p rw [ ADVERTISERS YOUR HOHE PAPER SUPPORT IT f * 4 1 4 , SIUSLAW’S ONLY P à PÏS. OPPORTUNITY j 1 — L j ___ GENERAL DIRECTORY S T A T E O FFIO ER S G M L F t D I l S n E R H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. C O U N T Y O FFIC ER S ...........................*».. H*« O. Potter. ( ........... W. T. Bailey Commissioners j ...........J. T. Cullison E- Bangs, Steamer Stage leaves Eugene Mondays ' and Thursdays at 6 a. m. and ar­ C lerk ...................... . A. C. Jennings S h e riff................................. A. J. Johnson rives in Florence at 4 p. m. the treasurer..........................A. 8. Patterson day following. Assessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 - P. Burton Returning stage leaves Flor­ School Superintendent......... O. S. Hunt Rurvevor.................... C. SI. Collier ence Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 Coroner...................................J- W. Harris a. ui. and arrives in Eugene at C Justice of Peace.................F. B- Wilson Constable......... John F» Tanner p. m, the day following. Robarts S A IL * --------- i On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each month. Single trip|3.00. Round trip >5.00 Florence to Yaquina. For Passenger and Freight Rates --------APPLY TO--------- Meyer Kyle, 4 Florence, Or. S T E A M ER “ C O O S ," o — - Will make"------o REGULAR Proprietor. D A IL Y T R IP S ----Between----- Florence and Head of Tide. N ORTHERN P a c i f i c , Ry. R U C IT Y O FFIC E R S . President . Í Single fare - • - Round trip - - - - - - 85.00 80.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s .F. B. Wilson livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd O. W. Hurd » n Kyle & Davenport’s oftieo in Florence. Wm. Marion Morris , Behnke S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . MORRIS S Pullm an Sleeping HOTEL, Tourist .. J, 0. FLIN T , Proprietor F lo r e n o e , O r e g o n Sleeping M INNEAPOLIS DULUTH OUR AIM—To furnish the best j accommodations at reasonable FARGO ORANO FORKS TO CROOKSTON W1NHIRBO_________ H E L ENA au.l B U TT E 1 THROUGH TICKETS W. W . NEELY, PropT. Tables furnished with all the TO CHICAGO delicacies of the season. Wild W ASHINGTON game, fish and fruit in season. B est, P H IL A D ELPH IA I accomodations for the traveling public. Charges reasonable. 6 U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, meets every 1st and 31 Saturdays lach month. Members and visiting irothren in good standing are cordially - - nvitedto attend. J. J. A nderson , M.W. I M wJ (V m . K yle , Recorder. i _______ I a NEW YORK BOSTON^ANO ALL POINTS EAST »n60 000 gVGKNK, ORMGON. . 2 * 2 ------- . E. E. BENEDICT, t o i « n b ] y Ftareucc. - a t - x * a v ir . Oregon. New This lunatic asylum story comes from Glasgow: Two councilors of that city were taken over a large asylum the other day by one of the patients, a safe roan. He had led them to a room to display a view from a window, when some one shut the door, with its self acting lock, and the three men were prisoners. The atient alone preserved his composure. fhile the councilors clamored to be re­ leased he remarked: •'If I were you, I would be q u ie t” No help coming, the councilors grew desperate. Beads of perspiration stood on their brows, and they fairly yelled. “ If I were you," repeated the pathmt soothingly, “ I would keep quiet.” “ But w e’re no daft,” pleaded cue of the visitors. “ Hoots, mon, that's wbat I »aid mascl* when I was broofat in!"—New York Tribune. P OT.ROX1 E IR S T —,'r r tc a At the Court Houte. Scientific American. Q u T iir M. York BI.. Wuhlastoa, D. C. Attorney at Law, . Atterney-st-Law îK s & r a s ïï p r a « W it o f a Scotch Lunatic. A. C. WOODCOCK, ,.. i lu titt, vltkoat A u n . In th . I. « ATTO RNEYS E. O PO TTER. -M ® ® KHS C opy r ig h t « Ac. A haateom.lr llhiitnMd v «-U t . lamMt <*r- wIMkm of .n r yrtW ia. » wm ; „ ÎÎS K iS ? r , four month.. ,1. tola hy n.w«le.l«a. Money Saved By Patronizing it. Geo. Hale -. P atents Twcntv-three M iles W est of Eugene. ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH service. Preaching at Glenada 1 Acme two Sundays of each month abbath-School every Bunday at l a . m. Prayer meeting every lln irs- * , evening at the church. Everybody lially invited. G. F. R ounds , 7 Pastor. urphey , General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y ¿¿ESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, ■ O regon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- ■ ¿ o l , 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 S lo c k a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of the Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of Kjhuary, April, July and October. ■Sprybody is welcome to all the sen Ices. Kjgtor requests Christians to make BKmselves known. I. G. K notts , Pastor. Cars ST. PAUL Head of Tide Hotel, >f each month at 1 :30 p. m. £ J. I. B uttbrfisi . d , Commander. J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. Cars Elegant • F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107; communication on sec second prices. Ha Regular 20111 nt unication on a n ! fourth Saturdays in each month O. W . H vr », W . M . I . G. K notts , Secretary. It A . R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. Un meets second and fourth Saturdays AO O O UNTS EUGÈNE, - S O L .I O 1 T B 5 D • OREGON Labor aad W ealth . Labor in some form is the means by which the true wealth of a nation is in­ creased, and it ought to he the means N O T A R IE S . used to increase the wealth of any Indi- r— / ■ ▼idual. The varieties of labor are so nn merous that every healthy man and woman oan cbooae from among them, A. R. BUTTOLPH, bat to try to obtain money, much nr little, without rendering in someway n fair equivalent for it is to live a life of .i'- “ . . .. • dependence, which is equally disgrace­ ful under whatever guise it may seek to O r e g o n . hide itself. —New York Ledger. F io r a n o « , I N ctary P u b lic. Surveyor PATENTS aaaUTrad. Marta atealaM aadjdtPaPS ll»ul.M .eoB d»-t»if<,r»to4arata F ««.. * GadmadH.drarnlügerph.tm W aad rU .1.. > » t « b l.f r r .o f O n r f e .B « t 4 n .h .lf lentt.aM-orrd. A Rammhtrt -How t. OK a Patent«." wtth cost er same In the v. R. d focslya esnatrlM «eat free, i i l ilm f t 4 C. A. SNOW . ■ A CO. •• “WW. P, “ — P.T«rr O.. -- ANTKD-TRU8TVTORTHY A SP F R A N K B. W IL S O N . c o r o n a t io n s e r v ic e s . ■ f l i r t of land ua UomUStaa u< Finaaal Uotjf <> ska Mavaealsn. A HARD STROKE ANO A REMARKABLE Florence Haywurd describes Queen Victoria s coronation toll in The Celi- Cnt a M a n '. B ead O ff W ith a Saber - Rede iury. The writer says: After telling how the privy council Tw « H nuflrcd Mile« In Kt offloer bis instructions. /He was to ride marked that he supposed his (trend bad loving and enterprising spirit, we are man. with all haste to General Harding's never beard of it. “ Oh, yes," said lb* prepared to enjoy this hew experience A m erican Yalats. headquarters and return at «nice with The untried city has a fascination for uiau “ 1 waa born there.” Imag*** W r There is a new order of things among an answer. ua Its streets, its buildings, the facet astonishment when tha country maa. the gilded youth of today, and the valet Tbs messenger retired. Two hundred of its inhabitants— nil touch our fancy after staring at bias aaveral seconds, ex­ is in demand. Thia demand has led to miles were to be covered. The roods We set off full of 1 m , i «. Wo are so sure claimed, “ Bee here. I’ve heard all about the establishment in Boston of a fin­ were heavy, and they led through the you bunko fellers, and you can’t get a that fato has something bright in store ishing academy for gentlemen’s serv­ enemy's country. We go from agent to agent, from edi­ chance to banko w e." No saying, ba Exactly at noon on the following day grabbed bis carpetbag aad, ararebiof tor to editor, from publisher to publish­ ants. Here the gentleman’s gentleman lcnrns all thut is necessary for him to Colonel Parsons entered General er, from one place of business to anoth­ dowu the uisle, took a seal on tbs other er. Agents are naturally pleased to know. The flrst thing that is done to a Meade's tent. The latter’s face grew side of the car.