy in tlie university of
who think »c ought to
'committees have signed a joint address
. .
Edinlmrgli, and hia writings have ac­
, hing8
quired such a degree of authority that
Utink committed suicide
people-of the Uniteti States to abandon after increasing bis u».<
I making an aggi eg« te .nrart
MIX' mi hie liira | t w«» aliown at
'ANTED-rRüfiTW ORTHV AM» i h .. i .h ., - i - - i r
, J.__ . ,rinI i»>*t tilt d i y before bis 4e«th
A«’tiv» trentième n or Imite« (<»
travel tor iee|*»ieio|e, •*- ahliel>e«l houw
* ritten a letter ttaung that
In O r e g o n . M o o d ily <n6 »O mol ex ijenee^ i „tendel to commit tuichlc ao bie
Pusit,on »t*sd
R ef-'enee. F u e l,« .
ficll-addreseed atam,-cd envelope. The '"**r ,nw’ money mold I e collected
w nalatefi 0»m p»ny, Ihipt, Y C h im p
p <; ui nt of his debta.
< —,
• — - —- — » 'r p u n q pgp
„ the d e,t"’“‘ntal to the interests of the pnrtv C o n d itio n s n ere sre the »k
• m c o a , r o . . - ^ - ? ,.,a „ ^ ,
' ,« r . th e d irer, m
mf* t
Po«'l TsUrr, aM
O r M
I hm * , I m f
* hss .
pan the direct rev, ree o f thtw> in
England, T h i.
Urge c o u n ty ,
PoputatH ',w onctenth the
8 ^ .
for -
p ~ p fo u « n
»•rü IwmklRi an4 mnplo C tw
Utertioi U .a » o ua, ca.caa« er Ne« Yetk. va*t m ttu n tl
« ..a p t h a w h o l e w e o
A house and
"'e have made
which we w i|| , urnie|,
re OUrces.
« W A lfiK U fi1
‘“'I“1-« at this offlee
Orp#""'*t> with the
W est for one
P’ ttWainr* I » m
•o any address for the * i «um of tiro