—New York Tic matriculate is to ent his hair in the ap­ purple with rage, and he ripped out a pocket their fees os they smilingly as­ ▲ Hflurdl Ewallfib«. sure us they w ill do their best to And proved English fashion und make him string of oaths. us work. Editors receivo us with k tired clean shaven, nr at least reduce his hir- ! “ Is this the way you obey orders?” Au eminent barrister, noted as mueb air and point to n pile of unread manu­ sute appendages to a modest "mutton he thundered. “ Wbat are you haugiug for a habit be bad of auckiug inssngsa cliop” Just forward of hia ears. He is around oamp for? You ought to be with scripts Poor editorsl Publishers do us i s for hia eloquence, waa once defend­ the honor of assn cuing that we have a then put in lively and made to speak General Harding by this tim e.” ing a murder case. He was standing ouly in nn lt-le s s English dialect. The “ I have jnst returned from General with a bullet in one band and the usual book for inspretiou. Busiuess employ­ various courses of instruction include Harding, sir.” ers scan us with a commercial eye. ” No loaeuge iu tbe other, when suddenly, hr "You lie!” exclaimed theexaaperated ilie midst of a fine burst of eloquence. business capacity” is tbrir inward com­ training in all the branches of menial work, and when a pupil is sent ont into general. ment. We read it iu tlxir fares.—Good the world be is given a cert ideate of ( Parson's face paled, and he dug the Ids face fell, and iu a tone of agooy he Word* proficiency in his particular course- One nails in his hands to restraiu himself. cried; “ Gentleman, I've swallowod the to i­ Firat W ritten Lews. of the features of the course is the daily “ General Meade, ” ha said in £ voice let. "—Loudon Til-Bita_ The flrst written statutes ore com­ practice in immobility, which consists that ill concealed his anger, “ if you prised in the law of Moses, 1491 B. C. In standing for half an hour a day be­ were not my commanding officer, I ■ate Wkile is I The first Greek laws wnto systematised tween two upright bars so regulated would knock you down for that insult. ” “ I haven't got any east,” m id to by Draco 023 B C. The laws of Ly- that they touch the man’s toeo and W itlm u l tbs form slity of a salute he olteat, “ but I bars money.” uurgus were mode about 844 B. O. Tho breast bone in front and his coattails, turned ou bis heel and left the teut. ••How much?" asked tbs lawyer. I Roman laws were first cotupilcd by shoulder blades and hat rim at the back. Meads afterward made an ample apol- "Tan thousand dollars.” was ttoste) Servius Tullius and ameuthd by the This given the requisite wooden rigidity ply. Twelve Tables in 449 B O The Pan­ and is practiced by all pupils Thaos “ Phew I You have tbs bast i Colonel Pareoos killed two horses and dects rf Justinian were compiled in 833 whose physiques are larking or too lux­ want himself without a particle of food. er beard sf. I ' l l tea (hat B'acksioue's Comtuvrtar.es were pub uriant are reduced to the proper fora by For 11 boors be was not out of tbs sad aa nrianfl) With tbftt 4«*« * vigorous exercioe. — Boston Letter United at Oxford in 1785 and 17(9. dis.— Chicago Ttmea-Harald. RIDE DURING THE CIVIL WAR. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY f r o m tix © f a c t o r y “ ^ %%%%%%%%%%% H a v e n o o ld — —---------- G o o d s i n s t o o K . . DRY GENTS’ FORMING. HAMPTON BROS., * N Dining Cars .C . Severy Recorder............................ C Grew Treasurer . . . .........................J- A. Pond Marshal......... ............... ... E . A. Evans PARSONS’ TWO FEATS.; T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. 3 T A O B L IN E . Governor.........................William P. I-ord. Hccrctary of S 'ate............ .11. R- Kineaiil. Treasurer......................................... Philip Metelien Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Supt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. days and Fridays. State Printer........................ W. H> I*eds. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ Attorney General........... C. M. Idfotnan- days and Saturdays. i . .T7..........R. 8. Bean Connects With Steamer ami Scotts­ Supreme Court -I...............F. A. Moore Also with * . . . ,C. E. Wolveiton burg Stage Line for Drain. Charge Judge Second D istrict.. ..J. C. Fullerton Stage Line for Coos Bay. Attorney Second District . W. K. Yates reasonable. I Board of Trustees KO 4V. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Jau- 28, 1808. VOL. M il. W active gentlemen of ladies to travel for responeihle. estahlisbed house NOTARY in(»vegon. Monthly W6 «0 sndespenaes. PUBLIC. ! I aelf-addre.sed Position steady. Reference. Enchee stamped envelope. The 8LO .YEN O E. - > > O R E G O N DotuiiiKO Compaii., Dept. Y Chicago, Iff"